Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette, 10 Oct 1867, p. 2

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- _____ WH1TIPY GAZETE-N0O I{OINTELLIGENCER The War witIlb AisiEL a10 Wbeom it May Apply.rrvu Ia xiIIs h:y M am 'Ii IW. OR S O D N ENe ninS rlsTh etrod aygowh fvgeit n In'I ho *àt With Âewnenian iertÇs vë t an d u 4 befùl* ug i telli- do Dot give express noti Pr, bc auuu iiiFlordMeetainghîiOf hthpepl@ ofth t th Bo ) o t ih u o i itt r t i'n a2 m-ye m m eWugý tt rt epyi a r e e o n sa n u m i e r ei g o f # i M i iig t é f U i W hiaj uqE d i t«T h eNo f th e 'W, a a b s r d T h ea t N e w i r e p d tSu n ,e o i s n . i r n t ? et6retnluc thoirsubsiiptiq. e teProvinicial E.xibition, Iately held CVen!uiKlut# the 4th lit. TM .attend. ToR, WJ1iubyi abd olien h5davia b pbiJin iikna ashosaotîeabna rewihhaetrl o-wih *UlIt~ f~i 2 Ifau~.éibrso f d t Kingston. 110 VsonFnianin, withthe I*,qb,îe of resusiaîgee c ihenfu qae a ac v wucf ita usai clirnoter, rather liai-Ie lçèeeaie ne 1117 audls 1 oc"k ta eue ruiaiu n ftupoue bu i uhl ffutu euap phe o pteïr a 1hé uibe q Th e llewing gentlemen of the county ited. Thc Presadn, .R rykq, l tji dw t Jii aro, id atut ri ItnicCatim îct ed Iclterpr 1 nuOud*s ailsboig pt114lis nthe, eatencoaot of Contiuud t onua lâtil rteara"q are ofose.d d ea ti.arandreor udti. inuia. av iarritevaatr isaoodigb he&n i thea podunga uselo mrebengo ietat, i- 0 .li oulatonîh . I uarbr ulotor rf, e Ala t uri l lioo, Gore Rosn, a thm n o h er edn i.tc.sen aai' "às i d o"sbip theg g rai tti anRjh lt avn eoodaga o ei e t ne ha a an dl1l mst, ti e o r ter dc th e v a l -a ve, h e m p r veid w iîh -es fo rl3rt iahor ig e, h e aiU , ar an1. pueO anSd voi-Y mixled, soins take thir e foi Ucot < utý teWhitby; for Âyrshi u(ateR ilifr, . t, tefmr fw n iiâ ggri a th l. ada Rjbwihy . ibèot b 1* 0 blqo l the L rto ud d 1w hich t ii.7ar c sent, they arc bold rM pon. W bitby; M ta i W ûrk, G eor ge C orm ack, M r- Lawder, tà be' udied. ýThe. ollow. R o v4 (C O ,- whie l'hum , fo th lm t -ý ir ingk anth tho Fenians for theare im mudiandste FALSEROoadx>g REueDrr<,ED....oîd eounqu aiýofthe othursmpire 911Y Ot ig t , T e eu l k l r es c k d!e, b lun g g e tl M e er' e p p o io ted ff lce r a an d o r tb een ste ad l y cgn i g , w s1 on u ui f o th e cn d i n E p r , a d a ) r a e sroofc d t c t a b y t l - p o s i Aa4 uI> SfnuîbinTu peope arssd4t ; héir oodru tt b dhoilind teoeivd. IW. Burus, Whitby ; Wouecn, Flai and n'anagin'é committefur leensuing year ; sud fconveniencc sund dsaeapegrs Epr rRpbi hr.I aasre otea icinnt..cteMura kfs Feverîn*îeîg lan a s*. tuna bts>de*ledth reus.Cotton Gonds, nùgh'Fraze i, tub .I.Dntel ruiet .ODn.0- e aodc îyhn t ieid thst Prcaident ltobettshù sprousdti.IGauî'rnrki botimar ul te 7, u-lha t i g t e " ff ép o erio a d 'lieul van, lot V ice prsident; G u. Corm ack Ui 1e cc ed R ajah every aristace, and bt nis n e e te pràqlu G e t B iti u r ed M r e iU e i a c *Iar i l s , "fu rîo u e th e ot o r e i u s d2 d d o . ; B . J . ii k ie , R e c o r d i u g S c o r e .e C I I omttiaewt xuid ftii, iô prima facia cvi Once Of 2 ba snl arrnage horme(geiditlg l i SmI I'orhbonhoodWn' "P e t ddg u >diih *f 0 tlîit intenitai fraaîd. o ae nhrîaJ .Sroul, Whiet8rhy; I. IL Touilinson , certes dî,>s. lving a leuguh cf have ne objection te ascend îthro o ihpee otmi ti ustoa e.huzo :lng's ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o met,' Ja i4rfuu ht opie vi inse n hnssiiià.,fo. agIculturaiJi cd of about 250.fe apl emthc Mogul dyna ty. 1tis tehopc aisseraltig~Cnda hc fe, bu(fh NDt alied W ii wih it te bc ditinct] ud'do.; J. V.aidLib r a m, or ninouueum ete ample ro ta bscle Lie otbe a. A.< E EU N 8 OT...Aon.ism> w ppcii'eniiinar-tTwo yesrs bId ugît. î firdaoficultural à afthcydreccivugmaiorNuw York. umnt6t"d n hlC ti e ti b ' syidgý, '< eae rerages re paid p. I i v r> a c ç p r oes, 3rd p ris*e, R U b m i W hitb >. M n g u l m it e ssr - .J oh n in i«1ýw her ., at co venic t distance, tf l n bes ait h a i e tI Jh t ai tr0 1-a d ble os on -tu mil ton tiu t ak ur> ea or reot wo leurs old i iîJJSff asInhu$IShier, M. T waitei T. K rkland, G. Blake, eeunulvtos ah lae fr îl lieea enetes I u ba e ii !ura 8Y ýPffnniguipanabuog. o tcl J Qau& s y sM . H r e ,J . M ii o n o f n e a o r e p l w o r t e L d ô ë P cdz o ü ' f e - a "i"unougMhs gncentr&0ive O orm'cd4an hnrouatemHnei 0 Mte on ofnen od tergai.2,06adutel avet îur hf con<M4tinkd eue .. orCepraSfr.oiRed udt udbcd I t ioue îcr ii titshw ec0I>'Non C (uotm'as mrked rfnfor.TIe iaw vili beir us-Iraught stalîhea four vbyepeaa h ùasu iMapie anid r anzr u r.ta utrorfu pphsd Inrtuutc. laa itIOd J egse.fnss uod ri.er0b O>'ii renîeas so Oîiete tvrogru; rn afrtbuy feed and Cloho eut in ucnding îhM piper until the > wards, 2nd prise, J. Millor, ]Pickering. Vt oie f uhanicavore givm euthé .retir- ebupe aI fb.î.. re, di vitbion sumufeaDOhr5fies 91are "eoqnett licopleCivilied- m"achi- br bas pa"ri_ em stalion 2 eau ol, âtid rizeoAas. icrosteomfor thevise etoid'byMauferin y wheru Alice was iedgend for thelitligpterfr-teiafooranizei 'sllA waaroh is su d tle othe pape aldup mante abonidau Mop bis swc ae uf. A eue,,sudareoicd der tIn hoer a tfui0 tb' epi4cyii,,,onrc cr4 las p alup sud thon u a au r iesitaion2 orsolî 2u pio,.î. i ing elure er ii ver 'e uici lnes lu omedtnon." cour île fenthéce, druw tOriut. boit,, passoed iieiivi'an rni of 8 M.iî,of thee ,b> l~, f ti We n tk ne obtîoc e, B u y . v'hi- r0gt-fd er e l ntit>'hal ou.tetifbores e thetdoeaîopo ntrfrucyS .i te ei, wîi , in ifs su spasud lii ronaî inChhs ruk sd U n d D g 8 h 0 1 > ..O f p a p o ta r e tu rn e d , u n e u th e p r t >' d o h4 L id d e ll, i, v a s HcPr r , f te n n is , i e v e s u is a u - b c o g th e an a d i saWtr e nqiîr u b l e d o r a d m diai W iot l e t e i g , a Whieby. J. H.dierry, E cq., apoinîed o l. t eiM Uer carges ou îe Opposite bell hat bjeot hese fair Foi>i~ nu Lvr icu ntntld hmt l evnh uuuubad, arsed Ti'.bor>'tiieti>'underetooqi. Anypros llîg TIre. yeara old bull, 2ud primo .John of duiegatuis frein the grcuqlîurai, sud iii thustheetting up a fliatitnevith car îtne of war> bu iuressed te 50Y e o liippebsoui i ,> . k. Horticulturaj Sooeties and Meaja ii o oovgdc e eur eal'dssd evvars tI urudncekr'i oin rv ~~~tb Ot~ N 51lO IIcpcà&&ooui to i t, tbo f M le t Pickerng ;, 3rds A M c ze ý Institut"us fet hic~ o u tr M o h b. ch a« rm esl n g , a s n e pae a île.tJot , , v ~ O s eu da e r n i i t, e b n b s 5 ui thote im-twdepot of ame T1ue7tlad butter TIc laih*b 'y.'la i MdCditDo t d aî $ 5 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 ,tan d W ill oodah o u er, te .,P ic k e rin g . 0 0 0 t e 1 4 ,0 0 0 b u sh e l a h a O y¶pe ta r , d é« i: . * ~ ~ , ~ J s d l or n rte80000te t Pm Oftribng. PRT. nop îee ese.Intie efur as their ovra persenai câînrer ô be p iu1 e l0t à t01o8a0 h a ag n p m i t u o so ivi ib .' w .W h ltby t e N i e o n e a chciopc, e .12,00 bus e l cer ed, t a o ereo f these f m al e rg n.ar i at o ' n m.d b c g c d l ia it , , t c et 'van, e i er c a WHe l aner, W.tb .seo vîc . n a th tee t rsoc 1 &Uic A te oIndfi2, 0 0 bnsel , te . e avrr à rist s ea heifer e(:111 b sIpeupl pencter, W1ti tby M a n u es' [us itut , gte re e p u t. IO dbý Y eom an G ibson, E sq., and the race xter ninated, sd herefore h p u i i A e ic n c te1v i l i P p ot - î , , a f i gw a r w a l a o p e t b . a t J J<t C ft 1 M ' e t o , J S b m e n , W i bp o i e t h e a n u a l m e e t i n g , f o r t eî l e c t i n I s e o e* r T a d e W i d , ef 1 0 , 4 0 0 u hIl l m t h e y i i i r e s us t t h c s p e l l e a i t h o s e c i j t a r s f e n b c c o r c i n e b cu r n ys pa a n 'e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' w a r, o nen a & n f o e d4 Y . p ' > >y e u e r o d e if r, J o h n M d e r , O f ff le rs, s d ' th e tra n s a c tio n o 'r tu . l adhf r R r t l c r , E s ie ti L u ila d ie & ,t I x u i f a n t . i l î m l i n u e k c g U I>u r ckB shio er ng d r 'O e Ye , J touar>' yea dly business ef Uic Institute. c Ioo Sultan, ready te tak a lier be th -- ---rig--ep--y---ud (t mp-ai>'»tc4te re M 4 1 tin oi l b i tt a s o ua n d i 1 r o c kC T B E i o , ) 8 6 o s i hi c if u n e r o nF3a n J B f r o n i t ic m e th O f M a y ' t e î e a t um u c f i t e 1 fo r t h e u i e p a r ty , a n d th e T h e R is e I n G o ld . n e n f c s u e e . t n v î e v a - A d c t(i~n wIt m nu is hîawd a ýtîBet ra IU S A U O ER 1,16 bapo, udbnt nr hi t h~îe year, lapig rbyîto infuse nowhocir Belle, fr Adami Gordon, Esa. Ocgoafe tI rici ged ru rp. Ter is gchprbns n piîe ffl 4: W i neo t o ' t aIt f rg t eB e d d Wt gr ie a de eifer, B u i h w i e in t e l où e at th e inte thi e i A li r* iis se a o about 120 0 00 inîs. O e uat Son c a pair b t th eit m o e> m r et f r e eih onu>'~~ v i go o i o l co u r , 8 D 't or e te g a< d l d r le e' c ai d 1 , b » a th orugli b red sort bora w ork c o efre r thesc a.ha e s n la pp 'dcom mtesn coesus s,.l a n un eyn apî e pattfheena an e en Is 1 c m e is aa pr l nd d, v h el l o , e l u i m a e e k e p t i a . n e u d e t s ~ e a l i i e e i n g , I n b u , o u t o f a c c v n t l i v i n g s u r a t h a n T I e c h a i g e jo u r O mmCî e o p a i l v i i j n i d r a l e u n a t ness d l e reli î s l e d î g e n b e s f I cR a i e t î n y h i l i a ' a v m r e 5 C i e b o u stes ,nw h î e u n e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r a rt hétl t a l - o k i i e b n e ' H l l w r s e b y h o e i ru g l l e d s h o r t o r a m e e t t h e a p p r v a l o f t h e m e m b e r s a n d t h t a r e s e l l] r g . A l h o u g î i i s C o m p a n y l a t ( e y d o n t c o n s i d e r t î t î e pitihr e n v a t c p î d .T c e i . n n i n e n y f o ouai bu uabily anade, and-tîoth CMc ue neHll ii. Weil' *onihy hal$ eO » rase hireiesa arestan u-pa onocn.0 onsispaabeingodPeNwror-s uteshei smpty led 0 mi danger of un ovur iswue frouaoret tiipatronague t île citisens of iish u;pis e ràetdî Hn.AJ fe. teeosay steps will letaken te le-e- ihave > u gse Blioh 11erPoknna ifnbd îe au aim tisiibt e n e i o poe, tue>'a are ua y en- a l.utoufte euî20 ryond i lep a ioali-jwtinfii iepcl ieechni u o ai u Miii lin cf ver; place sud aurrouading countir>'. Silver (Jup. mnIu eee.pidh u oktcrmciey1'dbenss e stis od r o-nvli i8d e8d.avr osdr t or ir lies i a udttral positioat, neùIL- ' att tve eves,01twe sheans and t bu t r hi ahnr etInw ofre h od aiitabc I . u abeut 15.o000 i4. . -over ,__1,LRAR.y AND REA.DINGQ 10cM lionse ver, for sn îsonLet yuoucenned, iMay' budisebargod l ureinaledcio nncnipici..[i ujua habadlehe Il dt,'5> hisý, I e.amd Prussia ; .P' Golag If Mile. ikru.The mombeusf e l ibrarv pro e for 'vus; lut rrobuîy 'ou amaont oethîe inteest oniy buing paid in guid.ti'teati 1 wth *iîieli àfeir mertars ' War -for a Ie' v a qrd MIerP.k . the payear numbef 38 'TO UiZ>' 0W.- the uý ef team maiug the rate--af-lu- As te suaythat a Min Whe las invcsu u T, a OCvA PoN(8 idT X]naig. evur, mi>v. eitoddee 42 sgrse J eiâs ,] le suran àbigler on grain in store.Teie p. gol dollar in 5 20'8 will caîle- theduen i i t e l y d . o u p a - la eI n -l u C e b e o l d a , 3 r d p r i s e f o r r a m i v e o a d n r o n i i r a > o b n d î p r a tý ý i in h e s e s t eÏ h au s e s , u s e d f r r . i m e r e c e i v e o e u e d o l l a r i n g r e e n b es] l f i j f c l n a e v n a n u l b 'n ul g , e hfl a e b>' f sou s q u are T h I tis he y in v olv e s r n b d e ea rs sn d v e r, J M iller, P ic k e r in g . rglt e to ta l m e m b e r sh ip 8 0 . T h s o u r C o i. 1 e ev iu u s d sh ip p in g nîun , a re o f t I c e s t t 1 T ig f c o u r e i i e p u d i t iohe~r s i g b a r r i ih a e ul s p i i I t i tl a ccof' eb u s i n a r e i s , , h e f o e . i - i . i i î e i d i i f e t o ' l î l u ' S m e U d o v n s , r d lb t r a m l a i n I s d ' m it t ic r e g r e t s i s a c o n g i d e r a b l e d e c r o a s i u lo it t d u i i i d u e r çî a r d to c o r - i n t e n t s a n md p u r p o s e s ; s d if o u g h i I r e n i ~ r n " l op o ' ma n " f rIdv îe iiy,. sud tîj ue enrncy rodk. any poientato s cireumscnribè)d, ±nèrclX b>' 2nd bout 2 -eve Jambe, B Il' Spencer, fro e ya rsos lieci> 'slvîît>îcn st bi is abliy, froun graspingwaee emy W ub. i erpeiu.rect u and despîch. Every oe u C- ecas gronerl>'are net iniined t ao'îepeeî e- d catis ny fe b vn DariCiyug tlrve paît juin uonerhe ay vbtyooî enplayed thilhe premises appoans te lIon- u uch a caursu, yetif the power oiflî nie ftiseaotvecnai lusl ry hi-Il gr0e'a )ra; ps 15,000 covet. - I ubrogates irutties, tieaire'a 8rouwimra" flSu.îire Dimmaq. addt hlbaytinme oughIj-uidem~tand lis work. Business in, huai party gees oc incroaa'ing day a le urhs edct hr a e r e e tI ùvi efîle su-r thil ro- confidenée,.is iantautint to perptuai W Ram, tva alears sud over,2d id2mtrmîuu I im sa I coeisemuamnerTu si nvii s >Nemnu mrbîe tesveu a isfsidt dntfma> r Cucul. sou,~ar "n Pickering; 3rd, d, îun£-lelai ani r tepse, sviz. the1d0 teofr ne do*t_ but succecs iiicontinue t t a tthîe trer>' in wicn îe>aitseudi', r . .M.L cco .(.B bdylc h itis euy "'Le .te icil>'ansd mreualofi tle terrible ensigu of uver Sbcîrnnram, 2ud, J Nicison, he theCmmte lutt lv md aecsde-envuianeennrefoeporcta hlev, u h arie iepacic.nia-W R . izgnad îeto, aiàrèb:-ilPnpo bn8tjaa', te nîtion e? lasting cýonfuîiion. The Avatar vIe pro. ing; 3rd, B aiSenr, al diint l lba> uig imtoîte iiâ__________ W h i t b y a b l e a dG .to n.t eoh ei ni re n . h eigt hn e : Du (iould bd a cntinual àtàe , daims thé-pineipie ougît te le brnud as Bout rani lamb, lai and -2nd, HI Ilyëar,ýbut lad -nethîe necesuar>' fundu te rmin, jours Most rcapaclfuliy, Parten mays Mms. Stoeulest 80,0 gKn-i-R .(.~ u 8-2; but the,, Âbsiiliuns b esue 1à ittt TWO ees2 sheaza-sud over, 2nd andso e ud itoutaxpenditure of LmzîO RESDEN I, IE8O67on Unele Tom'. Cabin' fur vnw fauaun-lea .(aialn ra ' 1 v u a s t e A f g h a n s ) s d , t I r e f . ioC u ; o w i r t i l . s e e m a t e b t W 3 i d , T N i k t n , P i e k e r i i W A S o n î h i A n s î n î l i a - S u r D emn dî n i e Dit e r n a i o n ay : ' l ldh t 11ec Wifi L, t be as s'rong n rtai.,Ol tDcnitioofeid Europe. 11ev Ttre cwe limbs, 2nd and 3rd, BH 1hmuâti'le dviSud tîcrofon. %It.Tonhi grel.Te is avitatlu duposai t ct npe ,îépiritedas aiu thîe îopof> ,r.tiontl bein,",, ahould lave se long suh-. Spencer, Whuiby. The rèadiug rooni vas epeued ie Nov- Bekiu ci ,16. entes a i lot le e ed.T.suii-(el of> G Boii,'(. îet E-Very ndvnýtagù inthVîncmevuoo-'s I ct.ndA187. cni-daif D.t(i.thta oicd I le W tI tIc e lua,> W ho w i viti f that division of t be glob , ipbi n lu arts Je si ram iv e s l w sand ovor, o0EBPF S . 43, g ving a revenue f $ 112. A s u es nes f U clc e ti g r a y h e ds oe ie ed i S e h J n el o u e Pca rhc, i votilèdsdsiiuesçaadfral bla fttrWhth.subsenibers lad île pivilege îf thlibrar>' (Jerk. S aSotB1.rnhoni neod tsoaiiii>ilu il t d u ir allerté oreos Sbearling rail, 3rd prise, 0 E Poster, aud veuld, unqucstionibly, bave beconie Mn' Stewiacke iunovai'Scaieoia. Upe tcsueegveumncfBtilÇatnba irotWilt i heaid cf iii d bat.l, 11is èliihebbc nouExihhîlton, B a me, Wliihy. Membunsatil$1 cael, (wene ne roading Flalsbove- ecode b> Norfolk,{- mrie, aîdamd legrete pat.etoudva drive brave mcn,'tlae ou)ld, Le. ItatrhtIy myster>' i But âse ti sand c'O it Twaoves, twoo uluars sud ovor, 3rd, o rooni lu existence) île recespts Myp 1ais'P- n f 'it île minuteso e iclatî t c- Nefî,V ¶i, ipdavn100Aurim inatilcrmorntoei uan wt houvy lois upon ïi âl nail viibel mnil the d'sialispeiltuai hindi E-BPoster, Whibby. ,puni>' bucsllcd but $68 50. Tbe expen. tc(eselju ed ent ap' isel c j&tlûat year, sud tcas ossin-nnse aIîîe.szyff cf tecesi besa t'n tc bse tente Ic tnte'diuaticat of Ie Rd tva yearling er, C E - oster. diture ai îhe roonilisb o ua i enlargel>' iu ex. c ut ie J enkisr a report aun v iii10iercîspd iis -saisn' iiLA OS ir N" x oar ious) las llumsulr, îlethochief Boab ali bc diÊrôolefi.At >' ceas ctihewPseinplace r Tiohý ie, eaie el . ~ 6>s iuv ulsod euaun. vn'eiaen dsi uu~di prosent e e Haitvo fat evosu, J Miller, Pickerting.. hêiug a source ef revepuie, i eidiyi. Ma0Tm1 .$sh yreitenced; ina Eugland, tteant i ca> epe i eato eîelneici'O T u. heErope 4îa sron niie n hyisatt. the uiopping cf a atâdrcour.. -betWenpicmn o taigsxpus utc ed ai'enleuiasn h fîeI tisus an the lied seauTteEuroo maWs Lb upcu tle menu A69U£rC URL PRUDUCr&TS serions)5 lSuuii'9on the1 Cc.., Cared t Ladau As an sufoior, ltir 'Saie mmd enu by -oui(goo fe Abysini) rai-oprice cf- an uhdvida, bî reà Tva' bushels dcFPife Wheat, &d3id Y aur Jonmmuîîee are bailte toreport in M.pensmoe - sCanefb'M liouPrssdtre ubrc l lb' h tisruai luto îl inucror, 'anti liyer ' gre ' faver ef eosiug the reatingroom, uiltun.li hti o au e fu yrii* ti> i- r u ntc aîot. Tc- fie t, I 0 (cnnrtcaî~ ital. - hItis t #t ,meIU sual debac, or la-egidrT bitbas OGel, Oebava. arlet',ie les. il usai le madeeself ssîitiaisg, se. ne W suis, , , the ririîo, îlu tdte % re, id t a'a>t9MOaurjy stnifoat 8 iid' tot s0d lebonels vinteikrye, in<I prise, J Uie east an Isfer is,~lr a~~ti~~s ~~os~itaeue l et!O ~i Jd~.- û t Iwsu etofteu dollars ho John B Goligblibas ?à bla asiate iWo i iiuae f1,0,01dclos a. > SiabiHby8ilos, wh4j aKti ae tr'aditiens Cend attrdaction seua. Mcd lat -hesk iL ~desl-mîailtravç snd aîîr al 'France, a t uasiel i-01tiaseed, lai prise, J Pile, venu abadonc ti ait j an d jour'Cmixe ddfor tle relièe chCas. 8slàt 0 ftbrdîrù,cniiigc ukja os i sreaae19jpnsuerj egl I lit ay 1 111ttr.g aer nnvsu1 W it -;3r,2_1 KuzeBài li.1 miie eoiaedneupuuin.or-i ldgu pro,-u lel-tdogat se-n u cee -'vil env-eîne2 ntî > - ---..., -,-'-- . d si i dcdai ôele, 'wu mli gisuse batut Sabot t$20,ifenaioly uy-'wmîthe pendugtheov mnof1$20,aQ o f s a s gp e r r c e f g kù n u o f n t . t î s* s u a t O f P u s s ia , at h a W ucag &osOhv, & O w u , O s a a o u to b e p e d i o a t pi , e î , b i I t f U i Q X .î e I a l o . S 'Y f M., ý Galghar, vi» tai. Bt-ep y" 4~tocie,..lton sipmbaitie tbât a ncw aysîa'rdw>b~plcli;îevt~~ ifa,îwy, fourn gtudtsor uis; es puits stnÎ%%ie. is drait»' thit -Rosi hat dom.n hay ftr1 Whlui-u __ 9 t oiwmofP&32it4xnip3iy cr . nce4 lco«Qut:u llorm badzied Ud 1 ofro tîc1h Icl ehas - -' & ù pï r n U B es i stra v or b lne>'fo ie , , W ht- t t t if c na d otittOi M ondWaeer . Ob en 8 . ~ T t . ~ l AI I O W O 4 II W I O I , laid ade by id . i»>tu bes b uried a c e b L I ' l c b h b ~ e 5 1 o ~ b ~ t P td!'e >' tIare nte &ie pfflad mcv busite dlaimv.- ThII t-n o f PH.l Ches, paesst£a, Pelv>W alLon, ha;eet At î. - iuw' , ,urii-0."ý d ttsd ulo&es te oite cb>' Is vie 'fortunci,fihe 4iiaiý71 au etaIl nku -ThIc io Pao eiibited b Bla ,b at 1i eck p .. a l gn il t comue Tti -PedlarCOsawaa; k&(Co., oet iis tevïm, sud'vbelciure c J, O~1djounedu. Ueven'.ltlibousdbrîbVW17CILOtaê< * su assfruügie ii auch mas aigtil appal îthéfirme ua -berev WalinuaOsestw" krui h iç emieffective arîn tot1 e ' iofsOit CV-a'j Po veadr b ~iee bive, J 9H ThomaoË rot lu; Kingston a onimehitPrvioat Bliova 'I l.RS~'~Invtral aI~iin______ a n aspoople. hItanl, tcsa fasdo'aconduct& d 2, &AÎ--HeDMj, Osuva,;3rd, Ji E Tbuesa ui ai - ~lnk'laD~ig&sonto -iléa hâ sm.w bottr t sn od vo batteries sith suorcîite:scîvcriiy. Clouds of Cros- Thomas, Br koiîn. couuî3 shoIcv has everiocieul bjy vrThe N dnec. Mlonture vil l e V la thela fineedon' lal. es f Oarts tasmond prise epeupor liM elesotl.tsê. -' 4.aaý" 18 1 rui Ts' i n ara~~~~~~o reporter cin bisne noticeou -in ouï(bîSauklutd bhutte.laeju uClit ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ an inkonuail atr-I sketch vas uasrded leoJ Paies as issýb abe ;bottais of'hbc ce la titis É lxa~ i1 t ' te towofr, teine ivt ieousù tnlbas iie let hluvade sMh àniçýb bî 'bru:b~;Bno1i>i,<tSID'""I ~ i~ , ê4eir h-il e F g thb e eI t u d'ne r aci o ns do Ua - ade trh. Tm e w u i &O b v , la > it - P s o ; a b i h aà j h ê '.' R X W .ukRe Ss u na M Â ï1î L1'Â# 3g2(II 5 jtritiatt iel>' t me'omé Ta crcia taMI er. <o IOStuIîtîcvuu.îi*btbe dsie,' ovr censu blerupiuis mc M ing to ain uate_,_à_ . . ..ai .A m re - ,- t' thé eheui=p6ia" 'business aboutas rery virn ulîn as ilt iju aPaOnSe ehaîf adozen ppntù, lue>>' ligli voigîts, amiddle vuights sud ights; basebail chm ' n~quit va Ihg~ i ng, d*eing-su lupos'-ach, trade laS ia us;ilee s atyp-stter, a cuIt ýaclai uakena a»Mie -e eo in l is avu pantieular detanîasut e lbave cUioînpîenyachttboiE., lilard tables, &1., sud île, erylsg ' ksep 'eoming. -lu Wasligtoa Dot long -sanue tîcre vas an. xcit. heiveen. rivai butehers foi, the île isklpsiiuag aanpiousklp ud,'ieirlnigbi exaniple bli, been liai île Cii>' et Madison, Indiana, mýbiîio4asyoutls vIe vaged, $100 sac cf-60 minugtes' pig-atieking. a-ulmut fIat tîsie.l.gctîng dan. itwn' er titthiabe le Iail laveeagniiti e or tle beiug mconnieçdti e champion, ï<oer- ;thon, ntural>', *c 'halj I doatere- fiélenee1dr bideIn, bia. en inig ndosmug.eseý yln î4îàhampionsblp b>' 'furumabagii tume ls esmoîmtenial 1te1 l otir a0 suad tle grave . --But thce thé. im and glasUy-ciianaplOf us Bq <h dees>. The steeple of &7 Clunehlilas gnndualy loat itmt bri. id latd>' venu a ver>' diiapidated "ce, of vbh thetIcçburebvtdun aianesu it &bout vheneiti y7 tIc cvii ere iproceedeul toe fin. imurons silon apd, palater va apon , vbo, fer a fui atam, offere& noessar>' laban, Thi.Yade b> aseeuded tehIs tasi vas saine ,uli'an, and vii beur recital, set a the nlsk, Sbut aise the uovelty, of ýu. Ususil>', a, boit eleut sa ot s taekie or 'aller meusaont ýanged for'île putpose <ie-aendti; as caue tîcre vas ucihing'of île au man tooka8omeaof t îkels from ced Ivindva lu e e ll-tover, and i cpcniag large nougl te-ailow ug, tînough ; then b>' aamI niope troni-aboIe above lIe'brick.-woruk ;ont of îeWindov and pnlle4 'eie base cf thc mtaI nover. -au tIc meut diffianit part et. fthe lasteniu a-painrcfureo-teô,bis 'a eu ig a Oral ope round bis eZcd ite lighîunugrodto sicati> anti unicand t teithin, 2Ô feet of vlen eue eft îe ,spara,..missing ils wri> thnev Ii te tIeground ; n oxeonnof-,sîreugîl. sud, viii tgenoe et mmtd, le s'cccvered lis; andi pnoceeded ou lis perlons- ] a rr nnvud tithe ii.cross, he Pa a tkie, wi- ehlie faateued ta and lavered IlîaaqelÉfrfa-cm is yi idow, iviiene, aitacbing 'a seat te -y, yul a couple cf-paînt pts, -be ised hianselt'to tIctp l co nov le see painting bis va>' I aiout e lever. Thii s lia 'h aaaenl- Globe. ARRIRD, linnaa, 3rd-inst., ut le residone -ide's fathcn, ]lfuSstreet, Vreg- the Ren. S. 3Oc%, of Streetsville, !HpiBsq., etOsb;iwiu,, k Mary. aepond ýd&ugbter "of W. .AzxWx -4m ore.' f-~ pity n Weduésdy the 20a Ilie lev. John Law, Xn.,Thmoo IsJ'essic Morris. " .,'............ 5 il -... .... 4 .1 M 0.1AN àbS whimbr .1 w Oi 'hi I i j t -CS V041C

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