Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette, 16 Aug 1866, p. 4

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-~ - i WHITI3Y GAZETTE AND ONT~RIO INTELLIGENCER Ltfw~s% ,IWtiI rwy~Ma4' SP0J4 NO WE~ The e.at uiiL kai anUzâ t; ~ ~ I( ~ 4 oP 4W on drfai Car . <of Congumb itOn Iby tb e J s Gr#it8t>8~i0l1hieeze4y, a*S48sUYInI% T M fZa io fiIl o t l t et es. Ô V .5 i F O. A T IKC U C H, O X T O A I T O , C W For a ea t frgiI,1Yomto b a e ab0g t O yU4* e"t> %l a lt-i e iatit 8 erI»are;p f h v it* e te i w. o f44 vap i 1a.t Augunst.l .a o id %ihn*ls mt nd I dV itd nlgbi * à.,raedquar oyrsf-Beït .Amédea he e )EWYIETD Loy f . ai 1"5 efp Tber 'me ooun4i ta myituuse I ugbsd are~a&& ildChrom 3.D.xOUtroUaTBD,-îlc.e - - ' r hlinknlg uater rait sa mtited cff ed tre raintin ttaLB B U T D O IN S O PCW ]) W Y I V N E Y . y rs at,, ta p f o r e l ' e i d e av byê ê t l . f l tli- d e e t y@aforLi r ?bls PIct (h less berg ~ z di d0l omp 1a l 5Qro .t ndryer piller anud drame of jour Lsrry, hý sder'ac. iedamott .otszutly, ual-41l t b feuad Ifm&rly e periaor,, At Au tr apiue baliase sc rfteked witLhpain., 1 bsamne 50 u.<lled that eouctry or Great B hem.It-hubeenOceeItea by am1«toi tt 1 A l i l tr l ta n d lm * ,. aud ,i tu ctsd. a rn objeet th e fih ta r utao f t hl e d nr , i a n q d tre u b la b r or -. l a l s > . m y e a-- o l li é & U Z X ofr iiîtv tthe veoe gr e. pnseaasanableai ternisalt But out of uuy eweuêthe big tsar dropin ltiw~rtTfg, <'ct1.ver 01t, Citrat,çf îIea uid Quinine, Couugh lusty celobrtea Paluter, and ihe grêlt nstoreal eRo.0ssin oieB o k K n ~'A BOSUIXBv tti rv ad An' 1 ttuk oyueay l'il te.vtvnUuusslnn, Iand'î J.&.,hut liigrv yEsean vrv. T uuutb1'bitreuseti, ni wieu ugtuuý, tRJppietluimy . ad J W LPNBlock, aa KingA Street o e i delu GoeamntDes4 eas; Tae m~' uaitte b daiingi- vas attendit by PluyçlelAnusWvtlota Taoe ta pro- lte faorgttea tuy ittoaa vho nov ênjoy the Civlsd1E~re ~ ~ ae eoecirnu v~xi~ ~uwa e Al foi'dt naru vint kich wvasMY unir hoefr,; hut 1 Religions Liberty vittobitris eïent more ttuan daY Dad tet h Tby VRLru tc fPAO vrbfr fee nTRN Rakadtab out tva meontis %go, tiiGresiatlier laicor"luîtorj va' ithe ieaus et ,atabuidbingOrt BKR ffd tthabvaamdSerom Tht.NiyPendIsrmnaoree cPiaeBitdrngb.esink.,..fr An .-di il UOYeÔOr o N. ]B K' oneaPerLent.heflno*ievantlo S ; DraNewsud tateetebInsti An'iiId, f tty uirOOy.ti. l- tu<iau Reuuc.dy wus ttrodtueed I toCanadat. T1 sait 1erptiuatin.g. f Bn lîu n oedf ouoiia a aebe rnuedb iebô ugs-ate eiigaUpraaa rleiee con)uq i cu , f éo r ounda r éit j, vbia1'- ee ugoe a w a repd I Las the ast o r; 1 have toileu it ih I i molu i lun el e lts e ien the rpntniPls Of b ila d a d p wrcuirM Ç it o ,a d ha e fè n pr n u e d b a L el lived i raiter bo le, IL seveianee, and nun y eeuuib tébut ittie Ferefatbere oint ailed cun avery baud. itlin in Toronto and, >el 1 1 t1 ëueirt nyhn e roue. À ct a u ceiirn ie o aaeL ..thoab Juol teit OrhuO 1aarlrtopp r ait.h epoteiaUl cf greutsh .uugtt04 tiblond. Wealyauefut ir ito-bear lanmd f tlg~f U aeron i lI côvii3ce auyoe bt hput oit other ts r h hdFX aal Â.>icw A ahLéy!Vig auittuuie [fluathe hick ftof a.bv top sloot ip velt. nigliîèt s hatave wienee upruiag onr Conptltuutlal ftun tu flz lMn.niiiuet hevBu i lIEfUth V liii'l% - caedtermyboveael s . Xe yapa t I uucu aicnibn cnritntsMO e uiî as M isn a. iuc .Ufycuta o v M y ow ut o eet ew e nt d on 't th lu 'l t'aicr el, v o m tl n g anit f ad ac tu e s e telt p 4 r u ti e ' u ~ c a l u e a t e t < 4 5ro u te , au ctels e b e r eé , ,w it r % i n oS fro n t t e F it to rie s o t e m e os t d a e c n B, e is k o , T o o t ; r. ui e, a a; . In~ taatlg you ,o, tu nmke oulit Ineiauad <e; as Y, iania sucer e pan. au x'-. irm sages unteu it b15tO7 'b-- Ofriéseeut éLBtions D 'r>-~ ~ i ta in ano. haveeato c Ainie CloiaveT niy long Lt.ésiter eveuIug. salâ k vas open aala, no g réat Maters. And etait < it~cî~i ~~~.ri<uiii ueir~~O Uns M~AsraeCnay o.A apel pa WîiI aMy beau la ia n y nauutb, 'ann aae sr~andt, for Gdsakl, te tick t us ntuiaue.8'~î~beuil aujteq;tul ttea bo LýaBR W NYS m O Cd $ pêin f tsial iht orld nyoed Pinn.-LgultvCuel 'clu'. - ~~~~~dy. t aaenw feelita -yat!oaebeuoi ti-eva yibscR7rti0Picr At 4-ong u1Ieut je, àa itse soidIar tu iho. 1uj i tm betli' ' ett zauroet ii~protstatiCota- Feed ana Provision Stot re fl e s tt "Laaiim ra lsuet eepeinyoiinfM.30 !xsSnr ?aejeui O'MluaueyhLaeifaysritmab a iteC Mynel WbessugcfQeta itean Shsiine e 6 uuntiýt'.-nsue.peially tétIe h vtoamn re fel- of bis old stand, nert door te H . Il. Cros- th u a beig ver s- spertr Instruments. Tatlan s eciol ia4c ieuki haioa detulare ouater&y I aati, a Ot* CloLete ly alse <>tb vatlu.fiu -ufe1e <'.s quaiity. In the batLley are partieuularly pwr-' wh nth ppr prto ~~~Vbio ~~Ti Lin cldetieuno ahl hepé hé s reofut vUfl o f9. the Pobiphers 5by's G èyStore. -havre a meat harmixig briliaacy. nvruliblt aMeratofl.KyBadtbyR~YOIT fl e k pcs y t e w ay 1 b eaved ltaL4ti ghtI sa ce et Qed. as tll ov. If r ow l e f i l Klikescuiy, f~~~~eil evff ue oiitthat thymelffot iil u Brelce a blsuack a's iieait,'eau..bis face vas Svrn batmsetah rciekuur, .W, buhonoerai; lee ineveryP 1roestuint Uome ln b. hstltfifi1wàgvnbfr hýIéica 'lgîh day of Mai, 1811. BiibPrug»O. paeîuyru .amnPsO Mndan Auna Bisbop, and hIndreds of éthers, mgit ho shown Lo cororaet P1 ENGptcib.loteajetanfLa &Pt %V -t - JflHI&PR!NTIAI 3.1', -io*cf otli'r.QTbutJELis uuunceessary, Fox's Iron.Clads speak for teuut-s Ji uuu 5 ate4l acsaac l at Nô. 6 ROSSIN HOUSE, nud tcattheuu for yoursctf. Mr. Fox ha1 hlene i We' re gn rs in a mbeitl m ibeauty i. -'W. P. PPTE RSON, J. P. %IrBr lita or8,00 oro AegeoontPansha ou-ia yn-u o OWSIP0F-ICERN sonrlFweeyfias uptisaro scua P. fit.DAVY, J P. j &4MES A. CA7til'BEfatLL, Agenttopodics od Pa.oashs r <tantleue m l;aisaad i0ecn. B. SILLS J. P. *-Galette" Office. Witl'y. O AT M EA 1- tite preseat tinue att the Amerleanuind other maufacturera have failidtencpbi hicosa-oourao we'ii finig)to Lonclen.the ulFril'ov tp. iià3toi, Mareh 22nit Mar.ib, 1835. 36 -Sun The Putilluluiers cull Attention Ù2i the fo10inocug La -~~~ ,snîasu'sifl sruaruîm titrage~~~~~~lou. Whatis the inference ? -They ttuow tbey would loose the ioeaddaru eegn ot.Rlt fl.lI eu .lagt Au' buts-a t wuittire, &0alit weu'tlook &sonate. - teatimonteo;ab ,EA IÎL TaUrante,1ugCao. 5 Ahdia ll is f upioAULU ontateirrseputatnaas usNanufWIuctures.actr ericans nada u 'ii dpoitifis-z~FoptcuaaataLn, cppct A~'tiiuu lke arab nglu u <h ad Stanou --.etlcunu-clis- ea sar olucet ic u1a.titan Âmmericau's, not htving La pay an enormous War Debt. Labour udmacilhin AE TfADO M'elila iifaB. ttiivr'it Pryicttu' ol and "e'uu o uîuciteof BeniatCanadaRandcriantca luitil cOfmphe,,oBat- thoileu ineCanada)lyndhaxes.lNowin cUmASrCOR to tLuiEsc wt ca e'îi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~l cfuipdet myse'lpthetW~i tni. ,uî'mn o:1sdw re mct hippy te s-JUST ECE1YED - of alotbes, is the time for Canada tLa ssertber îndependence, and sc ie t rPTRTY tii. uti iag salt. 'ci th canaIt. - <~ ot i fanexte d ie cat l-i ruet <iclQy T Ppowerful Yankee nation that we ean lis-e iithjut their trade. go a iieig4luc.[pal2d16 2i len apubliC. "At.-CAMPBELLof'Snos il cus teil lan oun t0l ie shoreRiIi' tuikuiq-idîPoisession, -r-~ etla. a a c iAnrt. Yeun duerve greai, treuil AMm»-poohsig tuecer d n ou er R n ie dsryadsieA ei Auli'fthe ouit 'Iaxonsa-tt digt e uu for the a4mirubeBeino w ->i SGonl huravec bPrr plitrit if.eni Leud fiiet îu sortie br ýth of fýb-9, ~teu this Pictra -ttheLIaPrnetaiait -SJTA U E AM u tc eýeprhsn lehradewr oeid !onûdently hope tiist it s-ii fint an hunored place a a aadTwnyprcnCuy -i t'2.4e cuTit tlicy <sith they hait nuut like lia-- ' inauatny a lôyailioisshld. Asiredîr c. tc AND BACON. P. M. CALDVVEL -uhlu - ~~~~~ s- ni~~ontous es-eut.vhtch it prtrarsiain uich visid C e renenT-ot.NI L N leurs oui '-t nevar té bho forgotten v b e na m on oBela er.aal jit aniinsýanoa'le iy un' quiiet, - i aud lt tlil>rtv, bath civlandr eligîcusv. a Wbich I n oudt o a t a1 .1rTrontoalMa329,-4ms Aul' uîua1 11 cwéetïâak ta ye fat iai Pgf Lot&K, neaati. LearlJJibis battit did'i5o mach ta acceaiuptah. d-neonc Lt ORE N lTrot, By29 80.- V W\. c iiiiN.î~ frca atig eispratieë.u a îluu îeoatiTHANT TS IET s'a FL'ieso.G. .V c R A An t rli â" i rieIrshji. .Il -McoCÀLF, Mgot f Turolai, P. J'. G. M. Wbitby, Dec. 20, 1865. 8 Thiti' fucirltiaBiddY, whii the country lu [tres, Nw&ork. u(' 261h,1865 -Men"uii Sur Al, BOlUiE Co - --IXT(N ii eo0 3 olr Se ~ gotes-.togetluer, aui'be nu-i aé a preste, 0 E EERTDINDI.&N Gets- hvseail hrco..tbgp iloil r' clou palace wd o ccw luheue, DR. LEWIS JOSE PHUS, OF TUF, reP enng t Battýe' od: of f *MuniUN ION A SSU RiAN CEntprsnasu~ te, aitcx _______________ DIS~TI1SM iIS ilE D TRIBE CAS Pacvricvsk% acl l~"au a trui n e sds L~ U XL .~ carate Piotuire. 15'?iIC R IILLN ONJAOAPLI ÀTi*ICK SiKULL.-It la rciated, as on 0F SUOSHONEEBLfionsNiounislaeS, R .G 1 5 7 8-1.i -I >GaIlt Ol ~t~aÂigitcien, .tuta lai <f t duke TSUCOLUMBIA, - JpU v. 'Wcrn.y . ..qu15f-- mi nc fltnp, tght14 ocaidàreybis SALE r 185. ai$ 1 ,50,000 Iietdoer$70O O hhb.ey 301 feUl froiuhue second utory <f a wi' *h>W, at - seraSput P, OIi 'otr'E,& c - o - ' Tauu r's erm a O - <iiet)ffet fglgtig vtihi A E I entlemsa.'-l hirve Ibis des-nertlted freai scuir bu ~itaefiastone of a sidewalk, ii h totteIicn-îbgAýî rni h -Bt td'v ÎLynoitbar, ,Va. One of the fliigs C.\NAof.thoie By " av ema ndr l ..~y. 'r ~ p r3 a 2 ..- m u mitb ri blieà ijauti.n eemel 7y1. die 1T E distinguiahing featuirecflluiq Company la the intro-duction of au eqaitahlo djaxccfbre wauekiltd. Severalpersonàwhourd the T nîrrtri . ondinu honaitand ti aiéu 1» a,-aitc gua c t iepof-ornt CtN 1 atr~ Tue aie a nc eth p trake a u-anaute isea eecf Re bno3,Pictiire, and tls Admirable arlistiesecultion ;and I 4t 7d- e u ohs rd a t n e fo the y moI.gitge & osa ieur.e isa ua of rte ruts-un taito'enan, at aleatt i en au.cn c cr df E tuakyw leha ie bfr tby Lets lrn Kdija ieti' rgstk.,a ti.gaa lesnFiumeii5ti) uucta' tri0 -- I es a - r o.f t i U o Pt5A5 o t e rre-Cuuiintit advauit atgO s offcs-ed by tilils C cn-j ry. Ctee ar l e t t e s c -cu 0 -T au s ' e m a i t u en 5 a rtc età as sSrfl.th amifteu nnui e te suit chu o,pcufte isidet aing pasticipatiag Plc iievecfcueuuy c mnagnt gurnctt og rnLro a8uh mnc u iet IIIreuivhèd iii 'piit a ba'sd grin os-r- vilasSerio. b.vnus Skia Di'ee Ru - lenkaf'>e L iFrtieofutcsutt ncctheetbyuay etr mos i Ï1themI ch fm ia p nde ar . lae eDeed e Aof iiea. ape isneji1Su8lC.,JlOi~ uthLen.o& x)igta slm ct*v. os auaon . 10.. fXwTrt ITMessrs. MORLAND, WATSON 4 C, ,MaDRIui;ngDis-celornud Geiceral Agetfu-baaistinnatefodrsagn-nThastia,î he,. 'if d*' WY dou't vaut -g&hr, tLb.BIcoth ,e id sCoutagwe t - Yours truly. in n e-- saPRIOL,.etr . ,cfu eaei ii ,out nigi Blendy busbeen laufn 1 aýia oucne,it bi u sin )U oeb1r. SofÀLII iteeit efleee en.of te n-9tmarvelloual Cures p i ~ o laoese tti reod al héduisn fit .a 4---------Promptnes andsuitibcrsliLy lu the eotttlemeuî cfrdaaise, AIllocaesajuse ctau to i ru etee flt' lntg e -ind cielsia îl e t5fr stnnjiMtditei he , uil hs odutr elaeua elc 1 theE - ~Eusln.Agent for Ontario-LEVI,- P- AeT SB eealiu1 i b the Seaenffeth EAT Officýimm;cRear af te PROVINCIAL TELEGRÂPU FCEWhty DrT'ac rattve piis, is the lieuet nee-enlaid uet MACHINES. --Keepe ceustantiy oui isad ailtiohcea Are- . AG-41 , 1» !orQe-nultmo a-iue am - bn OPIL RReEDESnt :sor -I -lyfeandd nitheas6udeegristvey %*P* tee m Dy nlreaPtemal .lm itivsctpietl eiam up lu- aIieuu'tifg L bý' unking ig tale uIWepes fir a aI ~~ AOKo" ly SU rîavn Dclee #a. 4 lt-ber, - sa tine.~-..-W , vunusa utesu.anGZE- W5flii~btIas~aùe - d TRITARE ]SODLESt! LIIIRST PRIZE!1 leda th (le outy a" i roôvincial Fairs *Aa..m Ü~eui, sit auj blnofe :1 utilIse eul citeat' for Vse.$ ts-lbg dotaa on btutrt noice. KS$, VA LIS ES, &o. TBY RAUENýt THE Me) 'TURF CLUU 'or Lhie 'impreemeuî of Lthe bseed wejý ca e u. - # ert.e ITBY OOIJRSE, lay hrhiu4ay & Fxlday,- 1W6. LV04ewisulausniitstake et $25, 10z jtiensiatiiamaVer lbces2-45, liat baver Geseral Aent ton Cautda --------- Coal Ou Notice. IN retui t;hUto U D Uapnui atcsomuers l" lot at tfavitr1, *v1414libeg LeOif tç tiatI tuas-e gis-cau p the LA1P k, CQAL OIL-BUJSINES faj-r et JAMES H~GERRUE, Drnmgift, luiil future spupply' tWitsmmthLe &e nicsatquaaitiep of 4tifçereut :oila vIii le ltae sanie a "ourerpslit >'" ne BREOIN OTEFL,' IRECIX, e. OTARL, CW. aexader.slve pum eeta4Y re LbyXrM.j. p.Folex uase- bin- lesset by tht iuluoelberý u4sltllj itu u -ldfutxiised fou th. ecuoonsi cSeielece et Ietravelling pub teatt'Wrla - ,èe isrge Hall for »«l., IComucenls&&ait d ALE XANERIB MclAE. (lç LD & SIIER Bakipë Avo1 Jy t h Èia l u i ot lup r anr i v A p ç o w e s lmtl1r t landrveiaei - gucen eued IL bas a straiglut acedîs, perpenidicuulaT nacn, nakes tle Loek or Blunîle SLtaih. asbieliviUnet- -tber-rip bamr as-e d si aalika na bath sdd; yen- lis-t u aifbet swig on «M P!Pdesenlplen cf mots- riai, tram Les-Iber te tb, flnest PaneraI Muaia, usotte, linon rsilk tireat, front tecoueStte te i eaest.iuuabeï l-.Bliuig neitlthen Cao iur 9cg uctel and the sleasL Possiblte frcn, iat to=s, Uassaiotb aÉ Empbs.tioaIIy a Noise leas Machine. it îrequlreo fIftyper cent. lses paver ta drive it lias au y otiter Machine la Lb.heutuket. A girl 12 jeuiré <0( sg. dan ,euik il st.ui4ily, vithout fatistue an iu jury toa«alb lta straugt said Wanderfui Siunpicity cf cen- struclicu rentd'.ie t eluuoitimpossible ta geL eut cf - s-nier, sit lea 011ANT.ÂtitD Obpthe eomapnj logis-e satire gsatlfacllon. W. nsap eotfutllyitas-lte ail houe vite uay desime to supplp Liaielveq vuth a qunentcr stieie, te conse andtexamine tiis Unrival- eritla sinon. espelsamuinen do ve galihe ?ratroage t ZterchaoiTaaius ccileue VUauci Malien, ofer0-lera Mooep Si- fosjcu Shoe Boes ensr, f- V *âd Pa t Jtalo a.a Stinandi Borau okers, ,-m, R teligionussait bd ,h atabI-lrmxatitLl awilleb>0 lp.- aly dealtvit. .Agetswautealfor axil lqvw l Inte VoilaiButte* wieore ageats are inut alresdy establisitet. Alto fer Cuba, Mexico, Centriai sud eoutt Anierica, te ashonia ileraI iscountli bclegis-en- Tennis invaiablj U'Cath ou deliver>'. 11ý.11 3.- 'P.]WeÀATAtB k C., 536 Broudwuiy, Neu York ; 552 WashitgLcu ast, Boston; 720 Citeanut streel, Pitis.epia. Bristol's Pulli auîd Srsaparila, ~t 483 Mofatt's Pills aird Pkoenix R If& pern breaU Éh krn's BroiicialTroche,s eeudbyter l Wi3far's Bdisarnof 44id Cherry. et. PrTaOimert.heî .4yer's Lkenry etoral, aUgdtsoi Ayer's Pis and Saseptoriffix V overfortyyerara. At É Halloway's PiUs ai <Q»tvient, Ynnllobadeft te ab -Redy R1iefý'ýThe outaient doos flot, Radways INZs R3 adandiepjurlouthciiher man-c Norton's Ckamomile F114. Perry DavsPain Ki11I4 Di Txx- Burnett's Cocoaine aid Tooth Wah The aboye Iniported Direct byv most of the respectable JeW; - ivas in thé giumei ,,~* aLivervport, -Tar and. Can'. elersthoLriottheProvnce. yeu amnerIx Maiagwx1r*rÀcd for abouit twa WC KneyiMdcal Discover»h, vk Mtkon tbe Pulllc -erej' D s.ai&t- Rkeurn on tete WC ào ntePulepganst beingimpSed upon by wathsmrk a ne or inent ta Isa Im otsBeW' o the Queen,"'but ihacnot manufaotured by u& ro ohuam. Dur s .codLvr T CZ, . 'JSEL & SONS London and Liverpool., Veetion aÎnd Rachelor'llairD Theise celebrat-d wateluâ iare :kept by J. Johnuson, Whitby; P. Taylor, Oshawa; SaetlY .1 J. 1lobinson & Oo,, W. Wharin & Co., Mrs. BelS and B. 8. Murphy, Tornte. 37 Dr. àý1 j~te 1811o0sole Agent fa tlis ou-aty for .,y 2,T __ Dear Sir, ýleed'é Dameetie Dyeu Packagesi. The bestrpeiutedies fori~ A Jourutat of Ci&ice Rea'inïlg, 5iSMECVi RutN FSo î-iST FoSres .X uTcsciTre Mlucli cf Lie best titeratare ef-the day la round"- litue Englisit sud Continontaluiagauius sec pain- rdicats;ait là utheiesigo et te .Pbliluesraof LIis ne,,joiurnaito nepreduce the. cloietseeetien, frein thse for Alle] ten a nerf, in a fana sitnco- attraictive ianuS-aspenstve. The. Publibens tue lies-e tatsuîci &Jouirnal, coadectet apen the plan> wluiol ttiey prepose, utilnot caly be,oet n iog und instructive in ilset, but iateneaîing and valn- able as a rellex cf foreiga peniodicat literature of Lie betor cîas., Esras- SAsurus? lem ntnted for-TmomwnditCoun - tr(fer rte Fireside, the Iteaside, te Ratisay, suit the. Steataboat. Ilu plan, embriaces Incidenta -of Travel and Adveatune.EaupasCu-Iticalait De- seriptiva, Seri iTaileu, EhrtStorie#, PosasBiogra.- ' hies, Literai latellîgence, etc., lu cennection wîtit udicidus selections frcni th. admirable p4pular papiera on Science uhieb ara -caustantly appeanga un foreiga penlîdieas. Thte value of theoe payiera ise front the fiât tbar selentilo subjecta. hiacueu- unit and dry lau theniselves, are lutre tre ! inu ,o aphte a style as Le chanta lie reader vwii h It lbe, ln short;te aineofai iPablistuerx Liai Es-ca, Sà-nDàalaitîcomaicad itsiely iLs fs-euh- nui sud vaniety- te ail clwsea Of lateliigént - uni aultivatet reaiers. - B -sev SA-ruanAy viii eeutain eR#,,b eek tiÇu-s.- tuco lange- cctavc page.«, iantiumly prnated la double coluanas, uctî an signas-et tille, Single Nuimbirs, 10 centa. Subicription Fric., $5110 par jean, l issaisnc. bfoNTruiur Pàa-taull b. sasned, ccntaîning 129 pages aacia. iandscualy bcuuud, in an attru'ctivai- caiver, pric. 50 cents. Sulusciptica pnice $5.<iOper jear n an -ue, Ctuoise eiurruag...gîo;leata any or lte ether pricdicalo- publisited iy - Tîcîscan t'a FiPurzoaill recels-e Es-rair awur for UOO00-tur year i a aitsaxe. -TICKNOIt AND PIELD2, 124 Treont iit8re-et, Jle.tea REMO VAL THE CANADiAN- la reine-r oa Telegno phi Office, Broctu Sneet, W hitby,viuer. EXPRESS BUSINESS Winlbc prompu y attendu. - andt packages delis-ered with deapas-ci. Wiithy, Jruiy 15, 1865. GO t~E un JAME-,; HOLDEN-1 In BIR ITIS I- PASSPORT ÂGENT.- Comnilesianer in the Court of Ccmm - tI1GENE]RAL AGENT9 F Opote the Town ait he o ES0 nrt f 6gdgeu. Rotai.Lthe dos Prunce.Albet, Feb 21865.. - Tl. lit tMONEYl O LOAN. M AVW eolupleled arrauçeentut cdi a fsv oré,c otii, langeai Cuplîrlîste un Upper Canada, toi lus-estthLiu'mousy., 1 ami, teefora. Î'repsnad <c ia.tend any ameunt oun goe a i-pro-raut rai, for ilse b+ or, tea yesns, at a loy rate or ia!ercest.-lcffA(h- - Il ' &Hyg ier il ,aise Age t for a company -1 Who ot 31 e£r ton yen, at 6per cea. eon N ortgagesWauted. but untTn!gned ý T rep ir epe-e aeMort- icw TRa ? e ar Paeiy S Apily. ii y KirV -Kito thi Town nau I tOLD , uig liatb b. tees notlexpeet t - Df an>' Otmeal; but fers.n is superlarte anymeuavn lar- > lu-rinter,whvitetan oldptly.- rnIaIent luis pruicLice ton T ite pres4eutt lins Lien.an. evez jean, keepung a great- tantuiu aap ingredient lu- or boust. luj vser Roi j trnlj, - r. Gra. Vanri. are Ëol 1s-r W o -L sala, lest el, MM rli a fil WIIITÈY GAZETTE AND ýQNTA,.RIO ý, iNTELLIGENCER air in Bottles atl 1 ý

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