Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette, 29 Apr 1863, p. 1

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Yd~1'Ifl~Y i b t' ..Y ,;'~4~ -~ t atgnio , wm ý b. P i* No Piper iill be dlseontinued- until arrers ar; paid, unlîcesat Lihe option of thé Publisher." C. BL&AtXXTT DITN8ONt _____________ 7 ~ oaIlI>ItWtiOL VOL III. QIL aOffic, DA Ly St 'NCh OÂwD. BU8nE88I-ZtTPR ~ r~n~g,1~da-S.,BARl-ST F ,ATMRýN EV~ AM, B rerO,,'RTud 14tLAmoy-M-iRaT le I1801. Fý.bIby Qor n an onoar, &. tre.ovcr M &N I LA UIOÙ Ský 4hê(~hss~ a~esBreak Streret. WhiLýby. AhuIe ItýiWct oMqhA theUicvillage of BeavertoIt. IMANILLA, C. W. SWITZER CONWAY, - - -PRIIITI j1lfAgua RRENWOOD, Attorney-at-LIw, *y,èottè.r in ohancery, Notab' lpublie,, C09vev -THIS OL» ESTABLISUIED HOTEL Continues .aass',&q. Whtb~' O.W S oouî aarly OPPOîs iifteT oder the former management. Parturs mad 3h. ~~Y O~ce, raeret. ~Bedms'usse ight,,&i'y, andcdoocfortabty fcirnished. OWAT& McLENNN, tarreter &e very attmciston,)aidtc 1h. want of the travelling, OWAT& MCLENAN Baristm &c- X- blii Choice WMtsres. Liquors, and Cigars. "od ofCa chad Court atbling and careful, Ta;tterx. 'r.13 5MCCL";N, Office of the Whitby and 0ehara Royal' 011TN LE YS, Attorney, Solicitur in Chauir c. at, ~~Feby. 2nd,1. 1 5-1v. O uchStrect, Toronto. SJONES' AMERIOAN HOTEL: ca, c. KntSrettnsaC.ictoria, C.W. MAR~KET7 S rae <UELPH.- rpiEPraprietor reeportiutty intimîtes that hi bai ~ilRL' tlÈ tIOBNO Cleri, Sixth tîivý&ton IcnT2 ioh ao- iotlshoohwili be hr.p cýj9coqirt. O.uaty cf Ontarko. Cammitoner in IRR.p3,to inecit lus nId friends and rustomers An Ouuni- Couvcyauc.r, boe f *aehiese.& scmto and from ait the ragular trains %ý% Stagers eeaserut MariageLicC...,. run in ffrect connection with te HonsgeThis ine' flexéronC. . i Ioid is advantagçoutî.y situated iminetdiately below, A. _ ______ M._,____ eStret,__ -'y the South -wsst portîcîn of !he Market Square CAUON M.J), 3~IJ.Strot Wîtb. Guelph. Deceniber 23rd, 1862 t-ly Il UflMAIý ÂRMSTRONO. M. J). ., Physician. Sur- MESSRS. <ARD genmd Ameucheur., <)tBr.utiinIkrnotlI'A Brick1 ]buldip, Dtads Srcet, I WtubJr.; J 9UN PARID . ),PkhaIhan. Surgeoe.andl Aitrcohînbeur, ma isreet, m:inuilla, .w'. ~'Pritlrattention jtad te th.eIlseasues cf'- Vouflait Ciltmp.t C ".lSTE RTI)RAPRB. &Co.,lIec", rin U kicds SURGEON D E ofaFarnrPto<lueé..Salt,plaatér, and Wal&erlhma' &q.,-JlOemk Street.Whitby. ~j ~)4t TR -' I Operatirtuaswau-nmrnred fl EOI2iECi)IrMNC, Ltubcr Merchitit. Car- A L ~'t.cct~ md jine. (reen Street. W'hithv. A lsre qumKntt' Lumberof ail kindsi constantty le- Particruluir aurnuitun Pa on lýh(Lren'rwt retb. lUndbrtA.Vtng 1m-nai t is B ranch",. Whitts-r, Mazch 111h, 1863. PlÎItF., MrbrtTtrBraek-St-, --- T OINFE1;laOi 'andrrr'k wamu iintli JOH N D A t.J pOLm1r-varVAT vua avui wruk warrrnVA, & HAWKE N ri1S TS8 ,T, 1V -(TIII, d. Termir, rorarte. îid to nagrihi W E;s, Th îrdout, h.,rta liuth, The. lannp 1smhIgot The. spirltiyav gdtý À Abrother i bs ed, e The. kin'dly word in griefs dark heur That lýroves a frb.ndisdeed,- The. plbïafôt mîtcy kn4ly breathed, When jus*ceî thrit.eca'nigh, Th# aarrowo! ia ontýrît1 hur- Thase things shm.U nover dia. The uàesnry of a lasping hémd, Thse pressure-cf ackiasi Azid el the trifies,,sweet and trail, Tuai maire up leve' s t 1btias If with a firur unobaeging faiLli, And hôty trust on high,' Tho"e hands haie claeped, those lips bava These tbtngesbsahl nerer dia. The cruel and the. bitter word, That wounded a i àfrît; The chilling want ofsyîcptthy, We feel, but nevrtoil The bard sepulse, that chille the'beart Wbose hopea wera boundisig higb. In an unf.sding record kapt- Tiiese tbusrgs shall caver die Let nothing paes, for every banid Muâtai lid irue wurk te-do;i Lus. flot a eautru a îkeu iove-- Be fine, aud juEt ana truc, Se shail a light thal canuot fade Beam on thea frein ou bigb, And auget u'oices amy ta the- Thesa thingu @halil cv'er die. Execution of the Girondiats- arr > irs S C. A5Bl TT. Durtîg ite prîgress ouf i lus. Fetuiî iRetol - Olti li 1eue We tIwu pallies r-vhich alose-, aitti. fi,, a lontimetîn, ctied-dlte saolrtitt .rngci cy-lbe u Gtsursîi-tsat-sd tire J.os.biits- Thus' I- s.trrfe, bs.îweeti.tt îI.ur i t pal-ur, whic tîtensu- e-1, a saîste irsvolvtigtîlti or ttaIt. Wvatt Oms' of lte stsusi lîetî,bîtir tttliti II i#lurye tweun llur lt iu.i'. . i Un' a'ti. Tmu- - - --------- -- --- - Partît-, rils. sc - rtrC'-înfévt'lîrari'r &c- >~it itt l uu- <Ua Ie ti~jri -'\AVIlitMATIIIESON. Taillr. TlrnIrlar iret, trrslt.'er.iiitr ltrIiIs ta D>Witby. Qarinonts marie np t rder ini ltse flirse <('inifle llt-dicine'rça[iysoniid 1 J,-, 1 M RîtIsid , eGtîit-- su,alt-r ut latcut styles. mnd mi reiaorable liices. Bok'-r. . 86.1 ý;rblothesCteaned mnd Repais-ad.BrolnC.t' 3 'Y u-l,,itrw- irîI ogiilvwr nu 11SN AGNFR W, Inerrance Agrent. opîotetera J O H N M c G i L, eiiPl-~ ,îr-i , Ptp gre-1-i5l'r isr o Bajik ai'Montréal, Byron i9treet, W'itby. 1Is __y__________ _____________ - cteecIee iîst liurConvenioun.- Ffairce reett4-. A F. XACPUFILQioN, Lmsuer cf Mars-luge Li' 1j FOR THE COtNTY 0FONTARTO0. 1 Ii ,srfbeul iarrellistua aaIes t Lktit-e arln lA.ceaea, le., Dundas S. W~hitby, C. . 1'*. e,*- Att ordars et at tI he GAcyrE Office wil ba e ,rit'ir'n' w iirt doiî, eu1'Itletl r '- .'-' - -- - - --- roruptl> attensted tar wirere aIt arrangemnents as ta W IT J.; ÇEITII, Ray&1 Vater-iesry Surgeon, Turn;u, &c., cau bcumda. Chargea uodrate. r- t ae P.t.iry:eter Ir-àh eloie, imntre N. Mclt'ter---of tiie Royal Veternrary ('olloge, Whitby, Mari-h lOtI, 16U 1-2q-ly. u.tiîry trlilrie wsir, lia a w.outtî-t4i.acetpieil Edinburgb, seathiad. 3Mîdalisi for lte besi can- rir- a jîIt l - i h I tusr'ecar'- v'î-at litai nOtîor) il IHorsea Prartica; second prise for Cuttie TV. ELLIOT, Dentiai, No. 39> Kitg- Priaiice. Iti: arîtrrof the Finti-ie aEspiv on )stct esthee iymc au eitie tif it#-s'Jatebitî. wuulut teetCs4ip Ilera4itmr>rDiseassilutihansoe. Gradsstd april Srew5,btqe a n og 2t.8S W.K. begéj; n a. ia IabcStreet,mafewduor west of the(Globre Ofice, Toront. il tut Mauitie R dîiitl, atit is' t.was tirgitIltu foînmnenroe pseîractice etf bi& profession îte Wit- RIorraîNCas-ilon- and Right Ravemad John, CsCv loil unuls t. 1i ne uestic uc ai're- an ycd aîtteases antrusted b b is r-barge will reeie 1 ). D. Lord Bishop o! Tornto. Pliei /overy attWrtio n md aklîful troatinetnt, eaîithirrd Trno eebr 82 -y *ith wurtte charges. Raferectres ai ta Profes- Trno teatb 16-8lr ilani.uirnr'-i t- i)ualitvsoc-lt ex- anai- 4(l1illt -A Snith, Eslq. Veterinar>' Surgen ot he A griclturatlSociety of tipper Canada, Toron- PA O . E- pei-ic ir. IC%'i!uncther (îlsrgoise xy.uî te; or q. Wytie, Esq. Veterinanv Surge-on, Haril- PI NOS FOR SAL. itukert'altp iasceîetae- tara. ef"Al dem t t tMr. Black's Albion I!ot~t-orwht M. tenn Drgg-t, whihbwllre- EVERALFIIL-ST'4IATE LATEST IMPROVE.. Niy eCitii-'may tutu lie al,sya sil ii>' clveve,,ry t r ei m(J Whtbment, Ovanntruog Pianos,'nratle y kAi-NER. I for tae Subi-criben. for sale uery be. fer cash, "rplc. fIasiaaejttdilrit u ii-n - ,--- appruyed paper, at long onshort datcs. Oea -isine. 1 îtwe my cotiuîlîy s as Xn sple COUSTY OFFICIALS. J. V. IIAY. oi flîcrauesç, and 1 i r' sgave. it,"e - - -~ - ý, h'tby, Fcby. ird, 1863. l1573M. Stts rtesnaintl iraparis,, anti u-uptarisisc rACHEM U5ItRNHAM, Judge o! the County .! ratt utêun.Tr eîîerin ssas 17À and ýurroXate Courts. . OMica, aI the Court R Y L A L STAUE~. liofeg t unureî membeîcsa. ity _____________________________>___ oatif tire Moasti luraîious cmeu. ofFratlwe EL0-(.RZYNQLDS, Shonlif. Office, atPRICE - werg cQnsidiudleaîler8 of thtsGirniss.- Lie dnuft Rouie, FTHE StJBSCRI1BEPR tenders bis amnor. tak TthJe cltsrsatost in o! -trearsot, ansi. T ta the travelling public for the. liberal patron. e vera.s'ingihui Csrxvmtioi.-ceatrieutl ite accu- TOEN R-ATCLIFY, Esoq.> Wrden. Addrs- ma has raceivci ainces ommeneirrg tu rua buz j o'pi s P r i.o! Stages, and bopos stilî tomcrt a conieuacee attoflandicîdensit-ien 0ilealis. -1 _______________________________of thaesaine. Hae)h#&,,alàe toa mcnoS.the following waauthess voletIlit ail Paria shld li Ie il- PV' AXT,il JRse., tTreosurrer, Ofic-at tbe RIEDUCTION 0F FAIRES : urn'tsnted _u t ue î"Of l ele. l@ Ai _____________________ IProm Xaria to Prinice Albert,$.0 25j T Clark of Uthe(Iouty Cburt, Id, R- " Osh aa1, lJ. itar of t!e Surrogate Court. Offc7Brcck 8trét,~hIty.1 PartIcutar attention paidto the de1ivy fp la1u __________ -------_ and parties tay relyon i'eiviigt1éÏattbl riceaU T4~~~tgara.OIo-c i~<k-j* harged lhy tfge. ý 7ý ý t>. ~Careful Drïvers etliays och the Road JOUMN SWRE,,Eaghtaer. 1ffice-St the ( Cort Oii nt Cotrway's Uotel1 manslf. JjJJMCDONRELPCer f the Poses. Office rpios. u~ ÇpitrL »~*..1 Mila, P.by. 2nd, 1803. 114 6y C0XX2MCIÂL HOTELI EVFTNOMNILA mow o,«,4 ",4,trb hi k s .ans Oqila èitüeîylàflmrlgandconnect a willWbl* IsIiý at,ëmli Returning lanteevenlng on the aival- ofý,th*. *~ ~usL~oIeini chrge of Sttable. Sguesfton1"Plucî Albert & Lindsay.' mmiçs C1XCK 1, , Ewury uttention. pald to tÎofodtf1'uamper Mamilla, 28tb Oct. 1862. 1. WRQII?' B~t~EE~t. TORONTO. <I. W. - - - * - - ITBY . ,-Ife Proprs0etor. rinoe Abert &.--Por.e y, n t Iiruriii - ' -nr- ;ýPrMOIrnà*la I ~~~~ ~ itiý toi f tit Iutirnis ~I .f-Mretween the .' I1«**K8u a*J é i»0' ioîu, tisaver-uthé iu lrilliatd 'urure.'- 1s'adiîsi Coniergei~,'tlxare'îo 'Ac rlite ti1 ýStismér ëam;LIjutr 'ent w hi 0 1bsa lîs t'p i - -f- 'Wr oîi î fge, etis e rc1 r 1t ,, 0m' nobled t teir -inemories, - Vsey - ,rtgas rby ne o.ldnu iedsoÇnlilA - A eQlbttelt~î tur>Ltia aeit4 brou~ ,o î Iti~ îjsp f O~to~ î~~t vor4~ omad ks~ of teAIlefltily qhei t"d tkei il té tirrîbll i:ii-. 'd~s CJ ro' oq m *ic'rily lî.wsaPppareit, mi cither, rm;i l iTé-tkaard waa cavei or-y ni *plesrdour. table. Tthey vwes' aIn e ) telloc't anA mo,ýtof ;ieei îId4Je A'r'e L drrî,who lindiiiiiîseil iwithh us ýicIi e Clw 1 i h.- r t isin. li.e oep*#t'ýýWm ît iii dA'vIl failli ly e#1terta lie gt'auel inî- met,* " %v!ýeflth..i-'(10ot it W r amtovet, asîtt A__ 1 T ~j1 's il 1j ~PO81Tri. NO. 27. i - mpais 4va fmi lg r 10téiet. 4h. def àbl ila,'l Sy fi" wbich ladta âid lti-> fhîW butn nIp'éd il Valize -'*eété sbttruiy - bit 'uh- vilàgi greenj lb thaet lié *ùiiiè~ po r t îaônje' ite-- Mn ~~~~d ~ n rqjé'5sio ýar we;o.severgl'M~ ?ao-h d1.e@*ýléuntï tu. aneperfniýuffl" wbo 'appqe;ed-.ta àôýne ft~detoive rnuch pleasure ùom thse. music. !«J 1 to é hef re$eutly the pipçr çhariged tise rune fr;îm - &nce ter. Ehnsokindled, "d @ho tk'it aI TastWtb'utyyearî yoo tsgsr.A oi a; antd lhei ei by aii rtsruilbl si1Jslu m ;iCtor tut,- vanrrd, traie he& tortls bis hand, lad ha.; op ed wii lu%-- iîte rnitiié::u( the. ciowd-,ansd us a marnen, the !WO were eniLagred in s e "itg" uta mosit aoe-4 s ihe lt'c!etily aninatrd Inature. ,The8 piper bfiliùrrît in- pîflerl hi. ls. ansd fingers.with redoubled iut. A pi'ie-'t, wîîlrr, rire l:ysîa'ndele:sialei trt d anplan- i dem.sî i l; ji m uîrt, anîdil e danci-rs fécvied il with lUiti wî~l. -'uerzyilii exhaumised ntature brouglit tlîem f, weikrtamtao a stop. Ttire pair îuîtt$îl from the crsira j& wriîsîed jt fuîtti rcu rio c0<iitut ofther ahi leandi 'ver thise ua, un who3e verdînit çtx >'orils iarnd maide-,,uni--et, and la lite lsvely Campbell, andth. Reeve. Leier antt d oib er Pmt m i~ ta n q. km t &t fibhe Sho ils ie. lir1 been" read,ý it wu- 'MotudbjrMr.4tnamron ôai $r. Cameron, Emq._, and ittruct birp taoen- dé-avor to 'f!ect a seéqlecrnfeni with Utne Home DI.tdct Stvtng.4' Batik, oit urne ba'iis of the propa*itinn of thm 7rh Ftebruary, viz. The Toiwirnmhip tu accept $500 inifoul for taXpte; The T',wi,siin ta redeem 1the lois aold ta other air; The Batik Io give a compleîe andternifi- cation, for ihir costa char eil by the Sheriff; That Mi. Camerc.n be iinqirtctedta I take, -- r ~ *~ p. r- i art 6(IlàO -Jet was 1M0 ed t, posd6.rso. be(o i d ýn4fér WLuniet1s1y lafý- o'W, hpi< i pu. P» th.' ont Caotiig ,wht part i the W 19 a4 iq bl., &o.>r Yaum sorial iatmeoosider, utbtb.of'th cknov*lsdgsfl ncorrect, of Cooursequir*é I'brah, vlifOrma palïoet i uce -Vil. - rbe W j ut thé s W lot is easnposed c4 whaja rsjwe s #the Shurtis prap..rty.' l'ise .Ejis uwîsed by a residetit of;db,ï Town.,t!ip, 'wiîb ithe exception of Iwo imali biîCkeq, une of flvo st;;ea,4.owiieil b> lté-Por- Ripe Rail wty Co., astil lite ater. of four .Icres, whivh is the sînt> part of ilite-s;isd lot. (>n whieh the sat taxea ePan- have acrued whicit has boee-asoîl as f"lloweim, aince 1855-. Cous. Q, Lot pi. E & 15, agmssssd value! ili, f-ii>ii'- It tu'art lte flatorrrai-uiiiiri-îr (f lrepipeq wile le -evening any searrecessary lu rectîver the areenhît $700, on lise eas batlik ut Beaser River, and- eýn blle t, ttLrlvruaieîhe-m hnma-iottts pnitS awsy. Tiirowiriz off for a mît- of csis retained by ihp Sherifi'; ascs>OJ eoilss rsmi b e. 1 ~tto'iatî biiretilif j!iv. -A few rnm lerd rps ut publialifta-for u-ith theue Tirai lte Reevo be aulhrrriz-ulIoaigi absnnayelst nfratnfonyu -)l n ir;t in ib nmoi4*1ýtSr ecî'eaV- Mrs. Billoti ta as iamiilr as itre onlesi ment- documentil, or act in ary alliter manner fi Treasurer, lo be tise lot an accri ofutwich rîiîrpr.d itsil htm'eî treil, uiîtîa.' Bà lW5 e tsousîn olteu aianen- heiîalf of the T-wrr' ý-ýp, thait rray beucci- h aî hreWI ae iul ia uoe iiitar~ly rittîtryi.! ~ t~ m,,n'a-id thlye'5te ui-e mord ynuig agait#, rii !with la (t>fociriy aoutlite foreguirs; retolUli ne._ta o l ts.cadie, your menoriatisîs tîeg teavd lt- rir-rtl tîr . ,-itiîi-4 îîôtI']a -s and helue videto-it 'mrti4fictîOn viered fîle PiPerl's Catrieri. -la prolat a-2airiust il, on the gru-urîdri, wltt irn ,btt fllu-iti ga; d >oylbut di-s- itif.ly vîis. Wiseîter il halai silice cot ACC(OLINTS PaEý'ETED. l9,. That the abave asmbesseit i. pet, isttrîuîr itsiis-ehl l tioiaciit2joinîts i.4 a si'bjrect ilnpusss wtch Jothnî MvEaciern, chiopprng anti clearinu f,,cîlty iiiîtelisgîle, amndlté block oi latsd %Wîî.t -hall amerbcîtî oing Mt,.tItis laur ta- I luea tmalle 1)0 iîîquiry. oun lte atowance for ru-a-I betwae ers ,9t aIoylubut- idetfied, and thaïLte aee moluw V ased iico$._,jïý nd 0ihinetit cantains all Ihat thet law requirses, the "W, -all qiYeli," rss -ne a'r The Ca.e of Jouepnh Taylor. Orileied tir be paid.- Sherrifi' beincg anithorizeul la searc-itheb Re- tise tilt'uS u1 ire tday, 10% 'rt iù me Moireu ly Mr. Ciameroni, seçonducI by INI r. card Office ta find the necessary descripîioù Deaati -r. bu etj MTa2gail, ta l-awb rlgt in,"'araoga ve a deed. Deauli ia trot Cul iirt~'a -y.selrtay Josepir Tayltor, aruesied tast M ia ~-a ei "N." rejrrrrtilFitsiinîCI an itîit ration -wear irî nîi ya«aa 0extablisita rua.I!thrauvls Lots 10 uni 11, I2ind. Tsailihe above ltiwas. aeltsally soid ia noil tir dr-ir-.îy. T4t- a sl~ n-uI-- in the 9tir and lOtith esinadthal -on tbe l6ti of Jone, 1862,, for tlb. laxes e01- ' Etglariti seit w haro liîe hall roiabiied, and Tteze litrrZ't, (Ile24rdt '-mdtrrtsw 111wh) -awt isr a-srih'tadhie Clerk poli up-hhe-rs'qoisute oubliées, ami 1855,a.sadvertii,edjnte WhitbyýCbroricie, ~t w . i asdhrea bswif, thaith'a aîiser vtei- rui- sah! îitîtik,,er-oi> c %. eintnîeric.tMu. Tlîss. - Hotchina,t, of tistisîat i-ho By-Iaw be adverliaîd in thie Oatarieo iîe sarrme as5serment which jour me- shat!ii-i'mtuj!rtfIýthe ts'probletà,ilf.t1ie duuîî't -ws oaiytcPoieObserver. -Carried. trsoli alimisconlaider was as valid f&r tho laxes of the tlin'yierî roun." e9 îd yB>'- Law Ï eud siu fireî lime. of ôther years as for lte taxes uf 1856. Magis!rale, ltoe iience havilîg toially CocladureaiilSlraAti vwotieabesaemnsyr AI 1 tun;i -'<lfit Vrînitaud, a4çaelOqinJTIIi ' Naad adîlitistuaf waaay Ap ari barokeitswi. N di ievidçtir.e aInvwoftebuls'tmetsyrm- ieepu..u- ua inenoss Wa~ radîisceiî, yesuueriîay; anîd tisai gîveil lasit 2 ,163 erialisîs nrspectfol, y relquest Yheur honora- beesii de.-4uril,,d ,î.9 tise moitî iiLt za ,vr 1-ei î înssst çDal, rveak wâs cîttiruryi>'iiihis t avor. ' The ble. Councîltetaeliet -frei of Ysr tretukieî 'a ,Iaiihoii r,îîiaiefr 'ib t cîutwnan "ho smade lté charge pretentds thi ~.ETW pii. correct demiriptien of he latnd as' essetssdy, em - t ay.rrbtt ls rnaa tlrss i o- usn-MgssCm~lM aiv, anmud bis reasons fitr redeeming ialand orf' lite. 1 cilnstait Inolesa1 i -e cran loroilael-alcos aneo, nlte eîs.-bis %a eaosbïsv. eltai your mmri-, Wer iltit îo lcrewtitM e iCociclbiat b&0jm*efih0d ams- -allse smay be abl e l tîge if bu bu a ted,' "I WC 1lWAUPl1Fe90tlt îqoihtt tau e à, ihat er~'- ~ _________________ iîmoîi~ iiî..lfssl~e tpe ehi.¶> ied a'i wiîicirtinte, acucordlittg telie - -b I for fîill% 15 Nt Ui-gttaîd nt ulThe cewn omnmunication tram Geo. (rairiii ýJG1W1( u ldýVe»ifié iubbery was catnmitted. Site moîfilergResuived thai lite sum cf $W_ 7(; b. ai-- crurîler tita ( ul. GgrI ilf r.utaylfrIr Vbr- 1 Iluirt n acîr lqrai-Iwed lte rolecibil for had debtsanud expert- Ularudi t'-ît'î rui' ltu 'tNe.t.,l tliter reaflild, btt0tem ttm a o ncl C the litie ny witbt whit heîook herand lim- li ob~, es Of coilection fu the yeau 1862, and thal' lu jutitîf'y al i verge- hirri il) foiure aîs cft sgaî.Tya a'pelcd~ GNLsu- e lb ntbrmcd underît-f>lwg o b-rhnet-Wibya Ai Ititatligliti ufla'.'prrî'alrateit the Jîtnziel, tip feeie-bandh tqsy-totti-wa stsyy aepae-abridge -nunroin .wlim Wa,,Nj n4 ttItfn «qoitia o -i, % ý-ýihePFît her î Nv"'-'tq, thms - vitteîee ' "o'" iss ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ plc Mnumts!ats's(fu.ainî i ln-ids r wtiotaý aiverlean, p ; inîv-IiogrmypootjS'j1 6W o.,17; ..P8.ts t1a as tî rlîî1~fs h ae 'lie va s un -g lc. walvraellsto - M rl1rY,8 L61 u on., 123dFcon;.bPestndd.- - e;ai i sulofspanibd th e- Nb.3e61ent of said159aandssg tit.eabour. in, "Tl er hsil k .a-,>utfr-aMy mrelek4a hi povd wiforatio, yt wîl asbIo lta;wirtowair - - t >a» of y v wti-isI au tausrn * hr bs uhi> faùiso.-uLeadel 24 rlrit.- ot bdin erait ri '>ho-i lend n. b:4h e:ms. - iatiltinti m ti ilsougîss in dek. èaititee -- iTeo sad oe il lb, Snrveyor 1t14ains estoua b.eov .aabr7a liera" Poafleq ad eýiàtion al- - nite - ieldnase mdtehrt a -cetai hgh-apl &t hCoteomclfr .vues lit yortgîaiy T wiar~ ~ aw 4syue' ac u t tnil tgltagimiéryniic insciîedA liter10thrt il tiahi. lytemritsa? he aninîsfitareaîrod ý ot IIIaI. wiilr couttuse bhneantld ~ ~'aa aa ai -~m~cr fr~s ~ ~ ~ he s- f[ iedoedreportaie Octin bigWa - a5 il YO~a~d ~~ld#u5t~i* liteelemtogo a ixelersut t, o!i ade.'oaerOptesnt--nati the-poAsol- liite fCadr rnio'e1toCîditr g et it,"bodÏtîikeand, dmit ilV1yla ifd6th0ton;'ah M1ou lliI t o u Rqeyo a a-ia C9o1te waerpssanste, th oas.ta b riedtl. Fi itv1e-tj1,>.ý Oj:Olebdy oa Uebro ét'ee id t0 1& Cn4 lt Ilin onsc9hIae iJrd~. brgd ie in ene huîl raviation. -If, on. resîontise fi?)v.of hq Mé'rrissua aoduuuuwa.; i~o~1tt~~ -i-~- aadt6,aitielLu five - "e' 'zdUtlêlIgdjoDreeeUg th%1Z1<2h 1, f1 Ilrahi__-mn J'meer anafierandsumors, oibt 10tare Pe'eresBuWmet,"'Esq, Sm-' o y--dii - - -' y. -l . i-.-. eile au'tyth rlîe:uon oo rt iý-gs,,Irtth#Pitl 1t mePJIe lne - ~ mare ~ ~ ig w ter ,subaint -p 1-f ia m ~ Ruf t-l -Mi biiiffediReevecie' - ~~lone. L!lot-ihk'b&t firtu 8 ù . ~n~psitio- 1,yoiiïd1t ) î thydonC' 0 a 1oieri¶t,~Ti ~fw!f.1t~551êf w n' Sftld if r a Or bt~weay In12iü 0 w 157;woutd el r« D~ 7 c1t-ry ma. the wiWghtorfrý te igeive n e4 f t 41011 1 ve rteie- i andied sh p mutuoie*hasww 1psnO, reliîsg Xll, sÏ înigD. te'Inàarssteêr-od pr4 gel - ia al,$240iCr on-te 1i72 1 1, i ýsholndr r2~jfl~ r- o fi" if i me il, -ai 10'r on 1neas. r a aymi iagntjni j eIkip -t ha offeni.dïrihimseifl lkéétln 4eath.aethti, ri j, 4.a4i Thqp,4ýui4, aimi POin 'the, a i 42 r- r5&tyfli k ,L ki r ~ 1 0 w., .1 I J 100 -t- -l a-TC

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