Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Calling, 15 Aug 1946, p. 6

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O.. a WIIITBY. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1946 J G.5~ ~ -tHap pened là Ajax, ~ RS~ . WHELAN, Correspondent, a, ti d h: il a The Ajax Legion softball tean soundly trounced e Whitby Le. gion teani by a Zé.reof 13-5'11 the *first, game of the play-off s: Ajax teamwere pomerful la thi hitting departaientand mwere ex ceptionallygood la the field, givin, pîtcher Naugbier lots of support. .Whitby were guilty of severa costly errors wbich contributad t, their downfail;, homever, they.mil Professor Berna rd Hcinze, noted Australian conductor, who is- corning to Canada in December at the invitation of the CC While here he will'direct a series of symnphonic broadcasts in Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal. Professor Heinze b~as had great influence. on Xustralià's musical life. For many years lie. has showni particular intetest in the musical education -of y9uth, and his. "Young People's- Concerts" in Melbourne bring orchestral music to over 75,000 chidren annually. Those of us *who knew Harify open air church service to be held fr"ock, who bas been the- key -nian. on the lawn of the *Brooklin United t the Recreation Centre for the Cburch on Sunday, August 25th at ast n umber of yeurs4 will be glad :-7.30 p.m. -This. service is fo~ ail ýo learn that' bis rnuch cberished denominations, and in the event of reàm has now been realizèd. flHe inclement weather, will lie held in ias pwtchased, a tWço-acre islandI the chureii. n the 'Lindsay District anil is noir Connnunity Hall, Library is Le -to slip away- for week-ends clýsed for the month of Autfo ander. the present set-up at Rec- a general inventory and the repair. eation "entre. ing of bookcs. The Consmnittee,.are To theexisting Finance Commit- asking that ail booksbe returned Le of the CommunitYý Hall, naine- immediately for this uroe dm [y, Mrês.' Rayner, treasurer, Mr. -penalties wili not be charged on' Geo. Woods, secretary, and Mr.. A.. overdue books if returned thisw Chetwynd, president -and ex-officers month as the ladies are more than- on ail comnittees,, the folowing anious to have ail boc-ks on the names: have* no* been, added:lilbrary shelves and la good condi- Mdessrs. Ames, R. Ramsden and G. tion, to start off the neir season,- Smith. There are financial plans la whea a -nuniber of new books will Pr çessat*the present tinie wbich lie added to 'the collection. There wif later be brougbt to us la de- have been one thoiqsand ami one. ail. books catalogued since the incep- Mr.. Kerrison, hired, by the Corn- tion of the Iibrary a yenr and a rnunity Council as Recreational Di- haif ago. This has :meant a lot rector for the sunmmertime, would of werk for a a.umber of volunteer weleome any sugg estions y'ou nay librarianhs so the co:_operation of al have -to' off er in regard to sports book holIders wmllibe greatiy appre-8 activities and will be glad to as- ci ated. sist îW getting any such projectsl As the. attendance, mas veryt organized. His hours at the Centre small at. the August- meeting- of are from: 12 noon tili -dark. the Women's'Institute,. it was de- A goodly nàumbel? turned out f or cided -te cancel the program nand the 'Mammoth Winer Reast îast hold it a-t the September meeting. -Saturday a nd there mas certainly 4t the Horticultural Pair, August1 pienty.-toeiet for everyone. There 23 and 24th, the W. L.'are planining is to be. a retura bal garne with te have a display table irbere they Lynbrook and thue Wildcats on Sun- will show homnemade fruits and day Aug. 18th. at 6 p.m. at Lyn- pickýles, leather work1 such as brook. Park. gloves, purse§, ),etc., book rugs, Ref. Geo. Sutar irbo mas' st the childr en's- remade garments, etcé., -~terdenoinational Cburcb on ahl of' mhich is part of the work Muy 2tb wili make a rêtura visit carried 'on by this organ1z3tîIon. on Sund 'y, August. 18th st 1il a.m., We have aisô . iearned- that the Many riends wilbe glad te bear Anglican Ladies Guild are having the pastr of Ajax Baptist Ghurch, a "'Touch and Take1 Booth," mhich E.ev. G S. Simpson .miii be back will- have pleasant surprises in in bis pulpit- once again this com- store for. ail participants. ing Sunday, having ireturneci fromn The Nursery coo ed1 e holidays.. orggnization meeting at- the Con- Morning Service-11 a., munity Centre on Monday, August EengService-7.30'p. m. * 2th and a requeWi was made 'to Sunday. .Scboo-1O- a.m. procure an excperienced salaried Prayer meeting1 at 20 George st. superviser and the members, of -the st 8' p.m. Wednesday. - Youzig committee would lice te know if People's Fellowship Hour, F'riday anyone la the' village has had any at 8 p.m. > experience in tis connection, or, The Catholic -Service in Ajax ýthis if there is someone . iliing -to take Sunday wili be held at - .80 aà.. a *nursery sehool course in Toronto. Confessions mii li e heard previous ieasse get la touch with Mrs. te mass. reckèifiidge, .33 Windsor Ave, or The ntaro Conty unio ca- Miss Richer at Pickering 109J. Fariners extend an invitation to 0f the- tio hundred questionnaires the people Of Ajax te attend an senteut to * mothers -on July lst, a number have net yet been eollected. If you-are interested please get in - touch wîth Miss Richer on Monday' evening August -19th between 7 anc uniI .8 p.m. at the Conununity Centre.. KAUfVI The time has corne for. Our Uniý RALS I'sM S DEN varsity students te say' au revoir INSURNCE. toclasses until the latter part o: INSURANCESeptambar, but me know soine of 0F ALL KINDS- the boys 'wil- not breathe frealy un- tii the last meek Ila August, mwhe * the resuits of the-examinations are AGENT -expected. canadian Raiiwavm A Ir * Là al Bilding Contractors and q.arpenter Trdsen ôf Ajax. an.d. Whitby Ple'ase.Tae'Not.ice The.Deparýtment: of labour is calling a, conference in Oiha.wa, at the -Genoha -Ho.t 1 on Thursday, August 15 at.8 pB.PM l,«-Tig9 f vital importance to you as the- rate for carentry and the hours Of work; ~per 'Crek wM 1bc dciecl on le. ~~meeting. This Week in Brooklin By XMRS. F. ROGERS, Correspondent c. si t: n, hl c f ALMONýD (Mrs., J. NeWton, Correspondent) We are plea"sed te hear that Mrs. Henry R«berts is able to e eout of hospital .,and ,is now. ith lier-dau- ghter, Mrs. G. Suppleson in iOsha- wa. Mrs. Sarah Colley of Toronto1 is now with her.son, Capt. C. V. Col- ey. and family.ý Glad tpo knom that _Mr. Thomas Mlorcombe is up and around again afiter his f ail. .Mr. -and Mrs. -Lucian Michaud and. children ,of .Brampton, - visited on Wednesday, with. Mr. _pnd Mrs. Jack Neirten. Mrs. Earnest MeGregor & Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harris attended the ,wedding ef the formere- son Bruce MecGreger te Dorothy MeKeazie at .St. Catharines on. Saturday,'Aug,. 3rd, -1946. Mrs. Jack Crairforth and son David holidayedlast week with her' aunt at Musseliman's' Lake. Congratulations..te, Mr. and Mrs. Elmier Harris on- the birth of a- daugliter,. Marilyn Elizaàbeth, on. August 4th.,, aise to Mî. .and1 Mrs. Chester Snodden (nae' Grace Di- vine) of Sundarland,ý on the.birth of a daughter, Aug 5th. *Pleased te, see 'Mrs. Cliff ord Grahami eut again ,nfter her .op7 eration la a Toronto Hospital.. -' Misses Doris and.:Eileen Pasce have. been hoiidaying with, their Cousin Miss Jean Pasce of- Green- wood. Mrs. .Chas. Doulit'-'of, Oshawa- visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs.' Elmer H * rris.b1 - MýS., Freýd Draper of Whitby speat severai days at 1meek vith lier .daughter, Mrs. Percy -Pasce. Mr.. and Mrs. Wm, Long of -To- ronte ,spent - Sunday m wih Mn. ýGeorge 'Bates. Miss Beverley-Pascoe spent',the meek .mfth*- Mrs. G. Hai-ron, our school teacher, at Centre. Island, Toronto. -Mrs., George Lee, is ,nomw witi Mr._and Mrs. Elmaer Harris. Decorators are- busy paintingte iails and classrooms of the puiblicý 5hool.' *-Those who attenid, the whool ill b e pleas 1ed with the ,hange ;in.appearanc e of thei- 3ide of the, build ing. The Ontario County Juniorj 'armers'extend to you, an invita- j bon to take. part in ,their first an-, u al open air church service to' be, .eld. at Brooklin: on the -United Church lawn, Aug. 25th at 7.30 P.m. (.... 'This service is for ail denomina,- tionls in- Ojitario County. In case of cold or- wet. weather., the service- wiil be held ila the Church. ,ý1The collection, over eepenses is 'or charitable purposes. - .Mr.ý and. Mrs. Les. Ladie ai<d laughtér -Di ane were. week-end güests, of Mrs. Gladys Neshitt, Joan and Roy. 'Miss Merle. Jones hlas* returned from hier trip to Western- Canada, but. Mrs. Geo. Jones is reùiaining for a longer 'visit. Miss Barbar.a Smith andfriends are .holidaying at Lakçe Scugog. .Rev. 'Beech of Rip1ey conducted the . Sunday morning service in Brooklan United Church, usi 1ng as- his text, What, shal! I do. to lie saved? Mrs. Ho.ward Arksey, .so- loist. for the s ervice, sang, vet -y sweetly the selection Face to Face. Mrs.. Arksey's solo wàs much en-ý j'oyed 'as she, mot, only bas' a*pleas- ing voice, but sings very -sincere1ly. Mrs. - Clarence Pengelley hias -re-, turned to lier .- duties as orgajiist of tlfe United.Church. Columbus had no èhurch service 'Sunday morning., We were pleased to, have Mr., and Mrs. *Paul Purvis, Mr. Wm. Dyer, Sr. andý two -daughi- -ters, Misses 'Mary and,.,Elsi'e of Church seriee. Mr. and Mrs.' W. Vipond are guests -of the -Vipond familles here.- Mrs. Vipond. is a sister of Mr. Fred Mrs..Fisher-of Toronte is visiting COAL, COKE and W-001 ,CEMENT ý and- BUILDING MATER] PHONES 74 & 114 'OU]? TRUCKS PASS YOUR DOOR EVE. have an opportunity to even the series here tonight la the ratura game. .This shouid be a rousing tilt as Whitby.face elimination and( Ajax rooters should. be out-la forcie and give their team some s upport. Ajax- Legion headed the inter-Le- E gion League ia their regular gamfes h iith oniy tire losses. Let's see you I9 at the balil game tonîght, Thurs- day,, at 7 p.m.,. sharp. SThe carnival conmittée composed n of Comrades' Ramsden, Milis,, Sev-i ers, Buating Sr. and Burke hâve met and, thé f5llowing 'conirades wii -head their respective grou ps. Comrade Winram-Grounds. Coiad§loan-Booth erection. Comrade'.Bunting_ý-Refreshment supply' Comrade. Burke-Chldren's Am- usemnents. Conirade Wandless-Finance. Comrade Harold--Equipmert Comrade Severs-Transportation These comrades miii choqestheir oma committeaes and ail comrades .will lie expected te. bear- a ful share lai promoting our carnival and making it an" outstanding suc- cess. The -Bingo, on Saturday wa s -a success and the iucky,*Inners ment home meli satisfie d ith their evening~s entertaiament. .Four neir conirades mare ne- -cepted! as-memibers 'At our regular L meeting on Thursday last--A. -Chetwynd,, T. Wheeier, R. Romland, H. Kerrison. rThese new cornrades miiilie m ii-- I tiated at our next regular meeting. Cemrade -Johnson- is just back -frein a very successfui fishing trip rand reports that he and lis 'party f caught just about'everything, with f hand, measurements to prove .t. Coir.ade Johnson -is one of our nioe active members and is a yern- ,e table tomer of strength on the exe-. cutive. Thieveés Enft Dmrooun toecs Mrs. Bob Austin- entertained *a T h i-lotO an few adies on Friday afternoô'n, + - T h ia otQ an Aùg. 2nd, the occasion of Mrs. Ed.s i (Mrs. F. Rogersi Correspondênt) Atkinson's eighty-fourth -birtday.tG D ~ fX XI11U~I~ Thieves successfully looted four. Mrs. Ross Hadleyý of, Brooklin G O RD O.JN D EE 11&. SO places of business in.Brooklia last visited recehtl3r:%ith Mr. a~Ms Thursday, nig'ht -and escaped with . .al fj ,ATS .-A A $65- in ,cash and several 'hundred *Mr.a3dOMs. Jck.Thmpso 'dollars worth of goods. EÉrtry. in 'Victoria, Roaàd'visited -on. Friday eaeh :case .was gaýined by- a rear with Mr. and. Mrs., Chester Lee. .i ndow although'.n& one en the vil- Mrs_. E4. Hall and daughter Miss __________________________ age heard or Éaw anything unusual. Dorothy Hall visited with Mr. and The. properties entered, were Mrs. W. Hall on Thursday.-_____________________________ White's Bake Shop who reported tity of cigarettes, candyand gum; Fq etV eèabl the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . _oso.$5i ahaiaqa-Fo eeal Hard and Soft WTood, Slab, Stevensons Service. Station' who ~ A 32 lost $50, in -cash. and a quantity of Show: g.12"- 0-/Mixur valuable'tools' Whèêler's Electric 1"0 itr Shop slrhere t#ie robbers took two The finest flowers and the big- 128 eu. f t. 64 eu.. 32 cu. ft. radios,. a record player, lap, an est vegetables grown inAjax willI iron, and several oterbepl-on c~ exhibition.when' the'Ajax$13.00 I $6.75 I5 and theBrooklia Flour: MilI wh Horticultural Society hold' thelir stated nothing of value was miss- annual .show -in the Community also ing. Hall on August 23rd and 24th. En- Provincial Constable George Ma- tr. is open to al residents' of the PRES-TO-LOGS - CLEAN FUEL guire investigated and reports that, village, whether rnembers -of the 10e each, 1/ ton $6.00, 1/ ton $11.50, 1 ton $22.00 as yet no arrests have been mad.e Society or not. An interesting pro- or have any charges'been laid. grain '45 -being planned for both fe w months ago, there w~ere days, including softball garges and0 several break-mns in the village and Xflotioii pictures on the last night.Brno Lu br C . L itd lan order to catch" the thieves, h On. Friday evening, Ajax. Wildcats. HTYelpo 3 merchants patrolled the streets. ail will play W.hitby Wolves,, and. on LAKESHORE - WHTY - eep ne3 night in pairs. Theyfinally caught -Saturday afternoon Ajax Ladies _________________________ three men trying to enter a, ser- will tangle with Stouffville. Ladies. ____________________________ vice station and there bas been no The. judging, of exàhibits will talce further- trouble no.; place at. 3 p.m. on Friday -and will .... On the samne night, Good's- E1e- be done by Mr.. Leo)n Van Cleemput vatqr at Myrtle was broken into of thue Univesity of Toronto. >T1 as was t.he milli at Sunderlid. The complete, programn follows: A jx H r iu t r l o it Nothing' was taken, at ither place Friday, August 23rd-, but the license nuzaber of -the car, 12, noon-Open for'exhibits. thought to have been used, was -3,p.mi.-Judging of exhfibits. esn t - obtained in Sunderland and a To- 7 p.m,--Softbal.-Ajax, Wildcats Peet h ronto man was arrested Friday versus Wbitby*Wôlves. morning 'and charged with. at- Saturday, Auigust 24th- tempted robbery. Police sîýy there, 3 p.m.--Softbali - Ajax Ladies C n m it lw r&V g abe S o were, ni>stolen goods found in his versus * Stouffville Ladies. possession. 8 p.m.-ýMotion Pictures ,to be. Au us 23 4 shown byý Mr. A. T~. Chetwynd. b SHARP KISS Silver collection. In Warwick, Eng., lirs. Monica Ehbtopnotepulc until, at AppieÏ 28 adinitted that, withot6pm any rn;ee, shé had asked her bus- Entre fees are'set 'at 15 cents Comniunity Hall,ý Ajax band 'j a most affectionate way"y for -Horticultural Society mïembers' o t. shuT his eyes. so. that he niight andjq cents- for non-memnbers-, o Exhibits, Softball, Motion Pictures receive a surprise kiss from b er. s&hW, children. These fees cover When he leaned toward ber. with any nuniber of- entries. : The S- - verykody Welcome an expetant smile on bisface she ciety- asks. tbroughi the- secretary,y * neaty,ýslit his'throat. Said the Richard George, that aIl eiflibits judge: "Nine months' imprison. be removed froni the hall by 7.30, ý ment." * p. on the last day. -Everything Preom DIrawing The Plans and Canadian -National Telegrapha 14, BROCK ST. AjAX TELEPHONE 51R21 s WHITBY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY,,AUGUST 15,1946 1 PQ &Ck A 1 j

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