Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jan 1912, p. 7

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gul 0ftects for goud wroght by t ntly wth chroumo dysppis. c! the mbit mtUbborn type, Satend6d by different other troubles which in- variebly follow, or acoompeny IV as t raetlogIeter'meon Was' were iduby t roudle tryDril- liainot Pik cpiation oe f diuc eae1 g uder vcgrunàwfarbe or- <-uvrnal ancea, sn vdmy droopr- en crge. £h noe of -dicegavaic praent relif.yIwcakuees and dîtrcaent tobes o! whenh1dyae lia s thekpimte cuse rleoefU. I'aod eiuii let go, nd disaer navraLue hd hrrii etnte od cunth I iwonre vi ftfMeeu oop - n',yu cidm wtte roît, of 1 rcedanew eante Anl ent o! ffee nly srxuble s f pilla ypro Rsly? i. oeit ls (I(('d asthe primerflcage mnmv ndlauhedfe asr e. "eaIl h m hicilîw as înîraculoUSly Cone, now, do you really think-' 1w] limaient. -Yes, you stutter so,"ysaid tii- Later my sistrr hecarne go re- duic4d b viîemîa (though under er UC. the care -of or fanîilv doct4or) that she could cruv walk. 1n thi 10W TO LIVE LONG. dangermis cxtrcinity Ur. Williamrs' Wear a loo-se collar sud live Ion Pink l'utls were reFerted to sud in lu the enjoyment of luxuriant an, a brief space <f tirne restored hier unfadîng locke. This ils the proi to perfect health, pect t.hat Dr. Walter G. Walfor Illeing a minister oft'hte gospel holds out in the British Moche, rnany test cases have Corne under Journal. Answering acorreipoui mv notice, in ail o! whicli D)r. Wi!etl-qur aV hecueo iaims' P ilk l>Ils have fullv &s- hiair ciianging color, Vhe docti TIis tis hrIc rcncepuitoU .SYasys - 'The probable cause je ti l'lis nnwd )r\1l:ans in the inquircr has net very long sind lvui as eng uD riu P ntink enlarged hie neckwear, sud tb, knwn toas e in tuj-w retmnnt fig provcd the communication b tUe mt) v ny eek' fier whcthney oftueeu his heurt and brain sud tV tire rc *<miriell ch-I. bmphat-c circulation. This I.- whiat 1 happoned to do when 1hi IiIT('IENI:u IN EGYPI. just re ched 70, wheu, lu additîi to grcstly iunproved health, r Ilie 1ls Ueome Ogilte a Collecte' hair net only becamne darkcr b o! owCI!'III.grew go profusely whcre I hal r., or onfr1- (arot.t Lrdvusly been bald, as t» becoi Kitchuener wi. d-hî,htiiag the bert.s quite noticeable." o! the ciiuod4,lvrs. ilcarcely s day passes thuit huis nter car is net WOULD NOT BE WITHOUT .-s-rn setand1ing voutý,do une o! the celebrited mhois in the Miisku and BABYrS OWNi TABLE' the city, aud there 'Ls Cinsequeutl> much Jubilation in these quartera Mothers who have once il, N<t thet the deatl'rt+ derive mucb Baby's Own Tablets fer their lÎi profit f rom these vust., !for the ex- oues aîw-ayg kcep them in the. hou Sirdar, while hie knows a gocd thîng 1hyraa when hc ssos it, also underat.and# 1I y ralzethe value of the T how to drive a bargaîn irn a typieal Ilects in banishing baby's ilUi natie manuer Butthisatt-u shen t cornes, or botter still, natie manne. Bu ths aten-wardîug off ilînees by givlng1 tion f rom the, British ageutai.in ~a cainldu f L'.Te way an advertîsocnent fur Vhi ~to keep bis stomsnch and Yol aînd thvy welcome hie vieitas, for gular. Cencerning theni à thvre la uothing they &-lîght 11wIaa McDeald, Na.ppan Stati un ýre than dc.alîng with a man wrît.ea:-'I have used Blaby's ( g-hu not 4nly knowe the value Of Tablets sud would noV n OW vecry articlp and can parr their withiout them as tiey aretic tri-ks, but also can ba.ndy words beat nMedicine 1 know 01 for )j mitli theni in thvur own tougue. cne." The Tabiets are Sold a t came as a 6urprise to English centsaà box by Miedicine dealeri és4me yczîrs ago when it wail bv Mail !rorn The DL Wilhi Ou covcred that bord Kitcheneir wais Mducîne Co., BrockviUOt an expert clle(to4r of odd china. It waz thought that hl'- nature wa" BWR ,'TEM N far too adamantine Wo admit the EAEO H gs.g esfter arts and graceia. AMter the" Egyptian Story Shovdüg Fxeel chiina, however, they are prepaed pangi a»àXI tuolhear o! the 1F.gyptiau ceuries sekm i o k4h skÎiM ? QUICLV STOPS dOUONS. cUIM COLOS, hIL I meTHROAT aiLrdoiLOS.eSicranT ('Xlisldtr the waye o! tiie little gree-n cucumber. which nover does its best fightung tAi1 it's down. inardas Liniment Curea Carit tu CM&a BELOW STAIR6. -What'as your aisaus kickiný about?" inquired ibehe busaila f roni next deor. - This las ber night out, but 1 tOld lier 1 had an engagement soYa1!." t :1 4,~1"Z ~ un ~1f ïakof est;. iLtarlprotection cof theiRu btB4 # âl4 atùê hae ~afe&ftd tht then0XVtnn~ th~ç1 aie Mâ"powe fu e gÎ « m 8 4o xhortd ,to - tha#t aïe iw big dt ae ti, r t ochr, 010 te G . >* t&e _t ffp t Once tO b ia~ 5 ýe4.4 4 PxéB P0Iw kiO1im- B.,Ja. s (f3pec ). wh.fl L3r5 #a 1 e village AfÂg'i1on i i v s of b êt N <>t e bét 6 m > fE ai w ay . Pî rre I. C om e at >. a w eillin o e à a.nd oû ou y_<lac , t ei ný , P "û en iail' t-4 lughly respected ôlût o! thi s ]g F ep Ah . Coa t. , - respaseg r agises, t e -a 1a «d >qei'd Sec~e ç4r Min4 '58 e ril plac>* e rd e i dnealy andik . 'fa P - t0 ao! e n i thgo that b ade o Y in a n -4--"- My haru r ube m iltrm o oste o me a t i ne!6 s e t et arf1 u u q ail co coaces re he ow ityiX bgie~ ~s. ôme san the s; an 1OOO f acre s ôm i der, te ny.ns~ n oca he o ti. re t en ü >ta hitb fars d for i itïer rible reuit pr tecton ei of- b acho ! sflang oe-R T O P L .D T I. whïC ma âs er kfdevarnisher.lan ,ïeuîe witb the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ n matc.boadOnnstyee sîda tat mght of0w. y lznbswoud wh<,ail g&du&îY *. .. ý;a fth .ulpaelntAeWY ie dxd nervoi. ePls tohoey h rcntstr nae t, ..t.1 MTe otio n o sl&cula kdny dsese . ol eo fSome "frim 30'ld lntwOi lding o BOT,-w, coIl.LBON U th" lz eim ad i:syb kartc a me a lws hbac ! dniaan eien A $E U TI S C R R TON LM T D new rootn w cfgxail *m y troubl"ýaes , o "atnid pb&±ioshing e hats roun4 tii. tohe Lo donthe.d Not wCentrn a icl-1 urDor the e rblU e fre lt 001& for b uing uY urpose ha mad b ofee lanabddn andthe had finihet he ftrst lboxte wol- d aI w itdteecociet ___ Neo atch verkni yeri a tai esha" lg was gene, Lmy bac1 was ai- ro! tii. n os. Evn Tr abepot- a uS!! or-rili LM i ste o eion c arw ih i t e wid a dandea t o979er tr uJamesg « in th a ta ka o! th g. ne~ në n n ra i d m t i T e. arn nox In the e t o h e th Th e cl t o rif st ne othes w ilI ben Buiding[ W . D WS, ora li. CLaOR5 widws udi i trne thaottheth rent o re o yeo I _ng li eve and I ow e y d i Dds Kidrie ed tth e k. tos o ren then- OUS-601 rsiwas. Anohe cfa ue Awys tratheroot cf the work oC. shiienth he n ug ~ Byur .M Iud the hndobÎ rar O ! r e r ctn ail wmen'troubles-,sotr ib sd epesle n ti oeu S. CiBiB bocks 0ý _a d -Novei e- sti l a il- on the Kidney pTh s . hy Dodd' s t e or -il ead foPr sitne PE U 111 AOINO N nDi7 601 1OK QA !o u h a-Ki n i d te i re w o rn a ; el l ft h e sibIa . E vcetin S ew n Y o-, O u t rie SU Tl enu E Bnog i ngF.s o»,Yny baw wa 9 frieyAmd groitain at% rota the ttàjsbof.thetisa . D more au banderay heurth Iraiurne ad tagaa Frblede i- de l h - e l o c al:aù tl dri t eu eillldbD o ta a n LIaZ gBULhftel. e orstretae stepsita rrvdncethe dd. win ow n d B r t i ss a i gii a d M em oraiy od 'a Ki »y g r oi g kyf rtt B teh 'C i l a s An els o n . W hi- on oA lt r y i b i sea tWth ear ce 0f tteW C i ls l b o L NLs r ic k 'É u d » r l maisut yV.Tonaa tmr o inV r u ate&B PiteEd" Anok&lanunoa'&tiOflthecf theB wsy 'a forDofres1 bood et tUil 1EuGR iM u MYo. 0. __________________ w hichf Zu Eam -Bh uk curesid evenl s athwo m l'a est iM ',t ra58 W iln g tfl S t.. o lL 5 . p yPy W 2 'àaw a a Du» - 4 .Tiia 90,000DotiackOlsiDktssud ker- '~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ orerd rm a.ces'ed, En- erou sdahrnd ass f jjars e* B N15 uaUII . iât] ICI is Z ý4,K - U R . fu l 'mor roven ere ba e 000rhRt WU W«, Bhyf Bhih teanrlty hav ofe? col= r>" auC fima ae nV fr poketuse . M . R H.Barkr, ! (leuliit fo a 16V f te rl d'ute rortes& Ont.TU, Ho says:. e- A nul l s t r t i n - ffh e o n .r " A o l et t.. w t f l r i -A - - » M = . The sa y o ,wthe a k as Zam -B uk cure s me. u 4thé n Dijt cheé h shtev dice sd ct roav ues. "My fandc be cca e of e r ihs, tor.e. l mt o u t M a cr ine a l sfeld or e s , w h i ca n d s siscil rg e d e d by d p i W tnia c l tte s w o tul e r soY. Or l n sil a e n t o k ma ust e a V pea., f irst t £rieae l it of caue cf d 'Era PiielS m agcu ionecf $Iaithe sud ton Suother, but thiua t e stm h su ier *idl e-ff £o.dýV1. iS u ýC urers have p haeeioUlelYtha. t'fierctc-k- ýuR l e r t orf the value of f"y m ed y e d e u regoo ck ud , ett ,b l or t pa in uk ls i 0 1t(he21Aret S. U0 lue Britih bju e rakt' f hich andrupton go t ore sd o seui , n e .t a t suchmsn ! hen > KCT'Mo y re or,~ wer ade asa em ria o NI- -runîu mre. wilcorec ireuieitesof hodi 'terI seolel r rs% Pe t s o 'i S rand te rc a s i e - s v rZ" .a rt f r m e p i w i h w s g s i e o g u n e r e1 t r y.d e 411= w u -tg,4 S I5 ro nd th oc u dthehe as c toler sud--y f eba m f c ovewas uc h t r-sa io . i. o t deiat di'55 it, u d .tW é 4 8 1 ld I w&S e fthe d.t ,o! f ege t N w p a e Gthes Legal on. ci rshws uny tct he n ni a seta cin hl fetie T I fW T(> bte j~ j~tat ~ e >tc. g there. - one sdvised rate : t Z&m-Bùk. I I leudpotbhom eeî e - wr¶te a ni for, My for ordn r se sd t letfr BtBo critibh ng 1» tii. he&led. i scha no obi e lY a nd eu r oter 01 cause of d rang el t tW m t u i t o ut . w o ra ie h nd i k e r a fc t - j , w a e u d w e r e e ! th s e n , t o 's~ p r e n fo r th b e n e - _ t e s t m ch a n l n byaoe us ai d ain e . l -thngan tenà torbusn pin- nd"aà à. I. reeay b haveh pbIrpo tilivan i t o o i n h>d~1 o aun -lAX frt he .............. me 01o wa hs fore sudte ',bu e m yùed'mvyu abies sutod ou ng hlrn by 1aSaU4lbL~~ ~ Ir. U soete ako i!pto!-gi WhoU04*0I>OosnY ski * - hë je ,.,Iw1,o . T e blak ve. s re cu wos ad u wors'c , ýn- * ,achTI L hÂrýtdn, --thei $~*oî~ wa. put ourmelee'i egY a! > TAIS, 'Um t à l6 m isf a c , w a s I is t ose rid wst P S - o fot h é d i-:d w leeo r 5 P A T 1 1 & 11yt i & eïsm u e o n d k e r c h r e , f zi n o s t h ec t o i est , T r a - A trO c t i r r e g u l ar:i t i e s t rni pd e 4 p ti g<0id , P ý( w - ' i-*-I p-* Jti E u fn th e r i l a d C ehish bng eroux t kitq whil>a irrito t*ti ve w rgp? , andw u st 't À à & îw1pý b P.?!W , w e r ee rm a ta e a m mori a of N l A p r stm thW gn oT e M o t -a l c % e o - ' - uicO a t e r - a nd v iL brlaNck d o s i s' ot l d w s wY st t w e c MJc u e h irisBxtioî iste i fotwt e pae q jtr- .a'M-u.Ii Ml nIgD-ig Gazette relates attUPAngdvutUr$S that haj:pened te hlM, Bd vlat.ed the Caire Museum, &500oied by a f riend, and ln the coes ý hi* inspection .cam acroast Iim et Ahmese 1. la th* 1WOJlcI "ft far f rom the. jewel roooe. Hie turned te hi* comPaflon Uand madle semo rcark about the ex- troe euglisesa O!f î. aiMuuSËO a**~ Ne soener hall be madetAia4 oSlaù tien ho wsoveroMevl U t a ing o!suffoostkOMD a f&cOn4 wu- being i tghienedaroubd hli-i. , 1The feeling 1a t*d * bout l mInute adthen graduaiffy bedu 1topau&W ýe» and us f .11evtraveller uiderably sh «anbytb whtch vas ail flue .tsamd bry iu that lu Ia4uvo bd amn wiu bave t tb n ~dtlut~ e erytbii1 euse, tm o fa o 19T1wo 'l'b lýËjLn 1

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