Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 18 Jan 1912, p. 7

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faims. The y .ybe too, a mal Vo>t~ liéesan bour afterwrda 'but -, îs - lies. siainecosntlovome that make se maby vromen Itoenk pre-. inturely old. Their effet may be aotieed ini sick or nervoua head- aches, fickl, appetite, >pain iu tie back or aide, sallow complexion, and thi cooiing oet vrinkles, vhich every woman -dreade. To these thus afflicted Dr.,W illiams' Pink1 Pille offer a speedy aud certiaini cure , a restoration oh celer Vo thé choeks, bightiness te the eye, a hcalthy appetite and a scuse oi freederu from weariness. Among the thousands of Canadian women who have found new hoalth and new strcngth threugh the use oh Dr. Williams' Pink Pileis i.Mn. W. C. Daerr, Lendoen, Ont., who sape: "About two years ago I feund myscîf se ba.dly mmm dovo that il vas ahuoisti impoaxible te performu my houseield duties. I fell off in fiesi, vas veak and very pale, had no appetite, feet con- stantily ceki, snd Vofurther inake, My life.mieïà.le I was àaRIitVe with lioe. cher ailmeuts frorn which sû many vomen suifer. 1 tried many kinde eh medicine, buti got ne benefit, and began to, feel t.hat I was ashpping auto chronie iu- validiam. I vas advised tu try Dr. Williams' Pink Puis, sud althougi I eit semeviat hopeless, decided to do se. To my deligit, aftier tak- ing tic Pile a hew weeks, I heit much btter, and a furtiier use oh thein brought me back te, my old lime healti. I have since recom- meuded the i.lPeIst many others, and those vho have used tihein have alwe>'u issu benefitt.ed." Sold by ail medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six box.. for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil. Jlamsa' Medicine Co., Breckville, Ont TE 4IG MUSILROOMS. - ~ Eibla They Know. Most pensons est mushru.>ms vità An &Mount of misgîving that aeemns natunal enongh wieu peu nsmcm- bon hov ofteu tie nevapapens con- tain acceuntis of illues. aud death eaus.d by salzug poiecons varie- lies. Thsetam *a <rOst maay per- ecîl hi e -'bta hesor Labesse, snd prîntod mtu th ~Undon Lanoat, doclares tuai tue meaus commenly taken t-o determine thein odibility ame net te be nehied ou. Ou tic stnength of the Lau- cets high authenity, ve paso thii information on, but caîi attention cspecially toe i. final paragrapi. Acoording to the popular ides, for exaînplc, musbrooms with a blu., viol1et, green or red colon are unfit to cat, but this excludes tic green Rusula atid green Clytocybe. Some say that those which change culor un beirîg cut are daugenouef yet the Frenchman peints ontthlaI sevenal tiaI de net change colon are deadly. Tie test by odor la an iperfect test, since, in several instances, these which have a ple- ant sceut are to be cspeeially avoid- ed.- Neitier is aste t e b.tnuitod, for oue musireom tihat la iardly bitter at aIl i. amng Vie met daugerous. To go by texture in dangenous; non may peu trust te lie rose-celoned Ismelîse. Nither are aIl huagi.gro'%ing iii thceopen air gond, non sîl froint the deep vends _ bad. The curdhing eh \oID il aused-by, ascd ratier tise -u toïic ingrodicut. Likewiso an noion, a piece of meney or a cleve cf gan'lie, vien placed witi eooking niuidî o, r aotme a elane-o mushn rotom caunotobchaonge- cele1r eau ho notieed Professer Labease believes lier. Y' !OULO SOREAI ýfin »D*blfrLScuflbrr wd- No lad The. proMsôw -msla~ o re bIan eue musiomiiîluton le'pois- OneUQs, and- Imi-tic best lest con- is Îin rejectiug lIme aihv a aheath or volva ab Vhe base oh Vhs stipe. Deýaly oeues, as a mule, pCe- ses. ibis sheatu, wvieci consista oh the remains of Vhe velum utiivçr. sale, violicovera 1h. po>ung fmuai. room and is- fmactmued, during gnovlh. là order le apply ibis lest, tihe muishrocins muist b. ga.thened vith cme. After aIl, hée.1*a the best mule: "Amateurs should know lie 'char- acter of the. mushreome tizat grow- in thir neigiberhood, and restiit themselves Vo eertain kiudis Imhat tiey knov te b. edible; sud lu case of doubt, they should abstâin altogetiier.>' -~CUT EÂRRMUCLZS* IagcnIeus Devieet Germau to AvoId '.Smerie. In order thst ho wouki noV b. e lheîôtrmiite 1vi6bea~ ho vwas the sole support 0£ hie parai ped mother and a 75-year-old grandmother, whom he kept on his daily wag. of 38 cents, Muskateer Hopp. eut off the. upr.er part of thé muecles of hie earis soon alt.er he was ordoe« to join ths Bremen In- fantry Regiment as a. recruit. For tuaé the high courtmartia1 of the ITth Arflhy Division has just.sen- teuced hlm te oue yearuprison- ment, the. minimum penalty, be- Cauce, in the. opinion ci th. court- martial, k vas '<cbld love" vhich prompted ths et. LAt the. same time the oourtmartial hsld tha& Hopeh ba n, "honorleas mia» in hâving 4ied tio avoid mil tary service by crippling himmei. It developeû that h. won draw* for military service and l,.rmmd 'Iht hie &Red mother and grandmodhhr were in dire vautRe H. cokbdad liat-his ear ùmuscles werO>1I10» noossary t10 hirm inearulng lîï- ing. STROIqO WORD8 0 PRAISL- Mrz. (Rev.) W. H. Clarke,. Stirling, Ont., write.-4"1 visi te givëe iisoncliited, $esimona1Vo1thé z»"value ~UV V ieÏ.~*' ~ê f al. e tried the frabiite and in a week &ho vas cern- pletiely cured. By Vhe use of well and happy ever ince." the Tablets &ho ha. been kept It i.s trong praise liko thls that bua made Baby's Owu Tablets se, popular. Thou- sanda of otiier mothers have said:-"Once vo gave thbe Tablels à trial vo had no- thing but praise for them' The Tabletis are old by me- dicine dealeme or by mail st 25 oents a box from The Dr. UNCLE PENNIYWISE SAYS: 1 May state tht I amn a self-made man; but My wvif, furihed the Ti%*,--tries aIl up, a" das, Bkl's11Antx.osurnptive Syrup has et-od the test ci peau itV uêwi rauks as a leadi*ig siècein uthe. trestment of &H' aîlmeuts ofet, ho tiroat and ugi. Il viii softon and subdue the. most -stuboen cougi by relevig the irrit&ttion. and restore te fect.ed orgaus, o healthy co"dtIons. Use, l s#ho*w its valut. ITry ît sand ho convinced of itse *fcacy. X*ny a t.11ev tae..advîce ia ho doean't, hew What té dovithb. *&erY ua 1*êdiar ut e ilî tae. a lot to 4ilqnae, ri etheni cut i~e 'l ae bati derel oï 1 hanm eau ho cnaed vien yenuUse Vie riglil means la shovu u ine h Case of -MXt. Mry A. Oook veil )tnovn aud hmgl1y respectsèd iÎmere.uin intervie*- regarding lier cure o v ieb allite vilage kuove, Mns. Cookc says. "'IW hIeumâàism so b.dîha.tý B*OïI30i I would si4 up nearly afl nigit -i iwt hêmlg iiui onld t thle, doctors, but luckily I dc«ided, Vo ýCsV -tmy-Dodd'aKdnyJ'ls pgTiey -clured me, sud, .1 idn't have to-ltry Vuie docters., And jeat to thhiu that after fourteed pears- Uft« ebox oe,.Dodd'eKd ou« Xho suifera f rein EiiU, VjïSm." 1ui4W wien yeu go ierigmwa aibout il. RhieumaVism . vsn!sed by "Urie acid in tic lilood.y If tLe'-id-, »Ieys, are werkig night, -.ti v ili strain al îcueai eti'l blood and lier. eau n eoRek mssiism. Dodd'is Kidney PI# la vays rnake tic Kiducys verk right. ALL IN THE PAST. fil waut- yen leknow tImat eur, 4eopls nsed, to -,have -rnoney." 'i accept liaI as an indication tuai soe.of!hem aIse used le have braîua.'> Clean Stornaci, Clear Mmud.- Tic stomachi la tie vorksiop eh the vital hunctions sud vien 1V gels out of oriler tic viole aystem clogs in sympaliy. The. spirits fiag, tue mmnd droopisud vork becoxues in- possible. Tic Iirat catre aIould b. Vo restore isaltiful- action of tue siomaci sud tic bout preparalion fqr -- tst purposo . - sP4melees Yopalle ile.Goueral usefOrýi yesisbas vn ulimu &lcadim ae la mqdiine. -A, trial vill at-- AN OPPORTUNI ""John* vriles la .hîati record Itolege for lieavy lifting, dad. zIuthtuaAnt" ilstro 1 -, Et A tn ýit - In th Mlaardso Liniment Co.. Limite&. Get.Iuen-Last wnter 1 bto Item the Une! )(INa.RD' mm wta sesernsattack eo! La Grippe. ad Ihave frerumet" y.dIt to e b U7 v effective Iaiuon o Lss uzation ý t À WORD TO THE WISE. What keepsas us m the long day ,-f course; ve Seldorn bleus k. Right WOl!1 I ho, vo ought t0, Ktep at 14 tit yen u Ps i. 118 sb.e~,apcmm ~wt1iUrndyoes. >11-aise cahacf 46 mer ian moyeu & hocK t. Tomate tasse sond aie. ~11tuIton On mn àk7moGke - si 'te tafem .W5- » iYeu »ea iitlý-" t ,"Wil pou set me a 111 a Wma o yn vaut. opgun for?'l th l*iVe, littie cai.> -I --N vestm~nts W. bave to oller leveral filni-dlams bond lovvesienU yielding 6 per cent. cet, CarrYlng Our uOqusllfiedrecom.' mondatimn WRITE FOR FULL. DETAILS ADA SOMMITES ,CORPORATIOR, LISITED ýntod -ioher- by. Pince of PU gaie.s, - ho boght 1V vinho va.; Lt O<wes for "theregatta. - M 1I ý',ueen Mary lise left 14 b. under- 1 NATI tood that. no.one.id tVo give____ prinàess Mary jéilory Of any sort. WlI$# sueie 7,and befoee h.Royal p 'arty 'left for the Durbar, the Queeuù- repeated ber vishes on- Ibis woê s iatêver Princs. Mary n rccived for Ohriatunaa h.e an i.e quite sure liaI n ogeins, net even the meodost and chîldiisi tur- qnois ee rehem va;y. 1 he >Prince ha. cônfesed te ,orne oftee ýladi-es et lb. court that ihe do"s noV mmid not zhaving rngs »ud pins "nd-chaîné, but tint ah. yeam - for long goId carrinpGe st with'rubies sand diasmoua, snd liat A 'wi lie' H1ad sâm2 asanlDs - tors 5" ir." ~ ub retl Z*iwà 1:1awW4ekc4Crn flfh This e ie 4experience cf--& of hî1 gl reputation, *idely. knovu in Montréal, aud viose CMseCan readily h. iuvesligated.ý Mr'-T. M. î'ves st loi Delerimnier Avenuet, a,1 wu Meuntreal, 4ud ha. liiréd' tere for i1 pearS,: For Vventy-fivýe ysars hoM L hls ad czema on i h a d u vi Iu lImat lim, four eminent medi-1 à - 'cal, mon lried to cure .hlm, and*" emuh gave up Ûei case a.lopeleem.~±... N.aturallyMr. Marsh tmled reit-' dies o61&4à kiudse butr liase t m T lit gave it up. Fer ivo pears -ho had to vear glovois d"ay ndl niglit, se terribe wva lb. pai n'uditcbng vIe Ie air ge o tu le more.s. Theu carne Zam-Buk 1 . Md7~t il, juat as lhad iriied hiiudiýdïcf Ioauttkl Lacstlow Y.~k clip!' n ronýôto. Berne lit ouai las om dui tbejoo.avamdtheMinmi lüt. If é u t" 4 Iwxdaui mas - r 's --i Go teàM uforHoeumle Ti. medical ceýroeondent eh the Daily GraphiesËp if s alis- faclory resul bas coeeVolight me- g ârd"'thi rsament oh cancer by tii. ralium -mohod at Kins'o Col-' loe flspital. A large' cancer grovtu Iad le b., deal witii.- Au operation pre-, vlously Iad been pertormed, but Vie ceireurned viti resevod virulence. X-rays and ether treab- mente -were ihen lried villicut suc:. cets sud lftualIy 2W0 rilgrammea et pure radium bromide wore -applied for tvaupty-four Iodrs - Tii.-tubes vers se amanged thsi Vhe -diseased parts e iresujccted Vo a regular croïs Sue cf the, cura- it. rayé sud th. applicaton vas repesQ ~once ouly. As a remult oh lis i resimmt 4i.s tated tli pain ul<1k.1 -,a id th'g~ ed. A &clor lu urilg. o

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