Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 18 Jan 1912, p. 3

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 .II0*0A Waespateh from Ott4,w# a e: jpal deOl'ase l ix o be0,00i The tnain 08tiM4teèft oi' 1912-13 wor thi At. udipgW the.purQiete and table4dy he iFinanoe Minîster.. The mie <e c sisupee totl ao~iion ske fo 1a dôck yarck and màainten&xice of tota apropratin ased *r training achooloa, the. appropriation *149,789,677,a&decrease of $6,M890- beiing *,6,0. Ther, are ii- aël '- Ths total ài. ma4 uPU *104,- creuses in-mont of tii. <thr itemi, 910,314 for consolidâted fun&, and including two ned fishiag protte- $44,870,372 on capital aecount, as tion vesseis for the paciAic, and a a&nat $109,616,P17 and $46,462,- I3ew surveying ship for the. Atlantic 621 respeotively Wa1911-12. The. de- coast. croises are $4 691,612 on consoli- The. capital expenditure showse dated fund and $1>W)2,248 on capi- appropriations of two millions for tail accotint. the Hfudson Bay Railway, t~wenty- Thé principal deerease is-i p-ib- fivo millions for the 'Kà4ienal lie works, the, figures for %which Trinswntinental and three mlion.3 stand at $14,520,380 as agInst for the Quebec bridge. #18,014,020 ini the current ýcar. The Trent Canal appropriation A.nother heea'y decrease as 8910.009 iî i $,90,006tas agalnst 82,250,- in arts, -agriculture and stative-s. 000. Therelare no large appropri- which &et $1,9'15,500. The diff'er- ations for either the Welland or ence lu la the disappearance )f -tle Georgian Bay canais. For thbo, Wel- àppropriation for the censius. The land surveTs there is a vote o 5, nayal service s;hows a decresc of 000. $885,000, the appropri.itlon 1,-ing A total of $1,188,570 is bliown $3,091,500. The expenditure on0 under the heading provincial éub- militia shows an ifncrease of $191,- aidies, divided au olw :Otro PM0, standing at $8,334,450. $267Q7; Quebec, $28M,125; Nà#a A capital expenditure cf one mil- &otia, $26,207; ,New'Brups*ickl lion is provided for harbor improve- 816,614; British Columbia, &M,79,7; meniti at Port Arthur and Fort Wil- Alberta, $87,653; Saskatchewanl, liam. $318,M1. The. Manitoba subËi In theo naval service the. princi- drops hy $4,604. SOME CAN But Student BIad te Quit. 6orne people are apparently im- muse to tea and coffee poisoning- if you are not, Nature will tell you so in the. alImentasah. sonda as warnings. And when you get a warning, heed it or you get hurt, sure. A young coilege studeat writes rum New York: "I1 had becs told frcquently that coftee was injurious to m," tea is just as bad) "and a!if 1iad sot been toid, the almost constant hcadachcs with wbîcii I began te sufer after u3ing, it for several years, the state o! lethargic mes- tality which gradually came upon me t.o itder me in xny studica, the general lassitude and indisposition to aqn' sort of effort w~hicii peu- fiestdme, ought to have been su!- But 1 disregarded uheai tili my phyisician told me a few montha, ago tiat I muait give up cofice or quit college. 1 couid heitate no longer, and at once abandoned Cffé!.. "On the. acviS ocf a friend I b.- gan te drink Posituai, snd rejoice ta tell you that viitiithedrugîi la found in tea) 1"removed aud the. iealthful properties of Postum la is place I was soon relieveci of aIl My ailments. The. head ches and nervousmes diaappeared entirely, sirength came baok to me, and my complex- ion whicii iad been very, very bad cieared up beautifully. Btter tisa aII, my mental facul- ties were tou.d up, and became mOre vigorous than ever, sud f now feel that ne course of-atd would b. toc difficuut for me. Nain. given by Canadian Poutum Ce., Windsor, ont. *"There'z & tesson,"'a&M- t a e vlane ý n 'he itlébock, , "Tho 5W r- o We 2h.e Skià k. fflg M aove euw ý SA= m "t THE FRENCH CENSUS. lIscreastuSine 1906ius 24,24- Ilovement te Cities. A despatci f rom Paris saya: Tii. officiai return-z cf thse census oi France, takes last year, whici have juBt been published, show that the population no-w numbers 39,601,509, as comnpared wth 3p,252,245 at the last census ln 1906, showimg an in1- creaseocf $349,264. Thec figures show a steady iovement of uiiè population freintise country dis- tricts te the cities, o! which filteen, as in 1906, have a population o!f more than 100,000. Paris pow bas ),888,110 inhabitants.- Marseilles 550,619, and Lyous 523,70. Tii. Po-ý pulation o! France l in',:4'past forty years ias increaàeci only 3,., 500,000. HAVE' SAlLE» ELO 41E. Ring and Quea ea Ve Bombay ou thse Igdica. A deapatcli freIn Bombay aays: King George,,a.wd Queen Mary sailed for homeý on Wedneaday ou tise Peninsular &bd Ortental Sum- er yacht Medixia. Tliy veéWoheer- the. abiewip.',e Indialsu -rtfl breathecI a sie ! 1,n kf Mýajuatls lot#,. s34 er. b s esi constant dreac et the. occurrenc o sOon utowamd event., FRAIS OUTDR.E OF ILARME. ThreMad Dop S8sI4té W' at Lare ii Eramffl* A d.se ht roserattord aq.: Anostbreakof esbien 1* ihrest.i- ed in Brantiford àad ,surrouwlt*g distrWc. Kuusb.ra o of le and shcep b.ve lisen deteàw d Sut N aide t4. eity, snd tha antborlitM 4As, Usa tireea" wnd eU i ~hp' uidrsaud Âdmiralty Gratified at Speed and:1Eoonomy. A dexpalcis f osi London s: àpart f roi thtt popular satisfaction o~e beating Germa>., the. Violis ompany, the. builders o!aiihebat- tl.ship cruiser Lion, which madoe arecord cf ovor thirty-one linota an bout in her trll on Tuenda., and the Adïirslêy bavt re4son for thse greatoat satiufactioni over ler performance wh.n the béat tii. re-1 cord if the. Gerpan »roadxi#uglst cruser Koltke. Tii. trial vus made duarn tii Severest' klnd *1 ,w*A- PrIces of Cattie. Grain, om and other -Prodffl it Zôme. nd Abroad* 90 Pr cent .pâisntâ. *350 te $3m55t ai 'h board. Xasatoba Fiour,-Plrsi ptenhl.- *1.50; msod pttents, $61,and #U10o10 bià>. etr, ".4, on, trtck, Terontù. itanitob& *beoi-No. 1I NOrihêfluiIL. 1014t, i8îw.pont.;No. 2 rlortheru, 81.0714. and N&. & ati *103Bfirports. Oatarte what-No. t white, raS and, malueS, 9ô0 b910, ontalde. -Peaa-GoceS shipping peu, 81-10. out- aide. O&t*-Car lots of No. 2 Ontario, 43 t. 4314c, sud of No. Z ut. 42 tx, 424; con traci, -Toronto, 46to 461-20. lNo. 2 West,- ern C&nXg& ca, s. ansd t ed, 460. Bay ports. Bsarley-47 to 48 Iba. QuOted ai 85 te 86 1-.e.utaide. Crs-NýIo. 2 Americân fll~1ow, 63o, To. roate freight. to -~ 09ke for No. 2 outside. Buckwheat-61 Lo &eo. btuide. ]Brait-Massitoba br#n 35, e nbaut. Toronto frelght. Shorts, $*15. cotrlT?»T YPRODUCE. Âpples.-s2.7S 10 $3.50 per buTTé!. Uoues-Biai! -lots ot hand-vLnked, $2.- 35 to $2.4.5 ver bushel. HonLey-Eltracted. ln tis, 11, ta 12e per lb. Combe. $2-W0t'o $2.76. 5ft5(j hay-No. 1 at 816 10 $17, on traek. and No. 2 at 814 to $14.50. BaIeS atraw-7.L0 10 88, on track, To. rofitO, I'otatoes--Car lots, ln baga. *1.29 t.o $1.- A. -anS Delawares at 01.35. Ont of store. 81.45 to $1.50. Poultry-Wholonale prices of dresseS poultry.--Chickcns, 12 te lic per lb. - fowl, 8- to 10c; Sacke. 13 10 14; goesse. 12 ta Uc: turkeys. 19 ta 2Mr- Live poultry, about 2c lower thun the above. BUTTaEG OS, CgEB8E. tEuter-Dairy, choies, In wrappera. 27 to D9e. utore lots, 23 10 26c; and inferior, tubs. 1Il10 lie. Creaméry quoted st 32 to 33 1-2c for rolla. unS 30 to 31o for solide tu cas lote. 14o per lb. se4l,4k., déUvered, ut V7 to 18e'putdome, 153.Me. uaSd tu-tuat 74~4~dS~ I ê t~téi, S M ntuis ofLa t iè »M m aPîiiMnt on 1FridaY,.________ ~, ~ ÀdesPitIi !fràïm Ottiw*?ý : ui' ea lhee ' *~#~~r j i, lîo~o ~ ti he rev4euýe-for th, Êfi 1f 21ý heia~4~itiii. 86~ Months of thé' 'tourrent sa er1910,., ý10'htotàI, ieet> adthé !t-nflishries * toalo aalyoe udrd M Wi i.own t thê4 , Olý; e ý4ù ova Scotia 4a hs lIofliwit oal expen iioia o! yrt' ind13 _ ~1<:~.1;~ IO~B1~I d The itrore' in revenue iet on u k 4t, the.fisheries-o! Ontrlo dringx bst n-xu months o! the. lastfie1Ï the year 'were valueia 202 2,Yeatir WII $13,817,114. while' the talle4, #1 a, decreas eto [1,0 scop.4total expenditures deoreased ):t$b 8 'with the. value of-the. preced ing 8,51155, élthough the figures o! a ea.-tch. In thé -fiàeh. cidu-ependture are, o! course, 5 rth e~ V> tr tsdf 6ý8e610 Men, wer employ- what incomplete, since they repro- plus ot e nd"" dfathe ali'ed ,indutris eat onl tii hretirr.rspresented to milliosbew e «ni.,e j 978':a il, 81501,019'870 was invested the. Finance Department up te De- ordinary êxpenditure,a l in thé- fihig indùaàtry iaCanad l cmbr 1 Eieniur n con- pectédth at this surpIiaiýiW 19101 Tlîë. expenditure in con- eolidated fund account totalled thanuprevi'de for everyite 1>'è necton îti th'iliieieswaz$76,-$54,303,871, an. inerease ef $1,4(»,- tai expendtr,-nIdi Kr. Wilàfi 1J)Brit, lip. 734, <f wbioh -8#20,000 was speut fr7~ .foyftemio4fl3ls thain tweny lons, speut Un fish breedinug and *159,1G6 in boun-ý the revenue. Expenditure on cat-. year, on thet Natj»oaI 1ranacoq whose duitv it wilI be to explain i&s tie.. Tii. total revenue from licen. pitaI acCOunt was *1à,983,354, or etI attitude on Homen Ruile and bis hoa- ses, ýfines and licenoew taken out hy.. ..... -. -... - tility -h. has, aIwaYz ."Bspected, and Un:ted States- 4her-men;Was 8100,- MBtnEII'SSTRIEEIAl weaaîo s*~ whose symathy and- goodwill h. -875. -1lr~ r ter~I%' las ne desire te aliento. Hegt- ~ -"- ers this !eling!r*om correspond-nce MNY TOOX UP PVARIS. rtsh eeat. ltemnd tary- o!f.the- rovine~ »~ -aonmosad thrws-hich - igit the Affair. Health,ý 6:n usa Ii1i continues te reach hlm from former Houestea n rie ,orFsclYar A despatch f rom Lotndon sayo: t'o erbni 4l riends who idèliied' hlm in bis -TOtalleul4444790 . Experts -la the. coil trade araco- xaiy uncpaitpa plank- b.d days, whent it xhay -b. A desplitoh !rm ttâwwtý saystain-tata trike ,o!tue ulPlrs ain f»r "thiemsboard remembered, the prison authorities Theý total revenue ýo! the Interior over Englanci and Wales. wllI fol.,ths aeesese h la even humiliated.him te the extent Department la the. fscal year eud- lew the. declaration o! the 1'allot cao! fneioft <~n~~ o! stealing is trousers and leav- ing March 31, 1911, wus, aceording figures. The. men teck a balbt on aÎtChw ing hlm <lad lan atute's gaets te tic report, presented in -thel ad iblity o! a strike imd th±epait h been espeelal1yý i juil. Ituslaaeedt. Ocuxici la bis celI at Tullaimore jg . House of COMMoas on Friday, 85,- resuIo te~ abo d ab"out rsaamtt3nve 1 ________1093,140, an inoïease o! 8384,ý1206 ver JAD. 1'.tii. m ahoumlnt ' out- > i leéd,ýt t.<> il i QUOTATION & S.,StheR> previeus yeai and ýfourteen rès r sWa'lea, Scotlintti and idmc 0F ~ AN»ÀL. tines as niuch as was oollected in-D=rlam, while tie Mdandi.,andi'a RALT STOCKS. 1901-2. During tue year there we Trsieshwamr odrt rnu rIeIêT Messrs. Heron & Co., 1e King St. mrethninometed enries,é engý. Tii. men,> o! -h.atterds mor tanin ii p~evou ~~t however, are bound-.to .4-nd ule lnripii ~ West, Toronto, memb.rs o! the To- These entriez représente1,10640 -<>bjy ie.rst.otima hna routor Stock Exch nge, have issued acres and -a populatico! o 107,8S rk ia elae. Ti.Fdea aveBecet  A#Ad.osp4 their "s5th Annual Qut4t n &IsettIers. *On. thidcti.eWr»-to laOwe ieqlyr- Adspohfo aI~ Sales Record of miniag shares liii- ers te the country last year edjïgioii e ieme.Paa ii fnc l solved notto$iei t ieio.sy.Th '"e 1 _-Ϋ ed on the. Exehanges and curb g.aged la agicutural pursu it Fnik ezhro ala-l al,«* te-ii.t markets of Toroato." The. Sum- th,3 West. nTii.migration f re a si ent, sud who hiniscîf wain orig$n- a nd oaha. i eaa Mary, containing as it dosa, full the. Britiui Iesç reached 123 031' en particulars aas teCapital, shares as, compare4 - ,tn 50,700 in 1 tcaheer sn ti nufermn tlcassa l~ issued, par value, acreage, ship-pevosyathat .f rom oi î- ta h aari h~ r et -tià-b in pan D ments, dividends, -transfer oficeaI Erpe6A0,a omaedwiiire i :S&by mi" .phases >!ii. benr*tallyaebsud sales with values, higli and' Iow lâ4î17, and, het, from the United situati'On andi ar e noteshl <a rci meetings,-. uiaW:~ prices ý; uco. 31st1911, &.., sho-ulc States, 121,451. Thse area of for.; eidering the. result 'of tlieir a ù'i p. Boc,îety gathnflÇv prpve a rellable and yaluable TCfI lest reserves haqs been.. inereased d -*-4 s--- aloni kepeà,p44 - s erence.toefcery,,eue intereated Aj à froin, 3,450,1È*- atres to, 16,128,(140 r _#,aGe. UKl~. Ftreupine orCobalt stekà. Coptes Ita Te Many, b. L.d by , Wting te thé eeM-~ ~. wes rvi.b t~~S~ Plilea nI ýpubllwbjerZs M.sasmiA xis* !daniè rcc Ueron ê C., Kluig Si. West, ed the' BoWngeï. Mme êpowder- Tôroute. I houa. t Porcupine and aFiuiand- A despach-fi i'lotel eye r mploy" is supposed to have Te aët:m* uncia4 efrk14 e r' un.~~t 81 . 81-lde Is46seta 46 t. Be; so 1mtiolowSTÂ", tS et twenty- iht btsau thwosgo tthe t st. ur lx and tssrbines worked te tite factîoa e t " buid&m *"u 'mon, Aud tiéteteam mooaowy remarlable, a&l the more te 1«N ooal -W4 IM4 hrouh ut ofoi, itb bîh t s i d tiert would bae lise. bU9 lb.. 11R otas iota. Pork "short cut. 1 do., meis. $nie 0te 5 suMdu lUght, 16te 16 14etcv. 14 te 14 1- roi. 140&4 le,l; breakfast buan, 'IlSi -ska--l 1. ., avu81N85AlT onftzRAL. Noar . l ,47 1*: lo.., N .41 uS Ê«&1teS.46, te 46 tle; Na, 2 w wbt. 4e lc.Ido,,4kPe; o. 14 "o,4 -".1; atcoagbakora-, "S lIie éot. icl. 40M8 le $S; sutrags -0 00.5 t ,a #, do. .baes4 #L% I. J& ILà] " btwâa.MA aa U0 l -ç N

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