Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 19 Oct 1911, p. 4

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Votes surnaie tily. etaeciptooLMt to ion . Wna prixe allowedon ail subsciolffon Paymet to the <.Uazette or Chronicle andti h Candin om ournal. lanot, New ie .7candictate votes. 2' 'thý.Leaat lit.! Mi~ Mi i Mr wea LoI .meKIdcle WLi:by AseaÀt & b. W aliam BudIL Ctov, . lfd rauIrU: the reuuitâ w. dlaim. Ti4 remedy is caied kiexaill "W- Hair iI'oic.- We blonestly betieve Ait tu ho *tbl.Most Sc.tentlinc iefiedy for scaW andi fair t.roubles, and we know of nethîng elie taiequala it lot onuetîveneab, becasase o! tue resulte it bas producen in thouaandalui cases. Rexall I3" flair Toie la deviseci to baush dandruil, reste natural- color when its loss bas b*ýen brouglat about by disase, and make tuie hait natUfally Sllky, sot .aud gloaay. It dues tits becuuse it* stierulates thre bai£ lolliclea, destroys h~gem mat- ter, 'and brligs about a ree. eallay, circulation et blood, wh4hrorse thre hait moots, caualng tem to tigrtb- eni and grow aew hait. We waut everybody who lias any tçoubie with haïr or scalp to know thot w. thiùai that 1tez41 "IHait Tý>nic ta tAe best hait tonte and restotative ti ex- latence, and u ,une slioul ., sofi ai or doulit tus stateaient wnti tiey bave puit our clal.ms W a fi test, with tire uaideratang bat4e pay us saothiug for tire ;emedy If fi dosua ot giveNi aun Micomplote aé sIc iuAn every particular. Two 'Ies'0 et andi $1.00. Rsmmbor, yo# cmanobtain Rexail RemdIcs ita Whi4q ouly ai out store-Theo Rezali Stbre. A. H. Aitan, Drugglat. BAPTIST CHiUýCHf. aThe plaUorm mmetiuÀg evcnlng proved a «tl4 Joyable service. ir.e âtsi volis, rendýeredf speci umbers, fa *ddi 4a tir s cgreattoa Evanas playod a ireutitu Tirere were ibreS, a&it ami tiretopAs cbn , Cauued Bolv.ega0d 'iîio* Christ Brkwdpd "4Tie rolly of Netwct.',, A. ooodfellow, W. c, J. patuMSEvoe tire Jeyablsvas tIie servioce, »On Thau mla tire ehois, viii give 9%os smoeday fort I - - o coir of lotolsad- y 1g.lat. cOdnet solo l6l t»7Ia' w buSA td se wa ain BOARD OF HEALTH MEET. A meeting of the Board of 1-ealth wam beld oit Monday mumning. (.,'- plaints bad been recelved as s.o tue nuisance caused by a stecc arising from two drains, one of wbich wasaa town drain. Diy reslution tfe Board re!crred tic niatter to the latter to the Council, wîth a requcat for lis abaternent. The owiier o! tire proper- ty on whscb thre oti.er drain ta locat- cd wMl likewlse be atimonishcd tW mend niatters. TIhe jquaranttne on thc Channing aid Stewart scarlet lever patienta was reporteti raLàSet. n URIC ACID SUFFERINO. 'j ~ Uri acid ls au accumuiat4ouo( poi- son whach finds lodganeutjAn the sys- tem when Lire kidncys taUlA teremove M.) Il [rom thre btood. la tire hidiays and bladftr fitinsrma tones, Iù the joIatte and musces it causas rheumatium. lan 1 .., -~any cas the pain and' suflering la ai- -iWt.beyondihuanendurance. Uttc acit Il <promptly reunovei trom tihe systern wu hmtie 'kidneysatam kept ircaltiry andi active by using Dr. Chase'. Kidney-Lîver Pilla. canatnstonas new scirool wiii 1w rcady for occupation at New Years. Hielpfui Hints on lHait licaftir SCALP ANI) GENERALI CARL flAIR TROUBILES1 LY CAUSED BY j .ESSNESS. 1 Daitruiffla a cottagous disease carass ir a microbe vbich aisepro- duces iralda. Neyeruse a coanb or bruM l euglng te som»"a Mm.o.No matter howe w oaay tie ovneru ay lie, tiesearticles =y ire laiseWo vitir Microbes whicir Vi Inflect Jour scap. It telu atasto *te ath hit microbte UtiritItus WpUt ld of tho= anti a stulosirokce of au iscW eomb or bbruamay wvolA b o »Webs ma- S.ie4r't*y ou muybody 7dm%' hst.4any a bat-bo" audl ta u",a Ilf bU ibàppe o h tto*blivirb daita4rf, ltcbisg#calp, Ialitu hait r nlosW'.Mtave a m e-, vbuich v v.ofl.riît to yossvibtirs us1éer- stAndlug lirati lk, iii ceti yoS aolkiag 1>0011 annfoufl04 i b b ct"o, but 1t, tu underutiood thetathe, tii tlis ecoahkg Broc k sUoet Indicate liii se- iketëd route. Auto lb cosnget bwr4laa street ýtirr reè o aof *takes, onie cet eàst o! Ornwiton's tculeno, the other set west oý it. 'Whteh, il eltirer, la the~ chosen boa- lion la uncertaîn. '4t la ikely aow 14at construction wlll lie begun 'thi year, as not>bung lias yet. been donc lra this county aM to the securlrag .of the right o! way. CASTOR lA Fat Infaunts and Childrn. Tho KInd Yom Baie Mways Bought Bearsthe Signature ef SALE REGIS'. .-R. Wedneaday, Oct. 25.-Auctilm sale of farta stock and implements, Ulie preurty ut i1îWlCketL, lou. 7, con. 2 elucering. Maw and Powell, auction- eers. Saturday, October 28, lllll-Auc- tion sale of tarin stock and impie- ments, the property o! Mr. F. L~. Rosa, Lot 2. cuu. âj Uxbridge, near (flua Major. bale at one o'clociL sharp. Wrx. Maw, auctioneer. Friday, Octobcr 27, I1l-Poutponed sale of tarin stoclc and impleaients, the property of Rtowland B3ail, lut 5,i cou. bs, 'lp. of Uxbridge, near Uhali Lake. Sale at one o'clock. Wm. Maw auctioneer. FOR BACKACHE AND KlDNEY TROUBLE. or U~ Oett gres plet Suit, amiP wni, wll ro. u, llaggett, twiriu, 14e itobMt& and M.RN so 9011 nïIt dtugtrý,l VOUNTY 01P ONTARtIO. kI 4TY-(Clk, Mt"8a . L. Mc uaMmoIWhity-Jau. If# lob. S, Maut*h à April 4. Kay à, JIau» 7, J Uly 8,0Sep%. Ils Oct. Io Nov. 7, Due. 7,0<J". 15, 1918. a USRÂWÂ-Clerk, "MIs . L. .Mae- dosolWtby-Jaa. 17# lob. fi MM4#8,ApnSA% gay a4,.jiams a, ici? 4 Ufl.pI149 1tm. , se e. ai DOO.. te Jan. 1eu 1o18. a BROUJGHAM9-1OIgM. Gleea, Grecwood-Jaa. 18, MatchS6, MAT és July 60, Sept. 149, Nov. 99 Je&. SPORT PERRY-Clork, J.W. Duta. bainPort Ferry-Jan. tu, iMarch 70 liai 6, JuIy 60 sept. l6, Nov. lu Jan. 18, 1918. 4 UXIsitiDGE-Ol.rko at. J. lKoto, Uzbridg-jau. là, achl 28, May* tôt July 28, Sept. 82, Noy. 179 Jana. Il, 1,12. 5 CAUNNGN<IN-Clerk, Qeo. Smith emaaat.oD-Ja. il, Match le, May 17, July 27, hlei.t. ait, Nov. 10, Jana. il, 1912. & BEA%'ERTON--C1erk, James K.J Gordon, Baverton-J au. il, Karoh au$ May la, July 26, Sept. sau Nov. là, Jani. 10, 1918. 1 UPTERGItOVE - Clork, DaaIe Leonad Athsrley-Jau. 10, Match SI, May 19, July 25, Se»t. le, Nov. 14. Jan. 9, 1918. Dy ordor, J. E. FAREWELL, Clerk of thre Puao Dated at Wbltby, Nnv. 21s. 1910. Staceasrs ta Cody Brou. PRAOTrOAL UNDERTAKERS - Charges Moderube. PlionI l 'OOLIj Ou r Seven Colleges aene esta.blishedtring bbcpu L 30 y ea rt. 'rte largest traînera in Canada. Owing luoOur connection aIl over, Ontario, we do better f or oui grad. îîates tbaîs any other Seliuol. Voi' aaay atudy ai l at home or partlyat4 boute and effnidi at the College. Aflliated with Thc Comuterci al E-dUcators Asociation ut Canada. l woulil be wveIl for yon lu iavie- tigate before cboosing. Exoluoslve-4 riglit for{nt.arinof lte worid.fam-4 ffl Blim sBook'.keepiaig 8ystein, whicla le nnetlauuled. it ln Actua]4 Ilusineus froint art 10Finîsh, and4 the s'aident keepm saute booktt â» Cliartçred -Banks maid NWolessle - flouses, Enter any time. Mui Terni Prom Aug. 28thWý I lit-lotHavi Ioyou t sýs ssucir. Il y1 aeayo ts ieo [i ji b. 08 tiila WO*ek ow-ilxgto ilies. Hoelias been work4ngtobad of lae. WHifTBY MARK/TS Alsika clover, per bus. .-88.60 to 9.00 Wheat, mcd .. ............. 0.90 to 1.00 Whoat, whlle..... ........0.80 to 0.86 Wheat., toms..... ........ 0.80 to 0.80 ~Wheat, sprlng ............ 0.80 to 0.85 Wheat, fal......... ... ..0.80 to 0.83 Barley ..................... 0.75 to 0.75 lieasa... ........ .....0'outO1.00 Rye.............. ........u0.76 mo 0.76 Peus.......... ...... ... 0.85 to 0.90 Buckwheat ...;............ 0.55 to 0.55 Oats ............... .........0.40 to 0.40 Ried Ulover ........ ....9.00 to 10.00 I"LOUR AND TEED. Fleur, paret ..._. ... 2.75 te. ..00 chopped food, cwt .....1.6-0 to 1 bu Corameal.................00 te 2.50 Brasa, per ton ..........2-5.00 to 25.00 k"hrts per m ....a...863.00 tO 127.00 MEAT, POUL.TRY AND PRODJCE. Bee!, per cw l.. .... 9,00) to 10.50o i.attl, lAve welght .... .5 to 800 Mutton, per lb ........ .0. 12 t0 0. 14 Laanbs, e«ci.............4.00 to 5.50 Hoga, dressed .... ...... 9.00 to 10.00 hlop, ligbt sad fat... .00 te 7-.0 Hlogs, sec ........*..8.00 to 8.001 Chiokosas, per lb ..........0.14 to 0.15 Duoks, pet lb........ 010 te 0.18 GeSs, dreMsd, per lb.... 0.10 to 0.18 Turimys, drused, PUt lb. 0.20 to 0.26 'lutter, per lb..........__0o2,, W 0.30 Eggs, per doz., new.lald 0.18 Wo 0.20 Lard, per lb .............. 0.18 to 0).20 Potatoes, per bag ........ 1.50 Wo 1.50 ApplespPet barrotl.....1.50 to 8.00 OUlOas, per bag ........ .1.00 to 1.00 HaY, pet ton............14.00 W 15i.00 HIDES. Wool, uaswashed........ Cali skias. purlb ... Lam p et& ....... ... RSheepaimna......... Deacou.......... ..... .. Horsu bides .......... .. Tallow, rend., pet lb. 0.11 te 0.12 0.13 te 0.13 0.70 to 1.25 8.00 to 9.00 0.78 to 1.16 0.25 to 0.70 2.50 to 8.00 0.06 %0 0.061 Open Meellng of Grange AT ALMONDS Tiiursday, Octoheî 19thL at 7.30 p.m. ~Address by J. H'. H are. 13.S. A, (Isît [ept. Agriculture Address hy T. A. Benon on Win'ter Ejg Prodluct*i,n. S An exrellent- musical pro- Sgramime has been provided. JÂVegeable 'eparationforAs-I sLEE=g Rp!- ness andRestCoitalns nitucr Aperfect Renwldy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomch,Diarrhoea. WVorrn,Convuisions.Feverisit- nes and Loss or SLZEF. Tac si"miSiratu rc L .XCT COPY'PY "AMDK. NEW STATION AT MANILLA. The new railway station at Manilla .JUflCti(>Iiii nearnlng completion, and will be ready for occupancy belore the snow files. The old station at this point was destroyed by fire last May. The new structure 18 quite moder n design and presenta an attractive ex- terior. The f reiglit shed bas been used as office and waiing reoin ince the fire, and employeeo! the road 83 CALLS Were rereived asat month for office he1pý-37 were Jeft unfilled. De- nianis for traincd help ane go great thiat we can afford to "Igu.arantee a position to every graduate or î e- fund tuition money.0s If YOU arc ahxious te succeed write for ou'r beautiful catalogue today. central Business College, Toronto W. H. SHIAW, Principal. IASýTOR lA a ur Infante -and- Ohildren. rhe Kind'You Have Always Bough; Bears the i/%, Aà Signature of j I n Use Thirty Years CASTe RlA vue omalaci eeusauv. uiw coma and the travelling public have been greatly inconvenienced. WIIITBY JUNCl'ION. olngWc...~.. SM.Golng aF.ss... 8.1a.Iai . .î. 1 ... 3 S7 P.i SundaY trains leave for Toronto L562 a.n. and 8.34 p..Froin Tor-- anto-trains stop at Whltby jun.cti4»i tt 8.15 and 9.55 a.m., andi8.30 p.mn. UP-TOWN STATION. Golng North -.85.ao .n. oing South -7.8 a-lu. ..4 r3 P.Il..15.is M STAGES. . Leaves Whltby for Oâhawa aI 10 &.mn. and 4 pin. Jos. Hlepo irietor. LUves for Broughamu st 1a ltoem Sot, proprietor. ht vas the lest 25 heai Ago-It is the lest To-day You have &II heard of the Happy Thougbt range and most of y ou know some one who owns ýone. One of the fi rst ranges made exclusively for the Canadian market, it is stili first in the estimation of the Canadian housewife. The R-4aae hés iirianhaned ras Icadiag pos.lîiun through the deter- ianattun us aus ui.&ers that authanig saort of tie vcry best was gocal CliOUgbLtu put anto at. À nit best uatrraaatrie besi workmaaship, tic bear ideas. Every Y car t'as scctî si a better range. A..very aew tada in range oeaxing ha. becn rhuroughiy îested and when lounci tu bc an àanvantagt in bas bca auieu t01e thHappy By ris eans alone could its supreinacy be ma.înaisied--and that I ais been maintaine<I as testîfieci to by thie erihhusiastic Prarbe os abe thiousaads of housewives wlio use il. t-one and sec ont ai our store. la appearance, as la generai worth, ai leads. More than a q uarter or a mil11lion 1 «Happy Thougiita" a a 1t Cd4y U»e in UaISna. Th'ie siraplest and rnopt effectiVe rcmnedy for sic.k kitineys la Booth'a &ldney Pilla. If thmete is weakneast congestion, inflammation, or gorelnese Booth's Klidney'Pilla qulckly relieve ' it. Tbey gentîy itimutate, toue - , anti strengihen b sicir k i d-n ey à - rive away back- ic.e, rheumatic pgn anad dizzi- nes, clear rip and -regulate thre urine .andi te- - -store a perfect flterlng -o! lb.h blood. Best <of all, thia relie! la per- Ail druggists seli andi guarantee Booth's Kliuey Pilla, S&W. box. Mon.- ey back if tbey tai to relteve. Write thc R. T. Booth C3o-, Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont., for a free trial.. Mr. 1-1. W. Willcox at.tendcd thre BC- wmnintal Conference in Toronto lasi Tirnraday. liiiouaeusat due Wo a dlsordgiced Condition et thre stouiacla.Cambberî- la ' aliletâ aré-essesaially &a tout- acr mâdcWlute nded espocally tW act ou tiat orgaaa; tuo CkwSBO t bllousuospogftvely aMd etuay.- vot saleby aul dealet.-19. SU1E <AINED -3dLUS-. - mmay men viti veali itery bl1o" Mud 4u-0m. i ba perva b"t sud wau, Au tact, a. suîauAvaid. Doc- iota moitue =y bmt a" id hlas ,Yom i have borna streof ourw-tif Stiple 1 asIy. VapI. MeEdvsri4 09etSurs1is l1l ow t Ar realave. Nas 0m14.coUl, aséA. L: et .1Lm***-o, £sglaad. bu* ne taud -t e r114 alter Iv h '1 VOTJNG CNTEST O pen toAny Y- ýoung L.ady, Married or Single, R esiding inWhitby or Vicinity .inrt iar Boum - Four I~~~Itha od àce r9k 1 1 uesdiay, Oct. 3 1 si., 191 .-Auctioja S.tic ut humres, tuuggas, Aan:e andi IuîniIUre, it tiiv jiuj.vy o1 i. Coî5c biowill,ac, bfA, li L utv illage o1 Luluua bris, ka,î ýv lii&uy. ialc ai às-3u Octok. l4 u. m~aw AuctiuUeier. I lit Liberal Cunâcrvatives of the à uwunaip ut vN hbLy waait olOa a ccî- ang iut, Lc ivasonac kHall, liroukisti,u VNcUiàue5Udy Oct. 2i1h, tu SCIicctajclc gaîC3 LU tOlc tIVCL u,. ubc idOlam eiN bay un I î.ur d-%~, icî. 20a1. AluIn 1 P Îy- :1

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