*1 and you won' kâwyouiaet *hTbyUwêi- th&t your food i. p', tgetîd Tyd best cf the' N4-.g.DkU ë C druggists in Camd&IâZ. SU.,.; sto c lce d th e m y t , t e d s S O '. and w î. r MT4lu"opAueAND cHimuSAL C. or Csuas UuLw ~CLOSE QU ARTE S; OR, TH-E HOU! RUE BARI CHAPTER VI. b lu The osight of Talbot'à letter eemn- e] tic fir. Brett'a imagination - . 0 radiated eoectric energ3r. Both n Lord Fainholme and Mime Talbotp feît tiRatinlu is presence ail doubts a vaniahed. Tbey realized, witho ut l kuowlodge why, thattVils man 0f tc power, Ibis human dynamo, would a quicekly dimpel the clouda whicb noww render.ed the. outlock oe forbidding. ni For the. moment, beediesa cf their ( presence, ho began te pue the b, room in tiRe atrenuoum concentra- le Lion cf bis thoughts. Once b. ha>t- t ed inu front eft the oaIt buet of Ed- n gar Alla.n Poe, whose p..detal stili t inprisoned the tva cuttinga cf a rn newspsper which formed the. ban-9 ristere finsti lnks with the Ira- C gedy. Hie ideas suddenly revetd a to the. paragrspb describixig the. ef- t forts ci the Porte to obtain tram tihe French Govenument the extra- dition of a fugitive relative cf the. Sultan. At that instant, toc, a tiY dlock ou the. mantelpiece chimed fortb the. heur of oight. "That setties it," saisi Bretti aloud. "Smith," li e vclferated. And Smitbh appeared. "Pack up ufficient belongings for a bhurt trip tic the Continent. Don'tt Vo.rget a rug and a great-coat. Have1 the~ portmanteau on s cab at thei. "xr vithin tire. minutes." 4 'I arn sorry, Miss Talbot," he continuied, wth his chari-mng amile and a manner as f ree fromn perpiex- ity as il b. wali anneuncing a fer- mai visit tols grandmether. -I have Juil decided V go t.o Paqs aM C')c e The train leavea Victoria &t Lord FaIrholme will take yen and you will both, 1 am turc# ùi oruvirce Sir Hubert thai -grcsntly to anxiety just r' &.M retbà dj .~-60 .--. -- a fing viit to Parle just nov mnui 0 uuuialy advanco us au Im- potnt sap ltI thinquiry. lAt 2". .xpIa.dn .xactly viat 1 man.- Üer. is a letton f rom ycur brother, I~haudvntilng wb y ou end, utht bed quUefd to futg de- diaro t. b. uidW&nla b a.It &W 'SEIN THIE ears post-manku wfhioh voulsi de- onstrate toa acourt <flav liaI il, ras posted iu Pars* a ii u eceived liere to-day. But il does it tollow that, It wua vitteun ' anris; it miý,...ha" ebeen vritt.u nyviiere. Nov, aoording ta the )olice, tiRer. lan no ntry li th. visi- ors' book ah tthe Grand Hotel viich ýppears ta prove, tiat youn brother 'rote liis nam hereiu ou Tuesday igit. If lie iandvniliug luthe 3ranS Hotel regiter corresponds eyond st.l doubt $vitb tiat in lii stter sud envelope, theu yeur bro- Ler musI b. lu Paris. Il il de eot, iRe imnet tb.erç. 1 am conviuced bhat the latter iiypotbem.sis l cor- ect, but Vo make doubly aune I vil: go andS e. vith my ovu eyes. Tbene now-I oved yen an explanation, on.d I bave barely %lime to catch my rain. Good-byo. ,I1viii vire yon n tic mornnug."' H. placed lthe m$à terni'letton in his notebook, gaviO hem s a ntiud imile, and vas gene. Re managed bc catch the.8.18, which alart..d puI4gIiily, the sel reMuant 0f railvavirtue possessa b7 lb. Chatham sand Bout Brawl ern lin.A resttul porter, quicken. ed jute active lite by a baif-cnovw tip, fouud hi= a vacaul seat lu frst-claus amokiug carniage, aui Brett's ha.sly glauce round ti compartinent roeldlahis tra velling compainout, as far es D ver, ah aity rate, vwer. severeiy rM spectable Britons hound fer th, Rivions. ThRe barbon station ah Doyvai wr it. unutual aspect of deiecte mi, -À sUif breor.. 4d brougil up moUrate aca, &bmd the. barriste bumbd 3dovu bhs bag and flun e 01 the chauhbouse. Rébol io omlent t0 à a£eV minute Adxs nowa4ed ton bis foresig ir saash]ntsý meutsequeiter e 00 o d«lw*nmthe. vossetur ber heasi se4va.rds nd bop of thé à 0uirt.;l1but perbal movn¶ t iu satl a proriot nigt iansB etro» sud mm aashorttouret he adMp, Té.dA Mcot ut tinestion. Ibo pu eue n erni . b led op in i*del ahi.le ae mauthere va4 bard llght muficlut effeot a s#ab" _pregnosa ovien Lb.multitude dived d0ovathoUe M -rVq oaie quisa boeladivI aibWho b44 Bomew uLrd in tlw mi "SecotladITr1d lsU.qjvaxopneps ,#m fonMm r a WWa mil b~usuiiii, iathei b"4 r1~tr> uixderordinary ircnu stnebut Mas - niy lybuuess M Paris isto examnea btl gi.t!r sand theu geV 4omethg ta est bln rtrIdo not vimh to vaïte l ime uunemessrily on the The.other -man uodded affablys but gave no* sigu cf further inter- est. e bli dsh,o%. dProsporeu mS r-, citer the. greatet taintyau bouit erttufliS. q -a=. 1la ne omable arg- ment to Offset heact thtvh't in tiRe beut Investient for tiRe Bauk surlus in the boit Invoat- me~nt for thRe ilidividui niveston. 11o,11 commuued Brett, "if il be------ Gaultir, h.o ha not> heard tiRe lat- q Write to-day for our bookiet est developmentm. 1 must trY a Oti ome, d. >~ susv frontal attack." rcmed 44Does your namne bappen to e b Gaultienr2"VI howent on. R OiY AL The stranger arested bis liqueur E RIT E glass in the. final tilt. S C R T E "dIt doces" he ssid; <-but I do0 CORPORATION net tbink 1 have the pleasure ci knowing you. DBANK 0 O e<TRBÂL DlSDHG "No," saisi trett, "you iiaven't." O ROE NDQ T «Wel?" said the, othîr man. TOJRONTOang '<Tii. act is," said Brett, oqAA.usc1LFXLNO(N. beard you hasi been iu London. 1 guessed tram your appeanance that you migbt b. s King% messeuger, "Te you are quite certain. il aud il vas just possible that thewsTlot"wn n h ars Captain Gaultier lunvliom 1î as i- vtaeo"veto.ii ars terested migiiti aant b.ack totah e ;Qite certain." Continent to-uight, 80 1 put 1w, "ý'Would you swear it vas ho, sud tve> together, don't you see, thougl isu lite depeuded on you-' with lhe neenît that they make four, "No, ne," intenrupted tiRe other. a tbinx vhicli doesn't alvsys hap. -1 rather haod a good look at hit pen in deductien 'if lu mathema- atndh.ly.Woeeti tic Galireydbs man vas, he appeared ta b. vrap- * Cptin aulie eed iequ'es- ped up in beth of them, sud kb tiouer viti some degree of stern c til u e or bevte 1suspicion as he said f rom behind lis 1 naturs.hly thouglit tRaIt the femin - cxgar- ine attaehment -seounted for thm I "'May I ask vie you are 1" sud fer tiRe saine reasn, 1 did no' "Centainly," replied Brett, zvo- even seek ta scruti.nize 1dm tog dueing bis carS. clesey. To put tiRe thing lu a nul Aller a quick glauce aI the pm.te- shidu, 1 eav a man vbom 1 beiev aboardc, Gaultier continue- Vo b. Jac Talbct-and vho car 411I suppose, Mr. Brett, you bave tainly resembled i min l face tii i aome motive in addnessîug me i figune-att.ired iu Talbofa clothes g What sit IIl"yand earng aooatvwichhBdnot 9I amrn itereeted iu the fate.of a ed 60 part4culsrly as t e ble t. S> Man zamed Talbo," vas LiRe descrabe Il b my tailon viienco * traigtonward reply, "sund.a» you dernu a onilar eue. Add tth* tE lid the.Under-S.crdt5?Y liaI yoiilthe appeamaxce of an attrachi' V bac)»S Talbot er.aung te panis lay, youcg sud unkzovu, sud yç iin Company vit -a lady laat Tues- hae nmy acul laid bar. to yeu Bû dsy, I hoped liai> penbsps yen the, malter."1d a vwould net mimd dIsusing the mat- "Thaà k y ou" eaid BretI. 'lIa ýd ten vith me." much obligd.', l- Captain Gaullien vas evidentlY (To b. continueS.> a- puzzled. Private conversations with____ 0- lJnder-BecretaIies ci StaVe are.net, o- aS & ruie, public pnoperty, and bih, TUE ABROFLÂN4E Ii WAIL ie mcmenhary intention te decline fur- tiRer Conversationi vit Iis -aod- France snd Germanyl ai. Batl re looklng and faainatlng stranger fatr Rpre w asah.cked by nomembrance 0f tie Grastifconb fâct Getsaifcto ,asbe a r$PWwIlye Mr. Brettl, b. aaid, pnussed in France tt the . monos' on '<#athougi I do not. question *iii earpaal ercn 129 .ccuracy cf youn aatMeuent, yen tat~y manoeuvres. Gen. Ohomo w iii readily understand lihatI I«canho direoted the. viole 0otheb-ma or hardlY diausu tbe malter vitb yen sicevrel, declares that the . a no under the. circumataticO" Plano. i tho.zoo"t, v.fle b%, Qaulhior le.sly iieaitatoebut eglu' ce val w have , vr ba >11t1 did net refuse te acopt the - Under- Gmi- BOUMS tal" cf O=u Plus g «Scete*riletter wviich Bret thed f sour&ïn d " itoIO< 1 là -bd te 1dm , vit hie vbonwd- tiposa 1re hs a u au To koyo v lb.ianduilthé,ner 1- tflepoflonett enoix 6Pe doubt t" iatli *i@ recreu ~~~~~~vî *ben paa o t.l. '~h Io en Oin&ael W-6, C6,r.tti og , t. bt.. A.stà ta d seDocavslrn theu l bi old e.êuId1u q .hiCd.SÇO» b adoi, "4 slifonnd thep. The, aoropi#twà e" wi u*piigiou i Ub . ob ould spot mes edl.~ Wffrf Ur. Bret -, Go. Bmad, "'ay bave ov clerdte ain. W1RIMW& avr ata "w &a oaatit do' Sor yout"lOfe t4u dor frmdaetOPIi th., ~Z- tupy tisl"'d 4te b&nis tees Ritbot i*l e tan li 4IY ter; "do 700on d telint me bov , btnos vu Ithot nss #p14 IO¶ yeu ïmrt mopise-MrTalbot 1" buvbeen kikenby sonial obsegi #Well, for one thit%," vas the sp hâvemeai sd av hOu tluogbtful nplyl <I knew bis over-, e t RR- ost jeluly Mid - I etten met 'Talbot in theii. -o dloÇ. 411-. Fon.t fi Uéeiand one day ho drove Wrigl ojnto iE se tolkits club veaxin s veiy tile -, 1w »Pot= lâm momouteai usdit *aoban- IL ,fjerg " s aiû Tzut 14; lie hd, s ndtaiggeroéd off wlthoat, ,%#Y, elle, word ïTo1d- foitt P4 *tf$LfB I dbhtd outmy suspc6f b Tbeot ,VODreart cl re [ sêé'tend ~fl.ir A'. iBl7 0081<13 tht rfoot. Thn and thér bgt t'ry mnstl" penliapa 8 I niéket goer my estimtebOlS Lficent à atest A£5 auy 15 that which throughout that, tnip, ht ê *r~ss 'en itymenbav te~ ter.waa a ma oswork, o- tw Lb ng~C. fti od.Iimen'a work,'-to bedoue, Yi~ Ir 'The. Loq;of t .-~oth Shore ship was camping-ight on the iciý, club, i, Lrkland B. Â1eéander tellseermnu. how ie ud Jim and<'Fed"sud It simply' goes to show that an eîxýý i1eEglishmian, agd the. rest of the pensive camping toilet and waxed*- patset down in thie wilderness [utce e, u fe o, dà K'- on thé. shores <of Lake Superior, met WROth id faufc bie ' the emergencies thM - arose eUt of 1wilderns reuüiaa d di t)i ie.ïee îty ,,f,'datrying cafoes, ing admiration are madle. procvisions. aud mo forth, over the "tete-road" f rom stream Voe streain.- They began witb "Mlatant eonfid- STORIES OF AFRICA. fl «T XflÀ once and premature optimism." -ST "Say, this trip isn't où tougli, lu-at30ioskflodth&1»ATC B O after ail," we told one another. "Just enough walkiug and poi.tag- jfte ing te keep us in shape 1" Dr. Dunbar-Bruntofl, a well- And George heard ail that tend- known big game huter, wbo lias erfoot talk and grinned saturninely. spent some years in nortiiestern George said the next portsge w" 5Riodesia, has salue interestiflg <"; u' "quit. leetie wak-yes-mebble two stories to tell of that country- where mile and a half-sure-'bout dak "h. tived as a district medical officer. "1IS i" We took Vothe. tote-road again. The lions wbich roam the coun 'msrn i l Him lordship feit ambitlous. Hia try stretching southward f rom Lake luncheon on the.ehore f the little Mwern have been man eters f rom "~«I 1< lake hac) uouished him, ad bis time immemorial- Withiu a recent, ;î'î8"11 fi ilt heart waésinging. He wanted to, penîod fifty-three mexi have been an prove te us-sud particularly ta killed by them in one district. The nrp4nIt'I1111 Geore Aure-tat ablooingnatives cannet protect tbemselves. ahorigine had nothing to show him. as they have no guns, sud mun ad- Rie icked eut the. sack f pottoes ditional risks owing to their care- for 1bat partage. lessues. Potatoes in bulk atimulate neither I apn o edmta w tii.memry er he magnatonor three men sitting in the open A There is no poetry, no inspirationtligthe. aId folklore stories wbich ,LUI 8Tr M no reserve iritellectual force, no the l ovlingry wl b o n ed T - N T , N r ropons., to dvotion-nothing but the y ove se ea ilgli onced T ON"00N' cearme, back-breakixig, soul-revoît- ~ b a-sig lo u ining weigbt in a sack of poîatoes. kiiled before they can turu their *W. wondered at bis lordship's taste heads. Many a man etooping ove£ whou lie selected potatoos and left bis tobacco plants lias been seizedagne ybfislghd à -l. camea. ad rd-caes.But wayand carnied off by s lion whicli las aoisb o ie ihe o.t h.mra aent, blitly, on t t wad- made its way tealtbuly througb the them. haietmiely nttotage.- outakints cf Vthe village. For flirtlng and 'ight bebavi", ri a-al -mred tortpctagelipd It is no wonder that they bold women liad their noiseta. ears aIdý F'eda phyamck elfand vipentotatuis superstition, for thei. ý:)-lips cut off sud Dr. Uunbar-Bflii Ftrough wlhsiclslfan wùton bas seen many of tiiese or "- si trouh wth t, oo.George, BiIly city of their chiefs lias been beyond siures. For speiking againt a A~ T., Tommieu and Pet. had teted thRe words te descrihe. Tii. late Mwani- tepnsm was muilaL1tion o canoes tva miles, viiore the trail ha was a blood-tbirsty monster. the topue n dai ent .Fr t t- breaks off from th. tote-road, drap- Determined ta ishow bis power over -one ban d ars opFdorf aba d ped thein, and come back for auoth- his tnibe and to punisli hein for thei. a. baud v asd theothrdoff ut r- or load. immoralitiea of wbich tbey are toc aiecot offencedt. Thi e .an l of %d 1Iwvon't say wb.at I carried. The. oflen guilty, h. put them te torture wasecndflloee-Tbw pslenn1 cu.i s, firet mile I vas ashamed of il and -and death for the least offence. 8 *gn f ilTo e ronst a 4- glad I1via last. Then I began 'lftY Mon a.ud *vomen 1woeéspiked ten yc&r o ago. ewbet hlar to thnklng of the. chers' elLoshuosa lu on stakes sud as they'did not di. ha il- a mancf ouwstmldr lr giviug me ail the: bard work; untilt quickly vers r6sted in their last disposition. t t & mle and a halt, I vas just> -2-= = ~about the hiningestli11111.martyr ~that eter wandersd the. voodiaud ~ ~ in vithout-h np îor halo. But tienI overtook bis lordmbip. un He wussitting on bis saokofpota- tees, bis face buried in -is febande. 1 spoke, lightly, obe.rily, and boý 9a.edsomothuirg througli; bis tlng 1 blundez'ed thon. I ofeéred-to carry liat sack of petateo.-raeb or, to try-te carry tiRaI ,ck of pots-- a>toes-ter a. vile. What 1 recoivedl vas vhb1 Ideserved. RitIo lrdsbip rose, fiung thRe po*- «- oo t po bis poor to slaed.m- ' i na- oi 1 P Sugar.