fMr. MeEvoy #Uwi rîêt-fr, ýthis pape r -a& *ries -6f- ltterg fnît e 'West. ?Th.y wll appoar from ime to tue Ufluý deî the above heading, aud, will give a pictureofe the great Canadian ýwest frein -the standpoiîît of a Young Ontario man going ont thero, te inako bis way. These lot. tors ahould be fuîll of inte.ost for every Oittario father.hJ 'Kamloops, Sept. 141hà . . 1 M¶Y Doar fld.- AlthOugh thbs letter ls dateti Kamloops have Jusi loti that place anti amngetL ir funihor (rom it every minute.1 h1writing Ibis iu a corner of the oh- Fr - ýtton car on the irÀperial imrited, iLeiarne the (,. P. R. gives the train 1h à lruns throuclh from Mlontreal ta 'Van- The observation car has a dpep )1%f rm behlnd where yen cen ait out on01 tL1. steols and vatch the scener>'i wtht anti glass or window trames t I tritirfeýre vltb the view. You gct the real unurîà inn air, to as tie train sildeg pasth iesuent peaks. and while Coiir throuigh one of the m.le-long tunnels t0 day I heard the splasih of an underground etreaini anti teit the drip of the vater. Just wihvre I amn sittintthere la a writ- ing detik. anti c!oae beaide it is a book catie ib a couple ot hundred bocks Wo (Ilost £rom if you vaut to reati. i ncotkie that they are not used mueb. 1 didn t ste anyone reading them. tii' accriery Io îoo attractive for that. Wue magazines,. owever, which belong Le the library, stere much in dernanti. WeII. it bais been a vonderful day for me. 1 vas up early. for the train lbaves Calgary at 3.15 arn. right on the dot. That saoe e îing thnt has surprised me on t.hia trip. W hile a local train ln On. tario may bc anywhere (rom hait an bour te an Lour late. these trains which maku a run for nearly flire thougand miles Dull out oft he station ight on Mmne. 0f course. they must loue in Win- ter when Lhe smev drifts. Thon a train may Le excused for beiag a day bobioti time. We ran eut ot Calgary ln tue dark, but It vas darlight b>' thielime we reach- ed gxahaw. when you are right close up tote b ountains. Here i noticeti a num- - ber of long. dusty-looking buildings. TRacy are part et one of the largost cernent vorlts ln Canada. Then vo vont tbrougb whai is callod "The Gap," rigbtInto the heart et the montains.4 Il vas et Camore that 1 firsi realltid what mountains were. 1 almply cannot1 describe the feeling of ave t.hat is ex- perienoct inl looking on them fer the firuL time. The otlier vide of a level Valley. periapo senie lOve mile. away, thoy rose up, up. up. grey. silent. m4aei la tbo Urey light et early moruing. vitRa the mists sf111 clinging about them. ftey seernotitteliftIthemselves above- anal out efthLe verîti. andi to Le a1togotiier ap.t trom man anti the tý1ittle this thiat busy hlm. Theyv ere solitary, rfflote, andti Lire val noeîcgn et living U&DU near hem. Andtin between the mllun Urey' pcaks. miles beonti. a glisipe might ho caught ot another. . Igher peai, gnow-covored. gilded wiith the bulght; f rosb sunlight t o arly morning. They vOro grand. 1 JusI bang on te the rail- ing ai the back oethbce bservatloqlb cr anti gazeti. and gazed, and gazeti. AU the Lime 1 vas drinkiag le theo Wonder oeth<e mouutains i vas thini. ing that i mad nover betore realkx.ed viat & mentain vas. Pictures give yoia no idea ai ail any more tian a portrait et aà t'erton ean &Peak ho yeu.lAd i1vau thiuking. tee. vit a pity il vas that ail ml felk& coulti net Le wiîh me te mee abd appreciate this wonderful bit et egr Canada. Perhapts On.etf he things tRat malaca the mountains impresvive. js ha tbey belp yeu te underotand te ruaI geai@ et ereation. Theae îremendouli monuments ot rock have bt-en toseeti . _b .it a ---orne __ e ts .- pa -eln anal *IL la osa lrem«o*oa#si, @eo*wb'utMikesi kg. Aa palme liat you runôu .at" o ù* river ruaisE iisr0bgii t ao bridtes aadtrUis tma aIta0 ýb4Is thctaia~t e on., am w .aibIh 'alallop, 1 ut .-Ou ê ide 02theMO.~p*a tà be! epow i o g la ii ; 3a à .bm W1To anal aollehou coe s bÀoUth boe . isa se ~ I"mstFï. but licutdo. be ISUr FOU bnt ga diotIOUar7 $tii yn, 'r »oU vi» rZ oui Lt- adeectyr4sbetfoir w.;l "~n * iu amy lute"vouloirl, rpalg tImU Inaction., vRaon& Rie ln.branbf, off 10 tb~Okaagm Vlie..-beposR Mda %I.Ape bll of lb.. proviue.-"ri anioug beside Sbuahvap Lake. an"d tR* o muet ligRts and rn.IotlonusInu t m siioam ~ale' ve vr~ eastuLand eontrast-. ta vfýth theé iggd bat ftaie mouan taà ins.Tbe igbts voie lUt vhou vo ras into Ksaloops. andl the tevuvas out. tinoti vith bnigit dot@ vhere lb. street lights atood inluthe darknesa uiader the «batiow"meuatains. (lood-bye nov. Dati. I bave iquit. a piece te go yet, but l'in not. tireti ef trq'vel1ing, as I expectoti to be. as thoro's alvayu somethingt te me. Your lovixig son. JIU. CHOIR SI.NGER'S SALÂRYT. Receire $5,000 a Year for Slnging Once a Suaday. JI.tAUTAEUL CITY. It la TRe Iraatheon o! ýPatroltlaî and BOUV of YatIon#4l-- ?lnt tuiiýe and m#riinl oi- modeiu cities, wham moùder thati thie heurt: et eviry'true Sootenan pulses, at thie vîry mntion o01Ithe nu».e, To'tii, Bootamantii. Mcd- eru -Athens ja what the, Qld At..u mas t, e ireek, the. pantheon od patriotiuemi the .80socf national hîsor an -aasocIaion, saya theo Ediburgh Sectiutan. Bnresjy ne ciftf o-du.y van m:cve the, stranger as Edinburgh, w'thiti mixture o! romance cf the. pat and -o! the. lite to-day ini ox9uistie blend ing cf beauty. Re is indeed a clod who at ite ight feels no-t an eetazy amounting almoat te paiîa, s> lovely je this most lovalile cf capitalr.. Nature itueif ha& wcl cndovwed Edina. In the. digtance lies the sea. At on. aide rises the majestic rock crowned by the grim old fortreas, while a mile. away toweris CarlIton lli, a.nd between theïe extends the finest promenade in Eux.ope with its stately edifices, its gardons, an.d its monumenta. The highest-priced choir singer in -What bootse it te, say viien fat the world ls Corinne Rider Kelmey, Edinbumgi amose. Lot it 8uffiee to- who receives $5,000 a year from the state that -she received hem name First Church of Christ (Scientist) f rom Edwin, King of Nerthumbria, in New York for singing once every a territory whici in that seventh Sunday nine nionths in the year. In century embraced ail the. Nerthi- her single person ah. is the wviole land, from the Trent upwards, in- choir, and the entire appropriation cluding Yorkshire. for the vocal music goes te ber. ln UE NDSDT addition, her outside earnixngs fropn QITAUSDT concerts, it is claimed, bring ber as is this city cf learning to-dayn in 4ita! ineemne close te $20,000 a year. tii. pash it vas ever thes focue of hum- Fur the singer with ambitions the bulence, of stormi and passion. liený choir has usually beeD a stepping- armed ho the teetii tien flau.nted stone. Girls with more voice than dowu tiie narmow streets, wiiicii rneans have been glad to accept a quarreis and bloodeiied clalrned for church position fer the chance cf their own. "Tiie etreels e!f highi being heard, with little moe by Dunedin sav*lances gleam and fl- way of salary than compliments and chions redden, -and heard the. sleg- cabfare. But Mre. Kelsey chose her a deadly yell." Edinburgh's fitld deliberately because o! il. f ree- mob vas kuowu throughout Christ- dom from the advantages cf bving sndoîm as the fiercest o! fghteru. inseparable f rom tic theatre. 8he Il 'tua in 1128 that David I. has aung in epera and kuowe. 8he. foünded the Abbey of HolyrPod, wa- bora in Rochester, No* York, ainco viien the city bas. grovn in, but early vent vest and receive steady progression, -stsrhi'ng 'nith, the grounding o! ber musica educa- the. long straggling Hig.1 atreet, tion in Chicago. Then s he vetho connecting the. castle antIAbbeyr, Nov York for furtiier inst'uct.ion- wiiich gradua.liy sont -oit branchez To help te puy for ber le4ieons ah, -o!fwyude and closes. Then a mal sougitu a position in a churç choir wa >itaothtei. ity!, vbuph and finally found-onse vitRa lie First some"four centuries ago, vas mat'e, Pre-ebyterian Ohurch in Brooklyn. thié metropolis o! Scotlaud -byJaeu- Within a year se. an a concert IHI. - star. This king, thie Man of' IPeace>, 8he reagned ber -p Miti4n sud, giranl.d the citizens importn putting lier earunigs tiê- sJtà litlier Pril Ses tiiogiteGle stu-dy, vent abrosd. >t,ýlt - and Charter, sud4 ave ,'the crf0 no bard work wou her a dquutinjLOi'; that, famous bnnr,- the Blue don ah Covent Garden linI1 8.1 TTo Blanket, e gh y i.queeni È mont. ~ ~ 2d you oe.j:v dhave ow>,t dB -unaY, & troublons aeeed Iis 810 W ëOn thres- fighe bas tia014-Wnnerpr>dl iold ef. hem ?j>reer. Bnt'Çorinne fiovu, and uita- ths day 1h is-Jeai. Kelaet ast dom» tt tnývr the ously trea*ured by the. burbes situation. The begmner in opera, The. hhrobbing story o- di aie kuew, 1iiad 'a long *ait fon burg's greatuoe n l- toco long toc doubtful fame, certain cohIpt ton umention here, tbouhit vasW"l hii wit thie best voicelu olQei ay ruled t $t te romancé ljI,~~~~ ~ vihu>hmad~ the Wus at he'.Iighest. IRa *lihd whims -o! manager nd aousies chlm.that7 the. namne 0 ot-4bmX 4! lhe profession ho ineet. Èo aie i iterwoven. decided se.wouid- , bac itte,* Oie must ca1Itomind hov7eif oid field aie b.d left-he -hurch- Geddes, that doughhtv o14 icail vife ~ aeprofession. 1h was a erod.d o! lb. Tron, mae M hstorwy byO- ing- field, but Dot vith voiç o!flber ing hler-itool a,thie head ocf t4e quality. Tie veil-todo c'nmg'agfrDean' of St. Olls. Thon caie lion o! the. Fuit hureh fq - - - TE FRIM<fTUIoTIMBi8 (Scîentiet) gave hor -the,~~reia titîn she crtyed, and'liad tbe meauli wen the oveuanteraaimgned tliPEM 10 glatf,7 it. .m4 ague sud Covenat with t&e2 rat of the laithflur ) .tw A BIT. Thon tii.od wyds an,_ 4ii What Si. alulby Tritlg« galw.thle.great Marisaol )*tutr-,wa i uqed and quaitered$ and the A failure *ah iraI makea 9i,«4 esteoil i s ->£Arg eÈdragoedt:,x'. bt»al uncoosa. tiou t-o eontýý i>,t-O 4T4 wite - A fml uKneoa4 00w maiden ee.r ho kbose"-.-the boude had been 'dincouragid,,, aIu. notetrafusal m Ofbr, OVr t at *tt, 1pfl1,4,0 a o!hecs.l O ishA thr telle h*atogr: - it r-cu>«>*i,, iknto m in $4 U If. O OU bé et p&M liof oah ng b -ig s *nt<W n e _Iwbe ,6th Ciy otfld, ntl iles i.sin o*Io"Wbte-"v ta" peXhm ontheeb&1 rabl ad; gta #W, of de ahewhymiteUnote bu _à vadda'tha -,'à Mani 1 h a, 1; OAU*d livGaCu=-Soà p a4<0 t Nontral, w i, n *arecen ettent'-om 1 ey =tkg*Iolcd »Utp mpiuivqý Ina ~ ~ o WuetesieiY u 1'heyýI -1d. a. lthte Same. I1vws t >ll lwââ & vr ad sucfci zéma. *'Wei Ijuhlkepten UfIng everyuhiiyjgt eould for neanly eight yeanUuntil J1vas advised te ltry Cuticura Olitment. I 14 .so andi 1 founif aler- a few applicatiomg- à %. burnlng sSations vee dlappeaig, Iceuiti sleep vol, and id1 fot bave any Itching Yaring tho niglit 1 bI l safter avwhite t use OUticura 1a. stuck tW the Cuticura tre&nent and IILuht If 1 coulti use other emislor over sevon y cars ith no regWt and Vter only bay a afw appetice. anti deervecla Zairftriai wlth ea gerons ant ulb- eue- caeY u9edth Re Cuticura intinlet andi Boap f«rnea Oi si mnthe, andi 1 a= glad oaýthat Ihave bauds sa;earn as Cuticur Sop 'andi Otnnet are soît by drugglsts anr.alers evoyvhe. For t lborai 'Arnp le of eaeh vlthi 32-P. book senti te potter. êià Ue.Cr. eà Boston. U. 8L~*CI. ef P fashioned atter the Panthiion st Athens, which looks like smrn relie of the past, f rom the fact that it has neyer been completed. It wae built te commemonate the g#llantry.. of Scottiah soldienu, but sekrcoly te tihe credit of! the gScotvi.h peoyIle, the. funde subscribed were tee mali te alIew the coxnpletion of the. pro-ý ject. *Edueatiîonally conidered, tiiere l ne doubt-that Edinburgh staairé- eminent. Tihe roll of its ýgxeut citizene le truly noble, frO4u Bit- Wiilter downwa.rds.' Tht libun spota around.tii. capital are innum erabue, embracing such places a the' viw- from whieii haà .reff*e.d immorta.lity in" r- in. SWhet,,v' euder that- peu 'faili indée- scribin; this, faitest of cities wic has ever Lred.Scottià h thoùught$,tbhit o*ty of sucli fa>cinating - gr=eu- ta m~iight -.wefl hae bongit ti ne being by sÃ"-e ep-Owez- fit! mà agiisdeefrout ai a ZIIig mankind. MXothers Value ThisOI-chr vlio knov liow suddenly croup iny eieihfldre :and ho* ueoessary prompt action is lun ap; plying re.ij*ef, aiweï, keep at hauci a upyof ýDr. Thoms a'EClectrie 011", becausie eprÃŽenCe'bus taug'-ht t;hero 4ut&tiiere je-no, betterýpirç- parahion îte be hIid -;for t-het-reat-- auxius to aunex a 11,'h flannted theïr money 4ap in the. facecf.tuainmecuoua baronet, yeu »,mVe unhlmîihe position he hid tkèiupcor, arning a mcà - eaVlvi~g~bthe obs'urt «u'.cpation 7'_An ausin tery je related cf aný Euglihsieociety woman Who came to Cork with'tii. hope ôf perauad- ing Sir Thomnas te abandon bache- -1onbed. 8h, invited him te dine with ber at a local hotel. The baronet Ieft his -donkey sud barutow -round the next block and eut in an- appearance at the hotel covered in ceai duat and 2with ail the othet traces cf bis occupation thick upon hlm. In apite. o! that Vithe lady wa.s eut for a title antI mas willing te take Sir Thomas to the. neeret lReg- istry Offipe, but ne amount of be- guiling or asnti 1nCecould, eoftçn the, baclOTer heart of the ,rtlmteçxatis ,ceal - dWaer. '8h. Cam e, nie swbut e.<id net'con- quer" was bis obb.rv6don vien ie teld the. story some timüe after., But in spite of .11 his'determina- tion, the day came viien the proud old baronet suocumbed te tthe bland- isiimente of a fair lady cftBcotch ancestry whom'h. marnî.d about a yearago.Mat'ilda Elpiustone, new Lady H oore, vas the . oniy dUghterC OPtiý1u-John Geer»e Elphiustu.Who oçcupie d a pont in &ni ne the Indian CvlBr Yiôe.. Like lier, humaud, ah, has asd.tiyaeo!frivý,lous . and youth.fut romiance, but. ahe. lias bîu6bh uiband 4 lii~ c~am 'wichliasualedhlm t ere- ti g in ido14ÃŽage roinihie tirlig occupation of ea.nyýing c_"ýoà la up-the iiketyeaiaé d o!Core's eu.- ment lieuses. - Dutexje9Men it Mata olt t uléat lvietrw" te 1th whatjesioft,b,«t wol aVe yen em »Ioth9tr bâtle If 1eclahpe to od 1t. for 1tbi 1I uùut -For all kintis of wounds,., brusses, burns and sores on, animiais or human, beigaSiler 0neHoal- ýLn iOiU la aq ick, sade a nd 1od flboler. Keep a bottie on band for tuns of need. In 25c., 50e and $1.00> bottlei. at your dealer's or fromn the lemfutlues tub Fmed Ce..uTUWII*. FORCE OP HABIT. The. telephone girl was* on ber vacation and flshing. Some one lai another boat called, "Bello!"-M lust then she got a'bite. "LUne's busy 1" she answered. Thousands of country people know the value of Hainlins Wizard Oul, the best famiIp* medicine ini case of accident or sudden iliness. For the safety of- your family buy a bottie uow. Mrs. Kincler (refiectively) - '«I wonder why a man nover pays his wife any compliments after they are marriedV' ' Kinder (brikly-J'Ici, 'doos ettér, my de&r-he pays berý fo. M1w INE £< KM 1 e Re.9Wa.Wa. ae~Eé yrouett. rité qutlk oir ot inotion. 1West x&K* Lande Oom any, IDpt. W., Dirai B C. FRUIT LÀËD. FOS BAI acres, Prairie -land, hvn saKidy @011, with some graveR, ast laid wtth aRclair euhsoi),.'On par tarin there are Rom*e surface stlb meost of tire land ean' b. Pl*e salan nver failing vo»*ÊrL,1 about half fçnoed vitli- post au 20 acres uxzder «itivobtion, hal f Ood land. Pie é00 ie alance te quit' at 8 par 1ý Ruuell. Oranbrook, B. C. - AGENTS WAN"qlý AGENTe »kTED t"A esnons éau oqual ou0.WI 1Ou ways regret il If Ion LD particulars to > auu i lber t.t"Ottawa. RY A@»ad PARU BOAUE H eale Worke. 9 Eisplanade.'ý or heavy L 0RieMia»Shi 1t ZBanetan 3.* Boirs, X9, Supn Autt MC rieTD. A .! ..t2.e -vrybrnWrite us 1oruli Ilia os agenssupp81Dlpiée W b Idic Pý** L7 ac yiTGD MaIL muino 0yRmedy të., Chk&ago- TAZING NO CU.ANQCES<. Sterekeper-'"l. aant a boyA- '16 >a v uoors ad 4a)lvo nov. - an or mcm Don't euy- onue rouad' I"1 vont te: In tus 00.1 péenin iiMy e saad a Jeviab y.r Who val 44vvIýIytbaVi as it -he,