Wtiwhi h is Iirnrpoirated_,"Thé_WhibyKe ~.. ~-; 4- f 2 v ironicie ~ystone ON1~BIOCÂNÂDÂ, 1 UREDÂY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1911 tOLAY Dow t 1silhvre) SMCat.Whilhy.- .-Duvv.A. 10 l4 B. f4JY WU L...Bar rm. ' Co*«ty ltOa it5iel. soi Voq4 ix souiter. Otieso* Uth wlm, 4MSEUT5~U~. arrister. ete1 ~alu~>te ~ou arneaytrais.O!fe tel outb01$, 0$.oti G., TOUEI40BIIITU. L. L.B.. bar eto. iouey to leau.. ii.or ni fneÇ$1it"l#touted& Of(ito- Siith'e ?ô ..k ckamt tote .mnrkt.Wbltbl Pa. MIILDRU M ptisiitV, surgeon, Accoucheur 14i~ by tolophone, or utberwifle, day or, * £1gb1,. meeve prompt &t.iutiolà . P ihone 183 Contre and Cotbrfié Sts,. WhY DENTAL W.ADANS, Dentit, Ofice, Dun du St*me, BsidesO N.. 4,te U AlUOTJOÈ13WW 4»a. Bithop, O.l#aws, Lieniid Auec Witccr. Succesor to L. Fairbanks -; ort lrUl and dates apply te sIlf or tr ý;Rtxhzb whlbly. LIC ENSEL) AUCtiONISER AND) VALUAT"~. All kinui of sales prom ptly att nded' a. Arangemenits Gani homatie for tles ait Oc Gazette office. S 1erms ,easonable. WIIITUY, ONT. Carpeutef, Bulder Mad Contracter. )»>IanS drawn and -comtes funisheti, -~-Repair#0, teradtâSI and jobbIng. 1gt0ê7 WtT>- Phorna l49 rrts%* Lio*ua.oe. *-, if. 41.LUI puer et jaer$'g' Lke~afl V.vai 4ttS5~f*. lE. J. _Shirley Tlhe Couservatives held a meeting kü the Mduse Hall on Mondal nkght>, ut which there was an audience o! about M50 The speakers vere Mr. Robiné, of Belleville. who delivered many tling arguments against tecd- procty: Dr. Kaiser, of Oshawa, andi Dr. James Moore, of iroeklin. Dr. Kailler spoke for probably 20 min- tt ln bis breezy way, followed by Dr. Moore, who spoke in a very OP-j timistie way o! tie prospects of a vict.ory for Mr. Smith on Thursday. Mr. Smith wae not* prtsent, hav- Ing an engagemetft elsewhe1re. The two outslde, speakers advertised -Messrs. Ferguson and Neville, did not arrive. On Tuesday evening the Conserva-9 tires held a big rmeeting in Oshawa, and the. Wbltby su+.ort.ers o! theý Party got up a cro*f4 to attend it. They engaged the Whitby bandi ana hired waggons Vo carry over those who wlshed to attend. The Cae- mon t Band passed throuèb Whltby en route for Oshawa on Tuesday a!- ternoon to take part in the big dem- onstrat.ion Ail Oshawa bands that could be scared up were enlisted. THE LIBERAL MEETING. The music hall was pretty well 0111- ed at the meeting on Tuesday even- Ing. The Conservatyve t.orchllght procession to Oshawa, headeti by the B3and, had drawn eut o! town and out of danger many o! Uhe opponents of recproclty. so that the audience was ngne-tenths t.iberal. The ladies were much in evidence. For nmre reason not explaind Mr. Fowke andi Mr. Bengougb, Uic chie! speakerlvere delayed in reaching Whitby, so that In waiting for them the. meeting did not begin ti 8.30. Even then tbey were not present. Chairman G. A.1 Ross calleti the meeting te order andi introdueti Mr. Win. Rossi, it-P., wheb mad i short aêdress ivuvln tariR hl.tory. Belore he vau througb Messrs. 006-1 gough andi Fowke arrived. 1fMr. P. M. Chapman was Uic seMard speaker, who delivereti a Iengthyid- Arees setting forth bis reasos for supportlag reclprority. J. W...&ngowgh vaB agond feIue, e.nd madie a inuit, 4ntemeting sui t0W1 Ing speech. J. W., taa goo4 4ý of au ortrhavlng- *e glft 'Weil dtieeope4 Miévus lute'Iae- Iy hugnorous, and freoqicnlMy ç on-, vulaed his audienc. Re repeated 0ev- eral Vertes o! bis own conmoin bearing upon the campaIgu ,w14ich were enwedingly tunnv. Mr. Fowke, the UAbcrs cadidte, begau vole heavy palgu. strong to speAk aot1.5 tas upon, It dunzg. lbe île, bovever, dellW«u appeal lu support o! tIi -a Oshawa Faire The Reformfer publisheti laÈt week this glefwung descriptieu o! the fair: 'e best f air yet, was the veriict o! the. tnousaahls that visite tu .e great. faîr lield inIiOshawa 1.015 WeelL. it la gruwing bigger andi bettÀer cacai year. Uver 12,.uUI>people saw the great show, ana 10e bes1. horse races tht hava yat been sean on the 050- awa track. The t.racit record wnS broxen, anti ma.ny hair raising finishes were witnassed. Thougo thu fair time this 'year found. Oshawa in the mîist e! a great national polii.cn campaigli, pouitcs were relegateti to second place long enough for everybody to loin in max- in& the fait a succeas. Uwing to tiO norts of une of our most progressive caVzens, Mr. D). M. Tod, in whose mind the idea of decorating the madil streets of the town originateti, tâc business men, generously contributeti tu that endi, with the resuit that the Oshawa that greet.ed the thousantis of visit.ors tu thc fair was a credit to her citizens. The business section was ail agog with Siage and buntlng. The banners t.hat spanned thc streets spoke the progressive sentiment,01 theO town : "Oshawa a lJlty ini 1913," "liuy in Oshawa," "lEat, Drink andi bc Merry," ' Long Live King George V." Bloost Oshawa," etc., , were~ somne of them. The weather was [air but somewhat couler than was pleas- aut both Tuesday and Wednesday, but [t diti net mem to deter the crowd. 'ruesday was a gooti day but WdneSday was a bumper. Barly ie the day people began pouring into tows from the ýnutying districts, andi belote noon leoldtiowa vas an aninateti smee with rigs, tamiiy: groupa, couple* and parties. Thc grounda wereen itete,' andi tii. si&, shôws Includeti olmoat ev#er y- thiftg known te ,Lreakdom. ýThe er- ry-ço-round and, Uic 4ctrnal ,peanut endt oy balleon melt werc ket iUà y. The miusi of the-Ohaa0"", rnxs Bn&.**irilled 4Uic blond of Ut»croi*4t andI libueti thera with.tc)ol~ spirît,. lOcTan4èy-boô.th4andti treh- meut tenta- vt gnrusyytrn eti, ospevlafly the refreà hmont -lntl rnby'the ladies ýo! teOc Onawa -his-: pitlAi nlltary, where lb. beat MW1S un -tà e grouds ve"Se.Ved. l'. rbhialu M ry flût'imirse, j- ?kkeriM £oiwciL * Theé above Cotaneil met pursuant to' adjourament-' on McÃday, the 11th b1 mast. Members âili present, thce Reve in the diair. The minutes o! the lat meeting G were reati andi approVed. bi A number of accotants *ère present- tl cd anti referreti te the respective com- ff mittees. W A .communicatioâ was recelveti from M tOe Railway Commission approviag a] o! the plans o! thié -rounga submit- IM ted by the Toronto Ensteru Railway i( Co. g The foflowing- conitteaý on dam-' ages to sheep by doga reported and à recomni.nded thc folIewing paylneatst -John Scott, for deteeting klog wor-t rying sheep and havlng the kame kili- 91 eti, $5-. The Committee on Contingenctes re- porteti and recommentiétithe !ollow- e( ing paymcnts;, John Murkar, balance F prlnting Votera' Lit, envelopes, etc., ti 49- Jos. Carter, rebate, 1 day sta- 'd tnte 'abor, $1; J.L. Spink,, use of s'dlng, 81; aise storage of townhxp a timber, $5; D. R. Beaton, on ieount t' ef salary $6.B&0 Isaaec onpor, com- mutation statute labor, div,. 36, $13.- 50; D.R. Beaton, postage, $15; ftez rc and dlent, expenises ot trip tp Toronto 86; E. W. Evans, pwuslë. itrurt ,r, centenniai, 130; Fte_ $tý#hèù8Q*1 2 tinys work at centelinial, 8U.50; Mr,. Williainson., Toronlto), for dainageq, t sustainedby f ail lu Clarement, due .toC defective sidewalk,. $155.9 The standing cumnilbtee , OÙ Bongoses for Wire Fences, etc., >.reportedl anti reconxmended the , 1llewing i.WYment»e ;Yos. Carter, -bonus on, 85 rods et vire tance48.5;A application for bbnsU on 8o rods o! vire truce oas acivod -Io ou&Ott, ilot 21 -con.8! Tihe à taading -comipittecSo Iils .and, Bridges .reporteti andi cion4 ail Unrinent as fl - w JhnGahami lar$ 10 Irons, $3.50; John Osyter, f irawing cement, $6.20; W.B. Ireson, 2_yds. gravel, 82.20; A.E. White,~ drawing gravai, 116.10; D. Wilson, building and re-inforcing 849.70; A.E. lIUMIfton, balance building culverts, 8120.7d; Isaac Connor, plowing on Greenwood rbad, 02,75; J, 1-1. Connor building cuiverts on con. il, $6.11- A r- Iiu.r Carlton, drawing gçjvel and ce- ment, -870; L. Matthews and others, work, on Dixie bridge, $37.62; John McGinty, 116j bbls cernent, 8182.32; aiso storage on 69 bbls., P2,50; John MicGinty, building concrete abutments for -Clark's bridge, $496.30; W. Mos- grove, bridge supplies, 14.79; Richard W'ilson and others, -gravelling on con. 5, 831M5; The committee beg leave to acknowledge receipt of comnmunica- tion trom Silas Tool, requesting grant in div. U8 We recomniend- that Mr. Sparks inspect and report. On motion, the reeve was lnstruct- ed to grant his order in lavor of the parties reeomMended for payment lna the varlous reports as presented thig Iay. The council now adjournTi to meet again on Monday, October 9th, for the transaction of general business. Bourd of £dic.tioai Kt thnn ro.m r mfii r hEkt1MtIUA~5AI AWCU WIJ UU Wednesday cvenlng, the 14th inst., ¶ the followinig .members werc present- Chairman Itqt1edge anti Mesies. Fer- gu.-on, narper, -latch, 1luggard, Russ ticCIellanti andi O'Donovin. Principal Elvitige- reporteti as tlt é,ondltfonSontcoeng!shol ~lep~irs,- ha alt dbaibeen iià dëvert satîsfactorky, T-het, uuUng- oV't tO ftoors vag oblêeti -te by Uic staff 1> on accoufif -o! it n d wtanitar .condi-blona. Ott' u, entraue tau4i4 dates who wnote 15 vorte zutesstulin,4 ,passing,, à a t titesecureti honora. Où tOc -oelg! sçbocf-a & 'c0 #s xr .A.GooDpuow, 8fidis h.-I. 11O~ Nove is the. tinue' bgel ready fae uine of 4 Pure foi,- rpike tstwilpe liQicitedi #.0 lut pfoblki good and lcoturet da l 01!ûl Noaimathu:the t z«- -trom l somot ¶ebs b ty hrs NomnaIonetcadldl0to î4rg ( ly4eÉda1owlUuti sent the R4idng o!fSnti tWý ah9SOwing of-the IgII$Cr dUO th.q MDominIonshow Ianucted a, MO ta' isCoudcl Chamber, WhttbyF on able i tIpa7, eyja tih'a Th* sdy lautReturatug t oe w». ~ ~ l Pwryca ,copanied y hia cW& ~S. ex III itu à ity everfpii Stoo, autrlved mtox erniJ oï zbto on I& IIh0 .4c t. pxomwi mst pro0plly at 12 o'loc tooaS vas o a»dIem ta mI îsdy toe oeve nornutlcas. l'h. lIhoS#M,4Tawort&s, thI nornItum eper o!f1Mr. 1 gdrlub P>g' lu avor mbm LitaFwsbdbm hSN m b ta tvo l vol ba4s fs or ne daya,e aey Sahoioa by . upoitfS.o! 10 i UIt poultfr lg r. ~ ~ reaeuat .tb. e mit d ~rnlWte4 bydi tfrm«~ *0. . tw Gramu.. r4otIt «44I17 am 'IWlt5 I J.L ta fi. p »per, vt MI.c 0. ~sVmW it,**b frit bMs &U dtntg Iotatutovy =&"f op mrIgt~. Md «M Il t» 'à P.r. Oaly » oo- Miesau l1m&saê -0 dar *** - , -' 1' tu eSm fun om ev.Pa I a HEINZ SWEET PICK-LES HAVE NO EQUAL. Mixed - - 30e quart Smiall Glierkins - 40e quart Also in B3oules. a. Te LAWLER .WH ITBY, -ONT. Phorie 47. Prompt delivoy., Tini -tor winutr4e. , t'e4 zf.." ---- - - - -- -- - --- - - ' - y 9-ropnetc 1 , £X=.ý ý Yi