Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 14 Sep 1911, p. 5

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FIllod ~ t At Ae Depteudable 4t Baagett'8, your own jeweIere 3otrtake ne chances, Our stock contains only irai quality cases and exclusive designe. Corne i and let ns ex- plain te, you how you can tell the difforence between a poor case aîîd a goleone and al about eut guorantee. We give yen a new case if the one we seil dois flot give yeu sat- isfaction, absolutely. About Our witch works, the same guarantee gees with them. Yen cannot buy a bad watch frors Bamsett. Watchea $1 Vo the $125 E HIOWARD WATCH in a beavy eolid 14k gold caise' Th,ý world'e Ilnst walch, $1k te $125. Each the beat value that money can buy. BAS88L TT Jewoler & Optician WIIITBY rt'a'id!dft 4Y h ia.,m4Pwaah « WM ae kitBunderMr,5h ba11k, I ney,. now the ?atry Soilntd Canàaii c (19R(EBÀÎLEIY DEAD. -i&, r4ere #W *1tu l 'vm tife~ l unvCiùla U IêsI. gmt ~wier ~e~ ill~u'I~for ïa agenny id1U 'li and doIit ot. I 1 *110~ CC~Ot imae. aqiite a yungIo kWn .ia à-tt The éathoçmüged on- "'y Mir. Chas. oritowmit, of St. CatV-l- i Ithlrty'Yoafe 5h3&hO 1.1V V he 0o4Ï mÃ"jnhag a th l4neeo! igho!arines, - isited hie mester hmt during on Miseli eai - GeZelw of Mid- ter m-- id renau outin& of Ilwfor nearly & e y -es W .! Fils j5e r ne ba, Ire ï aoonto. O 4eatti aithe age *o! i due RiS land î t itiutlhe irusne, C.A. a<COI ýe o!weeks u TIl itfilOi Wa u eGoodfeIo6w.- Labot Day Mrz Shatw attiiided ilhI B&1$hts -disease, !rom which~ i e Mi.C. ledo!VeDoiin0 Bysruo tRih0dIiU fee. 11~I tnea wan lted 0onBanki, la ou hie ansuai holiday te tliê litaformner IîÃ"îne, It will -bé oL i~ady Jtrnot, ntriei ~ Lake of Baya. .yaetefait silioe Mit.- ghïw t m iade in st. J'olis btirytng ground. .Mrs. john and Mire. Jes. $tone, t > îclh-imd mt, S d ethO mOt zzMây AU " f 10twM a gruly r Saintfleld, are guets -eofMire SOtt, rold acquaînitnnes ttid'.eXten.ded the AilUns ! ooweratgoaty ,-o! Burrt Ldge. glad bauüd to bo>) to dh wéhé t ie ci duced prices at P5C1'8. Miss B. E. Mylne, 9! Paris, lias pa.i4Iosg agoa. l11104 SOC +LVI41 G been spending a weeli w1th Mrt. and pn.aie43thidytligo l Mirs. B. Sheplierd. tiiè, and re-.Viitinge Cd tttllà The men of the l3aplteistclurcil have Mr and Mrs. Tlieo. Davesperil, o! been lnvited te Vthe parseilageon<1 Detroit,, have bees vistting wlth Mr.,. ______________ Monday eventng scit at 8 o'clock. and Mrs. W. J. Luke.I Paster andl Mra. McLeas extend te Mr. and Mre. French, of Brook-- ail the mes efthVie congregaties a cor- ville, have becs vlsiting their daugli- dial invitation. This will be the er, Mre. Geo. A. Ross. reorgairization et the Men's Club for Mr. and Mrs. C.Q. Frazer, ef To-t'g the season. The eveniing will be( rosto, were visitora with C. A. and chiefly spent in social gaiuti, and Mrs. Godfellow over Sunday. 1P amusements. Captais and Mrs, MicEdwards and Miss McEdwards, of Sarnia, are the > Ho 1 fer the very tewest pricea In guets of J. Y. and Mre. Patterson. _______________ boots, shoe and pumps at Peel's.' Miss Tipping, et Coldwater, returs- T1E BAPTIT 6 CURÇILed home on Tuesday ai er visiting at W altetenTi4et. u ed BAPTIST 2HURCII.the home o! Mir. jas. H. Nicholson. W aiVs~tnif !arrmt Services IlI a n. and 7 p ni. Miss H4elen Long le! V last week forers t teh Auotion Sawt-o! il"t stock,ý Sunday School, 10 a ni. Toronto to attend Loretta Abbey, implem5ilta, etc., advertieed Inu VMs Morning subject '-A Personally where aile will tak.e up a course oftIsue, iy -t.Gofry I3ch.,o Conducted Journey o! Lire -,bow te studies. t Myhre .Ie antrTe owe and o Yorkta-1 obtain it." Evening :-" The Tragedy Miss Gertrude Yerkes returued t 1iit wieaeln ntoietb of the Ages." Bright. Services. (}ood Belleville last week atter spending a lhabit herde, and are anleng Vhe 1mve singÃŽng. Alilseats frec. week with Mr. and Mrs. B. Shepherd, in Canada. The herses are yeung and 4Whtby. good.-12. W. G Walters is showing ail new Mr. and Mre. Robert Meuzies, of styles ln Northway's make o! akirta Campbeilville, and Mr. Peter Messies, RIRA L ESTATE. and coa ts. o! Milten, vlsited Mr. and Mira. -4- Ravin lasV week.1 SUNDAY S('H(OL RALLY. Miss McSherry, of! Ingersoll, lias 'HOUSE FOR SALE. A rally or union meeting o! the 'bees appointed teacherýof Vthe Separ- ghrone bic hus, od Presbyterian, Methodist and Baptist Vie scon 'rue c last. du-cellar, hot water lieating, eiecttic Sunday Schools will be held inVthe te nTedyls.lgt re n obreSie- Haptist church on Sunday, Septenibor Mrs. Robert Delong, o! N.apaneelgi.Ges atCion tet 24, at .1 o'clock p.in. A full attend- and Mrs. Wilson, o! Brockville,am Wity Apy te M.W.S ance is request.ed. Parents of pupils Ars. Cross, of Osbawa, are vielting and ail fr4ends or Vthe scilools are cr-with Mr. and Mrs. Ravin. TORENT. dially Invitcd te bc present. There Misses Brown asd Ard o! the Post 96 acre tarin Vo test, compoedet o wàil be hearty slniging led by Mr. E. Office staff, visited the Oshawa Fait the Cestre eart.,,o! lot one, brokell W. Evans, several vocal aunhers by on Tuesday. How loneiy and gîtent front,1 #Townelp o!ý Pickeit'tng. A14J thle Baptiat maie quartette, a solo Vile office seemed wlthout them 1 ftret,.laee land, oil buildings, wel by a lady f rom the O.L.C., asd ad 1Mir. and Mre. Chiarles Waruer,> fen&ed. Pul possession oh Noiember, dresses by Superintendents ef two etof o Hamilton, and Mrs.Wred~ n. Apply te F.J. RICUARtDýý thesechools. This wilî hu a roustngMiss EvAns, e! L.easktale, -bave bien SoN1 Whitby P.O.-Vý. t~lme. guestaetfMit. asd Mre. Â.E. Luke., Misses Marjory and Gladys Grecs- PtndedacKTOrebNT.afl i Spectal bargainsienluail kinds o! wood and Mre. Moore, o!f'Teronto, Qute shudreitacrefa, blNgo.m isedk footwear t Peel'e.were entertatueit at Burt Lodge w o!thh tuti alo ~ o 1l fotera eli.Hamnar and Mre. Greeuwood on Tues-iv. 501 !tn cWt*pc hty MET lMA OR TOE day. The party wire brouglit froin Good buildings. ApplÏ Le SEPTEMBER 2lst.Toronto lu Mit. ioture's and Mr. 0. &BR IHX SN METME 1t ezzleweed's cars. Wh'ýty P..t- Mr. C. J. Mille, -the represestatlve 11ev. J. W. Totten, o! Sciiogt wlo FR S O -IT of tile House.of! Hebbertln, Ltý, the wam lU tow.n Imet frtay '&ttwtting lae. ,hsTowuehIP à!whttl yApply big tailerlug fitin ot Toronto, le the DistrictMetngaaMed.ltt~ T04 comnIng liem te show the new styles a brie! cali, hi and the édit0r betig aio, -9, f il f swinter, and liasa, rane t 4.od1osisb itrige -ne = Iner ver g"tim, ' tro0i:É, luge ant veettuge. If you went pet-i Ifeët ftting clothes and the lnVesti city, ~ styles corne in eut leave your mess>- tire whlc Mr. Mille le at Out store. I You cas ses a i te uew lises and be Loca HaDenitIs measured by above eXpert. -' Loca Hap erÀ'Àg W. G. WALTERS. A DENTAL. Miss Sullivan lia openet 1er itrese- To-ay, September iltLi, 1 was toit niaking establishment atter a menths upon good autliorîty that iV has becs vaaton rumored about t.own tilat 1 bat gives up My practîce in fayoT o! one o! the Mrs. Worfolk has re-epenet bl otht tdoctore. My patienta casde- dressrnaking shop after ose mosth peud upon me te give these due waru- holiays.ing whes 1 conclude Vo atrike work. h.lday. .As yet 1 -lhave not theugbt of doing On Moday Ms. A A . Otes o 0.Ado feel abit grievedt t it <lu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sol ModyMs .A aeO ave becsm V Vt o mysel! te tic Queen'a Ilotel, gave birtil VO & correct titis report., untrua ms it le, in twelIve lb. babe, ail-hotu. Mite. Gates eeypr ua.It looksa hie a nov. la said to le in a very low con4ti.o'i. elty iunte wyof au advertiseomt. -4.-W. O. EASTWOOD. Sixty sanspies o! infants cmats 01 ail kinds, tu fit ages 3 Vo <6 ye&t8 -'50 pairs ou bagat a te. LAdies' See tilcni at W G. Walter'. ùiuos sand Boys $i, $2 aud $3 grots Milà ary M. Meidruni, teaciier e01< . ot o Sm .W Qlin' paowill prepare pupils toi Cesser- TUE TABERNACLE. vatoty examinations il destret. Sabbatb Scbool et 9.486 *.z. Miss .4 P. Voavalkïgsb iwttlïlest VhsWo- MILLINEiIY Ol>ENINGS. meule A.B.C. ta tVhs 4udy of tae The MissesScott willlboit thtI etiso».Now that te olday aso» annUal f ail millinery oPenîngs On Fr1- tealfout etat, jet êveryone esturs Vo day, Sept. 2Qnd. Ail are welcônic. theS8uadayithOl Wit uocwtd eb- ergy. DO sot forget * VU, onTM- Mr. .1. .1. Grills bas tecîded teimIt peraneS ao!Io 1sbtrI Mis sale ut stock at ndîplcmnents on it -;Xa #"»t It1 Sbbgtb Wptaestay, Gteber litii, mdat s s ebools e atSusday sttenMrsomSept. madetcarrangemnen ts wlth auctiouves lU. .1 M'awand Powell. T e rvkes. aorsis aWteveain viii b. t"ytahyle patori > l a*. see hs new dtissagooda direct aBd 7 p.M. , Ia frlu m aUow. sStiant. at W. (). an çtrîm.n , .' Evulut %luhfret,... rejured W a ltered at A. M. Ros' ý* tW s*y-t*ê-wW elctblng t' ost su prieS$,5sat1.; Ise. st M.W. Coll TA I THEATRE. hushand eaci' bad two ebew. Mr. Hamar Gnwood, M.. P.,,a1j wife were in town on - 1ruedy, thel gueste o! Mr. P.J3. mogure. Mr Greenwood had tited the Cnda Natèional Exhfibtn where ho wus thu- guet et the Directors te luneh-- eou, and at whiCh fusetion lie 4eIirer-ý ed a racy speech. Whitby ta lien9lrd by thé liait o! this ber son, CtW!O aie lias cause te be proud. ... Mr. Jack Pierden, of Sarnial Whttby boy of thirty yeaXag apeliSMt, SatRhOwU On theUIand' Whtpy,S oma tal, aila A good tarmo! 175 acres or. mor situateit cou.51 lot 20 sud ý21, Wl! by Towumship. Os hS Propety a Vthe- ollowlsng buildings-l'barn, 66. 40>, stoiie tabling Undernetttb ; 1 ha "oPait, 12 roôtats, .ati Wood bhuse. minuta, drivel, teom itoohlinl 0, sud loseVo 014.1. 4 acts o<WýttM 1 V AV' -à&-"b ~ * A Great slaughte DIJOTS A N» .SIIOES Annal Summner $ale for 60 Davs $6,000.0O worth of 1Boot4-_ond Shoes, to be sold at* leos thia the wholesale price. I Cail W. Have largains for, Everybody Caiand see us. We wiIl be plear d to show you our goods. following _arc a few of the inany bargaîns w 'ave to offer you. FOR MEN 75 Pairs the McPlierson Shoe, the best made in Canada, in patent colt, gun metal, vîci kid, velotir caîf and tan caîf, Blluchers, Goodyear welts, regular price $5 eogi5~ Sale Price----------------.. $309 30ol'airs men's gun metal, tan caîf and patent colt oxfords, MIcPhlerson's Goodyear weits, regulat price$4 Sc, 32 To clear at............ 50 Pairs men's patent colt Bluchers and vebout raîf EBluchers, Goodyear welts, regular price $4.oo ajit $4. 5o To clear at .......... ......30 Meule tongola kid and box calf Bluchers, regular price $2 759 Salé Puce ................. Men's working boota, Bludliers and gaiters on sais at ............. Ail other linseof men's boots a! Wliolesale prices FtOR GIRLS 1.75 1.00 Paetcolt Blucliers, regular pre Blox cal! tnd bongola kld. Blucliers: 2 "er$1, nsle aL........ DougOîs lad Blttclier boots, a groat 1 so Pairs patetitanand-dongola kit oxfords ant at$1 75,t baat...-.- 2»,ýl*t1i ,@ttheClùdtC *Ite, alesal! t6s fl paetclvici- kit, gSUL matai sund box CatI h Bluches Ã"xtoù ast trx libpehs>tï itMor. h1a1m~ te bldIâ« w ol prices- and tei% The FOR- LADIES 50 Pairs :à berson's patent colt, gun metal and tan caîf Bluciler oxfords, regular $2 5 price $325 t cîcar at . .- ....$2.2 Dengela kid oxfords, regular price-- $2.25, seae price.-» ----- -------1.50 Dongoa ki oxfrdsreguar tice D1.7,glaeoxotri egu... ......... 1.20- McPherson's patent coltpump2.25g uierprice$3.25, sl rc ... 22 McPlierson's tan cal! Bluclier boots, 2 .regular prie $3 75, te clear at. . *297. Dongola kit Blucher boots, regular price$2.25, sale price lo1 McPlierson's % Ici kit Bluclier boots, cushio-n stle, regular prie$32.25 Sale price ................... 20 Pairs patent colt pumps, a great 1 0 bargain at.................«.. Dongola kit strap slipers,10 To cleair at ...... ....... AIl other lises of ladies' shoes a! bargain priqes. ri 1R_ BCYS Patent colt Blucliers Goodyear welts,$2 0 tegular price $3.5o, sale price.. .. Tan çal! Bluchers, regular price 20 $2.95,. sale prie.............. Box cal! and dongola kid Bluchers, regular price $2.25, Onsale et------------------.... 125 Painý boys' tougoli and box cal! 81 sue 111 tis, A geat bargain i..... Bes oui boys' paîst.BlCb46er14 On saea..... ... Al othet liues e! boy? boots at bargahi pces. 1.50 P*Ix oo ais8 tan 6v ach, 30Pairs of the a«i hoe inchilrews -patent m9ular pdçe-$i.ocolt, vici Ud- pit nmotaI and box cal, lu 4.ga1lxf'$î.fo iw4$bp ,,Mf , ej g and -xiords7 tan- or 1,5an,;Al'othcr ines o! ýýbld enIss hm o10b.sold at bargain -prices. M êne ,and Boys' LacTms i3fords4 special -50e. - Sh oPlîih, tan or black, special 7c. A~ large suit- aieâd club.,bagi% to- m -ont. yMÀ.OIVI% " I l 1~ -l: "Tor L.ord t7Ietb * UgtsfrV" KtisIcbytb4Ot A.a o ntout -P yut ua Mo out lise o( lott ontrabo o, bave pt valus ssat oýý 1 1 q

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