Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 14 Sep 1911, p. 4

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'7 <o Delrolt iÎL $' IP agtnawt bdiC b 8.40 proportlonate rates t0 Port guron, BayLUtyr Clevtlaad, Grand RipId14, Minneapolis and'igt. PCId.. ktETURN LIMUIT-Origini startitng point must bu rcached no& later titan Oct. aid, 1919. Tbrough Tourist Pullmnan Bleepema. to WINNIPEG and EDMONTON Via Chicago and st. Paul September t9tb ln cosiectIon wlîh HOM0.ESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS /-,COLONI -jT EXCURSIONS ,To Spokane, Wash.; Nelson, B.C.; aýncouver, B.C.; Westminster, B C.; /Seattle, Wash.; Tacoma, Wasb.; Port- laid, Ore.; San Francisco, Les Angeles, Sas Diego, Cal., and Mexico City at very low rates Sept. igth 10 Oct. .gtb Full partleniars trom asny (f rend Trenk Agent ir a dre.. A. m. D»R, D.P à., Torouio. or E. STEPHENSON Wbitby, Ont. This May Interest Yeu We waut a reliable man t10tell our weii knovn speciaitiesin fruit trees, smnail fruits, ueed potatoes, flowering stirubs, roses, etc., In Whitby and sur- touanding country during (al and wlntor months. Outfit f rc. Exclusive terri- tory, pay weekly. 6joo ACRES Of NUIRSERY STOCK :1cmn, weiI grown trees and shrubs (bat *111i uatisfy your ciastomers. Early and -ood dclivery guampitcod. Esîabilshcd >ver 35 Yeu&L Write for whoic Or parn Limne lerms. Peihim Nurbery_Co., Toronto WII1TBY JUNOTION. 3alg WsI..~tsÎ.o Ooag as....S.%57a.m. r-7Pm ... 6. 19 P.M. latrains beave for Toronto aibk M d 8.84 p.m.n mTr aotrains @top at WhItby JunctL>n 5a aied 9.53 &.m., and 8.80 p.m. UP-TOWN STATION, eoine Northb...54. * Gotg South ... 748&.n. p. .05i p M. STAGES. IABvU Whltby for Ohshava at 10 a.mu. and 4 p.rn. Jos. Holdea, pro- prietor. IAavw for Brougham ai 10 arn. J«mm Scoti, proprlutor. ,,M The Centrai Business Col- lee 01 Toronto invites you to write for a copy of Its curriculuïn If you amc ia aîy way interestcd la a tralrAng whlcl will- lescd you lntol a good business *p. poaaét At a good "alaye The Feui Term -optas on'Anguat a8th. Address W. H. Shaw, Prealdient, Yonge and Genard Stse, Toronto$ and mention tbis paper. Oursol: C6lie" bave bos eotabla4lad dut b.psstSaor ont& o- w@de bitter fer osMrod -Itf w5 It ai boue or- pt- ly ai luisiorOn * t ai BUin qduili Tht gat be t e Yb" MdelsI Q. AoOQ sdIZLLopt,)r Ouir thAwn aaedu. th. Direoloea 0t 1h. Bowrnaave flleVaror a 0npi- rnetary ticket. Tuesa- ani- Wéd- nesday, Bept,. 19 and 20,- art th0t dates. A rumor bas been ourrent in town ltat the building et the Toronto Eatrn Electric railway had, been abaidoned. This rumnor would, seem te be given a denlal tn the tact ltaI aI the meetIng et the" Oshawa Coun- cil lunt week Mr. Rothery, manager et the Toronto East.ern, was present on behaïf ot the railway asking ;or the rigitI te run a lino over one o! the Oshawa streels li makina 8con- nection betwecn Oshawa and the C. N.R. a fow miles north. There are me many wheeis wilhin wbeeis in rail- way malter. Uaat we shall sot really know whotber tht Toronto Eastern wiil b. built ustil we see the work of construction begun. Sunce 1857 the State of Maaite bas had a law prohlbitlng the sale ofi- toxicalling , iquors. ln 1884 prohibi- tion was piaced iînthe const.itution ef lhe Stat.. On 'ruesday the Slate vot.od upon the question et amendîng lte Constitution by annuling the pro- hibltory ameadmeait. The tact thal alter à4 yeau of total prohibition the question. et returnung le liceaise should evea be brought to a vote is something le cause astonishment4 Tht grealer part et the present generalion have been bora aid rtared under pro- hibltioî. Ont cannot cenceive et their wantlîg to roturn le the e'vlà o04lIte tiquer traffic. Howover, the question waa voted upon and deteated by a eahi mjortty. Tht cities wcnt.tru lUn or rupeal, the country reralned &men for prohibition. Friends of temperane everywhete wifl ho do-1 lighttd ltat Maite stands by prohibi- tion. Nov that the muddy seamon le ap- proachlng, vs hope that tht sireets co)mnlteeof lte Town Couicil wili not delay teo long la coanplelng, tht sldewalk f rom Brock gIreet te' the station. Tht no-w cemmet walk ,has be laid dovai hait way te tht sta- tion. The,,tnteation 01 the consmittet vas lie rua tht walk tu a mye o o the. st&a nplattonn, 'buttb*y, iergot taI lvwu 4iaend T4à -add net tewn properîy lhey wèi eLtending la traverse. Thte(.T.R. would nes con- sent ta the arrangemnct, hence the buildors vore corapelied le haitl unill the Councli ad decided what té> do. W. bellee .It vas a mistake eut ta place the valk on ltae nortb aidi eto the streut, the town paylng the ei- tire out if necessary. NOv, bever, tat haifthlIe bIocký la coustrwted, vs tJilak that the but thtng ta do ia te continue lte vai straight dcvi ta tb. station. TItis would aman lta ail Velhicles vouid bave te remain te thse -aorth ocit*t itaLie, whlch vouid reaily bo a uauetb botter brraaplnenît tan bavtng them tulns lng tho sldewalks. Ths prmsnt con- dlitimOfet InAP hould not b. a10ow- ed to conntie long, vittever uaay bu dedded upon. Tb@ y uarsW. evpaper repater le quit. oltec aaslq g IfDot intuo- hie Thm am pullra . 1k. i*o *M 140 f9011Vthebibg poflts.esU em front Placete, 0Place bave l ins" àm- lion cMMpg bom S g tvu re Pju to, their lrnaglatàloas.Il basým r.d t0usnehat tbsy ntay Isero Ib tacuF f Minsehg doule ; at; i *Ye u IItbolulzingp ofaoed tboy USualy ntulioyly th 1111W by twoli oî nior. TI* Tor4ut W«»OfIdoSatidy rporte *seaIat Insas es asb.ioto msUg l «Ould bave ut uegaaa Tlu lOMe reporte sbis wVtri»o tas- «ï mtmostc - s salad 1k ro a m Orne besirsi htwm. NIe Mt ula hdot me b»&«i WO1O*. BSm large Pàsters. ,ýJ"rn 3Sslip, auctoiicr. Tuegday,Spt l9h-JmaMi otock aundtâp tths Lo t 80j'Coul 5, »arl1igton. (MItclell's Corners), oli Êrýbëà&Spt* 410gtà.sale à - 2 olclock siharp. Jmmoe- Blshop, Buc- Tue eday, Sept. 26thw--Mrs. G. W. WaltvwiIl se3.by Mction at~ Lot 16, à, Bast Whtbe$ al cf her farm, àstock and impiemeuts. Sale ai oiu o'cIock. Ste large posters-for pattlc- tiIars. Jas. lishop, auctioneer. Tuesday, Sept. M, 1911-Auctiop ksale of househoid furniture, the prop- erty of Jos. Iarnett, hail mile ets ef Brookili. Terms cash. Wm., M.awy auctioneer. Nntice to Creditors. IN THE MATTER 0F THE ES- TATE 0F NEIL McCRIMMON, LATE OF THE TOWN OF WHITBY, IN THE COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, COUNTY JUDGE, DECEASED. Notice la heroby given pursuant to R. S. 0. 1897, Chapter 129,. Section 38 and ameaidmenta thereto, that ail persons baviag daims againît tht os- tate cof the sald Neil Mecrimmoî, whe died on or about tht lth day et June, A.D., 1911, at thei said Town oif Whtby, are requlred te seîd by pest prepaid or deliver to the under- signed solicitors fer EÉdward J. B. DunScn, the Executor of thtesnld es- tale, on or botore the 101h day o! October, 1911, their names and ad- dresses and a st.atemenl ot their re- spective dlaims and the nature ot the security, if any, heil by lhem. And further take notice that after the said 101h day et October, 1911, the safd executor wiii proceed te disý- tributethie assets oet',the estaté among the parties enîitied thereto,- havlig regard oraly te the daims et which he shall then have reoeived no., tice, and the said executor will -noV, be responshie for the satd assets ort an>' part ibereoftot any person oe- persons o! whose dim notice shall not then have been reccived by hhm. Date at Toronto Ibis Ii2th day o; September, A.D., 1911.- Proudfoot, Duncan, Grant ç&hacmu 12 Richmond St., East, Toronto, S8~ licitors for the said EtwciaUr. Marklaam's tai rate is 26 inilis oàn the dollar. Good'Looks abould bu a murSe !Pride tb you Salis, skia, pimpies biotheS ad tuMPlioMSu ilfori hm.diate attention. k obould be ymn atm to gel M cg tbes. disgswt iàg nireMblood -quickiy, cotally, lonasreyî NO oulvani applkujicaI nIipu lm h iaod. bon 4 là e iti o1urt;--A lme e $10 -and,.83-00 costs, Wàfginooe&4. ?olle &glotrate Mùtton, ücf Orbwa lwaa ln the auto 4at the tle- 1Port Hiope Guide. RamptOn la ambtious-wants a le- cal baik. People eut tbere are wei1- to-o aixAut te deposit their mon- eOy inu their own bank. Tuesday. ev- entag a public meeting was hel¶l to consider tematter. TO CHECKC A COLD. It la ieay to check a celd if you be- e In timte. Frequent doses et Dr. Chase's Syrup et Linseed aid Turpen- tint keep the cough Icose, al1l>' ft inftlmation and se prevent Il spreadlng to the brenchial tubes and lunga. Mrs. S, M, Moore, Shortreed B.C., writes :"I1wlsh te state my gratitude (or Dr. Chage's Syriip ot Linsee< aid Turpentine, tori t cured a çoid whlch a triend said would soon put me lni the grave." DE-ATHS. GUNN-At lVliitby, on Wednesday, September 11, 1911, Agies Gunai, wiidow or tht late Robert J. iGumn, M.D., ln ber 9lst year. Funeral on Frlday,' 151h, at 3 p.m., te Union Cemetery. The agricultural sheds at Orillia wers destroyed by fire last week. CaIlle, herse and shetp peais were deelroyed. Tht lons wlll be about 81000 te tht East; Sime Agricul- ttjral Society. Insurasce $300. TeBoat-Récfn Poj -e f. it êwfitg o nUW0-à JIBât -ý 1w 4à*tk nfr Î 'buEoî byouîg n î melWoiiwrth ~drn 01 girl feiQuds li o -xw on a riiît. Atter they *ërq well out on thq water lie Of the bOYs began to rock the boat. 'çP mrade proteste d t ,-t eeserioùsîy frightened, but ho 1PeiÉlÈtedLýThe-'c'raft uddexAly cap- lzed, Ht pald for hie -Insane fol-ly wîtli' bs owalite, and oie of! thOýgr1»1 wus drowîed wlth hlm. A-New York boy went out rowinag wltk- bis father, and began boat-rocklng. The tather ordered hlm to stop. The boy did neot obey, ,aüd the boat was upset. The father lest hi Ilite, and, the boy bas the hideous memnory to carry through al bis lite as te wh at catis- ed- the accident. Incidenta et tht. éharacter appear in the daily press regularly. They have recently at- traCted so mnuch attention a neted Jurist said :"If a boat-rocker could be brought before me for punlshment, I oertalnly would ,tMie1lt a lail sen- tence," There la neither sense nor fun i boat-recking. it i. reckles be- cause a boat is easlly upset.. when thrown off ite oenter. It is shametul- ly brutal for the lear it arouses lu te mnd <o1 these who cannot pro- tect themselves. Pleagurable sport neyer contemplates causlîg others pain or fcar. A maniy boy will not rock a boat because he uses common sense and gentleness in ail ho dom. Mfanllness neyer seeks te frighten Cthers or te take a etep which la any way we&ld ImperIl hunian lite. Sneakisb, cowardly instincts rock boats. The Le ast Fuel,The Most -Satisfaction C.vers WL oti eues of PePaie The reason- we seli so many Happy Trhougiht Ranges is. because while other ranges have on e or tfwo special- features the Happy rhougbî combines ail the good featuwes kn»wn in nmodem range.b.,uîlding. The most oL thern weére ori2in*-a ""d b th.e. and are fouti nla a other an<.Weliave, adapted -and improvtd ail]tue Iatest inventions in sovemaking, so tbat nov we bave achieved what they hans butai se long strivitig Irarange "ht gives perfect Satisfaction. Have ycu ever tasted a. roastj prepasud h inte _-appy' TIteugbt ocacokd ere tiy yretaiung .Ïaitlt1<,juacy, appeUu*ng quatîies?-Tise r-rsm=, for tts wbeciulIte fresh air,> eentantly clrcuhaelng, keepe it tsta apu Peç. This isoaly ot of the-bos tspeci a tures thaîbas- made*tbe Hippy Thougbît» nixed hy Canàdla So titan aqutý e o* iion 0HeSppy Thofflt1nt Thbe Klnd t'out Bave Alwayu ou01ghty and whieh bu bell Ain%.uts for over 30 yonis, has borne fdre "blg"itar et Sandbas Ireen mado undov bIe pe- sonal Supervision "Cain, is ifuey. Allow Do one to deceive Yo in Ibis. Ail Oonnterfeitg, Imltaton5 and 'FJugt-as-good-I" are'bat. Experiments tlist trille with and endangerlte beaiti of' Infants MudCilrnEpiec guaEpeloa. What is CASTIOR lA q astoria laia armies "suttut» for castor 0Of0, Paie. g'tic, Drops and Sootliing Syrmpa. It l8 pleasant. It civnta1ns ne-irier Opium, Morphine nor otiser Narootte substance. Its age la Its gnaran tee.* h destroys Worms and alsays Feverlshness. For more titan tbirty years la bis iheezi ln constant use for te relief of Constipation llIatulency, Wlnd Collc, ail Tethlng - Troubles aM ]b arrhtoa. Il regulateg tise Stonuach and Bgoiels, assillates tise Food, giving bealtisy and naturaI âsep. Tihe Chhidreun's Panacea-The »Mother-s Frlend. GENUINE CASTOR lA ALWA&YS ýIeB*m Uite Signature of __ The IEnd You liave Mlways Boïgh ln Une For Ove.' 30 Years ANNUAL MisuîM er I cf the mosi modemn and up-to-date Sue Bootsg and Shoas now going on at PeeI's.o We have many fines, perfeet goods, wh ioh we-wishi to clear out, and'Ithese wi*-lI be -sold away 4owow:0W_'lu pric PEt ME & LEWIS .Ç Irock $treet, SowtL. WLitby, Ostulo T-I 0F fluet... hsis~a s~ ~ er~ w jeWelE Our8 qualit desigr C plain the di case E about give y we sel i8fat our guar wate' -i -4

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