r-7 atives la Torto.. lits.. John Whiiefotd la vieltlng ber. daughtêr iu Qeffla. Mrt. Wm. Ormiston bas bis nèw hou»s Mar. CoinpittDou li64 Hu* I Uarri*,.of Oshawa, la visiting .1I.bia a ~lLr lilas Hw os f ! ihtby, vist.ed with Mrs. Norman' OolwilII met week ira. chna luti on 1Tuesday Wbi.,vsit relatives lu Toronto. Mr. snd lirs. MeNair, ut llamitn, are vlsitiig lMr. sud Prs. W.. ob- son. mit. A. C. iEliuLt bas bis neCW bouse on Railroad al.reet uearly comn- Piet.ed.i Mrs. Bartisa ani daughLer. A Oflo- tonts, are visîting wit.h Mi. sud frts Sebert. Mr. Wtnu Tonalinsori, ul Winnipeg, ta making a briel vieil. wîtli bis anoth- er bore. Miss Hettie Vîpond ba" secuued the positioni as eaciter oi the balsain mr. iortwa) Li" îerited is lbouâe, but wiil flot tae PussssiOiiu -LiL Uctober. m.r. and Muis. John 'Ipud, of 'lu- iuLiLo, art îsiiguiertuiîier à pat- twth liete. âi l a1Ns M u ..Le1.IAA u SbuA,, Ai ti Lok, i UilAIUiCt iabt week. ,i ý ulilalLihaW IlÀà cc SCtUAida pol SiLluiisILIu UiiWai, SilO lit .ASlt rcaj 1oi UlaL u%4hLi 4kl15.bu. ilos.îe suld Bila it .Lugiss Liii aie l.lL>IIÀË UlWL LiCiVAÇ UtAL ,li ý.-uA. uguaLuba £Ur. allAi ,ib. lià )>t.iLtaiu u uau5uà iei, stîsa .titui. oLUiulcOLU ')Luubu vin luuisday laà t. ,mi k. ýLui. Uuv alkA iiIdU6iLCAs, Ilibbeâ Laiui anid bt-ss, t b Aî'cH LUluaLo L- iSaLweeî. AIL.Su i. n ti. lilîu. ilu liîitdu l Lav-e ILuulu(tl Ibm Lili LWV SCecSi'VacatIon, l'Cali a" Ka l .1.1 oW uSA1vf, OA Obsâuas, lea, i'us. ~L Lià nlîAc Mi. , w j îtîs>uai.. MîSI. Lia ipà ulsdl, ut i uLuAiLu, bput L.'-,Uilut) Nà Li . A.IAX. 51 leât,. IROUse ited fimade luBouvotou 'Obd Gaweibidle recenîly. A-DUmbet f rOM bore ubtended gardon party in R~agan on TIIutS8y evei'ing 0f lagt week. Alil repor' a Mr. aud lirs. Wiliiamns, o01?rbic Albert, Sundayt'd witb Mr. and Mbs. Oscar Downey. . Mrs. G. Brocta and son havere- turned f rom a tbre weeks' visit wfbh thc former's parents at JacksSt's Point. Miss B. Bateman and friend bave returued to Toronto. Mr. 0. Brecta bas sold bis ltin to Mr. F. W.- Hodson, who w il t take #ms mediate pouseSoalin. -Mi.. Brodta leavetszhortly for, the West, wbe e. bas purchased a large quuut.lty o! land. A well known De« Moineu Won=l atler suUferiing misarabiy for two day. f rom bowel complaint, wus cured by one dose of Chamberlatule Colle, Ciiolera and Dlurnhoea Romody. For sale by ail dealers. MYRTLE STATION m"b sDoretxu u~îst i:s1eÀili iew usayâ la u tUL.J gLAs, Âvriâ usteLAt)gietuiîudboe Lu tuLiLu u.-,aiUAua> tabt. Ait. ai iîrs. titt uiititut 'Iu- iui. and Mâ. Deurgt ituustun, ut l'uutul, pet Ltue we~el ed lt J.L& Besicuel s. .sîs. Nurreu Spent-i- iand biotiler KCu) WCe eLaSoui %ullage >uuaay. Ail. and Airs. K'. lairisun art spetding Lteir foiîiaysin ta luu à iL. vw,11111 là iîeifglu il. iarrisun, agent for the ... âi. Jus. -Ioîtup, o!flvot V1Lry, LI" twu cars o! coal lu bere at preti- uLt'ut pîic.'s apply Lu iJ., Ua- LOch & 'Soui s--everal i foniarouud bore bave tak- eu a trip Lu Lue West the tait LWu weekâ. Foui ail iiinds uf horse blankets, îugs and wà tLer-pru rugi. Cali un J. L~. Ieacuci& :"On. Miss Litit ý%lsou reiurned borne Lu Louou, Ontario, last weeX. Muisa 5hi Wîjlals, of P-rince la Visiing Miss Olive Browu. VU "u J.UU lucý eiia1) tDre wilt be a liarvest Home bLete pualcu utouse 'JU600 .t -L M t luSeptembei Pastîculana later. .tils8 ioapîtal, Turuntu. A 'i LAliINVOORS- Ai l isyà ciait, .wuoi1îatlswd b) Ai l'kurt tLeeu tnjoutbs i was su baui Jus% liusoD011 %I11JOui l u1iAÂallu wlLbchroule indigestion ibat i cOUiQL Mi. Julia 'layloi, asouoid Lu lului- flot go Out. o! doors. Nerves wett Lu u'luesisa> a tire tucy speut ibe unstruug, the beau t bad aud sunothet- day. ing teelingb camne ou titi 1 tbougbit 1 luit Dow cemetit wlk liumA Rail- would choke. U)Qcors' treatruent LOaC LI 5UueLIlOU.iLu j>1i Lial b !aied rme, so 1 began the use o! Dr. £ebeniet .,cu- i t lLeau ilAîpîo'.t'enî u1, Lisaes îdney-Liver Pille, wbich i t u.4 u o U vIk it S,îil t Lue#le hank fur rm) prenceht good hcaith. 1 %&Ill be uîui v liîke 10cm Iain >'u dotng my housework aud Mr.i sudmiil 1- [u asi,,, iîd a% e a taiy ut ten caugbteim Lt>rei ansud îs, di>() Mus J. iiansLul, Si, sud ina Mal>Y. BROUOHAM. eu, , Tor ni aî b Use fu ier s Par ourgaLutions Lu LeiîtK. Dev- enooteM lIMs h i i'tt and J. IL. Cochirane, Lhey lavuig On bli îda> eseiilug labL islc oui p.isbedtl ieir juiot nttsculatioii. year-old iaudbounut MI. ut. bpcn- Ars. ElI Wilson sud son Lyle have cct van badly bitteri by a. C;ollite u. gone west. Tbêy întend viiting the "h'li dug a-n a gîcat pet, and t chîld was playi.ng wibhlm. :Sudden- Jy lie bit te lad ta 'ice un Lthe bead, intLictlng wuunda wbicb requined 1lt aLti1 ehes Lu cIluse 'Ibe lit tetllow biai stuce suiltred vcry greatly, the wouada belng badly swollen. Tht dog han boeu &bot Cureansd brums may be heuled lu about ono-Lttd Ibte Lime toquired by tb. usual treatment by applying Cbamberiain'a Liniment. Il.nlau ans- LimsPt1lc sud causa suct inJuries 1.0 beluwvthout maturation. Titsliai- meut ulso relieveas orenesa o!thte muscluan sd nheunatit pains. Fur sale by aIl denirs.-O. K INSALE ,lb. rogular usonhly meeting o!tte WOMa's lintitut. yl be à eId ni tbe bomne o! lire -Baye, ou Thursiday, Auguet 81, ut 2.30 p mn A ful et- Icudauco lanrquesled. lima. tdq, Preaident, lira lowbray, 'netary. 'Prairie, f rieuds at Reinra, aud the forrners husbaud sud inother at Swift. ('airent, saek. A number o! out young mun bave gone Lu the Norti-vest ou tic bar- - etteri' excurelun E. Hoitliy, Fred Cassit, 1T. Norton, Robt. Feaeby, and i-. l-ubbard are amnog tiiose wio te! t en Wednesday mornug Buy it nov. Nov ialthe bis. lu buy a <otie od Chaznberlain' a tie, 1Choiera aud Dlarrhoea Remedy. Il la a.imoat certain tobe .needed betore the summer la over - This remedy hua o supartor. For sala by ail deler.-S. CLA REMONT. Rev. J.- A. Grant bas b=entu Ilie City foi a few days owiugtg Lu le cri'- ical condititon of bis broter. Who un- derwent an operation ut tl ierai Hospital. Tht services o! the Metiiolsi'-s»à Preebytenian ehurehea ver.e mued CanalanNational FEIiiIitiwi, Âugust 26t1 -TORONTO,* sepphv1 0ORONATION YAR LLADG IM AU Ingootb*fasi*' alMrUMM-. Um WOOv Crettes.36 mu6ueln-gy. ]But touiawds o01 peplebuy li.fo camewsy. Teyace tboteam fromoat as i p lump and the, small, the rich Mud tho rt less. Quaker Ois te te macleircuthe. creAl. Of the oate seleeted by 62 siftlogs. Ooly teu ad abuhel:aregocd eu,, for use r~u foo !.rci ua arithnesu*and flavot that ii enjoy. and the maxtmumx value as f ood. Vet Quaker Onta, deuzite Ita quafity. cots but one-hali cent per s.Dues it puy to take gometbing lu erlor? madle in Carnadaan un Sunday st, Rev. Dr. Marvi' preacbîug ini the iresbyterian in. the nîornlig sud* lu the Methodisi. church ini the evefllng. Master Hloward Bosse met with s painful accident on Monday wbicb iniglît bave proved fatal. H-e waa vie- itiisg at Mr. Borland's and was ut- temptiflg tu get on tu a wagon by climbing over the, whei. As theo Wai started to move bie wae Lhrown .' to the ground, aud as bis presenco was not noticed by the driver' thie borses were nol. stopped betore tbe wbeei passed over bis aboust, brul.sing hlm somewbaL snd scratckiung bis face. No boues were broken, and beyond a sorenesslu bis body was uu.lujuted, and le goiug around as msal. baatness Cannot b. Csred by 10=1l applcatiOflA.se îh.y cantiot reacbthe cna"a dporuiout it I. l hoe t e oily oue Way Le cure aatmeaa, sud Mlat sa DIy coliabîu- nouai remedicis. &maille"'la taUSCISty au lu- faummed COgwà tà uuIa ,ithe. .ucouà ka utfo 09tht iiwutacIxtau à Lcî. W lieu tais tube la iu5amd you bave as1r uin OIni ua udorlimiperteci hearlus, and when ssil sC UreIy ciose, DeatImeas ta the res.uli, sud unie»cas uftautaiuu Cau De 155cm oui ana Mas a ube remmurcOa u IL»uatuicouaitou, bearing WallIDe c <iaoy.8 lurever, oint Culsa out i oL euare cauma.by ctrth, ivhla eus- iug but ,u îuuamed eoualiboeu o9 the aucoua We will give Ont iluud:ed Dollare for amy Case ut Lctail cai leuicu by caiserli) tbai Conutu Lie cure Dy k"isa caitar cure. ocua lor grec by :. j c I, isi aY à co0. roledo, o So1d y Drussna'..75c. LiSe usAi'. .-saAU.)ls for colitipaiioul. PICKERdING. il. Muore,'o! the Brocli Road, touA' 24 buslselsul potatoce Lo the City on tsaturaay, for Vsîieh ho ne- ceived $4.. Mr. Moores potatot crop tbis year is au excellent ome, maiiy weighing L ully a pouud. Aire. Sheridan sud daugiter, o! Newark, and lks. Anderson and daughter, o! Wbitby, speut 'Fuesday Lt taibomne of lire. Jwyer. - Miss Katie Fawkes bas bacu engag- éd by lir. T. McFaaceu as tolephone operator, aus 'ucceaor lu lis C i'aytur, who wii louve in a 10w weelca for itimore, Md. Mrr. Ricb, of Klng St.,. osI, had ihe misfortu-ne to fait out, of a Ires while pickiug fruit ose day laut veek and fractured tva ol ils niba. His mal vas caused by the breaking o! a limb un vilicihobcvu standing. la couseqiience of the accident Mr. Ricb bas been of! duty for a 1ev daye. FaIl threshing le nov in full bluet but Lbe. brigb-t proapects o! June ar. nol heing roallzed. lTic oxoely bot veather o! July meant lb. lana o! tbouandsaiofdollars to, lis (arm'. ens of! 11dm tovnsip. The oai.crop, lin particular le provlng aimont a*com-ý ploIe, failure. Filids that had aî"ng-ý uiiceut appearance lu Juus are yiod- ing oaly about JIlteen bashels ta lts.ý acre, aid that o! an interlor quality,,, Flu wheat sa ts. u le idlgwil, and thero are soma good yjatde o! barley. The gentlemen f roma Prince Eéwar4é, County wio are deetrous o! cutb- llehlng a caning factory lu Pichet- ing iutendtd 0»end -ln a law veeki a promater amolig fti Saumua iu is locality for tbspurpmoas S i- ducing hbem ho agres ta grov ,er-, tain amcount o! coin, lomaboas aid otier vegealiles,, sullauto lusilyl tsn in building aid eqslpplma ie. tory. 'Fbeir erperisate lu Prince 2 viré Couuly bas beau «i"e ae - spir e is itb uloeu a0om in Lites, b o tluui-tom 80,. lu tuaî couaty Ai hss lisa uosl n-ý uiunerative for ait oaaersdi, ut lt nov ssafacbla isv " u = ,'b"_ Mnd the poels v nyero ba- perO"Se ath.Y bave bees 04&se Oyý have baiesup lb. csaaln g*mWiy andtl leïr vMitau have grov a"a rapId>. 'armt u la tc1 shouldgive lie matinthr1eit ot S It Uymbve »o8teo«Mudedama -'C b4Id_ a erà *d whé iii U_06-4po-#0"' tué Othe bigbljimone are telIl po fel Thsy WIll *81 .ôrnetklug o! wh t aie ;". "nd wiII-lckeop thedatesi Your mS- Anyoba Who saw lie crowdu ai )Oii yeurls show muet hava been IbiPtUS cd. wllh the uts. o!1 "t fuir. (Obhws 'hua growu mgince, and hun 7,500 POP-1 'ulallon, paved ebreets, and 18 a grei 'pluS o s pend a day. Sae lbe boWfl and ite Improvemente, s"d ses the changes at the Park whers the Fuir le hoid. - -m ,SEEMED TO QIVE RIXM'A NEW STODIACH.. $41 suflercd int.ensekY aller satli aud au medicine or treat.meul I., tried sumed to do auy pool,"1 rllOs *H. M. Yuungpetets, Edîtor o!lte SUÉ, Laike vlew, Ohio. "Tne. Sut 1ev doses of uambetlali's boma4li ad L4ver Tablets gave me Surprlin re- lief, and th.e seýond botie seeOU9tod1 givo me a aew Itomach &ad pr!scbly good healtb." For sale hy &U duta- ers.-9. ý'Mi lbe- S0nkt -tel Br st siaidé bsivuau jobs St Mid Waa'Os à fta vida 'OU Bu"i>kStai-wastt aida beiv.suiDulop Stetai"uéOntario blot t ï tusti vida.Ou Byroa Street weïi aIda, bsb*us t. Jolm sud *'fli stuai, 4 Stut vide. Ou Byrçqu stetuai, aside, JIalvusaJohn Street, su"à aia a$ros,#M%4fmit vide. ou Colboru Sirta, uorth aide, belveen Ceaire aud 1C4 stuaI, 4 1fu1vide. OU a Hlir stai, vent aide, lie- tweauDuaduassd Mgary sbee, 4 teet vide. On ByroS asita, seabaide, trami J ohn Street oUh, 4dIfut vide. ou. D*gtrI5 saise, suai aide, tram Pront Eatreet souli, 4 feet vide. And latends "to specially assesà a part o!f te cosi upSn bislande abuf.- tint directiy on li. vorti ud upon the laid lmmedisly benefilled bW bhe worti. 9. Tii. estlmated sofo! b.work is $750, o!fvw" j3$00 le tobeb.paid by the Corporation. Ths esblmatsd specl arts par fool f rontage le 42W. #""Roîtgm ,'- -- !ouIl Iwas m. agood Roof on à Neato W.Ilkpt Sam S Perbape ye. t edes b« i aube h.differeace la *0. appearuce 4dtiv bohsarascdvlâmusei. Lock d.esy lie"at tiu"sYo«paee am dfy mêmeIra thevo ma I t amte ldifenSa. Samson Keady Kooting Costa Meesla tie l"stplace th» uay oth.aroolgsff, oka I-at sud Sla fbr a long Ils.. Yeu dat aed a nmrpmte lput lUso.Do l youneelL t ouly tubes a siat MM tol pia à vwatherpSd of on a fir staed imdlg. Tb* oea&u t1h51 cumulesth. SanuaDrand sa AyIwdew«eattoéw Fo à MMPwUsait sud EL, L iOWLANDO SONS a Co. - Umt.dTOKONTro ruag- a~Ms-s tees-fl- ~is-stt 11A7 I b~t1~. OSHAWA. uA.Leurse Pchaublia slti< et weeua aroni a six WOON.' %IV iroilglitle lNetit, wuero. ho caiel ,ait tiue Lulltiia&ym ralicua £..uff à tue prairie provinaces 554 ierlb5eiâ ,Oiumbla. lie tepor a a'Very cnîoy- ,Dle tip. l'u 1tev. J as. 1lodjes, Pasto£ os se k-'esbyLeiian eteill, Bas returme ai-r apenaiug a ixvC wet4i's vacation a Western uaula it: preacuei S ana, Edmonton sad or xplaei 'nuie away. aava tiouxng Society itoid their ugular race iroin Napacec 10 Uaii- wa, on saturday, Auguet 12, a dia- ýace o 01 U3Imiles. i69.1.81Ulie, ,hours 41 minutes, eo. Coyato'a urd hile winner. lir. Chas. Sawyor bad about aut ncti Laken off t.he onde o!f4èhrec tg- ter lu atjointeLot theb.M"bughll Uarriage fact.ory. The late Chance Baie, Who dlad ai hi, home in Osbawa, on Sunday, Ab*,% 13th, lu hils Mtlh year, wiatacue son o! _Mu. audlire. John Bals. Ho mad spent moet o! ieis.10in r*velk lins, and hud viied many paes.lut Aumnca from lie praùirie ltLe wesii to Florida. Hie 'boyhooddays spant lu Oshawa wbers ie wsa tuowu as a brili pfoM4sli'g yO4mbbà He bad been suffernsg tomlbsthede- dîine whieh caused Mai death <or,8055 lime., Bsas" hme moUise sud ,f aihar ho leuvas tIbr~otiraaMd-, -ouir sisters to mourn hie_ uuÜieY demSi». The. luneraliook plage (rom i hom ou Tuoaday allernoau. The Oshawa Eleolric light 01., bltd., mince the nov compauy hu bah.- en hold o! the plant, bu ausde ia' changes for the huproveisul Oa bi plant w"lcimesus, lkewise & betier service la bAle'conume'. lbÎ&la s ually the case, vietisueb lanrovtdý service la jutebad b llhoWlu ii crossa thie raies, *s ralp WAng, »t-. tur service at gresar cost U- I-,ii b. company anflunces au arsb.ls prise, for ils -troue. 'Fiait s f ei- <Ienlly hu lic o ol l a bèttft, iservice, bugtat lmsacost 10 ia pa- Ironis. 'Fie compauy amso Um c uba tui Its xtl .Tii. M mlislei charge per mm= abo es mc% ul a bail; a reduciios of owe-ttI la ibuit ü«r curreni labeenima&* viai viIi clb itIldowu 'la 8 coul ar st hIoat H bout, snd btse meber roui o! 55 ias 1put mouli le ta ha sébisb sitar loptmberr lt. 'Fbe aggr5gsi 5-I Aiga t b baverage oenWmj4o ui'008 40. pert..a ,"vl'«mussa a omida- abie gavinsg th the Compsuy'a pi ,.tround ud ight tbmu a s sUsas- liai ~ tb aurssh i ucabr o I« ha rue -bé =idsé by a -941 "W ol et 14laa' ColAc, Cbolra aMd e' ï aliperlr t wb0vIcompislsta. Fr bS &Uyai ddaers-9. 501 lAVa the wo*-'*t 'of Cllin. Mriis Q eride aKlose 001114r- WGS. THopper bae"O.b "Te 9lIthgte rvernB ntetii:- maw brll a e ferned.aof s b ti. re biova009 Tor orloo!the Rov. angof i lere.Thoghmen. avne no syeea thetlc, interested ta eveTythiflg that tendls t0 improve the conditions c society, and untiring in hie labor, ha le indeed a vainatile citizen, and onO that Orilla or any cIller comznunitY couid Ili aflord to loge. The Creernore Star sys '-ME. Win. Dufy has a gohbler settlng on four duck eggs and clght ben' egge, aud han been on tbemn neariY two wee 8, and bau Do notion of gettlng off. He wllI be vcry much dleappolnted when he secs his brood. OOUNTY 0V ONTARBIO,. Du l jaïnDY. là , Na . liats. UAMIAWA-Cisrk, iasE.L. a domel i, tb-Jau. il. b. S Aga m e fL £ s e , A "7 , d a m 5, Jus7 ste ,ps. lit ues. a,4tmi. 1350. le Jan. 14, 1912. uawood-Jan. 1as match s, mal te Jualy 6, bop%. 14, Neyv. etJoli. il* 1912. a PUIT VF-aty--CIi ,J.W. au& "am, Poil erîy-Jaa. tu,auc 70 May 6, J uAy 6, sup . là , Nov. 19 .Baa. las 1918. .é uXlisitDO;-i.lcko il. J. Duos., If, Jaiy 28, Sept. 22, ?New. 17. Jan. I11. *CANNINQION-Cierk, Ueu. BMA&b Caaalatoe-Ja. 18,.auck le, Day 17. July 87, be5el. 219 Nov. le, .Jan. 11, ts. 4 BEAVERTON-Clerk, JaumsIM Gardent Boavsrlou-Ja. Il, à Matc U, May la, Jily 24, NA.lse, Nov. LOI Jan. 10, 1o12. 7 UPTEROROVE - C18914 DUW Lasad, Athrls-Jaaý. 10, Matai 81 ait &719, JuIy 5, SsF. Ife18Nov. 14, Jan. e, 1918. B, order, J. E. FAREWELL, Clerk of ths Paom Datsé at Wbltby. Nov. Ilat. 191. Write for a copy of ATalk on Business Education' En W. EVANS Puep lManuacturer Stfopen suditademos, DIdo 3qf 1%res dos evm S hIbyIhn Wé an pnwsélêbuste voed Geared MAguot Crean Sep*.ratr Phono, 'No. 6.0 residence. MONUMENTS-ý, *.of au Dwm uadhlkwù Pt iatn xItvil psy jou bti unim «V ________ ________ _____ voka ma"d Ipecl foat orm Dwa'ibe Mi"iséby = #als *l ab.Ja A-a10 par sMt, vilci you vl wm tl muveby PorchsangItem mus Mfie sud wc.uhs Oposte ladazd BailmetWhIim, '"Scraeto Gs btrong andChellIt ".olwel screenet SUITAILE SIZE8 lGoue *sas afba mon tteaL Pes.ohc 1is Casada &bd Ualtîd St$&u TIIREEGEAT SEIL m# th e a b,. udsm euth . péiemý i ilo r o_ - AVSOMM CA 1~ Ail jýt 01mhoslpust mM m su adrU il was moved liai lie CIoek -be l- *"cwolste mut' ùilswsu- ! S.3 tore, ortB.a. ~Cas *yIa o. lit4 tolovy ascol toc ffls reiublrsd (onwq typur.. poseslirodatiélsaw 'n.IoiowIg 000846va Pa- là &, ta n%' à t - 1* là .~ Albert, 1 b ýfWf«m edk 'o4oo, ý 1 imilro