~x. I 1411 C'HAI'TFR XXVII. Vl rà n anU ulll went o'A rxght 41OK4 .dinnet wa.ïiroard tsi d.'r that Yee ineyer dri i r eqv<'r dance like Mr. ri i'ii lievening Naacy %Ii '- u;p Ait-i. and Dl)lV, i'v- irr " h h, 0(l1( lier iii tire lib- Il pe i -' n han'd. writrrrg. 'trr(iip 4U su~, rit anv N .îr~L& r;t srat 'are U .,6cî rs r .rri dartîrîg Y" Ne muril t ake f rîni rr.f ei. i i t-f " 1, uo ait gririg h 1p1,:lui Of co o 4 rt-rsfti t fr.) tire) C W 1.4 t, uM R 4 à 11r and "'Stili, 14- ) (-0 r 1 -Yirt Lui n starse t-. alki 1i ir s,' ti; i,'r 'WlrsL d., sl fr ->% roruids iru ti.1î' ý Ilia !te 1. , h î,. <hrrst.nrasti art', r" tumitubi! r ,ii>id. toik nrw., s e r * e al r . i ar ) be as'd f tgu Do ir- , L ui tIu1 \amiss1rr41At iar midavr te-nder ,r 1I& I rsvargue Jrtl ra' nu rrtr a-.1 titr, ,but Y<r1'sMil bît irit s:L n r0l- 5 1 .Ikiiun.w i. N,,w 1i niuit g- bac tir' \ 11 rm i t.rrr lil'g bu-tiî.l u ii 1i trp* rWLitttti for iiuvitr.iir tîî-rîi, I>i r'ig W iL t E1Arr e v i % .i-ti. '.t-u grue Ut-htie hu t .»k -"i'>cr s Iý1-r v ,'>t.r , r îr--s pu 4o ill(1 it']eu t ir A'tu l ti ' uti 0 ' Wa~"ikrt i inrfse.r le - 11 Il r ; br r team-d arotti naud biter ta uiItept, lier ltivelilvetias at ring -44 asever fir thia ma-n. --Yt;i, deà qpte su'erytiiîg. and tire lsgyoa c's trarîmng aire hiad giveri heesui, tre cnme'wsire ]se-tl hit siil, lier tr-mirt waius t-rh tlirilig witt t h ' ù'xit'e in e irt IDa nn1"v s C Wirunr. Lry 1118 wMU suatluerna. ...ritiialier ,'uVlr. r i i- i hhu - li ucar jr -ntfhe t' rLnu rrd ko q. 1'Viirr. -l~ite 'sa.stauudruug rinuetli -ber luatid. -Tîic secsînd J purlttlira-,* ist e nr man, and un ught thesi' Mu us Do~'urtli.' thtrrgfit oUmught I ike ui i a'v rwum cI - t ismv.îio r iai i -' heitcAild Dûit gi-t- ifere belons ý- Nruic's tLiu i 'rk ed 1s - tmast ii Loonk thre l.'tt - -."re s-e,"c uIt 3tisr"se f nrlier; ctire ri-ni irer uinele', Irui.rtir-e it-ur *ef tirs' rirsli. i'r ai.ha-1 i Ieiji.t-l r"genen.nu&slv ;aurd -rouirliset rtAd )tii"d. lDn. tAurtutuu. e-r ni-w î-a a-tie în, n ud "'Lady llarmiiui-n. hied at'rmt lier a -- sostly presenu t ,'fure aise ieft tuwii. tiarre rece;vs"ed it witb îîls-uuure, I erlire 1,usd a ,,inid1y tire uglut furr th.ue iople. tliv'iugb ier suneere - Ukisng frhircù,iîisn. l)arc-v V htit (luit bat Ilrkirg b lite Airîbi- Uius notirer and father' op a chair anrd bat 14ibitm it re fore ùtouflm'e. --Tirte bit-k w&, ustrrid t thie d-n and half-an-hrru r. perlnuîiee ami hlir LAd i>a-.ai.d, 'sten sau ne eni Pte r bd ubril[tlS' andi Lord Mer-cfti-lrI iwok~e sad, iliip antiamd tîi && Nstloy 1r'Srraewirti a mtAnt 1,11 le back wîtir sonne llriammdv I rNe aushed. (ncirelperd -ti'i --ý -bk, 0 eh as he uq>k e; a nd +. ...+--6e0e.4 ja Wq *+ "Leave-oie-me quite alone, Merefield-quite aline-for--mo- ment." Tire wiisper was so eager, Lord Mereffelti coulti du' nothmnig le3sî tiran obey; but, as lie turneti, Darnley's head fell back against tire chair', and lire 1ud fainted deati a w a' V. in a second Nrsnev 1usd rmovet hnrriediv fui wat-,rd Wht s it *sIre cnued. a.etat- e-d 1'v. '\lrat iras irappened t1, L'Ord Merzohie dinuire cd a n ex - irîanatlou irrnei.Orne of tire s resu hs tif es -g har sd take n fire, suld, in 11?îrg.ird c&uglit a erttn grjwrî, seu trg t oni ire. Tlire whIlv e îacorthreatetred thhe u n ii ile h ail trt I a -rt v . irnug frwm- ard ansd etrî 1 lg iîl sr1ed t r) fl r-t iv s NA tLIl rI, Ila 1J . \itd arid ira% hurt lurnui4If O()I 'and a nist of tsars -in ber eyes. An beur later a knock at her~ door aroxrsed her. Sire had ffung hereif down in an agony of grie-f whan aire reaehed her roosn. ler' ears rang stili with Derry's tei-' der, loving word3; lier ptu!-ze-i tiirilled yet with tire mt'n ir- of h.uw close iris deusr face liad been tui hers. "I love i.ns-I love hmm?'sre sa.id, over and oî'er again to lier'- self. "He iras wronged me more tiran anY woman was wronged be- fore; atilI I love him! 01, L>rry' if- -if rîniy you 1usd been true andi noble, as I tluougrt you" Sire starte.d tu lier feet as tlir knock came. If yuti please, ma*arn, Mn. Daruiley sent me tu aà k if von w i) L d krnd] ' ygo and sr'kt'À iltm, ' said Janet, earrfirrnrrt tir noti ce li e r ist ress' white face and disrodered i mur. -13 ire better r INa.ncv,- faititly. -H4,seerns rnrrch casier. m-i mm; Musa Lei<'est4'r hiseen s îtli h!mI go s id fv' ns11 1b r a ndv .sesud J anie L riP tu 10 .blit tlie 1i il rue g !f. 1î t aIl 11 II stin* w oî. Oh, ti minta:nl, & wulîes to ,ee -yoiii yer- MIrtetiild, g,,qrrrc'çklv*rba'diy , -iyrVui, nr:m Nvivsfate msas*whà rtre to ts - 5Yes, 1itwill gr)." 11p rrad. ras U Merefleld riish-' Nn-' ýh&twsba -gs 4-d awa v me do lier 1luidding,bsire WlldIy ah. eCOUi ,ýorcely Speak. c'-iq stb:wk Lu that, i!1 tu? rn) rtn . Without a *gisýCoet ber refec- beti isys ut.trinin the guisl, ahie went do'wm heli ove IL thebrua stilre.ea l'ively via', HîYw bravi. ho-'s noble, hi' h8ad io, mt. lier white neec and arm3 L l','nt , He wiqsslber hero agkaîn -nec gleamng frcan out thse b&rak velveir b*r r'u-,n u~f .ttt rut git tur 11%gwn, hec liair falling in ott, ruri- 1 roa .11(- %'i, tivl at ied cirnis 4rtîlier ln s andr i u d ru liii' nrmerît îr Lj1rm-'ar. i"lie leiatr in- u iii rnd4' sire g 'unc'-d ait suani befure sire ope'îed tir lo-i- i he i- . îirtt li-ti 1n frr'l ,, ri.'1 k tr--l rg re ' :.-ra ehr-r t tii eSi Derry m as lyung lb'ucl in a (-)it ir toi t t .it-' . 'asist entered, but a, lis <"i N. t iu h r' -ilt h e~i li. 'er ri An calglite the senrnd irf lier dre's,,lie- % ,ai ni . 1 iil s- ofi rEfearrcarne rrbe Sj1 uw ansd s ut tî SumP I!' ýio[ .1 le r c-lty;LIuouu laradas ert' Lju.id up Oh hit t lt- rt îi i irîg 'u lib t a1 ie tiaes -1)(-jik tt, mei'-Spi-ak, îoi~nly 1witu Tirere wat;a fl tushr on hiisface anti ai' Oh, tArd, if lie sîtld be a strange i0.,k in his e vean. d-ea'i 'Tirsis kinti -if viru, Mrs. Craw-. Iii v,,tin t-a rt lire r lips foticirefi irs" ie !aid, hin quick, loPw iis. and.as tli'irtir irelirad be'n tonec3 '"I 0&-red Ecrv~el%, tope yenu hY trtcr. -tin-t touh, a Sgîr woulti nome se souri.' iu' lhrruugh ir Ie iafraine, andt ls eyes went toiahrz'- delivt. lie 'pere<1d his e eà . tîtroat; w"~iL a drqani, orhla'd bis At first t1irre wnrs notimmg but lips meded cloise to it juit r-~lo u'sguene Ss, hîko cisewhoEislind, *You-yox want tu seê me~" jand tiren a fiwift contraction, as Naticv îepltedi stlanding, -with one- piain' and sense returlieti. -e handileaîiu-g on ýthe trbe"groen cl,)uieeth ie lidis for a second, tiren fui. loveiy figure. - - a peniet thcem agaiui, before aire had Thre man buwed. - - rime tO mo-ie fruru bher kirees. "I havea ,Very Painfu1 t à * tu Nanoyv--îe ut yeu-realyYu btsrdatep se m 'v dariingl" ca rnein f:int accents 'irsît 1owe it tLu rnyaelf t t o it. 2 fr, n'mbs î> rîe sut-b a liuok of He, heaved a short sigir. '.A year J scanan into iriâ ext- as Ibcwilder- &go, Mrs. Crawruba-w, yottivent te, et1 ber, even in t-iue mrbSt uf ber se mv motirer, andi in tisa in»er anmr~Nîy viswbich until to-day I wa.s ut- *'uanc better."sire mshiPEi'-teîr-iv gnorn aitkn le,-e ed, u airse ruse softly". -bile made 'A stateasent te you, Hti ir:iave a qnuck Sigir. dm1 L-he not i Ir. it li notitg. I arn ail Hîrw iale bis face hat grown-1 niîI t ti Duncaurnuit t-e make wirit.e to hIis very lips:, a fisa nuL ti r figirten I.Muly, or-- "*Sire dîd." 4)r auiy unie.* Nancy-, too. ha-d becomne, il pus- He waa trYin)g Le muve hima-elt in-ibie. isaler. IDarnsley moveti a stop tir a sulttig positioun. lie coulti not nearer. to)ucîn anytliing witrlshils handa; -On the taie, 'Nancy, tirere lies tirey were covered wit.h blister», % letter. lt. i. from ny rnother- anîd were egmphift4Sly ueleat. reati it-resti iL, andi give me yuur Namrv &w hiis difculty, "id 1a svenpathy, for God kraows I need i t lurup roms in lier Liscuat... to-n îght ; it ià nut~ often a man in -Let> me hcip you 'P hç mur- madie to sufer tirrough bis mother niured; and, oozriug forwa.rd, ob<' as I have suffereti thromigh rnne! prit lber wu4iute armi; round brAn. Nancy pieketi sp tise letter wîth Thee man'a pae face flusheti, his a treminrg iraust. lt. wa. a very bmeatb came in, quick gaisp. 't long -urus. Mrs. Darnley bati writ- wnâr luit a giimptte of heaven toi 'ue leur it m'uny days agio. andi, accord- ireldit n at rti)bt'ace. ing te -hits ea.bled orders, it had -11 mm wrasy ho epantesi. beeriforwarded t i ii i -Yo mut nt. cu--uuwil oter orrespondenuce tei Ripatone hurt 3ourself. tfrus i&a club. He pluit ont lis rigirt andi to gent- It was a confesion, pure andi Iv puit bi er bacIt, but as thirnu- sîulùe.i, ofer sîrare in thle trauil jttred t-eir rubbed iber gown, he whilîîci ad induced Nancy tu lie- ilitte, ed a gruaui, and iâii ey.s <'unie Tironas Crawshà aw's wife; c'ieiagain, as ilu anuthor fiusL and a ecund one, fsull of bitter Nallc3,n'huu e>es were fult Lit ouatritiun fur lier falsehoudte o t ri. Sancv, wlerein sire hati disirunor-. h iatasisal1 I d .)7,- -whi t eti her son tu save berif. &liahi 1do"" iedt, ini anguiisir 111 anti utt.erly miserable, the~ --Ierr 'motuer liamit t aiunti strength Tire durk lashes wenelirfted fort' o ivw lier sn i t tis ('hz'imas angi ingt&flt Itare.andtimiiplor'e lier s5<» or .Yuare airrv.d m ~lie suIt- I Mi, itha 1X)kUf nutcrale en-guvenesaâ. <ed.wut a oIt t uuttrabe te- Ntîc- slips quiverod a air e put de rnnexiii.'Yoii a're surry for m Vire le-Iêtem' dvwn. A flood *oJ'aelr- Xauîcy ?Mý i lnn Y !dtreproaachiraha remorse ru',herdrint-o Lng "hler ireart 8h. ,novie<Jforward. , His bead !sarik forw.'um'd. anti vas '-"De-rm>," - ise' « whsperdi îiilluwel on the girl'& ittwite Ii.err'v" tiiroât, af ,tire dourisir apeed. a A 4litd'bsdîI yeee iL.umd Merefield. foiiuwed Inb% Janet., l Aiibà l t dhi, f8t- camé11 hur'iedly i». fiunh)se$ 1 1d fcetbe _w es ______ ThatI ~IO~I4L1~V#~I0N1I ftA p OR, A LODI' INTO 111E 13AST UNE WORKED BY NICE. Twe Scotçh ÇoaI Ilinerm-- Haye1 Unique NOVOIty.1 1'ourteen years ago two Scotch4 coal minoe namèti Huigi Fercis anti William Hastings set on foot a acharne whieh has resulteti in one of tire moat worsderfusl creations ev- er seen in the BritishI les. They diti not spend weekur and montis pouring over bookas andi dictionar- les, or even experjienting in a chemical laboratôs-y with test turbes and thermometer>, but - they bought twa whiter ice. Au they trutigeti home in tire eveningta fromt tire mine tirey used to loukforwrd.t ta feedipg tir, animais at vth ing their ways andihait.Thef- kept them purely as a; hU~by, 'anrd gave up a lot of spare -tirne tudy.t - mg the &animal. cleaely. ,'flmey breti- f rom tîsese tiro until qgâteacomy of the little rodentsra adsprung up; andi it ia an inIterestDrý faut that almost e'very mouse int su CcI.e- tion to-day is a descendant fo> tih. fistpaur 8pendisg, as h isett, part Oif h day at home iritis pet mice ani part at work in tire colliery, it ia' net surprising that tire tiro phase 8 of l!, ¶gadîraliy became întermingr led in Mr. 'eri'ind. At ir,w bo must'have often'heard, in afi- urative senne, thre rattie antid m4n o! tire colliery, anti at workth1 tirougrta of iris mice could irardly bave been far f rom bhis mid. t in littie irosder, thon, tirat ve#y' soo ea lecame to associate mice with I colliery andi colliery witis nues. After'many years of trouble, ex-rj pense anti worry, tisexe two Scotelî's} men erectesd with tireir owm bands- a miniature colliery, tir. workers rm~ing thre mice. This ingt Construc-, tien diti not Plet t rem-or, st I gny rate, 3id net ,&tiofy them-so. they net- o work to buit4 wmut a nom -corne s. b. know.u- a Ii ft' til rawrurbeipg .xpIin: Ine thse W~t thut tb.iý e'xhbiti#j ou j,' ham s,m.'tuaurmw .*he ltan'ét.erXulau'-î the ïave îs a pcftinent- question. ¶ BONDS represent-the safest kind of an învest- ment as -the payment -of bath principal and inter- est is guaranteed by the corporation issuing the bond. N We would like an opportunîty to place be- fore you a list 16M- bonds that afford flot only abso- Jute safety but splendid interest return. ¶ 'Your enquiry will e ceive prompt attention. ROYAL SECURITIES CORPORATION 13ANK O 0V MtrEL BSUILDING YONGK AND QUM NSTS. TO RON TO froin her t4 estorv3% of what had pamged *be'bween his mither and herseif. She glanced up at his darkened face as sie finished. 'But Nyout will forgive her, dear," qhe urge.d. involutari]v, as She rets- li7ed ýwhat Arne Darnley must have suffered bef!rce- s',e lad- brougirt herse]f to niske atorie- ment. ' Plea se- î],ýa8e s'îy x o will ft.rgivc her,' T'e man pauwJ.- ' '-bc hs kept. i-8paawbX vear-a whule t-errible year. Ah, ý7ancy' even now 1 irad fot quite beixeveti you were reillY in my arms. Yes- yes. mrnyvs'weetheart, I will furgive, and we must teach oflrselv-es be forget-we have eo rnuch tv) forget:' He held lier very tight]y in hia arms, and kisýsed ber s4oftly,-with rvhispered words of joy tirat dazed, ber. And theri they were sulent- in the heart of both there was a prayer and a great thanksgiving. THE END. i-Y i., CONIYAINS NO ALUM CONFQRMS TO THE,: IIHSTANDARD 0F,-- GI LLETVrS oDa. au ort Wllam on Lk ueir The"e Plans show three great piers in the, Mission River Harbor, f rom which friht can be loaded into lakte vesselsaby -woyking elevators on bath sides. It will be possible to drop '45,000 bushels of grain every hour of the day trom the elevators into lake boats. Eacir unit will consist of .-a working elevator andi storage ele- vators of 10,000,000- busirels capao- ity when complete. The cars can be unloaded at six places at the rate of 2,400 cars a day of t'wenty- four hours, Tire conlpany has shown its faith in the rapid and enornbaus devol- opinent (if its territory by provision" for handling wheat, oats, bar1ey,ý- and flaxseed, storisîg it and unloati- ing it on a scale so comprehensive, andi %,ast that it was regarded as> iusionary tintil tast fail the first, montir of operation brotightam ainount of grain traffic wiich justi-'f fiei tire company's foregigbt. Tire construction of tire hulidinga9r us unique ini plan andi absoluteel"; fireproof, sfrys tire Hay, Plour andi Feed Jouirnal. Tire unit already-1 coïnpleted rests on 11 ,000 piles driv- eni 50 feet into the groti, with a&I cap of concrete upon whicit theê buildings stand. Tirey also are of concrete reinforced w-ithi steel. Vihe working bouse includes eighty cyl- indrical conerete bina, eacir twelve feet in inside diameter and the spaces between these cylindrical bins also are used for storage. In the first story and immediately be- '0,w tire bras are fifteen steel dlean- ing machines of the largest mize. Above tire bins are machines to dlean tlMaxseed and to separate the acreenings f rom the otirer machinesi into the various kinda of seed of whieh they are composed. Above thre irna tire building is of strutctur- ai steel covered with galvanizeti corrutgateti steel. Tire floors are of re-enforceti concrete andth ie wind- (oWs of wire glass in metal framnes.I In tire cupola above the. bina are ten 2,000 busirel scale hoppers rest- ing -on hopper sçales of 120,000 potnds capacity, each scale hopper] heing surinounteti by a 2,500 butîhel ga rn er. The unloa<iinq is dorme in the ~ track shedi, which' is- part -of the'~ working house. Four trackse X- tend throuah tis shed»- Thé. ar-; rangement là ;uc tatgraýin -f rolu] thre various cars cannot be Jmixe4, The unioacsng is done hby powr grain Bshavels of usuaal si»e, an4 strength. Even the dock lu of çn crete andi the - etorage. houa.- con- sista of seventy Cilii1drical concxrête binfi each over twe«nty-thuiee feet li inside diameter and with fifty ,ister space bina. 'Six vessefs lcading apoutra are pravideti for loading grain ihto lake vessels. A grain drying plant is piaced outside of the elevator. A passenger eleva- VIE -CANADA S < E~NlQCO.9, LMT Estblsiet iW154b'- .1cm Redpath. 0r, .,And- go'ne'pîste signal and fi-rs sericesyteiisare- à mong tise pnom Don't go out in'a rowboat witir a man who aays is is feeling rocky. *Neyer brirag the family skeleton out of its oloset for an airsug whe;î struangors are present. aAm x rusonts.8r16 likg IbaL It ligh-j vi1«. anid iley Ovir la uce wht. wlrere the.fi" à liurious tu i avor fan Bay-kao 15 ýuutdfor bc it,é home à ..al 'tUt B N -~ t PftoO ~oI~ "GI Une ISl ýW WHEN 'PRESE-RVI-NO USE EXTRA QRANUL ATED SUGAR Simo. 1864 this prime favorite ha".made the p.reserylng ses.., a fruitiul source Of pleasure in thouruantis of Canadian homes. OUDEII FR011 VOUIL GCERcjj. -'r ttina e ~as 051 caï014 je>rDeCo a - el-evous.-big and de- trm e sain.4lros , ta.ued b tire Urad - ým froc, teliaLabt 0 ptcker.. M.p - andi- 117 ge. A . $ i, TOrotita.- II~i Mr