Air Wm ?uveao, tôou thé Canir,- W ~l'h tkrot buaIamaà ; * %'v4eaw Con ibbui Ve6rhi. WhIy Treaaur.r J U eili, Whülly Eýxeutive commît-.ý ~ia. adJî 1W. Grieon;~a «Las, ltowuaup.W. J acri~ M4,a, Dr. &à Woite, W. V. , cAri. Ja Piattea, iaao--wauitS uur WL. I&Wu foaa Ohw4, daUp ~1. Btme 'auWhput; MRIÉWOOD. 4. ia, u a itnîle4 address, a> l Golen Vinle Sie ?a latye eedea SCôtà i±hGey'Peas Maest ' k7I PPh sxalie oi oui ntakt& prove ut SAlir vourseë the bau=ecat IJhexalU aoaary coduol t 1 erameut. bblce lil TLory (kovernment, t gkuuied Lh m "Xl oXà ~uoreaed he teSi have ~ Jav abUh. capped lthe Mpe9£00 ih btinaistntI icnStgwbu lote oûýrj Wdt aOt PUL fr, naddutg bç 49Wt vas O 4Ii ut I- .b cane. w.' tithe~ Uma Itap the 1y, a Wea ~7ê ~ 4' ~ *< 1h00 1.20 " Artange for. yoûr se t n' e buyersof ail 1w~é M S.dWn ri - .2 JR Brock at 1mb "poil t ettus 'ubic al eoasuni ltai At theae e alcapallhs w 'auged i kouWIü ~8.D Bar8e aux==