Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Aug 1909, p. 8

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Gathored 'yOur 3907 BROOKLIN. ýTias Mthousswc oacàht,Kiae.'ri boldoleiiat .sni a gxdaaParty'Dos ad.asax PUtuso Aawaiet l Mn. C.J.ebtev- amu aun 1teda.euy, Àugi asc2til là)» COUA'OM tue r preparlugti n x- colwec KpUUX-«M, WÀUaCU waia la 91à- aunaieon Oua lits.r tisa LwitILute mtùoolîst cliurch, Alrook.iu, eau8unuday and àMeuday', the '2à iM4 26 ut &Utist prea <nalilre. pswta et s ver>' matsiactory ns. ture. The aevae eaturUiai!ts.urdaY wMr a iliow.d eau EjuId.5 by delilgit, lui VV0&Cisen, 'AicaU coai.anua i.i.ougliout 13un.duy and Monda>'. A Soed corigregaiaen Wian tuattndguce omuuday arariuug, and .aera delaghted asd 1L[îad La> <liisermon (likvired bjb.> li..r h.)tnîend itheaItva. J.J. litdd.Lt.t, u.£ Tutrun,tü, bais Llemre "Delg ,i.a truei AeurCa ut ite al araotiil 'PLia Choir and ÛIX Mus le> 'a%,leck-atL et Toruaito, auvppued cacekelt wmonte c at otcb mornisug icid eva.iîg aarvicC.5. T"o males quarLette aibo gave a bNu ilt l csiàag a&Ltbe ' eUaîaîg sel- rie.lwIen 5ev. J. J. Itt>ddàtta.c agsu preacied Le a cn.»tded houa. The .excise ou M.vsîday waire ul &P equsii'y aiata*tury rature À good atfflWak aUj vrd citUr auCb ll .xncertaisaient aa gia'eaîi M tLIlb chuarcli. alorL addresuâea by l<ev. liali- nig, ciataman oit<heo Distriçt. 1.1. ilwit,1. 1. Ca. .alder, MA' ' $ lINa. l'aia, J.J.NUrLb Uataa-u, abenUilUl hota.ldds'esiii ILCa. E. aenoard, Qet MOeti« 1'Pie, 1eV BOrland ma" ie uaun au prayels 'Pli. nusicl parit ch. eprogia.n cw«we .l reoeived b>'ea da-îagUtLed and u<prepia tclve au dioace.ILt wouL1d ie àssvlimoute o peliy<lias Nvuxk out t pertormera iwho oistênteinedas oach andl ail emo&eJ.iamiaz<>eatioaia. TPh. unosmoua axzi>remàens ut aIl cregmrdng Ççhc resovationa fwas laud- lion>'. T" ii.Iancial aspect s'a r- paad aIl rigiat. Aun ou't 1a> ai0 *j10 Wnx dawlîyi rovid.ed for -À rer>' agreeaile aspaci o t.lage in ahaiga w« -athe great Isteresi. uhowaî b7 àMa'. P_ R. WtcetL and Ur. Morley WMalktt, et Toro.nto, andl ut er »rooklàu ol.) boys and girls. Ts.ler'a Borai and Iitant's De. ligilt $cap; geaine importa.) Uatile somp. Saik 8km Soap eu., W. A. HoiMLs>' & Ce. Ur'. anîd lra. F. T. îid>,u rrioneto, have beeau aîitîng et My Tii. omaop of gardien naajbernlrip. . opprmous ln tile <iinê.aund se W 't2ILbae gene te >aste becs use et pn4atmnalitie. ot geti.ing IL markete.d. Black ourrantsanad et ber éamail fruits1 bave bees ve.ry ientlful, aise anad th. prospecta foar pluma, grepem. etc., la equaly qood. AlMke hneehing ~gnei n th. machines arc ktpt boa>'%vben W$ wveather oondtiona arc favorable for iut dior werk. PThre jielal Lequi*. .atistotory andi the i-e. prospeoti look& gooti. .i q" tuneal cf non. John Drydeni bolti os a Sim.'a.fterneon ln report. edinluanotbar Qlum etof (hlm p.pcv. Mbh.mrmons salteudance et the ch.. mequle, andtheLb.feeling of peronsi lem. Chat am evldent, waaa s tltting1 triuMts ao ta '.vârth Oeth get ««. r-hwoneabeing lsid to Ce . eut. REusadurmit etthon preacunt freely «ek- i a sbail oflbadtwiae puarat... engtbh mermgth, amoodhxasà, troodom trou kmts snd trousail te troaablem snd delaya wh"cpom ewima causes. This. eh tmg w, put on ove,>'bail cd- lDIuder Twline tme&f.,is, Rui i i' uuily bsimsdl ad 60.jtmo oe. odg ma"&ue.IlbéBi.. ihy leu bue e. hm4hhlR»e uni.FM 0~ MdoSLbTWh.U nawl.dga hat thai oile a» I labw~-t t Atwoutd baire beau b" iM t oCJohn Dryrdea*a sbllteg bec -deveotohe fc arvico ut Chia pvovb Tii. regular ahrvice la the Preeay. terian c"aurch ^u spo&tponad trois Che afC.erii.en to itha..veanig ledit euda*y. Mia. Elva tixaaah ha.@r.turned bosse froua an extended viait in Man. it LL. LQ" ben asbeetiS *wgl7 eearly a * DriveJUeumaLlaan from the bloo4 vut.bl)rw. ehn Rheuoeatio Item- *ly .1>.rleit .ex Liquid. For nie by anl deaW&r.-1O.. Mr. 1\ H. Wilson PAS hona. for a [0w dea.aitthe b. birinng of the i week. He in oontiiaulxig tht woTk h. i ha b4e at, but bas nckw, -changeul bin beadquartera (rom Pictenite Nap. ~L4,VPrplate.)waro la mnt.approp- riait for presenrtatien purposea. We havwa a rawLUnei theae gooda, and st pricem to suit ail PurPoses. W. A. HltciLd.ay & Co.I j % en)t>'iu g ilttio he tawere aoLd jre Sà ,flLLit>"n» ning [ur the eia- 14.ira k alis eXzOur"IOt. 'Ime LVULprautlaut Dy&pepMtL Ihavè Liave b»en idàreetly tracea tu e h "tÀc darem a t b urai resut. (Las, irukçuiaLu eVerywherea arde a pr rîaoiknown n» oj £uui)s k.(-soav . ian i, Ltese d Y ailie Stra lHenni.and Kid. e> p.,vea lai . T<er gZ" belohiug, jji'rt POlp> aiin or tailkg Ki,.. IMPYM i oîécuIss ,r ug the aLun.- or ei iiatimlaie <lie He.rxt end han- .eatiliug nênled à iLLDr. eboop'a .Ke'?faIV Jt L b thai aerves, fnet< the w-un eas <at are caliiiig fur -eiv. î~Lx4b houxb attLer ating the lieLtrativC eat nyou ailreil. ze hai gain. A tea*t wili teiL Éýiùià Luy alildeal-ra.-16. ihe tautb of ,kLr. Andrew .Cook or- curred un TueaLa*y ai.Lb.tbome ow ,.4 ainter, Mra. Jî-mes Ogilhie, near A&~aubuit. Re ,wiaa57 yemarsa£oI egt, ùi aad hvedl lera fur inany ye.ars. 1h.e tuuarai ala be SieLd ihia Tliure- day. &fternoon tu Urove Sitie (e.imeiery Mn. Mnn, ut Toronto, oocupied <lie pulpiL in the Mei.lodiât cliurcit on 'iu amiay>. Mr.tIopk.lna, meloLai., et Berkely, t. Mhthodhc lurch, Tooroite and Mar. Doble, ToruaiLo, -werc visitera it Sir. and Mrs. A. L. iliaotts ver tue .b1ac. am Mra.Perriua and claaagliter visited Mr. land Mx&a.A. CG. 1liott on &,Uft$- ý.t 1 W Mir. anmi MmneAlIbert Chinn and non, vlalCed withs 1Mm.s.T. Chkn. îMLmo8.. oott, et Oahwa, vas humne Mauguat ima telia onChe. serves. But tiiatq$pritlcgmno aanbitlo.n bel- iveq cari be a mail ndqauckly alter.. md hi>' taking ;wh&L Le a nuwn Ledrug.. gioae verYavbiere as Dr. H.hQ<oa']Re-. oteratve. Wltbin 48 heura taIC4r be. glanmlng to um e iReatortive, lin- froveinent wili e noticed. 01 ceuras ful clli wa"ll sot imamel.. lately ret ursa. 'Ph gain, however, gwili mureil ' ollow. -tu d lanof e ail you miilrelize and) fée your atrcsagtlu and ambition nbt La me. Cuwnng. Outaide luflaînèneea defrês. firet the 'iuide aervais" dieu the- atow.ae. Hesrt and Kklneya will us. -a11-tîl M-11 tcn he. tlfuî le "LEttie s DIgte lsg IaWeivu b 7 eau gl? Lv - m v set col., «It Oit, a. eb. asos the 41ami.M eaey, Akney 4184st.C Ma hm» n lu brLidge Tbwpahip On Ban. d«ay f isat ro pasusaesa fter an Ilnes. M ut entia mrek. Dee«eâ wus 42 Mm of â1 ge. Dn ey.. eaa ife andi thaee chîliren. alamure Paralyala- Mr. F.. Krutz, 8»h-wrta, QUe.. wfWra«: "Foasie aa 1 lavas&a seixPlet. nêrveaiswreek, OMulîkOt veut Or amec, b.ad ndige,-., Clou ad terrible headanlues an.) con. aUtan ti> mcra ParafY&ia. Six boxe& of Orv. Chea'Nerve 1'.od nm&alenm ave)) "ui troug. 'Pler. La no itrust.. mont [n 8h. wal oni 0gooet» ta his &oW building ttp the nervous tWatem. PICKERING. MasS Maff, ef Weâton. lias beau n..n gnged an cemo.ler ef à. $. No. 2, oui thais use lion wgmca. Mva.. MiLB>V, 0f Toronto, andi Mas- ter Ffrmk Gry>, et Whltkay, are vla1.t- ÙW MiLih Lias aitterla uitcle, E. Bryan. lira. Shirley snd t.amily le.tc for tài.ln acw. hom inPort Hfi" on Ur. andl lra. Bell wat lent waak for TPorounte, avIere the Dr. ilI ea. tablîia a pruetice. P. O'Cosac.-w o ha. been seetion esaplo>' Of taie 'loaspen', and4 bas tie enaplow ci -the Company, and buis moveal lis a ternte<oOshawa., bevin.g as.urod e gooda positionls iasthetan.. uer>' bere. DJr. tTa>wie, aucoa- te Dr. Bell, arrive.) lu tcwnon Wedneaday i1at I-n hifs auto buggy, anal took pose.a Ion «f bls recea-ti> purchaaed prop.- or-c>'.1 1 Thse Value ot uf'arpaatlne. Wbeu ail elme WinlatC-eac phyicisu recommanda bie weitby patient te Cake s t-rip Ce tise tuanpentlaae graves as a cure for Cthro aand laang troubles. The tuir).nitine cf commerce Canne ver>' vieil ho usead Put la>extracting thus ingrEdleut frein gana Lv adding lin.. aeed. Dr. Clasea aaeceedrud Ln gettinag amp t-be sasat effeotive Ceatsnt for ti-eut as. luîag troubles Chat pras ever >dlaovared. Lt la Tuo.wn as Dr. Chesse'a Syrup of Linseed eand 'r.. OSHIAWA. Mr. Max Wakely haa çpurcbased Mr. G. Everet.c'a houa. on Division Ue., Latal>' occupie.) yb> ir. MW. licuLois eon, Jr., iWho b.. i ovedi listeose 0f Mlr. Ueo. Ro.nuua bouses un Agnes at.- .A quiet weddbng was alemnized in L,os. Anqleas, fCaifornia, receustl>', wlieu àm asCIao jex, ot Virginie, lie.. came the bride of Artisur F. BOYvnan, Pharnaciat, tormeni'of 0samws. Mass Ruli>'Mouace, wâile wheeling with MissesOreta Godandsial rley Kîratead., on Mary ftSat onu ra. day, met wlLh a Îery paîntu acci- dent. BY smee tanda aie wam Chroav troin ber bicycle. andl thepedal atrik.. &zag ber, receiveti a very ad cuit Ina ber leg. 12aven atîtcoeawere re.. quired te elome ris. wound. la A4007 fwfth Pilit.. 1r. a.îW. Qitrwei. avitis. tise Saw miliing Ce., t. CaCharlies. Oint.. wTiteg: "Ibr ix Y~à i wsta victlu et lteains, pre.. trudksg pilie.and wvas Indreadtaal egoln> day and nuight. Docors wavre iable è» beip me anti 1 avusabout as mierable a& an>' oreature eould tic. Mà7 druggist alvised mse te Ci>' Drv. Cel'aOiatmesat.whleh 1 M tianti obtaiset refle troua tii. tiret box am naousplot. cure wth Ch.e #eoun& lPbm obstinent avoulti b. chemp et fiti> daller. a box, in vlea of viiet t di for e. fWbile Iatinngiduuwn a taIuso luaCthe ataiwvay trous Rev. Mr. Mheiara i. dmms on Wodnoukay movalag liag 1fr. Bate. amI vua »rm eo.- empo trou mrous Injures, po 17t fatal. -AnIres, bar ona awbb tii. plama. depcndd bruke mnd the lu.. mxuoeu. me tmnbig do"e-n ill 4m. theueffdi POUP&daet velgialwith a it1wMINdm e 4001&. ax(m N*.ftl tut «e. Mca s soBeu l à 1*é *sbur pmw o e*planetu tq. fa ta.#Vâw haM*.. tu Istoi xes" Ibu OW«b umes lehm r.Viav»I. ie «Mi goreutfuull utet ae hxa tis, bee1 ou.Il o ~e t h. fouri lblu uor-,uyhr.Wh e i son.t --làtii.» mw o csUk uSoaying out for hSl>. -YUalAao seo,% hw qiok> ood Leuth tarIl 000 to jeu aga. Pefft lt and maei The. Mvtho&Cat chuirch, IKinaule.iwll hOiA Itheir mannal gaides part>' on the spuaus kiAwn o QiMr.. (J.at. enaon on Wednenday, Xuguat 254h. IPhe a onmtte are ptepariîîg an pi.. Oallent progmg, whlch wili la. an. mnce )on hbil atet. A Iîagel>' atended service waa held et thea Centre cbu.nch lest 8e.bbatil Momning, ocudate.) pq Bey, J. W. 'Totten. Re Preacheti on the liealing land) eaviug power et jeas. 'Piae meeting lavs evcdesa-cly aaucb cnjoyed Ci' thse Peuple. à Cenaiderabl, num- ber 0 oi altons uverer presont, amongat tîbet *iia ,ig àtr. G. R. Shipman, Maun- aLger e1 tiee Home Bank, Cannington. Mgr. Tcotten hala. a quarteni>' meetiLng service et 8 o'clock in Lie Ludian ohua-ci. 'Plere wîa ia Kood atte.nd.. ance. Mar. Tetu as a. mmd.5me %neve in the m-Lur of! organizisig a brancis or tbe EpwortLliLeague agnongat Ch. Ir.diaià&a.ne hoe..«Gon te bave mu Inidirn League. 'Tie [week avenlng servie he bas ougan.. ized In ch. Indian churehb«lis een Mreli ateniied,- sud ucb anterest taken liL hy<the peopiq of tie R. serve. A grant Paiday Sehool ltltlla- Day has beau annolunced to e b. i.)at the Centre churcla nert %an.day ven. lng eit 7 elock. a-s. Oco. ent. man la tsisU with tLite Woak of îarfp- a-ration, aund)a very 'attrautiçre mervice iL in expfec-d will be bel..T'Pe Drunkardâ Boum l~n Toronto to b. glve.n b>'nine boys will bLe a ver>' suggestive and he1laful part et 4,he evening service. Ail ore iu. viie.. Thle prospecta th-otug itht.lA llai a-re Ver>' euraaging for 'an ercelant lhaarvfft. A large nmnber (if visitera ara nov in, ustendan"e aC Cheu different sun.. mer ses-qrtsLu InLi-e a-igon, ôf Chia la.. isanad lake. Thse atactions nre vear>' rpat for those de.s'ring a plaie..- aut summer holiday. Deata... Cannot b. Cured br l1calapplicatios, as they cannot accithe d acloae. portion of the car. There là ouly oe way tu cure deaf new.and that la b>'conatitutiousl reanodles. Deafues. ln cause. b y an intiamed. condition oethce muceus tinseof theIFrustactau Tube. When Liis tube il a ine.) you have a aunbllug meund.)or iperfeet ieang, aud whcn lt ià etrelv close.), Deafnesulà the resull, and) unIes. thc Inflammnation cen ho taken eut aud tMi tube restore.) to its normai condition, hear- log wilt ho destroyed torevea-; aine cases out of ten are cause.) b>'Catarnia whlcb la othlng but au lflasmcd condition of the inucons surfaces. Wc ailgîve one Slundred Dollars for auy case cf Dca tus, ause.) by cataarb)that cannot be cure.) b> Hatl'& Catarria Cura-. Bond ton cisculars, ta-ce. P. J. CHE NEY & CO, Toledo, 0. Set.) b>' Drugtists .75c Tae. atl'saiuilly Pille for constipation. flRVTLISTATION. 4mlSoeaDoris, Louis, mid iscêri os- zercog, 0 c! O-,1wre ti uesta et the Ihrîsu. hLiuau e unday aad Monde antsa. uàss Jeesie Smith, o.! 'Prcute, la qaesdhrg a £«W, i.ay3 Wîth the Arn.,. acrng LamiIlt. às- Geuxce iHoui4on. o!f'Toronto, sjse t Iundu.> ad Monda>'Fut Mr. J. e. aeoockl&. Mr. A. M.ndrson snd friend, trois TPoronto, spent JSunalyand Allnday vatishis aster, Miss».a Ma-admoos Mrt. Pourrais. oit Toronito. epent s tewt aflyaet Att a. i% oksos'. Miss L. Làmgltod, of Toronto, aMu Sunada>'at taLirlsh«o»seber.. 3bf. <bar4 lâi a, oft Oalwaa#ent Sesxséq at ils homeUler. Urf. s$and x&fr. 1P. arriIon, eturseti lime .after spessduug Lvorwecka' -Isoli. aja rutth frlenda in euitfte. Mari. and Mûoion to. Our C. P. R~. otqtam looka qukt e M muw alter reuviuaig0a at ait Jlght fl» paint %'s fite atoille CMa bave ututgd tgt iWakak t gr . .feasakia MW heM tdON& agd ta«odueu>seo "ii a"4pa.a oa of MMr,è C. j ei unssonn00WStuaoMaY, Angut 21t4. lu~ oomSttm tes ii repsartues i Oslitat prtgms4> Pè- W ttb u sieuwM bi s hfI~k*S- imflOar.i. «erê effa.ek *lqt. ;Wou h uw ~li. to>erV M ina tn -AtIe d -» «» , AM , u t '1i foot me.4 Pu s o i it m 11mt afwtt Iu«*u te.ýb8 Paiin an'YwJhsre atoppad in 2Cg tain- Utes aure wIth one of Dr. Bhoop'i3 Pink Pain Tableta. The formula la ou tWhe 25 cenut box. Ask youir Doc,. tom or Dzuggiat about this formula 1 Stops woranly pain.% headaoha-, paine saIjwbere. ffWrite Dr. ebo<,p> Ttncine, W&,, for fiee trial, to provo value of his Headaohe or Pink Pain Tabý- [et&. Sloid hb>'1ilaealor&-16. W. C. T. U. in the temperance cause a In othergr«at causes, Chere in rocin for the ~ok of Sil Who love thefr fe.llow n'bn. Olh. Imat la that the evil of dffink touchees oclety at mgoinany Petrutâ, an4 afte0tâ 80moiany -varied lntere L.that mesurem for itas up- prem"lcobave ceased I.o Le the prop. art>' 09 mn>' ohool or orgaization of rofornra. ,Am BrnLti, ao wrte a harnred snd titty yesra ace, nid: eTie lahor en>le>'ed in podcucing atirong drink, in !ho growth uit graln, ian prfpaving k fer deatruetion, in bregwilg and dlatlling; in ahort, in the. satire amanuftactuire, carrlags and sale of the ikuoira, la utterli>ipro.. duotive. 1t la ,wfheIly UzproluctIvset th. thitsge wiob csa at)>' 7b.e aul. eà tweaith. The. lalior exprnded os thoism e nabntiut Chas valth eM tho commrnityto.tbo juemm faub. siae, or the ourcea oittruec en> jevsnent; but on the Cont.rry, It prq. due. what la Poultvel>'I.ijurlu to ali "ia luttreataof bumnuty.'fTbe, beot *Omught eoftthe day la at lat *egnnag tu mpprehmnd tbe r"efofoî ciii. faut la polftical eoium>', su la pewe.lsu tAwougfb h ti ea uninu> deermue la dripkîng sud at Lia. mue stimmm .md w * oradioui megmam is.nul t. t&ia tinet.' ai tii é f. ~*a. ~#i-14 la lmkt 00 _a» "fast Whitby Cèvucil, VaUoulw m MAht.dsy. 1ilthe mcm. biea prmac. ROpevn DooLittio in the t&Lasmr. Comarun"ctiona M'oe re cm tirein-Liftcas 1uwwtor Laake, (rosa »wAn sumd .Onnoir, Bzent Nixon & .Do., Reglatwar Gsaral, Onta.nio àa!uni. eivaal Afoilatioxl, and Ai. flear>. M,.Gfford, aeconded by &ir. Ormia.. ton, Move2d chat thIi.1OVO grant hIe candor on the 'Preasurer in ravor et Mlrai. Smith £or $1k, being emeunt granted for te keep oeth<le Davis famnili.-Crrled. MCr. Sennett -gave notiee that et the neit meeting citbtis council he wa'll «IL levoite tutroduce a by-e3w te a&- aem~mUMMuLnicipality for County, ToýwnshlP, Poioe Village and Edu. Cation-ai purpoees, and) (air ce support 01l thse POOr. Ar. Orminfon gave îîot. 13 9,t the naît meeting of tie Couu.. cil he wll' aît lesava to in.troduce a l'>'-sûwito appoint latuolleetori of tax- es IOr the yea.r 1909. Min. OrrulatOn, Oeeonded iby Mn. Bien. net, Me-ved Chat Clie reeve girant lh a Oe'der eou the '1reasaîrer -n laver of «Juan Gerrard, for $56.80, befng two Ithirda value of sh") klled by dopra. CGarie&a..' Ura. Cfif.fnrd, ueconded frv Mr. Ben-P nect, moved Ct Li te followiug ne. couinte on Ronds and BrIdg« es L aid. W-m. Luke, $5.50; T-bo. Sac-t, $5; Albert Lott, $8.00; G. B. Mbtheraill, $8.60; Arvb Weir, 88.12; -Joseph 'Phompson, $3.55-, 3os. iu:bba&rd& $8.10; tisAs. Brook, $8.0-, Ralpia Rnbinen, $1.00; Wmn. Jasckaon.$8.45; Ufrg. JaA Ciroiweil. $5-60; L. Beckett, $4.00; jas. MfcKenzie. $17.40; A. A. Rryent. $15.75; A. E. Greaw, $8.40; A. E. Graac, taIre fence, $10; C. -Brock, witre fenre., $3.00 -,C, Blaîsohiard, wire fence. 96.25; E. Llck. wtre. fence, $6. Mir-. Ormniston, P'eonded ty Mr-. Bien. nett, mroved Chet the Çouil udjoirii Lu meet On the f-*rat Monday lu Sept. *t twO O'elock. C.axred. Columbuis. Augnat 2nd, 1on9. lAf.PUR VEF, Cierk. Alaike Oloyen, per basal. 7.00 La 7.50 Whea-L, reul...-..... .... 1 10 <o 11 Whffat, white....-. ... -1 15 Le 1 28 Wie-lt, gene ... i . DO0()te 1 O5 Wbest, apring..... .... 1D00to i O5 Barleey.-... _.., ._. 0 53 Cc b 6o ."e-- ., 100 Lo 100 Buckw ...t......... .... 090to100 ..... ..O 5OIte0 6 FLOUR AND FEED. Eiu, per owt. ».a2ta85 (cpP ed d, owt..,,..,, 1. 50 o1 60 Bren, par Con-....«% 00. 00 to 25 D0 Sheila, part«_o... 00 G 0 GO .217Doo MIRÂAT POULTET AND PRODW&E Beet, quarter ewt. .. 7 DO. t» 8 00 ClttIe, lire weig-tî.&.. 50 Cp 5 00 iLuttoS. purîb.0..k..0. 8 toU 10 LmSabâ, sab .., 5.. 00SDOtai 5 OO l[igam e& per ow' () OU te 10 50 &10904 lut "Id rf.t.7 71%te 8 00 Cbicesa, gis'l. -..- O DO taiO 715 Duok, per ib.. ...0100 te 0 15 G«ese, d peat .lb. ...C t-@ 014 rTrke»r& dred pu alb O5ltaoO 20 B*atwerpfe ... .. 0188to020 Egg., Par doe. MWv0llO18a to 020 Potutou »w. per bus. 1 GO CO 1 25 Euyp.eos..,.,..0,. w i té 200 Btawpe 14.,. .... 10 t leGw Ma@ emt. . 00 * 9 60 ~Sae.eones * too REAL ESTATE 1 7 îoomed aed brick bouse, hail mile west of Oshawa, with verndah, watt r- works, bard and malt vater, bath roorn, storm windows and) doons, aIl kinds af fruit trees, small fruit, stable and heu bouse. 7 roomed rae.) brick hoose i mile fromn main line G.'r.R. sud i mile from the Whitby town station, 5oo fa-uit tnees consisting ef peans, plums, cherries, 5 rows ga-ape vines, aLlier sinsîl fruits ; aiso waterworks, electnic ligbts sud bath- roomn with up-to.date fixtunes. This place must lie sol.. For tuIler particulars, write or caîl on tf'- NOWDEN &MlAW. Whitby, Ont. HEARING AJOS 1 have a good fine of tubes and trumpets. Write for Pnices. F. E.. LUKE, RPRTINO 159 Yonge St., TORONTO W. J. QBRROW, VM40 AClaMan O.eiu dMm""m l s- dam huit <hbadfe. A mm M r urab hmog4ameadu.. aàd&Y, m8d oui b. umcI.mn. Goo himti measoSm.Jama ot. only *mtml, but laside. Rt mmmE alma asmue-,olam bwem lmablood, -a dem. Iver, md MeW$ lea', hl timmm. î1km mmw hso loems lu tbf. vay ii look It mnd sa t k Mef. vuwosk vida ooriy mmd thlmk d« ima,éle, hwmihve«htot. go wW »«____ ubdwith lifers iumi, .toaaach or blood dsoirm. Dympeplu umd Idésdom @rlidét inumoiesàa om- mcii.. Blood dl......am Lun w or eminunclom blood. Conmnptloo and brou -l smeuumoloma Iung. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery preVeutthOd...diommo. t miak« o. a Isismid.. ..m a"d b.mlLy. Rt .1..... th. digestiveorgmma, mmk.m pure@ aleaublood, «d d de , h.mdy £emh. Rt restOrestone tote .ervons .ytem, end ouf" nerveus ouhaud@ mai Prcmtrton. It contin o aiobhol or hmbit.formlng drugs. Constipation la tie most unclema umciemnnesu. Dr. Pie'a Pleassat Pois lom Oure it. Il"h.yn»vr gripe. Bmsy to take as cindy. 81u11118 of oot; Dois COUNITY 0F ONTARLIO, 1909.. 1 WBIIBY-CloriL, M184E. .1,.à"*- doanil, Wbtbl- Jana. 7, Feb. %, Marob 2, April 6. May 4, jus.' 7 july 2, 8tp. 7. Ot. 6, Nov. 5. Dec. 8,Jan. 1IL 1910. O8aA WA- Clerk, Mise E. Ul. Ma.- dcnêli, Witby-jan. 8. lob. 4. March 4, April 7, May' 6, J une 12 Jul '5, &ept. 8, Oct. 7, xov. a Dec., 9,. Jan. 12, 1910. 2 BJWOUOHÂM-Clark, M. Gleomos Oreeawood- J1an. 9., Mmroh 6, May' 7, Jut>' 0 tspt. 9,1 Nov. 9 Jas. 18, 1910. 8 PORT PERRY-Clark, J. W. Durn- baux, Port Ferry-Jan. 11, iMwroh 9, Ma>' 10, jul>' 7, sept. 10, Nov. 10, Jan. 14, J 910. 1 UXBRIDGE-Clerkr, R. V.Moore0w, Urbridge- Jana. 15, Marcha 19. Ma>' 14, July 18, &%pt. 24, Nov. 196 Jais. 21, 1910. 5 CÂNNINGTON- Clork, Geo. Smilth, Canington- Jana. lé, March 18, Mia> 18, july 14, Sept. 28, Nol. 18 Jan. 20, 1910. 8 BEAVERTON- Cicrk, Jya& . .Gor'- don, Beaverton-Jan. 18, Màch 17, May 12, Jul>' 15, Sept. 22, Nov. 17. Jan. 19, 1910. 7 UPTERG~ROVE - Cierk, Davtd Leonarci, Uptargrove- Jan. 12. March 16, May 11, July 18, St. el, Nov. 16, Jan.. 18, ilal Dy' order, J. E. VAREWE-M, Clerk of the Pesc.. Dated at Whltby. Nol. 7. 1908 #9m RISEBROUGH General Blacksmaith wi!I open up at Myrtie Station on Marcb 1, when ho will ho prepar d to do ail kinds of general>Ilaokemitbing, inolud- ing wo' work. Horseahoeing is My"o>ecialty. 8atisfaetiot guaraniee., ÂA ihare of thëe publio pat. ronage eolicited. W. RISEBUR@JG NKyrtie Station. No'ihwestf Excursin meu s 219 j- là#!" S Retumntckt, dfor;shety d "M W. prirncipal NSî thw.stt.wu se Tbuoiah Toddtst mdColoMW mt1. . ibtwuta, ý

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