Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Aug 1909, p. 7

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H 11E YSTERLOSK ri i'n ORL, PLANNING FOR THEIl Î_le, FU 1'RE. se lAîURXliI.-(ýCont'd) j It issavery sad romance, lu nmre f4 chilfenof ourownrespects," eaid ber ladyoihip, with ai Hai v-ochrdîcno! ou OTI a tîb "l he way, ilenc, wbere AI M r V, iii qucsti1oned Lady' II oun littie rnaid V, fe lýr')"i don't know. I havc'n't seeu 1:11ot h- 1, i ave sory lier aincesyou went oeut. he wasa mad: u~>gh tha o terrihly excited ever the d:scovery rsr'l~r~liîng in he far West, <f M iss Brewster. Rcw did abs a -4i -n!ess 1 shah Ba.dîy i ss my happen te kuew anytbing about ~ -1 t gentitle littbe compatiion: ber Vi'e Fhe is tae a su spîe," raid Lad1y Bromley related he story o!fcof tic, geil .rulan, "Every fsine0,1,1Aliison'e kinduese Vo the poor,lu suin flhie touies. vr ie1downtroddeu girl, aftem wbicb she n(~ 'A% lie cuntunue.d, quiekiy recov-: r::~ isei, snceaIss bcare ment inu search o! bier. Shc fouud ,, v:ugI have wbieele'd ber eut t-or in her owu roern lying u1poD ber it rýr air, and Nve often speud bed, ber face awoiieu sud discolor- se h. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n t e irl hi .Iu-ed, ber eyes blocdrhot frorn long- ni -d J ')u 10sy that lber name cnîud epn --i l lr-wsterl'I heo onclid- She bad been irnitten te tise seul e~< riigy.upon realizing that the beautiful bi girl whose image aseha-ctsoens- l 1- thiiik it wnul be wsli te shrined in hier heant was a sen"e- th --I Cr Fs hereu!t.or, Mr. Ly- less ecatutre, aibeit se gentile aud a] - îîil k (Id -NVe wiil do every- sweet a one. fier frrst eoetion up- Pl r xwcr to arouse the, I bebolding bier iu the wheel-cbair o 1lias 60 long lIn ure- ad been one of wiidest joy; but a' ,.lien. she f ully corprchended hs tlîat will bs weili, eaning o! that vacant stars wbicb mu( i : I sotl Brl'îxîle> eagerly, and, greeted her expressions o! deligt- et !',,r '-<uîpanio)n paused hIo- wheu she beard the c'ildish bah- B w ii ~îsîîgenîrncete c- bing wbicb floued from her mriliig ni il g rors Bm14,- hps, hs shock of bernrrsud mc- ir i. or b, oie, IsBrm pulsion wbicb went through bier hi bu ucty Use yd Wdlwas oeewhicb asenover forgot,is 111 nWkth 1 I 1shal! Us and wbich almost breke lber beart 1r I ç t îtriiiiduceo u teO Mrs. by thoen sud there. I t i thn we s iii ail talk for-j Lady Brornley, pitying lier grief, bl il': i.- t- rplans fur our pro- sat down heside ber and trisd Vo q - ceînfort bier. She talked long sud 1_(ii lirrIÀc1v glanrcl rp as ho 'kin.dly te ber, sud encours8M her S1 a~ ' 'firoli herscif tanding bc- t' hope that ail migbt -et b e Weii il 1er- a. egulresîdencob Thewith the faim girl whom sC s 50oved.g asbut o!uf r' wnstonl, sud! When ahe had succeeded lu caim- r Vi h i, rriundu'd bUv. Uautif ul îng bier somewhat, she told bier Vo il iriîi laid cîît asol uriiarnented go teo sieep arnd have a long et, r - ii> t astfo 'rainr, hofur she saw that she n-as almost s ' ' a-s ri<rci - i:î!îors'd 1rosrae'dbyexcessive grief, i. j -Thon %she veut away te lier on nSI I -ai i i rir ut tlîîknot r-m, whr-reasewrote s long let- P lim a.Iii.t îgtte <ver t-i er te bler Ihr-tir, eonflding te hlm v i re t~'~ -o t'O o - c'cenvesail that h ad o)ccurred, and asking 9 i E' ~ i lntir u lier Iimii if she lad doue right in allen-. a j>: -'" s istrtor.ul>EIýijn g tdie' - p'rtion tupon Allisou te a r-:I 1 a' ' !ugrcr ' 1i r CeI %o thout first consulting t - , s. >î <runI n t he JJIx -(tI, rald She cautioned hlm net t.V I '. r" In qolest î>rîs t4-.trav rtnyithI'ng te Gcrald until e - -i. a -k a bo t- t 1,1s aft(rr1,, houl41 hear froas bers il - o >.- l rgrî:î If le îhoughtw-ell o! w-batL t.>': ccsed s asii:g dont', or otherwise, she 5< c - -î "tudedt-b-hi, istird irur i Wte legraph hem im- n k -roIur«y pon receiving bier lot- S y : >-,' IIIp and tl'o1 Sihe %wou'ud receive he mes- à i 'lkf5 ,, . i'r, a rid i 5.'k'iz-,in sea-son to cemmuinicate with Y -- - cr ' <ki rfrsîi r-is 1r ymar sund stop the work o! t M~'li O ~ i O 'tv ii-rrgeori-, if hie thought it best 4- lid.,w et) 'he'W delruy the.r experiment. çuni -ii,- I- hr > luxnee l ie flr jetqj.wxtso nand posted, trfai' , .î silit he ques- t-e the' bone o! the Lymans, as she f 'E r ( ) l otu4ring ox- had pronilscd.1 r"-IL'Oit4 t iE1O innocent, She spout an bo-ir or more with t (E-- î'o nE' - tgrnce. Then the gentleman and lus stat.ly but I : ual- hand and clîaruairug nif--, I-tteen hierse!! and uîdi " . q.nthe jwldwhorn tiere ri. liei ately sprang rip 1'l -ri o o'ti f li-r chair. a streng foeliîrg -'f fricndsbip, and 1 E - " '- raîdsweetIy. '1 w bicb inter on ripIu-ned l aen s- a [i I O rd l'in going duning affectioun As she w-as on the peint of les- i;iýgshe turneti sp-f I~~~~et .iB i --i on-or stîdi, pealingly te Mus. l.ymau aud, with ' -i i( r ljii liiiest pas- stamting tsars, t rvinulously inquir- t v'-milit-e, upturned e'c i.: gri tistVU ia son g "May I cerne t-')utay witb you t-c-4 tha pl uav oongomorren-while 1tie surgeons arej - dil,> oi r rigit mmnd,- she i ers V' 1ke--- -.en re ii (-,iinectieii with the dis- h is bearty approvai of the course 4)-'f Allîson. whieh se bail urauisd did mueis \\ lat a ivonderful mtory-~ said ton-ard bracihï ir nerres for the- M-l'r,,sîrt, ap stuc concludcd, coming ordeail. It-road tbus: a» Ir':.i abed. vou bave ebowu i E 1 tilE'.the urgeoris toegcrry ahsad, ty ail m5811- Telegrapis t rp 'nsrather tissu arouso reaultIt inwidately. G- O. Uat not t"iiO'tsasd fearà o! Wiidches- kuew unatil cria4is 1 passd.-R.L." Etý< .dîlots, perbapa, delsy thel "" i ilidefinitely. O! course, %f '80, £altie befcare »oo,, n-ah a n ! i i- 'Iuld not p ove tu e tosessu-1 et .tfilit8Isabid a calm >i, b-p, 3ou cou id telegraph thougis grave jsLd rm i a hoî'-uîdcore o imZdÎ reeeded te thse zosdenco -ofthtie %' BuTt If, on tise other baud, Lpna-nsa. - ' eçoer hem reason, b. Mr&, LyMnAO recived ler-v.ry s: sr f ully realize wbat ber gracioutlll.and wîtb pjarit'hto -ni lias heen, sud that, ac- utinost COPOIsutr1 Aitlxmagîs au ub- - ' tv ny ay o!fîiinkÎug, vyl natural pilenes Wbtraýycd tiiet ie1 r- 'nil illustration of tise. %va bYnu fttaU fJOOftyi fl£xet I%-- regardiug tise'blilas' of A 1ew aie1 1it- 4 -Vrc the elckj - c- " *truck thse ftal iIbui. iAbe COU- - ii it alinost seemsed like pro- duct a e ' ec4tu A COwwser2y iriuninuruspart Vo ausuiie any$t the rçw-o! t$S#hnise, Wr~- t.v un thes atter." Lady Nrn4»W'1t4- 1ip£#IeIPý 'c rreod, and flusthing41, mou5tS uî nd yet 1 amn sure u*ir sr e -.1 nhori)I1am veryjOlandcal1p3* ' A:o o ties r a1 k1 t.w the outeornsis," Isaidboa' *A Iht , llie, yenir iV M 1 -bi %%inotbug4bout ber'8a*id-"~ 1w4'uration wduldise.nv- « f br(A a-d tud Vise eO b* id 1I.11j' afit e P51*4*dqei u'rl-I have a seoun B".1 ymM ty girl hy the ,._'!1'o him uswuI dagb or ~4othèr,' ho aaid, laytnf ea tondi a stoh~l, ýI- -eI ovr,'a, thre very Wt eaulta are Iooked fofr.»x 1Thet i t beomo apatent wbM £ rain the. woxuazx had. bee 1n Ib ig tinder-what a& où'b abhd ,pbt >ozA herasi 8Sh. sank weakly up- à & ,hiïr-whieh stoo-d near. 8h. Pôke no word, but ber lips tremb-, d, while beur eyes stil i eagerly- earehed ber busband<'is face, as h. ontinued. "It was exactly as tDoctor Lati- on Vhought-there was a fragment f boue pressing upon the brain, nd the moment it was remoyed, Ilison cried eut, as if from sudden ear : 'Gerald, save me!1' " CHAPTER XIV. There was a pro!ouud silence for moment. Then Lady 13lromley Lgerly exciaimed: "Ah! that shov, s that the portion bf er brain wbich bas so long re- s.ined inactive bas resumed its irmal condition." "Yes, or, as tne surgeons explain tthose words forined part of a ent-ence which was probably in her riid at the tirne <ùf that terrible iilroad crash," Mr. Lyman return- ,. "They think that she may. per- iaps, have bad a momentary rea- zation o! bier danger, and ber flrst hought was naturally o! ber lover nd a desire for bis presence to rotect ber." "That certainly seems a reason- bis conclusion," said ber ladyship. But how did @ho appear when she ,ceversd from the influence of the -ther 1" "5h. was very quiet. She did ot speak, but ln-oked curiously and nquiringly into the faces about er. A sleeping-potion was admin- Stered to lier, and they are new uttiug ber to bed. " "And Doctor Latimer is really hopeful that aIl will be well?2> jueried Lady Bron-iley anxiously. "Vsry hopeful. There is a tiny ;ot that has to be trepanned, but ýt will in no way diqfigure our dear eirl, for the hair can casily be ar- anged over it," said t.he gentle- m.an, smiling cbeerfully into the white fa.ces looking up at hlm. fother,"lhe ndded, with visible amotion, "we bdve lost 'our baby'- he haa seemed such to uis," he ex- plained to their guest, "but I arn very sure that we have belped to give ba.ck a bcautifuil and loy- able little woman te ber fàends and te the world." "For wbicb I give, mest hearty thauka," sBaid Mrs. Lyman rever- uftly. Then, rising, she put ths flowers which she haod gathered iute Lady Bromley's baud. "Let every blossern bear a sweet nessage cf hope to your beart," sho said, with a smile; "and just at seon as Allison is able te set you yeu must corne teO tellllber el bhe eue whom, you both love sc weli."' Feeling weak aud almost exhauat. ed from the reaetocn c upn eo hope, ber ladyhp-h-ade her n"~ friends adieu, and returned te Mrs Bryant's, when she' despatohed - t6legram to ber brother, readini thus: "Everythiug 18 w-eh eoven Case procunced vemy promising. Sh. tisen wmote him a letter, te follon- Vhs telegrms, gviug detailE egarding hs opematien, sud prom- isiug Vo nrite every day, that h. trigist kuon- exactly Allison's con- dition, sud ho oouid use bis own ;ud-gment about eveshrng Vise trutis we Gemalti. (To ho cotinued) TEACIILNG DIi STORIES. ion- au Engllsh Tearber Dros-e Usine a Moral Lesson. Thse simple mnauar in whi-oh a moral lessea eau be couvee to-the mind of a child w-as delightfully de- monstrateti ecentiy ai Vise bous» o-f Mus- Erie Ifambre, London, Eng- land. Thse childrensast round a sligbtly raissd plattorsa with VIeur bseka Vo the audience. Mr. <3<uld, with tise aid o! a blackboard, ceai- meace-d strsigbtway Vo taise thons iate his confience. "I am t'ging tc dran- a map," said Mr. Gould, n-it a amsu; -"and I vonder if yeu eau name hs country-I wouder i"~ It n-as a ctude outline, but tht" teeu hands n-nt up siuultaneously.. "Inadia!" came a chorus eft th-n vaves. «"And thise 'eigi o!fte peoplet" "Tley art Mais tans.", And Vier. and tisep hoto-Id a aerr 0! jetai, tise maisoetan tee>6r# w-ho bowed ackmenl.dgmqntt o «eS etroot cliild tisat liedbo-w-.4 *0 bia, 4 NO-W; nbat trait b" dthé r. .t 3Jetai diapIayeâin bovws g Vo t!at thld Ir 1 Tirat.e« buireb Mo Visrwa ue*"&a, matthUe 'wOrd *e e-pru t»situatloa 6I* namecd. "Xever m d,-!I" sud Xe- ~(el;"iV vini ooom' o y. o - 0enVy $» &d %it)i ebe.mu10j t4e hor ouameacod Vo relatêe.A »- Of gentlemac W'bo, *bile tten 1wl ï in Paiîair ralwey cr emmbur o! miner, M L of Theni. Âmong tr ericiities otnaturel àti arè 'hô oewtriaslsl. They" 1.edng to 7tha t*opîoa, and 'their powerof..giving an eleotritaI shock lis wha.V tnakeâ the'm ,of interest. r. 3. E. Warren';_'the. authorq of "Para, or Suciies and Adventures on the Banks of the Amazon," tells in his bock some amnSfg stories of the spécimens which lie brought home. A f riend, at whose bouse we were visiting, bad a amati sel of the elec- trie kind, which ho kept. in a tub of water placed in the yard. A tliirsty duck. in rainbling about in scarcb of water, cbanced to see this vossel, upon the side of which ho pe.rched himself and began very iiiconsiderately to drink. In a Mo- ment he received a shock which made ail bis feathers te st.and on end, 'and which magnified him twice bis ordinary size. But the duck [was more valorous than Any oee woul have supposed, for be' re- turned te the attack with such vio- lence that he would have soon de- rpatched h.;s slippery enemy had net a servant interposed. and pre- vented so tragic a termiflation of the battis. Two incidents as amnusing as the foregoing took place on board our vessel- wbile we wers on our return voyage te the UJnited States. Among our living curiosities we had two young electrical eels, which we kept iu a large tub on deck. Wish- ing one day to change the water, v-e upset the tub, leavlflg the crea- tures for a few minutes on the dry L-oards. Having replenished the vessel with f reshi water, we request- ed one o! the sailors Vo put them in As he proceedod teo do se, he ecceived a strange thrîll. wbich caused hlm to let the fish faîl from las band in a moment. Hie atteiupt- ed it again, but with nýý_better suc- cess. Infinite was the consternation of the other sailors, whio tried in turu 1to put the diabolical flsh into the tub, aund truly laughable were their looks of wonderment occasioned by othe mysterious sensations which they bad severally experienced. No one, however, was more amazed .than the captain's mate. Being .himself wholly unscquainted with t ho properties of the fish, be was unable to imagine any other reason .the sailors could have for dropping them than the difficulty of holding -such slimny and slippery things in r ýùe's hands. . Fortiflsd with this opinion, the )mate walked boldly up teo the larg- Sest -eel and seized it witb a power- fui grasp in order to prevent the L pessibility e! escape on the part 4o #the flsh. He was soon forcecl to le' bgo bis hold and to yell out as lus- ,tily as'if smre one' had touched hin f with a bar of bot irou. After much ) Jaughter th.e captain flnally pro- cured a shovel, and m-e-eturned the - eels Vo their native element with. çï&t, &IIY furtheir 4î u1ty. , "SCOTCH," A COÇINE HEllO. gStory Showing the" 7athfulaess01 a Dog. IV is a Veucbing etory o! canini fldelity wbich Mn. Eues A. Mili telle of bis dog 'Scotch" lu "Wil- Life ou t-ho Rockies." Master am dog had heen eut ou a four days excursion on Vhs bleak inountai tops, wheu a littie above imIssu lin-e Mr. MillesteWpped5te taIse som phsoto ýraphs. Te do this ho ha' to take off bis abeepskin mittes wiih h. piaced iu bis coat pockel, but not seeureiy, as it preved. H goes on : Frein Vie toteis, as- I clinsbe 'Vie suinrit efthtie coitnentai di vide,1 I ztopped Vo taIse photogmapisi but ou tise su»umit tise eoid piere my silk gloves, and I feit for m initteus, VoefiWdthat eue loUtiiez w-as lest. I StOOPsd, put an atm roun Scotch, aat olW hlm Iisad lbat, mitten,-n1sd that I waited hlm t go don-n fer it te Save nme t.roubl4 Tateado! -startiug off iUMi*l &'q lie i"d nvari&bly doue bLe o is obedi-ence te My counneud, b stood esV11.1 Itbougbt 1ho l, h" ii understood rue, go 1 patted tl sud thon, poùting don-n Viie sl*p sad,?o for tise xnttýP -Soo I ,i -wtt hirefer le. Re stait.dt*rit, but unt Unvi Iugy. K.lI a-i1' ed"--n he ie.n!ulythst I cou'ad not ux denatand ad 't VW-as t uotit W. tise jiezt!trkoon tirt uda ABOUTMALAYPIRATES OAREASSfEM p**ê,$0$I(- Sqne Like Clga's and VIgal1Qtt, othera FOnd o! fa Plata Pipe. Ï. _411 T flEY ACTUALLY WER t'ate o ; h . a.l- 121THIJ GEA DY.E'During the laist few day.t. ii - . On, t,,hc; Farm]- I RI GRA Y. tan o! Turkey was sbut up i' 'tu! Yidiz Klosh lie is said te htave smoked over tbirty cigarettes evor) Reeo*ed hat he Wrst alayheur to "cool hlm nerves."- For ;ss~s*$#*~ Reeuded hatthe orstMâlysyarm Abdul Hamid bas smoked doz- Pirates Were Not Malsys ens o! mtrcng cigarettes every day, DAIRY WISDOM. aAIL and it eau be said witbout fear <J Do'noV negleçt te use amre good contradiction that' lie bas been'the fly repe.ilaut in Vhe days of fly Vor- About 1850 Rajah Brooke put the moat ardent devotes o! Vhs frad. ment. number of those who swept the munt weed tibat was ever seated aP' 'Thie fly plague ceets a e5eate4ii coasts of Boruco alone, going and ou a throns, maya London Tit-Bits. suin than auy dairyman eau afford. returning witb the mousoons, at King Edward likes cigars, Cigal' The abrinkage wiil amount Vo five thousand. Wbeu consul at ettes and a pipe. Re., however, bias t.en per cent. or more every day. Bruni, somewhat latter, St. John ne liking for American muade cigar'- Net only la there a boa iu milk and estimated the population whicb ettes, bis favorites beiug mild Lut butàter fata, but Vhse ows shriuk ini lived, as ee ray say, by piracy, kish. Iu bis youug days bis Ma weigbt', caueing stili further less. at sixty thousaud. Aud if "casu- jesty smoked cigarettes and-nothi-,g Give ths cows comfort la Vhe &a" had been included, with their else, bu t now be is more fond if stable and pasture, and Vhs profita womeu and oidren, 1V would have a good cigar than "tobacco wrapp * ofVth e dairy will be doubled. been vastly larger. writes Freder- iù paper." Hils everyday cigarir 15 V hs stable adyrsas ick Boyle ln tbe Psul MaIl Gazette, specially made for hlm in Cuba o! Kueye n and sryaordspabso- The judicious reader instantly ths flnest tebacce. wtya ao n spra o aprke replies that trade must have cerne The German Emperor amnokes wili be ne breediug plaoez fer files. te au sud promptly under this in- cigare and cigarettes eout o! do ris, A geod formula fer spraying the fiction. But the ruffians did noV but.wbeu lu the privo.cy o! bis study osith lown:T oe depeud on plunder. It wae wcî- he puifs at a small woedeu pipe of Cquar t k ollowiug: ata so on- corne, but they seugbt slaves-and The. type favored by tbe averagequrcfkome dlaVbepo- blocd. Inexplicable as it seeme smoker and costing about bal! a fui each of oil tasr, flsh eil, carbolie te us, the parompaks, tbeugh most- dollar. The Kaiser consumnes vani- £aid and cil o! pennyroyal. This ly Mohammedans, regardod their eus kinds cf obacco, sometimes a Mixture, V ron lu a fiu, spray on ernploymeut as a callinlg or pro~fes mixture, and bis cigare, whic.h a cow, je death te ies and moaqui- sien Vo whicb tbey were born. With 001115 rcm Cuba, coat about flfty Voes. * bv ceaV notbeugbt of wrougdoing, appar- cents eacb. urew httecw aeaSst eutly, they murdered barmiese flsb- The King o! Spain keeps strictly pur ater at ail imes. ermen, sailore or peasants dwelling te the cigarette. Thbis is roiled lu Ad apbed Jersey or Guemn- on the shere, if tee oid or feeble paper ungummed aud requires very. Bey or two te the bord. It will te be wortb transport, and tertured careful smoking te keep wbele. AI- uuProve Vhe butter. those wbom they carried off. fouso's cigarette is about as pecu- Keep rock alt in ail the mangers Amoug hsernest dre.aded pirates liar as Vhs cigar wbicb Vhs Emperor andd lu a box in the pasture. aise were the Seribas sud Sakarran Francis Joseph e! Austria used te Clover lm pastures in geod wbile Dyake, Rajah Brooke's future ub. srnoke. The latter wais fltt.ci witb it laets, but iV is soon crowded eut. jects, who wanted boude and ne- a straw tube audlbad te be hel'd or dies out itsîf. thing mors; ait plunder tbey sur- lu a candis flame for a minute or if Vhe grass in the pasture 18 LaU rendered te the Malay chie!. wbo two before it ceuld ho made te aud plentiful, do noV lottVhe cews provided the praus and navigated draw. stay ln it ail day wben thsy are tbem. But these were The Czar e! Russie, and thse Prince first turned out. A few heurs will o! Wales favor tbe pipe when in be euough for one turne. A LOCAL SCOURGE. private, but their smoking impie- Where Vhs cows are kept aJIlVhs It is net very surprisiug Vo learn mmonts are of littie value. A small tisas in the aine field, they tread that ths worst Malay pirates werc pipe cf Vhe "buildog" type is a!- down Vhs grass -go that thore is no;et Malays at aIl; that unfortu- fected by eacb sud Vhe tobacco they much they wlU fot est. By baving nate race bears a goeod rany im- consume is oi Vhe common, luexpen- s uew fleld te Vurn theru into easi putations whicb it dees net deserve. sivekld. weynwl ieVs rs The Lanuns, or Illanuns, dwelt oni- BiamM ck was an ardent devotee chance te istraighten up and, h. ginaiiy lu Mindanao, a great island of ths weed sud it wsbis bost wsshsd ceau by tIi. dew sud -of the Philippines, wbere Darnp- that b. ceusumed over 100.000 ci- ehower. Then the COWs will est it lei- found theru peaceable euougb, gars iu fifty years. Thomnas Alva sud do mucis botter ou it.. working geld. They were net a Edison probab ly hoids the record Set Vhs -caris and other dairy seafaring people then, theugb the for Vhe number of cigars smoked thingase that Vhe sun can peur chie! s bad their gorgeous barges. daiiy by one man, for lie bas cou- nigbt dowu inte Vhem. Tissu Vhs. Trhe Balluini 'carne from Siul; lu f essed that while teu cigare are bis germes aud Vbings will scramble Vo f net, that was a pimatical name for normai sliowauce Ise consumes dou- geVt omone other farru. the isla.nders, etherwise called Su- hie that number whsu deepiy ab- If your cowm ever get te breath- lus. Perbaps iV was they who stant-- sorbed iu work. Edwin Booth, Vhe lng bard, look up their nostrils aud ed tise abominable practice, for tise tragedian, often smoked t'wenty- see if a stick la iodged Lhe.re. Spaniards were prevcked into moud- fi'e cigare a day and bis dresses -ing an expedition against theru as used Vo stand iu the wing with a I SOKNT . -eariy as 16W. It f ailed, as did ligbted cigar in bis hand rea.dy for LIESOKNT . emany anetber, "sud f nom Visat the gI'eat acter when he made his A good dust bath dos more Vo *tirne," says hse ld bistenian Zuni- exit. Dr. Norman Macleod, a f arn keep Vhe cluekene froc f romu lice than t ga, "'it is incredible what a uum- ous Scottish preacher, used te keep does the occasionai dosiug with -ber cf Indians (Filipinos) have been a box o! cigare lu bis vestry sud buze pewder, aud for this reason n made priseners, what villages bave after service wouid rcgale himsel! should always be a part cf Vhs poul- h -been destroyed, and what v'essîs with a "puif," usuch te Vhs berner try flexur~es. h ave been captumed." But Vhse'"f bis eiders. Skm uilk and grass fed toether e Spaniards succeoeded at Ingtb lu Tennyson's love for bis Pipe was make a valuable ration, sud in Vhs - ualiug Mindano tee bot Vo hold ths proverbial. It was Vhe great poet's case of gsowing pigs Vhs miik is soid Lanui freebooterîî, who dispers- boon, companion sud. an Irish dlay nt a good profit. \Çrefully cou- eci, fetaimig settiements up and was bis favorite.. Baskets of C5day ~ xewet $v htsc devs Vs hin Se, scho! viici P'~~ r6iidy for use were stacked miike~wor Wý't*en%Y te foitY-fve became arouud Vhe wals of bis study snd cents per bundrsd weight wben s» as many as 200 were te b. found fod. if A CENTRE 0F PLRACY. lyiug looe on the fler. At thia iis of year herses sufer Que eau undemstand that tuis wsy ~ i ~ - a grent des) from, bard, dry befr,. ~ e!hi foter corag au ener-A good scakiug dos them good Leo iefsiI oase andusipntIe- RESTORED HUS SIGUT. Just te drive tbrough s bit of si prise a l a s emnhp h r wateo n nce au swbilin lebetter ~, irbopMaDegal~'ot e.tAla thon la -Jszly c£*me to l»Odonud U,5-,b~ W5J5'(L~ 0ra sot t l ii Tnis. rried vas tretted at the L»déuOpith.î- fatteningsie» fti en to lio le Vo Sarawak, tbse. -ui"s instant- ri %1.-uniyerud-1-opinion t t it1VWUl iýt 1-y.'p themaeWes .4tisethe ed e "aoofa mptin Iont to Vo have one stroug Isyun l natve ont> U~~ ind -ene,$er o sulted two dit- tWeWE 01, -e, for'miscbi.f, 1 onas. he oM in-lerent sp.cilis u Oh t1< me' li4ýmnd&t &y o aja, rooe e er was ao>IuW0y nolso-pe oif my - FAill NOTES. aha never h crdeî and adI- Ili gr0 ideto uto Okôho Liwap bnt4 awyfV' IV lMe* bUad., t, ýei Vd o t*1* -ondou wieleaS vitt a el 5- ueition whetheir thse" x't.ook o<>b"c pt> Rs4la F *U- -ký-ùe iM pée~- ~ ~rê êr lm~ ~~eaIon inô thevci ïï te oP'rc ec'U ur e- r y lüWlpAtý ct rxné 00ýmyloftèye f;.eTh' e

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