Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Aug 1909, p. 4

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r-gqrei f~'r-'r' Scraggl Do you k. le P Thon *hy b. conwented wleh le P Have eo bo? Oh, no l Juse pue on Âyor's Hai Vigor end have 'long, ehlok hbu; soft,, oven heur. But Ira of a&à, stop your hair front comm, out. Save whit you have. Ayer's -Halr Vigor vIli mot disappome you. Ie feeda te.halr-bulbs; maye oncai. lai r ato tnd a I»k ofta gratecalu, or IN "aele«Mfor ur rue."l -HKV" T111111M&~ Am"l Oter eue hoa ii ggente raidaa teaucha isia cur. e f o teer a uat a f tw ear cai a"'goar "N Therea our-C rauâtesT2go EuTherm Opsen a ugadâ30.e W«h r ite forarhcurfra shr Pedteo o Bsiess Cogegae o Gheus. s-0OMRILSEO Principal. TORDIFF fB Succea.ors to CodyE PRAOTIOAL UNDEI Chargtesa oderai Phonze Il1 eRo8. Broa. ITKR e. S aoox LIii la a oII pay ou to agcdala . ou o Deau ern isl edy n u t We d Ceotr Teinloy thmcooq3entlawst. sud do sow the Paticuacomiission W.v H. pu SHAW.nPfroi s. Aa Y',li!RJolî2Jitedci Wf Hitby Gad tranikt oc On nsetfor c e Wrk E. W. isedbyeaNSWd neSeop md eicentlÇa Seo en d oalkth a ts o re on save b pur aring rm. Wh'ib gaoleeGrusanite sqar eu O ffie cand epor OpoPhost O.ffiteuldence. ON IAWIDEVACUSINS shpaudguiat 9, 10, 11, 12, Rra ountraes f ruWhitby um Old rcheard Me., $16.3ood ri Kemonel bportnotMe, aloa.6 AgnPortl th, e tri i il cvMnt N.B. p 23.15 Mmd ry ay, QMe., $&3 Bailli, n.., Me, 51.65 Pourtld,Me.,, 16.os Mocton, N..,237.151 Proportionate rat«s frei ail station lOnt" lo teabove a" other poinl New Brusick, Nova Sctigà, Mal., and ?dince Zdwmrd Ilaind. Iturn Unit Autust 3otb, op ror tcts s4"dmfilafsr.atio es s400s,080"4 .sp.çoebr. -E. STEPHENSO>eN, Have T ild Thi?l Dranto"s choke Ma& TIIWHI8YGAZETT TLo Whby bi rnide Tihe Whltby KI3YSTON2 Publisbed every Thsarsdy la -dm -st leofceDundas.St.. Wbtby. TS àtte sudChroulcte have tht isigest circua.o ilons ofsuny papoes in the coty. Adier' tllglu ths.. psppays>, atsa on appit. Subecrlptlon pr$1: ar;osz.p Il ot psld in avns C. A. OOODFHBI.LOW, Editor and proprietor EDITORIAL ]NOTES Lu lawuUid nuLt IASLI 1u lAve au ut. Lui ai .La è±au L.gaal u LuJUTtd t1Ait i'LliLL4laSdl ie iwi.UA. ,lohuIJjr.N- USi 9 Ili juISLt~t; Udlt &'AMI t»)ioe U&ja- Laruti tà 't.L a e 41.11<C 6104 »îmn lU- k9rvole littLO ina LUJ(UCLOL Iaa* &&ve rtru&ac. iu.4"( "le uaua. waa the syn- uuiyaila r u»efulut"on~d peoby. lite V>u.blic cdeor, u et>u-i rua lýbia is.. uwýe vatiut a&Iào»ainoucupa'rable &JValiLàge AL> the V.I->n'aoo U -U "t£i-u wit' Lo Lbe !.hLiuiu .gricatural wur1à. Li bàau degtL Cana4a baas i.i 4,eai [ubL a geau. TLae Tui o ttu ZN a u taedv d by 0 ne at ýtt "lest aîd wua t atute jour. flta in(.auada. TLIns tact would tim. b. lurzîexd. lowycvcr, fronthte polucy ol tble pat>er as exotnplitie4 Lu the eff.trt LuaLtanbing gmade lu write up> lueal option Liivarintis LoVas lin OJntario. Orillia, Downanvjlie, Mîd.. lia iniiîd outhbut#upn have paasd lu revliew before tLuteyea ni rh. report,., &.naa't out by The News. lu enter.. iug uts»' the OO.inaigf te "ditor re. nai-Sk,3d clii c le %aa&.!îdin.g ouat two of it bih otexpeuienred riî.urtpr& on Ifle jcob It 1.9 to lie bovad that the work of tbene ma.pne'c nîinl tii matter la not the best îhey aa do, for it in tue opinion of nainy that their %work ina tis case looke like that oft tbe raweat teadinfeet in the 1profemh PIie pion gStham nla eb&urd, everi if ~uuidOutiiiia eaarolig winY. But un at lta, wvmiten iii a juveiiile ttrairn. it becomeâ îaot only péeles but silly as well.I BasebaJi. Thte d Biàdi, of 4Uobourg, viateti 1mbiby on isaturday actortacon last ta pLay the recurai i v th MWhit. by Greys, and atçaaa aucoee<eiedn de- teating eur boys by te cLum score of 10 ta 9. The. gaaie waa v"r ex. Diting, gati mas inuci enjole*llby the apectatoris. MLorrie Mutrphy utapired, andal atbough hie ta-k£rwas a bard one, bis deolsiona .were fair and im- partial. TPhe batteries were Gien andi Hoin.beck for Gobourg, andl Gluablet and C. Blanoliard fer Witby. Tii. Sonac's of Toronto, came to W'hitby on (lvic holtday tmoruing andl ïly- a dsplendid gaine et bail ivti the Wbltby A.A.A. The gaine was calied et toit o'clook, aird lasted t4i ve t- t nisèvaîUig eami à['he Sen- X*a ceere s a'JnSttlot et juniors, anti glsyed theàr gante witbout an error. 7%e b" aelef t baud twlrier. and gave hlm the hast et support. The lino ult ceas easoIoa- Eenaca'n - Aimas. catcher:-, %yers, pftoher: Oretley. lat b.;- Wooak, 2a3.d b. ; Obb.oce.a.; Smith, ftrd b.f- Hnt.. er. Il. ; GailIgheor, .f.; .Iracey. r.f. Whity- C Ilerry. catcher: Dlnny OY.bnce.. pitcer:. J. Gfmmhiptt. lut base; IR. &iuh. 2nadawl, C 1\ u as. ; K Wara,îtri.3rd baxe;-,F. iSfaltmyre M.;. 1., Tolin Per ry, Vn. . Dave agowat, r.f. iimupireF. Mathisoz. Whitby's Civîc Holiday. The le 1brain of Whktj's Cinlo balWbi Kt Haîdasore Park in Uts Arternco.n mu GsrnIuot with great &UMM M ad 4tethe enjojment la many buadra .1 et pe, wbo b.d the poIn.. fl of.1b.Iag promuln. nf. e ondoucup" a a uinlu«Wt gav*laolt, andl Cave a god prognta étur*ugt t4eJteroou. M1 u ogvai et qrte beesu ab» t sa%0, lwln ts Whby and 0bawa banatll tuan tao.ed eaoh other, su&d &C lsver ae boule gev the. qststosa a guoodoaul « tamuaomaug. Ths prise Ou, the sianurs eth;àUmm %naus ia. MWbdà s hhsbw&A esptured by tho Osbem* «S 4. The aoue boing 16-i4. (TXA POR¶M M" , A- MIF fkv*, o4ok whesa the fat .of the oth.r sportâ p'epe esihul. ¶UblsMw».dm..b0shadag et t. suas..- 100 yusd., *PM- Quoi. l'quisua, 11 The Great Annual Gitertteed Absolutely Pure. la 1 lM., )4 lb. and %lb. packages. ChurcL3 But Fiaiih Ready For Use, Dry. No muxing required. Sticks to the vines snd finishes the potato bugs with one application, zo lbs. for 25 cents. Worth its cost as a fertiliser. J. E. W1LL1S [RUGGIST ANI)OPTICIAN IHIA1L H îIL TBYj lot tibi event or vient purpoae1,7for kit, and ttin awaz continute lt more Aêdndral Lord tharlts Bse.ford, wbo has acooeptadau n &iLon to 'ý«tis Caada to oj>e the tansdiazi NatioalagExpotOion at Toionto, La kaww tW lae as the great lea4gr i Lbe ationtil &d.en". movement non ituting tewhoie empire. jýed LChar'les, who Là dbe 'teond son ut the àMarquis of Watorford. ito ibecam know.n t.o faine Kt the boi.. beausment of Alexand.ria, whecn ho aaUWed 4h. 1141 uaidor into iwster uno ahaliow fjur tebig bêttieahlpa and aienced a baLt.ery that jila Aoe- kasgsre&t <ainage tu h. British (lm.,ts* Wel dotne, Cinder" Wna the signal 'Lhat fJoated froin the flag- ahlip alter the bêttle, andi the young Lf.1h'd was kno wn as lCondoir Char. lim," iti1i more dignified tt.s crowd- ed theme naIto oeuiparative obscur-. ity. Admirel Xereafmrd can do etb- er thinga bc"des fight. He lias three mnedLils fr lif(-mving. ha& writen a Li.e of X£ Ison and severai treatLlies on niaivilmtteïra, ta an ait-round apprtinq moun. andl ta krown ail over BRrLta1n asa a- run..her4od Insu. tu"- H-YMENEAL. W&ELELY-NICHOLEUIN. A 'quiet churoh weiiig took place an Alil Sints' ohurob aon Týaesday mot ning at 7 o'ciocký Ibben. Mis II- liaa ChauhainaNeholson, daugh.ter of Mit. andi Mrs. Jamnes Niitolmoe, was uniteti ln rmr'rlage to àMr. Max".,,l Viviau Wakelz, of Osnawvt %RV. Ai.. F»rdyce Bgrr pentormM ithaemsony #?Tie brIde Iwas *attlread lu a pribtte' txaveilkaig urt. IMx. axîd Mm . Wake4l7 left lananediatei'y aic. the. cer.mouy (or a "sIp 40thie ltates. Alteor their i'turn t±fry udttalce uVP 'elr reai!. denoe. iunOsAà,WA. A quietwedding waas islemnnlsed at 2 'cleck cms Wedaeaslay afernoon Imat ta Toronto by tb. Rev. ALL. 0ggàe. c Pazkdate. Proabîterian ohurch, when Msa Mina Leone, young.at daughrer of ris. late à&t. John Pliul, J-11.. et PiokeriugTp., murn uniteLnlumarriage to Ur. Joaep.h "&asu ouMaster,aeoend son of tMr. ITos. MttM«, of Potarboro. The. irde, Wto W«a giron aw*7 by ber- brothun, Mr. John tPhlllipa, Nlw a t. tired in a dalaty guwz ut wbt. point d'esrt. MU 10 a g oo M'. to 4 ti the br. wo a baus. <nd lockot sud eba. -Mr. aMdl lra. licliater 4on tuheb drs *'olo.k train tor the Eaut, tue brUWe frav.i&g bi c -.ar graY toiIod suit a"udom" unbt. lb« .aelsm to retunto Toronto "e. utidlte et B.Lteoebe. Nwxalf"-WILLIÂ)oe, ài V«WX quiet but :ýetLty weddlg te"k place et ie rasaemnuat ut. sMM atm .Peter Wi&lauào. Wbky4 OU .WssmoadayJUt> 2h, LUiSE>, fhanta ad uhatgItm, X isa £tlae. ram a ntu4'lu mm »te iar. kibein 8. Wyma e£ immuvila. migai. At 0» a spsoLajheur th* son.. btaes gParUes mus bed seut upou t* beauait ts &avtns a vet stnilai 0' a pquiwae»OAklou gma. du abudc ms.nl wm spea MM anet Jotr tuter, ehis V07y mwsU.fly toul4q lt watt*&@% allerbbh cite ewr sas Iapuiujpr.m by Ion., W. Mr Wdekmet u la v in l &i=Ie. uset *ai.mm& 8*r .1 sw amd Ps Ohn 9««»& la sa w u 0"out"al i of Ten Thousand Dollars Worth of BOOTS AN» SHOES AT Me W. COLLINS' Is now ready and ail goods will be sold at Auction and Cost Prlces for 30 Dayst We have as large and well assorted a stock as any city store, and we guarantee you lower prices and al home advantages of changing. Best quality and cheap repairing. This will be the greatest sale and cheaper boots and shoes than ever before. Two large bargain tables will be kept laden with bargains during this great sale. See the baskets for bargains. See the tables. See the counters. Piles and stacks everywhere, and ai must be cleared within one month. We've got the nicest stock of bargains you ever saw, and here are some of the prices for one month: 5wmmerCerneSI Cheap Trunks, Valises, Telescopes and Bags. Great variety of the celebrded Siater Shoes always in stci BARGAINS, BARGAINS, BARGAINS. ck. Our Comfort Shoes ail feet shotild wear. Our Doors will be Opened WIde to Avoid erowding. Me W0 ee2LLINS. e2ash Red Shoe Store, Whitby BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. Parla le Fuil of Them and Nearly Ail Use Parîsian Sage. lIm the.beauty show. at db. metro- Polis two Yeêréiago G old M3edale were ûwamrded te ave dit fceett women. TAl thle moat beauiAtul cuman, be- iLweem 20 end 25; beLmwcen 95 and 80; between 80 auai1 85; between 85 and 40, and beLween 40 and 45. A bOiety reporter NVtfO interview'di a«Il five Pwoono in the. interest of bis papers, reportital titat all of thmn had beautiiful hait, and that eascii u thle tive eatiusetically attrributeti ier lautriant hair 1,0 Parisian LNge. A. &L Allia oels Parisian' Fig. for 50 centa a large bottle. Re guvran- tees il 40 cure dandrutf la two weeks. ta atotalliiig hait and lthhing oit the scalp. lt makes any womana hait beautitul, acf c andl luxuriant. SPEND YOUR VAeAnTON AT THE kw4àffl DE. Thse lIcw rate eurtiions vieGrand Trunk 441llway 83rstem te -OU Or- Pordland, M.ê A.n14..a. Mon.. cten, NBa; ý " r yy.Quê i iuez, N..; u aridp, P.E.J.; Pice. ,ton, N4. eto., iwîll ensbe1 7leu 40 do su at mwali cost. Tickets gooda golng 'August 9, 10, 11;-12; retraru limit August 30, 1909. Full linteonaton «ida tick,-ta frosa ani Oraitti Trunk Ticket A gent. RirenibeT the Thtiýâday eveuiilg dancat e pa.villon at leydaiire every Tahuraday evéanag. oued ligbt anal good uiuaic. Mir. Davidl VioLerà.abain appoint.. ual agent or tise rCatham Iitcben Cabineta Whilo tMr.. Ra1tan wIl b. e itfr&ar, et*. HOWDEN-At COluuabuîs, )t&rjo, on JulI' 8db, WLUrM. and Mrs. Artbur, J. 'Ho%vden, a daghter. MARRIÂGES. WÀK»LY.ýNIRJHLî80N - At Ail Saints' Chulih, Whitby, on August lrd, b3y Iev A. Fordyce iJtarr, Mim Lillinn Cathaiiie Nicholaon, to Mfr. Miaziweli Vivian Wakely, or Oshawa, WYUANrWILLl-3M-- At WhLrby, on tWodrieada7, JUlY 28t.b, 1909, by liev. ,Mir. Wickett, Misa Ethel ~iixa to %&. Albert Wyoian, of Panalle, bfrM~rE.JAJ.LI8 - At To- ronito, on Weduendey, july 2&th, liy *Rev. A.. L. Cieggie, Uis.t Mina PhuL,. liPs, to Mrt. J. !-. MýCMeaer, 'Poronto. DEATJàâ. JIRYDEN-At Turoau, on Thursday, JUlI7 29th. Rea. J olui O'Dyden, aged 69 veamS C.OOK-At Asubuirn, onî Tuesday. Aug.. ust lard, 1909, Ândrew A. Çook, uged 57 l'ears and .6 atontis. Con fl-Lt Buse L'imneïî WàuIby,w- 1ýSeday, .August Srd.. 1909, [aane CSblett, la bis 76ti Jear. Aý girasahopper çlague ià sweepiag over t"e Bano penitiuuk. Plie m>e partient etf.A49rcuture lias been uaPpealed te for aid. ~Bownville, êWpÉ. 21-22. Slaokastok, Impt. 28-2g. kteavertoQn, Oct. 5-6. Brediord, Oct. 19-20. Llndsay. Sept 28-4-e. Newoearket, Sept. 29-80-oct. 1. Osbeawa, Sept. il-lb. mW~oontoi ÂUg. 80 to et 18, lWoedvula, rIWPL 517 U1.ndigestedFo =hnay pori=On f fod renalusl ksoahadrfist desk cause da comntscf"dMîsIo. t I ndested Ioo wieoer part ttu buy, ptra rly th eaU, sUifer laf Lonsequet. So long astW#s mnda .fn esl la tbe sWoab, the dimmon "t *us T.4uisc Have the Gazette sent (absent friends. Quick Breakfast Are you Jooking for someffiing easy to get ready for Breakfast? Here you are: eorn Flakes Malta Vita Grape Nuts e2anada Flakes Orange Meat Egg'OawSee Rice Flakes Puffed Rice Triscuit Apetizo Something New firown'Catchmem-ai l Fy$ollsWilcatch more fjl to the sqUate c,,,h t aeots. Try 'em. 2 for5c Jno. 1. WATERHOUSE l.Seed Buickwheat! During the paslt Wo or three years buokwbeat bas been one of teMost profitable cropa grown by.farmers in tbis locality. This year tb. acroage 9will be increased. We bave a supply of choie, dry see4 <>1 Sitternunl variety. 'TU-RNIP SEED!1 l~e a a isish sod resmake au effort tb improve tbeir atrodaI- of Select SweMd Turnip Seed. The. seed--we are seliing to fareracaobe. teledi upon tbeb.the.finisaarains produc.d. Gifiu 4 &Skally's seedd rai sine are safd to b. à a boat puit up ini Omlforuja. , Tb. Umully sir ai 12fe par lb. W. bave a spécial on Fruit au.d B.erry Baskets W. baye jmaknved -&a oaload cof baskets and wll quota Close -- - - -- - - t' 'I E9 We also sel! RA mensinslmai to suit every pur Our Ladies' se carat watcb at$ value in propot eut Ladies' gun1 Our Gents' $5 winner, and o Geats' presen tati ing ia price, in $io up for a goo and every one w theni, extra go nianey, andi cani value. We would be you prices and e ods. Hv.ery Watcl Bas, New WIuITnv - Opposite Ni Aeiiulttwol Qal Reniember the tise auspices ett -iuraaAu' -WA=D y Vm are l ail I su -s0 it thi 00on UrJBY, ONT. .bave a1itbsg~~ Bas Wa are unlike oth~ of the care tal adj.ust them l e4 over the co are ABSOL UTI ln style, appe and their tinien are phenomen 300 Pairs of Men's Fine Lace Boots, regular price $4.oo and $5.oo, Sale Price $2.Ç)5 Chjld's Button and Lace Boots and Slippers, size 6 to 10, reg. price $ i. îo, Sale Price 60CC Misses' Button and Lace Boots and Shoes, size i ito 2, reg. price $1.25, Sale Price 75C Men's Fine Boots, Lace and Gaiters, and Shoes, regular price $i.5o, Sale Price 9)5c kadies' Fine Kid Boots and Shoes, medium or narrow toe, reg. price $2.25, Sale Price 9)5c Ladies' Fine Button or Lace Boots, regular price $2.5o, Sale Price $1.25 Infants' Boots and Slippers, regular price 40c, Sale Price 15e

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