Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Aug 1909, p. 3

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v YEI and rept&t SO. Toruato, Ou& «(To, CAM. i thé PMoo b. 10& u1ronto. undeg tht r Ontario. Cl@ L 85255 &UN 4SISAL IING NJS BONDS M Bonds <iPit a.stoia Rt iillUtztons, o]' isdi- farrn pro. làt6 fa LOted per8ofls of t well une- Ocna, know-. Cavadian they are -repiregelt-' ge sect&red pany-are ýn of their dit aruqgest, ~-a Muni- a itroad or ,l 'z pprcv, i4/iaurtng iuniber of orer mort- rnight b. eommnfed .only otft08 re. bonds run re. yleld I te .,, y.d 4> d 'monda0 ai.o 1taid AND. Jerusalemn to s dreary and imiagined. Tise hanka et rock n t-he Sahara nidding. lt-is i51)it-d," the t-be scapegoat aIl glad va' could bce in- lfllireut FghtkgDs Barrioades iii Ofcty of A 'despteli from Madrid.,,$ in BaYa: Thse revolution in asIa. ha 16ahd a sericus Stage, There la mnuch bioodsher, and artiller'y haS been einployed in th. streets oif Barcelona to queîl the outbreaks. Thse city is terrer-stricken. 'The revolutio>nisa are reported to. b. f'ghting de8perately behind barri- cades. The troopa include mount- ed art.illery sud the defences of the rebels have been raked with shot. King Alfonso hactoned back to Msdrid f rom San Sebastian on Wedneeday and îssued a decree pro- cýaiming martial law and the suspension of constitutional guar- antees tbroughout Spain. Ordere bave been given t-o the Govornors et the provinces to crush the revo- lution at any coet, without hesit.a- t'on sud with<out pity. An exact etiniate of t-ho dead sud wouuded in the clashes be- twcen t-he troopesuad rebele in Catalonia is impossible owing te thec rigid censorébip. Tie (Govern- nient admit-s, ho<.wever, that riut- ersa have been killed and wouuded iu several cities and toWns, in- cludiug Barcelona. Alcoy and Cala- barra. Details of the latest disturbances Kt other points are eîther mes- Sre or lacking altt>grther. There as beeu riotitig at Saragosea, Vendrai!, Rioja, Port Bou and ILanson, snd a general strike was declared oun Wrdnesday at Bîscava. At tlseme places there bas been rir1h destruction Qf propertv, in- cluding bridges and public biuild- igs 'j TiiÎng.-Wbeii Dr. Tbocna-- on1sîdered, t-he it relief ià has ring vberev(r t mut-t ho re- Olus tbig t-ha'- ehouid resuIk- t-be nio.tèskepý- i rtues. ý nanie< of thls 908 4.5-738ý The centre <f the rebel Barcelona. to mshsch place th emrnent i.s rushisng extra1 1-th infant ry sud naval ni A despatch of W'ednesday in tqad that the Barcelona revo jets had been defeated a-s a «Af desperate charges by t-bei but a despssulsai- mon su cd that. ight-ing had begun the artillerN tsmsng heavy g drsnv,)lmeh the~ barricades. 'The fui section o>f the populatic is frgbt- t-o thrir homes and ant.1barres] th<e do)rs. A sîiita rv proci smatiiou L i-i-s s- at t-bat cit- t-bat no suife, aud wsrnisng peuicetulc Io reinain under cuver to t-he ire of t-be t ro-ops. The latcst reports fromn Inta show the conditions t.her ismreasbngly grave .T.- Lave att-acked the co t Lit-tle Sisters cf t-h Pe $L tullowed t-he riot-ousdisord ~'"" ,urned* sieversi o! tise rougic rtublisbmnents, following 'hE t-ack by a fusilade on thoe Ce General and] i s ort. Neit diburders are nov re] lutwo, oflier intorior1 tt-us far tramiquil. The nov of d1î,ýrder are Alfai and 'This sb-ou-et-bat. the zone of Iar agitation i5 spreading k t-be turbulent Cat-aloniansj affecting thc Valeucisus. Th, ieter cf t-be Interior je b4 wsith inquiries a s te tise v cut-breaks, but- ho de.clines t-e public tb e dt-ails of t-he dis iu the Valencian tovni. The people continue t-o t-e the railsisys sud noisily int- at t-be point-s here reservo binig recruited for inilitary irc. The chiot indignation, pe-ople ix directed against t-h erumentsa policy cf rapic cruuting a large armiy teo opu * t-be grave condition conter 8jasn su Morocco. The bubabit-ants of Cul smaîl station of t-be Port R-oi uzaddeued by the sigbt cf s p tiain esrrviug recruits, des, t-be roadbed for a distance c CANNON SWEPT STREI 'N despatch frein Lishoib The. l)ario de Necticias st-ate c,mnplet-e anarcby reigus ici1 Ions. Troc p s vit-h guus havt places] in a Il t-be principal al aud are continually eweepiuî sit-b shot. The populacet t-he barricades, bu windows à rtxd-s ret-uru the.firc, vit-b4 cf ec t. The kihi',d ai d vend, oumierous ou bot-h aides. booming of t-ho guns oaci b. rately Behind" for mariy miles. Hug fiaines are visible ut different points, w.bere buildings are being dest-royed_ GUVPERS RUN WITH BLOOD. Spanish couriers arrivingr at Cerebere report t-bat artillery is battering t-h. barricades, behind wlýich the insurgenta are desper- atoly fzghting, in Bareelona. Heavy fight-ing je in progress on the Rembia, in- San Anmes quarter, and t-ho Calle del Epinao. The gut- ters are running with blood. Tise rzumher of dead and wounded eau- flot ho estimated, but it ie behiev- ed to, b. beavy. Fîve couventa andc several pri- vate residences have been burned at Lîsuza. Grave evente are snticipated at Figtueras, a town 21 miles from. Ger- oua. Comparative calm hsd been restored, wben orders were isaued t-o t-be recruits t-o report for duty. At Junquera, a srmaîl town 28 miles uortb-east of Gerona, t-elegraph poles bad bren c.o.pped down. Ali places wbere peblic funde have l'een deposit-ed Wr. guardoed hy the military. Busmueois l at a comn- plete standetili. The merchants are panic-st-ricken, aud are plac- 1 ug their funde in foreigu banks f4or safe-keepiug. Many instances o! soldiers refus- ing tw fire ou t-ho mob are report- ed. A lieutenant of infantry tlreateued to shoot a policeman wsws about t-o fire bis revolver iljo t-be crowds. LINER COLLIDED WITII ]CE. Steamer Montrosce's Bows Tele- seoped by Impact. trocops, A despstch trom St. John's, armnes. N fis]., saye : Tire menaciug presence torning us! icebergs in t-ho pst-boetceoa lIution- steamers off Cape Race bas again result Lecu manifs-sted, t-be Canadian Ps- t rops ifi ailmay steamer Mont-rose, nonc- fmom Londoi4n via Ant-verp for sgaiu, Montreal, having proeeedes] on une ý %- Teday atter an enforced baît et peace- four da * - for t-be pu rpoce of eff ect- on fies] ng terni' -rsry repairs, tollowiiig a locked collisioti with a giant ice pillar. The pI' Ast of t-be steamer, whicn as beeIS icar'\ îîg passengers sud freight- lite is fi vii ir<)pe t-o Mont-real, vas not itizens knw li ereutil t-beBritiRb var- avoîs] sit-iifiliaut arrives] and report-ed stii nug by t-be Mont-roF.e for four Barce- da.\ - ,if Cape Race sud belping t-o Ce t h e r r t-be damage. Bot-b boys et rîcjters 1jt hi- Montrose are telescoped, sud cf t-be t-be siawser pipes entirely dest-roy- This ed The forepeak vas fooded. Dus es- eir at-- Terrible Seanes Witueesed ini s aptain-Russian Town. ýport-ed A despat-eb trom St-. Petersburg Points, aya: Noe received bore-on Wed- Point-s nesday f rom Polot-sk, in the Gov- Rioja. crament et Vit-ebsk, t-be 4ôuy cit-y POPui- bu Russa,aseide tromn St-. Pet-ers- beYond burg, vhere t-be cholera bas msde~ and is mucb hesdway, eay tbat-t-be city is te Min- ful et panic, owîug t- tho e nec- esiôged cncy cf t-he sanit-ary administration arious aud tho. shortage o! physicians. Dmakte Fort-y cases eftht-e disease are r.- ecrders ported daily, sud to cce o it-b t-is situation thero are cnly fic dcc- ear UP tors, vbo are se overwbelmed wtt-h .ervene work t-bat t-bee are ob.hi ed t-c me- os are fuse their as'ervices at nipit-. Heurt yserv- bresking st-eues are wtnesued st- *f t-he t-he physiciant' offices viiere rois- 'e Go0sv- tives efthtie strioken qj t-ho oit-y tail ily ne- get- st-t-eution. Mauy store. bave e vit-h hee closedi, and sîl vell-to-do per- -ou1tiug sens are fleeing frin t-be cit-y. A PENITEN<T THIEF. Reatored jeveilery stotes, Iept NoRey. But A deipatch.IsmfoiOttawasasys: A conseienoe-stricet- hie! uTues, day left in tise sed in t-he re o! t-ho bouse of John Williamacn 'ot Woodrcffe, tirce miles frein Ot- tava, je*eilery valued ab -*W, st-cluom -mtise resideuro sa fort- uight ago. A gold va*ch suDd Chsain, two 891,d rtngsandi varbous ot-ber aricles irere isrca;lt ihaïks during t-he nigis Lis. iliief, vWho, hovever, neçgi t- *ow v com- plot-e repeutaue eb> retainins *0 lu as vllt oalies oie. ~~EÂ 0011 TU ilS *Ât'tgx~~ç~~s fox ÂLLOY2I1 t» CLOU. - v ?clegr&1,sî* Brie!. I'roa On.' OwU a-ad ~>l~er Countrtu SI ob«enttiEent%~ CANiADA. NrhB'uce hs -been overrttn With grasboppers. Kou1treal Citizens' Association w&flta a B.ard of Central. Hon. John Drydena, former Min- iter of Agriculture for Ontario, <ied on Thureday. The question of commiission rates bas caused a bitter dispute in t-ho western grain trade. Arrangements have been. complet- «I for a mergor of the leading Ca- nadian cernent companies. A littUe girl died at Hamilton f rom lockjaw resulting f rom a wound caused by a rusty nai. The Manito.ba Goverrumont bas de.cided te gis-e a grant of $250,000 tu Selkirk Centennial Exhibition. A Montreal butcher and ten pok- er players were arrested in a raid upon a gambling joint in Mont-real. Daniel MeKeuzie and Albert Rocs were arrested at Glace Bay on a charge of attempting te hlow up Manager Simpeon's bouse. Mr. Benjamin Prie. of Battie- ford bas been appointed te t-be Sonate, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of t-he late Senater Perley. Alternative proposals t-e coin- memiorate ýone bundreci years of peaco between Canada and t-ho United States are te hold a mili- tary pageant aud ereet an inter- national bridge. GREAT BRITAIN. Canadian marksmeu won $4,3io ai Bisley. The Minore' C.onfederation of Great Brit-ain bas voted over- whelmingly in favor o-f a national strike. In a realistie war test the tor- pedo-boat destroyer Terret cut t-he boom in front of Poýrtsmouth bar- bor aud ent-ered the basin. New;- procedure rules, intended t-o facilitate the passage oi thbe finance bill, bave been adopted in t-ho British flouse of Commons. Hubert Latbam made an attempt toc cross the English (Channel in hie aeroplane, but plunged into t-ho sesa two miles from Dover. UNITED STATES. A, woman bas been made superin- tendent o! Chicago's school system. A suicide club is believed te ex- ist among disheartened factery em- pioyees at- Cleveland. Two mon were killed by the ex- ploion of a mort-ar during a fire- Harry 0. Pullian,- Presldet of the National Basebali Leagueý, at- tempted Vo commit' suicide ini New York on Wodnesday. A Massachusét-ts milt-ta Captain made sixty-two consecutive bulîs- cyes at 500 yards at- a tournament at, Wakefield, Mass. GENERAL. Six percons lest their lis-es in t-he political riots in Mexico on Sun- day. A plot t-o restoe Castre as dic- taor oe! Venezuela bas been un- esrt-hed at Caracas. Forty thoussnd workers ini the paper and textile industries of Swedon are on strike. The protocting powers have eva- cuated Cret. and thse Greek flagt LEÂDI nui MARKi j FastiionBREADSTUF tark> wheat 90 per cent. p à from nold whea.t $4.85 to $4 bUýyers-' sacke outsicle for ' Cause SeveWalDeathe York sud chliafoi A despatch, from 01110. TwO deSy of tor4d ve&t-bt oit-v veroe broken on Tkiu 1 ueé ia ~iew tr-On- ateuts 4.90 in FADS AND FA2NCIES. Stylish shoes are highlY arched. Sriped effects rule sUpreme in skirtingà. Many ummer coats are lined ýWith shjantung. Sequins play a leahflg part in fan decoration. Military straps are. &mong the popular -aleeve trimmifigs. The white lace veil is more wide- ly worn than any other. Habs are larger now than they will ho later in the season. Mohair je theitôvorite mat.eriaî for automobile duat coats. Pongee hats, matching pongee costumes are smart just now. Walking costumes aire a bit se- vere, with littie t:immýirig. Linen frocks with short skirts are popular for street wear. "Linden," a creamy yellow green ia leading ahade in new dresses. The overskirt effect is seeu more and more astbe sumnmer advances. Mittens are worn by somne of the fashionable women là watering places. Lace bas a wider vogue than ever liefore, and ie freely used, even on shoes.J The separate lirsen skirt is popu- lar for wear with dainty lingerie blouses. Sorne of the fancy eleeves have lacings and buttons carried up the entire length. Some of the new foulards bave large dots, black on white snd white on blaek. Pale shades of ecru and brown are not co much in fashion as they were last sesson. Summer suite in the "brown" class range from really dsrk brown to greenish yellow. AlI greens are popular ini the pro- Fent faihions, jade green being an The correct petticoat ot the bour is of pure white lingerie fabric, l;Mp snd sott. Buttons are still popular, but are more modeet in size than a fevw nionths ago. When a color is used for lining, the bat, shoos, belt, and gioves ail partake of the came hue. Narrow turndown collars of ha- 'tiste and Irish point embroidery are among the new neckwear seen ec the chopa. Lingerie waists made after the pretty Dutch neck model of wide Lande of ornbroidery are among the rewost models of the season. Some of the prettiest coats for ebi-îdren are being miade with the old-fa shiçned -double or cingle cape, Dog coliars of veliet -are especi- s%ly pr etty when eznbroidered in tîng' buds and flowers, or a spray of r fohage, -in natuzal coIcrs. Worn w*ith summet dresses, they are smart and stylish. Bliek. chiffon yokesî and under.ý sleeves are stili .enjoylng thé 1$o pularity that was theirs a year ag». They are even worn with gowus of palest asdes, and thse fashiols s Mnost econoiical. Cotton and linen crochet battons are used on ail the "tub" dresses this seuson. Tb.y are fiat sud eca b. lsuadered- without beéing.,,akeiï f rom the. dress,' thus ha.viug agr*at advantage over',thse peari buttes. -- - f and at $5 ond at$ tc 85.05on tackT rto Manitoba flour, first pat- enta, *6.20 on track, Toronto; sec- endar patents, $5.7ô, and ctrong bakers', $5.50 on track, Toronto. Manitoba whe-at.-No. 1 North- crn $1.3o, Georgian B3ay porte; No. '2, $1.27y2~, and No. 3 81.26. Ontario wheat-New No. 2, $1.05 cutsid'a. Barley-Old No. 3 extra, 63c out- Bide. Oats-No. 2 Ontario white, 56%~ to 57c on track, Toronto, and 53c outside. No. 9 Western Canada oats, 52c, andi No. 3, at 51c, Bay ports. Peas-Prices purely nominal. Buckwheat--Prices puresy nomin- al. Corn-Nco. 2 American yellow, 793/2c on track, Toronto. Canadian yellow, 75 to 76c on tra.ck, Toron- to. Bran-$19.50 to $20 for Ontario bran cutside in bulk. Manitoba $22 in sacks, Toronto freights; shorts, $24, Toronto freights. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Beans-Prime, 82.20 to $.25, and hand-picked, 82.40 to 82.45 per iushel. Hay-No. 1 timothy, $13 to $14 a ton on track here, and lower grades $9 to $10.50. Straw-$7 to 87.50 on track. Potatoes-.-United States new, $3 per barrel1; new Canadian $1.20 to $1.25 per bushel. Poultry - Chiekens, yearlings, dre*sseri, 12 to 13c per lb; fowl, 9 t-o 10c; turkeys, 14 to 16c per lb. THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butte r-Pound prints, 19 to 20e; tubs and large roîls, 18 to 19c; in- ftrior, 15 to 16c; creamery, 23 ta 23%2c, and ceparator, 19 te 20c per pouncl. Eggs-Case lots, 20 te 21c per d-oze n. Chee8e-New 12y.c for large, and 12/2c for twins. HOG PRODUCTS. Bacon-Long clear, 13%2 te 14c per lb., in case lots; mess pork, $23 Vo $23.50; short cut, $22,50 to $26. Hams-Light te medium, 15Y2 te 16v; do., heavy, 14 Vo 143/ev; rolis, 12%8 to 13c; shoukiers, 12 to, 1234e; backs, 18 te 1834e, -and breakfast tacon, 16V2 te 17C. Lard--Tierces, 14%4c; tubs, 14%/c; pails, 15e. road will be ready te blase to t-b. Grand Trunk Paciflo eariy in Sep- tomber, t-hua enabling t-ho company te carry at lest a portion eft this year's crop handled on its main lino eet o! Winnipeg tbrough t-o Fort William. It is, bowever, doubttul il the rond from Winni- peg te Superior Junction will be ini Felix came in with a troubled f115Je0vais5 11111 Wuanue 5ail1the lit-t-e fac. ho raffie offering. Witb a now rond 'dole facu thiuk'r" h cred, t-bore la bound te be a few bad "d< d.afOudti Robin is going te spots wbere it wiil take some time bcDeaf sud dumb il, t-o get thse roadbed ini shape t-o pro- peand dumnb " mot-ber re- perîy bandle trafflo, aud if t-be tali paelooking puzzlcd. 'What- brings heavy raine t-bore will pro- ever put. t-bat into your bond 1" b ably be many delsys througb "Wby, t-be St-anleys aIl say he is washouts, etc. However, an effort going t-o be deaf sud dumb, blecause i. being made te hurry along t-he b-e je almost two years old and completion of t-be road, and during hasu't talked yet 1" t-be latter part etftthe faîl it is or- "Dear mei1,' laugbed mot-hor. pected t-be wheat trains will ho mun- "Don't you worry eune mite a bout igoeit Rin. Two years isu't se very ngoo t <)Id net t-o talk. He'll chatt-or fast enougb pretty solon. Some chul- dren learu t-o t-alk a great Iea RUN OVER BY C.P.R. EXPEI' S-4. youuger t-han others." Wben t-be litt-le brother waked Mlan Lay on Trak Four Bours up, Felix took him t-o t-ho wiudow With Legs Cnt Off. to see t-be children coming borne A despatch frein Kenora says fmom sebool. Wrn Morris, an emiployee cf t-be "There i-s Herbert Grant-," Feli; Keewatin Lumber Company, vas said. "Caut Robin say, '11cr- fat-ally injurer by being run over bort' 1 " by t-be C. P. R. express about t-o But Robin ouly wrigglod joyful- miles wost of bore on Friday. Thse !on Felix's kuee, and waved bis cînfortunate man bsd bot-h legs eut fat lit-t-le baud. off and lay beside t-be t-mack unt-il "Therees Paul fitanley !" Felix 4 o'clock in t-be morning. Ho vas pointed t-o t-ho boy going into t-be then brought te t-be Jubile. Hec- yard acrosm t-be street. "Robin, pit-al bore, but died sbortly aft-r- ray "Paul Stanley.'"'I'warcic. Ho had been walking on "Oo--oo--oo "' was Robin'e bap- t- raeks, snd in stepping t--ae j'y aucwer. side te av-aid a freigbt- had- stop- "I wish you would try t-o talk, ped direetly in front of t-be express. Robin, dear," coaxed Felix. 111 don't want folk& t-o tbiuk you- ,--- "I wouldn't bot-ber about it," HYGENIC ESB. -Bu alhofotr w .uth -BtAithongli Feuix cctinué d bis la great deal of h -- est as eý lessons day aft-r day, Robin iaîid talked and mucb misapeut trouble, Diot a, single -Word. - taken for t-ho reason that great' Onee ncon the- brothers wore- at number of people bave "t-be type of t-be windov,'as usu-ai, visonFeï ind that irresist-ibly msociates t-be attention wats taken np- by the ýàp- ugly vit-b t-he bealthy sud tise nan- ers of, a- by -do -tise st-reet,-and seo us vitb t-b he leme.- ho uite frgo t- vtCh for- t-he Just as t-hq think medicine oa- Stanley ,chi de.Thon suddelg rt h efcai nsulea eth righ lu i. crs. et-une4 and black sud naîty, se t-beyth4 etaedat toba,-oo mazd fr- women can-not breatho and prosper unles theylooki. a balet of ag&~ wvi% iththe middohoop - cut-t and, iu lyreluiso many eobf alv~io-ro aLY darli4*1 crîod Poux. lie, amoug which suga-coatdpi. H.fe tbrew _the M in ldew. sud veli-made - corset-tuh4ud "Oh i.do'tb>iev 2V~ho theSpanish acisool of which'Vela-s: ~» tse - quez je masterI, oné la constagtl 1",crpI te itlëvoce struck by tise way thb w onenseesi "Hurrah 1!" uhouted the -boy,,aud t-o1 e co ýe& - soin.barsisaric iu- Cam edattuu0 acrM"atbi. street. ,i-1 v,G. .J+ie.tio-of , aaw. te bauy -thoir choit-s snd t-o sirrow *fnid-ji t-is uncomfort-able-ilokingý,- 4raun- devu vwaist. Burssly à*maoia-e rigict t-hau woed- ol* tiao t-e P"o06 thît inV&lribW*ê-; Sne.ý-ïi ,somexi of alae ~er Nov turt froi.tceà vu~.o medioval da' t t-ho i»dîviduàglt, ê$i * wbofrtis mët-~ m i"Oa . l s é~ W&4. s*workînor with & coouI&ll t<r in itise vIo a t.ing. W en t dsek-"iotintou* ade with a a anu sd vas neyr ses apet, !ie anoeq. It ts êW- 'se h e ve i a t m u r d e r v a s * o * = M W ," Ted -IU The Ohief Question Before -the lmpil Doee ThA- A despato- front Lomm 1) rpoaiug tise toast -ta' tb 1I>efeuce Conferenee 'at tI E mp~ire Cli banquet- a I Lalon W4ueda slb4 danc delared: <' *re î% mai-.ît-b at vo cas e thse lritisb Emire îs,,W'oâ divisible -on tis nfu fonce. <hea c n t-bat htIl once in 1 m .y 0 clîained t-o t- - anmny e-of.04 sut-h prob1es I- said tâ hl v be redight-W had bee(' riotiain * f. Pive Leaders kmong Foreign Population: Were Threatened With Death. RA despatch from Michel, B. C., turnec o'ver the, letters to the police ay:This, one of the larger voal and Provinca 1 ntblsS1vn Tfining towns -of the Crow's Nest son and- Bu1ger~ immediateIy made district, is an armed camp to-day, an investgation.The tiine set for the among it foreign Population especi- deposit ci the rnoney was between ally, because of« aetivity- of the 10 o'clock- Tuesday night and 1 Btack Hand Society, Great excite- o'clock Wednesday morning. Sev- nient has prevailed since Sunday, oral men were posted at the desiç- we ve leaders amorsg the fore- nated places, and fake- parcels ign miners, and business mon were were pla.ced in hiding places by re- thlreatened with instant death by cipients of letters, but no attemp$b the Bl.ack Hand unlesse they paid was made by the Blaick Rand gang $200 each. In the threatenang ]et- te dlaim the boeunty. ters received, a place for deposit Three hundred and fifty -arrned, 01 the money wa.s designated, one It.alians hel.d a meeting on Wed- c>l them being alongaide a large nesday afternoon and discussed the rock, which is a landmark, at the situation. The police force is ho- rear of the Roman Cathýolic Chnrch. ing doubled by swearing-in of Tuesday nigbt tho tbreatened men specials. L YOUNI WHEN ROBIN TALKED. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. - Mfntreali, Aug. 8.-.-Oat-s, No. -2 Cand1nso; Nô. I ,'extra teed., .1- feed, 5 52'ye;No. 3:0a- 1nadiaci Western,1 57c. lBarley - No. 2, 71% ,t-o 733/20; Maitditoafed tarley, 66ys t-o 8734cè. .Buckwieat -89!/ te TOc. iu-Muth Sn- /2 tptetfet,*. 0;do, seconds, *6.80; Winter whist patents, $ 6,8;,-Manitoba stogbakers', *.6;stiaiibt- rolieri, *6.50 t-o $0.60;do., in ba, *31ô fia 3.20; -extrsfin -ba, bran, $22; dot,, shorts, -*U; pure grain-mouille, '*3 34e *35';mixed moulue, * 48té 3 ie.s-and- est western, 1%teJI5c,.su eastern, 11,y'stuoIl . utterý- 4I .to 2ft iii roiud lot-si and 22%, toeys -in/,c a.&obkin* vs wy. Eggïa -Ble tisock, 23 to 84e, sd.NM I cndld, 0eper dozen. UNTED 8TÀTPES'MÂRK m.

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