Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Aug 1909, p. 1

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Chroicle With whieh is Incorporateél The Whitby Keystone WHEITBY, ONTARIO, CANADA, -'URSDAYJ AUGUST5109 Rer.- & C. Edwerd&Inau ankPremiîve addreaa Ma. Cameroâl B(lned 'bbc 11gb 8tandard O! o@nduOet <wbloh bcd governn »r. Dry'den dailko through. out hLm publie career 8and1 bisedornesîje and cburob liSe loi- m Obnie ad "Phymician, Surgeti autAcoucheur. Cor. Centre and Coiborne streets. PhOne 83. WHITBY, ONT. LUGÂL La T. BARCLAY Barsister at Law Solicitor, Notary Public, Specia Exam- iner for the HIgh Couit of justice. Succoemmo Messrs. Dow & McGllivray. Brock Street, Whitby. W. IH WARKE Solloltor, Notary Public, etc. Succesmr bto te late David Ormiston. Eoney tw Loan. Brook St., -Whltby. JUINr6. IfàMWLLOK. C., Dar- riater, Councy Crown ÂLOtDorY. sud Oousty Solccos. Otfice aouth yvioag et Court Bouae. Whitby. J AIEs RUTLEDUE, Barrister, eto. MeneryM o baaen essy terme. Office àumailtell aouL.b of Royal Botel, Wbltbyr, ont. G. YOUNG BIlITH, L L. I.. ,Bar- glstate. lMbnel to ban. Ianue., ot mamrag Ilocoses Offie- OSmlîhu *WSk. nsoite10 111emarket, Whitbl. DB4NTÂL W. Avilit Duatint. OUti.. Dun- £.a *treet. itesideno.e No. 4. the 'l!rrite. Pyrou Strpoi, Whltby. AUCTIONECER la- Blhop, OshAwla4.Llcensed Aime tianesu. Successor te L. Fairbanks Fer torn a id dates apply t. self or te G. U.obb, Wbilby. *erpotovs b IfOtMkolSE EAlmttes fri shed for ail knd o work in our lune. P..Box 96, a Wbltby, Ont. Neit to Royal Hotel. 13OTBLS FAREERS, ATTENTION 1 Whon in Whitby put up at the Queen'a Hotol. Sitting mooins for ladies. Firai- 11348 meal. A hous wth ail modem .,ouvenientoa. Largeclean baru and sheds. pte59 D. W. REOAFIN. Prop. A. a. ALLIU laanr of garriage Licesses corner drus utre, Waghh, ne Wttaoaasarequirei. Wa . UHo3WdS Votfflusry Sugo.. Dsory gminutontarlo Vettrtaary Cos- =a~ Ttmao,- glarad membe. of theutarlo, vgaft.sy N I elAmoaatia. AI dlsaaaaa of douàoatcted animale îreaîad on t me«s.m"ers .ppréved and wmecttc Pg M triaceomCentral Oue, Wbltby. OSe.saS o"d.oe. PseIa DOMINION BANK Gouera Bankîng Buami Sale uls INTEREBT L cet.1.WUL Nbu& Death of lion. John Drydenl A WeJi-Spent Life "Ended in Honot. TIi. ennounceanent that Hon. Johin Dryden, for ifUtean yoaas wminister et Agriculture for Onte rie, hen paamed away, 'viii 1e a naournful .ljock to manff îlouaarida'.hrougbot tthe Pro. vince. Yery Cow outaide the immed. late cicaof relationshiprwere aweree et his ilineas, altough for over a yeauwlih ealtbha. been tailing. The en, esene peAeefuily lest ,nghi ct lite Camnlly resldeuo., 9 Prince Arthur THE FARMERI8 FRIEND. The Province ia much )oorer ince John Uryden in no more. Re W» nse o! Natures noblemen. M1wo noes h. ,was more often called tban any lter. --'Huest John lry4au,'* aud "-lie Fareer'is Friond&"'Tb.at1he garries buthb naes neauulied co the grave al. ter a lengand active ,Ublic lite-h. W n hi&al Aeventletb jear- tla-the tfunot tribule oea oubd pay to a soi. vent of the people. BMa 6defialeb efforts to, adrauce agrîculture iun te Province cicr sînoe hn reachedi main. humd and became hlzusaît the Ivroprie. loir ofa .maIde arm wili nut son e>n fargotten. Tàm woifêre 0< 1the tarîn- In« dosa bew.ma yltbh Mna passion. MdDIWP ~AND UNASSUMING. hi* wide-econmbr usaahy Mode "is a clame personal triend. Long 0tr hi. native Province hadbegun ke buc.' him, and af W 1er ueBritlith lot-. orninent lied siîaally diatbnguiabirl aita by appoln-îiag bit a meauber cdt lb'% Royal iCoimmîsson tb invstl«aîe s.grlcuitirai conditions In Treliutd - lb.éCiraI lime a Colonial bves ever naniod for an exclualveiy Brltl.eh In. qulry- atter aucb honoris were con. ferred upon hM, ho w"a illini od- est and unamumlnig as betore. Tic nevnr leist tight of bis Paraier rom. rades. To them 11e would b. yno et>'. or tItan *'lonent Johi Dryden." OWNER 0F HLGU GRADE 871'OGK fila demilso ujl ha et cupoeially k.eeuly &lau soi uieswberc i e lob.. ored more abu"nl.y. i*s orwn Larm -sple eabade F.rm" Brooklu, sacaîr -Wlrlty, vwhkhé ehimusîf manageti. renka as euie of t"i best on tb. con. t'aient, luasikition 10 this puuerîil farmlng ho qucelalizet Inlu salsg hlgh clamsa utl. snd sbeef . Hi& premin- elue Lu IheseUneis lu moen by the long jean ho vtasprésident of the Dr. mninlon 9-herthora Breeders' Associa. tion sud president o!f1the Seep hi-ced. ors, A.seWltbon, th1e lms gest stock associatIon lanb.the u-id. ne *»ala. ao a dteor et the Amarlem aClydep- dale Aaaeelaton. ha-In ue depari. monts !et ak raiuing )Ma. pryufr wos knewb «asau empt froin eccot ta amot.send tas adérease on tise mamters stu-ys attraeted vide latere Wbilis bu soe. simed at4lainesat pooid Sl rte, bis ueboseom- c cmndsd li attenation s* reupoet cd1 bis orbol. audle ào.. k, oteglata titre &Mai ppoêenuta sgrue i Ot Mst adno mem e r nsIfe4,*suk * oomkis.. 8#okeas 4 plua obo lui ma lmloWbtamu'te iake. mia ü»u p,îss, .quiet manr nesd twi.l suRe fa-ss«aluselpt bb euh mm" u stii. muorimet < m 4. b. -r hi..3 .TM Jlq*ltis brea-sium * abus bftd stmsdugbit streon. me J* ouumb q f-s. e* te eo ud ruiy toamorin» l. blumK se10 ilbu<s"isW'the prt-. *umtimi ueb w ts aumod. Mm, wtIlbk*' U fulwur m # euv'*m mm MW qué 4 o so-a110 e- ët « IAvwdnuh*_ aamsl ieuia u«Moa we» ,1 tex Far and the Fat Irtok Show are pi-ecicta of bia edministration. No one knowe how mucb of the sucoffle o! th1e Formera' anti Women's fusil- tules throughoaut the Province ins treamle to hie painsteking effort. TRI.BUTE FIU>iI 2iENATOR ROSS. -1X.Drdwewea une or the m ' at valuable Mnistp-rài of&Le Ontarijo Gav. ernment," eaid IHon. EL G. Ihuas. t'He served firestt under &ir. Oliver M:oiwet, andi ofbterweards under euy Premier. ahi,. -Mr. Drydeni elways tavored lad- vanced atethodis iii agriculture, feie hebtevead Ihet scie,îîific tarmingmluuld produce thebeebt' reauita. Ti thîs end lie extended and iproved the courses of etudy nt the Agrcutrual college., anti alweya sought to bnarCes the stue-LatwLh lb. dignuity and indp. pendence of 1110 !ermer'a 1*fe. It ay sefély lii ed 't ha .added millions te thie egrioultural wealtb o! Ontario. fils deatli.wilJlbe -e.ry nucb egretitedi naît only by hiae wn colleeiguas. buît aiso by eh Who knew him naau hon.j eut in-d p.rogi-ea.ve citiaçen." aIR JA.UES ,WHITNEYS TRIBUTE. &-r James Whitaaeyv ex-,>remeed keén cffegret aIthe uciri-91 Mx. Drydenýs .datha. 4AIt4op«h Iknemi of 3Mk. th one wfao ni1aq trteê as 1 sUd fo'r laany yeare. Mi.DrYdeu. Was a fisat-class aIl-round affcimeîa et Canan citisenship. Be MWas a va'ry "uable memxber ut lté Lo4gIs. ture hotore lie entecd 1the 0Cabinet, anti rendered good servioe, ln tony -esaects as Minltr o! AgrIculture. T4i Province cminet alwa)s ha the gainer by havng '«ucb«men a. MW-. Dryden lu publie lif, ad.1 -have ne doubt thât flms loeswililh. iucercîy me'îrned by thte people of! Ontaio&as THE SIRVIVING FAMLILY. Mr. Dryde.n in curvived by bis twid. ew, oe e&on and tivie sughteas. Thé son, MYi. W. A. D)ryden. liea. on the. olda haomestead, ".M.aple Blaude O'are." Brocklin,, iner Whitby. TIra ldaugh. ters are Mris. (Dr.) C. L. Alan-, et BIeur 8t., Weszt*;IMr&. (R*fr.> W. W. MoMester, of S'.. John, N.B.; Mr&. (Rer.> J. C. fP*maam H, amilton; MWra. (Rer.) W. E. Uhtthews, (battra,; the. lInnt hrea being wien o!filoptiat Mira. aters. and irls. E. J. UZvfs. 5'&feOet Prof. ZArt, ef tbe Ontaio Agrieul. tairai Collage, Guelph. The funeral took plate aet1lrookln on S.xnds.y at al o'alook in te stternoon. Tbere wea a tu-ivate scrioefor the f anily et the reaLaleaxae, 0 Prince Arthur av- eone. aI 8 o'elock Ik4 Baturday mter. noon. aund<lhe seunina leoft for Brook. lUn by te Grand Ta-unir train at 8 o'cbock ltthMeeisa.-Tonto New&. PrBE ?UlEflA.L £T MRS ~EOLD 1HQM-ESTEAD. Mw te Oi tethé beMOIO Peba4e Farm yenterday atternoon, whcia the forr mnaster cf the place m wM alting the ahort Joiarney tu tIrS Oftmetery, VA». Cgt4onaliV Eine, aud,,tli Orowvde on the grounda ln front. o! lb. boum uns very large. No'. tewer thon two Ithouietd people mus'. have pasaed the oen Mcasiret on '.11e latin bt ke ,a lst lok aM the desd vIamerw4tatem. nwin, wbo5é 1fr romtlUiboOd UVh'ad been epent smong the** ,and et ihe &âmne dîme another »&Oue.-nd hcd gothered Ln îlb. oemelc*'7te awnlt the arrivai of tbtha unerat OO0rtego there. 19O9-E 0F THOSE2'-RESENT. .Among luhose Pri:etroe enator- DerbyahLre sud C. ,[iUotmnan, yrho wefl'.dowu On [he 8ildau aornîng train sud rotumueliàl-- tbe eveniug; Senstor Beitta fron .bma1 UlliVilIe, Ë. L. itrwke, M, P. P.. Oiý,8toa; j. R. etretté<i, 6LP.. f o!(*wo; oihs. Cahier, .P.P., suod oU. Ja)mes DuC t, MAr. Dry.don,,$ ia'.ea'. étiaor lin1the 'Attorney Vïcrewell, 3iWmie blelntyre, itnd JUadage Siniti £rOa4»hitbY; War- den âiuwgway of Outtt>,County, and the follcrwing el-W<Ans, .j. 0uuld, H. J. Goul4' and Charbes Goulda of Umbhrd»e; ,t4npt &ght cnd L. W. SEnfth; Reeveà Bla.rmoin anda Sinslair, Sherif! Paxton and rrrea-s. tirer Fecacy -o! Uxbriei M'.A. James of Boýwmanvbile; W. aUrniiâton and torty others from tJ4,rmpg; j. H. MeUehlan, cf the Trp Volley Can. ai stailf et Pet.srboroflt. Lavery o& WlaltbY. Dr. Drodie, 9ot-Paremonit, ]Dr. Mômooe, of B&ooklin 'a»4' Dr..Henry o! Oabawo; Gh,eio Clark, 1rF. Thomson, e!f tii. Rail wnaContàceroffite et Otta.wa; RX. rntin A.. jubnstona J, W. tepiensown s - Ir. th, oi Pickering-, Major F. mi-on, R. W. (Irlerson, -E. aM. Be4e nit R.MW- XJAiighliia, Of ÇalWew,; Met aze o! Coln.mbua, P S RrfM~ta1, sou, cdf AobusnJobg 0t. ttovlden, o! Whltby, tT=m s (fls' 5andlJohn Bigélaw and aur 117e r mm on. taio, 'Durbamn 1 4s4ried anti Yeork Countieo. Peop)c bame by train, byutolehy mrrlcge, ant by foee toq-ilr od 184t tribute o! te. MM i r1ef and 'Aiàe rentilua ser- vice et Meple P-h Foin. 4S& on. dUOted bY Lb. Rev. W. A. <krneoeon, at the Bloor St. 1 aptist Oeuh in l Toronbto, PMo. Gilhpour. of:iMbM'ator tTniviralty and Xev. Urv. Tigbe, sàv tor of the Brookllu Baptint Curch, whleh tl e M>1r. 1>rydenI led bma. c suaday Scaol warker and JIbio ocam te.eher fer torty years. IN iJkRtVIeST. oeURCIL Rev. James Grant oeeupiga i. ePut. plI e<t th. Jarvis &reet Baptlst Ohurch, yenterdoy, and at the oaime of the imoralng service rc.terred in <w* proprinto and eloqueut terme to the p-ast boam the oountry and denosaine. tien have suatslned by the cIeath of Mr,. John Dryd"n.&La s indIy, humble Christian gentlemen, ik lover ont prornoter et mâWsonS. Cluistlan eduestio n sd ail relIgbonenter. prùwo, ho v a ozelled 7 t(w. Throulgh lie eeunty ho waa perbaps beat knowb opUte "farmretat.a. mnan,,,' wes. work la prom.tiug ." mattera emuaýe.o villa ag,#ultu*e ami 400t12oo b& torgtten. elet Où. -«t frorn1a18LibeSa u l w<wka do fow "I ~thow-. O<i» la ne em-m ro aiva OO Ib Ct Ca WuIbe "0 po The Swotal n mains«othebtaae fou. w John Dryden ~0etoouukid Ce».ftu aiuea ..theix Islrestii pisue lai tb. aeuarey nas-te igrisfser busse on SiMpla 0-badé prma er Brook.19 fin. Us$ mau io blaosrut iet sud I burt]l eakt-. mstabm e »m<dsy fflt4-ui eltdr fie Cima 41 <le plvate servi» aet PrIsju.e Athur aVei, tes Ti rsue peWi. mi 40 eaq,ï» Mo oddilleste am Brydm «Msud e W.n - W. 4. râu, o**i% u >1V' £.. Pr-,et 1ftrnta; Z. W' lâgsh#F.5 <baW- su. 4 *, t ~ avtu, 0#4oL< til u boa bo* NUeaau 4 «0 . wbo t« W aO kanQWgj ad holieredfar beyond the bona o! hlm natilve land; but bis 'unny dutien and remponslblktîe. cuq. ed »0 distinction in hI.. Joyalbty tb bis naster s-d hie, ervbce te 'the churcb.-lu £DU boYhood daya 1 ad. mijred and reapect'ed bmwa; hi maturer yeara thon. feeliinga twure ntenqifje.d. MiA re0ord go n Ca-adlan Citizen and c Clanadian gientleman, lisone that ev. ery boy uid yoing Iman ut tis n- eretion shculd Imitate. Propoied New Industry T airug ecomrunicatîon received test fWeek Mafis .arhp Matyow ow. 'iew oalled a puýblic meeting of thei 0ouM1 ad fue citigen, for Wed- naday aventng, July 28tb, to hear la propesitlop [rom Et Company oalbed the. HI.gienic Labo.a'ories, Limited. Thila compaeny will manufacure a boiler compoun4 a Twaing powder snd a lineo! drugglste mundries. Mr. Lloy-d, lhe Promoter Of thé compcny ,wbo w»& Present, ,was bntrodauced by àt&iyce IlowneY, aud laid te. ollow. ing Wpol'iom l.e!ore [he meeting,- T1he ocswnpe.ywiant a lban of 615.00() wftbout Interfflt for 20 year.s pay- à1ble in âlMrantas of $750 a yeer' a frte site on which [o eroct c bui1'.. ing 100 x $0 -fe.ot, 2 etarîrs bigh. 'This fbuildng and equipment Je to oest $20,000 ?W,1 h a fi xe asqP-anen~t o $10,000. -ThaeCompany rwou Id exn- ploy 25 'ban.de the fLrat year st an avoruge waq-e of $8 &. week, cznd -edd te this numnher as the buainem in- eren&L>d. -If a by.Ia.w lA snbmitted to the pyeeple thre comnany rwiii maire a d,'ýoSJ.t of $500.00 te covea erpensesA l'ant îbetore the vote la tren twuuld Mubmit plans outlheir buifldlg, fully eq*iPpe1d for mnnuaeoturi-ag, then lte town .would klow what hhy are et.. tinz ifor thbe risk they ixouli ho nak tta lie. A nmer Oft he bunpwem n e Wru seaked te express théit. views, on titis 1Maltacr, but wAre net wl enoutgh Poe tob«ire eny eoalyaon. Tihe emntteie VOUirasof et member.. of melter *Wu left In lte hcnds of s te C<mntall to report later. SEND TeU nD T1 8 ISCROOL. Principal Ourdiner maka [be asiat- suce oet the Gazette inii mpreasing aipon the parent& and trWeutisof ehlld.. ton with défective slgbt thte pdvla.. eMity 0af seuduuignob oblldren te th. owla<'o Institution for the Blind ta0 ba ediaatea. T- 'l'h nutntiae, le.. ,estoda 94 AWxte*4, and 0atineained a ésbool for <b. 0<itaadonofo bld oni bni&yonlha c fbo* oese., ujKde the .qe «o! saiWt7Apne.It lnnot a boiVltal. Mar aicia.ylum. uer a'bome, but a .abool iwmecbildren, wbo eau.. Drot te well euougb to attend th» Pubie Seochi, are given an Eng.. llab odusoa4cn (lucluding ruatalc) and taugblt todo sucb unetuifwaxk 'la-the bliîa.d are capable oe dolng. auchi edclarou snd ttxelniug onetprmoté the cesn<ort, bppineasand Indeped. *e. cf t&086 »*0o ae gIprtved of tb. bleWulg 01 eilgbt, herefore the. Gazette resommonAs those intercated to cerreapond avUb 1R.F, O.,4jn. Prlncipa O.La, B<stror&lI thne, tO .OMP1060 arrangemeags betm.qs lii citeulagor lhe next"iein 1>1spt. O.A. GOODnx.LOW, pynpL&' Prompt Laundry Service. You Can Escape From Trouble by taking your linen and colored shirts, -fancy vests, duck or linen trousers to a first cia,. laundry, where satisfaction Is guaranteed. We launder your shirts collafs and cuis, and also ladies' àhi waists, ini a manner that defies compti- tion by any other laundry in Canou.d. Try our work on your Summer Sarments and it wil save you froin saylng cusa wards.r Oshiawa Steam.. -Laundry. Now,wMoyotmiag oe8.goo&w im aCashi Ra"rv tatWx =0% eda C.pêterU. ySu a t-yààd M" , 0 O 'Z coM-nBI M. îse" 0e FCANADA 77uI One Doler sd upwardsopensan.accutg, sud wiâs syhhsiïw sma udcompound lsea tia" 1hmdWini rapâdl- scwsmudus Wh~1 Br -ache C. A. XclIsaaip 1. P. O es Mi AIi Readyl Another Seed Yearisabout -comecing. >hnkournuiherous -cLstomers troughout ,Vole 47-No. 12 e-ýoTHE. DEST, F000 FOR WARM WEATHER IS FRUIT. Nice fresb fruit je always -reliebed, but especially Po inI warxn weatber when it je eeasonable. Our supply i. ainty'g fresh and reasonab]y priced. This week we have 4(urrants, Raspherries 1Gooseberries and eherries. Preservirag season je here now. Do not delay until the good fruit is gone. Do it now -while the fruit i. atitis best. A TLawl er WHITBY, ONT. Phone 47. Prompt dE il ivery. z- - 1 a ,-.Ol - Tg livery. A Phone 47. Prompt de

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