Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 18 Mar 1909, p. 7

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ly dovf *tiiing h boyn i! .Oui. after quarelwi B.eers t pass&engeri pin., n ie p boycottes ïo Perb inoa t I itione t:Sora. ed, th0on Fi îdoubh.ebr " Mc,. Asuihu eoaking in Lon.ý L don, 4ewlaze4' tiat Xre ,trade vas in,.11à dangerl. 3To assaulh on 15 e cou14 be. rapqiled. - *A UNITED BTA&TES. APoliprinah vw" abat in bis SrecoSsy utNewark, N. 3f., by tbree sinkasswn mon. rTic numior of liven laBi hes e t fotisy-two. -Tise Unsited States tarif i~lpro vides ferrcpociti vith (ianae.ê b Marllsono', &Ç#., is&e5 eg for îhtry-oight pas ho cure ciancer by )Uri two-ces5h-facO 1a* by thie courts, sws not ,alne profit ta 1h. sl,#e4 Statesýaaclbilîl stenel m anaré sts. bh steamer 'Taosacc, d at h ilàdeliai&yesâ- rtps isoidng taloso lu Ry. oehobegs clrtheasl 1 Banbks. ers, nov cocviots in O lenitcistiacy in lave ellaoverod. a avec $26.000 in thse. tsisi ,ta o'ý4 for Tonna.- [mons vaoe istria, hy an 1'evl.' [ ,meli . Smlleel .0 Re~ eb fam A dbspaboin initial she4c in tion et tour mens of monîr poinhmoît of a Ici investigate Mo Cross, Carroîl, Arolsmbault ver Tho parposo of 1 tiecly vs ouc. ,a,. oal t ementa Royal Ce mnnissîaa inveshigete inta.tln e, asd tinocihinmona14 a zmort timrs. e-a asoit a mcausan , Tise mater vasr C oueAppeaus. eqrvedodciaian. FASTER TINE QI A Sveytebs -Traaeceloatl Aý despatcit (rom W Thte dreanuet the 0.' iag ofcOdalinisabootf 151 * scvonty-two-itc ilaacntinenîat Tii vas ceperes Tbursday atter tise c conference between,', westerM affioers oft T(. dohthis h it ii bW maixtiin aohodule ý per heur, Wtehr t rmista be smeu,1 tain tisat Si. runoini gr4F rduAd Febrnary About Year's. 'y: oUt tbie customns reven ed- $4by $21,.00, iand tsé Of glaevenue eee d #1 -ih For this eleven OUio t* ioel yeac lis. ehrnes a la #ut de yeej F*bruary onà *Ow 1 to0lrevenue o 0,0t 4 Ceuseoet$12,0M,477. asi 07, ýwM hli0.e rrespoadig1 «7 iU0'7S. Tise expendihnni en-i gaUdsteaS fsad acceoiso bc- $67,»414,,tasinceasecd I bi4> -On capital acconalt i»,,j4di,5rq fisc the olaVOsnmu 7etm inla 907-8 Tise 4"t'~l cf the DominiaCà lELEÂfBliNU,Q:. ARKETS NED M W DUPA 1KuuÎL'T S B3IEADSTUFFS.__ Toronto, Mr;16-Flosor -On- tr Whot50pr cent patenta ri w1 de , or n- Greast.Brtail'sNa l Cie 4.10Io e*4.15 in buyers sacks , tAre-- idNv5 ridea for expert. MantObe foeur;Fo frpi r:ate ns c &tlt $50 ~ *.0~ograîm oe. Tarontoofccond1 po l,*.. .1 haia 5.20 to 05.40,and trong bolaers, m« th $51 to 80.i0. A despatcb froni London raye: i for powern te enablo ýthom.to be )f wa Wiieit--Maitob&, wheat, 01-90 Tio eagerýy awaited Britlsh novai preparod te loy down On April e, Ruions, for NO. l Northern, ilisd---1,17 -for &it1~ bout wbich- tlers honas 1910, additisnai shipo wbich con ho I cure No.t 2 ,Nortiioro, Georgian' Bay bli c oebch cotrovermy'inaide jcompleted in March, 1912. Pz raJports. No. 1 Northeri', 01.94, aIl and. outaide the Cabinet, wsre il- An interesting point in the esti- rail, and No. 2 ?orthern, *$1.21. al mued on Friday evenins. A coin- mates in thot the Admiroity iis rail. promnise won the day, for the cati- coder conniderati<,oa the use. of dir-, saId QZoats-Ontarjo No. 2 whito, 48%0 raaes provîde for & totaI,.expendi- igiblo airmlsips for novai purposon xon track, Toronto; No. 2 Western turecof $176,713,5W, an inýcroam ocf and han deeided te carry out- ox- ~oz- Casiada ots, 48c. Collingiwood, *14,11e,ofo over the estumat.oa of perionts ansd construct an acrial se.and No. 3 ah 46% to 41C Colline-..1908-1909. veunol. o& wod.Thm new building prograbmme Under Mr. MoKenna's progro-nzre rmeais l'eu-No. 2 92yc Otside. ýprovides for four Derodnoughts3, Great Britain should have by the. Corn-Ne. 2 Americ a--yOllowO six proteched crnisers, *twenty tar- end of 1911 fourteen vesmeis of',the nly of 74 to 74%2c on trooli, Toronto, 01 pedo-boat destroyers and a number Dreadnought type, against hiSr. No. 3 yeilow at 73 te 73yie, .Te- ai nub-marincn, the. latter to cent teen to ho thon oompletcd loyG r- nt Wo cote. Cnadian Corn, 72 to 73c. oomnna.ny. troub*e on tracli, Toronto. The Gévernment may in the Mr. Mcenna intimated that a Immse. Bran-Cars, 023ý in hulk outeido. coursecf. the mi.andi year ftnd it Llil wouid nhortiy be introduced te 'thon- Shorts, $23 to *23.5b nhulk Oct- neýe8smary te maké, preparahions for sanction the arrangemnent b y which side, the copid construction of four more the Canadion Government hod un- i ke-p- large armored ships to ho commenc- dertaken to naintain for the. mi. uctonos COUNTRY PRODUCE. ed on Aprii 1, 1910. The, Qovern- pariai navy, naval establishments Appln-*.îote 5.1 fo chirement, thoefore,-' askg Parliamnt at Halifax and Esquimait. qualities, and $3,10ta $4 for nec-_______________ ater ,in- onde. $,ad A iS2VING FOIETRESS. oiewan la nov on in eornent. On esBoaniie, $8120 ta $, 1ad cenesday twonty carioods a eset- lesto th bu ehel $2.1o toa 215per New Type ef BaOtleubip Os*dIa& tiers' effeots pasned through on the Unt-he onsc.yCnb, 2.1t *27 tances tise Dreadnoought. Soa lino, and on Tlorsday forty d nt ona nd srain2.5 e $2.75aîl cdsaehfon odo ay'ohers came in. Al the passenl- - per dzeaderi ,IY ole Adsae ri odnsy:gïr trains are crowdedl with set- ipow- ver pou nd, . The Evening 3News5 aye 15 cnder- tiers. Indications point to a vory on not Boy-No. 1 tjinthy, $1075 te stands experiente with the Yick- heavy immigration froon tho wesh- r miii- 811.55 per ton on tralk bere, and ors, Sono and Maxim Ca. adapta.-en States to the Canadian vent. lover grades, $9 hé $10 a tan. tien of internai combustion on- ited a Straw-$7 tsO $7,50 on tracli. gifln es large sbips bas proved no atemed Potatoes-4ô tao 65 per bag oil suceessful that te Adnralty, bas ,s vere track. decbcl.d upais a nev type ofba- RB D TE OXS se the Pocltrf-Ciokens, dressed, 12 te tlemhip, outdistaneing the D bat- OIDLTER OES ldc per pad i favl, 10 ta lie; tuc- naugnt, type almoit &a far geoth. Tbroe Breelsillie Boys are Coasmît-,. nister keys, 17 ta i96 per ponnd. latter oGiýustaacç 10.. predess ted toc Trial. rein - sors. Theo a hP i ilh. ayeni- Adeptira Bo1cil oï etio EAhES table movlng fortress. able te move Asoeai hsi me THE-DAIRY MAKES itn is.avy Sung in o completo tmt schemne of robbinj tise. Bnter-oun pbnt, 2 teSI; crel ad fre aIl eftbem an elther poBtoffce vas uneartbed 00. 'ues-' utus and large cois, 1 0 ho 20; i rae ine.Prob&bly th& ew v hip day nigbt, and the arresh of titron IN. feor, 10 te 17e - cceamory rails, vili b. armd witb 13.-loch une, boyshGLbrtosîli, 1, 3ndJaers 25 to 2Oc and eofids, 22 ta 23c. and wv.îl& bave aadisplacement c JisCoph aoqe 2 n ae s ThIe Egg--base lots cfi0010 laid, 24 21,000 tous and a epeed of 250 mots, :ver a, 1, finlheae.T, n heny to 25o per dozeas. e e ubhi toatad when Choçs-Large oChese, 13yopec ESP0FerIGAT0N pprehiendsd, confessed tathy Ont., Pouioo, andl twins, 14c. n bF1ilG.TO, ad watcined foc keym untiinkingiy train lef t in boxes, and, Once securesi, Friday HOSRDUT. ettiers Fr,. tihe Western, States used tem for apening ths baxes. saved O ODC . ar oigluLatr otîîg cek an ast of Bacon-Long cie,%r, IlY to 19ar0Purt, l. otteyrs con ytang celn and1 ce Qf per po'und in case lots; mest park, A despatch freinNorth 'PortaI, buionecashrerylon, aOnd al nan 20 ta $*i00short cnt, $23 0.0$24. Sask ay-The hi~ uhe .bttecs eto~ nW veced Bams-Liight- te mediumi, 14 te irsIoe m nii steti edyfortrial. h cr cn Crecit 14Y4; de., hieay, 13 ha 131%0 8rlî, for points in ý,Albecto eand Sskat- nutdfrtil t rackis 10jY4 to nle; sitoniders, 10%cn; bocks coin- la toeî53-4e; breakifast bacon, iM' yEn- Lard-Tierces, 12%c~; tub,1i Con- tI4 GETRUSH TO T1 W S crew, pails 13y6c. y1 e BUSINESS IN OTÏL Le 1t M-ontreai, Meccb 1.-Peo-,Nc. The Âuthoriis tWinpe reP ep 1449 &, Y tae9WC. Oat*-Ocanadio LV sn IiIl/ "i rpr ýk and Western )No. à, 01. ha lYo; extra, NoE . 1 eSa6. t ie o A1fM ing for a Busy Soason. Gv %ltr, Oe ntrig Op 3 4 o Adenstnh front Winnipeg says .1this action On thes part of the Gy itgt No. , , oa/2 te eIc; Manitoba The immigration autiorities are' erninet atittsreas c- apt iderable, seduetion in emigration fee ôBtae853/c. Buclivinat - preparing for onc of thé. greohoat trum Great Britain durieg the lait ho 5be Flour-Manitoha seasons in tic history ot Western £..isclycar, and frcent ml causes se». - ý li Ot Vmtensfirets, 5.80settiesoont. Diuouseingite pran. tiece vwsn a docrease i0 that year resch - é~ $; Manitoba Spring; wheah Pat- Pch. on Wedneoday, Coîmiessoner aîountiog ta 40i per cent., as coin- lite eht, e, 1 ,0 5.80 teha550; ma- cr f~A- nhoa sran hkor, *.1 ho~ aiker maid :- paresi with the r reviens fiscal year. *140- 0; iner itet pteits $55 ."Jdging fraithiethbounands of 01 tua restrictive policy vo have 1e.@t&iý a$00 aitraihl cattnlos, 40 sqoiries whicb vs have rceived alcoady toit tsbenefit. Thece vere a l5 0 .t5.0; etraigh rollers n $5sgn, ahhie Winnipeg oe. and the ré- 1binthe City lever unsooployesi men le ~~ ~~.'FesiM~i j,1*.95 parte whicb ve have ceeeivcd tram thon hiere, vue 151 prevbous yearo liessin9 e8 5 xrl aa agents in the IUnitedi Staten, Great' ansi mucit fower titan there wouici 0 " t $2.05. itaba 'sbsts, 2 brntari E ad thIi.continsent of bave been W cl e permittesi as !t. i ba@o; $23to $14; otari2; aortsEurope, I bave ae hesibation 1n eay- extra flltytyhiousansi vory pocr Asti r $ Ë te $25; ntarmio ngort, îng that the year 199wili show Bucopeaaeta b.csent loto the andh «4.8 te 2.b; purs ri millef, a very great inorsae ovor a"y pre- country during titat year. We bave hoh " e$35b; ue goain ule $28 e dimg yeac. 0f course, lunltse yeae aisoeitasiduring the pat vinter a ro,- * te$a5 mied ouile,$28te100W the GoveromeInt cf Canada vecy great reduction in the number u 50.'Cioe.-Finssh western, 13 te asaptesi triaqent sacmuces te of ne.dy pecopie caming ha Immigra- Le-~ j3yao e*sterns, 12%/ te 12/. But- check imîigratuoa, The. resuît oftionRal for food." 1a a er-Fall ccoaiocy, 21c;<Çeshern ' ted to, céamory, MO. Eggs-The demane Mt continues good, 21d the ondertone A KlG'S ROiSezmNsIIP. Iscience et aviation is devsloping ltae 'Uste mvarket is stronger, witb -- apidly andi multfrionsly. la a- Tirse salon aS 2e ho 20e per dozen. Savosi the Life of a LIttle Girl at dition ho inviteg te Wcigisteh weeq. -Ceuta. nenke fiights bore, the Wac Office &ttoo. UNITED STATES MARKETS- ss serioualyî considering eÀpeci. Milvalise 10.- What Adaspateis fri Madrid I*sya mesntxng wsth "certain inventions, V'ýd ilakeMatch a.-n ha King Alfonse's *killfni itoseoman- Shah arc neitior in te nature of --- -Stemdy; IN). I Nsrtbern, 01.sY, ip bas jush saved bu front tho aeroplanes nor 4irgbbli balloans, ,ô he . $117; No. 2 Nortitern, 0114 muiofortusse af killilng a citilsi. Aen'wls r bu t etidb ~ ~ .îs Jly,$103 skd. CM hoavas vibitint ah Ceut a, u littie Germanit Ministry of War." $Je b. 1 78'tec. -Bh nr &Y,7 gilapproaches iMm te preoent a f.fl e i aip, y -stae;no. d 87et- positon nbehalf of baieraprlsoned - - Il. 'templSher.%Bbc 67c;1No.n3,t'6tisetteeSnSEALENS WITJi WIRECLESS. 6Oe; No. 4, O4ys te 06C. ofthi. Kins'm behrme The oalook- for Mia poîis, Marh io -W «tcrs ebautesi in hocco,, but tise King WewfoUzhlabdlet EsqulPPed Witls -Mayr N. bard , 1 12% a. purcod bis herse te jump andi the Up-le-date APPiWatus. ~7~Nootbern, $1.13%i; No. 2 Nor"h nmlecrs iectll i a A despateit tram St. John's, cru, $1.11y "h'* î3/ j N eihty thon dimated &and careseed Ng., &aya Eqnipped vith a vice- ,b* toebca si07 .i '1%; e . Brn d oosforted tise grl amisi te jeastelegrapb ontfit andi mannesi -N olsor, $23.h07Y.5 109%l Bor- pplaube of the crowd. s ,00mo.the Newfoundland $ ita irhpatents, 86.53 te 05.05; sc.- ae.ing.BecSof tvonhy-thre steam- ond ese pa4Àots, $545 te $5.55; ral AIXSBIIPS IN WAR. ors, ailesi on Wcdnesday on its clears, $4.40 ta *4.50; second ansuai cruise amang lte dangerona eMaaogeae. $3.15 te 83.25.DnitalHia u sFûd lb !eeem cy te ice lloee of the North Atlantsc, 1h I*0~ ~ ~~ Dunit arh .-Wiotea - No. Exteusi Their Soope. is *xpeetesl hitat rachi of ltsemn- Dulurd, $ Maorc Nrtte-,* A dompateis frnm London e:saYS t*1 ofpsat ycsrs vill ho absent al l;Ns. 2 Nocîhero, 01.11 ; May, Thte Morning Postanouaces that thnes' a$1 12 ye oteac, as a atiiai eort W«>$$.2 JclY, $1 12/,sSept., $1. thseWac Oàfcea a âakatnedth o h eir r nîiao nfoSasity fer incroasisog 1sudng cxt ad iend-nar nt LIVE STOCK MARKET. ing thc acope of th. Ilihary aera-1Kn los sihmQnc r Torosa Ma 15. hoie or-nautical staff, reaiining titat th.1 Isoidaying lu Andalusia. Fortoe' sold ah $5 Se; mediumi qua- * & 1 05 h $8ha#$895; tise best piclikesim ygd ýbetcee' at $5;eyverai straisht 1 O*l fUVlLiByh19if htt1Tvê tante ,~~,Ideince. Tise- etii 'b> E&rf Nbn îShât bis uiit la tovoiver. - jmain 15c tiso os' su came Seocel doy yen iwosld Àdesi citi im WeaSi of »# Pg EndasIb

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