Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 18 Mar 1909, p. 5

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It pi t net bc éweif optoîh for ltae ;lpclis nfîoonreu Lquas. bonnpe ai Miueaectt'4 'g saienmt Colline Xaclit auctton,twc 07. - l4c'au la 00011 papar. Ait .Papier *tuoeySil fras aI ie 1;S.'topo' *MAN WANTEID, Meaurica man te wcrit cn fara y tisa -yeea' Muet~ undrtanci iarmnin. Apý b>iy t G. Jý Fptisaagul, Whtby.- -x4fr4 -N . Xku6eattts ratuiraco fracs c tifp ta kÇwam I'alla, whane te ba viitel lIse largo AmorIateaneaaoufoc- - - - negc cr 'fini ieaiaFy. -le reporta baintg aecosiea nme soea thînge fer ithie patIflen cf -Wle' ùp-ta-diata jetéicly mole,- F. E' . Loira, Opt. 0., Tfeontole cal q1pt , 150 Toaga *... eau ha 00oualtaal aIres oi *misene ut tA. ff.L Ali' drug store, Xhlt-h, Mtaudap,I - Mùkh 800h,. Wii hav ail tisa nov- deese - i e gtec. Dau't1 lIt Oais tu eoetisa Our toits. A1 , qoclémac, ater seclng c W-titis ,.bokat, wiriltes ta knoe If Oue au Ztcgutteaceb« -bore- bsouge ana gardon.1 ahr. lIas pinltasuspa iral ahprea- - ont lving ta Idasattalt fusa ýWhctbYs Iaomnb cf'tIsa Wa- aruo'e -Ice<btuata w41it moût la theo Affgtultuoai rouoco, Dre, ak St.. 1 detr ouffis. of the Ceatan4o'eBom, on Uke~y~crcap, aral 1, a - V,cc. jSues -Ecet*r lkoué' &Mas "¶1klf8re mat-lied cf psaprntg * ~ peî4j luie.staoo e s Mir 3. Oletolict, Plctdet; YAa . bats- man.-w avtrapo ~rs ra Roeaalte i DeRa irae n tre, on ti lecture1 an" irai 'rtim tîr >b- lia p1 of obCsinaig ceý1noo ttter vi s aneacarpct b.ul aMi.eCopa- tlaceVolfor auaisaLima, RE AT THE, M'sery în Stoniach. a lecture en etomais gta ,tise blue anal grumt LrIOc." Prof, Ova tt a good est, tisan taIt. Pa rt- plaalog Dioapint laiaarItisae digest aectica wtte Juicas seîkisg. Thora wil ba i loture alu dipepaia or belciing ofl gac. or Iractinw. , ÇantatIons cf crdlgcatod fooe4Ii îIicg,' M-0ra1s b;. ika nns tlsinl-thaut, u avis Uni- o etar .Urn, >Sack iseadah se 'ýUntjve5a itlctas anal joUr foca l vh la et a pop-,, far nnt ana-l pison youa bieath.y e givaIn In naoccooir..ý rc., andl b>' acatafor a large casckt se, d aeI5tildre1111tcora tare, adcill ratiava theon: o onrat tiutate ef iaidtge3tio ýanal 03 tisa cavio. ainat lon f ite nisuto.. ve tih ig't Tisera la asetling elac battot C.btiýl. alta teseframti temcisandt cIa isuoticon soie ut bùuaehld forai- tiae, tIhe praporty o! *$Mr. John 'P. ÙOsili, BOkoi et., Wlitby, en Oatoiaiaî, Marais EOtb, 110. the- foalal s.tieea-i gan, noely new il oiabcard, isearly neW i por- ion sai$t,, oue i1 ak tablc, i oakc he&i; ttcloth cusoge,. 4 coliro. i odmi a so t, 1i' supbierd. 1iwara- o'%akj, behhl'i ecakar en ,d higIÉh l1air. i ltthon<aolI Bkitehon bbesirc,-i steei iok.2 ias1 itoc iet csi- c,(0picacs) ,neairynana; 20 îe. vynl iarbét, 24 rards arepp carpet, cild'a cet, mattrées ancool paînga; istIqengs od anal s ui 1 caoi, i ele rltaai. e lnda.,. cîbrahnglng tonso alai lampe%,oaeen ruîat,. asicets, lava moire, gsritactoola, anal nom- 'elcek. ý ocs saab, . u li. , ti- wâlU l, goîog veat, eaévrittog m'tuet 'lhc cubera asol eembeafciEast.- arn tAn, L»de araLuhteme tt Chir fremmLanal athet i oge aom* *oni 'ihsurasial ,bvoasii heu. -Thisa roDae Wre eallfilcit, aisdta irelng c! cajomect Fc tse cstoan Filbom ci tail totn gala re plaieci Itliatcii -cad tp-aLeh Whst Ili. t. E Feawah tak ttc choeir cod- tirai deioarcd a balai sIdraca uaici the grow-tanal henctilsa£cfthe gcsat of1ev i>! Oddlcllows, madthon oacltei for tlce folclui gracn.- Whistth Maie Quaptelte, natacti; readIng hi Mise Roul i; adrsens bltirt. Frankf Pruýoer, oi Oà%soeva cornaC duet b7W Moerae. Biaia and (laaefotiea>. rouit- teg hy -Dr. îlleililivraoY lOoertco Afflo ,,,y îWnm9111.; asle by M4.uelirap.j MrOui erogcm wau munt appreelutaît Bo.*rcahicente werethunucryosi. ei- tb latularei lh1 afka a! u'finainto91i-%Ï tbae antbe -f<ett-, uë ait al la ii.- aehdèaeBTusla Ia ai ai u -ouke .very IL lai pse SIat ilati- ttentio,Ibenane tbe uhkia aantage cf o&l4le-itre. diof~ o!eronto., ciii oi tise Tabernacle on aud evteolc. propoa efor isalmilatioes loWtsheuB looaitail jour fooit 'ta.amea»ce p muoa1, isealtby etioacu voosildaloit' VtnDispapn al a >Orielur cloù1' otrectoý-gae 5Ituai ta enrdar, dleano opi-analtisaisYeu fati lika catg vison Yeucnemata ttc table, aid mat Yois -sat iîli1 dg jeu gaisi. Abeoloto - relta! frocs ail tot.ornoéh Mteeey LemveitIng for Yeu asu oaeOau 700 dalla tebegla taktng fIlîtupolo.n Tell 10cr. drugglat tisaI you.vent Papeo 'Diépepals, bocaiscaYeu want te ho the'rougir aorait cf Insigen- SONUTHINQ PERSONAL. mai. ivnWb nrchS LOl. hiunto on gbttaiay. -Ma. E. llý Jloawvs ln 'Toronto fer 4 fav. dae's tiola wcak.- M" euros EvBans visitacilan Naker. ring lover Soturitaî anal liosay. ll a -A. 0éiteOdifel,w.vw« la Ta. reic for o couplaefeteje.& ,mme Mcay Tula, QI Toronto, once bdc ca ver Bondai. V 5Mmi Fioca' Sýoutbtvsatila viiar .in SSorctc tata dtvO ckaS. M4r. W. B. OrmIcten, of Uxbrldga, ag la towa tisia weak fer a coupla e! claye, SiuFred Aluin, of Neertovilla. vis-ý Itea itcî Ur. iand Itra. Johc Allia on-ý Pa.turdhj. ýMrasTrvts, of MyrLsn. upent a fcv doiss hast îtaek vitia tea daugtn, Me.ZtE. Wehnater, Ma.r. Jck Bron, of 'forer-to, spent 6u-asl'Ayt isa hom ofs>!bis brotheri Mr. Uieltlri-s -Mis lkb Ytp&esai fherosto. v»s tise gisaut 0f Mica trierslPaxton Jur a oîw daym (isuweak. !1 -MIss alan BIrd, et Baaaavttie, visitait xitt ibcr auit, *, Wn iWçotiako ilet wack. bIasouile rXc, vIsebas bac&. astistgl<ina eoci At 'io<-nto, la borna fer a-visait. .- Nm a nggisc Mntteas, -Wh e hemac et lir-tw Oeafor e li me, hau caluanaci-te TOrocte. Mc. - rE 1 ranger anooailc , c Bleilet, hasve bean vlalttng -mts 1u* ýaa àfa.ze tl boîts, Part witby. l. . . eraingti, K.C.. 3Vs tise gocat of Melon anal aira.lnevac Vmetala a Ievera, 'uce&Ufai goL, Noeral'. nFligEa anal E . E. Fleher, 0 et lntIemre inta lwis latFrlite, and gava tise Gazette ad Cotis c 64aL déc. Ceerge Gray, o!t!fewtatbe.ccnd dir, at e . -.dlel,, pZ of .ý iceonvilia, rqenc éeRi daju Ilnuccok wlC'r.c. aneS mc. tl ,Cooper. Ma. Water Cooper, son of Ur. u&m Mei& tJsta Cooper, whc han bcoetibust froa n ita8ca for turus e moa, la!t todwst un béuaaIY o an c.1etyc M1cm flaniolahalotubu, et fmce aelhm ees amisvlWcg cith àli. c -m.ck B ýbfo Lhe lsd ewek -relianousihome an Uusncb toilg. aboMmp&nàei b7t Mr. Ge&týlSu £ u Ce eahodtomo 6zasd tsest lv lb *oad fiVe dl- 1lTi ooh Iocararotrnes bWl - :~Xautda tefonoiat a ln, o onieer4an.61 all"ïi I L ierk - ~trîtmaît.s lion. areudag 00,extrapts ana thea lait _r' ur D liegt tab îla.W Mû 1. B lbn 2. ls o6,75f anleglFeusha te t ie roin 1905.lothe bptisaountloil nd W- eýte Cne ten, 1ianagenncof aàlicr blita e nap-. 1ý,w4ëùenhs'l yt«oi ord cnaltuaily agner arê.,ned edey l- . TNo ispoai ai.dpt ta at ltta o ýùr Io 4b Exiouti atta ro ltoa sh .dmieoion cinecod ao a8 5 foa4, ot ehat 0-mena wnludng ognetViod andthie ]-lbou2.7t.i o f an glnoet ar a oredli Wbit Poanlallerth7e .saiw a mi. laPif e urootait b o- 46he ý0la alngad o bileuad ud baoy treat prodoacd iliareidertr . Neio dactréetnaba i e s adm do plrch dnnct po aolIin onae s Street h a tcaldsret oan-tbeds gilvu laterP Ating d, the 9. wisn evaaay oerslath 1<tcu b. Aahîcg acck. co»b ri1of wainthoatit occmpaoy rfMn n o w P eqsitbtLoard tuhah moka aae,"tOfa U0111 Euog loSal uandt Heenryt fltreto vceac xtgee. tc Ch aar~ fi005thi«A pisnttorY Mat prt f- poIre leobl, itsReyold tet provr4i by taralo -rv.thn ca or et. p oie.t a çfoalvn net oie, o Sreî gth. of theLileOUstrt,&allVeRTSEt lds- qullcdfor mimen scornenbA- $Ittyn id lclng eow- g9, Whou a g ancoeurs.In.tF. aub lot l fciut tlsg DiNeY, reeanodte Ont. eMRO man Or "-Oan ith heolsiohal alc asoSt- 3ly Ite '0 safy cind alOf e.Pro atl h aac trLiggl.bstsied fr o itersans iaio y titia dcil - istery ttis . th o-ptie- la ei po ibaooballt oft i tha lledalients1.. piao wiipc ci o h n 3 r greath 11t«tecfet mi oab rio'i 6a s, ý *'For nrme rc ii au - Woîîg e iagod ougml o» ý P la t i ,ft ad aFtb idg BOISEYFOreça LEo . Pi, Cit oi dWen 1îtcf aél- nBeoyS. roatruhes det UVteaa. I ro. baissa latb-aemmar bton at.t*had Side y icîllobed t sour o nj eriose s fio an ttl001cre ads Z 4 n I&gt the a.c- rutedtr acsdba oif he latavid 011 oura cctlcly, taly )roto. &Wll ICIC.oai ura bo 40 eigeaist t 568.-t fig diatrbeal FOR kat 1lth ant ca 1cr,, nusea. FOR SALEs.l Pom. *] but attr.tho- omwihgm[elael6 1tbi OYonI r-an eceann and mait ou aupater utp, abl.Didn n Pub111i ai -eroe- tu'itrmon atisepMci,- a 1ppl >.an b anol tbed, clora ana ta Biso. &EaCntla. Decolcl, ox a tIe jeho iciecoBacls 0ha.e-tf Daepelai lU capotar. ia OI A.it1 t.. Led, WCci Brpcin.,j e Leandqalrteliserat [Pdort Agsu -Cal re bltbi sedoo secaud sabye.ttc onde asaTmd asignaiter Uen thé ouUm& ery cen-an ~tO Corc,d s Bta fn itatla .roaa cra f od, p *flAcllfi~aue~Johncideoroara 6a auait frut, ge 1905, Mlat t bol auat tao tisa 10 lare thbe laitaan JakI-nA. Otoon et -Whl-tbv, taata P50.., thseaitusta arty or t-to Lis ptolobrc o!t andi ths&tsitar edirnîltrtor w alltribuia thoai ta& aoneg t-h taerotc, hcrlag -o vill-not bha or aj part ttci 001 poo*aa cf1 Met anoet ti vaet"ad&t Wht- SFire Brigadq lni demaby Cisc 1aubRkÏ1a.Exvrca» jîlentifoo an Lion Torae eresate gt- idasta tii vi in ado"anoltitfil organisation, tIs caly a sa«eI sun eerrle-mm225 Ai t'oIai mevabcro us m e tes ho Ontucio, aa 11r and dr8or eil. aoutuot act itpyta m -MAT lton ts tQ -thes,47 ts'lFerunry, Local Improvenients. tl4rad tpur- Mare ok etice Cht tbhe(Cour t oe- IbtCblvision t tae, ofy f a0 Wèlby willi Oài n or ta- ue n c tb ie oaci l Camber n rlittc O "'t Tcwnablp cf » Mosday. tbe 29t.t ,Agn edl 01 c.rcb, lm0, ta aag naîapeals on, Wisltby ttet omta cd tI, Plc'f lé ccf ameemnALt taai at te prai- -aino andl cf Stt a b b tanafitaît thonaby, and Iýed by btheux;tdia Seorcloac cof thesa cct ebCa etdota ttc chuaged bce-no f whlat ail per-, nt librtj tezoe ore teotata notice sud gavrn the ialdes- hemaivesacoringlY. rte ttald - JOOEPIR WHITE, ;to tIsa lalme twsClrk-dO ititeliste t O3airn ta tait Yor prectacereqociaîtet our Q'of suit dia- OPENINCI DISPLAY tiset day of SPRING MILLINERY ~,a4lstrtor. Martch23rd anal 341h. iiîtrator.-46. The Misses - Scott ýntrolled by BELLO!1 BELLO I taon aaauscd Say 1 WIsat out a new cet cf ingle inilentceeue tareuor c etcof e! Oc a surao, Ibis SWltbl Flre uprîng? Nov I bava iots but ready for pi opinion oa qoicl calead ecrichangetem ce colt c.theugt no enyowhtle ycu cait. Comae andl sec ise c hronogistise barnaso, ttc qualit le îctting but ttc ),ct tat i éie la tc; thc prlce wIi aice surprise yeti. est. Bring ycur odi arnaoo, gai it rapairaît la a aoateer uhîla yen ara bsyl n a c set. ars rcavlng collera. al *lec,, Rbes, mccaa; 0,Bl.Whiîc accs ad, IcterfedLsg c?à Ceuea comba. rî4tr crthoir on. cauc e w o. a r lcO Sate taout about 1Lwn oar a se.5oct1of sigle ac. fot siew leu ac c. ci. or lu.. UIedu ctlcu eoma ta *ut New Store andl oea -tyUish I illinery PENINc I IARCHI 25th bueiI, - Btock S., Soluth FliO51 isSorence O'Brien, cf tc OL. tyise copfu-r t ca concert Las hawa, ce- loai Ou- I entir, andl raclveolmuet prakue fnem thepresse.. x stleuihr r.;uO*o «Mo>ther Said., if 1. got hirngry wlile she, "was out, thiat I.could, have, a JMooney BiSCUltu"1 Tw HE ^N MOONEEY BI3SCUIT ~i caTaa AND CANDY ~ IAITs LIMITED.WltaPa fd thea corny> éubjeat ta tte op- recomnrnndato anal_ compIlainte avsve.t cf tisa, llaceand UgLigt Cer- froui thoeblhef or ottea af ficre-or sîlt«ac ota eTownniofWbltty. nScoaeira cft tctre flndprirnat uai Il. Tisa &'&ra fuit Ltght Camnisttea -ta> "nde tha norne. uid -tisachiat 0f tha flre dapoari- eat foir tic lima balag la office saIt be a commîtcofeh macnageaieat.NO IE e It oall b- ho e tdsutv ce! tthccr- N TCIO nteetmanagement te consbder, oiRM VA SITLIRS Loce rat" toce rtain poisits ln Sas- atcheaai andisîbasta via Chicago or ort Arthuîr, each Tuesday dui4ng garoh and lepril. Paciflo Coast Excursions dally socil Apaîl 300h. Vancouver, B, C., $stii. S Spokane aWsb .41-80 Seattle, Waoio. -400 Portlanci, Oe. 41.80 One way secocd.clsau frono Witby to Cob9ttand Gowganda Ttc plooccretsute la via Grand Truna di T. & N, O, Ralwayc. For ticket@ and ful nforsmation eau] on gtad ccapectlcyon E. STEPHENSON, TownAfeâtpru, icket and <eef,. ofc(ppoutWupoOOa aS6cu. 'WhIstby. 1.0.~~~ ~~~~ Maioai lcdtPucu em 4 a ive removedon rc King Stroat Westto $0 9 i Yonga ,stroat (Opposite F. E. LUKE, OU9 CTN EGG, STOVE SIZE, CHESTNUT. k Lâteit Model SPBING SEEDING-gal that uaw miii you arc thinking about 00W. And wbat viii ha the recuit? Why; a botter amp sand more dollars in yeur pockat. Trhink it ont, avary timu you useo that oid miii you araeaaeding down vnrk for yournil BUY A CHATHAM. Sold on easy ternis. Do. Yov RLise Chkckefts? Boy a Chatamrn lcsbatcr andl gec haut recuits. Don't wait tini lie ocauca as oear, cneme about an incubator Oc once, andl lan e iswaicccy termi I cao grvecyo. Every Ctatham lacobactor atcioteiy geuateac for iva yccri. For tarma, prices, catalogues, etc., scee H. Bu Willing Oeneral Agent, - - Wbltby, Ont. THE MANSON CAMPBELL CO.. Stow aom opaveryMSatnrday. Doi't fileb u it. 1

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