Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 18 Mar 1909, p. 2

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' Ve have referroal- berehofoxo. te theno nvelal eouce of the Britishn .4provention of crimea" act, de- sigsed prinarily to euppress.or segregate the confirmeoi, hapelen rininai. Thse a-et bas pannsed-Inoth ýýiouidI of prilament,' but, nt in ,ItÈ'original forsi..1h vas- founal necesnary ho suoke concPssioInn te those -hs bobjonctoald the "aa oetondanta net for spacifinC. rimes, buhfor"hbitai riinlity" and. Who, :moroover, thouglit that it Ionil provo clas legislation, di- iecteà -oginett1h. membo&rs ai hhe poûrest and mot unfortunahe sonc lias ai tIne ppulation. In thea original bill he courh van given authority te impose on a per. son trial for tbe third timo on a criminal charge noh me rely theo or- dinary sentence, bu,in addition, ".pravenhive dtontion", duringthe picasuce of the covn--meaning tihe home office. IJodr sucho provis- ion the incorrigibles vosuid remain In tbe ponlhaniary 1e 1h. ondl of tiseir sisys. In the act'as posseal the adaiional senteniceofaipreven- tive detentios in expreasly limital t0 a maxîmusi oi hon. ond a mini- mum ai fivo years. -Bobîhuicinu- inalihy is fer the. first lime definite- ly recognirpd y fIne Britih ilay an a disinct offense, but theo maxi- mumi penalty for it in noh peronon- ont iolation tram eaiety, but de- 1enon for ton years. No doubt tbis penalty le ikely ta 'prove A otecrent in many canes, but 1h wili moitheb.cammuoihyonitheba brd- enoal anal confirmoal sriminal. The gvernment or its supporters lacal bte courage oi their reiormi anal tor tbe fimee eing abandoneal the Idew o! trying fb. affect of perman- entiy segreýgating tb. humon beans et prey. Oould Wb Evor Dream'of the J Btfor thé:LoWer Dut "Fror re are iswôrkmnnhip." living a1foUli -Ehii., 10.12h, are dois Alm ost ail the livs,> thnit reàcb makipg condili any m sueo riht selt-consci- fer the one ivi Mesnas eadtemevsa no nttthan constant straggle: between the with rg. things they fain 'voulal do. Seldore, f0 yOU ' i i8 indecýd dons ithappen that 'On.eavyo .ih fid his living in the.things.ho loves mnaete o most of al happy are thopsýbo n iust moisi yi May. Ttc rost, however, are not but dullcsly t necessarily jushlboed in -ragardilsg timeio13 their unwelcome work as the ,fo How then.c of their igheet .wltare. Our livés slbéÏh 1h in trucý that many livea are fMy n lpifft adjustesi. Ponts are working . Co-w.recnd brickyards and plewmen aro tryisg necossîties a ta make poemsa for a 'living. VinWe fina aur ave it ta liii andl ho our vorld nal "t'the neec1 lase thao ta ournlves tfn diseovrer so muet oft o our ovin aptitudes, ta cutivate Our grecdy web best povors in th . tankrs for vhich machine 1 vo are hcst, uited, '-We baveDon could vo e right to drift; we ought ho nunomea any greater w( evnry paver va have in order tae THE FA]I select a work that vo eau do and of that whicb do weli. w ô eri Evon then, ýwith eaeh man a hensma-the, tank lie coulal do best, wo vould cow ne stili have the confliiet bhea 1.n the a gr eaes thingo ve must do anal oew: â'the v nterIn isould.la. Perbape 'ou have head £ây et it sid that in the gocal lime com0- reai,1coins a ing every mon wili have ta do only of al cor woi the thinge ha wouid ment liete cuvefan de. None vould for long he satin. saniîy oîanra fiesi with that arrangement. Ev s sublyithn tbe people vho hliéve tbey vere Iber vIna, for t hors t&' veor wins and play O11 bears the yole harpe would acon Ina sigiing for ther tbe wage LZESB EXALTED DUTIES. If volalb. on easy mttor to sa' ho al wvb e iitVie rasp anal grnsd of oacis doy'n duil tanks, vina realiza kceniy theo nanminig confliat Ieveen, hhe soties that nacossity laye on ns and tine higin bidding ot cor aspirations: Be contant;s lita i short; ieaven àaoite yoo; timnsa dioprities viii ho odjustal in cher- nity. That lende people to tako ime as aàalose fthhe sot. ai ehor- Sa iha mosure Ottean tisebu linreoas h o h that mste us. tlic duil tank whccn line go]d ducal. But fo ceiitiai lives pahblen; the j ky tbe lapidar dnty andlnom.i Oniy ns vo ,Dur'.ime ,t hn nl aspirtiihn rsy ino thse. siy upon us, DuruOives- 'a*w om!6 thes wo ri ever fit curai work but bý LITIIL DG Ineema so liti wasn quite slm S and wvitoi, a finerwctkî that vinieli the work ai thne lovaeocf l se et sorvhtI ;e nor the va o, bot the W, burdeos that malk ù, ai'e n Tiedisc le the. coui d ai lie ihO 'or tînair grir wouid ail bo lavaIs ara di cry oallcd ne shtincos alvers a0 Iselite in i. vlus,, There are those vino vigoreusiy ual baltb iereaffor. ' ucaoity fur thne confliet' bètveeb eeny tinat tbere ie snob a species None ai lb-a problamo ail living are duty and deire, appear 4>1 the au thehabituai ensinai, wvinaorgue soivad by a meabanical content, hy meaaing of thena bu and al hshie tiat freesi convicts are diven hock an ans1umédal patbetic indifference become evident. Becou4e. man bho Iuo then patIns of violence anal ag- ha. lb. facho, that fret us. 'An ais- lange hae a nahIer ccd-r; vhljnle -à salutaly certain presenit vill Dot Ir tIne makiog Ie lerne nDotsamlI gression y tIhe bhumnanity O! go- ho igtly ivoal, ntil 1h in mors ta endura but tfn delight inth 'tailt ciety'and the unîversal fear, dis-1 thon a probation for s probleena- a! the prosent, ta fighi.' ordsîI trust and hatreeloet "joilibiais f'ie futurs. Folka vill endurs al stance, ta show bimses sît "ee 01e 1mbinoancs ac ntarausvbc kinals o! disconniont and evan vrong bis foIe, and hoefinal the -ii(êh ]Butenstcvets arengio enceroaP tise bleak threehalal vin e -y strtesitu roto8"doP insta -e4r4. froe covics ae gie ncorag- koy tino door ho vormh anal aheer nity that ne ithar parahmng dcoughI - - osnt anal opprtupity anal yt re- wil soon ha opennd. non nsing flnal affectl'ploaperts tûrt-t ecriminel carees. At any Tisie yo.rd moede binage vIneare. HENRY. F?. 01. rate, VIe new Englioli oct cantoinnecnicaisa fbcvr ,Provisions toc tine réformation ni DIIVOTION TO SCIZNCE4. cd wbneethe aite store vath ciinisl efore tbey fail ino te tIno h slonwrewt4h "balbitual" class. <habe A@ hùiaclah ie es ofÂi ould lie caugit. t r BeltNa aiglthé,oimd. J lpn aogl.- '1 RoaneanlSssclbîa(Sobr M or, vneienc i i s ar.le- tsd a prdon, taln tio Rtound ILAting manufactureraeoet "x-rays" anS. May sot tses. - - ' Ansong theo olal cauhes o Ireland hikin-frquncî olle anda pparstge, - Tino Mialmo a vomen et lai mono ile more lomoun thon Blîarney vîith premnoos 10 Grsy's Inn lhito, caver sev viaistins mens a fih- ins Coonbjr Cork. It as in tihe -alls han undergone An opration athi$ i ng, asoS ehoula any.minainq big fi, et ti. building Ihat tine Bianney bonus at laphos for -ine dreaodea perative tbey do ti chupp in litiie atone in set, a atone that lise givey "x-nay" A-densatitis, adsot ahte tnte envi ot sîgliýth lino, - en I sechaDaefo ha an g orportion t hie nfinht banal, U dner,,no,ciruetao 't ta Eginin peeh anano fr vnatinoiudcssg ibrtesfingoe. T heo hlùnsnb ei-e"t coset .!of etiandl' iia la thervise sonsoimes issao as and the little fin geroree cOva. fiahersian et noa mention cetain "laDfy." Tine casls itseol date Sasseyears ago Mr. Cox hst oen: objeëcandsunina"a sxioiter," grosinbine yoar 140. It stands in a of bine finogrs cahie lett'banal andi 'kirk," "avinel' "Seg, etc. and région vinicin abounde ain logesd, hoehan ytîta oundango anatinon' op tise lino vili sirey le, ot i s pî tradition, anal ola-ime eu.! ns eailon. Ko ban cotracteS thn e n iiehlpgt. spots lidires. TIno autînar ni "Sbarnrock disaein tins chian. - la'n hIWbensmIgthA ionlotoc Land," Mr. P. F. Jones, viitd the, Then aparahion vois appacooiYDntil hie aelatcea, g se a e tastle sad ils neigthorhood a short eucoeosntsl, anal itla hopa ia i it s muet sot ho caunbtedunohil tins 4e nago, anal vfltes entertainaog. viii bure out as vol! as tinat nn ino are' aileagih.- Ir on thes ubjoat. lait banal,vinicin bas isa s l1 gn o efnq îoljs Blarney Castle obtoineal its pros- trouble anen oIlig nosg ctinsotaain rsicùia- fn an roins afamoun lst0ce, shah Like Mr. Hl B! dwards,vine ba salieS tan thin ast ylielp, and a- line valse, round viicis lusters lest Inethienbiianda anal btn bsni honring agint and. saitoal dow vili osucin et romance andl superstition. avardosi a pension ironstise civil cacluce codealr. Traditionsasys hat alter Corma'c list Mn, Côx bas annferod 'Icone l the hetbofl aaiga MacCathy boi but tino asle h. cary.ignorance roopetlpg tino n net bho hia Ild e -e ma ehasoede i0eday o nove aaid vo- dangers itfb.ethon,,n l-iSc 5 in- aiini hieln,à d aen b mess irons droveisg, Wviata show e. raya,. I1a aog bec grttude, offerea Cennsao a Nav-o-dale opratoce are elabor 5lia rancangn*,aiveleenisan wif golentangue vhici aioulal havea ti aeurel eS n.nhsmesasnmsvaigovnt tie paver of fluant pernuaiveneas practical lesprvius t e bina ]e'tsaWmnwern awie -a tangue tisat conniniinfluence rr, ie xoi, esbn lt .5 une pron. mos and vornen, Iionals and foes, spoosle ceuiing la"s vils a'Every yoan tie noaotivesof atbIe as hoe illea. Tn goetthUiepove r1usd AIIeyi,rioves m oairubber Doire of Yrk Island deconîto ai howvear, Corma e ut ehmb t10the, naiool vitW oanI, anal ins$anasssconoe vitin foyers and al o, lI keep afthtin castl, let iimsi dova lOr bina tacs ands eoisiders. -. vth shell, mosoy, anal cul le ia sose duicut vay, andl isa a Mr. Coz, Inneftvs, vas oneofet&dsrift, «"ecamponste tins min for cartaies tase l inovoal;aitenateal lies fiint aaceurrsofl "-ray" tbir tolows canglel sud ete."1 about ives etobIelev tino fala1y pprausin Esgassa. Hie vork Tt 'vos aas thUe cuehtonofet tn rusnnîmg round tIns top. It in sais ic .tnsfinal sta ho brougint io use Maoris, tine primitivo inbabitastaj tmat ho Illsved thoe old wuon's dnriiog the Boec War, vinons il vas et Nev Zeelandi, te pot tinorat finl diretionsa vlti gratitnniutenesa e!f great value ta tino ourgeoons. Ho fIaltlney caugbt back ssto tino ses kisacaltheo clone, analetait esoh- worked a getdes! in conismaction, "witin a pnlyar tInsI il migit tenpt tauned l athîespoeseasive éloquence le riJall-Eovsaals. Iner foinh o cona nesd ho taugit." 'cie Iaci'Inen promieed him. In hing tins apparatns tine gnou tino stor.y wass olal trougin- h fceý hu t ise fialte ont Ireland. Itwnaise bo otiner appetrosi on is sat hand in thes BELGIAN CRILDIEN oouatrios, anal made Blarsey one osfrta-ofi skind ai chsp-vbicin Thindeligbinlutino familyIe ns et ineIstkov atîa1 oftton isappeare if tbe,"x-n0" characteriaticofniail Baignons. On. are at eues leit alone-'Mc. sO0100a< le Bcusseie a" Atwr Walkisg round tins top o! tiens icezsdiecd il, anal vent on Met- MonIsiuer promnesding ins e ole- catis voile in tins Wrm osnine, fils his vark non tiat îilmigit ho vanalor ltho bois vils s olgan ie I bgao aloak for tiens ntal sent out ta tise van, bis meon, liadaoss losing ouhie atone, aed st lest ond il bolS in Tio ais came go intpnsso, boa- ansi.anal tIne nilîren,, band in Iplacs by tvn mron banda aunpendeal ever, fInl ble baS te ussaengo a nbad al visia editely Dcier tins tce tins Vary top of thfeaone. bah- operaties. lu rocent yoas Mr. bisont. Aceaet nenspbs cCon ias been s martyr ta alenet promut oycs oi their parnts. 'On tlemnts A rw o iro sfissads eleiirtasfi utins restaurnt&b basa placeS on tIne top o!fbIe bat- intolrabe pain. andsithljdresr in tiomunie balle. désments above thse tone ta pro- . ,Tn issren ahrgs seie veut fnolbandy aventunen ramh lau-e ffteradmte abtompisg ho kis the tan by ho- VFI NS UESIIN. aeasre la ntnfn saiy Iieg oI Svs aen tse saie b ~, - T go ehsing aiisont theincli- bCuries. Wa ovet thépwasg by theron vuisi apioac htubIne Boliian insoeai, as tine cuitonseaIons:uin aso legtn "t MiMs. Cerne &ssbc ai egin. not ouiy ailfiai out duî. Rie iappasiesa il e ins ppiassetaihie Nov tInspilgnim ta Ihisabsinins of lu Britias qelambia tise Indiana eisi E. s est tbinêcireins haIt éloquonce.mut get devin on hie ceeeggouaieygo nut te ti550Bthevitishie#ove oez aund hall ville louees, et LiseBat dovsson thb inetn-hsaisie, anal lenfistering 10t t1 b irte. ,Tins tgoleo Md soS soks- cosmos, bndhiebohd 4t theovaiat try tae, tin eir taenia by ,s>lch 'opa i Brugmcelton of t",ise r- adtrs îbiatandsouidaea, tiss aIl hess ui px')«e yte bli peu tnobout sics tedlt lt a Zmeanvbi en o fbià usenn hearisars i s o tie oplele te - néo»e ftromn bie under sio. An at- andi lastocfocrt»ua 1..poa Ides 'bondant vitin gocalmsclése malust be eturs-o lesoimaly akPProciel btsa Fin-t OKc-Bo.y--"I ll tin o gev1 ý and tse hoilsi tins iseis nifbisriver, "tce isfinitcaisson et tise oreer ton- t4 blidan-k cirai..s orne vire atenopta ta Iris h tnoec, oadbjate isne of i, &ad itille .uadsr my cyee s diwae it I didu'b tâa bî bthé lav ot gravitalseeslemaelasser lîgheda.scificriali ra, a»Ml &hiàf-4a" of," Second 0Oies. 'ciii fspppi. ven &.ad go throu«É -tthesTise tmm*e leaian a scheiousàiynsllaa- 3B -What did -ho sajr'"iccle 1.1.1 tinshe v15ý a bunorol andi a te tise moitaia-tot alter tins Oïe-Eoyq-"Ro f saiS 1 needeal a -wat volplm.ithipeanse- ootis, Ila haii-ioaçoel8i»»." I Africa, 'ond aithOugln, ir-e montb,-n le camp 1 'ens ha hed lions ,evory nlIht, yet hae lie lion exceph on ose notý roar vhen bunit-~ it woulal b. a foolish d d a, When the lion- A4 nged andmy position'0 tationeci myel! ifine eut bal o mile irOM: ,o! Ieitero. ' Ai 'gc-ee,,EImi g Iieside me, pointal E d, faying, "Ses! Ivo. àal net nec. For sorne 1di&tinïuinli nothing. nver; but oh loc, an- le cxactly oppositeo my It ir tIn ovod wus ap ont, i nov tbano. 'jeh aaay ta dteet,' 80 tby vos thaîr advance.Y ioctly on My iront tIns Iy doWo ln Ivo green gravi vithin a' dain b étIer naeth' tinsa g bre. enckoned ednaighhor, holal ssim n, odarrangeal that vnce frosi théI4Ietli traiglit in t hehua oua' , ndar nuch circum- t *ent in vitb 'ee Sstrotais, snicipating 1 for aoy contisgencye b in nearar and nearor e lunben vithout'Seeio' a vomant vithin, 'the d ta siacken. 'ard dishance it seen that se lrgn a beae* Id ho lying i0 se ensIll ,n My noeilng 1h. They e bh ave slippnd avoy, 1ia I as valknsngcon sly until vithin on "e righthhnd buh ijd.- y siedmyara, rifle ha csrr-Ynd inho Ilo bnsh, anal hisne#lt hoe liais 1 Shoot, lm 1. mst admit I couid Stroin my eyen as 1 il distinguisnintiing. ,so positive that 1 de- D a rothar cacklessly,' e 4ý no mitaking the res- il v)' more sovoge than il u.nMy lita bofore. I Ù -the smoke from tinoel ýelectric convulsion. t bé beant pnlln'd iheeli ol ' Pring.- Ththmove- oi -hnposition ofthtie di o'mdr, and Ibelore a IY timo for mlnchiefi, lapel hullet, and'ei6io' r seSato d gre %B ssly iv1 mena sals hi al hen. calcin S- ses eaamo ss théo yord s enot]b Weil keovni les pesafl ccAvhi.ng a buildisg ou gré. gom. notton wvt4 vih n ilaiinl il i pvsWly. An teluelý Ilireugh shah Ddi-1 end Ihn cam n-.at pily fibresi adissie Subsoqaca ly lb r oul te bnildfiu ta tin s njelta oIn, Colton ès, n-sabli body', callt àrbýý nato insan dropPeg finer, ittn, J& hS Cottan nss*0 v Ti ie iabe cma cand tiâtý andl cominue being cuei bv îA#I Came aioâ-, roachesi a pie0> tiney Cam nt o c vater Sien diý tiney lie(Un *nube haÀst el ré tp 4ins thons, and wf tbin -stroyed . '; n Ine her Vlash tine enginest ih t lion fl oftem Caicre, à Inn pavaeç.i z Tieis ansettt hua ostbs 0 "lenr- obn' kinai seat st ro 10o eusi rent wendc lottp beçau Goal i wrii.q AMB~E nlrltorOa firet. "'I9ncInkte& ia ecfiual, vitin bresl and-.butter, ci cqldmeate . O! tisetes It saial ht it lbin quit. isacu 1h le dufficuit ta epeak ont ealy a&bout il. Il la net keop . aais.evon ih s il aneBsa0wn." to listes o h* tislmaiseos livl*sg bt ttllig'ctort&eh a£orp-tllsc 5mu on e4es 01M « gaptezComt0e, nansig 'm aduS.m tuthn huwon5itlu lly served Magjistrate <to burglar---L heemÈ and hors, xMy mon, IY you dosn1 am imustbho yoer Wb ayou Are sure b o om ml"Ga but grief W-hýait m d'you lak o e liksly 10 "The businnels tegooenough, t lighhst boiven your-orsbip and poieI as. beca ruined.," e) wwl4o5 My ove." l ï4MiledsLrssi0y. *y hou OUB bavh e a oo- .m.,..,5 ln

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