Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 9 Jul 1908, p. 2

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",BIe la tise man a Sâwalkethh mai gi tis, wourns ':>ft nc un god ly, soi- sand,- 4U in xtise i f~ners, nor alteth in *h &eatu> nu'-PnxL,1. Webe g 't f lime de. tbo ise .1ùtsaite t c. Il1 -1 i îe-jl - lmuly - n- i i-i i ~ le ticSoe 'Wh.("ar - ii. lis as teaio;np -- uond nature b& '3i)g. ; iâ te hav b at- d vittipisysicatly te .t ai .aklng upnIgist as !Kiing wlth a sloucis. ugist tisaIt -d wêre bet- deprÈa'<ci, Mtia world wilh a bonI lieasile up- t ocirne witis n APP OINTED; ha ache s anti pains ~hat tise timug store al- ffan:ic coul co4,v$l te catalogué. Miltff Up your incin thal Providence baS O-tuatYou isViteseuniversadoometi V. depravity, -bandeti as a talten beirj, a lest, und]One, miscrabe ainner, anti J-ou fhave i toaiist iandicappeJ yoursel! L 5'L the ado(pt nof suict) a view is siny, aftetapî-sta deteat Providence andti la h bell r tisas pou w'ýretetindto te h. H-ealtis cf aliy kird is a ýmalter oci ha- bit. But 'vo nover wilhtacquire righi habits unleas wc hoevýe is IbeIr possi- bulity, uriîs 'vo have faits in man au 6ibelag Wow hem ngoodisseî.0 w nebas alanah'o tisan base"'e.. Tiero tare lwq, wuysofetdoing tinge, thit itetrmlttieat am lise habituaI, lhe diamcultlandtihle, esy. If 'you -were tW spenk oa'y on ce n yenr ,the acit cài involve aà much is ttlcultyý as ronme Pee- P1u have, for exampleila bhlxkng. Thei ror-ty of tise exercise déermines ils dtf Iiiculty. If tise lite of gootineasand. trutti :e.aus te you tise du*ag, with specfal eparate effort, of a bang Sentes of sep- arate acta, thon il oerlatnlyy la a. 'Pals ef gz'at toi that apens hotore you. Mtay i, nôt rallier mean thse stea-dy dông o! lhe rigisi n aIl thiîîgs until tise deter- mnatian ant thse doing oet lin' riglit &,-en tô rrqui-ra ne special. considerntioti ard volieuî li, a ccicase? HIABITS ARE LIFE TRACKS; they leai etseur up or dewa. Habit la charadte li action workiug wutisoliu conedous refetcn. 'Thé laws eofisabult ap¶uly te thse gootas weR-las; le lise evil, to lise bigiser M1e as wtll as te t-be 10w- ci-. tiltt iapossble tabtualiy to ate-~ ceri-ectly, ent sersibiy. andi speahu cor- r.ctly, wisy should il net aIra ho POS-* halebhtually te cisacSe tise riglul anti dr. lheb ha?- If wea badtotaStpanti mensure cvery bîcatis, c->unL e'veiy vowtel. reason over e%.c-ry step, eue day's ltvipg-woulti ho enoughi te biglit thse hie. Se la tise iigber amphiee ef: moals. living us a wvEnry buàiness il you stil bave te in- <ividualize -anti argue- ouI all your az- tSon3. Daily living 18 lime gymnnasiux of lise seul wbee moral muscles eu-o liaineti k, habits o!ý imphicit, apparently mne- ch.anical obed4ence te thse impulse of bigli ideals, rigist motives, a-st noble sï.and-. &rd&. Here powor la acquiredti tameet a'u lenptationa, te overcome ehltduttis., V< te master. -f lài i.elf. He bas a Irocuc education-w-hc bas ac- -quit-et tis ehst babils et deînrg anti et tinking. Heo fa learatng ife3 great lisos, fanding tise fulîness et an eOu- cation, la whoin eacisday ornes ;withi ils oppotlunt:-ee of u'aintlie saut, Ibreugis tasks anti troubles, le tise ha- Lis -o! tise iigiser ije, to e st-nastery, andt ta fficiency un -service:for oui- tel- 10 %s. HENRIY F. COPE. the allegiance-anti obedionce wbfcis an IRE -S# S. LESSON cartisly nienai'ci bat a rigisi te eiVocl. A king woul<1 la a renneO supplant hlm. Hfmslf-Expisalic. Jeisovah fwault - fila coninuale te deal direly wis bhis INTERNATIONAL LESSON, IIYLY 12. Pea'Ple. Ho alonte la responsiàble for - By your tife- anti by your tliouanats -lb. di vision of thliseoxple aoording, lssnIl. iSaul Closen King,. liden totesepatriarchatal itoato e"tribes"* Teit 2 am.23.11,"ltiilîtes," anti "fathers' liuses' rept'e- Taxi, Sain ~3 3seatecl thse esir-peu-lot, andtiàislai, et -gave wy 1<>thîe îutnerical anti gee- grapisical divisioÉ n fte tisusandis, lin- 'fIlE .SO WORD.STUDIES. duetS, anti tUlles. Thse two melhods, (Basei onlise tI he Revlsed however, wèee.not eTtirely dwsinct lxx Version)>. -trnebut everlappeti, as la seen li liss 'The narrative af Chapter & le taks. verse. -na iatr 10, verse 17. Aller reoev- 20. WVas taken-By lot, -Jehoani's, wilh Ilî t b îuequl)e ifra-liiat m-ww aseerlainéti hy means oethlie seo'ed. fins ;tse llequt Jeaovi, amo.choice, tifint andi Tiunim.. -Thu tqîls'- tpheu1lsor eeunttiy a rmul, CuÉistme0a -Ioti t neepretingGods dé-j ctxc l lîîirnuriilor ut tise aan i- la raehs n trand maulls taee n tonlci a 1s tels et1ite c ieeitteula treqlient nse, especiallyIl a etlier .byic 10mtel lisof lb. ahor eo! Saul, lunes, lbwas lise en ly foi-m cf divina- by amw. Kshthefaler USalticn misicis was sscli«net, and tiis on- ewndsa h-la sn andt iwrant ta l<»k for ' 'ch d ndguarieh 5 giaue sscw-ics have been lest. Aller P'ky"xsatwaa'srie us .an u a h tsi-e.days !'ut'sssearcis iisy fInd as- te protedt fls rligionvauy' ts thenwIevesnexar a cty whsere fiers le a logieleepe aium rI - powvrs ot divinatiýon. Saul. consulta hlm -iamilY4 a" tise naine la nowisereWs endt i. xeiconed by imux mtisgrisaIen-.nentiosi(tt thbuisn anti treateet as a gu'sl o!f-on- 2e.19 thero yet a mna-nle came biliser? er, Betene Saîîiiuet sed.a bir on h-d ---Or, "fa thl-e, man yet to- came hisýer -, way li. elts hthailt od t li choses -Anti Jelovais answered-Tiss oul b) b im to Jel iv er iss ecyp1- tandt be ho ieir na0npltbeti1 by a ,soies 5!questions king. and,, îînaîîy; ait Jehovaisswsrv&nt requirfag a simple affirmative or nega lie enofilts Saut wiLh cuti 1anti oonsecmratm Vve aaswei- whicis would 'lié gîven by filin to tisa ofice et king. Tisane are tle is lob bho tiree signa la ceni-mnation of Saint>- llid-Eithser frein aodesty or lent-. *l'as a-ct. Th~uueail Laklacé,n as..pi-e- 24. Tisera tas noue lise hîm-Pisysiccni <Jictef, anti Salil ees 1batik hontat-ie' Pre-einine,,oe coua tet i iuch, in tise pe- zrialxu aI bts accu8tti weuu-wk titi ecca- Piilaruly et eam'ty leaders anti even la sien offe Is te uie -publie place ant iier chioce as rulers-. 'fisswas tise, dtils asilai-neFs king. li bas ireen etîse with Mnarty .et lb. Judtges, -anti witlî ttKougght tisaItsia rýcord efthtse-privai. Saut., anti David.- ant l-ii ntatl ecÀ-ion ot Saul ls tbe Long liVe tise kiug-Thta ci-y o! peopu. co)mpleuncal aiftise aceount oet1bis publici ft 8 aiflace was dUstexxsny at-Lbi.h- farinaI rue a ltte Inter, andithIbis lapos- gnmng et a iag's reiga, anti aI ail sible. But what wouild secin le b. a allier imes, of importance. isim1ple exptanatton, anti oné witakes 25. The mauner e! lb. kingdoxii-Tisab lieo acoo1iný tise obvious differerces lu-6, lise vonstllutioa. 'Compare sole in kelng oncrnIg Smuels mpô-taceWord Studieàs for July -5. Samuel wrote fee lignceralng SaIve sImo t ncinlaa bookutor- pie»ervation ast laidj fi illîaast gv ael a kiîng, I pa h "tay ehp n h anuthlie miethotis or choosiag Sal, -îs-h up tetlb. sntuayeiants tht he -ik-nterpected hm a at-kist!wttise Tables ofthie L.w isa ls t wnartie mnanee adc betorme Jebevali. *caunit. Tise llnkiug teWtebr efparts lb. eies wo ba-Nt «camebas repm-esenas et two china o! naritves in saîchs a tIre ere Whoiaissti, ut a teisen manner quLte filt n wiili the cutomanry ùewa lieusne. edb c!te ich ! lb. Hlrewitae ian. Soin.26. dG'thn-Tb. word moans -a hall' nientiserhet gomaso! 11 it esta- inA clty lxi Benjamin misicis is assoctateti ithsMarepeei-t ilihu cttg witis a number -eftrtagio eienïtg<linlb. fluaOl wa.OtTestament. I-lotusSeul bat- biLs - headquarttezaMt hie first attaek onlb. Pishilines; bol i 1dam. -18,: maànmate Verse 17. Tise peopte-Nol tise eIde rnt m s place.- -- atone, but ailthtie people. Ti a s. Tieb l-ras iena-gnea, proababiy lise "coagregation .eftwIael,"Th ne OV-ra ter as-pos e ad tss whîeî tu-ms oniuposetiletail tlb. maIes o! mentionet la tise sextl veusc, iýnny yeu-s anti upwart. One ef ils 27. Certain wotllesa felloWs-Whose Iuneltke was ta appt-ave as king tise chus-lIis hoisaver foc-ms a cantrasîtao enû whscum Jehovali hati choses(coin-,tisa et thse v a,,ant monjust Mentioned. l'areê 2 -gam, S- 1; 1 Chran. 29- 22)- - Braught hlm ne prnet-'rb. cuato- UnIe Jehoval-Aitts lime polilicatmr sa f let iSmealasi ~ suitrelIion Imieruts wr. hio tsre East. 'fis was equivaleîît te a rep'ud-a- wus n0 ditnctioui between dtll tte lio in .o! Seuls sovoI'rignty. na-tion st tagl ot Jebovift. Ttte -Helti his peace-2oas ashugsb dionl nmt îulhiaet)saba ent4$i atshaweti a fine i-e- thiecîan. srve, bUtthIeïr act wns nutlotst upon Mizpal-Thems wei' six or sevon j5lac- hix, e>iutf uaW n aine ina Quiet-n t parla et tisa Country. These %were cmananding sites at)olani lb.e vritus secred places Wberever'lisera was -eanelant-y, or wherelb.e ork vwas alafle. ivoulti Le. a zeigluscentre, antiho pepku, gslbeK'ng Wel worsisip anti sacrifice mteuild nkmcinfa oasseblY anti make tlier sesnast wittl Jehevak. 'fis placetisus icd. whtch moult naîum'ehly but ose cf l.vtslln, weuld coen, labe caltet %Iiz- pnb, or "Watch Iewer." Tise nanexay &Wsehave been Iramcble Io lb. liseugisî ot Jeisovah uasthb. 'owel. o! bis peo'ple. TitifizpahIn luqimbîout as in Boeni. miflp, probablynsar Sumuels Mine ai )flli*h, <&WI 1101far ' t hesite8110f. I«*qrwlew l., booUaa wuvo ntrat, an>d the enaed muisrlS aocalad viii b(L Sam. 7. 5, ff. made t a meet t W an flinupiseaoftassemnbty Is.-1mus aith Jmvabi-T'fe Uguel ln. 1Nu*ueMi laa pvopbsllc rnag& . Il 8&W th fflor 'hà mosn an sd OW ucw«eghbL - ». fi*chd sour OG-Samuul bus arn. Implicit Obédience tlm-ddy acquired the b-abtt protest- t-r-' - ot-maktag excusesviseuuevet- lu molloet- asieShlm .hte Sa.anyhjuug. And ao, Il iapuned hbal. uponen eeoccasion- vises Freddy baS a reaniexplanatton ta effet-, lieobaS <tMst Stulty lnabikng - hluaset hearS.- Tisat atternoon 1h leokeS -vet-y muai as-tbough ra s ere about ta ene: thierefore FredSy's mother ceneS ta "Ffndy, please close'tise t-at-S leaSing tle theroof LaiSSa.' -- "Nuit.mobr-" Ibegan FraSd. *Now, jeu is ldvi tO tl oui;-9o 'OP nd lou the.rs? ', 'a"ltmwt-'tne m fer tise les tu»as IM&al lmbd-te die i eor. OutilS. li au - l la. torrents. e,* te-Ils' cademeu:t-a&&à" I oewD Never &WilI Be Âniy Botter. Than You Boliove You 'gay Be.- A DAGGER WIl'ItA HSTORY., Much mierest..has been arou&,d by tte work oi t"-e Puiti ShCbLe8Wle 01 Hornsey. London, Enghuind , th b las t-egun a campaign te ;reOrtheiCork- ney d'alect. 'flicmembrrs ot the leaguel wi wvever, ore sot Ite. first cbampznpfs 1in thse Oeld. For a number ut! YearSthe educailan deper!tMeM >aots eLondon" Ceouniy Caunicil have lices jnakîng eêr- riest att-emA.sta -ttendis. yaung Lon"ees te speai correctty, and Dr. KiumiR&stii. chiief înspecIor, says thaï, an imprave- raint is already manitest; aCamPared witb a few years ago," he aays, "the reading of tse ohildren, even in the low- et' classes. is remarkable for ils purity . 41 enuinctation.. AspiraIs. are propelt-IY soiundti. and the vamels-are diStinctlY mýore correct than they. were. 'The childuen May use a1 diflerent spîeech when-they get oulside sohool, and they- may irent ta CockneyLsms wben -thei' s ,hool days are over. 1 cannot say. But 1 arn very sanguine, about. the uWlt- materçSuIlts of ith& invements." A nurnber of -mpember9 ef thc Pure Sqpeech League have matie -a: hobby of THE GEM 0F THE COLLECTION se f ar was picked -up at Hornsey by Canon He1rshey. The clergyman asked ene et bis jiarishioners what the babyis naine was, and receivedth ie, answer: "Byby's nyme's Jyne, plyne Jyne."hi8 vainly imagi'nedth Dm1tise-Cockiieyituui are cenfine to tehés uneducaieti classes. Wben potating th!s out, tise Lendoner, who regards tus ewn speech as perflect, is as likely as net te Say "Sawr', for A curlous document la preserved. aI thî% Law Courts. Some ci tise brieflesa -uniors amuse tbemselves -by taking îbhonetic reccrds cetht-e utterances of it success!u1 practîloner. Tise gem cfthte dGllection us ibis: "Dijjer say ye sawr 'irtu in1tie inet' Tbe witnesa, being- n Lendoner iimself, oorrectly tnterpreted 11i'se question as, "ti dyou say you saw him ha tthe mue?" Somne diâtinguished persans are sa fond etftise Cockcney dialect tisai they never use any ether. An alderman ai a City dinner said ta the Lord Chancel- lor ',DL) you 1hink 'Ighgate pretiy?" The ChancelIer oaufessed tisai lhehad -, nt noticed any differeno'e inth e alderman*s aPPeara'nce.. "I'm net taling -about myselt,ý-' saidth ie bewi:ldered alderman. "I s-ald 'Ighgaie.- Dr. SI<eat,_ professor eof Anglo -Saxoni atCambridge University, whose 1ieé weCrk bas been tise study of woryds-their sound, spehing, me.ning and history, rand Nwho la one of the foremnoat pisilolo- grsfintise werld, 3ays, COCKNEYISMS CHAN'GE RAPIDLY. "'TiseCoclamysnïs-oftot-day," hoie says. "are quite different trom Ihose record.. éti by Dickens. 1 was born inx London, ünd liveti -tisere for ten years. Not until thirty or iarty years agiid 1 ever..hear thse subs-titution of T1 for 'a.' 1 caon well remember the sha<* af surprise wath which 1I fisi beard a porter shout 'My- denx Lyne!' wisenw e got te the station -of Maiden Lane. "Londîas an enermnous influence cilth Ui fptel rliS l:sh a.nd Tat influce ilpva more and more. [t ta quie possible tuat fi course ai lime tise standard o! cdu- cated Enghisi speech wilho affacted by it. "That is a mhalter of hzprlance, for ti spoken word, anxd that aione, la tise word it.selt. Tise witten ferm la only its picture or repreàeutalion te tise oye, and !requenly represenlsA ilimperfect-. Iy. Wo bave five vowelsli tise En-gliss alphabet. To represeni correctly the vurwel sounds used - n England, we slîould require naisundred' ..Dr. Wright., ln b is dia-let dlctona.ry, gives sixteen différent pronhunciatuons ôetheb.word "4dwn." prevalent in various parts of England. 'fie consonants are th. saie in every e; the ditterenco la inl1 vcwel crounds,,and these bavelta be ex- pu4-Qseti by pcial signa with: an arbi- THE -G lb. elbc curiaus pr-eaut -w. se Ires pI@ shUttet ed wilb perhapà Lime, r lise att lise t10 e-1 buîr leerns these t foi lioi crowiu ten le anti a1 lise -Wh tis hou moin eV P well Etmuind -D1urke's Great Speech Agiat. buticun an iAlance Whlih Frane. lit.thie- andtiti An lalerestiag andi, at oea lime, mnuchi- store a trulhus-of 10110 bas recnly corne imte tue The 1 piissession of Lord Burntim. Il fa hew *I-I wuapon ai Edmuat .Bui-ke's amoussnmudtil, eag-scene' ainb.teuose e! Coi- n- thr,>xg muos. History hisacretite'thl.eai inicel oaetorwitis isaving treateti Parlamuenttrs Ii le n cara!ully warked-up dtinatie criaisW n ta this speech, but Mr. Macknight , In theI bis "Lite andTimines of dmunti, fluke."ie a techares bisaI lise scena was improimptu-. .te Tise afiair toolu place atet bcdiscusion To tt ofthlie allen bill. hcuehc On thi ay ole seoiuse o!. Cammomus tiseir lx tisat day Buu-ke calte at tse orotgn Of- Tise «w fiee, ad mas sh-Dwa by lise -under-see hosit lai-y et sIte a taggei- wlicli lid been et jeweu scnt as a pattera. la a aInnudactcry 5ib stock si B!rmfagb.m wilis an ci-ter lot- saine vif tiseusants. Tise country at lb.lie was -esa 1101 fuît of angry one disaffecte i sac.ebles, for tisa anti sucis a prcetidng ns a lit-g.et-r ust of offtcnslive wcapans Icoliet, very suspi- omw cieus, Bur-ke ashued foth ie dagget-, ant i Pleur took- il witis hlm te 1hu2 Houso -. b.eavyt Fox areke agninul lise bill, slakIng blote It 1 sympaîli*ka wiltiste Fi-naci Reqpublîcan. <fMadi Burke*& speech totiowed. At-fil-sial hoe sait was grave. argu»nentative anti rea- sonabie. Counfagta liste quesl'ofe!tise bill itself,' ho grew excitet, anti declaret WH il mas aeressary te kfepnmut-dorer amAnti athel-ats -tu'oînBrillis home.' Ahteady A seisenes etbloatisietiwex'e Prevalent. iTuote1 Large et-tiers for taggers is& lio euilm te Brun«nghsams.*- He étisaHouse îuake.lbuî astoaishxed. Pulling cultishe dagr, eI Eux-k-e ieltiA ur haloeatlb.audiknc, -i 5 'bevn îhrev lb 'rehenEntIy on- tishe . know1 Putlaîtng te il . e zla et ij what yeu nie le gain i-àmani,, anced, di witis FranCé! - Sucb are tise dagg.rs pi-e- 'wd - t pareixl for yen. Wiseu'evqr suchicis lt- My <k4 are introduced. sucis preees. !atlew." an a A scorotul *titterIng, came rt, tm elb 1.-.Q lieusc. Butitke checked t i ttia vebe- wha .nienlt protestuit:011.' ragl . Let us, kcp Frouai principles froxu vS ow- iseats andi Frcncb tgger frein oui' i - beaârtat-' et-e ls flnLshlng womd.lMay st The Roliuse vasworked Up to, à,gret pil exeitement. Even tise Con Theos ' i meunbers, o"me :gentleman bas. bis knie; vistere us is lotr!f spel tlie etiect of tho speeci, - poms dam'ed not speek, ant1 iLIs sadit lat lb. ander-se 0F JAPAN. )uâuss MadeseNces- rasant Danuer s lae se tedlor ht;o! Uic ot Lae usL1thge uaux cks e lt -s-eai.Btwe luse aveu-hi aie h oc k lu-ie lt-ednt ul nwth'ry wlle r tisa isinaar gatse- st ertisse ush' fesl_1t eev ta e -n aà -tie gedl wllrln'ft Ihe l redy t se toIn Saue n aga.p- back baf bte etn dra-uwn a telos fC ofesistrict.kcas usies ar er lmy atir od es t-eng ar tis$l r hstce o h3lwiss en aere ein ab4etethest ed Imckofarti aorhousslnwlpee blaks hr o is e n deigiarso mhOe slorek4aeu-s'lidisrict Bca-ne wumam Mieu, auabds. e, o yadàwsl ae sehe all sentiret t-on pa t et se wdolihttewiiis ts et thyrro-alyhu. ld ayd lly ealo o yie swlnglng shul- erInjs - os the eouVo lÃ"Wn uti"shap'te te wteas flamehs. labe odors r eur heat ft-llre ore"taauthei rdelcbuat. pt-as horIve w kee èleket p heet h 'eir im- oo anktihiedr'of ani et i Mtry. Me cis o tha e ise r xcea teetadWy illia hp eun. - oer ee ulaa fis l- afy aphe norprapradthiens ae einata. vestke lalamea'uef saue speih tise servandts ar sntte b.aenrb, nery tern he lte vliluahle see are la aisung on l. all, iap beo roneé-spa raos. aei lot- tise da pte iIseans aesant tie thwarby dame la repleisetie. HEN GREEK- MIEETS GREEK. mng Irisbman te bis- unai. ar Unce-It y-ou forrabame as " pily m- « Wly yeuu for a low d baw 1-ô expes le for me t& Wl la - .,%t o!f2 i cultisec bhw I -am- writîng,ylou fBecaus%' 1bave llars. anti de net IrYe. la f a to Ipi'efer le )Ymssnirvs iithe" - yoling "lsaent andi who v IeMe7 But-~ wtis a 11111e ai- ecce on a # lUt-walting aMat tierstmes ahong BOUl - tmeOng tisaI breaks this * Re ootsii a Yeu siule over,. andt Iei t persan stales ,backi aI- yen M y -lie wa5et Sulien, but "Tae o pe& HOWu>many mil- lhrcas of bave gone iliraugi tise w-(,ld wmUh orethtintwo persangs thiuukng eac1 thei otiser tht. ew8s abc kst,'St U pemcron on enihh, wr htte - 'iâ tht tliey wiere bath aisy sit eac weiting for tise otist te pak o esdt of fmîsun-ca' standngs- tii at wngs have been, baorneii bh wav.- "Take tue, brammmani wiso cen't h mande ltseé lilgas &syou do. -Tise can ces ae yo.u are stubborn wiis - «'ako ,Ite' ha rsets yeur in4er-- fu'cnc as inrusM and ,sios oau OwaY'tttLly Pet-lispsyau amre an in- truder. *'ak-etise - amb.net osly scems aulns.but w seexasdisposedti tMaly sle.Per long -course0f hxrh Irealmnen t aI-bantsaofethler Pesple lia$ iordet l4n, maybe yeu den'i get. at the,ý.ght lila'issarmncr.- OAt h~ U M«st, people wiso are irldiferen~w~~esure, selfisis peo- r lé bu t he tbuhk'of people lilte teo t.ve friends Mnd wiie they m'ay ho isard or cerfss jrained, yet i..r hearta IbeY crave. ýs»tpathv anti-you cati gel int theur blis f you go at il tise tigbi way.; "But te do t6 youve goi to e ho wbIOlfeaoue turnl, unoistrusite chaap youraehf, -wilhbê hartof your own, lthe rel. go6da.3', ARl lnow înst*nctively 11w ceuntcrfeitr -tise*hall licarted, andi rescutiag th-dWe ooinO te foim a ha- 14tof ragentx al , est se come toen- Case ourseliemtn an ýsertef shuil. We- mSoc many Pemie h ave lbus sisul ttexaselves- -n M >who areuse resent- ment la us beqÏuse lhey seem ta4o elm- pervau S t egr ppoachisudifferdt la sîl - eteves'yboty. "Buleze of un but have soine rtkt o;-few, lxudeed, tisaI wthlnotvapo andi came-eut if llic are surm o tu a:a WL-Sefrimet! ine 4fit i v'on eop evelop thlags if -yau giv. Ibern a ru r Ibei l eey." -Her Majesty spendisaicen.îderable amoiunt -ai.lime ar-anging antd aiy- lng-iser immense collectiofa photo- grnphs tisai she bas takeni fromn tifael lime, anti ef'xvbich .uise novpossesses several thousantis. 0f t4 albums con- tainlag tisese pisetographsJl tile mcýst in- terestng. is e one tisaI dlianta.ins siap- sisals et th-e va'iouýs -m misers of tis -Rty4l Faxsihy. Aniong tiss are photo- grapbs e! Qucen ,Victor.atenîponr 7he'd up" in- ber donkey44în-!se ilireug tise animal retusing te b. dge ant inch; tt -Prince af -Wales flountiérIng in'a sal- .mýon-st.-ani, -ie - *wiich an incautiýots SIe bas plunget iim. whi l sing; anti lise ing lead:ng-3y-oung 1PrIfce E-Jwai' -if WNfalýs ocrons tise park by lthe*,eaâr s a _punisisient for, somle boýrILh praakof wisicl- is aRoyal .grontifatiser titi xot ap- Plner ai1Sandringsarn lasortisijng- o! a moG'able [f ast. -Rarely, isowl-'vetr. *ls --L servetib. ifor., aine o'c-J04.C .A-i pegn- ci-al i-ui, xvhen there ar-e i0gu'.-p-e- sent, thei- Mfejesties arle j-incd by tIe Waies antid îu jn in a't rd-inca'. R brd-tubu toc isth--ieu 'ne-a Ient etolis, King.('~ 2-o~uer r. -Like must titi rmýn rs-o hn Fai'y, Queen 1.5x î4-~ , n lent musicien, andi piays the pian& with verý considerable siih. lier Maiesty Sers for.'lisenight .maetvl 'early; snd tota b. lagether .mitis ber esrly riulng and i br-P*'riiality'tor a triait diet ta due mrucis cf! er exceti IRDLY ACQUAMf Efl. y1salid the -Woukl-be atUa pïut qaiw«ddtýYà. t ~ A IN !S IN ASO A' Tuweer Tden.1t kvh- lte by Nemi.ý H. W. Nevison lei1S o01s luit. te the aucient city, et Eriven,,lI the Caucasxsi near Mouit Ararat, coe .o 1the 'cilles ýsaed lu )e !oumded by Noah. TErfian fiselfit abem ..up lise pstedluvman bis-. Iciy of Uic Islandi, for il wasohe -nf thse two-or thWe oties, n Ibis jnaghbarhood fuded by Noahs. Ant ala SUiI -coe. breated. for ifs vuxtage. - eny falo-me d"i >centui'ies have been lost toexn, but for jhe last 4iiousand years it.pos- seines a turbulent recrofça raids and cykuxter-rais, - siegos, iujva.sians ' and massacres. For il, bas stoKd as tise very .centre o! the, Ararat figàadsround ýwbicb persians and Tur~ks, Russians. Armenlans and Tarimt have oonverged.- Ahi tint la ,betitul in thed tjwn is Per- siaji stihi. In lise niîdýt, beita the tiarkened alleys anxd- caveurns et the lia- ziar, stands a -Persian i 'que anti min- aret, set- wth enaiehled brick-s ihat glea 11ike jewels. The- placé jr a great school oethe Shiais toi-m ofi Isiani-ud i.' buli n a gi-est quadraiigle,,wilh. thse ctqls ef teechers dowa the a ides,. and a kind of hall mosque ai ýach end,, hîke anopen-àir liseatre in shape, but .gener-. .Gusly decorated With Panin.gs and ioe Baies e!- eihteexxth cenux"y -woî-k. la Erivan- ilsell, as in mosI pi tisese tfron- lier lowna' - and villags, 4he Taita-s have auccéèededth ie Persians as the tep- reseniallves cf Asiaand Islami. .-RIS SIGI-T 0F MOUNTAIN. "Their special quarter,> tands above thse t- th e to.wni seprnted -fVom il byý an, lalerval of viîîcyar sand garden fields. From tisai vantag, ground lheï bave Swvqpt down'-again and again in tise l8Mst wo years for a àlaugisier aud fo0t 0f Aýrmenlans. Their I ait-radhad ccur-ei enly a imentsh b(ore I:arilved, anti il was tisougist unsa4ý for a Chris- U- tol. be seen fanliseir 5treets. But çrobably they regàrdeI me as tee' iarin- less te ho religiaus, fer tbey jet. me wander as 1 pleaseti amen g their bouses- and là tise veny top aifiiséir hill.- Onhy ilt descending frein Ibis 'artar qu.arter of Erivan tit iîBget my ewn aigit et Ararat. ARIday iA bati t en. bidden in snoýw and tempest, but j u.f aller suniset I saw.a zone et purple'ameug the cleuds wiuoh *was tise salît meutntain. -For a lime lise base anti top remaincti isidden,. but ,gradually lise.su.mmit cleaneci, andi the vast carie stooti vfisise re, alCine enti gray abovretise wanld. Tison for a few iseconda fit celu tise ffMing -flush et aunet, ant tiseows gloý-ed wfth ixe-y crimison. Darkness drew 1ih. and again il van 'shed in tise whirllrlg storms tisai isave >been healen upon itlIihl these age* -tsat grat inountain whîtcis deminateti -tie isttory andi imagination. o! youag mankinti," J-U QUEEN AI2EAND+i' DAY. Diow DrStain's Beýt-BeIav dSpents fBer Tule. Hier Majesty Queen Alexmandra neyer so thox'oùgily exxjoys hir lite as. she .dc.es wisen leattag, se tdr as may be, t1xv hife of a private lady atSantrîaig-- - fl an'1 ù 0Qei -ix- -antri- up anti n- outsn -aller sevea oG'clock. Aller a cup of «jtea. or cisoco' late--lhe latter, as a ru1,ý-he-r Najesty klaves ber room, and commences ber dafiy rauad. Ne malter vbaltishe state -of tise weather may ho, sl eat once pro- Ocecls oui et deors, anti la; a brisk wnlk. Breakfast aitSaadni m is lapartauen o01. when there are*ne gu4ists.rtnying in tise bouse, in, a sinaîl, heertul:noin ererleeluîng tise garden ,th wicl Freachi windiows tead.- Alter breakfast lier Mfaje1ty makes bher way ta ber boudoir, wisicis stands en tise fli'st floor,> in tise centre f ber pi-ivale suite. Here she transaCta aI1liber.bsi fier bmadatteam NQoW fiat the va kc. theglacier mam Vaace. Au - tbeur &Teat. beavtng ealo aoruuiag upe 1the Tble a-chear Su meth tbelr -oyes! .A atretcefflte hta tic *urfacý but a' qui* rearuug Peak*s and senting edgset in abeve Il@ bed. la wea4erment t Rav recklreal ui "-'i'at 'pre orc quiet.1 lat es a Ckutoualy ser avoldtng chasma a examIlneS the. glaci -A report-sharp & 1aadBame. tt-aof toohiet br« w rioete atta gauai eudoe wbo veta ut te ma anvest.eaifcal.ýe-Tola a.u lep thtb lim oVMa lui diff Tb* twtaaaska t a4tbauae la tath* Ter-, &tlsy Aga. ula"atîeadlns a. reuniaaof itrent tamauwiý as nais ta the. f ocet. they tak* a. &troll w1ttbe .Woolly.-Rhlno-- Ryaadaata. 1w lt.he' j Tony Megatbez Oas ia a th the. bol ad irl quy tan 4a =beam fiad viui the . Mlng -là Tii.mammaotb Suds te aces hemuoa its bac iand tra.?-- Cl them ta join ti. berS a wbcho -be1oaga. -The. lord iiatatkedby a tîger and a cave-lion. la lis filgît aan Raymsond weze bruabd tram îtle bnck af the. MaMMotb liMra Orang-outang ra- eues -tuas tram a troop of uioýn»7ya-but tbey lase ber ailer tbé boa .co=tîrtetor gob- bien'&. lit eoa0 otn. i<~.nrs out at the '. nc f th Glt 'nMi Myod«um.Aftsiward iey maie he a--- quaintaace cf ibe care-people. anS'bav, an adventurs witli.cave-b-.r- Chapter XILI ]ROUE AGIN . W ITU absolute lndiff erenethe Cave-Man ,an litsiwtt e heard an the cave-bear u ethat the. M nseverély, chided Rat for attacktng iuch"a formidable beau. laSseS, the. mani seemned ta be warrylag about soae-. -thlng. Preeently lie said: "The great wahi a f t1ee tla itea.StR aP- proachiag, troni the north. Soon It wIl be upon ls. I tear that we have alrieady lingeraS tac lang. The, place lias became very unsate." 4ashe'spoie lie proceeded ita barriade the entrance af the -cave.- la the mea]l hcli tollowed the main and waman, «çontra ry ta their usual hab- itate, but little. Then'Rat was* sha.rply reD civeil by lia father far teaalng Berry. Etidently'the lord af the cave was ln no màood.ta -b tiSed witb. And his tarebadinga of evtl. appeared. ta be juatl*d. If ane mlght' judge-,tram the cries,-ai uc animale aut Bide. Every nlght was mada. biSeaus by the blood-. curdllxlg yells and bowling, but now the naise seexned especl 'ally anjinaus. Pan- demanlum reigned. Each beasi ai the fôreat seexaedta malte outcry. No Won-, der the group -withtn the cave abudciered ta terrar.-1 Suddealy thepre was a sound 'of a tré- mnendoýus1Craâh. eforethao within.the. cave had tme. to panSer ovr Ifs pean- ingý there camne- a seranbl ng outaide, and a packi oi molves de&peratelyatci ed the atone anS timber that protected the mautb ai the cave. *Banmething has happened,. exclainied: the man, springing ta bis feet; ý'these brute? are la uearch ai shelter, 'nat -ai Sa flercely diS the. wolves~ tear at the barricade. that soan a wicked muzzlé was thrust tlirough an opening.i The Cavè- Man- d.alfIt ita igbty 1bow Iwth his club,- and, Its Immediate disappearance mWas marked by a succeseioni ai angutali- ed bawls. Other beirds appeared. haw- everi and the inan began ta bave. great difflculty ta prevent the besatà tram en- tering. In a irenzy lie battled. ttwa clubies- I ho tunnel, but al - tra-cee of I1h .àPpeiure&Iy couldn't hnv't Su-esu s ald- ayinond. empbmiically. a hOnîshed junItor Iîberat-d- theni. - Ray sluook, ber luead Irdiguanti course. noti" »hoe Jaculated.- Opent- but a stngte algisi -a home. -I -Ia explnnatlcn. -bath Ray ùni .mond Ir.eisted tint the Egyptiani -tse Hîgi- Prlest ni Sakkà4 \o ea.ly bave'-overcame tisaI ditS- Paymond,>by tue W"ay' decta 1 e gaoing ta bave su Interview uil mummy betore long. and thatî I ng ta puncf h te bad ar chimtp!' But Ray bcgs hlmn fenu udatave-fuI anemy. A QUEE.VS DAY. ÃŽn9iedio&. the palIace al -.féring up pray4ers fo)r th.- sa .'%VtlheIiina- oa- iIatlold Leads a Véry o! he ioeeign lady. Quiet and Siimplifled Ille. Her NMjesty rises ealy and takýs -a cup ettea about .seven ockkcach -ur:orning. -Thpn. corne ber orntng devo- tkens- and jeilet. Alloer bîvùak!astsh -ipens ber letters, andi repJ.es t o the'mn. Awa'k or. a &rive fi Is Up tU:e irmaînder o i the -ümring t Il luie- ut19.30. Duri ng theý aftenn- thý, Quecn gives aud3ei-M *to ber xn;nîisVÈa rd othec.r. o!- [h iials.Any reports_ read by t.hese g n- tJ'mticn xnust be brief and le .t he point. The Boyal lady hIstens toitsoatn t'tcly. and, asks ,mary qeto Aueee ver.- Quer WilhýItria, g4s out fcr an airnpg,* tir pripvs Sfriend. Dfinner. whieh is çervcdat seve Cc' is. a as 14p. îal. AVerditnrun!es thbe Que,2n gives or is a- gu.ýsL at. a bal-a Very -ýrai'e evn-fýcv(enîng lSpa-*~ qu*etly in thce miusie-rroOi. card-piaying benga patctinîc-twchQeneV!emn dx not -a p>oie. The Çourxwt useueahly rctirs nt .itc & nrly h0'ur cl,-i alf-past tèn Tise Dutch akre Ihee i9oýng hanai-eh, callg be by any jet nmines. lnded±d. cusigîrî. niuj-nb r,ý ndxaI omen à& è~LLV 01À74 J Ail for Nothir eut -%bert mwas la the habitc reward ion every lutilese-r end ai the week lie mate au bis maother anS carétully la - er*eyez voalti ml upon It. ver. as falîows; - . -. . "Houer Ow-es ta-R; "Fîve cents tour running es "*Fîvýe cents for being good eTisai-eVenlng there atp ýRoberV's plate a- put-r u0on mnitea: -"Robert oves rnouler, for. 4ILaPpinesÉ. nothiar: farn tiraugi long ilineese"., roti ngcdta hlm, nahIbng.- Tiueroudtghly-ashameti: ai hi eu-t rau ta moussu--, ibi-cu arcund beranS sabbed. -"Habtatr-l'il Sa everytit Yau atter tti, anS-Il înevei --ulve me iiythlg but just1 - PROPER PLACI Giles-"'A ca.p inau anua me dowu andi hm'oke 1tw about six veeksango.i" Milcs--"Yeu dou't say! îyeU t0e he ,iocio', GIes-¶'te; te an i urare Z)ESPERATELY ÂTTAC BARRICADE abat-rang out. and beneat a glant .crevasse yawned! Whcn Ray and Rayttoi themueilves-taor they réal fouild themaelves ln darl sirange -tasay - uponitg tl'ein thetr handt caine ln wlth i te, but with a stone rose ta their fet and wer teoi nio harmuuleffects irai Explôrattan ,eerned ta .prc( were th aný underground pa: this tbey carefùlly mnade thi inig very ahortly that the upward. On and on* they - a taint Patch of light -ob them. ý 'ýrat rmust be the end of cried Rai. ga. -*lth, renewcd energ~ toward Were the igl$ à they reached thia goal and a rooni iined wtth Ehowcae Itmoak . ethe muaeun 'AndSoa t t"!-bath .hou a manment later. Then* they looked for the f DOWN THIEY FELL INTO TUE CREVAS tng and descendtug wit)i 1 remariable quicknesa.. Ali at once the Woîves gave up île attack, rusblnig away as though fiends- were -upon - their he as. BSa,,-tta, everY chier animal aemed 0 bave ileS- tram thereaboute. Crteu came, nom only troua a distance.- The Cave-Han' cautiaxaly oed-h h- liu througb an ypentng torp lie barricade. "5'lee!" crieS lihe, "tic ge wIli bm-y SLilce deer thse pa-ty fleSdama ràthe-istîl- aide, wîtb great waisuait cý. niany test deeo, slidlng aiter theni. _werte wtOng ta rua it t is hllhaw. Let -un seek the hilltop., wbere the. tee wili tcliow mare alowly!" grasped Ray.. The twlas, togethier wmus Ra.apd Dove,. separated theinselv"a tram the others, -and toileS up a hli nearby. Wrbea

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