Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 8 Aug 1907, p. 6

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t' AIIÂLI. I SsI~ Wesê>., '-i à.. WL u lý, tr b tru' »p at- *Iiy t s.I'nemsUa ilup tb It, 'm am ansure , gl silo fis tin a au> swer. 1O I'wouid speak tt hlm ry+U lt. »U Ilieughl ltaIbetter,", contlnumê obéi zMe cnrewomn eyes,.- "I would-say anyt, Ihhng yeu ,tvisitd a4 ad te Ihira 'And I .#,m ivould, be-careful t t sa' it S inaly as eupossible. ,I am. sure ho weoutd Inider- ýa8is&4; bhe would seSlte sense, tÙttjus- Ilce et I, -weul<net hlThie s- no lSltéèdIfor ber to expose liezilelf ho Sudit Ikm- 'meoa sflerlng, ta there, Mr 'BUr- rOi goyne ?"-a-ppealng des]-erately â- hl'm ty n"m, alace ho,,wlll not respond te any bass direct addres-."wien:ýeîther you or 1 are maore titan ready te sd Ied hér, irfrom-1t, gm ffl, er' 1 'husa postr'ophIred, itnfn le conmpelledl tc break lte silence, witicit se«ius -10 htmsetf te Wall hlm round 1ke a - ptrir T*4ýetief. it t s -th 1 lWteh ý4hat ieefferi litt bs ftady.wn &pWech. "I thtnk 1 itéedn-et hall yeu," h e says,, grvely, and withi Passa4ble taies »Ilat 1 weuld -itelp yeu tW any - ny $hoSu stands a moment, or, Ûwo rre.so.' à> wt an nIyt udarlying ý-and aiunde#Ish l àî& ie pin amttgLtIt ;o.a 1 p' Sy,,brok o nbe .crt RIeve titt tlti yen,- "Hêiia~ ot&sitr'es -thé er t pparerttly ?mkirding theta- arother! ?-tklfe ýe ôér.as u an larinplÉ 4,é. aquestion ep .iacureia ng ààa ,easvm Wlyiro'ycu, &0el.e ? Did "ýSite _lahem?!' repeat,,' Iyng.lsseg iy -talctng- ne- iolice Mt-e-quus d tressed tôe hitn. «Vou have net deaeeiï m1e? iFor mercy's sake sa>rltaît you baye ie -M deeeived mêl ý"Wby sId. I deceivo yûu-_l1 iMollt- bhere.". Titey are in lie halt>y. noý-1ite hll whlcb, thê Grand- Hotel -being gaàlm ssl lit b>' en1yý one weak parafinlu lmp, wvhtb l liteguet f.-îî iite <Icor, necessar-. î Dy stil. opena i admt oethlie carrying ln ef thée trav,%ellergs'bagse and rugs, ta rriak- tn*goven more faint and lleeigtitan it& wont. 'tYou anust have-hod a fine toeaig.r' "I beiteve yeu; tley all hought wtv ,were gotng te make a dinlter for, tIi lsites--%a, ýha t Ait but 1.. kaew' bot. telr. 1 knew ltat 1_could n ôt.corne le griet wttea .ah* i&d-çalod m~ t10lier. 19aile amlied ocer 19i, brows nd bis fIÜP ceaI urned up> se higit. roundt-,hls-'ears, t he.t 1115 Impossible ln the obsourty- î-te s h is lace; -but ter. ta saometblng lal te-tane et his ,Vôo-.a loud, wild reillcklhg-m-hat ,r.iakes the Idita droàs Jkls'Inà d bt ho b-0e bmn rt lnkIng. WVtisbock ltwill givo teo Clizabeth, if, In hlir, covert; vigil -oe lias ne-more doubt that; sie -ba" ching t asM he doing Sn ms8-a eÈveà s ftsh4.kral8ed, voie. 1IPrienptol by' Ibis thougltho te- cal oIntoye1 Mye- nalura lna tle OK'6helî et un be- n. lie--Uiof'the ight,lte sM&d tile h- liai mmnling dovnwn 1of' t lilon ;tl~adgm'spIi>9 bot Jlt'sad sô ~ hi&, cries out, l inte fameleoud Ion., ô1-Intoxlcàleà àrbit:- tit e - 'md etch!ip, Jow #O*d Il W osee yeur ug>' oid nmu ' agaiin 1 ityo had knowvn--ih , It mou bad oïîy ilin known t-witat. I1-went-U th du y thie twenlytlour lheurs aller I-sent- you tii laItelegrani, whOnttrougIt verm er ut irougit e%,ery MinUtw andseoon& c-f ne.very ' heut, I said tle myself, l'1 iaý- > forne now-xn-y cithwrnay oma1, not, 19 lvenÉ inutes tý. May liec But il dd montilt didnetl- 1 Wl îîlittehava known--ewith an seoiàntË SA~*~~rooin IUMd rge, a fte recapture hie vletimn Jut'asebped thi. rtTchitgmi, * thl *Storm? tlew liketyfl Corne, bè rational; try te keep yoûr head, and e ui av truce te ibis rantfng. 1 givo you i-Y Wo6rd,%ot honor that She is heie ne ihLý i-oct e.hieep. 1 should hope, if yeur belowvings have nt nwol*ce ber." Ille later clause mai.y perhaps corne under the- head of a pardonabte fiction,' 8t ail evenis, it bas, *deâpite its incivil- ltY, Ahe deslred ýëffectk 0t Seothing, te s*emeey-lei thelbagitatIon cihlm te wbem It làatadrmeee.. '*sleep t," he repeats, whIle an ecata. tic aille breaks eoVer Nhiâ<ianoe, dis. saipaied face. '"God angels guard. ber alumerst fuî"wUh a rther, cuit. Cos eura oet exetemet4ýà' ïouyel sue hat site J$ aà!O -4a isie' lias gene to bed ye4Yw'hy -h it e lier;~ ~~ '0ysh eo u ldt Ma t 1 b er fee Î' whyho-aig ot 1 fait r'r e * my, C1ôar'.boyi'" ýr*in s i w ~ith a puraleworth- at tmpUt to, afswer3is modest, a»d àenslil..p' po a i h*pa." :~t~oâ.ituer, "ave yqUanrde tauit4'yu litrit ,livelong le walti Ilte e-rnrr < airesdy; aad, ateantiàe, -siît'dowa 'ad.e.at isemethtig But te this, ýrudenl ilhome ly roàüe Byn-g .opposes an ohelîntate 1negathonji adored, ilh 1,exclte aeeverations -litaI fond âhal n.Qver çross bis 1lips untul thetr have pastured upon, litalady'pardon- W&~ band.' Thte saine prohibition des, met, hâw- evar, apparezty appW,' te drink, as b.h ,Pcïurs more titan- haItltebottle 'ef hOppil>' net - very pceet-wine, , prepared fure bi relrambmeat, lta tInibler, and li ,tbat hOsto 1go, le bcd.; att4 ~~ ~and 1Toipatôes.'Bi Aalied water tiiî poud et *haaroC L ted, fhen drInr andl Cut ln short lengîlis,.-il11 a.butteredc419b wilth atterriato îa3ib's ei macaroni and tomalos, lavr nd sahi5yr~,and gut., ail ~ ~ ~ of bhes pppran sai t pt th.iig*e 'mt-~%es utheI e rete IlÎhez a bcn ile t n wicle e a- i'mbs and bon e a derv e bot:ii Fre modert ove and sereryBotl Vrld ~d tufed Ox PaliighwLe ar- rane t effinpatats mdeut leuandhwlser- rangitem 10 addtewpan . aniidno- r b4yi]eÎt, ad a, bkaddifga o0iofl,- o b~y-e~landanblade cf ae out ter bieal.dralIn Il; nd allow to mol; Haviý XCfty-p 'fl hlhysaoc.freel ùdu some oti r i" cipceepa ltt. - Olp Ità s lylng'baller, and co lai deep fat '1111 a delicate-brown celer. Lambe' ry.-ls ery deicateince. 'y oooked, and mn.yeven be-superlort,( C:,A1ves' liver, which ta generalty con- sidered a dellcaicy. Boit one pound oif lambs' ti'y ln plenty eof water, drain it, and dry ina a clean cloth. Put a j1111e Illnety-chepped parsley wtth a lescup- f4it,çI brendcrunibs,. Bruslilte f ry ever« tlghtly wih lte yolk-et#negg, rollt 1? to lte breba-drumbs and paraley, thon Ufrylv frih vominutes ln boiting fat. SoÏtXie y hote orranged on-a napkln «d4 gamished witti p&5ey. Excellent Ploin iDuns.-Iry one pound ,-t fleur, aatj b'iatoitsix ounces cf c18rified -dri p,'ng or lard, tour ounées et w'hite sBugar, a teaspoonful of bak- .fgpwder, six ounces etf currants, wttsorne chepped candied peêl. Bonièa UP lavde ggs In a Mil1e milk, add semei spe le It. Werk the fiir liet rather a wot -do.ugi. . ,Grease emali bun tins, tAlf 111 ilh tItis mixture, and bake ter tanor welvë - iÈnnt î- A n tp, hal Ct lii aeacoià!lGd fronm'4 s$~ ipdtol~ al>rlttea of atlt hB. eOrtpractce flhowiagth LONG WY tETTe il. - O e6tS by le&<i1nq ifeaîcaî- flt, subh ic le long whiskers as my Cal l le E wbtêi t e sl~n~l> esr nut4concernlng .Jehnnle (indgnantîy): tha ble 'n 1Attve itcnaî plants whi tt té oosivhon of Dr. Ptere. - .tethin'; mny cat's gol fleas." tctnes. Adress, Dr. Pierce as aboya, 6 Dr. Ptercesls "t Pellets are tiny- VINDICATED. anti-hil«a anule&. TJaèrw- V I N D I A U M . l a t e n ri ca tu e f m a eh . J i e & U d Bgols. Donoî beqel lte ,-PW bgbit"j>u "t1 don'tbellevo yeu ever, we<rk," said,: Gucoeniaîupaun. One or-twe eacb. aar'%os b"n charitable citizen. . a 1axattre and re4u1 ator. three -or m fo oitu "Well," responded the Ibggar, pockt- 'Mrecathrtflk Onetrid alwys ljao. ng a d Im é, "I bà t I werk ed you, didh'f' * 0 , 0 0 Tbo Poop e'sO Ïm 1V MedcalMtiaer.a book thitto t h o en f 50,000copie$ a, !ewr Clirle: N pas&go, at $l50'e O.oY. "hri:ýwhat de yethlnk, dealf êbOQt 8Titti Wrt haor boy, T That beasty »Il é' J eni il'a NIl Ott1~~ oth to-ay, and It s a vWe« k yet Io th o si;, e nei? Ifý 7 ~ î ~ i i One-cent stbamasta Cove-r colt Freddte: "f suppose ho ivas seniigOî,ma111tag onîy for bo>k i enty te avotd the rush 1" ei overs. or 50 stainpg IL . erce, Unit 1irems r IL V- _ S.Buffalou. N. Y. TRIED Mi.SIttlngs of 'i*hoDivJision Coutls, Say' mn, cn 1 go out sSw1mrntn,* 1thùs alterneon T" :'?k l-arry,lte ivaier ta hec cold yet." 4 16, itain't, eiber. 1 was iln ibis mrng." Litle Ethel (witth an eye toebusinffs) . "Supposé, Tommy, yot wera ho givpe mi. lite chiece oetihoeeIWO apple ies-etyourn yeu W uld W1i me te takett bggr welatyou T" Tommy: "No.' Lîfti0 tel Wty net ?", Tommy,' "'Go IL te usually supposédýlftai Belgîurn,] wvitit her 589 _persýoas telte square Milet às ltemost--crowded eountry in Eur'pet biut- titis-, 18 nO1et-thecSe., The I-aae, le-WZI 'bdissLd Ilcur.. T7o vepoun. andI flgr add, tl)ýe o,5 lls uis ett ie., irg.powder, six eurmiýsf Tsuct, and cite egg.. F,-lavor lte '1whole mvit. jgraleçt m., e tba o g Iddugh tfc4i vnitc- la in- ara-9 s'mouidi -nn lain eawih prase, or choppeà4 réi1 Wins aad - candIed pool. -- - Gocanut 1be'iade ss ollowe ili-pro, iblyprovoiwitl>oU rdquire- Put en0e- pcund et -beet Ibat sugar, crusited a l1t 4'lI o, oa saucepean,sitd. pour. ov- ' R tbalt a pitîef waie -, lot tiOs, Î1an4Ioi hait aen,-heur, ancitIlinplacé I"U htrie liries ad ldwltew Lte <>ook,!rIvo-a i- VOUNTY OONTrARIO 19K7 1. WHITBY.--~Cek, 1). C. MIacdea. neil, Whttby.-.,J'n. -Dt, Feb. utt, idar. lat, April 4th, lay lIrd. June Gt. Juiy Srd, Sept. lit it\Oct. :4tit -Nov. 5tIl, Dec. fti, Jan. f fflaD>~ - OIIÂ&;-t~ek, ).C.- cdoon- aetl, Whitby.-J an. lOtit, F 4h June 7tiî, July 4 VSçt~it Ft 2~~~~~. ~M BtOrIÀM-1r. i. eeso;. -ayt july 5th. sept. lotit, 11e. :)7±ih; JaW. ai, 10. -- , D . O l t - l t X . - - V ~ r g , J . w . ~uvnit.mr Prt leC15.~Jfl.7the 4.U IIID E lrk. Joi. 'IR 15tii, màe 1thJnly lih, sept. 5., CIANNXNGTON. -Cierk, George Emifi. ên-;irtton- Jan. lotit, Ilr ýtt Iay -lOtl, MTuy 18.1, 1908, -hNy. lbÂrniý

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