Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 8 Aug 1907, p. 2

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li&fd:"ed aller wIORIii1 Ë0 . 1 1 gthlew t.,h MIA en Ieew1 od1 'p ,wua so serf- *<$ura by ithé fait $th~e baket won the, trât iffihon recordthav. ballooiwas tt uck hy'ltgistnng., 0 Isllonss*- lise oiler sni egnsioiiOlly been Inown te iserve duloors betvxben a cumuluLs clouti ke aurfitee ut the eortb. This bas neîevérI liomsltaRenme. *txmiple, éun Novenher 17, 1891, 4Se sent up on MneTtre bal been p art Ially hanlea dcwvn 0 autiden approach et a Stormn, rur# eby UgpMsng et a heIglit. 0f iwn been itruek 'y cect t,,A " eyokectng crase Dccuùm h-onI Mey 23, 11301,& Yrstat. it Huer AnÙ!chargetfa bal- Ien, teurid i bidev et aout on O k a heght of about 2£XO feet, whcn A *ISVT RLIAM3K LOUDI prat' on 1h horizon, the,$ roech WI*uh~liU~ *11 mtun <iV Idle. 4dthe ctpaten to ,expeience <J $IL Ilh ofti oleer lu charge b tlji0, 1loon down 1-o - rd i pehpuallnt *sirIlah andoe e 'ibors- e: 1*tiIU i truçit the balleet' *nd fho1, oýe ùml& Di a ntiut th "Lietu(., lley in A-1sturniag rasas Tise apl ~* ~ila ssslsatce sm quIcktlyte 1- I a Su1i$Inso ljury tem Vse fIîdS but lé andbIs is t a's140 wero bi46Wn andhi- uterdo htavy csOte * oUn Ieg tiie mt 6 0.< rCk an1d liad in h -wAc ,t thce p'l' Ïtc et f sumuaflce, c- a wth tise esose romhj lbe capateel. t even in fair ng hb ic are iet ruade Ia and tisa tter tisaI captve bal- Ste the Iaé', io.~s luavmnj r apt le a.~ !IaI¶115P tiiiit Blut ith#s oQten, ourred L<IOI a oeabaja1y eh~g lisa levation 5à' - snoely~Jayathe case ln tiiadig langing, c) rg4as it le Wlththé PofI Ulve eiejil ofetthe ,upper 11yes. et th. nt>n phere, Cornes d*atO i risguttVely chergedti ensuissurt And [bus causes spaks ta lly f-"rom the. fre 1 volve or ring,. *bich s«t firo e escap- -U1g ga.,;andi caufl. On eXPks)iDc.. In this way lb. tialMÀ ksn bot'WpiJi P»t flerlIn Aermuû%tta .oIletyWs burned en Aprl),-».-,IW*, _wWlei Mk Ing a landin#, as the,,valve *à$ pUshe4 t<, tho greuntiby fIbe sfrong wind. 'In 1110 thse ncw ballon P annewitz ofet'hé Derlîn scfcleIy burnel up la ithe saisi. land et Zksanid.ý Snch dfsohârgescmin lbe prevented by coatinu Ithe aurtacé etffile'bal" %ýn wi- calélum chiot deï-tinis ntéklng iA a con- dug,"tr, os augg".sfd by Sigafeld, or by eonnectin& fthe Irenparts, oet b. bal- "et by irire, wlfb a long wiréhng Cierge before the. basket reaches Ute greunti. These precautions are new well undtootôt by the principal aero- nautto societies andi are always taken, st Ihât indter Iheir superv'Li0n Ul ere la l111e or ne danger tle a eronaut (rom tlisesource. ALL NWEAK NWOMEN. vl»i Find lNew flealtil andStae<îotl n Dr. Williams' Plnk Pille. Thé weak weman can depend ppon it, t4nt lier blood ta out cf order, fer if I'er blês cih anti pure she wIU li frong, lsenlthy and lsoppyj. Iad bwleol As the canuse cf Lne&ai'âiy-MIb4hahes -ant pains [rom wbIih n.l~g. Keep the blood ricli and red by thýik et Dr. \Williamîs, Pik Pilaandi suter- Ing ivili net exist. Mrs. Jamie . » ait, of Jordan Station, Ont., lins-test- edthe value of theso Pillsa ndi stm~ng- ly ativises olher woeêa use t1heîn st'c sisYs: uIF«smrnto a. edr L-was, cciplûtely W951 cult, tIfIcshs; çoul flot rest ai aÈlht, la lbth 1 n<»1 g 0" so'Mre *, r b an -Qq goîr* t Led. 1,lMdd. lokeh 4dOWMors reautoi wïth no benclit. I g* W-werýse',day b daty and *,as begimu<Ilo lok tuPol > my~ çrase as hopeless when 1 was' üad ;used la<i-y Dr. -WillIiams'Pink Pilli c.ry great jey before 1 had, Sken tise pills a mneni t tey began te'-belli and by hy e lime 1 hod -taken <sItl boxes overy symptem ef my trbl r 1Alça ate Land 1 I..*a oSepce moen1e iU' t4ue e tier Pcweu e n Ial Ibew, tfi t ed bleoti'. TIjis aew b"o iiQgthetis the nerves and l% ic4C4sbmg 8pnte iUet se egrN a ¶ ~ ba'~,bacle, id a' ln 'ti)w ÏiÃŽests of ett"lb04and- W< i. a lie Puis are oit ~or miV Ie lu bx'eto six boxes li ik es r1- There-%t ib peeage l in t cwhkh- iii 01e!any bémniWbo jet l% thse Ci-snd Geunelilof tWe.Ilaiiil Coliqueror ,or bis s$ipe"Ds. rO al munst bc a- a e oUaltii 5t'tte anfd Whàt$Oever la trene," saisi Lord G#Wtu justice Crewe neary Ilire cen tur- - les zincé. '"Ad- why net et DO Vh'0 "Foi wherelis Bohun? Where'S Mow,ý braty? Wlers Morimer? Nuiy, ~hC la more anti'Inoat Of(LI,, wbere ta platn. ,agesiet?,, %Wt the ic orgottefl atidun' trepresenw4dc"d. 9.Arenian, an ÃŽladustiOtS d carefulstudent et s àeh matér p wa wont te confond thal ne0 Pedigree C~1 bic trusted if it wej>L bOcl< otérLhthan the~ ~ ~~1â ÏSvni etuyTeet no peer- o hlch es back 90 fà»'. 1hie ldet As tsaIcf orddee s, whoe la thepre- mier baron o! Engituit. Il. dfte4s frein 1264; Ihat la Io Say, FI1ON' TrHE BÊION 0F HENTI'y ià But the proeent licarer cf thie11111e3la not a De lnos, theugli Iha is been as- suffed ýas the fally name. The brnr(uy was in abeyance (rom i 601te01806. Thse puesmt Frerls oneofo!the GeraldIfles. flie ta descendtilfroni Lord IHenry Fitz- geralt, the brother ofthie unf-ortiunute Lrd Edward., and la thezetore relateti in different degree& tote iDuke ct LelMi ster ant i r. George WVyndhiU. Almeat tise longeist pedigree lInIlurli. ita tisai et th Duke et Northumberlanfd. l carrnes -hie tamily beêW on one aide te Malinfreti, a'a tnlih ehiltali, one 0! the companilois ot Hello,anad-on tise ethel' te Charlemnagnie. llardly 7anytt"hg,,,C(Wld bemuch <are llusirien. -But tisera neyer was a l5ervy ilaNorthuznbetlalTd ithe O.aclual tamily inaîte etfthé pr- kNoumb-àheisttlatn ,nm te reig o' George Il. andth ie t ads ul frmtereigu ot eo"rgc 1ü- 0r t -eepreviona ennis et Nortit- xubetaàd, Ioniens Iii hIsley, but tIieY wem ot ef tise V'Percyor Stthàci éloek, thougi<' Sny tl snfcod ing te Coclcer,t' eterwlso Burke. ,ýMthe ltneof e Ieffgli$ta m or thse- firtrcàra!î bl itAI,%- sû altNv1U th rert 1tth <bat ['1bw a»ttqulWty flise lanili -!1tl e'ex- lIsing I$éeiragMüLel aroee' tse 1Heralda' Çolle w~ nithse Alkwllaiç,Off lice oire tise <nnruagérs o!, <hie itoble rnewotmShl, trick o! inýage or by sein Interpre- talion çi a à aIt a Vtmp door lasImduc inti eut'cornés a repremoul(*ile ofethel Marches or .the Mowbra.8 "*To suds a n esteut LqtehLça fired Ihat 1tis snie !amify am is hla higed aimst- overy'. Yeurl tepeeraee âatu sorne peersdo net knoew-lier-- ewn uues. Fer instance Lord Ã"$S1wIised lu vote agist. the refoi'm bill. Hi$s MI nâme t tg ot. Ho10signeti lis prex; Ferrard. Ho ought ,,li ave w-rittei Slc!fuigof. Teutlwaà -on vole lem apIls e po-opie." ,Thero- s noncpe;ttstinV ,pem'ge cm ,ll ste-eg of Henry U . Tiere at to<ur dti1mg 1akl iato d~ .nenlfliee6g('efthe tis elusct dwt -11j . l -tisat flarn oUs ertIfflUt , e% t -THE EAIL MI P>VO*N-. tho blk o! tfiera, OU, ous, Yvoled agalntlhat ,afsire. the cr'eal1<>ul ut -George IV. -numberel ;bcxty-twu andi tisse ot William IV. înerd'irty, Wien Queen VictDela ' had -icoustwetVe Yearg cOnficth e bvGe Iliere were 448,peersIn.lu 111e 'verý Lwcnty years Uhc ninlier bad passosi te, tive, buadredffh mllestohie, and now-.ý Lh<os0 whCbetalk et a conféreef betw<en thme two ll<'uses may 11ke te kflow-tsrn eum1ber 'ht -se -groat and liseTory pre- pondernce " laàfie eavy that a onter. ,nce would place Mt-. Balfour lnaa mnajorliy, -even wilh a flouse et Coni- nions 1 lie resment. Tise. eroditary p erage- sla ike tise Cabine*t. ~ IeL basng"àwnup-M oijlsldoehe lawv. Tlere ita nù>1hflg Ithe ConÉtitu- liep cent goehthse - "'dr'o! a..peer. agi-, the Èrilitt(orit in Paliament and foke part in, lefflslatlon. It is prie el thçose -tighl.s' iviicli have been anappeti up. lie commeons and roaide spoce. There wvere ne lords by leflerg patent of mrotion under the Nermain Rings. The occupant e!flb ho me suinmoneti sueli menus sho watited, anti they--sat, whule lthe great Cnail, or Parliament, Insteti.fI t itinet. !ollw tisat tliey were summoneti fer tIse exi almnilar asser- bly.- Mariy .e t(hem, In(debd lest lheir henti or their oiates in le n- terQusl.tBut even file letters patent dtd, net, conter tIs br.iA rib etake prl-U.mak1ng eti laws. :-Belbop bey teck it . Iriýth ietir wn banda thse pao uset tecomplalsibecause <bey bhat not rcrived w-rita eft 1mmons, - '1'he1Ii etPeers,' lt-was long ago said -bas maln.talned 'Ifs exitence by [ýusurptnà, uiâ nfuence cier tue reprei [5ènt*On -et61tise people wthlihil bus tüi oIls sole. dstiao."- mil s W. rd cHIAIt - SMOKEIW' - U'u-4uIs'.--. 1V~ A~5% odJm 'àcsrltuaiulo avey, ucIl' eD ne for fhoci r ntat' - .- 7 ,SàèdUi tobéccý lW scarqo antid' r ugh. 'Even4wlag n nf~trer steck ihsètitirc, us-ow payblis»e price, anl' o and l oÉilsg roaeéy. acu 1 The * XJI Havana filler crcp prý1ôngist.. deslrIng atpu-ximalely 25c. per -peunti; he -1»-- w-Abing liavna fUercrop breuglite ,pixitsslle-jmn1)o 1012 ,y 400. per pounti; lise 1aHvanw I1I- sonq. TA ler erop liroughst np - mtW 0. ipetrmkln0'l po-unti Tise'1407, 6om bciÉg pticked, 'a, 'e tIse-t. ewllmffg le tise prevalusg drouth iagt mi-- epartals oply hanltsf acrop, se thero",,,- ne Pain>, I- prcsfor -anethér gusteti-la yean.' Suinatrà,tobacwo ilsedti tr wirap- liilai C per~ phui'ptses, la 40%'4istgher <han t ln 'ntt. 85 Lnflers are 5O%-.ilghm'- - In: face o! aWi - tiê-the pri4ecl10C., 1A oignrs lias <mt..t, uVnbèd-l7thse dea-elr ;jltiply because the a motaclur rs aré V'tO -n pýck « 1foots, oQd <'ne atrWdil ethlie IL~ 1?eytierTaiss'bts pruce$5.90 p- 11001, t110 otisèr mnufnwctur-ers m><n ail. l 14 steure Payne's calstenief!, d-vk- I»5 Ivêrai. Tise publlé, tliey s!andtl'for i anythn he'44yen éer ea- r x mker walk ecute--êtOi'e >Perte becausche csiM dfor $ "PhQacr&o i <r é à " aY .-Oulrbisii. dwa feo XLti w W -wa m -- »O3n W pù o,.GIt inflybe convenlent teo h pve eyee Ut#gu1-roil Up-<nid disiPpe ai tbê a.pppr.Oaeh o! danger.An these alc exactly whât thé mial las, aituated- at~ ho nd 't to kg and, sensitive palpi, or féeeWrs. 'Whenfiiik qule, their owner exiendg- i-heas ogns <iû toÈ èse, aItheir lp ml on krobs, upon whch the cyca a r# placed. nul< Il yen. touch on.e!difthte )alpk. os c.%en jar the enail a little the ýeyeÀ. be. «;n te babkinto thèse teelers-à die. hp cf a glove f liger moy bc turned In, ond they ne longer sée any danger thaï raay be lurking a ud. ZAM-DUIK CiURES- PILES aring nccurteiy conimvssaa -' Pm raeter end sheOstaf.. à ,in âA ebout G)X tches square andi 1lncie~ A'e AIbre. powid plece cf,»Wkwao heIîated (o 1-e30 degree C. la 69 seConds., Worklng tern hours a day atfi .*Imaxfr rnum et 1,M0 degree C., the furnacW 'e quies. two pounds of barim nelridO eaoh day, anxew llning once'a yenr,,Miid iron olectrodes sonewhat ofiener. ThO, fuseti sait cales ff, as the sttel Is>, plunged in thé cooling lquid. They Cleanse the Systein Thorough- 'y. Parmelee's Vegetable ilils clear the 8toinach and bowels of bilieus rnatter, cause the excretory vewsls te threw ri! trpurities f rom the blood i bto the Ixwels and expel the deletertos mass kfo t 'thd, body. They -de thiS withoiit pin r Inconvenience tothe ipatient, %hlo speedly reabzes iheir g-oclces, aGI tbey begin te o etet bY" ave 4)=og recommnèndtilns frein allIiinds 4't peeplç> hnagtnatle-n thInking yen are having a gue tftâUwhéhti yùu aré offiy apenti' *1eto go back to ber mothee agilin to Ilve.Y every lti'e cntagions 11db la humais or anlimais enre«Aln 30 minutes by Woe1 kr4s SnitiyLotion. Il. neyer tais. "I Ilieugist 1muaI go on snl!ering .otby Ilrrggists. hxm piles unlil. 1 lied," soya M n . thE. l3êeil, 0f, Steeuborg. (Ont.>, "bit Zum- -Modety AIs onoîher terra for Ii a bnlc bae curéd me 1 Fer yer-e n - Ot-o.Mais acta When ho gets feunti out do-1 .hirod agenyi coulti lardly w-sfic bout, in-g eompethlug lie ougst te lie dolag. andlest ail My Streflgt> IVerytilg i tiled. Sceetied IMW>. Thea ýZpafl -"ifl, o u ktbt um arhsoa. iPuk was retnnendt, amuI 1 bls tise 2ke-Im ~ se <1Sî Il bas cured- mic compllhte]y2'"i" ,i s aa a * - am-Bk la- ly foreat beebti 4.a} il 1cen e ayto'PlG u. A eries4- pple wee recently mar- all Mlin,-troube ni Ieas-C4 rie Iii io. ý Tbhaivo-e uintention e! *buaSotoera cet4i nseet stieg, ans- goiag iliroughslits biant lu hand. livra, eczema1t,.etc. SOcil stores, or Zêmi-Ëuk- Go.., TO '*i -e er5.5 --They, Adi-ortso -Tlemaèlves.-, Ira- Tu£ VIN EY AIDS OP 'FIl NC11 me4totely. <by, wee ffredt teIl-puWi Tevine tai 'IItoÃ"tsbeceé ntt geeirPOrt he>, ~.ke. four ~mre~ *.êw0<~ 4 I - b ivyaIs flong- bad P-y et thé ILIT»CTOGEYS 'Ic ut zTrER, .ýà

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