Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 7 Feb 1907, p. 6

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jbd the besl utiÃ"ùtbngaetn -o lhe diseuse witl P* êetored uy hst ri~~ t4ter says: «I suffered for' evtrltm yewro nd rheuinatiamnseemod Ifol6:, JeMlanied in my Éystem. ~4t, ~ jwas able to attend $o 1ùe eüehod-duttes. but at, nlgbt I ~lt fixegreabeat pain.Iatoe bé W ake mudicino, but my coadi- Von atuQygrew worsii. I was at- tenilo by a sklful doctor, but wus ul- tinsteiy foioed te reniain in bed, ouf- ferlng untold agony wlth every moire- Cient. FTinally te doctors told me tbe trouble was incurable. One day 1 wus advised te try Dr. Williamis' Pink Pilla and 1 decldod to do so. Presenlly the ~e pains were not s0 ae,», and I began tir tee mysoîf galning. Shortiy after 1 wau able te go about. and ln leua tîan Ibréesmontbs i was perfectly well. For Ibis condition my thanks ore graietul- ly due te Dr. Wiltiams' Ilnk Pills." Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla cured Mra. Morrill by drIvIng lthe rheumatic poison Gut al lier blood. They actualty make 4iew biood. They don't at on th bow- eia. Thoy don't bottier wtth mere symp. toin,%. lhey go rîght 1lebthe oot et Lb. trouble Ini the blooti. That. in why tbey fave ctired lthe worst cases ct anaemlia (bloodlessness> headaches andi beekaches, kidney trouble, indigestion, neuralgia. inervousne.ss and thme special alimenta cf girLsanud woînen wbbse btood suppiy beconimcs îeak, scaniy or Irregutar. Sold :y> ail medicine dealers or by miail ut fOc a box or six boxes for $2.50 trom ýlhe Dr. illarna' Medicine Co., Brook- vill, Ont. DONT SEEK EASY JOB. ilVsAre Aller soitSnapa Va. ln Wrong Dimetionm. Travet JA groat many 4pe drift tbrougb lte owllhouI s4rpose or effort. Tbey gloat -Moptg the lino et toast realtanco, pt'oI<ýàg ail obstacles anti slrinkiiig ZrtrlIxny>tletthetl 1001<, 111<.bard wotl.4 ,heir great desire la ta gel "4an eaiy-lo," 1beyde net conceer theis- aI i >la te wbetber or puot there W n 'dP* t o advanoement lnitIl innr rgra nun .,un lea Scbol fu rm I40 bi hOpeneila dOdOi-4Msp~ ~ rave. Ther ar. ~ht.very-stsangp educi.' liia etablishmenis >open at 'the p 4ent day'-. Mis, Mo9 Bouteltte and Mi': 'WinamAker cpermd à woo ;or caàh; boys soiealitl Un»ago. Accordlng te a prospectus 188usd by 1ihemn, pupils, wltO fouet not be under -fourbeen yearso! age, are taught arlthmie'tlcin everyddy lusé, bcok-keeping, pentnanshlp, and th. qulek handling and counting otfznoney Many M' the boys who bave attended Me. echool are now earning good wegea as cashiers In some o! the largest stores In New York andi Chicago. Itlà aproposed to open InluLondon a school for nursemaids, wbere girls over sixteen years of age may be given les- sons ii the management of infants, pre- paring oft blîdrens bfood, plain aewlng, iaundry work, and taught the kinder- garten system eof eduestion. Such an I- sUtution already exista In Berlin. it was founded two years ago by a clergyman, and! ta in conneoilon wlth a foundting hospital. The growlng girls ofthIis es- tabllahment are taugmt (o bôcome CONIPETENT HOUSEMAIDS, and positios ame feund for them In the bouses of the best familiies Ini Germany. llinsaa poasesses a school for police- men, where young men are trained for thea force. The school ia siiuated in St. Petersburg, and! in a museum coflnccted thereto the pupils make therrielven famniliar with jemmies drilla. chisels. and oiher toots uscd by professional thieves. A particular branch of trie school la the flussian passport systemi, whlch every buddîng policeman has 10 etudy in de-1 tai. A remarkabte educational establishment t ks the sciiool for judges opened recentJyà Ln Paris. Here make-belleve triais are1 held by Lthe pupils under the supervision of weil-known attorneys& l'lie whole procedure, (romn the lssuîng of a warrant for arroat te lthe aumming up andi the judge's verdict, ia carried through inaa businestiko manner. At Monte Cartethiere s a a chool ef croupiers. Il la heid durlng the six sum- nier months ln the clubroom- of the Tir ,aux Pigeons and the Salls d'Escrime, An te Casino building. Hemarmar tables ulnilar le tho» in-th b e sino gaming- rooni, and eacb pup Inh turn tajeis the rote of croupier, white othera persenate players and stake mnoxmy over the table. At a given Instan t1he croupier muât cqicuIBLSand PAY OUT TAUE WINNING STAKES. Tle am urnaUy blLween !r1. andi mli ty fWpiD u, taclool; -6îd- aMX1 ipentite' coure, l aoeraluftlcegt tô f SOflO?, ~ il0i ~ -mûre dikeuut7sfp-13 tea-ou m~. g.~j4 4h nusecithe mlait andi alone. ~am'Ta~ s ~mtt*ei~mwtg~!ho- ie Dis ! lolft hand la valu., 't or, any made;cr wman may some day flnd It éeail, fôti an tocideat m*y, ~" W ~ pUMtAi i'ght hand out o! busineiS, tcInO ri -ipermanenbly, andti Ien,. Jthëti b"zd bas been tratnèd as wel Ffas thé îigt, Il an ae t-b e poi. the women frienda; gel the reputat: ion cfitane essmry tàëi the ebt aud iui e aaylng pleasani thinga about peop>le. If a eceabfre Ithe eu andn muâtg tiers l te nlng klnd te b. said keep dctfrmhebgni. alleut.1 Talc. an intereatlnlu hings whlch ia- teethlm. and be a good companion, orGI, ET gooti thal he wtîî misa you il you are GR SE T RING away. Il your husband ta a domestle man, O A H D fept3 aeromain aithomne venings W M NIO Ing up toe mmny social dUties. IReMem- FI)BLAN ABON ber Ibat we women are ail vain, more Mothers wbe have daugbtera jusi 'n or leas, but do contrai yourself ln this lb. critical bortierlanc! over whicb Lb. respect, anti do not let your vanity tn- girl passes int the fuler lie of WO- 1er! ers with your dalles. tlanhooti, Wilt flac! Bîleans a great bcon. Maony women, especlally those of mcd- They make ricb, reti blooti, and sbrenglb- erate menas, ltlthemselves beceme cen ant i nVigorate the internat ergants cerec!éss and sieveniy whem et home luvoived inl the greel change. - Mrs.. T. and onty thie "family" ta around leaeile d ! oePlcTo 1, as thcm. They bave seen timeir mofiers i Ny daugbter, ElSie (13), was feeling do the. sanie lbiug, very naturaliy they far frein wèii ibis wiater. she com- foîîew: n)tiîng ts se unattractîve te a plalned otf requnt- eariache and was man es ti-e ee a womn unkempt, 'witb -aiwayis weaklY, tirei, ad- drowsa. Site ber hare eliher lntn mnp strings or curl- seemeti a1bogethèr wiihout energy .r papers, anmd cloîbeti ln IL t.<s, slld streagth. Eacb moraîng ber tongue wrapper, conspictieus for the presence was coateti anti ber eppotite falleti. She Mf many spots, and their feel dragging was sometimes 80 dizzy that on stoop- aliabby slippers. No malter how plain lug sbo ammeat fel], anti sle was aise lime material and stimplelthe fashion, let troubleci a great deal wiih constipation. your dreas, whalever it maiy be, a1eways Ome siagie box et Bileans'matie a world be neal. eebyorothrt f difference in ber, anti seI couinueti Den't eetyU uhrta inunîi- ta gîve ber Ibis reniedy. Wtthln a f ew porant nattera. Cultivai. a good dis- %W~eksley built ber up %xroudertully pcsition. We are wbhat we make ou.. andth"bs are keeping ber in lte best selves. A coiented disposition 13a ail <h aîh." Impoiant to qubct nerves. Bleans aise cure anezala. gr-îen -sick- -neas, debtltty. ddt headache, constipa- A MOTIIERS PRIDE._tien les, rheurnatisnt, uclatîca, andi A mothem"a greatest pleasure la ia seeing ber 11111. ormes brtght, ptayful anî healtby. The. weIl chilti la a blesslng te the home, bift the sick* chlld ta a regular 11111e tyrant. A t"wdoses cf Babys Own Tableta wtlt make the sick. 47 chuS well, ora ocon&4a wlf iwev- iutMkinems. Titere s noiula t equal' lies. Tableio s a aur loé iato- 811 Ilur aMd ikmy aliments. ihey (<'ne up the systern sMd enable IL l (bmOw off Ceida,- chilis, etc. Ail drug- gisti and stores -saîl Biteans at 50e.'a box, or obtaisble trin- the Bilean' Co., Torontà, feW r plo. 6 boxes sent for t - CamiPbeflrs SWEEPING ASSERTIONS. Father: "Dld you notice how grace- fulIy Ethel swet imb the rooni et the party last nlg tr' Mother: "Yes, but wlhon it cornes tu Sweephng out a rooni ahe's flot mnucli A latter et imprtnce to aU theas wbo am uea dewa a" *bIIIW Slà the faâm h "Ir .1" latbSd Lenko ereroompounad. al dirua renotlaMadSbum ~UP te .qMU6 Judge-"ýAnd your wile aimed et and struck your head with a cupi' Witness -"Yes., 6ir." Judge-"ýWell, all I have lu say la that you ought Lu be very çroud of ber." Il you are a'sufferer trom colds Ofet a bottle of IilckIe's Anti-Consumpilve Syrup and teat i(s qualiios. IL will be tound that no pralse bestowed on It la Loo hlgh. IL does ail limails'claimed'roi IL, and dees il thoroughly. Do flot take any substitute for Bickle's Syrup, be- cause I is th le besi, having stood Ahe test of years. Ait the best deaiers sell 't. Mrs. Madison--"How do you like your new neighbors7" Mrs. Dyer-uI don't know. I haven't tried tu borrow any. thing yet." Ieafamob cItb »a. a bai.!., gs ri tu vouse Uuae nS. AMtzua ug fllu m Im e vomal olde. «Flow muoh coal is Ibere, Susa nt, How long wiii IL let?" "Well, maiÉ , 1Vwl lesi quit. a while If you -don't have sany fires.1 "'Men there lan't much IeWt?" 'There isn't any loft, ma'am." ý&io mch -and,>bWelt. o! bilions -motter, Lcause lb. e ecrotory vepels'.to.,:1bWw 'oit ýiigmpirtS firant* llooÃ" ilito -the In the mad rae or '!amo mn, ifurits « tht, be la -but a boa ewt.h me ûIinhret- ut' lb. logeareti.,veriey Dont orr.-ebax4whet pcopte are gea't'say; raither cousera yewroeif abaout whnt yew'd say e! ye wuz la thoir places., lia gooti thtng te bey a high l ir, but don'tk plhtt he muzîs Uv the gun es high es yewr own nm1ose. The mian wlxo hesserbaies la lelst, but the-,wumuun who tefa etn r the pro- Posai see tew iL thet ho tnds hlmiselt ag'ia.. Et yew stick, yewr nose - tanaltier people's affaira yew inust expect tew wear a piece uv cutplasler oh il tseoner or leter, They would be a huli lt more. uv smiln ln ta heworld e!l the leetti crop1 wuz better. Wbea a siranger begins tellan' yew I bts fam'Il btVry yew kmn maka up.yewr mind 'tain't wuth liLeenin' tew., lest becauz it lakes low tur make-miakel a quarrel la ne sign 1h01 yew meeitu ba one ut' 'em. 1t's--a poor rute ttiet wa'It iork both ways-eltber on a boy&'andt or 1liêa seatz uv bis jianis. Yew can't tell by -hie looks uv,,a, Au heow big ho kim sweil up cf hhe o: ccaSà Mion tew. Yew've got tur summer an' winier wlth a pusn afore yew know hini, asmkA then ho may surprise yew lu the sprlng. lest becnuz an infant doesn't like water la ne êign be's gan tur gm'ow up bur be an honeat millicman., The, greet trouble wlth 'à free, thiffker ls thet lie thînks any oCher- Iraethinker ain't thinkin' riglît oniesa he Ibslua est the way he blîluks himacîfl. Et rich people wuz oa'y fined futr ex- ceedia' thle speed Umt lIp tasî AlvIn' es (bey be la test autermnoblhn' (ho worid wouid be bel' daewa tew a puriy fair paMe The nover falllag medicine, Hello- wey's Cern Cure, reinoves ail kîndis "f corna, warts, etc.; even the -Most dlii-1' cuit to reniove canudt wlthstand titI wondertul remedy. - Constitucxt-"Nowï- Mr'. Wunneut, 1 w1eh vond -do rouï'bestt, oaeot. my' hc go t4 a qul'k-ýa*itd a anati &rtain curé- coti, - sesTuv Vt'hoeptng -Cýýoûg anti allIitýli> oe tbe. broatý' 4Ilýi#tts. i te gea4tesfam trousbles lhe wori ôltoihand. It b 25C. ai tour i STATEMENT. Heniuiold vil cm à Iu vus reaeuy surprmsngbu it reiyti Ibe dlscelcamllm > slfbam. mmd restoreti the preper fats. Siîca tha-mil à occasion 'te'use Zam-Mbtk iant, anS I bave louait M >l.u t *0se unllorxny m it ta oomposC4 o1lte à i ana. imeei. M4,IuA

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