Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jul 1904, p. 7

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Servants 'Vanted,.*U To go to the city, genieral, go-d.j $1. pernonth. flouseM id, ]o,3i A I~ROUND>.TRIlP 0.. e8. »ippiv ut thi& Office.vvg g MlSlhool PooinEX-%. i O A EC M1Aý¶ TY U~Z 20.20 for round trip-to the Great Y OJ H A V E C ,o M P AWYr-..A ,-air, St. Louis, with stop 1 W im Jo M OlSr.-ove pa-gego, ~D etroit, Arli« Ilc0 IM eand-Canadian stations. tiw a i w>n Greia Smith wat ONote. -On application 0J . c Ifezel Alun g you smtxgnce for the table to offer them .: DonalD..A, Tononto, enClosing Dorothy Brantoa yga Tr our Special SugrCrd*4ensi tmhnsoelutr- Mo -e., Eiebr ed booklet wiil bEfuitrni&h. ~~ 3 ~HAMS BAGKS AO5SOUDR, .Through.Pullman eleepesand e Arihur 3lowat OLLS ana COOKED M EATS, tiibulecohetot.ousrnnn * * dnily. J rtie re1!- IDOMINION DAY." G er rsiay n 1 uliy . Single fard for roundd'tip. Good, Katie Ok1W Whlen you want theFbUITS, goingJune -3th and- Juir lst. Re- Eitrgel fii Kerr US turning until Mônday, JaIy 4th. 31Frt Kerr BISCUITS anHOMEy- * KER' .EXCURSIONS ,ev ii r N be* Erns 1,4 ~Jjj~NJ~W JA~ ~~JtIjj1,. yTopoints lin Canadiai> North-west. TREjth Ha per Sa$30 ,to 840 Q o6d going :June. Moore2sth, retuirning until Auguet 29th. ilJr bIlS0-. Good going. July 19th, neturning un- (;cIox ni; 0n.E.NV T 3RTO tiI Sept. 2th. Ilazel CoUfina Frank llawýley 9jE. TEH3N ON Madeline,'Çold Ilildu. isiey p2- We delver to il vrts of the to'wn.Tw ge xpesTckt'n * Lucy Mci herson *eTwn gen xresaice n Lloyd isii ic e.)rhoicet opoiy.ps IlSr. to 1 Jr- Verta-Nicholson Agite% Keun Ida Moori Reta zeuteit 111 Jr. to 111 Sr.- Lizzim Saviile, Ber1tha '.W 0oifo 1k -%il Iie Hazard. Gien Allin Jean Johit&tofl sopLe Cohen iLissie Hunt Iey WiIlie atrs Leila mcIhetson.. Arihur HaNwley Gien Piper. 111 Sr. to 1'V Jr.- *Arthur -'iIkinsôui WillMe Kerr - * 'Rgeas Nicholson, Miriel Young Della Moore David Nlowat. - IV Jr. to IV S. Jessie Crak ~V1leWestlake Ilorence Newton Elsie Ardl Johin SMith Albeprt Grills Lina Thompson Lizzie SaWdon, 'BeteiiCe bleldrurn ~I.i ~ A- 1jnrue Pînpei i. - Helen Blanchard Am.ia Emily mcePhers;on Ferank AlMlia tee M Roas, - Lt 11 L p t(Ponotion EXa. çqCiiý Ve- I Pt. Jr. ta Il ptL S. - ~.cilîi.V~n obt. K. Mitell Mecdnnel, -Vernoni B. Ernony .- PalLuke - minnlielifuttan. ISr. te Il Jr.- iToronto. " -..-4- i. rr i>ll ~E(l Thom- Geor ge1ue lraak Gr"-' Eîma Hig- Walter MeCar - Helen M..ini Toronto. - DorotbY 'Wauî M 3. A.Mm, F r e d. Ja'ine - LnRC 3rarie .'- toilr- - jas. Palrner Syracunse. Borna ,gsrstü. Columbus. - Bentnice ReY] s, Brookîla. Annie Tomns Annie John- John Forreste Geo. Kerr Iargaret M4SIn.t li ilsr.,to lit Jr , Toronto. -* Minnie Ilawk Bowmanvi1le. Geo. >BtirclaY Manchester. -Rossie Hallet oronte. Elizabeth xit satit ýSte. Marie, - Lena Easton 'ebert,- Brook- Eva Hartiehc re, Toronto. - Veda u Laie îiaL. Sleigbl Beatnie XVai Florence DPaY T~ron0. -May Forreste j11gosoÙ * Bessie Daiey * as Aic Mi. Ruth Dorne, sue Lizis )n, Toronto. SC. A. - oronto. e Lartba Raum- O.- Guassis Crosby, 11J.to lit r. Arny Fraser Laura Pellow Margaret MCrirno Mabel PO mr R. Ruttan Arthur Gre>Yý, Ralph Newp,ort . -John Bakssr W. Buttait t AMy .Boss- gr. to IV Jr- Atlna Coleli Lena Smithe May ThompSOri DaiiY Jolies O)Iive Srithi Herbert KZer Effie MtIon- - Cullen Perry tuffenin St. Prorr()ion E rr 3rd to Sr. 3rd.--*- Ella Goldnsg May Stone- Giadva Aka-by LStone indar i THEWHITBYB ARO'AIN RÛS .Breook St. south Nex - oortoNew Armstongilt. Another Satiirday, M.-runing List.: RIS easy -to Piat Bargains in- big type. Evenybody is doiqg it, but we. -back it up with positive prof It i8s our purpose, Our desine.. tbat every customer shall be se pie ased and, sutisfied. with the pfice pi& and 'the attention rec eived that lihe or âhe WHitlaIwaysthn.othstreodé pendabýle headquanters for- inspectio n of m6ehandige, and- a place wheBre every- dolair spent will return it.s fullest. worth. Our -Pr ices are- considered very 10w, u nd especiully this, week. InLpect our windows and.,wionder ,-liw littie: our-prisesare. For -~Ladit and- li nae linèf Cre back à~ . Vo-mùen Lreunat'.d black cheviot, upin the latent styles, coat. with tafleta silk,, izes f rom- 412. -R ru tprice,812 to $5 ar oteblouses, tücked front an& leevs. Gr special price .n&DsÂ5"e . it -'J 9.- . For Mes Navy blue sgee Suits, singlo .bre-. asted, furmer satin hlined, the latest eut, guarantOed. best tweed.. .... ... .... ... ... Spe cia l 2 N'yb iî oe.7led in Iligt weight and, corfort, for. hot weather, snl In.d dqùhle breasted, line'd Nitb fan- mer satin, sizes front 36 te 42. .O........ . n, Burgaîn day $9 Ouir $6.90 sïits are Âuc11 knowu. They une a great s nap, butthis wee-k us neduce our prices especially, for bime corners. Tiiere are rix.differ- eut liies, unct they cau be seen, in our .B.... augan Day priýe $6 %NLn's hot. weather underwvear. .... ... .... ... pecial .51 Suit, i. 'J 'j 'J k> .3- e j Men's waierp roefs uin a darkgrey -colqr, vplvet cllar, - pointed. cuf (s on sikeve s'.earns are sawn la tape; the.y are., guarantoed- from the, fucteny. .... M... .... Spciab15 àý 's black ca.shmere -socks, nregu- j ar yie 25C. - FR2c in. store, us it is no trouble fr us -to sho'.w Ltory, money. retundLced. BRBSLIN. ~w w 'W e AL SE nail a glad t is wbLat adver avei. Ssecured the se, sa watolumaker Vo bus~.iess 4urinSt h Silli manitie drapes,' goOd' large' ises. with fringe' and nice patterns. .F.. ... ... ....... OR .2 Certain Mualins - - ........ .... ..... ....SpecLul 7.1-2c. Lace Cutains, 3 yards iii iongth;, very nice design, regular'$ .F....O.. F R l.2 Girls' Sailor Dresses, sizes from 4 toi14,' .pe... ... eial $l119 AI! are cord1iaIy' invited to tIse New Barga Our goodW and -pricas I oosare not satisfac To DoOw6 Xneris. A lange nutuber -huavni failed to eure their. dog tag, sunimonses D * are about to ha issued te cempel 'j tmtg) do sac nesas 'bb m s e'e at Once. Thùs. Bell, -Chie! -Cçln teble- nefLocals. ~ff.K. J. Horsl is home -f.er aîiend1- irxg at>6ut twNo yersit Algomu. Mi - cay, of New York, is visit-- ing. hen bxother, Mfr. D. .3ca. 13reslin. - -At W\hitby, on J uIy 4th, ~ . * the 'vifeî of Mr. H 3ehn !asn * The WVhitby 0OU Girls' ,- Assolia- Mn. P. Taylor t;on wai1 ineet in the conil cham- isi4poià be-o , pjdyeVSlgu 7MM. Circulation ic -Mr. andi Mr--.-9. Thorne: o! Silly, want. - . '\,jha *Manitoba, an-i~4s I. Màanderson, of P. Taylor hw Toronito, are tbi gu-ssof their un- ~rt a i.. Wcnrann Ut. Jm -1 %alis and rebut'> aence.-7-?. Rail to Toronto Teanual -meeting- o? lthe N TheDÙurhasffl'014 1bri«ùeh-of the Natiqsal Cosncil eto.go witb h Vein~na ,gljt wiî hoheld -on WNedn dy 38(1>. Tk ufennIOoz, July 13th1 ut 3 O'Cle< and aUàO1lte residosice of Mrs. tfy!gnd-. eparaioso bavearecordially invite&,ýu taLtend.. cd îiiùse.' siwîi4i - B>ve# -\hjtby- Jct ' Lay your plans for goir'g ços n veotht rh Darliai- Durha-% OU Boys' -exvurson t, 4 4 A,.BARGAIN BOUQUE. -FO r The OId Boys, Be-Union du/y i 'to e vey Old Boy ha etliuCirni. TheabovCeaeu din obs avur vew of y.,our needs rettru Teuring ov yur home the GoodOld, Town of, Whitby-. old stand where weare stili doinýr busilless. THE EMPORIUM 0F.FASHI0tN. WHIT-BY, ONI\T. Opeatrswanted Oný0 Womenle Wrappers and Under- welry aUso B ri ght C i risto learn-Operat- ing. Free instruction given and steady work. ~Te EATO N CMTED OSH4AWA FACTORY. EW We have themi in one, tw {dthfýee burners. g e-. .~ E veix stove -we sel s .. -tfect se'isfaction or yvour lit ~WhixVs Uif er i il a bot kîtchen when yvou cen pin c ise a - Standard Blue Flama- WiokIess-- OiliStove EDS -0COlI tr, LAW OF FICES C0!N.-The ùunders .gned barristes and ' slicitrs -£ Sbeg. repetf ully to inforrn-the pub- -~ lic, that thein skveral offlices wil not - -be open aten 12, oeloek on Fnidays- yob7- and Saàturdays dnnting.July Sund-Autg- - W. are selling Gandear b7ast. J. E. F rewellt G Y.- S mth, ..two papes for 5 cent.- Dow & McG vnuy,f D. Orrnst ~o f Jam utl edg e. . D ated July '61 , T h é qu ality o f alsike , 190 11 4.Éhne-y are , elîing. -A* Their -tirnthy and red at Home by conrespondence. 10 weekly.'les- soiiý will make you perfect. S.hrthand la nowadaus lidispen- itions, - Write f.mn fnee hok-. ai Correspbndcnce College,- Temple Chambers, Temsple Avenus,Loudon, EC. Bunr.$10 00.- ERI., LEIAPtDWAIIE STOLE. WHITBY. id Flower Seeds of fincat quaýlities at'cl( Ihut produces the higli priced crop I dover mnset the approval .of the be Canadian Bsauty Penn of fain qu alitY in limitedq fered. - The Sugar Mangel, a cross between sug-ir hee-t 7proed- a general favorite wherever tied. K.eepinug feeding qualliîes, btter han any other nia mngel, y'.e We BnPRINOLE9 - Gr'ocers, Wbitby. t )ches,; CK=t. 8, etc. BTT Whltby & Co.i th, 1904. page. eWYork. »oU Alex- I I il. '.1 exander, Frasen, ;ie * i- e i ,iý1îv,. i-Ttrrick mon ken yey - 'Up ýl MUN ý'i. ton 2 Burners $8,001

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