Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jul 1904, p. 3

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1-" - i.' - N 'w- [ILL OFF PORT Rus'olCmmons. AT DOIrfNIOIZ1 ILOnO AC.and Breadstufs. -- A. siaii Destroyer and ineiruUardu Mr. -FlVzpatrlc ntroduced a bill -- iesl to nendth Dminon~letinsCOUNTRY FRODUCE. th -.sh p,,S iàk orcf ,-0 expli.nlng that it referred Tarante, Jily'5.-Eggs-Tbere le a.-maini, - t te daesfe tii isu o-ppca-good demaad 'and- the nmark t~ roati m iations,- the nominations and pcQlingtadat1et Scfrnw limn NAVAL BA'i'UE - Nons fteforh army a-yjs yet lan Algemuùa, .Gaspe, Chtéoutinql,. Sau- ancd 12e ta124C for- seconds. neti bné-ofaade., - - gucnay, Burrard andi Yale aml4 Cri- - Potatoes-Very Iow prices, 75e ta- -l >atch from Toklo says :-Ad- boo Theblilwas a pr al l bo >ge.l reportll thatteparoe1eà o SOC, were quoted for -car soa the the beatsreprsoae ot A r- RSMAS F.LNG BACK. the changes in..these consit cixcies. tra-ck here t-dyby oncdealer. fri ondy appnlaht d Port h Tke corsonetcft Algema is te have two ridiangs aaw, op-adln ae ute atTe t Mndy mgh ad disOv--Te -Toio'corepoden o te st -and West, and each Will, re& 28c te 32c for 1903 crop. Ther usien pieket ships, Wýhich London. Chrenicie Says . there ile rea- qure exceptional treatment. There Bcans-Iland-pikd r uonda acked. despite a heU.vY fir son, te 'bolieve that the Japanese are.no changes in Quebee, but the $1.40 bt *145, prime a-t $1. 30tegUaP e shlps anad forts, aa-d the hîave ecpe apxg and that t1> b~~î i a .'yte the 'sparsely-ettld .35, and ûn:dergrades at $1 uP. the searchlights. The JapaTâe5f I usians are hurriedly withdrawinig dsrct Chcui agen-l-d o ad quiet at 71c fer strainw- graiv E in torpedeing a twe"ma-st frefr IàHa-Cheng a-ad Liao-Vang. Gagpe. ]a-. British Co lumubia, Ilur- ed but e-funneled vessel, whîch sank -a rc.hr hi loIden HIil.' SiIniuWleou5ly %- LLNOT BU DECISIV". rard. wiil be diilded betweea the aew Baled Ia-Car.5on peta-,k h rtai ;san torpedo-boat destroyers, Sitit f aa-tl adIct r u t a.0r tcn.fina t he fr- by The mnilltarty crieicof the Ulussj or!easy, whîch, tagether wlth Yale and Baled Sta- er n the track fiel 1 tho Japaew. St. .Petersburg,> who usmally is wcl Carlboo, -Will have -te be iacluded la hea oe cte o 55 e rtTehppenings 0f the l-f oraied, strongly, opposes the id'aseilcass.ToAt h et tan. were t-carnY seen.- Lieut. cf a big hettie bef are the end cf the came lie ofarce before the end cf the- f and thirteea mca wcre killed- raiay 'seasan. Ile exPIiese. theocpmù- present session. '1'he bill was rend a -BREýADSTUFFSB. ee niea wvere woua-ded., The ion'that the Ja panese' only 'ïjsh now -ilrettUie. -- ana asen - xi eportW that a twd-funaneld te assure possession of the Lino- - 8e- t 8 frma. rked ,sadybite Pei-ho ps thb Polta-Va, le U"Tagpiasl adta hu O EESNAINAT west and, east. - oosle is isteaédy a-t A at a: point on the coas1 lif" sent objective is te capture Mia- les nç>rth-west of Part 'k"- chau, <which wuld colapel-the evacu- Mr. Fitzpatrick intrcduced aise a- .77è. for No. 2 cast.. Spring la stea-- the - - action et N~Chwang anad pritbi t ma- u ,pesnns-At ya t eaor Nc 2 ca-ft.r-obl a an lanina o thowest'- coast. 'The of 1903,,whicb was road a first lime. W ia astad - 2~cfx a a ISIDE POlRT AUTEMUR. cenliecea-idersthie. aieen&ts cf The bihle ste çorred two or ibrea foarNo.912c ortheN .a crîora, for crv battcshis, wth snie un-the Japanose a-rth, acî'oss, the.,Fen- erroi's which crept linoe icRepros- frN,2nrhraalS' o îô are ~ ~ ~ ~ t lîigkp otAr- Shui range, as:- uîa-g siiply a diver- enta-lion -ct Se to6Q-aue cîN-m3 orh ra, a-tGearg in tBay fui. rle two baketin hpefv ln rtchttetetkît fKihe Act were.-toýa*apyta ubec on- ports,, and -6c oegi-Jugl rh-g orndl te ator ebsh crlS chu, a-a adechares that Ka-Ichau ly, but wera made to apply te thoe it ernîe ich,. nt h uradrdwtotawooDoiin 4mcwudb n Fleur-Ta 4iulet a-t $3.135 nsked for - ard; tetreobas wl-nteurnee hlDoiin ttc-wu bancars -of 90 pan ceent, )a tenta for. ex- vado-uhv hiegon sfgt uh ads, il wiflnet hâve nnonily. ,.Lat yea-r the:- Ontario Act g 101 aBsutlooed henthepart, in buyers' ba-gs, 'niddjc iýeight5 'Yno NwCWn) t~ a dçcusîve cha-ra-~ctr. Atof-90 (soelokd hn hbe oice, braads are - lhcld 150 te 20cý. A1 J that on their tast trip they T cii uîe rdcita Rpeettû c u asd h highcr. -'IManitoba fleur is stcndy .at - - Adira Skydll e Prt els. Kouropai:lswihl adherc t his Ontarnio Act ahifted the bouadary aif$-.80 for cars cof Eungarian patents., plan terdliltoPot witlidraiw northwa-rd to his Algoma, and mlist ho ta-ken into cen- $4.50 for scn aet n 44 c al lui ks loaded with prei main, position at Lio-Yaiig anad iera-lo.l a'Brnwc h for - strang ba-kers' lu cer lots, ha-ga aidi have evaded th~e Japaxese a-wait the end cf.the roiny seasanc ediiio f'itoi 1 icoi nacluded, on the track Tarante. sen, ~.' hiaceewhearrled n semate assume the succese cf the'and Madaaka na-e overlaoked a-nd Mhfe-S se-ye l0h h sa-y that thc Japa-nese block- Japianese plan' cf a combia-ation..of New. Bru nswi ck would have taohveI$7 frcasc shorts a-ad-$5 for tonr hlp have increnued iLe forty. the first a-ad third Ja-panese armiefi 14 -iastea-d of 18 imembers as:latond-I bran ini bulk west or east. Manito- wee uges a-l-t-latht ice. the a-ad the isolation of the peainsula. cd. This will ma-ko -it erththmifedl steadc at$1-fer cars tur of tho Petropavlovsk ,the - the twe divisians have enly ca-e.rap- o! shorts a-ad, $18. for bran, sacks, It i let a- set-iedne'amt-A QYN.- resentativo. 'flebil willi aise cern- incel, Toronto frei>ithts. ha- cept that a hole was made inapratciyal1h nfcalrpit lte in sofmî icanstituencle Barley- Is sleady et 41c for Na. 2 of the ba-tleship Sèestopeltn i-obe evdla ede1b _'ngteditic iVuo. -39e for'- o. 3 extra a-ad 37e- forN.-- ha-s tbeen repaired. n-Lndo b, a 3n teedstrconof Yuon. rNo has been epaired.coacur la- statia-g that-Gea, XKouro- 2-wsoýe-t patkin le -retreatieig hoWards Lia-o- 'FAIR W~AGJi, RiESOLUTION. -' No.2wheat or st..iinle 5 o ?IUD AN~~D WT .yang,-wlie- the japa-nese are pressn- e-d-I-'- i-cmdb - N.2ns o at ingATER. beon y Sur Bye-Is stea-dy ut 57e b o cfor spatch trom London says: Wla-gm wcstwar'd beyendir waMoto.en ia-g rwitht Ls~hil a-comlot Lack ! li-the sa-me obWetive. Thea expechationWlhan Mîokththefing e.2etorc-. i.t eliaie a-ecfte ar afi-l -Tkaawserst a tatte nsoutia-n ai 1900. ahpliedonly tae' Coîn-1*5steiidy at 45e te 45jcfor.- -. treliabe ncp ea-.ofathe aralis decisive> baIlle 'eDismýminent at Lia-o- works under centra-ct, a-ad no(t to Canada-wnest. American le stca-dy at a ho LIo s olg fo Ya-ng. The Russian. defea-ces thora entcrpr'isès aidsd by baunity. It5e frN.2yllow.an57e6 for N . 3 diei. nfe 'stheorre dees a-icIapply ta bhe Do- vlo -d5efrN.3mxd a il sore, I l belevèd here an -a" ecle - "- ri"miaion Steel Company, ca-r.lots, on tra-ck are routo. - lihin'corid H hoc dehuge o! mnud a-ad water aî~ Those. On Mosin hechînug, - a-s--N. 1 White are quoted.a-t exj lahd moemal'pheieJY oecf thé strongest poste, aes-d ]IL FA iltiTM~ 821c cast, and Na. >2 white ah 32e th( 4 le.'- A dcs thta hio.e conaîst cf five lia-es cf catrench- cash. Ne. 2 white a-re qubted. ah fio es' the valley~s a-s belaig..filed' ete -cea-cea-lia-g the largest guns The followiag bills wcro renda- 3l1-c west. -nI ,ushiag waher, sweepiag a-way they possese. fl110w far the ralis wili third hie:-- Rolled Oat-Are steady - ah $3.50 k herses, a-ad transport carts. check -the -immediate -Japanese ýad- - ]Respectiag certain.patenta aif the ion cars ai bags, and $4.75 ion bar-- ou cannot be lîglted. The treops va-a-c Il le impossible tu, say, *as the Cana-dia-a Office a-ad Sehool Plurnilune- ne an Iho tack Toronto; 25é more, h nuilsar sferag ton rprts o! their exteat arecocn1liit- Cornpa-y, Limitîed-"-Târ_ Cla-r'« for b'oken lots here, a-ad 40c mere. in awam oddept- Ielfg. - For the roliel o! Andrewn William for breken lots cuteide.- 'l-ghel Atocga -trm The- rumored Japa-nése occupatien, Manan-Mr. Ma-êdoaa-d.- Peae-Ai'è stea-dy ah 61-c 'te 62e for F w elte n ncdnt ~ o f Kaiping la a-t conllrmedofftially, Fer the relief et Jenale Da-idsoa No. 2-neat or eaet. la- ca-ecf the Ilussian camps, but il l beievd t be probable in .Moore-il.Mndald tywves.ddenly nalied, doWIh view a! the repart tram New- For the relief cof Eliza- Robertson- -DIYPOU5. --a ey, swepý away thue Red Cross Cw-gta h asi-sclamac î,fLle.'-la] ,ks a-ad hespita' tente. Soldi- ed te -eave Tashechae on June 28. To incorpora-te the- Cedan Rapide., Butter-The- offerluga aIall ente s ctdteSitr f Mercy la-in. Ma-aufaturiand Power Campa-ny ai mediumrna-d lew #radec-butter are fr4 bcd adrsdt the Sisber -Mr. Geoffrion. liberal, but thora s is hle inquiry for î san Na-t uhdfho th Ehili- O0ETOCAM EQE . Respectiag the Sîmilka-mcen a-ad il, a-ad the, ,ûmoveiets lalov. kil thcatpngwoltdfficuolty .er-'Koremos Railwny. Compa-ny U r. Crea-meny,, prnîta........ ..17c te 18e thad eudfotrle-Along l Has Gene Bgigte Canada .set RegingMonnson. Aosld....... 1e16eca- Dflood. A 'nuieir af hoessn 18.'0 S.........S otiier aniuma-Is were rwe.- ~ epcigtali Jnre Dý[¶ry tub, gobd t-a choice 12c .eo tv*t '4cbh cldI.-uitch-.4 A despatch tiram Phila-dlphi ns ight aad Power Comp n.Llîniited, lifno gae . 0 le. e su illld 1wth wate , h t cy The incarne e i-a-ud o! 81,200 ani t .change iis na-me te the Rio Da ty pýoua-d ral,, god. ta l o ectoen wt & uete- y--yas eJ-ire Traiuway,'Llght ,LaPnri Pow- hoice ............l 'n3,l -drowa-ed. ne,'94. ici'er Cé pa-ny aîe<-n alvel- o ir .d. - 'l 2 the redrwnd.uicaica- of t eoin t. y" h Loan -ad ~-- 0 ~~~j~Ssmps-. Uv., slaves -gees - a-begglng in Ca-- lves &UCtc'pTie"'En 1.2oaca.a 11RS9P. ada-. Net sia-ce 1884 ha-e the iflher- jThemaca (llaladmnand>. - TIi market la- eteàdad ci8-'.: fer. nan' lespa-lch freai Liao-1Yang aya s ct been elainied. l-teiy-Yer epcigthe *Alliance Baak ai lrgo -vus or tw;àl îmo'-ai g the laposslhillty of bringllg - the - principal ha-s grcWn. with the Canada-lMr. Russell.-lagissl-g-tç> Sa dzilsive battle la ccnsequeaile Compouftdirug ci.tateret, unbih- the Io - l lie retirenment cf buec JapAnese. whohle snàOw more than $3.200- Thoe E IES 1 IGTO. UIE TTSMRES Lhe beavy raine, aca-. Kouropat- Provideat Life and Trust Comapa-ny,-Bual, uy -Fu-tîit- ~ccomanle hy he aulib-i'ya-l-hruele o!the ha-t, hae emleye At-Affedting Children ILSWheatSrgdulNa2roi-u, slerurigte a-Cheng., toîaey Charles Tcwaeend ho ascerla-inl; o.2 orh combata-ts are appý&rently la- wbet-her there le a- Canadiaa inetilu-Pu-hg ocrs 424*c; Wiatcr, nothing, daiag. Carn- o.. The Japa-nose have retired" tien eligible ho receive -thé laceraie. Kiagsla-, Juiy 5.-ýThis city le la Quiet;N.-2eo,5c; No. 2 drysa-dypar cfbie cunry ram te -beqes.. heWilberierce 1the ip l)o! a-n epideie cf a- tagec-,52.Oî-Quiet; No. 2 white,ý iv-I b ttt'wd-le. ho Ru - du a-lla Isthuhe eta hsh d y' ch -rctx.'lb nîa-kéthi r , ande co 5 2c a __ . 2 mixet A, 1 -~. B -ly f wages ant i hgh prices 10or supplied. pOIIDS iMPASSAIILE.- depatch ýfiomn Tatch.okia-o via- y~anag, eay~s-Oca-. Kuroki ha-s ,to retire, proba-bly as the- ne ef the nains, whlçh have floodi- thue rivera a-Ad Ibreitonedt Oi offet f-cai his base cf eup- Neaa-y &I tlieeustolaùY now a-l'eaisohately, imppssable. cispatcli to the Lond~oa- Stand- roma Ta-la-Tsin a- ys that -the, operMuioa-s. lxx thercar of Port The, correspoadent o! 'the London Standard ntI Malsuyama, ýJapan, ca-b)iag under date ci Juae. 30,,says: "4To-day I visiteci the Russian prie- onere hore. Pive hadreti-a-nd i ihit cf them i ae atimilledti la îe armny hespîtal, pra-ctically a-l o! '.a-wh isuffereti froinu nats iafhLcted frra ~a-al armes. Tn'o hundreti anti' rnni have boa-il diachangeti a§ completoiy <rured. 'At prtisenh thora' arc hwelvc offilcars, 37 noii-commieglia-ed ofli ' * an-d 245 privýata- -nder 'treatament lucre, and iua-l o! thent <ure kely teé r'aca-ver wieu 'the exception cf a-ne, Who' I>iis ha-a-apara-lyzed. "7Thra -t~efilve tomporary hosp$- taleina- Matssya-lfa, init~'lyu'JàpaÙ-> a-sé Io<1ies, Ainilea;n wa-uen. misa-ton- a-ries a-ad ina-mbeocf the Pied Ciross assse l- in ie ursing.- -, *"The auawounaded. prisoners vceaia CLOSE TO POT1 RHR J'apana-se AýePlcn1i-a Guns - Cefo, uml 5-Chiuese jus a-r-1 rivti onO aie1ft l'art Arthuar an' Juy2ad, sa-y -that oaly mné,e c lbe I -I d offieers, a-ad 583 -uriva-leo, crs hava- sa-para-te quartcre] allon'ed te employ -a-eoek 3 own.andtetépurchasa-lux- 'wena-twno weoundad i-aibrs nreceivet." SACR=U AND EATEN. Swi" Ex~pedition Sent Aga4xst 1Canniba-is. -mt'lhfro-2 oadoiit suuys Is reachedt Antworp that al a - ingle insane. usylualin l- the -whole of hile SI. Pobersbturg' ditmict. - 'A speelal commisionar,' says the pa-pea',. reports a sboe-king steé.ry ai 1,500 ltina-tics. lnthe proevince, .400 ai tbem dlangerous, mWho are bing kept htY nolatiyes,. di-la- *l 'b-te. -Sotie 'O ENIFORCE. HOMiSTY0 .ations cof Canadian. Fruit Marks Act. Toronto despatch says: Several îttci!s of t ho .Fruit Marks -Act -fl packing of Canadian. stra 'wber-1 are rpre by P. J. Carey, DO- jon fruit lnspector, wyho is ia Ta- ao în cannection *With enfarce- it of the htw. The,.complaîntis sa mu*ch with regard , to. individu-' aoxes 'as, t -packiuig cf crates, topý tier of! which contains fine twith. inferior, quality lower., ýre have been muany coruplaints cf strawberriies 'shipped lfr oin the Ued States. Mr'. Carey.,says.ta Canadian. law cannot rach _the ,ers anid shippers of this direct, the dLca-l6rs herc who have lan ir possessioii or ollar for, sale fruit Iulently piicked are.'lable toaa and (an ha prasecutcd. VOý KILLED, ON CRUISERk -Plsano British . Vessel as King Lef t Kiel. LKIçel despatch says :.-T4roùgh accidentai eýxplosian of'a, racket board the crui.ser,,Juno, on ti r, anicafofthc E.nglish .vessel§ as- ting*the Royal yacht, twa cf tho vW were kill. The Juniio caughit but the fdames -were seon extin.- [hed. ýCUT H11*5 OWN -THROAT X~ersca- Tawnship Farier End< Life.. *Leurnington.,1despatch -sanys.:- in Vester, a resp.ect-il farmier,'re- ling, on thc si.xtli concessian Mer' xcolnnitted suicide by cuttiig hiL, roat on Monday moraiing.- Hc at- mpted -ta poison him.self abouit ýk -aÈo by- drinkiagr a Quaaatity ol -pentine whicb - a!4,ina'the bouse is said that is îiaid was un. Jaaced .b famîilytrouble!I. HISBAEÂB UT!9OFF.. ýan Decapitated'by Express Trai: at St. Ma.ry's. . st. Mary's, despittcli anys an,,namced- J. W. Grahamn of Loti a,ý was iastaatly killeil ut thejurne on station an Friduy alternoon ewa.s, gaing ta L'ondon, -and as thi Lpress frain the -. west pulled- in ,ti ie station- lie, atteuijîlted ta cross i ,.>nt a!fI-itat the, s'cond traciý âcere Mis train -stocl.: nieWa l ocked down and rua over by - th giner, his, head beiag severed.- EOILER EXPLOSION. latal Accident in Sawmuill Nea - -- alibiirton., FTliburton, Ont., July 5.-Short] fai ter o'clock this. -moraing* tl trgc boler ila Peters and Cainý iwmill, - locate aboutk, sve- m-il( -n the -village, exp.,loded, complet demollshing -hU nic miiiand instant] Z00PEOPLE, PLI Steamer Noîlre Struck on 'Wentlf Down in -Deep, *A despatcb freinLondon - s ili- reat h Over 700 Daulsif and- 0or w egi aa n watc ga 1d i1' gratsbod for New York are ba- bout, whxclî waý leved tô have been drowned 'la the ýfailed and' n'as1 North Atantic Sea. Ouit oai early le' Uic sea Ïby 800 spulfý on board the DaishI steuin- of struzggling ii er Norge, which leItL Copenhagen l dren gpil] June ,2 2_b.oaly 2.7 are kaown to bc. affects of tha h\,v alive - _and' for the rest ne o '(-pe i s - d clear of this, hcéld out. '- - jusâ< a,;silsha dr When last secn-the Ne;crge n'as ' sIak- wcat down. ing -wherc shestruck on the Islat cfi , Peter 1Nýlso1,1 Rockall, whose isolated pckarse 3ajdl: "For sc1 itself froin a deadly Atiantic reef -la comlpali Wi sonie 290 muile.3,off the wcst coan3t cf but the str:on- Scotland, frein th- ous E ua r l y i l a t h e - n l î r n i ni g c f J u n e 2 8 , s a c a O f 1 t h c ý . i l S ~he1Norge'. wblch was co! ercdusUpofl( ~ourse la heavy wethr ru aon for an boaril the Rocekall reef, which ia the' .lis-1 lest aur entire tance looks like a -sip undior fun tr1 latâ -saii. The Norge n'as (Ituicl;ly býaCheil thi1k cf, Wbut_. cff, 'but- tbe beavy ý-sn po'eiliu- boziL" -- the, rent in the bews. -- The oniy'lhepc -Thea Norge q1lickly- began te - go ty-.seven Nvhb C dowa :by tbç hend.< Figlit bouts few cf the elr were lowered and lan-these ,the wn'amaTi The sic-ai ir andl chiîdren woe hulTiendiv' placed. Thoir chanceli Six ofI these boats smnnshed aga-inaýt then la practic the.sides of thc N'orga and their .sLhl1ng- the 1 helis inn aates werec aughit lp bY 1'Rochli u s wid s he beavy seas; -A Ul fr o at' ouds got safeiy v away tri .he sid e cf . the , slnklag blp,'- T h esteain tr Sadnany af the.cnigrants who0 were -lait on ,board, eiia if' baltsGimh.l s, threw tfhemsolvcs into the sea ad te 2 Q ,7 were drowaed. -ia ad 0 ai Capt. Gunidel, so sav the 'usios a n]~ )f stoad an the bridg~e cf the 'douemed "eic J.'vspiuni i oud- c s - . uans, Swveoies, -, DRAWN DOWN" WITH S11P 80 men. The. Norge foundered suddoiy., 'and "AIl!n'ont w soea.600 - terrifiad eniùirants Were aIn -la îybi throwa into tha water and d rawnafa st. Wa linar down with the sinkîng s1ilj. Those thon another I nWho couild swimi tried' te rcnéli the ed on dIcck. bbata, but these iérc'-aircad-y too haLd happcýned'C Sfull, and their occupants heat oFf U1ic - up ny bcloagLý 17 drowniang ,people i -th ouirs. -The "Scores ni W C7 liQats,-kapt together for' sema bhours. dnd the hati '*Practically al cf their occulpants 'em1ligr-ants.- le were pa ssengera, and marclot nsad Iboats and 1îi Sto 1hnin.SUChI craft.Th boa-t there n'as ne-] [occupied -by the survivers ladda is G ri nsby nas a l fe o t.boa r -int e w î1i Oaa aaccQunt sys that thrcac boats bail the' only were, successfully Iluuachcd, the ct-lier nd -lio n'a: twe'or holding about tan cactia. The- boit . - -- ifeboat Maàde faster prcgrcss, a-ad i 'swt feu la with the Salvia. Whut ha- owiag -te the cam c f the other boats is net yet no anc. coffli ar njw iiWe -made The rescue of these la thc lifeboat we last- sun'; 1yteck place ut 8 c'cldcek iu tbheniera- Ier. of elfllgrL Lia ling cf Ju1ne 29, the, survivors- con- Capit. Guandel Il S sistiag cf 20 min, ena aI tiiîcur'a sea- pozcnls oai a.- as man, six wcnien and a gir-l. te the sea. t- Oaa aif , tfie survivors _'said thuat buit we re r' , iy1wh eu«ha get -na dcck thcne,ýrge wis "A ftai' -2-I mployet inlu he milh; William iua-.tiag loner lu then'a-ber. 1 lil -ati Abou0îi uolber 'employer n'aâs fatnly iijrcd, wn'ith fî'ighitthe survivors, a-ifstrug- Idron'aed uly sur.vlvlng'-a---feW -heuro. Semerai ghad for places lunbbc e t~ Ti-cv The --N LhOus nore nioea -or aess.seriouc;yIV-foUîght their n'ay to the bg Iii,(-, Copenha njuiî'd by iaLliizngt b!bodscl- iat, anti un ofic'r stou ed six ne- Seanidini ng stasiii. - miand the.girl andtihlon tld tue j axîniber 111--, marlîiuei'y 10%S l'QeI, et aian 10 gt tii. i- -3,-'1 The ho iiisuid niaChîiery ,are gt hro~ -m fliC aie oi six-,nat( aluei a-t about $8,000, a-ad are a a-j,i, worge. SceÏig. that 14Ce boa-t -Th11eN aplate,e-reek- T he icsea!eonS e UIt nas .-îay ove-rua-don, thi.o ofilcer 1881. d tinmber, ahiagles, etc., is enltircly - SLAVU-TER, OFACHINESE. 'ASII!I EBUM HE II lutch in ladies Xiii. Woinen andi The Very La-test Iténms Frer Alf irF o ru -Chiltiren. - - Pa-rts of the Glqbe. te tho, I the lut Amsterdam,' Jul 'o3-ýA despateil- ro Batavia ('capital ai he, Dulch - DMINON Ot tn &a-at ladies) ays that -beh coimun- lror o!he expédition 1l'o North -Achia A a-' $8,000 boapital - latao ho toraeýY Nrhrn 1Sumatra) abltae k eti -1Lik t buit -a-h Portage, la Prairie, Ma-n. --Mis M :n June 20)., The Achinase basses Da Einfl,. a fa-mous aIod-lialanima ç-re 43,2 killed, includia-g 281 namen uniînstîci and thee balon cf bDmxýe a-d 88 children,:.and 54: neunièti; 17 ei IbürutVuie, . - , prisoners - were taken. The -Dutch The b)od aiof an inuiiit bled-upiîuina aciàa-lties incluxdeti the 'commxander, snck ylht-Éa tdoile atbached Nwbs. 'hliculennt,. we se,èrgeants, a-ad 13.:founutiiii thea ,narsli ut llaliuîtonl.-'- ,oldei's noundeti.. 'At the reqest of!the Thiibetaiis aln on June 2a the Dulch ltuipopsa aI- ariniSîc bsbacgaîîte. by tle- w ta-ked Ta-agaI ýbars, mwben, he Achia- British la oi'dei' ta allen' af - eacel ose loases 'euic 654 kiuled. iacluding negetiatitls..- A a 186 'womnen anti 30 cildren, aa ama sanasd 49owaecl a-I A d bo -9uid4 8 pisoners were ,ta-on. Ottawa a, yaara-g. or on' COiiimuîi Tlie Duîte 'lasses nreacapai,22. that ho n'as hî-'ir t a -large for'tune - tavo soltdiirs, a-ad 6 coolies noumideti. u uioal.-ci j Spcil ficr adptaliens'1.cnlld pe M .JAPS IM MOTIEN, PASS. Position :Occupieti Withouh Rési'%t- Tokio, Judly_ 5.-Press daspa-tehie irom Feù-g-W-ang7CFiieng, ta-ted S - day.nigh£, repoprt-Ihàt.Cen. Kuroki's' divisions ativaneati on .Jie 7alcangl bile- Liao-Ya-ng BRond a-ad n'ithaut. flghtiag occuipic'd the Motion .-POSS. On'I'niday t.huecentrdcehuôlnins accu- pied ,a-norîli * anti souîtl liae 100 -miles.'long, extendiag Iront nenrth of Motion- Pues tla-he Shimiu-!Cling a-pannwas ,-oaf Spri ri alOA.7. place, n'al T FROIT I gillions foe sian 1 ,patch frîîî sef- De Rot [le flethill cf the 1Iu' wil haapoîîîîad - ude' Si' Williiai ister e of îîal-e11r< pui rles posd alteîi la-ber iawn ooutaO iniori ameaidmeant. - - tn legim'. 2 t1a rpo'ld taI - Ie m pose pfrii ~êRosseau oai- l"rîce uttenipledti 10dwell'Imîgs fo-r tI ml~rit - suicide, bt' as prevantati classes. Tlle di by bis n-ire. -- -ha-me rneot, yat bec -11lîie-vcs Irehiç e lenthe corruor-stane cis xanouincedtir oi -he nen' lidle olae hs t. flic renta ai tbe Catha-rnandIstole $385 ila huI miii hodevotaci bis*. 7The bis lia-ti Mon cnjnceiied o! the> condition biefora boýiîig phuct'd.iii bic atone. - Adoîpho é-Perrztilt. ai Rut Portage, CORPSES-I n'wa-aecatea-ced tato WO Yeauis aOù'r1 , jday, for oblaiuilig $1)0 uînder aIs Terrible Siaugi aron- -issn 2asn;f?7n ~ ailof hmaae fencd off lior citg( étaCRnOIVte othestcl-p eucS frajie a -'ii -lie pî'oiiised t xne- e- t Jpaaseaqudro Manyfa-abioxi for Omer uamsas a1ii S i lrspohiceicuaâ menn- Atac sîda- Port Arthui'lr a'r, il censiseetihavelv-dlsbiaa-hmaad a uiiaelmok i aia trin mo- Or. yeans, aad nne a- resaItl bavaohce-frla-.1irnon e! 'hevn ~fIbelirger ships. O ae--aîr - ada ricnlclta h ol ceve7 sS1a-ýý nd .,ji9lvlsc cm iken-fid 'boa-sta, hîi-tia-g, veini ofIhe nountains la- aliosI a-enraie th ec olsi -dé o! Port Arîhur;, :ad -lest their pow'er' o! speech. a-ad oceuipied. on Wdnsa IL l5ls ouidt ha-vobeau chaseti i accordaiCe inn mias maies ~Novosti repartesIlhat as a-aylaa-i is tien 58 îrilcs ciistciLiao-Yanagt ali ie a'aiasicawOa. ,iliatea-dC cernag ho report, Wenooanly separat- a-but tbhobuiît. -comma-ding bile* a pproaciles hy 1rond Twothu'edloa iea cae dhn'oi e--<. k cd onè frein the -<thor by'a amlle, the &btoiluTtsoitur nt oîig noln tb n' bait pertejof d Whi. Jaaes -ir--iagsbaiy rm. . . . .. "r- -.4...l.. '-"-he centre, coilitains. I catructor te proccd nitb the work wliich wc 111' a111 a ilc wth hyTWEIITY. KILLED'Iii WRECK Two' Tolio newn;ap-pars bava lieea o!excava-t iag for- the ne on'dp(ýtat'da-rm-ei aepla-ciig big guns. Il le said- they landet if1l0 a! these gune - a-t Da- .-- lae o fa-taiglre-ti' i ipcg. faî TrinD-r-ie atiBrntiM nipoxtant positions ta- the r nof9 Icaeage heig_,it of grainhin th- boa-ps of A.RMSTICE OVER. Iýra-ai]an, a Vielaa-t Pr Atur. -- , Nàèrlhn'asb la froîntVlV 0tneI ui, â. dspt- iches. Illeila'b avon bile grduind 01 - --A St. LouiM. d ahanysý: Tibêtan Delagates Declinaed ta- A speciaL frema Litchifielti savsye Iiit LT3E'O mD ania xeln eai.-Bamyrna Evd eJa-ng. tb-hcgo Limnited, qa- Ib Wa-bah due a- I. a 7 . ISouthen- Manibaban-i a ag thle Gyar-gle-' Ju4- 5.-_The armstic~'el-e, aliad, du- i. S. a 1' -Kuroii<Sentis e ort eta- Sharp 'Prince ,Albert bra-ch. - anr-ngd a -scv augo -ii'the it-l-a.,ond h-fan or'Fight. jAds Tibeun elegats ~ wrcked aut'Su-ai'ov nught l-sie bilhe -Clmr iieshl h a tiuiihyo af the T etCa-n c eneg as ity ,limits. ---The train stStuùc-3 an TllJuly 5.ý-Gezicuiul Kuroki ro- j vol.etfor ie o bwisr-a'ý. ns t re h vcaino og s savîch aad n'as èiirturned îaid iptsthat hwo atlie Rus-o! r cîra-<e i-~aytucst,80 ro-acnifrýi0 th1e British desanded. They decha-reth OPenùe.Iti poran atkdtse -cosl-$W,80hall siteoi'it tu-hIhy it -c dreled ~un ëhncrs n'a-ebumunt ll le msat4kdbl Jpaaas- out- poseti nlé iîy Levisie lecea ieceicd -li-vdIhl0 perseuis prîshet in postsa a- Mile-Tiie- Pas on Jly 4- $20,000, fine strihioru a-ar 0..1E ei i 1cms they r ivdinstrutitons&train lev ha1ht i2te1'ceaI $4.000. anti lIme Bon' Crne I tu l)fi niteafor te- the second .a-ad- third .cea-aies, >oat 'unter caver ai a dense Thogal- ' ' cabala-us th Bo ti-he oa-La..a nd ýt.hat 40 wn'e lîjaret. Ameligtile Russi-aswr cuised,, huitt hheye- j Rivr-nbridge te ceaI $S9,OdO. The ba-ha-cI Upo tntconluio c> ta-'a-aiS-dea-is te .Pierre V. Bald, O!f'Mca- ticunecianti cba-rgt'd it'ea-rasles b-l-tlo oa-Iv ha- thle Wo-'4hirds Im lice, lua-Sb'itiOiibegaa- 'agail. The ti'ail. fore llyn"ollal d'vnci.Te o nicrne. K-îcpp. tý -B iih> erpeitiona-ty force sha-Ila-t Japianesc pur'suod thea- for - thre' -wesa 1~gead 4-le toP BIisRWARPII?'Srtc-(:aPD-1mies - -dtcmàa-fuostr l the n'oatn'a-dai' Ma--Tien 'rOilEIGN Mre. 1Kti ~ fa. ~ Sec - - -' , --- àF-sa. The -Ruessiana leil 30 dea-td anti_» inwudda l ili h The Government will buillti a -tn'a mothc liaitnie -R'--- in -Tbree Mia-ute a-s -w - - j5 killed a-ad 301 million hacha-I ste-el clevator a-t Port poison I eJa-pa i, ýc na-se el supee i~>4a~0ryýe!e' - : Wth vte-incbý pua. wuadad. ýmncann rauci ~ 'da-î-h eays :4ba-- - '~o! C-adia-n pcuibny dealers e Slia-g - â Klta--iisorrespondelit of -the, DaiIy - - - .Eipreag telegra-phe ahtH..S. Ven. RUSSIAli OPPICER SUICIDES. tht pradece lthee ithout a licence. KING pp tg Bneerabljhas aut ceaated a world's , , Central <a-nsas te fiooda-dby heavy ë Ã"rd in ~,.-fin1a-hare, Oef- tlier Eâ4 ae a-cl soedfor" Seflig ag s'al-, causiag imachdamna-geotecrepa 'Warnly - aettee eces,-a alic-i. uaybridges have 410rU -1--0 d-paIh-tamPri ny -The ha-a-a-washed an'ay.,-Ata and ,te5ýt riaom- 4séé-egi ni-a bta. ' Te follewl-g nast Je'unul'i St. PetIersburg carra-spcn- Il is ra-portedtihat 2,000 mca- werc lClng 1, Our t*sl rtss'1 !thé oa-ohdei'seSI at.tp. IfkoIT, whc ha-4 killet a-ad n'ouata-t l na a-recent battie Frida-y w -- - #4 ý birbeté the tiniq oui l- fadlbeniuù~d-i'haîe 'Frt'rea o! behween Govera-mea--hanti revolution-" na-s - - n thr-iiiute;s "ýTmiit, 9 Peter -and i Paul for sellicgSIaIe a-s'y farces in Unruguay."- rceorde "- A1eflâz, ls. igh1t 1flhî9, r uÀdOî dculenI t eJ-p-es, Gas«erge , .Arnoldi cf- elavaa, Wia., Azaaing tau - "eft ;p5> roua-45h ôbtil&. >iiiixàited Çi by op ag 'una-rejoicee la-tho possession cf a pair Salvatic hitjÃœ' 01 alf#k cov i - <-y c: e 't y '4 I E c I. 1. eýl

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