Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jul 1904, p. 11

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'Ff LI~L9~ JUH Y W tiA1004S AMELR WENT TO HUD- Ã" STOP POACH1NG., s te Norbern Laèbraer- Nu4auly TevnXah- thé Aussreata WhaIer Ieani. But More Tha 0 iNew Bedford iWr. For- Ir Neptune, of St.~ cirartared by the Ca- wment-.to convey thé ex)edition,- under Do-: muent auspices, toe uiT- bava making . good time. 1ax on- Aug. 22i, and six ýalleait - Nachvnk, on brader, where airaena- erpr2,er.* Prom tint as te steamninorthtorl mlet. la' queci o!. e thre mouveintehts -of-tire ilera, ànd-tien, entering t, would proceed te her. ,r, near Tiarble llani,- best coat,'1 near to the mtry, which the white ver penetrated. A! ter St ors at Nngaya Day 20, iwhich should have John's, Nfld., by Oct. nora 'tdtibe heard froin uly next, a- pariod of' iinontis. chie! objeef s e!'her son Bay is te drive ont n whalers, who hav<, g thete for many yeara, ,yeata ago, a fleat' of ïteaty' vessels frein New ed the. cetaceans' tiere, .0 their becomning acarc-- has dwiniled dewn t< ire engagei thara no*, ®r them -wère sent on by I t la prasumad that centain instructions for as'te how they' shenld ient "o! being erdei'od té t. 'la probabto tint thçy ted te make ne tpouble, t te' tic inevitable. t sometimes remnOl rtitrce years. The crea- unt. la the. bewiead -.*o ,hale, the 't'st valuabk 1, witose "whitlabone" ij 100 a ton. An aduit mai t fifteen hui'dradweigl eut fourai' tons of ohl Tie crews' c! tieCýwhaiers neo'long- et lv, on the'siips'ýduring. the win- ter. but ashore With the Eskimos, usiné the*.sanme food-seal, .walrus, and wilale ment. 'with vènsioDn, bear ment, sen birds and fsi te .vary it.' Sait food la n bsolutely barted;_lb producea acurvy ver-y son, Ihe .c<n-ý lition acceleratad .ail toc oflenby the indtMlgenin l alochai 'conluon to sailots. Scores o!. graves un, every harbor tattested thée fell wotk dong han foui smelling, ill-ývenitila.ted cabins, with -itie or .ne exa rcise talzken for meontis. But now thea native vaode. of lUe has ,adcpted andi the murtàiity Tha, Scotch whaling' enterprise ln Cumberland Gui! la presecuted froin two- shore ' stations, ships nôt being, ernployed at ail, oèxcepbt te visiithte pesta annu.ally and -unload stores tiare, taking away bite. producîs -.in exciange. -T.hese alations area t harbors cediTBiaxdleand d eker- bon,, and are ownect by . Messs.. Noble o! Aberdeen, who hava maintained theinafor upward cf 40.Y'ais. Encr stationia a. Scotch mana- ger,- ail the test clf i. employes be- Iag Egkiimos, a tribe of thase, dbonb - W;e- nd'd nIlfysus belng settled ato und «.enci station. Mrl. Milne, te chie! factor la' charge at, Biacklend,. has been living tiere for morg than thirty years, - nd ia trade only one trip -ta Scetla.nd laij te wholo period. -31r. Muicir,- a yaunger mai', ha factor at Kakerbon. Eacir peat las a aubstç.ntian, dwell- tng sud stores for the chie!s a.nd" le Lsuppliad iT wi 'ix f tut-classa whale- - lonts, ritir thea fnest modÇrn Outflts, .erything being kept la the fin 'est ordet. The Eskimos arevaty fteaci- eble, and-have no vices, ' and -are a compflete co nttast ta - the -, iotOu teww-cf tire whaling vessaeis, who are the scuna o! the sea!aring .Worid. At both *Blneklead -sad -, Kkerbon similar establiiiments ware, main. 'taîned by' the Amiericans until 1894i when *they solT out tethe Scotch, after having operated, tieire contin' Suously for over thirty years. - in -l-Cumberland. Guilf wiiales are. goi r off the aedge o e! ie eh ir, espring 4 4rhen they -ara. on thiri way north 0 andiTfeaiT 'for seatima c ff, the meut] Y' o! the. inlat, onthie annalculai whicir aboniTlhetc. Thcy.are aga!] -found:tire.n haea utuima, -as th'a; icolne - souti r fqunthe bigiier, ati 1- tudes, belag drivan away by t r fréezing ovet ýoi the seas. lu la le, rs harbor in GCheterfield o*a Wcelcôme, a fiord rua- ail the wlnter, and. b if the. whalcs la bowiaads being believed bay la June.anafater re, ail surnuner tiiey re- Atlantic innte aututri Hudson. Strait >cornes i ice, ns tie wiraia, bcbng roquires a clear area hn comj te te surface to 'y ten minutes or se. ,r a curieus fat tint lte preosecubo .the witale firh- Hudson Bay, whiIe the su'a eqttaily exclusive an- that lan-Cumbeland 'Gui!, A caasdias by Birtb. * One o! Làondon's best-known poste designers '.s!. a- Canadian »-by birti John Hiassa14, twhese humorous wox1 îsr anl overthe 1British'biliboards sent solnee sketches up to a Londgi weekly, whose cd itor .astonighed ,hxr by ýacceptxn g the]». This ga-ve Ha9W çall theaMbîitioft to become a gRea aritist; ho studied. thre-e yesrs on th Continent.,- ndtthen camne to ,Lonid te do se. lie succeeded quickly, an his namin .anow known neariy a the world over. .,MNrst-of his' idet (says a wrlter- ln reaxson',o Magî :-ine) are got from rieal hife.- -T Ujndergtoufld Railway .ciTersa a gi e field for the gathering o! ideas, ai when -he feels oyite bankrupt. cf su, gestions ho takes himself ln thatd rection,,' snd, sometinies in a- r cas, then in a third, he .willa the whole lenigth Of the- Une roux looking about hin te- sef WhAt Il felew-passEflgers a~reMie. 'aer publie bahan aI&ugh Oves'bis' "fmcd ittg la a ta 4't Manebester, LlverîpocI it) ehester man, i -but, Il la Bal& glaiid, should gtbse hg proverb. "A. M Averpeel gentlema lassillcatlon Ilauçit lu. Lancasbire as ,eh es were runnini aked. "Who bas'1 TuE SOIJTISXM SE1IMI ....No..... 450 50 ______Âlike No 2-. .........3604 Ã" Red, No.-1 .... ........... 550 6 00 .ZIVIL WAR REUCS 0F WHITE HOUSE- Red, No. 2 ....... e550. 550 0F 114E CONF.EDERACY. TimothY- Seed ...............i1.Do0i 60 Ogilvie'o liunâarian . O0<00 2 75 a m r . -) r a :w : ' l p r O I I . . . . . 2 0 0 2 5 0 Bran, per ton ... .... .18 D020 00 heBt.ad O Shorts. per- ton' ...... 20 00 25 00 O.written IEist.er-v If Rec.rded by Mta. Bee!,- by quarter per cwt 25 7 50 efuonamde .I,,Butc1Lee'S Cow.....3 Do 3 25 a~' *1.*.i'-Rh1~OOButcéhiÈ'SB CaIttie ....4 DO 4 25 * Chie. ita.Export Cattle........Ï5 5 00 0! the many historie features of Sto)cker'5 Cattle, goed cler 3 00 .- à 5 the old southern city cof Richmond. Stockex's Cattie, off colur 2.50. 2 DOý 'X.,-.none is mjore interesting titan. Milk Cow..... .... ... 25 00 35 DO the Confederate m-useufli, once theý Calves.. .... ......... t DO0 6 DO White House of the ÇonfederatO Stat- Sheep ........ .... ......... 3 50 13-50 es cf America. To the northernler- Lams.. . -.......1 ...-.'4 DO056DO scarcely lesa than. to the menai and lepgs, lire wight.. ... ... O f00 4 75. women who kne-w it as the scat cf'a Hogai light fat...... ... ...O0 DO .4 75 Governwixt te which they gave the Hôg,- heaVy. fat . .00 D 4 5Q beT T r c eir -te_-the relics legs, dressed per 100ib 6 00O'0 50 wiceh enshrine i are'inspiraiticfls Chicekas, per l... ... ..O0 10 O Il to ti nîg nieuiories. ýliere soldiora Dticks, "Per lb r.... l 0 là -f th !1,u an-te_.WII.woZ:__oGeeelresai, 41t . a..... , Hav AlaysI~og1z, nti «wblch bas beoe ver 30 years, bas borne the signatitre of ____and bas beecuiade wzder Ide ver- -sona1 supervisioù ince Its Iufa»cy. A).Iow no» one to decc >ive -yon lu titis. Bts, Imitations and "11Just-as-Égood" aubut that trfile wltk and endanger thie Iealh:ot ühnIdrcu.-1lxperiOflce agaînst. Experiment. at is CASTORlA> a ariess aubstitnte for Castor,011, Pare- gand Soothlng Syrups. it is Pleasant. I1t tRer Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie [ta age la its guarantee. IL destroys Worms. '7cerbsiness. It cures Diarrhea and Wind. [loves Teething Troubles, cres Constipation acy. It assixilates thie Food, regulates, the. i JBoweI5, givln,«ç .heaUthy and nmitural sleept uz'a patnica-TiC Motherla Frlend. CASTORIA AWY Boirai the Sigature of - Use For Over 30 V- earsé Jolinsten at the lime cf, us. death L1DA MRET içle and the- ting cattied thtougbuut the Guçs hat....... 0'0O et alwar byi t cNnth-Arkansa .s1 Infantry. Spring Wheat...... O8 a he Tilu>s' eatiful. relie- l ie aiWn........ ..$6 lu,- whole b riiding la the sword crostlng Onýts >... ... O.28 O t w$1,000 la goid presenead te Genàetal. Rye - O. à 0 O SSterling Fric. bytire 'ioien ef.New Bnrley-0N. i...... O3 --Orleans. A portion o!aHàgcardTIfrley, No.,2....... 0 8 O by 1hi@ division, -donalad ýby M1rs. Bariey,'NSe. 3 . ... O 35 0 g, a Letltlft Tyler & 1emple, daught4r cf Feas, Canadian Ben,éuties O 65O thw È rosident Tyler, la ancthr- sýouv eir pels, Black .Ey .. .O 5 ited 91 ~i t tnushdODIh--Fes rne ht.0 O60 0 fra - - .-- -nkhetO.... . 40 O WHITBY MARKES. htat5 white ..... ...80 Tieat, eprïng ... .....0O ~~etgia5-....... ...... 70 nr35 . -Ask ..... ........... ..3 O IEggs, !resh, par doz..0-i iButter, petr lb., fçir relO 18 i' Hay....... .... ........iOt>01 I... ...... 6Hg '-40 5':ogs live weigitt, par cwb 4 9 a legs, fats ..-X.4....5 01 liglighis, ...... ...... 2 b'Potatoes. per bag .......060. in à -lp- nA b r.. ..... - 0 5e A mgei flies ùhe. Wekg spo n Kiýd neys that. take oed asily, prove wea-kness --.puPet dIsease sih ~ç~3Ioe8OOfl es- a pserlous 4Içs um* ~vital, orgai4 as Ibe Kidney l eed Natur' warnmg. Make the Xidneys DOW~& Mc~ILLr welarnd trong, so they ican3m perforin th&i proper duties. Gar h INayswat n kephe vi Tlucy thengtbren welan KdeySp -ceanuxi àsot heai the àflectet parts--jmt those Ima- portanit organS la. test passible candi. tio, sd effectivclycureall X3dneyI'Toubles Try GxxN P1LTýs. If they don't-cai- pletely, cure yoe. ve athoize -jour drug. giat ta refond the iaoney. ThVat shws aur consience iii GIN ?iLLS. 0Cbox, 6 boxe& for $2.>, at your druggistea or direct f roua lut SOL£ ORUG GO.. WINNIPEG@ Mia. 1904 WALL PAP(RSN aaau5U5SaMU55I- - W.have - now recai*ved-\ths 1eptli'g's goods. I amn saimpies eT a Firat raté stock: of telatestdsin in WàllI witihin- the. each cof ai1. 1904 -open te show paýpe-ta. Pries *2 gray, meut un.auiity. te talk. o! tha. Turkeys, dreffled, par lb...0 12 O 13 strenueous'àayâ o! tliir youth,, and Butter, roll........ O,12 0O-14 naxiy an acquaintanco begun frain Lard......... ... ...... O0 10 0.113 opposite aides of the -ftting lino has' Eggs, pet doz ............O0.12 il113, been cementcd ie'o friendship under Iýtatoes, per bag . t0 50ï, O 50 th roc! which once. sheltered Jeffer- Apples, pet. barrai ... 1 . 25 1 50 son Davwis and-his Cabinet. * Onions, pet bila,....... 2 5 '-If the niuscuni guide should *ver- Hay, per toip. ...... ... ...S8 DO 9 DO write his , weinoirs; they wouldi con-ý Straw, pet load........ .2 DO, 3-9O taini choice, bits o! unwritt.en his- Straw, per load.....2 DO 3 00 -tory gteaioed frein visiting, vterana,. Hides, par cwt ...:........ . 6 DO 7 00 s&ara Newapaper Correspondent Har- Sheepskins ... .. ... ... ...O0 20 1 DO *DeaconLs..... ........ ..... 0250 60 Taflw, rendered, per lb 0 04 0 05 PORT' FERRY MARKETS ...... Fàll 'Wheat' . '.. .. .. 085. Spring WiiVeat.....0 80 0 83 Goose Wheat .........070 075 Spriug Wheat ..........O0DO0 O08.3 Goose Wheat......... O 70 0 73 fi., " Barley..... .......... 035 0 44 Ry0'k. ...00 0 53 Qt........... ...030 030 Buckv4eat........ O40 O 40 - Large Pes........ Oo '0 60 Mu~y'a......... 000C 060 TR OUDRT MSU. SMRaIt Peas...........O0DO0 O060 vey . [Ïore. A nortiterner whc was Blue peas............... 0 DO 0 55 in Richmond recently teld ihç guide Alsike Cl9ver. .... 5 50 6 O00 'tht " hond been one o! the, warders Red..Clover........,50 5 75 o! lresident Davis ut Fortiesa .lMon- Bexîns bs......... D i20ý roa u-nd that ho h ad cut a. button, Corn 1 i00.......I O .1-10 frei j h@ coat which Mr. Davfis woro AlipIes pet barrel...... ..O0 75 1 00, white in his charge. The. guide was fogsLve .. 5 DO0 O0DO0 abl te- show hlm the cent. sand-,the, VOi...... ... ... ... ....0' 9 O 14, buttai' Which the inorthernërsit ite Potatees pet bag .......0 O0 O 50, Ëad taken was found ta be missing.» The- sentinel who relieved hlmn, Uth northerner. snid, had, covtted Mrl. . UXRDG .AIETS. Daývis' neetschaum pipe; bu* know- - ing the pré 1sident td be a-n inveter- -te i3moker, ha. had1 sparea i1t. Thre Butter................. ..... O 16 0 18 -was- ne pipe of the former president Eggs ...............o:O1 on exhibition, but. a searcit through EIlu t cs atte.... ....3DO400 !crgot~u~4nwarSreveled to ~ Epert.atti........... ... O4 stiehaàff an -incht down the bowî avl......... 3<08O by co nstant use, 'showing what,*.a Sheçlp, par cwt ....... ...... 3 DO 3 60 coslainithdbentetcprs-Lamba..... ...... ...... ..... 4B 5 50 dent, in bis captivity. Anether visit- .he kn....... O2 7 or. noàt long gwas reating an i on- .hieS.... .......00Do150 ciet a'hlhh, euhr sl-Live hogs,. .. ...... 4 25 4 50) 1er,, hmd -uexpectedly enceunteted ~Sows ...... .......... ..i....... 3 DO 3.50 armed northarner who hadýrefusedta Dressed hoga......OO ) shoot -at hm.Asi' ha ýns asserting ad wiiter wIieat.... ,.0 78 0O'90 that hq would' knew ýtie mari.if he*'bi te- whaact............O75 O90 shoutd son him agnin n 1 inan came SpriniT wheat........ 0 O 083 forward,«saying thàt he was that Goose wheat....... O 7O0.O 78 Faeçieral soidier. Thie seutherner t e- Bariay .......................O0 32 O 4Ã" cognize'd him, i'nd the twe went. off Qat ............... oi 26 O 30 atm In arhi to'exaine ëthe building. Pas.............. 0,55 O 65 The. museun ildn s<! neetMarrowfat Feas.... . ... O060 0O 70 li&ituelf apnrt troin its cvil waz'hls- RjC.............. .Q BO0O 57 tory. Erected by Dr., John ]Brocken- uc het. .....O5 -breughit n tho, early'dayu of itich- Ask.. ......1............5 rnond, situated un 'what wasi tien thé Ra[1i Claver......... 5 >,O(' c fMshionable quarter of the towl., it in -Timolthy.......... QO 1.50 a, type cof thi. cityý homes o! Virginia l'y, par ton .. ..... ...... 70O 8 00 ge ntlemien in the latter litof the. Fleur,', pet bbl ....... .. . 40c,5'60 j ,ightaeuth century. It was sold by -Sait, pet isack....... ' 0 65 i1 10 Dr. Brockenbr'cugh te James Morson POtte lx....... O55O7 ad by hat i cousin, James Ban. bsh...... .. .....i 115 1 25 Seddon; Inter Jefferson, Davis' secte- . ' tary o! 'war. The city purchased. h * OSuwVA MARKEtis. frein Seddon and mado it the axe- rutiva mansion o!, the Çonfederacy. Wheat f-.111, buâhel O0>O9 For a riumber o!. years folwiùi the heîsçrnuhe 0DOO9 war,ý when Richmond.was under mat Wbeat, goosa,. Iushel 'O'Do 0 80 tinilnw,- it-,Wns used as .ieadqnar- BcwI~,bse . oO4 tara by Goneral Weitzcl o! the Ufllnz * No 1,b Army, - ad when vncated by- hlm it-BaeY e O0O04 -became a publicechool. BteNo., 2, bushel 00 DO O34 Svrlof the soutiera stateshaiîéo Raýrjey, N.3 aiy OD 1 lawhch teyexuht" Onbushal ... ... .... ...oDO.0o0 32: paricuar elis. n- hetMi eoui Grhamn flur, wt,.i.- 00 3 O0 - aricit elca a heMisur Rted -whaat, cwt...... 0DO 4 O0 rom, which .used ta e h'président Re........... OO6 SDis'-privatê -rception roin, is ai!0t0 -7 elaboratecletin !the 'fermer Mrr0atpein"o DO O,7 presidenht'persolial effects, including Blue Pns ...... .0-1O65 ,h weating appa.tel, uis, cane. and BibleComnPs . . 0001 aand similar possessio >nsý. A., calice Clever Saed, t ed.... .... . O O 6 09 drdm55 belongirig te lits. Dav.is .which Ask 0-5 cost .$1,000 iltustrates, tii.inflated mthbe0....... O-0I2r: - prices -o! war tiines. Ila ncase. neaLard b a!......0 no 0h1 iêit la n tiny jacket of he soni Billy, Kggs, dozen..... '..OD one c! theotwo children bora ta potatoes,, bushel, .....' ODOO4( her la the White, leuse. . liytoi', new ... ... ..... 700! The contents o! the. Vlrginia roomPtct b...... 75 formetiy used as n- dining toomi, cov- Lard, lb., rendetad O 14 W 0O et seventy pages o!ýtie ptinted . cata- Feu,. oer-prew9..2 0 logue. A few of its niscellanîces are'Btel........OD OI or the table on 'çxhch'the ordýinance of. h. 1s iessowas signed, -'J ohn'Brewn's BOW-VMîN VILLE. MàRKETS;.' PAINTE.R.ANDDECORýATOIR, WIIITBY., Doctri re al rgtasgeneral practitîýInrs, are et pecalîsa. iresîxaiorgiescomi- Prise 1h. meut latricate 5and important systela 1atle. .r a. hmai' bdy "nd require tire eost ekilfetearst -Yuu mighit as-,'raUexpeot a 'bt'-cksMitb la rePairyoer Wvateir, as a famiyphyin tu cure Sexual couipiaiuts. ,. W. avemmd a pèceit a hs dis.enss for o'er 30 years, bave inmeted tees o! thousa*ds*o! dollars and have every facilittyknowui te medicâ1 science to cure tieiet. ilvery case- la taken 'witli n positive guaratnte. of * - 3L0fl POISlç-hatet' nheite oracquir di la postiveycured fograver. Thre-vires ta elnsinatad f rota tre systeta an ne danger o! rature. Uundrads e! casas - ctet by us ZS jearsa ago and no retatri; best evideece of a NBUkIVOUSMBTLI-T'Y-anrd otirr comipiiCatiaesa, auch'ns annexions, drains ile urine,.varicoce, .sexuat, weaksess, etc., are cured by aur Nîew WicthodTaa. meùt codera positive guaraeteeL'NOC!RE'..NO PAY. ---WE CUREAi.L ýDi'SEAStiS -OFMEN AND WOMEN. toiCsexaatte.?ace- Bots Fra@. Wrifte for q uestion -bine for "rivattUdomeTreatient. Eaerything coefidenthal. Mi - ScsSHLBmerT. DB2OÀ&MIH N PEDLAR STEEL SHINGLSS Solicitors in Chance Mathison's block, Br( JOHN E. FAREýN rister, Counity Crom County 1Soliciter. Of Court house, Whitby Oshawa, Onit. Office, Sunt next te Beaton's grocery. G. YOUNG SMI-TH, LI ai,, etc- Money te lesi inarriag-e Liceiisvs. -Ol tbloek, uext îothe imarket, iDVDORMISTON, ney.atbLaw, Solicitiori Convevnceretc..'. Office- south ot the Post Office, - block, Brock street, W~hitl W. S. OI1MlSTO., 1B (successor te T. W. Chap er, Solicitqr-, Notary Pu fice oever L 1. J. Goilld & ,UxbidigeL. Ont. Mone3 W. ADAMS, Dentisi. J. Fruo'.Dundas, -No. 4, .The Terrace, W'hitby. DR.'7 J. 13. JOIINST( Graduate Royal Colle-, Surg-eons, Gradiiate o! lege of Dýental Surgeoin uate Toronto Universit gle's hardware store, Drsila. SuMeoin rente anid Licentiate o College of Physicýa as, Ed *The Terrace, - Phione 42. 1COAL AND m sof t ceai, eordwooc for the Peuplei-,s Office and Yardi, r Midlnnd Railivay i - _ W. H. Ni chois ýu LàE 'MON stock. It ii'ili payy -ind iespeaýt f. Doni't ba m not employ tl cari and do al m LSisso n, 10 pe certainty save j' opposite 90 price $2.25 pe quare. Of 103 -square teet covering mieasure - CIEAP AS ýWOOD SHJNGLES. o8 PEOLAR POLEOSHAWA30ONT 40 6D ceai' OH1, 45 AxIa Gré 0 9Wth-G LfDUSTT NSdo FB 37ibS ans tie0OL.w r W ringeri The Gold IDust TIiwiUN w 60 help yeu get thrQugh your Ia. iyl 14. The greatest cleanser m- 14 ,the world and the house- 50 ýwife's bet frienld is 70 .-80. )35 ý 65 qf. ... .. 40 tbin 00- fr é m 013 ceasu -s té wi NI iJ l1a~ zz.. 0ie and in bBJf the time Of a! tIl te ehd Niotbi.ng can, take its place, becau5e no. OTIMIl GOLD1 MmeT qtzrwashiltg <EAIClbbi=F fiaMr, waabiiig cloties and diabes, cleairlSk'ru lwork, OiiIiih lverwaxre and,- tinware, oiiit rs ek - leanaingbath mipai, etc., and xnaking Ibo Ineat soft so. ,gEi]. K.. FAMBAIIK PAff-Ï'W-g Xa=ofFAIRY 5OAP.-g, P DU ST niakeas ard water soift Sthe oqse, à Chu' t, etc. Dû (-PaÃŽd Up) -- ecial att collectic and othe Savings DEPOSI, INTERE COMPO E. JI. GEO. KTHOMPSON, ThWesteîn BkOf Canada ESTABLisHED IN1832> ) T ransactS General .baniki'nkbusine-ss. Receives use n upwards. Alo s nterest 'm SaviMgs Baplk trom date o! Farmers' SalIO-Notes1 Fave twen ,y ye asa ton tion te the collection of fariners' sale notsi,' SALE BOOKS and 5ALE NOTES furnished without charge. CALL OR, WRITE The WE STERNBN K Whitby Bia.AN A E9. Di WARRENMnae.OFO AAU Write mé or, càll- at my residence one block sou t i f to a* a

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