Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 4 Feb 1904, p. 8

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*1 sei presdr, ry Pectoral cn Thcy u or£ M guos, sB,01 . C.j -for -nV Cougi PlI? t a l= aco mit v t In Ta Qtawn, theN of a dppgitei-. - In Dartington, t( W. JeNvcli, a suai. Il la Ohawva, flac htsveol,- eta Son-. ,laInOshiawai,fhe Nalea-of a tiaugiter In la riitgo, te à . Y.Joncs, a deugi an - Ia Oshawam, td- erlduni Aota daugît, ose-, Ia Port P y, J'en. 21sf, 1904, fl saa Steneîonse, et Moemgall - la 13iwMaanvillc, Ms- upton, and James bd 60'yaon - Bi-yant- st paraonage, Jan. R. Bai-ker, 1fr. Jen vaoa, o! tic Toiwn fo Mi,%ss Elizabe of fie 'rownsilip o! J DIIÂTHS. n aeach Towai agd84 yeurs. ix.-IniGreenhani aged 58 yeiirs. laInUXbritigo r1 sed 65 yeaMe ionj,. ageti 68 3eai-s. .f. - là Osliawe, Jq sti àî yeiarband 2i il - le Oashawa, Eliz Vifae o1'Thos. Kaox, ell In a st Wl-ut i. ea r. -- 1zn' Gsawe, cf 14a hie 83rti year. - At' wbtby, on S.ig )4, F'races 1ayie, aill !n.11, l loi hA Inua -laOsliaa ul ~ cfJasa- ieanti 9 n» 3 yetii-s, intmutiaP, ta -ýI. Toronte, i. ajauary 28,1901, ril 4aged 49 years, 6 j -At lot 6, qu01 a Wecnaesday,, Jan.' etf i - 4e>ïop, tM1ove jack"oiiaged il y ci-gi. - A.L lenrlA ,a, -N.W.IX., -jaxuar: ig Fot hergili, Youngd be6 George lcxend- 1 Pickering, le li-S S S. COýNVENTI( kering TpwnlÏ avetion waas. h ia cbijarhi, CIaý ant in iipite of y flmeo hs a 1 uiall tihe fie oheurch big'i naing- session aw it -reports f Il g8. The lier; Ix raie, gare a vol ma -Ferçea ti4 e st-S. S., anti 1 mi. iblcl, t -tton gave ilsý lac Sunday çcli to be ina ili-t eally. Thec by a Ople.ndidp ipper, oft.Ciaron Ls to a gouS. n atidreeS on "Wý outti attend thfe Tôkn, o! 0 *xrégr,'o-f Picke on' -Gleanings >joUf ion," andi ii,,of Caremtno - - n; tofl thme. conve-nftion )a of! the tepiesi ppolIi1e' te- fati il.Ott tlbe pape-a Ld son foi thisne wotald bc atde ir, uuler tflE ;o Kacaiab, i. je. muan par ýDnjiIaetDWhifei Mr. Ikicbeli, VI PICRliL' p ri1E 'ITTER, C. REDMAN, Utitirtak*-r and dealea Mtpl .yrp, fne BOOKUr~. ~ iitieis - il knd-of Furiiuture, Brooktin, Ont r M aplle 3 e s:Furniture ad pcture fran et8 made tc * r per quart at flolIiday Brun av xusi Teneus. or the Farmers' In- ore.Rpairing In al] ike, branches Hav dvtaeàliiftl9t~ titt ~ n hll romply atended to. A large to-k of ____ imn for a puait"'Oa s housékeePe. a*sdaB.d~' sder tîjè .ufavbrùj)le 1Wt r ofla ase5amialfîea êqil o * ~The Methodist choir bah been. re- 1 el8gmtelde "" mer i co ènqtanitiyon htnd: Fun.railcardg. orgamscid under. the leu'deriaýp 0fHm r-of u. briebesicoi we-oli att re ntimeris'f In E ML A Mfr. W. -%.-Wl. Uwomeuwosu=Mc< oaaTUhelslW sii drse eegvi 1 ois~pitc i hretntc.ao Ibcd I n Js ouxu f.- .N.' De- e on 6"a it à thu* théeafternoonElnr Fk&f.liw;»SA'N CURE ~ ovO! ar dvrisa. bliier which stray- -~ieegg e~tdtmSeeretary of LbhTS.().'. pk o TS 180 r a dv ha rmises. eomorte henthe ldutim d@fthe day -"Proper Rations," 5shoNving wh%%Lt -M UEI5O% b.ul4ssMdu"t .bteCSOP b-q roIrtish of sditoféret Obest 1re- -.8 Bro Klln M ll Tbcy Mir. .Francin Baiiey' just - inshe j ema ah I ul dP" b'prpotios f iffeentînd o èe b ps1ln er varload ot appl ast yt.*. uts fedn t Xk rinis- week fur 1r.Dudley at WleVltin, of ! E.,t VbttbY, gae an inter- Thu 1. po t.r lbr mgM.his paesed into stock ciq hae 'orÃŽanized .,a violia- ci,%as a -liere Inpecir f fsr etvein Ciatey.aoftre e t, M o t . a tte n - . a n o th e r 1Th e and gale the members itheir first Yn-LL .Ti ues Cre. ! Mborg Fruitrto rr in PýbV!"S b)lftS s.pmntofo-cae ad ineU tic atruction fat Thursday alternuon. 7 4 Ot, g...tively in. bis addre'S on "Spraiying o uee orI r0ubd~a ou 4asn't.ttcsa oLctcsIn el ugsS~1f.aKteencleét0 r 1 ie . htu-Tres," arketing .5pple- and -other cas ffl Monhay, lioksat ingcomlelwted oi t topiCs ffvital ititerest ii. fut-t*3 lettio'ltaies d or190.elaInmbacwblcbotctthe fact that rn. l.J.iFD.L oX ueto fti eslevie ' .A me19eiuV d lié--&---- bcaidlO t «Ije!iCCIusinizyour Keiir-lSp. a Ct-i f.r 'r iseovaig h teaedthe. flme;nbe & rs -e Ihadiuyfeelings woulId bc împ ssblid iia LCW year, -; - ~ ~ ~ Sa c0ý oukicl and the, te'nshiP of" - MMs. Harilsin My bo*rd n- would to f i uîa martet orcertain kinds n S. au ang,..i h.-. , - aas oanostrsupr at. theée jfefriisevere hedaches.CI aliear-tiy* o! apples. _je.ciao strongly -fîavor- 1Ii,ýc :'tp fur yOur raieOn . %'b**U bort Bouse. which was mach enjoy- endonerse. Chss'NerVeFod beenusit las cd fte '"iCorporation" nytm of ad .I DDaca ~~' ed by ail. ' entiralyfitadmeofthuedàuteuiilsniUptom, sl*gf ruit. 13Y s em in ~ ~ ~ y ~~,~) A~ n~ -Tha extremie cold and ma"y, storins ad so Ugt lpMqtMt9 to eg -Thii ;r i f i.IIne or rttnl:g tuaicrm Of tis wiînter have serioüsly affected We' *steti doellftga inesto 'hisneýgu- Taî~~< ~ otetcl odo uà"t of ~~~~~~lar buyers as Is dn athsnil- .,:ît'mà l:f t;.~u a Thogl th nowfai bs nt ee waàsgnte ofy=Dr. fi W. Cios te, Uic ao brod anesclub -togetlier" for k f ré liilt li Oe,,FRoro buoinsa i Ontaio. o t 'orhllg p roes hrb etil o- A kire-*o h trs, 1 0 rnom nw .tri ts, for the ron s 8 ba ly rif - g scd ii&nm ber ,,p,,s ,e b e i tebYb ail hoàoreeie l o ÃŽe. ; i isurs hevy e~as in many other dis- reéipt b k îutbr, m erprth.é evennqu.ea . ., q itB r aielu F r8 a e&, yet there is a notic-1eabie difer.- -_______- ___ hu nacront1 f te, weather. h once ta th- volumne o! business beiflg -feN ladies veatured (out' 'Mis ________________.p ýC -nstuct sreglarprie, 3.5ul, 11(w On due.ths ilag hvere- M. prnBRO!OKUN - M.lIar of ,ueIjph, Iornerly isrB- hnr lIack Boa,reurpre, - ra ~vie-f F lendeaa-f s senin a ewdas o j~ti~.Io~.air Dpatmeflt cf Durinig the evening thé Piekering or- von elb. hutfu tht.tey a re as l saati:ek .- the Strathroy Daîry School. gave an . ededsecos wjhofeefr 75-Ca weII euppliod..with coal as tbe4. are. c ü excellent aldresSo Diyig"TewremuTehye.Tecar -s- sa summer or la morrow, Friday even~~1-inlratsceto cceSS in bitterra-ably occiiad by D. E. lPu gh. Te Ge an os eua rx,,te fer ud ay su ldrg li ig and c.ýw5n.making va5 cleanli- evemnngs proceeding0e-werc bruiAt now offered for 5. th ter Sly, unons.. s Se o i h esthts a 5 close, by -eincgtGnioa wie o ai n ti ell that this 1Mr. Kerr isaginbehind the. coun- n to 's c s vrsCDý In .1 t-1 rnarional. anthoeai ., n i.is'VM Seeu Astraclian and Coney> Coill ,re-th wa oc a hr as'been miucli di- fer inf-ha 1ntPre o!fesr Hlldystrongîy sliough orher elemonts..e-r waWs montlis el 1 ' phala-Srcenoizfeedl wi! < aponteatlarceiin sipments Pros. --neeMar. 1r. Carey calo -spoke in. -~--li p-e .î2,nw ofrd fcr1 during fhe Iast tw Onh. Oe Mr. A. Robert.s- took a tursi for ibe the evening -oghe-smelioshoDUBATO. 3. '- t nn dnir eie ottw crslast week worrne since our -lnst ise but w pkinteaeroon. , Dr. Waugb, Misýs M. Ananan la h aving tia. x- -tu ir that had been sbipped at Buffal).o.40 are gadto&syou od rieofdpublie sîc hoolsiae a t6nded,,vlit îh rié,às in. ~ -Eeti îl(a.rn. -lua lie. as ifr oariaia estintion. «omewhaf better. -, slendid ades n"Iduction."' True Since the Presbytery- las decided to price $10.50, now: oftered for- $8.50. le wife of > atmyprv f aa iCi-Y' li- \We regret toleain-al't Mr yne;edccation, hoé oited - Ot, combitied. allow oui- 'churcli tu.stand clone .Coev'- u Tornt, htba b bxaîvthth lo iî th pacicl«ioerone 'shoul 1d put fo rth. every _ef- Grey LarnbStorm r r. portant couference aivas coaîvened bure 'Of 'ron -ce - tîeeticîjt h cica-. Hi .- - - i- lerr-y. onlysera;mdo !clergymen o!ber h ntMms. B. Eoll-iday, dons flot adldres was lstenled to Very atten- ,fort ft0 mkeit, more sucedsful than lai- pie $7,50, nlw offered for $.Gt -1e %Vif è 01 the -Anglican, 1realytri* n, and. Me- 'improve, and her econditsohn lecon- tîvely by an, apprclative adec. afi at la____p_____________________________________________ GeyLab-Casreulr l. adu-ugh..thodist de nominations WWoheo po-sierdGreytecrfiaamb- _____________________________________________ sent.. The conference wwaatfli% ont- Mr- O. Seberf, althoixgh hé la a _____ o35,~w offered( for ~5> a corne o!flhe mutual agi-ernùent o!f-abigman, lias been -knocked ouf by the - --- - - - - - - - - - - - -fr Sf nlsf<w of flhec minaters, of thé above g'p fie week. lus opponent l i8i-r- alsamdbdet oe oeeraacely hely te keep him dow Io 0ng, ~ l -- ______ Moll3 Ar- falk over Matters boar"iupon -the wve.- -- W GeorgeH. Crozier,. of Ashbborn, Pres- lcMioif -- Mr. Tý eof CHlumusDronY.ctebROS, -Af, the byteria, vas-called to ftie char n WTno!Clmus oded fie - HO- Estah'sh d 187Ç Hery«icnws ppitel erc'aY -Amorinag- sevice in411oe sCould Cop R 1879u A~i.d Utb, j~Il6 Rev Jas. BHarris, o!. l3rooktint Ani- ca-hls udy sfi e.M- - ' ~ me r Wilson Was stili uinable fa be ont.* Je ws p f -an A111R slp 01 paper on flie gruud -end rnecessitY cf owîtae disneSnay-i'le ch May fliccorporate -uniono! the -churdËlie i ltkehsdt#,sn-tSnaJ Bronchitis, î 0Grip, ________________d ____ ____the_ ___ ____ ____ th Reacli. Catholic. 'vas -presenfed bf lite Rev. M.OigtthrogniîictT________________ E. Wilson,.M.A., of.Jrooklin. iieTh yeeninte Lrsbyeiae-- a--~ - di«cussion upon this occapiedth lef ul il a c the residee ofM. eI<t-A h aD hhri îhi. aryf meo! onerece Acoria vte o! dieu ivas postponed. Assuie a s- CRESOLNE 13 A BOON TO ASTHMATICS ixrxent. shp aýthankaof.as f endered Aicordilson orembled i-ho. lhad Tnof heard o'-the ai's'an-ta hdn 1 cistan h L'rd reedy for .tCe dini aî. ~lIt t, dw~' thi ppe, nd li rq~cs mdef ta postponemexit -a social evening was ca-î- i : ur, i itîj;elit eis -car.-ied over Uthe.Iîcased sîirfacco(dvifim nt ndr fla h an~ ti mght e ain t i cnct esý adt m e-nee-hels pet4 .-'-is tea tîcil -et ,iu rlori n S'ta t tre-teit. t.t aý;rr rl dadcre nsei-ted in tho Port Ferry Sa- p - nvrh s pn.ýWit-vo Wîedncy. '-.r sufiorer froichronic lîroiichiti4, ltiîiîid'c ad hfy Glronicie. -and Thi ,. ~ ing to A.C~ Ellitt lia Iieen trikin - - ~ - : nttdi oîdtoî o h l ra.Descriptive bookldt free. towshî, sowing, othe blockade and 1Mr. A-C - - ÃŽ.isleen-tiknWhifby Gazette at. one charge). î os a-wiuwecexpected %vwere if lucky. -He bougîZaz vrsoc11~.1 .Gi Notre Dane Et., Inel, 'îclnAet __________________ anable ft obe present f0 h ear it. -Tho o! ntaplegoOdsi sach a:; otftons, fin- -- - a, 'Geo. B. conférence af ter Some i-Gutin atuàtters, ens, ovei-alling, tc., ba£.o wd now. lthe NoIBILFRSL. 0~I. cdoreto meet a-ain le 'Vitby, wholeeaie pices o!f these goods lias I , lC- ht rntarce ffcti ve anîd afc fori atbl Cws ii !ltN.3 oh r- whew thler important papera will -le jumnped away up... If la custorners cati -i 1f- lrtot.: f tho fîiroat. -- - tl o.Crwih.Apyt e.h nonilas. preiseated. l ook ont-for snaps nu'-.- -HyndOha. M ;ab eth Er- - --- LAIND FOR. SALE. -15 acreslao a ged '32 i~'T~Meadoî -Next te Mr-. Jcs. Tliomp-t M AL Fi soli's nrtb-easf cf foîva. John Tji - DA GER '~ S ~ ~ E LU -bTU±DX. Newpor, Whitb-37-4.. --c - WANThD. - Psition a oISE-f the reài- aWhrny-du rot a Cold, t\TI-'G.L artsikeeorloprb maI fml.t John. t epplïyniin cre of ". W. Côlwill, BoÈ k of helî)ý, rt. inp MiT. J.Iliai-vey. - - bc aatis2ed vwit il omethln aiâole tueTat tday> Ja. ~ ft gstoîi 6eling basf 'ýoods obtaiabe af b owest possibleprie htS low11-0%v_______ wi0o tsd P O w tunr fi-a il. d ldit. -6 e -offei-ing you 3 gcnuin trp 11 OtSLE 2mll o' TÈc greatest danger la lanea-vi:y ee.W of ru tw-o.shipmenf n oflpure lard, 111e,'alýLaa thzflliàngering 1ièsults fa Margaret C'leDadis'rP alvebefoie Ls A AL . N. Twoa C) 1m maier -' nv guod attend- 1r os odrîag, lort Ferryis fleSIiVIladcedby . tcndexpsai ar ceedciTorckag he iedei icinon ~. audmater wo will visit.'Brookîba Icredif sale o!rnshorthiornand igianddfatre duaed bythusnsd fposi'u2fma onfd ea'tt iig a cpncae u eLu si fiýlld. cccli Tlinr*ay and give. !esons on flic gi-cdc cafle, Clyde-aal omes, Sh-ofa- au aai » hboell fmned hlohrs are forced -te dragiouti a avorabIOýterms.. Appyineafhti r~~~~~a~ fi akn vola lI-oviifBicklan . sbire dbieep..aadalma-nry<dba-y, tmuitiesand îuelanciîoiv existence. Others reach mati- uw & îZGîilivraY, solicifors, W\hiti. plmnt y liy bat lUnd ne solace or confrtea.Ti'itm efod th,0pe ýTurd'but le wilil bo ealar I.lm net esâarY to- iun a 300 -- iicîuttin flt-i.fanethfie The wonî r sofin-6 . 01 re - , acre fara wil be hld inaùýe&tion ëf 1fe-.-theAaTmDhé-oficethé drksho, to ~ work- la-A clesof!-six lias.,.al-ac- timtil ebedcfUillsgidea f i rdsa. lcpoesos ova oItymdSuis ready been rnd.M- Dvd-arrnGrcenbixak, on W%%ednesday, F b. ne"oaaare i-n crdb urNwUthdTitun rN --FR Burni.% memljêr _24,ý.1.04., Mr Burnetthaving l.- Pay..Yeu ti-en k.-25yearm lia Detroit. lBanks ecariiy.-.FMr:VNTD %ýne roie ay Pns ebr issgetdtn 4 94..1r ircfbvn 05 %, UEOWINAL LEFALI.Ne unes simsd wlthet writtelî cotaint. purohàse i la fli cnity of Por &r.he 11 I" an 33 yeai-of ar and maried.. Whe c ongIle gy ,P rry,- a,-fisrls at ! -b u rolafosia Biooklia and Knscie shonl nui.10Ù cdres tai-on,-weryfhbngod li be soldn iey 'pÊaetica lc reog aztlf fttI isile Cm orf fr tfic Aged. J ud gig E-l te.îaiy dicretonii niaterexcenss di tobenr e 0o ace,-o - hd o d uîig et lieder.tfie band, wifh c pi-actice once a week in frorn fleclett esÃ"o!peo0pleuP in years 1Ceam e.arihtand se.s. Mr ie LIte a uaafctory ad 1ai-o efc. Pariebs de-irons o! s~l lessen thfiie a-gBrokl, etint Mi- cdiiioula fiacre mn no medicitie w-bh 80prmp- ay e niit ipy.. riedcvtife w-ai CatiS titi r toond ag a drs a.E lao -,'heîsecretarylylefi-ces mtofeach! oes and -pains and freatauent front Dra. Keaa&ly & kèrgau.- Their New Metlaod -Bîackstock. hos scorne Sùdy-tai-ly- t a3-eo egato theai. id-- îaît ieup mnalp scland sxu Ccc.I feland _________-a________ i-sport whieh- Tic ostpond Snndy sdiaiol co- inisres regIarifro! fieliverkbd- raespesctiThrerespet.îThemte.sseixe si yearsai-o. hey. a-eehonst, - moi o ss, id -uil-.1 znd opnsilenùicilljiti wiypatroiLixo Qancd. Fakirs.whec yen . STRA-Y ýSIIEEP. -Tiere sfraye tol utfho cerf o!flic Me-fodklnt urcI %vas leld noyea aid bowels as, Di-,Ch4i& î- ,nnlo e SOSb'6-niiyS h nOfe rrie !t~uce-bnd t -eoscon- on riday evening last, and if wasa ney-Liver Pilla.. Even when aitl a ocrdYglib~ditos"W .lioi report' .vas highly suecss!ul, as, o aa be judged other ncashave falled oIC peeple L 10~~JRi ~.~!3tnll re-~ re4eSll tr Btiio lifi99nf H19hl. - - lot 1, con. 3, Mariposa, on or al,(~ paper b4 Mrs f rom flic fnef that thc -receeipts are n- o ui-n f0fiais gi-caf Medicine wif h 1ndv erzn 149 Shelby Str-et, No Y. lUtone sheep. - -wer t. iont, 04 Taeoaedt 6.70 witl a.15c. iadmis- 141ssaceo.-le edcr.DtotMdla- sleb rvngpoet n S. Tendher," bn oanC flic fi-ce cdWi'iOno!. Tn'eday, Feb. 16f h. _- Credfif sale A.-Sony.-37?. ihy oui- yoang the- -Sunadayechool >scholars. Super- o aa fcIpeins t.Tich àSi; S," by fieý inteaderit J'. N. Dolai-t rn-de, a.Model uaderaîgned lias- reccived instructions FRiFO SAE R-OR T renwpod. clairman, anCdflic pertormers, avliose f rWný i.Rb.Bccc 0sIb - ..Lt3,cn ,Tanhpo bf n lc-1e-v. nameaered in those cotumns pifr publctiofon et h' prmLesoot19 32,-by 6 cos. 8xTownsh Casai- oir he - B -meF. p-i CoùWs W i, ot1d9, ring,gv an tgteicconcert, acli fook'tlacir' parts B. l - tty tai-htb,.nTusdy b. 0acFfres. aci- paastelrwp fri flcTovoîl. Mr-. C. Tedmar, fie- seci-etary, Feb. l6ti, al<M>-hi&forai stock, 'a'- ,Cl ~ ftpy to r. Forassdy, G iucîlOtars tP'UV -Mr. wili nowv ibet te-r at o-fnn eeuts, etc., as 'tolbOws --Horses IIIA +h ni ndi-aGoRo!sa-orJnDalo, if, aug the fal clool ns a re.uit 0ot fEi s ue . .rnecolt rizing 1i ar ildh 1.mar- 1V 9[LI ifVlIJI.bRnonon or-Jo. - - -, t taf tie one: ceef ul concert;. a 3yetti-5ioiC. $JpAILlIMlol-icow -newly jj) iLII VOnAILUOU - cOrnPlete Suc- A telephonie Message received Iie ct-a easoC,1hifer newly -- - FR AE i nesgld ! avàs a fi-or on Tlursday 1t an nan ccd the sud- ccalved, 1 0-dou e focalve April -91 M4 - -MFRfi-SALE.10--acres godrsngne(- inro~cd.ifdo dafiofMi. . H.Brokla yera oîC, 2< -<he, ocave&y - --ing lot 18, con. 8, Beach, about ee ýrtuce fic 'Toronto. .Mr. Brooko was - -e1 cr oC Ife"orrising 3 years -ml ioiPr eraCcoe t es andi- addres- known heye, befnig a nativ& ofthfe old, 2 -icifers iing 2 yeei-s IC, -2 3y eu>lt-,custeMaers acl.kiaow tilhat I mako a+ npecialty- o! Toca. anl.rOn PotcFprry,.s and c ood d- Oermeivlae n otnosrsdnt n1,steroi-iiag2 yeuc o1 3 stres ngbon lly trnined f0 -t>a tee ,buisinem.in, a large tee C idcol-liai-n and banked- stable, a good d, tteli re otbis renIerai tu'Tv-atC 1yai uS -2yonl uve Ipie- en+ g $s9pfe deî eadér&hLp ofo! baic fittee-n pas y .lI en~ 4 o!. trucks, Ï souf fler,.fclouc -i a o.lratnto emy Ta Deparxiant, and-i daim îilag bouse and trame dwclling. Abol mebeveeliriOOd il cCflNgive You f rei ffvc to 's ix cents per, . - ta ilos.LoyanrPort Frty-3A] led efficient-. a ad R.T. 1seddr-ll Massey-Mrris, 1 ei-Cf ~~itnc onibtone.*aeeo!foigc-dr. pl t of fias- pro- of!-T, bavig joinea ti eilsoceefes buggy, 1 herse'rake ae-arly ncwV, - 1 ù- nei-aîy- g t lac g5c -ira - TaItiPort preed tas - -- ~ -whue lvlb lirebutlie trnetr-ganlg, pow Whit'by. make, 1 a-angui-terlue u ner'àll e nts bot.t1e au. - --- FR O AE leud tale, w= o* h mMill, Chatianm, .negrly RnsM' a - - froulvauei eîgORSAE, T u ne, pe ep-i--Chis e merrhip in- both 50ai0- quart 1cengive suâfo - ined asfo sie eti-s cas .ar lt ae-donc f romnfie railway station- on Sti-bg-etiit' pigedcennot y-à thTe. service a dedy a»or nng5 r lcarf f tfakel the- tfufwif h me. nleet e p rThu fam a ue o îe-liet sockan 9.20 teGi-ove -Side, emt oîe.r. ryit. eira tt --r. t 0vi.ag ' ïgrain tarainlaRe-acia. Aise 3 mnny - eare. rainatecern O-Y. - ,ma 3hitb - -acre.5on loit No. 2, Coa4 1, Beachb.A- £ctd, ud 1Mr. Tic ber6aveti relative- lare- and -in e 0f a -nte aI vrfatan tveadii leTrof aemc ymttl -Ot ciiff ilt Stc1f o!October, - i piy f0 S. A. Pie-ritl,PFifce Albert l~~ lie- t.. a prnn- 99,. ep tfe h ppoed, ýgvi ïaVa -m c ! y25ç'Te icIMie-d, Jepan, Or________________ gi-caf - EARM TO ENT. -' om'flte-aere-T o P*oviDcia5l con- ont part in the oiC Ioptn' re-union jitnt0 5prou.prannum .CeYlIon Greea nCaoe wioiten orfcakig to~off or o.sh.- là F~rbeus Auion-- - 34and 35, Sti coacenssloù, Townzhlj o tuifti ~ ~ ~et tu lea:r. - - W- h_______ xîtby ; 200 acres; god'sBtock fri tt. Mto -i* t.eaot rert- ebr-e i fiaste-rai of, yff -t ea emoderato iot 2km eercl. deali.. ~ j,,, a ss amaae -possession te plougi as the pisa ~u IY L ~~ J.. LL ~ crop are rMove-t, anti.tu11 possei emus25--litR _ T ilqby.laf October. Applte fo)Dov isEWd1et t h. 'eM McGillivraiy, Whifby, or- tetire cNmr pathe aIs mpri d owrxm pT.i STATION.,- mm .Mary -Serves, Niagara-on-li T La u < i al e s h i j b n r- L a k e , O n t. 1 2 - t . -- =da aefe.iY<ra h-W 1v e os ialed, ii Ti-ente Sa les-- 5TOl~ - Ileilene Ce..Toi-autosed Dufaiji eh wo fol$n ju heir,.31 .- urtclsafoklo-grinti-i le 4 11%I 'are sold detheic utoriCa.SOS5l ndBuflo F RM F R iU R O-E rchase id i,- - - àing zlot 3ý - bon. -1, Beach,- cotitainît ofelgney i-oule- l'-- did ýes Qrip -frame - buse, good -bar-vailf ica ~ troble. - - T ~ C ~ . ~ r~ftj lU J1~ J 4~ ~rwo v. . table, aii lasti-ecm -o! av1t e- i M~-1fiittue-it etua - -1' ~ 4 - aiag tîrougli - bare, yard. Ft ss4uus*~~~'~-i~- -- olesa raidX Apply to G;JPr - ¼ ~i1 - -là Put Ferr-rP-te --' Bbies, Fort.ten . »O -aux.'low"

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