tU 1 JMrlu i U --) C Slu vifamiIy nedicifl5. Though prompt pimiË Sand eirercgetic in their action) tho ém"tEIi use 0, LC plls je attencled wih ured. offly tie best reultis1 Théireffhýt ïen o ito strenigthent and -regulate the to weigb 'ucfu:xctions, beiiig eîy vr h bei!eficîaI in the various dermflge- geaes rntsJtëe stômaeh, liver, urantit -bo'el. are-recomuirended.byall thie eaing guYers, phyicans ad druggists, as the ,rhise tc myst prompt an d effèctive remedy in the lx for biliousr.ess, niausea, costive- encé b.l ness, indigestion, sluggishness of ctU@ dia liver, )aundice, drowsiness, tootj d,"ý6 d by ac .nnh icside, andsickieadache; ait oto relieve colds, -fevers, neu- ahn r.ýlira, arnd rheu matiim. They %,th are taken withgreat benefit in Un Ji chiIls and the diseases peculiar to, as? the South. Fo>rtravelers, whether in bya:or seatath rdilace Ai~m<'nPIIscor do . gre the7 best, and shoulci neyer be 1-n0grai omitted ithe Qutflt. ,To preserve 8plt t *thtýr mediciral integrty in ' gll on thet criniate;s, they are putup in bottles ta e a 1Ias boxes. P edt 1I have used Aýer's NPin my littie gi f.-t-ily for seeeralyears, anid aways thfSlhe found them ta be a, mild and excd- lm cit lent purgative, -havinge-, go9d1' rà i effect on the, liver. - istubet ¶S pili ,used -Frantk Spillnm, Sul- bae>i ph ur, Kyb Out Every Dose ffective use .1ust The orpo tion pruwà ng mw sud thos 'ho bveoti~W h~o'h W . 'f 8.1 overlangtheidw4 kaD m Winter- IJak fore wi~t4 h1ýfreepspaMof ..- ~ trians with «""*ithoxt< u-vml*IIWwiU Sapil dovwefi hto dô640 tho r'uUù'tO, suit hbsaN their o"wt&«eua the w~iou ItI1 and spois the good .eiytl ityto I. McKà y'&Co'y,thgreê say that this za the 'bICOmIpla D thcap by their 8nglihcsoes aujt f broken grain is not (oun& xniey grown 'i n land, the diff&r -ng ascribed larg yt te diffef tCd ofth " hngÃœscd there. Ilere ig is almoetwhollW donc wîth the. Urnachines. In England kit sdôue -bines using ber.s.'ý This kind o! te is itted Up wi th bars of euast*e d on to tI4e cyllnd«r, instead' çi rames Reid, of Whitby Twap robably the oniW beater Threshlngt clui this. province. 'Reba had gtant use for six years.' He eà ye e beater threshes as fast, as the or- machine, doe fot cout as much tt> the beaters as k ýdps t he tee they need to be renewed' as- 0 neù, nuit cut up Uthc straw, and bre5-1 n whatever. It is êlso a sped efor threshing pesaas- at dies iof cmn.. Mr. Reatd says tjuat >the resu. béater mfachine je not mors use<1 l uy few ln thls country know htw to .He says that the toothed machine ejade to work s0 as to brMk e*crY ,rn The trouble ie a great iay ers have no bearder où their ie and have to mun the tee*h vry b take off the beards, thus tresking lagequantity of grain. On accouct sise the grain of twê-rowÀed 18 much more apt tu be brokeu than rcd. of self protection t he. tarers shou1d =cr precaution in thresl* gtheir ttW il prevent Ik being. broke ay become Ianjured ; , -vy meusato spratlth est -Proportion -of bée ere bewuaeoed as a detriment to its *Vndiator. ýn wwut.v t4 Maiat ve-at lson lOuvE C% AL, 0-Mnued da Ofm o! Io . -DESTROY THE WhRmB ortuaey aiay tro Ucehlldren. Frmua's Wtm I~oder ~oetoyandi-expel all kisà aoU &stetfor m asbc 1me opidenilo in thé Dei Sauy , have Uod Dr IPOWIur'*'Ex- trnat o!Wild StrawbeuvrU ain,.y f auflY foc - uuberof y a1d id nothiwno u Me .A.WIsoNe'Ridley R Q.Ont. A. brewery band uame.<IJ3aua¶y felu to- &,vat et bot porterinu 1bld' -l hon8utr day "4> wu .oaleuIto Ss-I think your 4mue medîoineSn- -l mot be urpusé. toa o -aglth. bonfit I rewsved (rm i iLAtepm«ueing thes c.- à d d mo lt frealy f à = TInpêitu owjoiq nil1opeatios at VaUlu" *i , . Sau t. -The ~ lJudi U motlrs u bried st 1h. botb for Euh tou ÃDI iuiuÃŽ' the Jims R.Drxsc"ý lear Cuek. Ont. ]IL G. MéAe hUr,, oIrParut, co jah etLumbton countyi.1 applaub. an Mes. o ant pùlrn awas laor 3mldmu ' m mwuidna. ens-hi thiis,1 of tire