s e4 ecpýresl for theCompany, alca" frêsh ând-f.thevery Mi4ý est kird. Withe eiaI dscriýa. on aind Care, =s~ o>f the çkher 'M igredÃŽe nts-are selected -ad con«-ý -i». owided. It is l ia THE 5uperio -Medicine, drq cause it is always -the sanie ii F parance, flavor, and efféct, tak> nd,' being 'hîghly conicentrated, aui ply smaff doses are~ needed. It Ãbb stherefore, the most ecQo olcal d lodod-purifier i existen~ce.' It' ýcü malces food nour- n., C rs ishing, wqrk Pri( ~OROFLApeasant, sl4ep tern jfô enjoyable<- _M searches ou(t aU ïp uriticS in the systernn eXýaS1 hem ýhrIs by the, natural:s ;hannels. AYJgR'SSarapaill*w1 pjeseIastcity to theste,aI 'h« mnparts to, the aged and r,po eiiewed *healthp strength, and rîtality. _ - .1 so th nt box xrý gnto feel exlhealth. ht ~like a 6r heurs "d ý,D t1rfom.B inn verere-, pilUa knockedl .1 &à thé lime Lave ve» the ~lq.ibut gained fore, LutfaU1in I.,w nov lo lad my wo01 I caim m Ikop iof *a ,MUtru:i Dir..vwains 4YýLWAI9 lkoU ietber ,ddiýQu. --The p. whioli thea. pll' armoid t cource Of roatment 1oomp».twE ozxpexiuvo ma Oompared vit remediga or rmeical treatment.1 It ia wth the utmoconfidesos4, sul~t that the mnfa "e fthe Namy" tobacco ak wh la, to doaoô. The thouxdwb a dons n an telivingvitusuas ofIts aad areiannous lmh&udlt near la its aor uii Olmm, .6 Nà ehr Paoc lake ýBrandon. John Andersom, Grmsmre, Ont. ma.ybonsitedtbss Who li"&,Uud it, MM In pmt y eti t hau ià del hn vy - nim sud ho canuato4"Y ueli for T. Thom&s% mrhfteo f M4 «4 à , me OramIsif yox wirrs or if yeu lt,-.ond yon war on M au- mopoo- ;butin IM tol lou AR, ~ 4d ion o~ f, w A by4law te> the Tu Brock i muid To of b honest ,dmonoe M Wat i b a roëd aeum Nth- ý« Lcg:14@. xin lu etpfor-, my OhrI8tmaa- e=--GO TO' JOUNýSON Svsspsr. W, woorq 0 %U& Wt We have the' ý-BEAUT1,FL' WALL - 4 a, and 1 theoein