Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 13 May 1892, p. 6

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Euh. 1t0 youlrpurly, Rtty ? a~ Mies susanl. Hetty lookeaup .,fèén lier , "Oertainly Dot., P she answere, with great dignit.- "l'ai sure .hes a nice, well-m,.nnere4, boy," remnarked Mise Susan, warmly. "1What's your reason for not inv#iting hum VI "'Reason enough, Mise Snsan-be's only a hired boy! Why shoeid I in- vite a common servant here to meet my fr{ends ? ' IlCommon servant ? Fiddlestioka I ]Reuben Blake is as good as any boy in the neighborbood. Because hes au orpbsn nd mdbrd to Squire Edwards, is no reason yeu should shght hum." "II'm sure 1 always treat bim oîvilly enough, when I meet hbim,"sami HRetty, loftily ; "but inviting him to my party is quite another tbing. Ned Somers says they don't entertaifl hired help whcre be came from, and I1th"k it about âime Reuben wus being tanght bis place." "He was jnvjted to Ndilie Hudson's party ilast week, and tbey say ho knew more nice games. than any boy tbat was.proecrt," oontiiined misa suasan. "lYes, and ac1ted as if ho thought him- self quite as good as any 'boy these," retorted Hetty, tuarning up ber short nose. "H1e actuaily had the impudence to order Ned Somers to look up bis bat for him when ho was ready to go home." "lWell, that was rather rude or un- polite," remarked Miss Susan in e4 shocked tone. III shouldn't bave' thougbt tbat of Reuben. A.nd why did hoorder that fashionable city boy te look up the bat, 1 wonder ?" Hletty fidgcted in ber chair and look. ed a trile embarrasscd. "WeUl, the ti4th is, Ned had bidden the hat-juet for fun yon know," she said, in a 10w veice. "Oh, tbàt pute the matter ln quite anether light," and Miss Suumn ,pursed rip ber lips-a littie habit ef bers when displeased. "lIt was snob a slîabby old bat," con tinued Hetty, 6"tAt lreafy wasn't worth ml tho fuse that was made about it"1 - ttoReuben raised a fusas about it, did he ?", "lIt was Nellie 1Hudson wbo raiscd tbe fusa," Hletty czplaincd, rather r.- luctantly. "lShe wus angry at Ned for bidieg the, hat, and said no gentleman would bo guilty of snob a rude joke. Then Ned taid a lot of thinga about girls being 50 ily, until it finally end- cd in a downright quarrel. 0f course nothing uripleasant would have bap- pened if Reuben had stayed away." lei my day," eaid Mis8 Susan, tak. ing off ber spectacles and wiping them brikly on the corner of ber apron, ýtfic bired boy was looked upen as e mamber cf the fa.niiy, and treated aî "Hoe was a servant &il tbe same,' pesitd Hetty, with a toss of hei lim."I'm glmd we don't bave muct queer old-fashioned notions nowa days," she added, soornfuily. III hven't noticed mny groat changi in the old-fr.sioned way until lately,' observcd Miss Susan, dryly. "It'i only ince those ncw people, ti Somers, came-into the ncighborbood tuat yen girls have taken up the iiij notion that Ren )en Blake isn't goo( enougb to be invited Wo your gather. ciean, sna had nice., gentlemn manneru, why aboula Nod Semers " any onie oise.objeot tO stiLS.t th table vith hlm 2"- e- aMi Susan, shrply. -But Boeubou is mo ugly and awl yard, and-well, he looks mco ont( place vilen ho la vith lîbed md Frai and tb. resit cf Itie boys." -Wall, it'none of My buines, said mis s Buan, ta apeculiar tone 78,ut I MnsI st yth>at I amn disapoinI ed in yon ',UeIity.I Ùave zid téb ficnd te you ever ince your moêh died, and if 1 have sometimea spokei too plsinlyy O Yu4, il vS bec"UseI hu yur welIg o mui *tO8baztad l oins. I had joëur volfe Smc wush i hoart, and becuse 1 knew nr fathf was boo muolh .igroused i usinei tO Rive imuailthôoiàrt. 10 you. 1I kno "C&talooinly ol oyuttr>, u fine clty frienda would6., pM Miss Susan, eunlly. "I wuàe la. ping t vethe by bp à* eoVeuof innocent enjoymont,» si dlo dt~a mile moe te go. And hhore wau a vexodlobk on- ber- face Ibat aroused HOYIyarSentmul4a even wileit troubled ber. 441 bave a ightit Wchoms.My- owa fiends sud assoçiatqo," aile brguedte hermelf, sa s mli.rotunttdA;teron ewig. "It wus bmd cnough ton Mis usaà t 1 want me Wo invite Bonbon 10 zxy partyï but to expeot me te' invite tkat nOv hired boy of hens is a-littho too mnuchY- Now Hctt y vas ne!in I ternrod ner solfish, but thce dynt i h, Bomros' famili mbthe neighborbood ilad brougt ont many unpleasant litto traita of oharacher tiat even Igias Susan, her oldeetsud bout friond b.d, net been avare of. A fevow eka' asociation with Mal Bornersansd lieasiaer Belle bad . ut many fooliphsie.of social inqiafty inho her thongbtless littie bal u the remit vaus tt se.amsnred a siilY,. arrogant pridethbat -ili beemme ber, evç# vilile ilmde ber very popular wit1; ber new fMenas. ,- If Bonben Blake feit burt snd offend- cd at receîvinir ne invitation te ber pmrty, he cortinly did not show il, non (lid ho soem te observe the suddon change in ber manner toward him. And vilcu the ether girls, foUIV Mg ber example, left hlm ont of their p"rllea picuies and otiler lasant gstberinges, il did not soom lu tc banl te disturb the evon teor of is Wmy. Ho and Joe Kent, Miss Susan's nov hired "hclp," bad become "fai Mnda, and scemed to flnd snobl pleaurein. eseh otber's socicty that it gradullY dawueil upon Hetty tha4 il vas not le wio bail deserteil Boubou, but Bonbon vie bad desorted ber. For sfev veokeMise Suaan'm man- nr boward Retty vas col! and con - atraincil, thon silo mddenly became ber old, frten!ly self agaîn, an! dning the remainder oftheb.summen did iuci te make bbc long bot ilmys toms tiresurne and monotono us for the Young people ef the neigiborbodi. Nord coab dropa hml cf ber domino thal qwn and Joo siontl bo included in ! many pleasaut excur- sions that sghe planneil, tiloug i ilwva quite plain to evcrybody bilaI botil boys bail grovu W b. prime favorites viti ber * "Hetty," a! Miese Biran, comn snddenly iluoeeaftoruoou aItic los ef tic summor, III bave a visiter ah my bouse, sud vie do yen suppoe.il is ?" I'zin sur. I nover coul! guet%,"' mmd Hlety, siakcing hon heail sud tocking inquiriugly aI or visiter,w4vile smred bu'bblng ever viMlhap -nm "It'm my nophiev, Jo. Weoka." "'Oh, bas Jool Weèk m re ah lait ?" and Betty boire! even more plessed than WMss Usan, "Yeu n mev Ihavi alvays vantail 10800 bxifr" the vefl on, excitedly, 6"bemaseyen bave balired about him se mach, msud t!mo sc many nîcé thinga abOut him. Why bis fatiren ta a ricler' man bisa M Bornera, int ile, Mima Birman ?" "«Evernosemach icher," replie! Mini SUsMu, vili a pecuiar saill. -"I aM going bogîvesa litho tea-parly tw' it houer te-nigt-j usl aqil ut Ijhome affair-and I vaut y on andyo& fti to corn evr. Wil. yenî?"l "0f conne e voviii," ii! Hetty delighi-edty. 1"1W-111 Jee9s&y long?' mie a*s di!only. ,OWlyas tev ilys. W. mbbn-,tri maire.liose few ilmys plaat fer hlm And nov 1 muaI mu bo hmfor1 have enougil weri1before me-5tp SUn lie viole afteorue Hettywas l a flottor of exciteenn &Rl 4y, asudpouli!a 4ywaittfor nighi to OW,o80Imptiurt vas aie tus.e sud knovihis Joel Woeks of vion WMss Bosu hb alkbso-ma. "4Holives inBoston,,Papa, aud hois i sisIer about My fige," silo oxpluno! lx iler tolion outle way over - toMis "Tyon sen te icùow mal about 1h youli," ai ber fatbow,.laungt& "ReeuMM Misea usan ha ~oome vftk vited l me. want t SE -th. hulai lite lilIlei a s i i i 'I b s a a o Si B~ut 1ht me e 4bèk o ho 1bee ag anal i eplain wily 1 deeiErayoub JooI's fathor wnte toame emrW1a1 te qigaakingme if Ivould lie Joel- sdut blm ïàrlongh a course Of ligit onhtdoor vwork.tIbis summen., The 1ioy's belti wa injureil, ho' saidl, by boolosappictti ontehisbe, andl ho etevilafw on.tx th le coun- try wonldl imptovc hlm. HRé - aidoil that if I chose I could ay qjoo the OMI ago s pad ia. hiid!-boy. _I Ighdalittie even liaI part cf lie ltofrit va# se like Brother James te propoejusienh a qneor aangeë- ment. But vion Joel came sud' de- -clareilthal ho r"aly meant 10 be rný y blreil boy-for t*e summer, bbeie se amneoiland plasedl me tuat ,1o Ia nothing te diçsiýaMe humfboxabispur- pose. Infabt ava goci! chance tg work ont a littho idea. of My ovu, and 1I teok advsntage! of il." "Thon yen delibormtely planned bile ujkeon me. I: think Ibat vas very unrnd, Misnsimn." #&No, I didn't dcliberatoly plan suy- thing. It ail came ho me quit@ suildon- ly whon yen said you consideroil a hired boy yourï inferior, and. that yen didn't intend toi invite Beubon Blaie te your prt.I reaily bail meanl htotl =o but Joel>s rathor eceentnie whim, b ut your remaiks mbout Boubou causedl me te -change nry mind. Thon, alter- van!, I hped -yen voulil se.e's goci! qualîties îu spile of yottr prejudice agist bireil. boys; but yen quile 0,or lhmau I made up My min! ho keep- )ptho joke ail summer." 1 44O vi[1 ne'or forgive me l1er lysa- ingz hlm so,," ail Hetty, wItIb ars la ber eyoa. -Oh, yes, lho yl 1",asure! lIté Susan., good-buxnorodly. "1Jool ta zrnch tee kýnd-lieawted te hold a gnndge aginet anybody. And -I1only wanted bu beach yen a litie lemon, *II wish I lis! nover laid Miy eyosM o Ned Somers -anud his sisien," mid Hetty, lhinking of lie many plemmant jaunts liat Jol bailmimsea tirugh &,Wou. thliy bave gono;; se diarnisa them i fom yeur min! dean," su!' Miss i3usan, kindly. "&,1nd tare RBouben ibueir into your fricndabip agan-rai sure ho deserves it-,",sa md.!, ibila emile., And Hetty muddenly decideil liat he dia. Durlng the fev daym thit Joël ne. aaaed viti Misa Susan bis -manner zlowar! BEetty tvas as frindly an! con iaidetas Mif zýthin« ipleasut .ha! evor ourrnd. ý l Ot ,kctwo«i~tl iisver feei calte aaav.- Miss Busin's joire bail bite deqiei effeet ; for the: lithleoep" of thbie "=- mor vas ail th~elemu bmonliIetty ne.!. e!, ail eue Itt 84 neyer forge.- Adelaide D. Boellton, iu Golden Day.. The diM'YrtNe=a" bras!of madllug bOlbacolissto 1.testfor oveS tvciy an uigthal hase il hum lestMo Peu% d t ! - àof- thousanda Tus lmontena! renloe hosthit il thep=rVal A but istier a fIrt-claaatobseco, The unsual meeting cf the Toreooe- fief Beeîey *#À bhdM& d~.Som e i:o taen va.-euwe4 ty te aSWInt ilom- A. Oampba4 bui boeWested mayor of Rat Portage.1 SUERIOÉ To ÂL OTEE "Pxms rouox 0taedcidedly tibe t proparabmciknlvnfor wbltein thie 00M.. pleion. tiP7Df trsy hsm orr =théolunm otuns spdts outhe Mlaad ýor remeiug $mp adalother oeMtlus The btu rueti igto byeaè viii h jTmlIlaos " Î.dollar. fodrliontrs or ofouwiyears, d everted À 1"eus Woi ut elne - g, la oncawy go *ho a uS 0Whieh makcs the Dljtdrop eut Wthout Rard Jtubbing Wltbout EoiIing WIt.hout Waahlng M7y the easy, euan sd economicai vay-the nu!tîway ef wasbing, snd *ol wM obe dis- SUNLIGHT SOAP-lviDg ne equal for Pnxitv. you znaiue t wlthcoomtort anddlilght for every'bousohold purpome. WOSS: PT. 5UNUOt4T NEAR SIRIENNUIAO L VE BRo04 The Cod Tha tdeato ure faste Ide MouMmCIL THE T61-letj »40 rIemenumentaHBad8tofl68 sudaI otenCamo.teq Work is importern cf C~~~ ~~ E.xàLV&Y .A~ Lite BesimentP4ý.lcIanToronto eà Offie ours-9 11% . M.0 Bb2 p.zù,, o t9 p. m. Oilice sad Eestdemaoê-002 of Kent sdan<1&stre4, hiby P. .NLUU,. . Phymsice, Surgeen, sud Âcccuoheu Uffc. houzs- t010a. M.,S 1.o*4à 7-tO P Mp. nlo. S, '!he Ternes, D. P. EOGÂRLT, N.»., L ph iil, urgonUsnd AouoheXr A Me sudB"esiece -nexeani 1u Ohuxohs Dundas 51., Whiety.IL Dailal sur ed Ah" 11Obseaoit, .ï frie notice. Boîtse BRuIbbor -0«-»rne&06nAs m Ééol cdoras& 1l;D*. onb., BIG, Tonalt.. «* Ai vn uabe ud dcieo o1 the ~ DOM410NBANK& ,ri Capiwa Paid up, 150,O WMhtby A g."ëo. aUteea aoved à* bighesI ourontrates. no llceof vlthdruvsl requlred. W.K. -KOLLANI>, ta equt as a coùgh-cùre. rIwas a boy I had abronchla f. sucil a persistent andl stul> :rcethat the doctorç it -.incurable wltvth ordinarj ,but recommended me to tr3 herry Pectoral.. I1-did 80, aný ecured me. ForthelIastfifteet k.ve used tuis preparation-wi ýt viierever I take a bad cold iow of numbera o1*eople wbi id the bouse ail the irae, n& ng itsa.fe to be vithout iL"- Ddson, P. M., Forest> Erd, W.Va igh more than twenty-five year% ýuffererj,rorn lung treuble, at ithcogugbinÏgiso sev ere attirai ise hemnorrhage, the ploXYSu latnthree or fourhu uced te try Ayer's Cherry P.c d à.fteW taking four bottles, ia Iy curied"-Franz Hc1ffinac -Grip PO - sp ng I vas-taken clown wii] eAt'times .I- was_ complete, rOs Cherry1 1I began ta bI could nc Id be, so ra DaIet.' -i PriS $i ; sîx -bit tsure *0 a* Irom1,8te Te WÀaBe Lpj 7k , us

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