Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 13 May 1892, p. 4

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-Sett's, One bottie .-of WILLISP Oelebrated PULMONIC SYRUPI WILL DO IT. 2& ots, Per Bottie. MANUFACTURED BY -Je- E. WILLI8, Chemi8t cI Dru ggi8t, Medical Hall, Brook Street, FRIDAY, MAY 139 Whftby.1 1892. Polittosi Peluters Mr. Charltot's Sundsy observance bihl bas been voted dewu in the bouse ef com- meons. He says if bie lives it will b. lire- duced again nexi session. Messrs. Murray, M.- P. fer Pontiac, Que.-, and Gauthier, M. P. fer Lassomp- tien, Que., both Liberals, bave been de- clared unseated by the suptme court. The Allen Labor bill introduced ie tcth House of Commons, preventing Ameni- cans fremn being employed in Canada until they shahl have become citizens of Can- ada, "~ defeated in pariament on Wed- nesday. Dalton McCarthy's dual language bill was again knocked eut in the house on Wednesday, onlY 33 members having voted for i-'7 Topies and 16 Grts. The majorhty akainst il was 99. Messrs. Beith -and Smith voted for the measure. A bill passed by the legislative assemb- ly cf Prince Edward Island te abolish the legislative council of that island, has been vetoed by the lieutenant-governor, be- cause the preamble cf the bill contained an agreement liniting Uhe right of future legislation in the matter. The impeachment cf Judge Elliott, et b. beu*Oittod by 1idIig bi<ôm-At,ýî1a -relates te this Iprand. dustry. surety or indorser for auInsolveut, éboi la new given the saumo rlJiiu u a .eüo. This Is a very. valuab1e improy,,ment'oti the. law. Bsit PROTECTION. The, 8pra3ing «i sprinkling of fruit trots wltii paris gr e= or etiier substances înjuions to eeà whie such trees are i fuU bloomn, la pro hibited, under a penatY Of $1 to REGISTRY ACT. Wl fs urvey's CM sub-divlsions ane to be .gserdlu duplicate and orne of such dupIicate de- livered to tiie tresuftr or .418mmt, commissiefler ottbe munlcipalltY.ý Gwrn JUROma. The. nmber 18uMW reduced tÃ" 13- It là not.likely tatâ ls Act wil ever become op.ràtle,ý as thei. Dominion Governaent- daim the r -lght as being a matter of Criminal Pi~oced= rte deal witb that whole question. DivIsioN COURTS. Furtiierpoisn Is ruade in respect of sureties Of cI.rks and bailiffs wbo desare te b. relieved*of t".r liability as bondsmen- Cletks arete make returns of-,erderS for comMIntWtalt the inspector instead of te the Judge asà formerly. EviDEtNCE0OF WIFE OR HUSIAND. In procedings before any J. P., maYOr, Or police magistrate, in matters cognisable by such, the party oppsig r def.d*ng, or the. wife or husband of sucii -are now competent and compellable te give evld- ence therein, incluing crimnes. SUCCESSION DUTIEs. Hereafter ail property over $io,ooo passlng on the. death of an owner to others th=n near relatives, or charitable corporatic>nso wyl psy a pet- centage ie Uichebands ef the localgor- ment, to go towards the. support cf bospi- tais, asylums, and other public charities A similar law han been ln force ln Eng-' land. it is fair that thc.. wbo become possessed of property te which they did net contribute to carn should contribute a proportion for Uic common weai. MORTrmAiN ACT. Tuis prevides tbat lands devised to any charitable use shall be sold within tw-t, Y"a froin Uic death of the testator or wfiMp 1uchexteuded Urne as the High Courtaa determine. Per- sonal estate directed tobe laid eut In tii. purchase of land for any charitable use can only b. so applied ta tthe exîtent e- quired for actual occupàtion for the pur- -poes offtUichcarity, ildnet an au invest- ment. Bequests et iouey charged upon land are ne longer void.' If tbis bail been Uie law wheaUich late liMrs.. Euston Watson bequeatued $4Seo te ti town ef Whtby for a free library, Uic tewn would now be possession thereof. London, bas been thrown eut in the honse CHATTCL' MORTGAGS-A» BILLS OP- of dôrntiens by a majority Of 42, on1theI SA. it is nov made clear tuai mort- grounds that nothing was brought before parliament te show that the charges were based upon anything but heresay, and net sufficiently authenticated te warrant par- lianient în an enquiry inte thc circumstan- ces. The charges pteferrcd against Sir Adolphe Caron of boodling with funds stolen from the subsidies of certain Que. bec raîlways, are--te b. referred te a Royal commission; te take evidence and loy ît before parliament at its next session. Judge Boyd s speken of 4s one of the judges, and pgrliament reserves te itsel thc right te decide upon the evidence tuns secured. W. F. McLean,. proprietor et the To- rente Werld, was elected M. P. for East York on Wednesdsy.' He is a clever y5hzng man a fine irriter aud goed aciilar, being a inember of tue sehmate of Toronto univer- -sity. Mn. Lesie, bis opouent, ls'welh and tavorably known ln tuis town, iiaving once hehd a position lu a bank here. The expanses et runnng the Intercol- niai railway exceeded its caruingal lsm year by $684,000, while tue Prince Edward Island railwny, which les aise run liythe Dominion Goernment, vws over $6od*o short ln lis accounts. Hon. Joliù 114. Sart, the new mnister cf railways lias ecided te discharge many emploïîl!à sad curtail Uic train servce te malké ,enidé -meet- on thea. noads If possible. 'He says tuaitbe men -niployed on govermment rends bave an ides that liey need net vor se bard an if uhey-were working fora cern- pany made ilet fprivate Investera wbo look foy a dxvIdend. - The Globe l8 publshing from day te dwy fac similes of 1louer, pusslg between Sir Hector Laugevin .suad tien.Tes - Grevy ltutue-pahmny days wben pverything wan ovly with them and tuey ewned thc théc Province oe" Qucec-allbut ý hat *Mercier bail. Tbey bad a gocid electIon- fund et whlch .M7cGrevy vas trcasurer, and S- Hecter mmced te issue erders up. hlm ln favor-ot thep Ceupervative candi- gages sud sales can b. imade of propcrty te, b. aftet acqulrcd. An assigne.- effet the benefit cf creditorm endeved wltu , al the: righis, of 'a crediter of th. inscîveni. " Actual and continuai change of posses- sion" 1is la defined te b. -"suchi change of possession as 18 open, sind reasenabhy sufficient te aflerd public neice -theeoP'. A void mortgage or sale net beconte rated by taking possesio as against erediters beceme se betoté sucii tsking. Agree- ment for sale te a trader for te-sale which previde, that thec propprty shah D'a pas until certain payuments are made Vola un- less in wtiting r.glstered witfftue Ccunty Court Clerk., ARREST OF DzmTe5. The. uherifi, ut tue tequesi of a pcrscnY atreted under civil precias, shall grant toisucli persona dclay cf six bouts after amfrest before tak- ing l teo. sd9ephl ucut ferA.ucb uneue sMent of esoal tessd eescdent te thedelay. Tis is a bumnn provision, sud WIUi sncb pers an oppertulnity e of agb with tuer creditomn vithcut tlieiimsnihhl4i- tion of bciug lake o egaoe t 1 ms many years âgé ince a debtor vas mrest- ed in thls ounty.'and taken te gaol wliile on bis wsy to bs wiflWs fmneral. Sherif 's are aisoe .mpowered te releass a debtor Ù pn bis pailg the deit, ith 25 pet cent. added. FisutR vPatorzcTlozr, Atcplu tue'- tineý when the fisiierles on Inland waters-m'ar 'b. -trasw.4T rou the. tus, B. A., tii NYXINC Tas CST. on of Wt -098Reiu. SOumK ACCOUNTS. Mr Oraiste putthrough Som , s- ceuais for the in4ice comuaittee, amount- fing té about #29e TUE mENT*ANCIE 11XAIsM Qa modmo et 1Er.Barclay the . tefor outrance candldatZswas fixed at $z ecd, wblch as tob. pald. the board. Urt. Fergusn moue-d that Mr. G. H. Hoigarth, B. A.) bei appolnted the board'a Dw movediiat 1r. W. J. Green- ýWood, B. A.,e b. ajýpontd.-Carried. THE INSErqTOR'8 REFMUSAL. Mr. Barclay moi md tbàt, lnasrnuch as laspcto Ucnenbas wrltten tins board reîsitO ocmply with is demand tuat bhaudrefund s~ u=a Ot$46.66, a tom- vilitem ccnl -l fMers. Doi, feiga- s, Rutl.dge, angsd Barclay b. n polted to take s83istes s ay-.6 deeuied adv"sble, te employ council if necesaary,.ie ask the couuty council te tsa a baud in, etc. Yeas-Dow, Mc- teilan,- Ferguson, Barclay, Resu -i. Nays--Farcwel. Fox, Rutledge, Oms ton, Howden-e. 1Mr. King, chairman, dà7aedthe mhin nlest. MEr. Dow moved <liai a comumittee con- slstlng of Mesar. laClay,» RutIedge, Fer- guson, King sud lmowbe appcinted te lay the matter of thesq differences wltb Inspec- tor McBrien befc*e the county council, wûba view te dWs<sslansd considerlng tue 1iigbts e ftige ".espective partites -n re- gard to tues. m tMr.---Carried. Mr. Dow mov4d that tue secreary of tuis board b. l itructed te write tii. Departm cnt of Ed ication aknt f«copWa ef dcenaents-pansing bctween Inspecter' McBrien sud the Depatment rqgardlug thie paymnt to thé Inspecter ef monys.- Carfied. lit. Dow movec4 for a special comnnitte. ccnsistng cf Memýrs Ferguom, Barcly, Ornsisten, IRtiedge and Dow- te cpç9 witb lnspecter »McBri.n witu a vis* tw novstndng eiironthe. Insector tbis oardw., awert Arbitraie c tematters l CA&PTURE CTaiE TtUAwnS. Mr. Farewell nioved tbat tii e cretary of tue board b. Instructed te ascertain ftem th eac ofrhet ii dflreut tovra sciiecistue nainesoetail Pupls enroffld Whô- ame net re inarluaftSdance, -srnd aise tue naines et ticparents or tuardions of suci ppls a ba uc.obtitinlng the naines te Yrea sal uewctifr the. pur- enta or guard ansd aise enjolnu upc thein tue neessit' of observilg thiel regdn g compulor educadi-Carrled. Te board then adjournod bue ofShe irst en c.exhibition ai the Chicago Wc*rd's Fair is a great big doublebarrelled, duplex,. back-actlng, doule asciilating strikeý witii a rioting mevement atah wlvih 4.4.the .o lice. Tii. next tblng we uasy look for wil b. tii.demroniliettiiimattewholebuldnpby bonmb-throwcrs. ;U, Uited Suies, m spedlngbou= $poooweo mnechsula c Cbcgut Ift*eP en times filft - lios hee oudtm.strkesariddynoile The vl4age of $toufflIle on MôlIdui vot.d for leclept$ebyaàuajurity ot.,ý- thus settbqug Ï,ge<$l example, to eien l- lng munldcpalWtee - The.-argument ua the. peopleef a viIýage and iclulty sibml the 4:i J , NOTE ULNES WILL PROFIT BY ITI. PRINTS 8yarzaë of TeaiIe Oloth ,foi', 7 yards of VièoGria Lîàwn fý 8 Yards of Amerioan Sateon, 15 yards of Shaker F1axmeI'ý* 10 yards oûf Tweed effeot D*ée 10 yards ofArt Musainfoi,ý;ôo 65 pai rB"taiess Blaok(wtt 10 yards New Patternu OW*o 2 pai', Lace, (mitainmfo 2 cuaîàPOlý and attaeà 2Dado Border WindoýSi &SATEENS.-« Wehave opened an immense lhue of popular ew shades- and designe fresh fronr the manfacturera. Quantities of- str{tly new styles showu for the firet time this se fflr. Handoomeet pattern. Lateet ideas . a sett, handsorr w warranted tïip .te, razor steel.-. re oouldn't seil them;_ pâce- if. we had. -- ~h hem -o well, buti Id 'rather - have .. y oy than the knivs, -ai r8eWifl let you have t ARNÂR.] yndFniiarîUh"PadrrSui Silk sud Mohair Plustmh',Fei àfo<uete ansd 811k Brocstel inut, Oïk sn& Mlghomy. Ban. ( belotebuyin 9ITURE C C ýPOIT pg ADJOUBNED SALE 0F LANDS FOR1-TAXE&4~,~q Bvy i*mu. of awara m a.r=4« *0auaof ne n.eesuay fr.- M- TO LET. me1I -1 acr provi iqer viol being ý seasonr ., l.dging1 over fmvg twel rone dollar.. dollar, Le. doular. TONeS YNflSIL ORSETS;- FOR' $1.00 -A PAIR.,

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