One bottle otWLLS PUL?.ÇONIC SYRUPI WILL DO IT., 25 et&. per ]Botti,, MANUFAOTURED BY dé E. WILLI8, C hem/st cd Dru ggist, Medical- Hall, Brook Street, Whltby.1 FRJDAY, MAY 6y 1892 Thse Soati Ontarlo Protes .1 This matter is taking shape to spend a few years in the law courte. The (facta so far asý gleaned from newspaper talir -are, these: The protest was lodged and Tiss J. Morris sent Ito Ottawa te serve Mr. Smith. After about a monti tise Tories began to assert that Mr. Smith had not b:een served -wtl the notice.Tise petitioner then made an application to Chlief Justice Armour asking ýfor an euteù. sion ofeme lu which to serve tise unit aud otîeanorder. Morris la bis affidavît, on which tite application was based, muore thatïise ;Wentici Ottawa -and enquired of' the landlord at Mr. SnIziî's boiel. wliere hispgest was,, and wa directed to -thia dining rooru, froni uhici tise usber sent out a gentleman who nodded toMrris'. enquiry if he was Mn. Smith, of Soutis On- tario, anad wbo than 'ked Moris politehy ou beng favored with the writ. ,WUcs-ý day's Empire said an application would be madc to abolîhissJudge Arniour's order extçaiding tise time of service whil e sz Wol fthe same date'-decared îChief J Justice Gait had.,gnped d.- abýoition1 for a week peziding soins otiser décision~ probably- front ti court of appeal. Tis Osh&iwa Vindicator say 1s Mr. Smih ha inu structed bis solicitorto tmnove-te bave. tise order set aside,- and tisat -tise case .wM lbe argued iu Toronto sisortlY. Tise Liberal hipn ave not said much about the sub- ect 0 fr. I apeau,. iswtver. 5as< if th sufficlent credeut[ia lr jtô t Trory, but reendtly r, Orange frater cm ( swooped downu upo the T otïiÙ to bring out a candidatee week- lat, and the Tory machlne waa dum and Kent brouglit out. Immedlà loud noise of Tory revot -was h al secretar of the ConSer'rative assoc resigned, and the klcking tulmin&te4 properly in party defeat. Mr..'BIj was well kuown here since boyhuod his friends of both poUitcalparties r in bis luck. m-j The Whitby KsOhaà t..' Zattuo "I move that the bookts.pufcL"sng cons- mittêe get a copy of eNAatise Lily', Rider Haggard's latest atory,»i*$dd one o the most grave and reverend seignors amongst the membersý, at the annual iueetý' ing of the mechanics' thse library room Wednçsday night. Tiis, frisky old fellow's idea'of keeping np with the procession,- even of these blood sud- thunder African rà mances, is only a chrystilisation of the perennial .youtisof the institute, aithougli it lias pttuined' venerable age of 4o years liaving been founded inti 8,52. [t 15 til! in a hcaltliy, vigorous condition, as the treasurer's-report showing a balance of a little -ever $zoo ou hand makes clear. Thse Librarian's re- port for the year ending April 30t1 last shews the -Megibership to bu 72. 0f volumgp, iu thse library there are : Biogra- phv, îp, of whlch 22 were issued during -Ceyear ; F4kUon> 716, of whicb îia2 were issued; History, 230, of wbich 58 were issued Mîiscellaneous, z02, of whicb 3o were issued GenTl Literature, 2o2-52 ; Poetry and Drama, r7--6 ; Sicience and Art, 252-24 TraVels, 253--244 ; Works of Reference, 28-Magazines, sW ~Thse eled-1 tion of officers resulted as follows :-presl-1 dent, W. WV. Tamblyn ; zst vice, Jamesj Shaw : nd vice, Donald McKay ; libra- r ian, Miss Fraser ; secretary, F. Howard Annes, treasurer, D. Ormiston ; auditor, %V R. Homrse'l committee, Mess. James Brown, J. E. Farewell, Q. C., J. D. How- dvil, James Rutledge, L. T. Barclay, Wm. \ol.Robert Willis, G. Y. Smith, Judge Darineil, Joseph King and A.rthur Lawler.1 The memhership fée is %only Si a year.m rhere ought to be two or three times as 1 navmemnbers as there are. Thse direc- c tors wil[ meet next Friday, thee z2th, toc To'wn Coui. N" T ' SzIA IGHT.-A LONG SITTING ("00 GOD1) DEAL 0F IMPORTANT BGS-. NiTRANS.ACTED.ý-THE YWpoST- I IESITE 4PICKEDI)OUT-THE LOWELL NI '.1TER AGAIN REPRTU UPON-TitS 1- .TE COLLEcTrOR's DEPALCATION.- 1ENr)ERS FOR ST REET WATER[NG.- NIORE ABOUT A CONSTABLE. Whlen the town coualcil sat on Monday iigbt it had a big bill-ôf-fare to tackle. A GOOD Ã"FFER. An app'ication was read fromn Wm. Cal. e trev-, ottering to give his trne as ciief Cons1ztable at $3oo per annuni, or to accept $17-5 and be allowe.V to do business and ai-t tvhen called upon.' IlLATE COLLECTOR'S SHORTAGE. A letter was read (ibm Town Solicitor Farewell, enclosing one froua Messrs. Dow ~ \cGilivaysolicnprs f&W the sureties Ofthe late collector. Thse letter enclosed s as follows (Wîthout prejudice.) Whitby, April 261is, 1892. J.E. Fa rewel, Q. C.,$ DEA4R Si ,-Whitby vs. Pirie et aL- Thec examination of Mrs. johuston Pinie appears to show the estate of Jolinstou Pirie arnounted to uothing whatever at his decease,and that îfjndçitent were obtaîned against his estate nothsa.g wisaever Could be realized upon it. hi would seens. there- fore, that if thse defendants gre lhable to the town ou tihe colltctor>s bond tise whole burden of paymeaî would fal apon Miss Si i 1air. We think this would b. a great haraship te Miss Sinclair under the cir- cumstances, as she la not possusied of very rnsuch manas wherewith te pay a judg- ment if sncb sisould bu obtalnçd aus ber ; indeed ht wouid take away her living for a good many yeers ta pay tise tona' dlaim. We cenuot 1help -thinklng tisat some of thes respousibihty of Ut. A. pln1t hsaving been Put là a, positabn te occasion tbis nafontîsstate of atWars -'reste wft)a tise town icouncil;- but;' aside.froua that we May Say tisatit 66 la been customiany bouidsmeuibo bave -been vlct$ized' in thse way lun*blcis Misa Sinclair is lkely tu be lu this particuWd case, We woldpne- fer, rather thisprolong litigation, ta fl a compromise writh the town,if -k cen b. done on a reasonable basis. We would, tiserefore, offer yolu, w ltbcmt bjdié, to Payý $800 aad osts, in Icashe towai wi upon suds paymen4 4pretto rlease Miss Sinclair, (Sigued> Do* & McG*ujAvRAâ. Mr. Farenei's letter related thse pantiçia- hans of >Irs4obaston iie', exam*i=netoai on oath before Judgp l)artnell, wherein- se stated tisai $ee d been appointe4 sole executrix to the will of tise.lie Jole-ý Coasu. Mines tread. a re1Pm, -tom'til cOMMlttee on ?allways-and nmiwctw"e. The irst, item sataed, thatthde oemmtteë lied advertlsed W tendon A lb t,pr- office site and :ha4i rcfed I t bh>wlngjý tenders. Louis Sebert, opposite llery stbe ie6624* iYfree ;-W. H.Crosby ws ofbhs atOre oo 'Lit, #; W.-*H <Crosby, sanie e 75290 $- aoo; Ilios. Deverel, -Ray's, hotel alte%&, ,jn,Ãý Rbinson, hip barber shoop ad dwel. Ink40X 'ft,$4oo; J. Ha asseGreen. wood, Powell', old stand, 3pxqgift., with ±h*W-aory bniibuilding, t I4é.Te council struck out the connuittees s acori miendation that Dývereil's offer be accept- edandgae th prefereuce_ to -Crosby>. $sSo offer, ujÉ to the ap ,proval of the. Mîlster of PublicJ Works and tIê expres. ed intention of the Dominimn *verement to erect a ,bu"lin thereon.ý- item in thereport!dealt wlth tbe ife grantlng botter ternisl to the Lowell Eva- poating Works.i ft la recmm«ed that: ma=idra= ewit* therelulnpsi at a public meetinW, the towu olc$oô b isttuctd tà d - ua deed (r1r Lowell oftheportion ofhe town propeit uow occnpied b7y lim, sud to tna niort- gag inMutrn or sasse amonut,,the latter' to besimPly held as a guaraitéeeof good faitb, and the uinderstanding being that -Mi. Lowel shah carry on bis busines ,there for ten years froua Sept. 1S4 189i1; that lie shah esc year of tise terni have e'nployeëd 65 band and paid ont In wages $sooo, except lu. any year when there shaU lie a filure iu the fruit crop ; that lie shah keep thse oki to n h nsured in favor of tihe town tor $8S; that thse gate. waya and yard ini the north-east corner of thse athletuc groupda lbc reserved to, the town, 2until Mr. Lowel shall requin. thse saine for the erection of buildings in car- rying On bis busîièss; tisat the propety iu thse deed and niortgages lie divlded Iu- tO tiares lots, as it how is, and any part re- leased front thse mortvage imutediately alter Mr. Lôwel shaffhave erected a building thereon--thia latter referriug Osly to tile land te ille east and weit of thse uld townhal; the property to be ex.-- rnspt froU -taxation during tise whole term, except ecuber or both thse lo that. iuay lie releaaed froua the mora- upon erectiuj buildings thereon. Teewns a ong discussion oser the matter, but thse report weuî through as above. NOT ANXIOUS FOR A coi'. Couas. Rowland read a report (ro= the conauittec on appcaanînieuus teo ofilc, ne- co03meadiug that one Corns be appoint-, ed town coustable ai a salary of SaSo Per year. ,The report appeared to str1ke the ftesuufavorably, sud upon Cans aow- land- moving thse conucil auto commaIgee, Coun. Scott niouedi amendoient tiet'tise report lie lad. over for futurecosir- dion, and the aieudînent carried. $800 A.o cosrS. Tise reeve anoved that tiese unaqf4*-o aud cas ofthe action nswtdn* b raccepted from. Misa Si.nclair- lifuiM qf e» dlaims thse corporatim-okls ahdaeisibç as surety for A. Pirîe.-.-Cararled. Ou motion $20 -was ordenedt t -bo.pdli Wm. Calverley for two mentisl' servlà s aw coustable under tlte teauponary' btpeaýà now existiug between hisad tise tmydr. On motion Collqctor Pnnle was in- strucied te returu lis 1t Sn rolIeipleted before tise î5tl day 1o.f May. Depuuy King gave notice of a by-law to lie iutroduced ai next meeting of thsecom-. cil to provide for wâtern* theê streets, Tise couascil dice_ djounn-ed Fine clear asied candies 1o ceai. per. IL. ai Newberrry's. Houseplans forr thse people ,et New-. bery's. Tise nearest guess gets tise dinnr setof 114 pleczs ai Honck &ianns A free public recýtaI wifl b. eaa at ths Coleège by tise ladiesiexiTburnday afernoon. Thse hcense comniisioner heud their adJounaed meeting bem Qo' F$ay lest Mud disposed of theý reinainisng. caesa J. M"nwal ofbils ice ,wes Mt hvoeibly l7gked upoas by tise miiSm wvà aowed another yeer. Base, of iCalumi buidForetli> ,Of Charemoint, w*re refued aven iceuse. A very quiet weddlug took place at-&e oeieaç f Mn, W. H. Rllahnd, MabAMa thé NEWEST AND 1TFESE- NOTE UINES YQIJ WILL PROFIT BY IT. PRINTS the, FAIRE ST- PRICE S. Yards of Tèee oth 7 yrd ofVitoria Lam 8-Yards of Amerioan Bat 15 yards of, Shaker PltwDû 10 yards of Tweed effeot z' 10 yards of-Art ..muelin f01 5 paits Stainlesesok 10, yard8 New-.Pattern, 'Cri 2 Curtasin Polos and attcà 2 Dado Border Window' & SATEENIZ e Wo have Opened an immen se Uine of popular new shad, and designe frosh from the manufacturers. Quan-titi-es striotly new styles shown for tlie firet time thMs seaà oc -a-nd(somest patterns. LatoSt idoas. $P5 Setts, twel in a sett handsoî :box, warrante4tri1 plaie, razor steel;ý bought them 80 well, but-- would rathor- have 'yc taonoy than tihe knivee, al Bo -wowill let you t] ,bargain Eagyay -dFancy haire Parlor SuU sudil Couches, i iui ,kBmie, -e Point, Siik-aud MohairPluuis, renclit OeCouette- aai lk Irocateie in WahÈrnI, Oak sn4,Mahogau y. Baus W. do the buot Picture IRra fng ini Ontario. "IAil AmaVi one dollar.-ý Gooda for oeue dolla.- il Rose fo r. one dollar. Le for Due dollarïf uts fôî ono dollar. s for one .dollar.. OCROMPTON-qS CO RSETS FOR $100 - A PAI1R. us belons MALE 0FLANDS FOR TAXES.jC '1wi MTv,. FORf 8ALEý otWlilIy. RENT.~ I Foe doilà - pnoe 'if Wa dnt sell- thE -we- had YATISI