Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 29 Apr 1892, p. 4

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WJLLIS' pu4t rOpj, j yflUP WILL DO IT. 25 ts. Per Bottie, MÂNUACTREDBY J.L EsW IL LI81 Chemist if Dru ggi8t, Mledical Hall, Brook Street, Whftby.1 FRIDAY, APRIL 29P 1.892.. Pi»omi Notes. Nothing is being donc li the House of Commons-as usual. The Government la preparing a bill for the redistribution of the constituencies, and the Opposition will flot allow any progress in other legisiation as long as this bill is kept back. So they spend the tim'e tal king about binder twine and the like and workng up scandais against each other. There is'another series- of elections on just now, one for the Ontario Assembly, to elect a man for Toronto in the late H. E. Clarke's place, to be beld, today, April 2o0 one to represent Welland where Gecr- man was disqiqalified to tic hcld today also ; one in East York to fil Mackenzic's seat, to bc hel d on May iutti; one iu North Perth, where Grievewas unseated, to be held on 14ay i2th. ln Toronto the candidates are bigeiow, Lib., and Kent, Con. ; in Weilaid LoweIl, Lib., and Law. son, Con. ; in East York Leslie, Lib., and McLean, Con. ; inu-North Perth Grieve, Lib., and Scrimgeour, Con. The Conser- vatives held Toronto previously and the Liberals thc other three. A bih iÎs before thc House of Comnmons, and will most likely pass, to compel al voters to go to the poil in Dominion elec- tdons, unless they can give a-rcasen for neglecting, to do so tbat wîll satisfy a court. 0f course ail that a mas can be compelled te do is-to- go and drop lu a bal- lot. No perses casi be compelied to mark a ballot, oer the law says a ýoter must be perrnittcd to do this in secret. The law can- only inake a man cast a blank ballot, if lie secs fit to leave it nmarked. The penalty for not goîng to the poli is $îo and wheu a Vetei is complitined against hie must furnish satîsfactory excuses for flot attending the poli.. The complanant is * fot obliged to furnish any evidence to establish his case. His comptaint is taken .as good until refuted. In the redistribution bill seon te cerne before the Hottée of Commons Uic Con- zervatives have a great chance te strenth- en thenselves 14 parliameut, even beyond the present - Imrouessmajority:. Qiebc] is il yte ha (e5,, representatives and an IotherProDvinces ln proportion te their 'oplation. thus if nQebcc bas 65 mcers fer a."population o!. 1,488,5M. It -will amoutit te eue representativé forcach 22,900, and evrery other Province ýwtt! bave & timember for ecdi22,900 ofita ppulation. Thtis -wtt! cut off two or-tbre In the' maritiniÈ Provinces.. Ontario will-bave -92 by this bilU. ,This edistribution of seatà takes lace ,o nce lu tU ern ars, after eaic!i census. At present thc popuation of Montreal Is over x85,ono, andd ividinthls nuniber by the 22,90o It wiltbc f'=f 1.at clty iw e ntitled'te seven or eigbt mesdm*u wheremu it, ow u sbut tlirte., «iýit ycar'sbu"lesand U-thé aI~4 ýInstitution. _The eUly-,' ,vtn directors had t mak was- Atté crsein circulation s»d 'd tu. g tbcmme mnythau the ,lirh fitable-investflieit for.,c titis draw back thc net piOs iÊouMté k$lt,217,II. OtfusSitWbl'nl yidends of 3%pc cot.have, becar add$5000 a dded to6thc test, ýwhich sou stands ate8,oo. Asarevsult-oftat. fui manageneut no bornes of aary mo 1ment- have occurcd. .Vieé-bauk la graduaily ex- tendlng ho range ofeope rations, hàvig, ai ,thc pieseut time, besides teUial c4offce here, branches cf Wbftbyi Port Perry, New Hambarg, Pcnetangishcae, Mid- land TIlsouburg and Paisley;. *For an in-, stitution that bas been in existence for but ten- years, a growth Ue titis wfth Iicreas- lng ycarly profits, in evideuce of carefiil manageentan sd aund judgment cf thoscîluchare.The dîre&tÀrsarclto be conraaiatupon ic resuit of their ten ý ers ffotsparticularly Uic cashier, 1Mr. - H. McMl<an, whoe baud has been at thehbelan te direct the -aftairs or Uic ln- stitution.- The Nfew York. Sun troubles lts mmd a great dcal on .the, question, of anuexation. The candidature of Uic crank E. A. Mac- donald lu Toronto this week is taken, by Uic Sun as ai Indication thaic he b«& j Canadians are fuI of it If al lie editor-' ls lathe New York dailies are based on like fallacles their readers should skip over Uic çditratpages. Merc la Partof, Uic Sun's twaddle : When tic provinces cf Uic Dominion are ready te ask for ad- mission into the Union as au independent aud-sovereigu States, instead ýfif emain- ïng colonies sud dependeucies of a febrelgu power, they will be welcomcd cordially, of course ; but as the gain will bcgraeter for us, wec au aflerd -te walt for that eut- corne of the présent discussion ne matter how long it may be delayed. Witb Uic Canadians thc case is very different The longer tbey are in rcachlng Uic décision, the worse their state wili become. The longer ansexation is delayed Uic more ceartain il is to occur. I ia messure of scîf-preservation for thc Canadians. If tbey remain too long as they- are, Uiey wxll be starved OUt. Under such circuni- stances Uic discussion cf the quest'i of ,annexation has new fatirly begùnii in Can- ada, aud It must become a controlllng issue in Canadian politics in Uic near future. The bitterer Uic present, opposi- tion to candidates who risk their election by favoring Continental Union, Uic surer wll be their ultimate triumph. If a man is runng a feeble and a hopclcss cmpetition with a strongý and prospcrous ueighboring conceru,- into-whicb -bc bas the opportunity to be admitted as a part- uer, he may hold out long (rom mere stubbornness, but cveuttnly bis sfnter..u est wiil couquer his self-W'fl, and' lic wt gave up Uic useless battie The managers eft 1111 fair bad a great show on Tuegday asîh.-The prise list-,was the most liberal ever Çered at ýa show of the iind>Inttuistr*6b&ý. sh« entries wete' very numerous, Uic quialty ef the stock the very bighest, uhile thatedancc sa unusually large. 7i best herses sud horsemen ln this piaof he Province We= there. The day > L-vry favorable "ud everythiug teuddzbl icso ln The greatt intel-est aauosg farmrsan- pears te ho centred ini thcClyàda&l classes, sud lu these Uiecocntemi at this show ou Tues"aypossessed more laterest than usual, as wl) le accu furtber dovm this columu. lu Uieaged class six power- fui looking, weIl-uiadherses answercd, the cati, sud thec crowd Jamced in as, usual to get a look at (ic aniumaisunutil Uic judges becamie a.ocf Uthfirour. However, tieaard cef=Ualy&iv= es uotcd below. One inatter iwhich gav e Ucshow unusual interest camse eut whcu thse cal! wias made for tbree-year-oIls. A@seug them s athse fanions colt "gLtnkwood, Lad'.' irnportd byMr. John Davtdson, oue of Uic fincat specimens of Clydesdae that ever came heber. i laowned by a syndicapte of fmupes*at Gvcenbank. Op- posd ý imwer- twe Caadin-bre, Gfeb n eu sievery nueme ss au4 vcr ct.husastic eover theïr lm;poe.d f director at p niap Alex. Caincron bad a ten montho olt at the show wblch la cf irsc th and4fine qtuaty in vezy -respect. -t4ectwo-yerold Clydeodaes 1fr. n nred sueter of anaianbreedlag sud casily Vain. Foy, oft istwn won a=d on' uilas> u"i show wcfl for st whteii snbaudlcdalitte longer. t P"rrandthis one at, Manchester s k evidéetthat Uicre as eomcthlug ue, sud tbat u hnsass m an e*Fafgo< te sow goes "als.it po eoea settied fitr at Kam- iv.1 1 'Me Canadian bred Clydesdaes Ciaptur- cd-ân t in tbe tbrec ycarold dassud blc fait toj soon ake ail honors lite camp. Our Ositarie county herse breeders- wWI son iau i proud distinction of beating inc wo iClydçsdales. Mcues. Wm. Richardson & Sou bave addedla. manificent four-year-old Clyds-. dake <INew Day,"1 wte theiratabîn. lHe hms a àreatbig smuooth top set Up'oi good- legsim a&rdextra good feet, and wlImake a Wod~va o thelr ccebrated "Barôu Geda"Mr. RichardsSu seuent ftihe bestJudges cfa-horsethis couuîy, aud 4uly -usp" ticbeeat te obaci. Maos. Quaeuly meeting ceryiM la~e an- nonedfovnext Sundaylaethe Tabernace Wtb.Love at 9:30 in tbe Lecture RotaMiüd Sacrassent at Uic close oU Uic Opublic1 sevvice. The ausualb"sness, nsinv ill beed on Monday cefling -Theliannual district meeting Qf Ice Me<ho4ist churcli for thé Wbithýy district will bc!ld aI *tClare on Tuý44y- and Wedn"dy, 24Uiandl 251k t a( y, «ot whM~inîstem su ayn e efIY fir4yt da-fqh 0Bd ttes5.-kb nnSwMt be hcld - sDna ve churcl4 Toronto, lu June. -- Gris, pose !Ina-muIwite ueo wondirfutlûMutolis1 derfu ilace. 'Wc hadi e=ut ic strike,.a sey osit. Our borins % over ntsc <laya witbhon but came off - v"rywç jourucy. Once <listig1 tg> MauiOur carsansd ab the strikers fresupulli catÜth le train' iîuJaè N OTE .INES WILL PROFIT PRINTS. 8 yards of Teaz1 lo 7yadofitoiLa B yards of -mérioau Bat 15 yds3 of Shaker P1Mm 10 lards of Twe-eldef ý10 yards of Art Muelin fo' 5 pairs Stainless Blalok'ïj 10 Yards New Patterzi Od 2 pairs Lace OurtainsM, 2 Ourtain ePbles, sud alita 2 Dado B order Window [ce if W ,&SATEE We have opened an immense Uine of popular-new shadi and designo fresh from the manufactu*rera. Qùanuzities etriotly new styles shown for the- .4rot iie this seasoi ffandsomest patterns. Lateet ideas. - CORSETýS FOR: *100A PAIR. -r4 a" Ms s!.isa I i ce to treugtla

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