Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 22 Apr 1892, p. 2

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n 0LJohn iDr yx4iU. of Agrieulttlre, bas 4.&edth' I Ã"85 - te b. aarad * pti ii telb. show of th ea.oî'> Porît PerrY'an Seu0gog Agriuftalrmsociety te b, hèld in Manchester the 26th imat. A. quiet weading, the particulars of whicli many'-of' our readers will be pleaeed to lbava, took place at Midland on the. 6 inst., st the residonts of the bride à-arents, Mr. W. P. Bain tTo- rQntO, and misa Editb,z eldeet daughter Ã"f Mr. B. L. Sweet, of Midland,, hing the contractiniz parties. Mr. Lisle' Sweet and Miss Jenaie Bain of Toronto aèted as groomsman ana bridesmaid, the latter heîng assieted by Mise Ethel Swect sister of the bride. The Bey. Mr. Morgan performed the. ceremony in his usual pleaging and graceful man- ner. Ifter luncheon the happy couple took the 8 o'clock train for Montréal where a few daye wil ha spent viiting friende, after which the trip will be continued to the historioa.l city of The finit iteps towards forming a joint stock cornpany in town were tak. en Iset evening for the purpose of de- velopiug the maica mina in Raladar -township situated north of Kingston, the mineraI ight of which 's owned by Mr. Jesse Ireland of -this place. Thé capitail cfthe company is unlimited, sud it is tb he divided into shares of $250 cach. The stock holders are coni- poeed of the following gentleman: Messrs. Dr. Clemens, J. H Brown, Jas. Carneçie, W. Willard, E. D. Holiday, R D Rohbins, R. G. Shier, Dude Powell, A- D. Wheler, and Jesse Ire- land oft tus place, and Mr. Granger, of Wbithy. The prospectus has flot yet been isued, but the present intentions are to have the naw material shipped te Port Perry and here, prepsred for the market. Any of our citizens wishing to take stock in the new company ara requeeted te unake known their wieh to If . J H. Brown, Scc.-Trean., protein. W. hope our citizens-will give the new oompany ail thc encouraRement of their power, ast the acheme promises te b. a great boom te the toqn.-Standard. LINDSAY. Mr. R. Steckdale, itraw huyer for Campbellford papor nls, having pack- ed and shippedeaIl the straw lho could buy adjacent te, the tewn, renieved hie steam press te Omemee on Tuenday, where lie ham purchased large quanti- tics. Sino. coving' te Lindsay hie han. packed and boulit tromi other denlers in town oven 700 tons, eq nal tosixty carloada, and. liaslef t in liard cash over $3.000. « For the-benefit of many reteras of the Crimean and Indiau mutiny can-, paigus we give space te tthe 'announco- ment that the imperial authorities have docided that dinred soldiers who sorvcd ten yoars and wont through eitlier of-_the aboya- campaigp a are en- titled te àa pecial penui .Applica- tions muât bo made tlirough secretarv cf Royal Hospital, Chelsea, giviug full particulars of- services in ordar toeos- tabliali daims clearly. The otiier day a clever fakir repre- sonting hiniscîf te ho .J. S. Drummond, son of a large Tweed manufacturer at Bannockburn, Scotland, victimized a number of Ottawa haukers ver neat- Iy. Be profesaod te have been sent out to handie a certain lino of Scotch argud %h~ u.WithtMigl jth.. 1iI puerta .ivesIingu9 bt seti.o-a il Ç It wàe- the right as weJ a thê duty ofth' council, in thi usterts -of their tewu- od a clear oleW rsght te deunad w1hat thoy did ; thuhsmotion%4is to bo-read with section 15 ef thi, et Rasa condi- tiený p'ec- en, âid ta~h i.absence of proof that a niajovityvote hada adopt- cd the. new site ths cuacil preperly ro- fusod:; also that.to uiion.- U M the debentures to.e aepybeIn tan yeara, wus au mmpropor it rerenco with the. discretion given te ttha coun- cil by the statutte o xtend ýpayment over a termn nt excaeding thirty years, sud that the. court would net deprive the- council of this diioretion. ERis lordsahip ruledl in favor of the townshipr council on each of thon. pointa snd vo- - f usodtise mandamus, with conteta o o paid by thée truistoas, but without pro- judice te any application wiih thay may ciseese te. make on othar niatenial Mr. D. J. Molntyre, Q. C., (Mclntyre & Stewart) for the scisool trustees ; Mr. John- McSwetn (McSweyn & Andor- sou). for the. township council. Atter suffer'ing horribly for year froni sorof nia ln its worst forin, a Young son cf Mr. R. U. King, 709 Fruklij et.. Richmnond Vawas ýracently eutod by the use of Âysr's Sarsaparilla. No other medicin cmn ap- proach this proparation as a cleanser of the. blood. UXBRXDGE. 1.i uorly , W foslr f.t, but hée deiid ed todeal tise carda with two o -lie people-seme tiIIk that 1.1k- Ho 1 *W ho i-a& dollar- whert yen pày yoir s-ubsoiptioe. Sho-.Do you tbink Penelô,e will b. ot .Iaud tbhs baron 1 t Itde- p.eeds upon how mucis band il- vii talto. B3a nk oidnt-What '-a the nov wný&4ima s name? Cuah4r--J*mu Baik lpvesdont-D1scbMie Iim at once. "'Soled eut," he murmured tohiM-_ sef un tise father e! bis host girl- gave a lift at 2 o'clok la. tue merning. Ul tue parlerrvooking chair could ta&k it vWoubd put à stop te moeiof. the grgmabling about crewded stveet cars. 44I visi I waa twin," nsid Willie. "&Wiy 'r.1 I'd sud thse other issu of me te scisool, -and this hall would go fuhing. $ -1 Languid Cholly-Chelly (languidlf -Jeam-es!1 Jeamen-Yos, air!.Chfisevy By tise aew vules, compioed by thesomctno thie wiadew reeve aud adeptod by tisa council. for guhi formne. - its guidauce, tise nîgist of council mont -PTvmp Philesoehy. iug i. ciiauged te Tuesday o! tue sm- Bilk, viien I boho oud sud fourtis woek in oach mentis. thsen ota lest thoeir Thse rulon sud reulations isave been kidoegh a ant n pinted in convenient forni and -ensh ue olisobr May nowca"rytisem inhisi pooket for reforenco. W. will expeot a wel negulated couisdil ia future thaI O sisail bo a modot o!' ordon and expedi-P ýa h WUa tiens metisods. lseiouey Tise Wiiitby papers are always at sal dfl 1011< loggenhes4s, but tisoir bittonneus just "ai? a de tblU uow sa littie more intense than ziusal. OF.,,tbya Tise Gazette «sYs tise CimRNomIx vaut- *. Setssi- od $1000 te support #a R.fermcandi- te 4k. %eV. Z0sausT.1 date a few years age, intimaI. Iti t WX40Iw rodiç i. net reliablo bocause il eveis bossu o!f c being a espable U«a, sd"a tise j :týnj. d editor ean be sacked or kice out likemedbbuoaulIs. any ethér isand i thse ffime.Tise VbyIO Te 1>E$UaP.- Cuomcîzdm.. tise chare udomi 1' .f DZAPis tise Gazette rma i aballf-ro wretc-h, , sordid, moenrlblesdmoa Iadsrpou.Il throws hias oot cpen lo -evoy siabber; lkeOiJI i t t i g n ith M s . i i m * " P ' 1 ~- purvr o f eWiiamy, a devil, etc., sud t1f, M I 0 mnyse e wiisnotnir but làs yellow dyand w.. inststY kit akin which a bailiff ceuldn'Itake. Two or tire. coumn e!oIbis tuff-must ho edifying te tisereaderscOf tieCuw cLw insithegreatlsmord p vo the ouanty (in its own estM&to) u tise Gazette wib ne doubt striý ke 3sk LORcsshO. in vigerous atyle. The-quarrai bu evidontly arisen ovev thoe 4eo .huta tuaet rn tise Ocservative flb4 Point à !à-V rauke, wMachtue Cuuolmm r* mywuvas tu M RD8-UININ doue în tue hoe.of gain from s t isee- lImel.rssi e forin part. In t~ ~ sd. sp s ol ud -o! e mirero! tise CWucx.9,%,ls tl of jouralWàni, but vo Itink eo itue I~rnI uae Gazette, anmd bliev. that tue R"frS- m aof-Soutls Oxtaro, ïf 'theyvwant ani or0=4 in Whithy, couldaestiblish a bet- ter one hanithe Gazetteo(wt4ch hbaai- wayslsadaehoek redcrer) sud find s betor usii e YU il. ~a sfit et >eaousyJohn Jas. Doble se ~Wobb for psy- 1. ifflhî»wtfOsud b mont of# oIe f9f *2$M, anid lb éamemmani 1 wu beV4 -by dge BurabUs, ~t At' ZS 55»d Whitby, on [ondsy. Doble gtthe',~smomm&,lse~s~ note -freinone, Morgaalias Horrihlafi nsnansd a t. and wink atts )n tishésnoso good ame rm' mver hsd 0o» te lrd. CLs norveu wik- f ahod, o.f ai A vi o s n mTo y ue - gor M.etu 4syhe'htea n:w wu eQven.ý 1,« .£lae jei Nwýmu,,s, rjoae, as ieind Who " ndustood t4ii- vèmarisable Po*ver of' Miller'. EmubsiOn te sustalisana strengthen tife, advW ilhie niston te procure &abofte o! the reme4y. 1Alnuuited, with the beliet that while thsee i. hf.ýthier ho", se pur- chased a bottle 6ef Miber"- Emn n cof C04 -Â..t Froni the- tiret dose taken tith. patient, ,oeked forward- wlis h e.whei i wa foid tiratIus sys4éin ould raIsin »d &assimiat iispabatablie repsatlon. Ris dWgestve orgff anh hsd toussew eak e wu. iable te relasficeisl -food te nonrith lit bodty, frim tisaIcause L h I me$0waated avayas te veéib cnly, 12 pouisdu.The. hi..lvngqaltis !m iles a mulion .ccu ~ ~ ~ OV 1~rie ni~esoe lq«vmanby oz- ca.lt dded flesh, aa is ndeed. W. presam a cepy heom huaf bâtntM r. New- ma eigbod on that dame 145 poudsl, a gain Jaiy 82 of toneouces ok day for suzty-six day. from., tho'time ho bogaû -te upe-e Ies Bnu1rin of Opd Liver (I. We truist tis veir singu- trâhdng the. hnd cf Mrcy ii ti rele ,f'Ïick prisessurs.Par-beterM SM, rn èut- vee t nuoýwn p' bliclbt it in tania-' able ib ti' irWteistd!pub!ik healtit beb ov*leok e T.1<, rniethe, above faco t b. oec4ficate 0 thse ptié t in apperiL. w, anna&ry 2nd, 18M2-1 hereby oetfothe abi>ve bciug correct lu.svery Pre1uIiar To Itself Itw e ,we lu- the power of medlc(noe eancerous -snd ail othcr -HuMôrs, - &18IarI .- .»y5ýPsh1n Bilousmesn, BlcIk W eadaChe, Catsrrh-,, Uheumatis nd s d iel iu1ti*U( wththe Liven' and Kidneyli; It overcomes That ired Feeling, 0reates$ýàj .&PPetlte, snd gives -mental, nre snd digetiv strength. The value of -Sarsaala-, iscertl eb tosst1i vwoinmtay 1085alovertiecountry w h*nif ss curMod o diseass more or less oerre.It Is sold by nil druggist. 81; Éiii f &-, Prepnred oniy by -.C.1I BOOD à 00., .&pethéeares, LoWeil, Mas. 7 N. B. If ou decidle to take Hood'W Barspa- iSadofot be l.nduced te buy any t« Boted à e-!cure ,kBlood ion-a Ea sinilar- beau oe yet, berdi hmas e! growing rIelief Ail disorders of the LungaL-'le Ayer'sChi If has no equal as ac "WhMen1. *as a boy, 1I trouble, of such a -.;i- bora cbaraicte,-ta t nounced ,it incurable, renmedies, but.,i9éommeiý Ayer's Che"ry Pectoral. one bottlé cured mue. -Foi years>I-hae used ihis Pr good effect wbenever Lta 7adknow of numbers. keep it in the. house -all considering itsa eb J. C. Woodson P.M., Fl:it Cough r "For more than twent was =à sufferer- f-irW mlui, tended withcougnso1 as to cause -htmorrbage, frequÏtly lasting 'tbreeg .1 was înduced te tty Ayei toral; anÈd after takingfoi thoroughly cmed. " -FÉ Cka.Centre, KanS. 7 "'Last spriug I wàs&ti 1agrippe. -At times1 ý proÉtra±ed, an~d- so-df hreathing that my breas confned ini an h-on cage. .bottle&n-f Ayer's Cherryý ne sooner had' I begani r'elief foilowecL 1 could x the effect would be se cure se cômplete."-W. Cook City, s.kDak. iD. BOSmLTI Thse dspntei wliinh have' pxlnt be- twoon the ooustfea ifVictorià sand PeterborotÃŽgh lr er i. at hirteeni Zy1rn upecting thei. tainace of ti ebcveubius eutn u ptiomi

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