Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 18 Mar 1892, p. 8

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sud aat tS dv. fi;Î vePpoorOd M.,u4thfford ba gofleiwAY. Dffrhe 014 aoul wssknown favoribly t al- rMost ever#body th towu, edi1ldren isud à». In the deptis of f.nilly tVoub1eud- direë poveryshe wd awt erftil snd free totter ai pleesant word. She Ibas long been .contemplatltig takinga' joiey honme, and un Tbursday of lust week Word came t0 ber 10 go. We don't hear anything lu reply to, our offer to dinnier ail thé f(ariners on its pub- scription lst if it can show -twentf or more. It c,,arit show that mnany unless every tnan 1wbo owns a -cow is-rated as an agricuiturist. We woulcl not push tais mater only that our cotem. charitcterizes our, statement that it has neot twenty 'braxen fabrication." If we cannet show twenty4ve farmers on eut list6 tb the Gazette'~s one we wi11 present themayor with two barreis of flatir te div4dç among iDdigents ln town, Prof'. HIirrison will give a lecture on "Musical Forms" in the Ontario Ladies' College next Thursday afternooný Mat. a.4th, at four o'ciock. The subjeet of the lectute will include -the development of modernl pianoforte music from, the dance fornis of the 16th century,' the suite and the sonata,-and wiIl be illustrated by suit- able musical selections by students of the ,senior piano departmnent. A genetal in- vitation is given to friends'of the college te attend. No admission fée. A story is ing round town, said to be authenticated, that M~ayor Camnpbell ex- prssd very uiifavorable opinions as re- gaids the advantages of bis investments here to Mr. R. Carroll-, who recently purchased the planing miii, and t.hat the resuit lias been to deter Mr. Carroll (rom going as largely inte business as lie had intended to. This is not the first time it has been rumored that the mayor has jonahed the town, and he should expiain. If the mayor lias nothing ta say for the town he might at least spare himself (rom the trouble of driving nails in its coffin. q -t t july 13th sud r4thi *MI g 9tbroughII t Chcago via Grand T'tz tiklý. wlth4>ut change and oeunectlngWth a siMla Cat Ieavng Chicago via Great Rodch Island, route every Thurs yi at 6 p. mirunn'fl through to Caiformia points vi'a Puebkl and Ogen *lthout change. P8SSePPiglW8 destlned to ail points *est of Chicago te- celve superl0t sleepl-,gaccomm04aditin on the lowest priced second clame ticket1 in addition bo a sleeping car rate varyiag froni two to five dollars, which- lncltdes a double berth havingal beddig, etc.-, found iu a first class sleeping car. An experienced conductor in charge of the car acconipanies the parties through to destination. F'UU particuars can be obtained by ad. diressing JNo. SEnA.sTiÂN, G.T. & P.A. CR.I. &P.RyP or Chicago, 111. H. S. PHLPS, Canadian ?ass. AgI. C. R.1. &P Ry. Montreal, P.. si-tf. P. -0. Box 1358 Fail wheat .......... $0 90 Spring wheat .........8 Goosewbeat ........o 080 Barley ..............O0 43 Qus ew............... Peas, 5mlJ ........... Blackeye peu ... 4'traw, perlad ... Flour, '00 lbs... Apples, per bush.. potataes, pe. bus. new. Butter, pet lb .... Eggs, fresh, pet dos...^ Lard. per lb......... Cheese ............. Dressed hop .... . Haird wooi.- Per tord.. SOft wood per cord.. Coal per ton delivered .. coal per ton at wharf.. Sait per iack........ 080 o6 o88 088 3 50 2 I5 ô 25 030 1 8 9 500 300 5080 le $0901 qo 080 0.30 o on 10 00 400 300 o 50 0 20 143 650 s 50 4 00 00on 00on oSs EXECUTORS' Notioeto Oredftors JAMES McAVOY, DECEk8ED Pursuant te the revised states cf Onuao. 1887,.hX dptr110.' notice h hccby* giffn that ail creditors 'adt 'ber'pesos aving Clare against the ecaae cf aines McAvoy, liteof the Toàmship of PILkrng. lu the CountY!O -Ontario, yeman. deceased, who dîed on'or about thie 9tbd&y of February, A. 1). s8gs., arc requred te send by-regmtemd, tte t Dow a McGillivriy, ofthe iofw iWb, solicitors for Robert Wù&im uMcAvoy, emets- tar cf theIs lm in sud utaet eof lt.aMsd Jaum eMAvoy, 4eWsd, imir obcfoee Ibe'l 30th day Of pl A. D. r892, tisit amM and adruf Ih(iun' kmlm iofth*ai diinis, s.nd of tse (if mjl ld by theat. And ut1w tîm br *im 5tsat aster tte $MdId lst4mSti bedmat e *a4str l,. proee teditnbt0the -s té E<1w Il Ae ceased among the piersoasi sabltlG1toto.: hmulng regardoolyto the 4Iihno., uid mts or ml, pant these of (o ' ïy, passas" or iurmaaa ci ,hpsw naticr sh= otbase bin em aimd byýWlor bW Swletorsmsttise tdmsefoqusl4 Dated m u t wbItyMatch stb. A.1 .- 3 RB.WILSON 1tC&VOY. - Emecmor. PIe ,.L*., on.. Do0w & cGILLIVRAY. Brodi St Wbbby. SEED BPRLEY. Beui aix-to'wed. lea u>,m Pum MIo buaheW .Lot 25 ê O ffl Dko) Whit.y townshi..-, We are reoeivi Swin Goods ,In CttonadesT-k's Muslins, Frilhinga, ~i~i~lie~t BAN NER OATSO JAMVS WILKIN. LotI, MibCon. Pickering, Balsaisi P. 0. Ties, Feit Hats,- &o. wl G. VRLD MewHhim ia RIEm OLI DAY Make-sa s uy 1 ehaj UALPPY- YOUJR8ELF ,by- from our, uihoice, eleotious., 8PLENDID, s -pastime, to priSo te#ie Un stbem i&piy40ge T Nov~tes udsome, GO ODCs we - 'G Give R~st The Th It sttwo nmnhera <iftheDhistreted ~Amerion are'.particlaxrly goo& ;$*sedicg articles oc'imtell intere an d beautifelly iIù Irti tteat of tise Gér=an Puzsle,-wha-t la te offle of Etupergr williwaoeatempts at Cott'onas, entà- Messrs. A. McKim .e& Co., Montreal, newspaper advertising agents, have pub- Jishedl a Most complçtc Canadian news- paper directory. The compilers have been at considerable pains to gather (acta .regarding newspapers or the past, and they have franied what appears to be a very complets table of tbie newspapers of ail the proviinCes, as fat baclc as î864-just tht-ce years before confederatlôfl. There wers then tn -ail British North America -only 268$ papers, of which twelve- were in Newfoundlabid. At the end of 1891 these had increased to io44i, including New- foundiand, which now has i i. In 1864, Manitoba had but one paper, sow it bas ,5 ,British Columbia had 3, now it bas 33; then the North West Territories had not a single one, though now they have t9. An d though the increase in the other pro- vitices dosa not bear 50 great a ratio, it is stilI remat-kable. The papers of Ontario have increased (rom s 2 t0 573 ; Quebec front 55 to _?o1 - -Nova cotia (rom 25 t0o o; New Brunswick front 22 ta 48 ; Prince Ed- ward Island from 8 te 14 ; Newfouudlaiid alone stands with one less puper t.day than it had in 184 land Newfoundlaild alone of ail the British Americali Colonies, bas remained eut -of the confederatioii. The progres M the press means the Mater- iliprogreas of the people, and ne doubt.ý If the anceut Colony were now a membert of the conféderatioli. ber newspapers and ber resotirces wôuld alike increase sud muftiply. ln 1864 Canada had 5carcely a*iyof what are known as clasa pipera. 146w-.we have 26 devoted to agriculture Z erural interests, 34 ta the interists of ~nefit soceies* and brotherhoods, zo to Uic law, i5.te Medicine, pharniacy and byglene,-iS te temperance and problbitiou5 32 tO litetIttit, 710O educati0il, beaidea-9 published as school and college papers, and 43 trude, finance ane manufactures. There are also snany pipers devoted to other speclal toms. Tis new- directory bringa _ut UJqiutereting fuct that there arc oue burerd religous puW- licationg tu Canada of which the the Roman CitboUcChurtch daims 24, thc Church cf E- Wid rx5.the Methodist z3, thc Preebyteriatie, the Lutheran 6, the Baptist6,,while 26 belong -te the varions denominations or îare. ckaaed «' pn9ectar_ fan." There are 144 papera,, publisbed in Canada la languages cUrer thon Englîsh. 0f these no lesai than r26 are published in French, distrlbuted as follous;n .1 in thé Province cf Quebect, 6 lu Ontario, 2 in Manitoba,.2 In New Brunswick --and sini Nova Scotia To, show the rernarkaible advance tUic Frnch-Canadlgn lprs bas made i0 the pat 3o years, ,It la ouly ticea- sary 10 menion that in 5064 onte;Iy.1113 le paper was laued-la French où----de h province of Quebec , antd tiis was ai -,ttawa ; while in, Qisbe itself the' tota] nimber of French papers, acoording tc thc Brtish 1oth, America Amwanue, waî but_18. lu ether words, FrenchCama faieahave ilncreased miore than si xfgld ini the province- ef Quçtkè, and etactI) ,evefold in the t>dminion utlare. WÂL' SPRIN- 'y Wbitby ark0t& ý i -.- litreb gth, 1892- ý-iWM RS..YOU . eausnc P. 0.

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