s' One bottl of WIt.L18' PULMONIU SYRUP WILL DO IT. 25 et.. Par Bottie.1 MÂNUFÂCTURED BY JE. WIL LIS, Chemi8t if Dru ggi8t, Medical Hall, Brook Street, Whitby.1 FRIDAY, MAR. 18e 1892. The Manitoba Provincial elections will corne off in june. Since the defeat 6f Mercier Province of Quebcc securities are reported to be five- per cent. higher in the European morrey markets. A bill to stop bonussing in every way- by lump sums of money, municipal boans, exemption from taxation, or any other plan-lias- passed its second reading in the Ontario Assembly. ProLests have been lodged against thc elections of Messrs. Miller, Prince Ed- ward,,and Wilson, Lennox, and a relay of by-elections iuay be looked for about this trne next year. It is stated that Honq Mr. Patterson's election in W. Huron will lie conteâted ini the courts. -How would it do for the Dominion par- liament to geLto work Somu? It is a singu- bar thing to sec both parties sitting around Ottawa idle during theeweeks, watching thc resutitof the by-elbctions, la order to sec what thc trend, of public opinion ilalie- fore cither side feels perfectly safe to lai- dtiae any legisistion oanf&cal matera. Since our ast issue there have been five liy-elections 11ehd for the Dominion parlia- ment-S. Perthi, Ont, Brome, and Mont- morency, Que., on Thuirsday hast. Monck, ont., on Saturday and West. Northumber- land:, Ont., on Tuesday of'this week.- Messrs. Pridham, Turcotte, Dycr, BoylIe and Gillet were ehccted by thc respective constituencies-.-ali Torle. There wil l e no more voting now for a couple of wceka. The Conservative AssocIation of South Ontario met here on Satday afternoon, and electcd Uic followlngt officera-for the year :-Presidesut,,J. L...SMUlt; St vice W. F. Cowan ; and vice, J.* W.Mhary; rd -vice, Dr. Freel, -Brougham ; sçcretary, J. R. Philp , treasurer, J. H. Loupg. . Chair- man for the different municipalills vert selcctcd ns ,fohows : ,Tcv ofWhItby, Mr. James Rutledge; 'township of West Whitby, Mr.-John Medland - townsip of EsatWhitby, -Mr. Çhapiu, Jr. Of Cedir- dale; to>vn of Oshfawat, 'Mr. WI. 14. Thio- mms: leof Port FPerry, Mr. Heunry -~-Parsons, edtor of The Observer ; township of Scugog, Mr. W. R. Ham ; t.ownship of Reech Ur jobhu Martin, of Raglan ; towa-> shlp 61 Pickeià g, Dri. Batenuan, of Uiche IA« cotfj9ckerlng. gesolutious ,were pass-. Jýxprssingsorrow at the losof the Ol4 Chief, and confidencei- he Uicgoverauent of Hon. Mr. -Abbott. Ur. J. lsrael Tarte, ex-M. P.,-1vu ade the charges agalust,Sir Hector' Lai-evin and Hoa.-Thos. MUeGrcvvy1dà rig lait s session, and whio le now repuidiate by ail poIlitlcs parties but the ,MerM«eite!iG..as publshed a letter stating tihat lie vus led m nterforinr the -nart hedid sudtbsu a uturCanad-" linut5tlaglOt i Hon. Mr.RHardybas inroduqed to tht Ontario As$enibhy a SBll to reduce tht, number of -county councilois Tht pro., viaits of Uic bUt eut down the numuber of county councilosn n &e bving a population beu athan 40 t 'sevn counties having lkms tia 6om a d over 4o,o00 to fine ; incounes sr 6, elevd; This would reduce Ontario county council to nine meuibetsad vw'e have no doubt that nine-tenthu ofthpso pIe of this county.vut gIady auece.- 17o bring tis law into effec«thte vpte -Of the people in aIl parts of the Province I to e tal en at c municipal elèction lu. là nuary,183. Tht duty-l- madeïInperi- tive upon the, county cle'rk to, bave, tht vote taen, antd If the auajorlty IW, sny county vote for the reductionthe-mesur wui cone lu tome a t onlce. -Provided t don't carry the firat year Ii s voted upon the petition oM mny ,fifty ratepayers *vii compela vote to bt taken at the firat or any succpedlng election. This latter ton- tingency wl l e unlikely to arise, as peo- pic who se rom $2,ooo to 00 f hi *moncy fritcred away yearly byidea u gladly avail thcmselves -ofîdils relief. Tht method of elccting the ntw county councilors la utost original and peculiar. If there, aie to be seven county councihors each ebector will have seven votes, and may either give them to his favorite candi- date or spread thenu over two, three, four, or any number lie chooses up to seven. Each candidate for a county counclo>s seat must lic nouinated by tht signatures of- at ieast fifty duly 'qualifled municipa votera., Tht entire method of eeto provlded for la what la commonly termedt the cumulative systeun of votang, and - works first-ratp whcrever it bas been -tritd. Hon. Mr. Hardy is to be congratulated tapon bis reform, and if t biblisl made anywhere near perfect in its'provisions the çfresent session -of: the asscnibly wiliî have served a useful purpose. The above heading very Iùbrly expresses the opinion vhich exisisi our powerful mind regarding American statemauship. Five years ago the American govemnment invaded Canada's fishery rlghts lu the cast, and, when a protest wns made, they started twisting tht hiou's tail and bluifing. England took hold of the matter, sund t Amnericans, ln order to back down witb dignity, suggested a treaty. A trcaty v as made, and ratîfied liy tht Canadiau paru&a muent ; but neyer ta this day have the Americans been metu enough to carry out their bargain. A bargain la a bargain, -bad or good,_ and anydiing but a nation of poitroont wili carry out its iealed treaties. ro pruuent auy unneoessary frictiwasu gîve -tht Yankees lots of time ta rstify ther bargain, Canada las yearhy passed a - Ibi estabbishing what is calhed a modus vivendi ; by which Americaus are allowed- some disputed viglits untilthty ratif>' the- reaty. Yetl.hey neyer de o-s' Tw" year* ago tht Amins lasIvadedd Canada's rights tu the &hbrlag Ses, 'gud, vIlen a protest vas madie, gavethe- Ilou's tail another twirl. Lord $ulidutv- vasw gozng ta demohusb them, sud dolsni tat thty must refrain. (rom interfrng, wftb Canadian seaiers, so thet YankSseesng worked- Uiemselves ont Mothil>fght .lth. difOlculty by asking for a treaty. That tree±y.has now been finiahed and -slgued, end hmbaliespleoed lu the 5tmgon oe with the fisheryTeaty of four Y"eatuo, neyer to be raified by tht men vbo igee toita provisions, sud- who aolemuy slu and seattd it. Tht uodus vive«-di viaici was estabbisbed li this matter lu thte eaw time h» rua out, and Lofd Saisburyhs refusedto rtnev it.Re -a sick of mik ornamtnta -trcstits- for, Amtrlcuq= statesmnen ta ignore, and uganelu e sb pouring out of thét ail- tî#Mers of 'ýthe' Auterica î Congres.like mai votcuéýs. 1L la idifficult to at a snation as: entireylacgud i ee l= to - fath sud honor, but that 's abouît =_ O! the American politicien. 'el meusly revenge wyare t pros tU,~ ening In regard to-a htthlm dusBdirlà Sea matter, by cuttirug off 1ht té Cl7y frei4ht in baud, lu an evideù pré ~vaihing Idea of 'nnstaw*. u nçlghliors, ,Every inee Amc&cn gmeraent asin. tuê .pio elation- bl4W4le luin nvadiü "tet; its pornertul uelghbr td *oif le atr rylng Its baud atbu he hat, the oV in a dt beau.l UT JR orumauu atsgavt. Despatébes frornTRtrliuatate thoit rumfors Wftheprogreuso(the dLseaseof thte %- ,oIalclrclfflhefeýTuesdaytUic EMpore ïras ïo have a upecial consultaqon vitit Caprvi as regards thet passiug o! the achootU befoire the recew. oltte -Laui- tag. The chaulcélor, after vuutmng in thé unt.chmbr hIf n our, was lnformtd that Uic Enijer mg~ud not ýsec hlmx that day Th infaamatlôn whlch heretofore bas -becu liternatla uu"id 10 have cause« a peiafulsweilling intht aide of Is ncck sud to have cxteuded. tovard the baueof Uic ebrain. Thé resuit la that thte mpero sulipera Itisomula and la cxcecdlngly irri-' table. Ncverthttcs, 1e attends toibis' duties as tusuaa*lihouit aiitthe id- vice of has phyiiense. ThteLitaiO! Rartrm and Lottrdge, for klllug Treusurer Heslop of "anuster township, vas begun at Hamiltonon Tues- t day. It viii be'remtaubered that la Jan. i89! thc deceasdln bouse vus burgl#r. îzed and ht vas abat by unkpowu parties. Both Prison=er ,aded- not guilty. Tht oWdiceofthetuita-Gose, vas takten sbowlag:lIw tbt gang vas orgauied by, Suxtram sd Lottrldge sud included vit- nesa ahd .Dougla other Indien. Thty -drove to = in,' l a deniocrat .unit Goosey broke lu tht door of Heslapri bouse with a stick Mf cordwood. Baftram and Douglas entered, Uie former havng a pWstoin his baud, ms ocalaflervardstht «report.of a pistol wuaherd. Gooaey vent bo Lottridge, *ho vas .iMi iu-the deduocrat Tbey drove up tht road a picce sud back, and found Battream sud Douglas walting. Bartraut retusrked -ihat thc old chap, aueaning »eslop, wouid neyer agalu hit sny person overIhebead vith a chir#j ïrd haler on stated he vould seli tht Jewebry aud divIde up the proceds. Goe a not acquainted vil h egbrodi bât vben driven titre tftevrd yIecti ,Greer h. at oncepuinted ontte, rlght bouse sud-descrlbed tU iuatuions of thîngu on the nigbt of tht aurder. Tht c. se- wilm taihl Saturday. Olr4s Wk. s.. eP«h. OR[ ED OLOTHINO Will -yumake GENTS' NEW AND NOBBY STYLES. make t TRI-RE Our prices are Iowe for badfly'Ont, and ibadly m adE use of our .fa-cilitiesà EU-R We he l Our new Spri Windsor and'-Four-in-Hand T1 we Juive them ait ail proice Ne-w Braces New Flannel éeerything new: in thé G<ents'ý see tue' new styles. 9< ic, 'u Boston, vito re of push-cbaracteristie ' -There -are'saine th~ ni-m bctra 04IY. you 'p paid 1 A -