Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 11 Mar 1892, p. 8

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0f thaâ oldb i ii d tcfrty &fter spendiug about ýhree montbs Vauting fieuda lu this section,, Mr. Eye-, kielyerjuon atud farnily left for their bome., near Souris, Manitoba, on Tuecsday. of t.h!s wvei. Mr. Gideon Vertion havtug decld- e4 a tryhis lueis at farming lin Manitoba -tisplgbis family aS iu «>tbpany vii isboier and fa mIlyand Mr. G.- V. lexpects togo in afe* dàys. The twe sermons preacised last Sunday ln connection wltb the cburch tea-îneeting by tise Rer. Mr. Leecb, ai Breaklu, sud thie Rev. Mr. McLaren, of Columbus. were excellent, aud the tes meeting was fiirly vwell prtronîsed oh Monday evening,' con- siderang tise state-of tise rçiads. Thre pro- bability is that tise net prd'ceeds cf, the tea -and thre two sociass vill foot up a god figure. PORT PErimi. Alarge number of borses have been bougbt aud shipped from this town dursug the pasi few weeks. The bright sunny days of fiiukle Match have reinoved thse snow and ice froin aur sidewalks, and giren place and pleasure to the sinail boy and bis "seibs.» The clerks snd business men of our stores arm now busily engRged openiug up and dis- playing ther sprîug goods, white the milliners are tastlly fashioning that treasured object, the new spriag bonnet. A few business changes have taken place iu bava. Mr. Thoni has moved his quarters ta the lower end of the town white Mr. j ewell bas àainl entered business iu Tnarn s old The followîng definition of 'mnan" strikes ne as peculiarly applicable go a «reat many specinsens of that wonderful species af animal creation :-Man is an insiguificant, two legged animal tisa: trends about upon this beap of sand ise an ant an a mole bill or a math an a obeese. fancying himself an;~, important purt of nature. Fortune bas at ast smilled sweetly upon Our curler. On tva occasions ai hate bave ther suaceeded tri doing Uxbridge up ta the extent of ten points lu vacis case. It is ta be regret ted that tbe season bas been sa unfiiyorable, for greater honers might have rested upon our strong.ained and lerel headed curlers. But a deplorable change sveins o bave taken place ti aur Canadian winters aud vinter sport is greatly interrupted. Our champion ikater, Jacks Cook, ba@ re- turmed roin bis top ta Lindsay. bring- Iig Witb bise a bandsomie silver medal, vhiçh be won la a race there on Thursday of ls week. Jackr expresses bimself as bigbly delighted uiitbhbis far ireatnent and at the genlial bosçaabty cf the lindsay boys. We would adrise iurte muni again uert vevis and tcapture a ..gold edai. t e offered for competütuonthrç RumSrtu a"- We *O Substantiated tati arnesa man Mr. B. F. Acker- in, te ab= outtromoiebNs business frein ber. to tise towu ci Petusboe Mr. Acfoerna vl te sorehy ilssed, as be is a tborough gentleman, a creditable citizen and au enter. pviuiug bausies en. His reuicral from cor audst also meas the losof nearly bal a- bundred bonest sud bard vcrking bands. The toma ise indeed sery te sme Mr. Avise. man go. but exteuds ta hum iii test wishes. and isopes fer uskfuture succs.1R We wouhd bave, yielded ta cor gutie ini- cination -to let this veek slip qmisdy,over wlthout rki ,frein the. et bot sud haIn ami piedcs.istorie "nut.sheilam udgir. ing thetor isa aaout te>ii=rni h"9, Our poa. Unate, sad-boened vivtim,, the SundWs'F ayosotuewbere about bis nin. btmxnd nd uîulet1- ='th roaaatlghaâd beuae in th )M mm obispaper giveaos, a text for a vry beautiful sermon. If. dea r eader, you vil tith ie trouble te turu vitis us te a short paragraph, about thse rmddli cf tise third coluton oaieeof tho feur!»ges f tiuit vauab. le iabeet, the. Port IPeni &uitbearing date of Mat.3 T8" wil fIid .theme vods vth eats thatluÈgard -loioklofcouseous guilo N W at Oece, notc that standing passage taises thse forai ai a question, wsais amy be redily answered, by separmtsg a fev of the. Icuers frein the iwrds ln wbhhep nw stand. snd tuaisetises, tse. such . forsa«àut-sheâls-cart- wrgt dako.hme. h11m vil you also Meehe 0rry o~sely thee ,çgds rereal tise es tains of tise voter. bli e not bave bad on those -spectacles uiirettb wblcb notb- eu bc.seen ia;,oeoi sawe lb. gulilwhich bedinas bis o01M sont. Fllwbusa.......... 090 ...evhs........ 8e Barley ............04 .o80 Qais ne. -*. o i6 ..e,...... 060 Peu .........o88 Hay t n . 00 S 'vPetrad 350 Pleur zoo ia .a75 Aîl., et lsb. oa Ik~tqs, pt bs.i, 30 ,eetterb pW Ilo.>.o z 8 Eggm, fresis, per.do... -e li XWMdper l ......... 1 4Chocs............... . Dressed hffl.....s ,lî4evàd4peroe4.~o 0 o; OF30 t o000 40 30 18 0 3ô of os '4 14' " .1 te 650 b"Ualn s il bei'd i the Town, of Whftby, on AT TWO O'OCLOCK, P. M. AU Liberal Conservatives oardiaiy-invit- ed to attend. The Z.xecutivo will !Mdy met a" thse Royal H]Et Wbitby, a eeo'c ock, tihe marne 011roa. Mrsient. Whitby, Marais îthis1892. BAN NER QATS. A pure and cdean samnple for seed. Prive 40 cts. per bushel. Tens cash. Apply to.. JAMES WILI<IN, Lot s, 8tb Con. Puckerlng, BalsainP.O Match 9th, 1892. EXECUTORS' NOTICE TO0 CREDITORS, ;SAR-A RICHARI>SON. Pursu -nt ia the revised statutes of On- tario, 1887, Llhapter 110, notice is hereby givea that ai creditors and otiser persans haring dlaims againat t&s estate of Sarais Richsardson, ate 91 thse Town af Whitby, in tise Couuty of Onta*ioý,. vidaw, deoeasedp visa died anaor ab ut thietwen ay-sixtb dayof Februar .,1892,are required ta send by regas- tered letter or de4vtro t rederiàk J. Rioisa*deon or Oharles P. McGillivrayfo tise Town of Whîtby, in tthe County o7aOn- tarlo, Executors af thse.lant will and testa- ment of tise ad Sarah- Richardson dtcsu- ed, on or belore tise bwenty-iourth day -01 May, A. D., 1892, their naines, snd adl- -dresses, wîthi fui i part.iculars of tiseir claim andl of tise seau rities tif any) iseld by tiseM. -And notice s bflreby prou tisat tise maid Executors viiiimmedatly aser thése ati mentianed date Praelto diétribute the assts oftise saîd deceased, among tise par. ties entitled t.hereto,, bargard only te the alais sof visiis tiey shah bave receiv- ed notice as above requlred. Datel tise 9Us day of Marais, 18M, PusxaJ Eraxaunox, Cna.sP. McGu.Lrma..5r , Riecutors, Wbxtby.] Do0w a MoGtLva Brook street, Wlaty Sohiitorsf or Ezecutors. 14-8in.1 NO T/CL TO CREDIT9R8. la. the visite r A NA L ,Z 'f 1», rtue of NATILAsV kk f Me bq Pru at eCapster 'o ec. ï-t*. NtanAr*.i vbo ýi ab=utthesv y uurdday cofItebrut arebu~~ r~uledto ssaI bipost, rto= ustg thse ueduuged. or theu, tishecum 09soilait utle met criad Nathan Arnmltd d wm beore di. z6th _4ay of, AprirIl i. staxemimt in wmtitung=otalalng tue addresssd desenpdoui. sud tis tisuls faduat rclie umod the. nakin secunies i ifsuy)heldb tesu, and the iàid x6tb day of 1April, 1890, Exevagers vil prooeed ta adiniter esixté e ddWsribuwthe ass of sak 'AkIaumagll. -,entitfld barm regard o, tbeclahas clw Executors sail gt be iabe forsmui any par t tereot t> uy p== 9,f 'pi wvis clai -tbey shah nos batvëiJ at tbe use.of said disirihuom , ' P. O.,Ot;90A Whitby P.. O, ont.-, Wý_ Natd=asAriald,;4e Dae at llgyb-*b il FARM FOR SALE. 88,900 wt»ýbuy 1Mi acres more or leus, 1Lot 8. ear of: concession 5, esat Whitby, Ontai rto ouity. -Bufldinn- oodre pair;~~ Ielwtrd;vL en&'d.T e r mu eas. WII . entd mont scld. For Feb. 0, 18M2-104 in. flaptan. a w are reoeiving dail 'ing ~ i GodiDres àtonade, ' Te ciikings,T Mualins, Co-ttons, >' ]riiiings,- Ties, Gents,~ Fit -Hats,--&Ã", wý Go ÂSHM TR.T&?R~1892. ter, s4. f. Cam&"disu De.18m AdiFRBE ai"aB.Wootnaa-8'1gla H OLIDA G 0OD S- Mû.p s ny people hapy .as you can and you will be IÂPY YOtJ8SELI, by proomring some siîb1e gift frein our ohoice sélections.:,To look through Our SPLENDID,ý is apatime, toiprioe the g âes tbem, is a privilege. Tc No*eIfdes à&nd Som FINE OF U&R Give i deasure, and to pos.. 8, Ftauoy Oqodg- and OK. i -I WAL~ SPRING-0 HAY us ati 1

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