Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 11 Mar 1892, p. 4

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.sTCo COUGH, One boulie of -WILLIS'-, SCelebrated - ffÛÏMONIC 8YRUP WILL DO IT. 25 ots. Per Bottl MANUFACTURED BY - d. E. WILLI8, Chemist ïf Dru ggist, Medical Hall, Brook Street, Whltby. FIDAY, MAR. 119 1892. This issue dloses six years during whicb the CHRtoNiCLE has been published by its present proprietors, and we feel that we can say it has been in every sense a suc- cess. Its lists are very large, it patronage in every way -extensive, -ils influence strong, the good 1illit bas been favored with unbounded. We have everything 10 be thankful for, notbing to regret. To publiâh a paper wbich wculd lie beartily welcojned into every bouse ia the coin- munity bas been our aim, and we -have succeeded. The circle of our ieaders bas been widening always ; and whiie Ibis is so we can say that we bave neyer flinched froin any qkuestion, but bave spokren out ln the public interests at ail turnes, no imauer bow dangerous the ground upon whicb we had to tread. At first the rapid spread of the CHRONICLE circle of readers ciused some jealousy among other local papers, and as lime bas gone along the green in their eyes bas turned lu red. Frorn jeal- -onsy tbey bave developed a stale of ire, and, lat¶i, slrong resentment. Among' ail the CEOIL' oes none bave mgre reassuatu kuow of ils success lb ibeir own cost than the Whitby Gazette, the Oshawa Reformer and the Port Perry Standard. Inla lir cuiapetition' witb the CHRONICLE these papers bave been almost driven froin the flght in their own fields.' Having been worsîed in a fair rivalry, tbey have now unîted to use1 foui means tu stop ou.r onward march over1 their beadi. Knowiag tint at electios, time men gel a Littleie ol and knowisg tht the CHRoNicLE su a newspaper does not aslow anty party work to be donc in its coinmns1 these three joursais seek to revive public interest in hhocrslves lod to1 retrieve their lost subscruhêji by appealsi to party prejudice. To hep their a tbey charge that the CazoeUicLE han bec leeching the Reformi party. sand gitv1kg no'1 stupport iu return. To boom theïr tevivali they speak of the proprWeors of thti CitRorNcLiE as belng "lunpriselpied, un.- scrupubons, slanderuuis, doubieý-faced,"$ etc. They tell the peuple of Ibis cousty, among whom bulth teprretorof uthle CuRoNîcLit have spent their wbo liveti liaI we arm desperate char-acters,, williug to resort tuàaining that will enabie-,us to. victimize, and that the Liberal party ham been a chief object of our despoiflug. Wep>ave wated lwoweeks' for them lu. open lut their attack, aud to enable the tbrec ýpapers 10 draw up -heu forts lu unson, and sow we give theu, our reply. We are Willing to leave It ho Liber-ais aontté b. our judges, aud if ont answr la nol compiele and salisfactory in every stase we shah forfeit their coufidence. We wl touch oaly .tire. points. (1) That thet CHSoWCtLe 18our own prppçrty lu do es *, chooed wlth. W. acknow- ledge no right of auy polies!a parly lu dic- tale lo ûs. (2) Tint neiter ofthepo hj 4 nck electios la to-d&y îumberland lu-morroir. epeople of Quobee Provm' rorwhelmiuqg "dàml pra Aefeat ut mi. Mer Sit andi ts a, e wuîn e ablete xpu- m Libertt colcaguesi committe.thie differ. ence-b.twten cafing et the -tisfoNucLa office snd beiing bld he a noti-g t. psy for good woerand calllg aIt t<zel office tb find U e as 1becs axed for tht ltfatigpossible .on .bad, work. 1He Winb lieable îo'xpilu lu tbe Liberala wbah was Mr. NewtoW's object le- turng overlu lb.e Libeis. Thbe Tories know -ai- ready. Tht Ga#Mlt's pr-cumcul < ibjcn JoiIfIbttis altack upon thi CHiRONICLx is pli.Wiet was Tory it was su rabid the Grits rtfused. lu take 1t. Now that il has turncd uver aud becomt asi offensiveby Git tic Tories hit ail lefI it, and ît is rying to catch such of h he Re- former-s a. cas be fired up>overthte - lion, 'and is willitig 10 leave lhie for s year to regret tht ah act in takïag it dur- îegsa weak moment.. Il lI& stranded for subscribers and must make somte shift This i5 tht only ont il can liink of, (b.- sides giving some news, and giviag -sews messie thal some moncy must b. parted with to set up tht type.) In draggisg tht wife of one of tht proprietorsof tht CHRONICLE before tht public la tliis mat- 1erticGaett laoay carrying OUI l former record la regard lu women. We Claim-it11o b. a sacrcd principle among ail persons of an y maaliaess or priaciple. sot to mention a lady'. name la a public place Or Public way withont ber constat, and evea Ibesi auy reference 10 ber must b. boîli courteous aad complimentar-y. Tint ont after another of tht ladies of Ibis owa are 10 lit spoken of ln an undesiralile way by tht Gazette la uniy la kceping with ils presettmove lu fata nilsebi upon uafound- cd prejudite stirrtd up by -its&i. Its course throughoutla too vile for aay per- son of respetability to listen 10 ils tirade with an car of sympahy. We shall b-cat tht Reformer and Stan- dard together, as titre ai lc only a few para- gapis lu tbe two wbich arceflot alike. Mr. Mnndy la a man for whom wt have respect, but it ila well kaown 'liathe sot, only charges tht Libers! Party «for anl he does for il, but that ie ila so a standing candidate for ail leadiug county offices wbîch are in lie patronage, of tht par-Iy. If enther of the proprîelors uf tht CiiRQN.- ICLE weré looking forward to lie rich prospect f a good berlhinl which to spend his* old sgt, it mieh pr!ubab1y b. dcemed beOt lanthton g ru luinjure oui vested interests by mtddliug lu élections, Wc liad ratier neyer support any party,- even if sncb course b. a lttie-tràqbic- some aIt lectioa lime, than to have donc so and tien (tel su dmsappointcd Wheu sm- other -was appointed satreY u.to f(ccitI aecessary to deciare, hlm "a stiaking Pnp, " an api)Mtnlsaulwbich the CHRoN- ICLE, as an independeal sitet, (cl bouad 10 strongiy commcud. We are ver badly misinformed if Kr. Muudy asnott ahpre-- *sent an applicant t60 have an uua,1ecenhr oflice manufacturedtu fit bis case, sud 10 pay hlm for bis support of parly. ()Ur readers Wi réadiiy set tht diff;erceb.- liween a paper wbicb relies uapin business cumapetitioq fr ha suspport sud ose wioae roPrietor hope. 10 be rwm redspleâdid-ý .n a few yeats., If the Refrm-ter wiii look liack tiret or four years 10 thetlime wiea il joined a lot of craves humas wolves froin Oshawa -lu atlempttug lu crush Inspector Ferguson vies he onm -bis supposed death-bed, and upon whlt occasion tht indepedent Guftomaci*1$ Mr. Feiuson's tragi nad *uPj , orta I Winl gel su undcrstauding ofiyht welid lu b. tife nserablc deÎgb; I*ta%" à 1a parly organ bas 10 descend gr Uwm, -eDo we ever hear wise or indepezidïut =en do otherwise than coudema Party orgacmibp as immoral ? Let us repuat that the CUioNIcLU ha. pursned a certain course for six yem, sud that liat course bun met vili wbat vo arm thauîilu osay la um~ kdsacsW. ,stand or faH by tint programme and upon ils future' working. We grudgc non. of these paperauythhlgtiey isy ay ry. theur amai attesipta l injureu ssur- ring up discord et tbis tune., Dey by -day wle are driving them àailoftf ib ed by iosest jouraam, day by day heir aub- srlbers 9am quitting lteaitnà o.mmin NE DOLLAR. t: DOLLAR. C READ forts -deserwdeo>but oruov me 1sam nom Ahe lesu seMh1blï of thc alister ,motIjvë liaI have beeniiie maiu-spring otyo*ra#ký lions. Wheu youver-epkaedtlu ,iies your attentlcnsto mea,umny pr-fai nJL, capacihyp 1 abbowcd yoa full latitude,- but vies, as n-uyoui last Ivo issues, yoIte,7 *emtby ïienrisnuations, begouten ý,,f flseprnfiee4 tos es m ad tô cast doublesntthe integrity cf am'ydealingu wili my fiowmea, 1voun lutis t myselfand more than cruel lu hhose, near- est and darepl lu me vere i 1lir'.perunil your insinuations lu .Immsunchalltsged. For hwenly yem I havïe worked, shoulder to shoulder with th -Refoflfl rauk audAll cf Ibis county. I ams personaiiy k»n o seventy per cciii.of lion.' who fougbit lui the basl campaign, sud you,,àacw cOaveit lu lie noble cause, ar-ett Ors imaud onIý pemson limaI ever ahiemptcd lu cm lreflet- dions upon tie uincerity of'My attacmeut lu MY Party. iu ont issue you atcmpl ho prove, by reckls assertions, my trench-. ery to my Party, sud lu your sext you credit me with heingsu fletilVih lie Reform Party &Î4u bc able -for ya!,I suck tht bIood of- ils menibers wtmu giving suy remmi What r-char- do ouu suppose a,,ma. couldgiefit hcart's blood oft a Party? By ma" e suci as insinuation yo« prove cusclutve.- lylihat you kriow nelier me soi tFe' -rl over w-ici you sbed suci crcodie lears If o hisk lie Refurni partyeau lic-so, eLy guiicd you mil mnd liaI insead Wi pastres green, you bave struck a deserl wîld. 1 have strved the l#eforM- party for- mgany years botitphysicaiy-aad iuc*iansd expect lu continue doig- su long ýLr ycu have dlscove-red tint the -litai pots uf Egypt contain 5 ne.m I As a Reformer, 1hta sà ol necessary, tint 1 shuuld. dtfend mysélf against your ie iunualions, but rail liai, I 1 holding yo'u dovu te your vs=e luki e hiooof ny Party 1 munIhave. workf ed iciîrdu meuniers, olthle 'Party as a iole,. or, as, you wo4 have sud iultercted lu ýits financlal success; L defyu, or youi torrespondenl, t ge' dntena4ie cfa single indfividual wo I lnducpd, oralteaupted lu induce,. to cou- tribut. ont cent le lie ,revenueCf la pa u l uy wayi shape or manner. _Se fo@My --exacting bave I becs in ibis partcul ar- ia 1-have wnul pemittd papem -to club<ithi the C«xaonàx is'ba iw luuidinL its mbcrption list., Who Let am ste boy Ibavebleparty ? a vWo". You ar-eDow 0of Mus. 'I vas consulted ash oi iso to t ic par-Ix 0d4lyot lié rigit iaad, 4f ;e ane sd' 1tam nov viing,i- though-von-bave nul yet von your spW1r-s lu lukp ýyou t. tie !'Middle Chamber,#" wheare y otvinld -the archives outA. à. C If you d lodgedthcm, a' lfvdn aeinçat mi lihe cmIf, ahaue ainnh me, I viiipurchase Il us a cml..-: it 1.. - s--[ -You heveboeuplased to'cail meue~ Iver-v Uolv nuies. and bile doint oc $1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00, 1 00 1 00 100 100 1 00 10 1 00 1 00' 1 00, 1 00 1 00 100 300- RMANTS For th a sile will b. fouxïd ail the' usefti m1", Nks. v 2j ydo. 54 inch -Turkey Tâbling for, 2 " 58 inch- Roid Border Table Linon for 1~5 " èavyISaker Nlàànefor 5t " atr hog, 2 ydi.-wide for 26 "Gîwle aotryt ton lifor 6 "40,(noih Pillow Co" ofor 10 " X ybster Mils Sheeting for 12 9: Linon-uk.akTwln o 10 & W-ide 1àusianCrash Toweling for 20 66&Sripe Linon ¶Iloweing -for Il 96 ,-heck Glass Toweling or 2 Gants' Shaker Fâlnnel Shirts for 2 Mené' Woven Flamiel Top Shirts for 1 Pair Mens' Iverlatng verllor 8 Mens Heavy-Ribbed Underairta for 2 Mens', 0. K. Shits or Dravers for 1 Mens'"Scotch UL W. Shirt or Drawers for 6 Pairs Extra Heavy Woolen Bocks for 20 Paires Mens',Balbriggan Bocks for 18Lde'Linon Ooflasfor 7 Infants' Linon Peedr Bibf for 8 Infte' Qillted Bib. for- 24 Whie.Drawn-Thrad Linon Handkfa, for 12 Curaà. Border Linon EHandkoehiets for 10 Yards good Heavy Wais Linung for 5 Pairs Womens' Grey WOol Home for, Goà4s for, les£ mone /74j ~'ceand 6e convznced. kou 'you- Ï of S 12 18 B 7 " 84 7 "AI 4 "Se i doz. Ti coteh to dg I., PITT TT nillr -ýAinir) 4là-&X

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