Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 4 Mar 1892, p. 6

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What is agendebmniultfttis hiD Decked wth a scufplni. a caAnda ttngl Dresseýdii a suit of 1muaiîate stye, Titlklng o o acs, oncetsadble Evening assembles, aud afternoon caits Sunnxng iinself * at home@ and bazaars, Wbistling mazourkas, and smoking cigrs ? 1 What is a gentleman ? Say, is it one Boasting of conquests, and deeds he bals done, Onew4g.~t4*sbingly glories tO lsPeak rbings which should cail up a flush to bis cheek, One who, while raling at actions unjilst Robs some yonng beart oft s punity and trust Scorus to steal money, or jewels, or wealth, Thinks it is no barm to take honor by stealth What is a gentleman ? Is it flot otlç lKnowing instinctively what he should shun, Spea.king no word that would injure or pain. Spreading no scandai and deepn'ing no stain, One who knows how to put each at bis ease, Striving successfully always to pieaee, One who can tell by a glance at your cbeek Wben te be slent, and when lie should Speal< ?t What is a gentleman ? 15 t not one Honestly e.4ting the bread lie bas won, Walkung in uprightness, fearing bis (iod, Leaving no stain on the patb he bas u'od, Canngnot whether, bis coal niay be old, Pnrzing sincerity tar above gold, Reckeg hot wbether bis bands may be bard Stretching it boldly to garasp its reward ? What is a gentleman ? Say is il birtb Makes a man noble or adds to is woth ? Is there a famly tree to be had Shady enough Io conceal what is bâti Seek out the man who bas God for-bis guide, Nothing to tremble at, notbing te bide; B3e hieu noble, or lie he in trade. He is a gentleman Nature bas rmade. A Journalistic Hack, This is the hietory of how a young man mortgaged his future and made a brave fight before death in ordor to compâse a sufficient amonnt of that future to redeem the mortgage. When Howard Corson married at 28, hie friende eaid that he wau taking an -anwiseestop for s0 young a man W hlo8e bank account was yet unhors and whoee profession (journaliern) w&5 50 eApricions. But whien they met his wufe they underetood and pardoned his c nwiedom. When his firet ohild appeared on lhe scene ha did a more audaciotie thing. "That ends thie lodging hoztse ex- iistence," hoe aîd. -"l'Il quit Bobemia and get a home for me and mine." And hie bougit a neat littie place not far up tovn, and furnished it; "on lime," bisding bimself to make weoky payments os the furniture and emi- annual oses on the bouse. "1He'e aoqnired a stock ef worriment to aset him the, reat of bis days." re- marked Iloyee, a reporter who had struggled for three months to pay for a ldoorful of furniture on th1e iustallmont plan and had finally beheid meet of hi» goode hauled batik to the. store from which ttsey b.d-corne. But (Crsn vas as dariug as'e hvas hbright.: "What je lite vithout congen- ial environotint ?" 'h. sad ;- and ho and his vite veut joyously upau a sun- lit way, which vas markcd, in due time, by the birth of a second baby, a boy., SOIl Genummnaged to increae the attira0c0 ivene ofs home aud to mû.e bis payments with littis overwork. Hie regular ernployment as exohange editor of a newepaper, hie vivacousw articles on thoatrical sabjects in two weekly periodlicas, hi* rarely eceepted magaine ontrb~tiueLien csso ko ïntended to embody in a novrel on-, titlod "A. Brave. Burrondor," a^& coucout' tiat P491y would vain èelebrîty for !m. man W6ho would, trest il artistical.. "Why don't you begin it nov 7" 1aak- "IOh9I I haven t iane yet to do. tny- thing that ieu'bsure toe 'ear pe"uaury fruit, st once. -t1,cap't vait fntalaie harvest. The thing vould prcbsbl ,giye me. standing iti iteraypol aud magazine &editnadd a ad- bo lanrele, penhaps. But-,foi-,ilsei ther. isn' t he. ,nney iu jt 1hattl4ej, lea in ýtho sotef roIiIýan diti nov." Re. spke lt,&1lbt. Thereip aà ex-, plained tie. exisenettof a host of bril- The elSqtlI iglat gave, itl 5Id smoat "tWhat do you anIakd my lit. 1 Thby found I hàvsOouunp- îipu and aise liability- te valvular [orAînnso!thi beai. ehrie myscif or net, tic doctorw ont give me more than tfour years te iv. %yloaf.t- ing I might gain a iew monthe, butý thon I 1cculdu't le ar thié home oet delbt. I eau psy it off tu nine months, if I' hute. Ishan't kuovw a in 4anIr reet until I do. If there's nothing cime, yen kuow, wheP I'm go1ne, blanchie sud the yçpge3tere eau, let the two upper storios and live on tho rent" "IBut your great idea-your 'Braype .Sarrender', your bait tur famne 2" lIl11have to.drop that' I1Ite saliving for Blanche asd the childrftn that I muet look for nov.- I mean te stay lu the ringz till every cent is p'aid; if I- drop dead the moment after 1 Don't men- tion iL te any One, eld Maus Bb muen'et kuow it. V'i have te say good nijht uow. I wau't to do a comie song for Banehaw, îhose comedian. b. fore-I sl"ep. I hnnted, dow'D a funüy idea in boit lut nigit. ' 1t11 ho vorth fiwA, dollars a sLtanza if its good"' 1 looked aftcr. hlm as ho walked back-hurryinu homevard te begin that race with dath whieh more than ose mnubasruas sud momy a mati has, lest. Corses himseetbadl made the terme et tbe cou-oit., The goal liaI ho underteok to" rch oirelits pursuer eiould evertako un wus lhe p!iyment of the lait dollar due upon hie home. Âsy attempt to influence or te per- muade him f rom hie course wouid bave been futile. Ho hail stiffenedbis lips and diiated hie nostrils: ud* ho meant business.- When I met ýDr. Hlarbator in thc lobby efthle- Opora House b tweon tie acte on the noit nigit, I asked hum. if Corson's case vas a grave as Corses thought il. "Exactly, if sot more se. It came on hlmn insidionsly. yen kuow, witbout isemoptysis. or prorninent chest-syrnp- toms-" ",Please'Out tecànioal terme."* "«Weil ho aecribed hie foyer sud tiroat troubles and dpspeptic indica- tions te local sud temporal'y auses. Phtiiisis W.dils clutch on' him before1 ho suspoctedis. Ho may live ïwo yesrs ; bs-may 11ve four ; the. lime do- pend$ on uÊi icmtne. A&nd bhiehhesrttrouble r' "O0h, ther's reslly littie te fear,.froin that. Unicas nmre iolent, emolion or ozerion producessasysole-" MPron metI' Coneumption vili probably« have claied hlm long befone hobart dises.. vould have lime te an- neunce itseif" "-Won't ho shorten Ih ie à.111 ore by keepiug liaI manucnipt tactory .goings î hie brain ?" "Yue-bat perhapa ne. -Ton se,-ho kuove he'doorned,'-"d araoal amnount ot wonk von't hurt hina as intich as anxiety woîuUd If ho.-gave up work, hed fret about the. paymnulof hie sdebte. That vold Ltrî in àsm*a vile toil bogpte fatigue, vhich produ- Oes ateep." "H-e's paid agoodsmý on bis houe alrea-dy. Tiie man that holde hie notes Might lot it go nt liaI."1 "Do yen, knov vhat nmre mon vho1 soIl rosi etasamemade oet?1" "Yes ; like the houe.. îieydea ia-. v..de ris li --un-rq-C.t-:-A morztlgjpr , ePt i lm-in lp'o g untÎ]lafter $v'relve 'lat IgÉLý idýétuof bïis '.sWàîatskW *5tai. ajoe a .There ho v s ual fiable l>to irzaiio4>u from Jaok Elsinor sud the inany others oou t.pape? vhci, lad -3-'-frmerly boen vonit o iin upon him a - >7 theheoefut , 4irilè-kùidl*' HZiBsfac e wy voua 7 slrhlug 11.1Wcatbesau OdltOn'5k -aI- lention at tb. alart sud se fafrly good that hoef.lla bud uoî fto seai bs I cab 'i wsste tiùI. wt' agmter W. rejeoted. 'If 1 do agodtigqxio lit'ebeasel.learned 'bo* y. ShoervwiÙ, povor te 4lowd-au hourful' et tieught into tweuty minutes."9 "But tic reaction afler tii.sleam- énginpe. sort et labýor will b. figilfut 1 -1t cI a't bo va*rie ltbfatalS," hà ans-wsnodwit.h as dolotul ami ae i4Ï I've got to die si2yhew. Work wen'l ii as soon as auy ene o! a greàt many otier things viii." -I have Do doUbt. -aot Gnuwvas sùstaiiied1by -the convicion liant bis' viii power vould preserve bis-faculies, until hie purpose should ho acompli&h- ed. - Hie vile usadbecomo alarmea for him in thi.e enly sage etfbhs race. With ion voman's power et divination, se may have feen the end. But at finstshe cooneeaed- her apprebeusions- as wolt as sie coulA, and gontl b ut cosstantly endoavored te make han abate hie pace., Tic timo arniv.ed,' hoveýver, wiem-eh.Plead te tae Test, "Neot juet yet." hosaid, kieeing ber op the toreiead, tial she miglat net sec t eok liat carne suddenly to his face. "6But I promise you solemîaly liat l'Il stop ozactly tire. mentis frein to-day. TIl lbe varinthon sud ve'ii go off te tie ses somoviiero. Look up tic summer roet lguide for no quiet place on tie Nov Eng sud ce est-serne place where tiere are ouflâ, you knov." And se ho passéd tho aset quarter- polo sud rutuhed down lie home istretci.1 Tevward the end bis work began te deterlorae un quality. Some et bis of- tornge vers deolined by editere, but the. checks foi articles that h.d long boon submitted nov carne pouning in., Onth l oellesi monning of iet, Joue ho eemod bis final prornissory note. le "alkea hom staggonmg ilb cia-, "iF 1The rae-is'a I ', hoegaiged, t.>w mes Ido or -and ho caagblbis v-ifs u isnarme, amobt sou "The. home îs ours nov, every euh!. inch of it 1 ,,hey vers toetslantfor lie Main. coa4 on liat, aiteroon. Whon his vite veut te finish pnrepaing the ohild- rn fer thse deparluns ho salA ho me: "«Wien lb.thing, happnyuho ber vbatto dildman. Tii. lv.> upper Bloom s hould brlug M a weeh il, ilt l.rooma vers laken. 8$h, lu0", lsow"toe onomîi. 1',. toved&'s a superflpoisfev hundred fora sate*r, H. ualdovu ou&a chair and undn-- vwent a transformation.. ,ýTheramS vas over, the. tension vas eileamed. H1& M arma hung limps, hie bead feufonW*d Fh.breathed aloud, the moulus o!bis fao.tvitched. wien bis vife "esne letel hlm thal lii. tnko ver. readyhe wvas'doma Harbster eaid Il va» a BraI attaëlt oi 1angina donrs, tiéi-resuIl 01 men0tal aIrain. toou bad eluded eousump- tien at least. Desti had reoorted te another steoL. A fev et the boys at lie effice a enra sd'te cover hiesboy withh iotens. Tic Cannikan club prosedl resolutions, And soumoe salA ve a founung oein vaÈ s c lever enougi réo have left a name, if ho antavyehsA11 ixuanediats dl'r.If*. a bai thing ýté or.' i - 8PRAlN8.-~ or' ~ 4rrM coil VER GIL MeN Milik ' Ae~~., Â..kREtVÉNTLTh OR ui COUGUS OU COLDS, I BT Teïif AtiD YOURG, IT 18 UKRQUALiLt»B. Salmon L 6Map' a . 0c. and (NEW YORK) FOR 1892. Bf ua, Langer Daily Circulation tisa any other Ropublican Newepaper - DAIIT. SUROAYs WEE nhe t.ggremdve Bopublioan 3~n 01 ths etrpla A NBWSPAPER FOR THE MASSES Peunded Decemben lit, 1887. Tma Pass as ln engnoetnelfcion; pull ne vire; sene'animosilies te avngo ~ae»«fl f T"a TUBI STan-'Pas Tua Pis t' - '1 f AI I Bsrriiteër, Oounty Crown Âttorueyi,, nd. çin solilitor. Offce,-Bouh Wine, JAMES JJLW E by F'areveài h Rldge, neztILRO-7al1Hotll flrock St.% Whitbr. DAVID ORMIJITON, B.e. Âttornoy-tLaw'. OliciotdÏ hoey Ooneyaoer h. Owmm-althé Offce cmth of the. Posi Office, jin -MeMlillan' G. YIJN u t'ô iol..,I suer of lMarriage Liomusea. O:Sm.Btith, DO0W & Mgct4ILLIVîRAY9,ný9 office lu mathison k Hawkew-is n»ww ", Brook 81., Whitby, e.uth of agas l a àNATIONAL Nîvmnrîl z 'e ue has the brigiteet Editorial ov York. Il ..spakles wth gsb unaEiticu is a splendid. orpq, oovsng eveY current ms Weoklyxdwlon centaine ai ane oýf_ lh.D41iy'sud Sunday l omant &aàord the Dmm.i oi "-b yditaues frean èaniy ne- La5 -, ;;M ir ina&Splendid sub- imm te r wik Daily aud 8undal Sonday, eeya Weekiy Prn, om Adam"oTu P (T aaeuon ia Pbia ianÇrgouMsd BANK. Trhat AYER'S UT111RS OfS Eruption S, Bc and Kidney ID -Rheuümatisin,, beonvlningi .-of treata.nent 'v fhathlas beeni,, fui cures-effecl ùnrngthe am fully appiies te sense, The liscur-ative p effcect, and a k same;and -f diessAYE *~theyyIC -Wen youasl ar s don't be induc Pf thae werthlé! are mostly Mr --est ingredient 'parlIla, have i of appearauct are, NEWý The =ln ouperni N )ew York.0&0 PRESS 'Dea of aU. The Besi 4«»d ~uye, $&p00 -2.W0 1~oni,- *45 tl - 300 aubl il11ISJk- - 1.00 hl - .2.O BIG ma.s ' ed.ery <Ual iMiu

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