Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 4 Mar 1892, p. 4

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ST( THÂrT GOUGIJI One bottie of -WILLI81 Oelebrated PULMONIC 8YRUP WILL DO IT. 25 ets. Per Bottie . MANUFAÇTURED BY J. E. W/1Lt 1 Chom i3t ct Dru ggist, ,Medical Brock Street, Hall, Wbiitby. FRIDAY, MkR. 40 82 i s announiced that the Behring sea trealy, so long unden considernuion, lias been finished sud signed at Washington. Three by-elections 10 the Domrinion parliamnent are yet to be held in Qntario. 'Lhe places and dates are , South Perth, Mar. 10 ; Monck, Mar. -12; West Northum- berland, Mar. 15. Ailtlhree of Uie seats were held duriaig last session by Liberals Since iast issue t(our elections 10 the Dominion parliament have been teld, London, Quebec West, Two Mountaine and Vaudreuil. Messrs. Carling, Hearn 1 Girouard and McMillan, four Conser- vatlves, were elected. H-earn takes the place of Hon. Thos. McGrevy. The old grannies ofîthe Senate will have-. a gay oid limne during thc present session heàring the juicy evidence in seven divorcs cases. hit s said that in regard to divorce t suits the old chaps give the stnictest at- f tention to evcry word of the spicy evi- 1 deaice, in order to be able 10 pass wiselii and cori-ectly upon lte cases preseu e.tg Hon. Mn. Boulton, a Conscçvative a Seaiator froni Manitoba appointed last 9 year by Sir Jnio. Macdonald, took occasion ti on Monday, dasring tte debate -on the sl Speech fron the Ttrone, 10 declare that w -* he could not any longer support the Con- - O servative ad min istration. He made along se speech in support of bis change 10 lite ti Opposition. Hoa. Mr. Abbott, in wind- fa ing up the debale entirely ignored Mr. D' Boulton's speech. hi 1o0 The Quebec Provincial'- nominations C took place on Tuesday, and resulîed lu w ai six supporters of te nov DeBoucterville 01 administration being retuaued by acclam.- nn mation, wit none for Mr. Merci. Sup- 1 porters of tte Goverament are runanug in C ail ttc otter idinga, belng opposed by lil foilowers of Mr. Mercier la most places. lit but-by a- good many ex-Mercierites viso b have deserted hlm t10 save theanselves, th but who declare against Lie#xL-Gov,, j0 Angers' action in dosmassing Merer as p being uaîconstitutional, and vlio aif elect reserve lte riglit t10support wvitlme)y gý suit theni best. The prospects p_ gt t a 'W severe defeat for Mercier and tuo~e asto- ,% ciated vilt im. The exciîiug election coûtest ilu London th last week between Messrs. Carlng. and' 61 1-yman wound up un -Fniday las# vils a, pl victory clamed forlbotit aides,utd.after toilding 'a big celebralion fôr eacht Paty bolýli-of te nscmberS-çect p'ocoieddto l Ottawa -lo'luke the seat, and, tpie din-.as nered by their <poitidial lrienduý' The reason of these ou nbe chdaian that a a number of votes vijicit iad been struck se' off the votefs' lista AreS tli ttc subj ect 0f b appeal, atid.bcd to bo açceted as tensder- 1 W ed votera utlemiitintea'lte courts eau ,Pi go througt ht foranifli'of keeping lteé. 'nA parties waiting a year orIvo for a.jadg- - ment iticit 8toud be Propaedin aday "' at most., Counting in ltese disputod, vote$ - Mr. Carling tas a majoity of 109, but slrlklugtem ,olff as thé courts shou&ddo vhllaveMr. yzaninhby x6.&Asweýli #Wlurseàîe your 1mnj4 the apecilai meeting ni Our towp fatit éh Thursday evet4pg 1 ast, but UoubUjl yéu have the.-fullpgtu las o I wflI wili'endeavor w confine mY remarks tc f ev points in connection with the disci ,;io othe spec1W coanmittee's report the W.- C. T. U. mnemorial. Said repq vas pres-ented by Councillor, Scott l, bland and cOurteous speech in which referred in a highlv appreciative way the ladies and their work la the cormmt Iity, and expressed regret that the memý il had not been presented at an carli date. 1 t ,hink from tba general tone of 1 reniarks, that bc Sem pretty clearly t evils resulting früm the -drinking usaM in our towe, aud would like to sSe t facilities for obtainink intoxicating drin reduced or wholly removed. Councili Annes, ln moving his amendw±ent to ti report, that the licenses be reduced to pointed out the fact that in- many muni4 paities having larger populations, few, licenses were issued, an~d that there is i need for so many bere as the extra nur, ber only tends to foster sud increa, drinking, which ln taira resuits in produ ing poverty, suffering and crime, throwir a burden on the relief committee and tii ratepayera vhich otherwise they woul flot h ave to bear. He vas ably seconde in those views by Counciior Robson, an both insîsted that there vas stili tue 1 effect the reduction for the coming year a the council had full power to do so, and t Ancrease the price of licenses sufficientl to cover the loss without submitting a by .law for that purpose as vas contende must be done. A dispute arising on thi point, Deputy Reeve Rutledge producci and read a clause la the Statute apparent ly sustainlng the necessity of subruitting 1 by-law, but Inspector Ferguson on beani appealed to, threw valuable light on thi subject sustaining the coûtention of Coun -Aunes and Robson. Tihis point beini settled the question vas discussed morg ftilly on its menais. Deputy Reeve Rut- ledge contended that a reduction in the number of licenses wouid anake no differ- ence in te consumption of liquor, as those who wanted to drink woid do so ail the sanie. This vas really tite most logical argument used on that aide of the subject, and is 1 thinik, good as far as il goes. But it does not coverthe ground by any means. lt is good as far as a cass of "old bummers" is concerned, whose habits are fully fixed and who wyul have their glass in any case ; but it does not apply to he special class for whose benefit the memor- ialists are particularly anxious, that is the young, the young men of our town, whose habits are yet in the formative period, and to whom every additional pliace where in- toxicating liquors are sold, accompanied as such places are with other attractions, becomes an additional danger. Had our deputy reeve a few lboYs at stake, he might have a clearer vision. Our fniend, Councilor John Smith (faner> 'filled hiq, anouth with arguments," and put an a, plea for non-reduction on the ground that we have for years been trying to establisit iL market here, which cannot be done: without hotel accommodation, and that hotel keeping viiin nl pay unless support- ed by the sale of liquor, and titat, tiere- fore, we should grand' -them licenses, therwise away would go our market, and bunsiness generally'would langui4 As far as he is prsonay.concerned beis a total abstarner. *He vïshied that to-be dLr. »znctly understooZl. [t la the»wwn's in-. teresta lie has in v, not bis owaa. And here cornes in tite sncÈmsiency of such arguments, If it as riglit"nd e daaty to grant licenses on such grounds as.titis, then friend Smitht and others of like views, rhould as good consistent citizens do their thare of tte drilkin.?4r. Smitht mea acllShbowevef -and ould lie ever gel -bis, eYe open wicW. enougi ta take a f&ir 5quare look at the evils of the liquor ýraffic, te vill as a religions Mau set bis- race against thean. But frlend Samlit vas ot; alone in opening up saci fountain of iidden wisdom. He(oued abte abettomin >ur mout worthy town ofiees, Mayoïr Zamnpbell and Deputy Reeve, Klug both of ihom. rode full tilt with lttoiut aru 1- o o Gû,às for -oneDtaralnef ana'fortk*etji Ies oey tia nyehou OEDOLLAR ONE DOLLAR. --N DOLLAR. (ONE D-( READ 11H:11 o 1' t 'o * o, ' AR. CUT -IT OUT AND BRING -T, Bluetmote&. Yosterday's Globe publisites lte follota. in viticitour Caûadian .(armera viU (ccl dCeply -interesed : Bris* 1irumercon- tinue tw urge lb. totalexcluson Of foreiga live stock as thse -only aeans Of securig break of foot admouth dsegyi Jeans Mo e vas expecte4, freit pont to the agtaio. 9:9S a.IL At saoea aoeim Ibt Agriculture rpe eatîg i art 6= i countryar Por AS Ad tcd agga> vi lng titis policy ou theBm o giun:.4 e, eci Thosevievs, MOrooer,,nov ýfind supprt "Cvlaig Ci i luttpros, where sbey Wre- rcgaýd- ot vr ed with ~ ~ b8%cQM TePü o-nlitt tbrougbih I .boldly 0 1lte (ainiera, adaslttia.g and Ogd=eu tmr ýtishat ad*stgbw to ltaItheCconsumner la lu destine tea oe.lt us>way mut si beed-v y ise probibition, oeve supenors~ MPIY in~Îcrase the diad aeton tise loivest rcd trd i ootion. att so90aîiglin ddition bta a sie sympahy wth Plme tat hlite int aIl-'fin Ivo Mfive dû trade by boat lesas agly aud. usavory -ýdouble, berlia havasg Urvaval tro' thse lime vhou *frezl,,gfouand ùa a firot cla Chiambers vere col luvéntod. Siaaslanly jAns cpeniced cm rThe St. lames' Gaet hw ht thte car ac comple fRseslgavue stock trade amno PMt 1 usy desatitoun. aO twellus noflte totalsuppy<ui i ~arces. Tise Catrad-im a utRies .vini Fun a1Icu1mU CM do volt6 te ta tthtpenPt MoVemeait dresMiun& brette..:a Umor serion - danger ta the JNO. SESAStIAN Cauadlan tiide lisansanymtaIàbs rcul G.T,& P.A. C.] 2j yds. 54,inch Tnrkêy Tabling for. 2" 58 unch Red Border Table Linon for 15"Heavy Shaker Flauel for 5 Factory 8beeting; 2 yds. wide for 26 " .ood Factory OCotton for 6 1" 40 inch Pillow Cotton for 10 « XX Lybuter Milse Sheeting for 12" Linon Hnokaback Toweing for 10 Wide Rusuian Crash Towelingefor 20 ' Stripe Linen Toweling for 11 Check Glass Toweling for 2 Gents' Shaker Flannel Shirts for 2 Mens' Woven Flannel Top Shirts for 1 Pair Mens' 'EPverlassing" Overalsa for 8 Mens' Heavy Ribbed Underahirte for 2 Mens' 0. K. Shirts or Drawers for. 1 Mens' Scotch L. W Shirt or Drawers for 6 Pairs Extra Heavy Woolen Boo ks for 20 Pairs Mens' Balbriggan Socka for 18 Ladies' Linen (Jollars for 7 Infants' Linon Feeder Bibo for, - 8 Infante' Quilted Bibs for 24 White Drawn-Thread Linen Handkfs. for 12 Col'd. Border Linen Handkerchiefs for 10 Yards good Heavy Waigjt Lining for ô Paire Womens' Grey Wool Hose for For this sale wilI be fotund ail the u8eful onde Of 0' Goode, every end that is left of a big season's seiingI. and price willnet; be 0010 RQSS R $1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 100 1'00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00- 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00) 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 100 REMNANT100 Syds.-Go o 7 GI-ool ( S Ecotch Ta lis ChJcedF~ 1 doz. Dama4k T 1 doz.--Turkoy Ta] -2Dado Border 2 Pair Extra F 8 Linen Hluok 20 Colored Bor 4 Gents, Color 7 Gente' Colo 6Gents' 4-p 2 Pais 4.b 4 Pairs 8M. 1 Pair Y (o 2 Paiàr ' ( 4* ack 0" ABU Mr. IL J Dr i $00 100 gfr 1 00 )r- 1 00 S~ 1 00 r 1 00. 1 00' 'for, 1 00 1 00 for 1 00 1 100 biefs for 1 04) 1 00 birt for., i 0 w étyleà, -for 1 Ou.ý mesefor lo100 'vef~r 1 0) l100 tan -wIht which t -are Iow. 1-oid ery -Wudaesday DOý Sd clasa throgh to: id by ad- cf tise lia li- às t butm If -for 300 11

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