Thio commlfÈtee repéô4ed as, fo1Ijw: FIN"£ANE AI4 ussmsuTs-1ut1edge King, Ross, Robsou and Stnith (w est.) STRTS, »M IMPROVEMNS. -Rob- son, Burnsansd Smlith (east.) FIaIS AND wATEL-ting, Rutledge. Srnith west>;EBurns and Sëott. TOWN AND X~AI1KBT -1'R1opRTY.-R ou, Rowland-, Smith, <east), Rutledge, sud- King-. APPLICATIONS TO owc.Rwad Willis, and Amies. Licisu comITTH..-ScOttWIIISs d Aunes. RELIECF COGMMI'tTE.-SfIitli, (eÃst,) Robsont, and Annes. RÀiu.W&V's AND MAui'AcTUans-Au tics, )Kutledge, Klng, Robson and-Snmith (West) The rnayor congratulatedi the members upon their re-election in every instance but one. . *e regretted Mr -McCellan'ls absence and believed tiiey would al m=*Isl, hlm, but had no doubt Coun. Willis woul d well replace him. The mayor then refer: _c~d te the hopés lie had expressed last year Jhat the offfces cf theý corporation ol be consolidated and some expiais. saved. He was as SaÃÃuine1 as a year: .ugo Ihat a reform coukd be wrought ini this mattcrl and hoped -a uuited effort, would lie put N,,fortb to accoipllsh spmuéthingr. Ife then referred te the continued ilineus of thec town clerk, stating liant he hadbcen. coin- pelled to engage Mr. J. White t0 !do Official work lu the meantimfe. He-had, no dout that ail -would rejolce toc.-Mr.. Huston r.- st6red t10 health Regardiug olectot Plrle's shorlages, hetnid tat ample liîte., bad bcenallowed Mr. Pirie sund -bis% sure-, tiesaud no - the mattér vas in the bauds of thc town<ollcftor, who was mk iug as nauch proçres towards a seulement as Possible. Hie -'would urge that- no. yard grants b. made on streéts. The council should re- serve therisht 10 vote u uon verdollar Of outl and -should dccliii. to recoguize anywZAcii ite matter. 'The streets and sldeVralks Must b. prbperiy kqpI ul in ail the. yards, aud h. hopedit -wouid lie donc linsuclian equitable and staatrman-. uer liaI lier.m would be ne cosuplaints. fromn uy quarter. I n lusion', h.ebop- ed that harnony would Prevaji ant ch board aI ailtimes, and thaithtei mmcbers "nte wlth eue*another il Iglsltlug te the besl advautage for thae tou, ne that at th.e end of the year the. Suncdloet1892 wudb. able boeugojod recod. WIL DÃ"W, EAi>PPOINTMD. Tii. reeve lutroduccd and cmlred- th byktwtoappoint a utre for leai fr t aiereyears on moio to E lte blank wlth the nasse o! tut ucw ampinte, lic recto gav hbat Of à 9r.jobu Ëi Dow tie retlmugfusEe "ud'be- Mgit ay ti.t 1Mr. Psy bcd been a icerW of the board of education for .usnyyemnh ïaU, ,u=4 proved.blsef vcrv iaI 99 ukl Able i.maucnmr. 1lc Thé w. coldiarcl...............$ 5'9 . 4 ,'4 . . . . . . .. . . 01500- W.- Btmua........... *6à 06 Il 4......... .... 6 modiersail& Coudhard .... ...... 16700 k Motereil.,~............."ao IoSber.,$ ..............15e $345137 *ýThose maïaked wth' asteriaks are, tie ,a-mounts We havé seleýed out as'tbe lilas- ly cost of inspection",:by the myriad, Of couuîy officiais who appeared to have ýW corne froxu core distanit couutry, - judgtig bythUie tpeuse, toê look Aler the work, ôr elseto have speut aculofwes bi at ecdivisit. u adup Ibis inspection' aCCOUntMn lt$ 10 $2X.*4 1-be-anuutal Meeting ci Uic Out. & Dnir, Exhhitiôn Aashn. and South Ontario Àgl aociety to6k place -at the council chatuber litre Weduesdayt After Iistcnhug te t'the Presidents address ,and ,the audi rs 'Ire- pon .t, whicli showed the linauclat affaira Of te exhibiti tube in capital form, the followîng o1ficers were duly elected-for the. S. O0. Soclty:-Prend. tjoie Howdcn, let Vice, Jpo. Vlpond, sud vice, RobI. Mill- e4 icctayW. -R. Howsae, treas., J. H. Long. dircleirs-Jas. Stocks, lipgh How- deni, Wm Audersoi T. H.--Smillï, Jiao. Bniglit, o. hompmnue t. Deveril, W. S;adi, Gco. &. Mowbray. TUE 1Out, A", Duit. omfce rs--Jue). 1. ,Howdcu,. presdut; jno. eÃŽ Mirbonorarypresidet;J.R Matiievuon, t Ivice; R R. Mowbray, ud vice ; .Vlpoud, 3rd vice se&ctary u treasurer $mie as S. S ociety; Dirc- tors-Jas. WWis, D. Oruiston, L. T. Bar- day, R. R. Movbnay, Eluier Licla, . KowÃŽdenu linga Roos, W. Bcithb, . M4athevesou -J ohnston, R. J. ake Cias Caldert Robt. >altht A. Wihso11, A- Jehise, A. A. Poilt. Executlvec cmmltte.JIX. fowdn, 1P. OmuMtos:ir;f Rut IW t ,E. iebnçol& LCI4John Tiompoon. Thi e wunce .Mslare and a uomnnomasmotimo f thuas vas g à ued, to Treaurer ILong for bis ecellent masu, tmg tomaon Fddy cvcuing l. tAutW~ truattng ilutrat.d sddr aagIv. by' Mfr s Barar._The. aociely la ou*I Iue>cto Mra. Dr. Aam fi vint -Makof dla si «btu ReLotdb &W ti -Âpplyt à t L ~Court1 ne is a on the To Farmem >erchai tnd'otbtti ;çqit' iujlIce, the underffga*d b.viug pochaffld ah- tee plougb* is prepared tb çuîtme, #ê-oueI hird le«s than former pries. For Mbi*tt 1rcu_ JOHN PRO4)»POTI poil Wbitby.- Whutby, ir. 3oý«9t~44iu1 R OIST, OBXt&WA, fZboice< tious. Vu Deis s i tics lu Wg 'ans0L ONTARIO, GUoWBI AH» DEALE)r Il - cut PlobxiM lat, Rocm Mn.. Y. Gabýôas Whidtl fer abovet À TU - B.T ~Sarua- ruserai sbhrtno-ji tar=. S0 aunecfton E mMe o1~I È5e mnants Rêmuants- of 1?Ia - emnan- dis rbants o. Remu, MN ÂII-Wooi -I1 NewQiot mIII . vouovau ana tem uoultuated P. Oriulaton, sud tii. item -to as wuBzcd ét $iS cadi. ,Ikn»LWION OP CONDOLECE. --Couu. Aum uoves 11mba commt eonsL 0 f tii. >layor, reev ed?, t'O SIoya o-iton lue appouted o= au fgrw&Mrdu e -ts IyMuHigineisath Prince fWWansd the Priaiceusof Wab au 1expression-of the deep aorrov le p.rknoëed e mb>h uupêy in lhede.t 0f their eldeà t sou, the Du*eLof, Ciarec sud Avoudae. - The. motion vas camred wth a laudi The couneit ten a4jourued tii tht fit 119ou9M in Ftiruary. T he Oalm r *Mf. At the lime Uic re-bitildiug of the O .4a , bridges. byhe county vas *&ilttd_« the towu councitwIo y.srs ugo- vo fe that Il would be a luardaip ta coup iluese municipalities to bear sncb agr barden ; vextld'not féel... lkegong U leng ta h tvithelicounci of 1889 s"htî ausumiug ltie whl*C OmI of titeir feere toin. ,Tubere was a strong feeling' agal ea- -aUeLtfMr wu the ci for Shard kth