Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 25 Dec 1891, p. 4

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iIMO~ -Botled PerfumeBt 8PEOIÂX~ VALUE IN Fi n e il a fBhe~, Hand 14~osc J. Et W 1ILIbf'8 Chemi8t *cifDru ggi8t, M.edical Hall, Brook Stret, Whftby.1 FRIDAY, DEC. 25, 1891. la it kai1? The Most important questioin for the ratepayers of the to,'wu to cousi4r at -the comilng<electiofls t st iehrt polyoiagrants shall be again adopt- ed. During the. present year the idea of making Improvements only where tiiey were needed, without reference to any ward, las been in force and blas workd wgil. The only drawback bai beca t lie council bas trlcdte save $iooo by 'tic chane adtinss compeled tue ceai- mlttee to exercietle most rlgid economy. No mouey bas been squandcred lu an un- necessary waà. -0f course councilors who wlsli te hide dheir own ailsdoi*ngs by rais- iag a cry are now declariug ticir wards bave been ïtiatcd, or ncgectcd, but - tey- are men whosc actions ln coundl alioul make pepile boath tu> heur a Word of thoir opinions.- Up te Ibis yearevery man iL thle service' ofthbe towu lad been drunk. uearlya&lUlte uie, andl as a reuit drais put down wouldltave te b. taken up yçarly, wbile wttat.vcrlitttc cIsc lbey did do was ofthti umarviceable -nature. Tic -way mouey- was aquandereul was % plappaMig, andtlie own &Mtucli fndlftreate-i wlth centeaipî lait year when it'demandeul from thc street commltee a- iateaient of their affaira. 'Fbr six mounthe demanul was repeabid medting after-'mccling, but of wiat beconie- oftiatS3ôoo net it bas Sever beentold. Itlibad been voîcci te lire. .-men todo asalpy peaàt4dwitbut, anud tiey ' ~~did se. Il is net te be expected tuaay but faîir- miudcd rabepayers wiH 'support bbc pre- sent system, of doing only khati luonést. and tiecessary. Ail who favor grabsanad. aquanders wilI oppose ilt toth and uaïl. The two systems are on trial. -Noting cilsc now ceming up lu hait se Important., We warn the people te vote for ne,.man Who wiii' net declare tuait, pouiWl againsî the syslcpn of beer and eqander which- bas this ydar becu boisbd.Tih CHRONicLE has ne favorite ward, norbas iL evcr favored oee lpayerover another, except perbapa ben we have ai limes spoken a goodword 10 save farming bax- payers ef the town fromn oppressive bar-' dexia. W. care not what aiea are rctured, se long as tey& emnand that cvery cent of outlay on streets shall b. scruginized fort- nighbly by the council, and ne new wcrlr undertaken except wlthhe fui! cutdersa- tion of council. W. must net takte a stcp back ward.î Ji 1 -pç r .c e n t a d p a s s ed . : T h l m% )re p n o * dates wuntrc 1 Tic Guzette and tiose wiio fgu up lts 1 'dagreceful' statimeuts, which .wgeqtuotne drte tii.dis- retcfour nsiçt.lu several eig bre ing papers a 1W b.[clss the ii olunderers of Our sciooi, as loove iby official reburas, w hile lité -résulta -more than sue*ain ic CHRICLa. A cotntni- tee compSed of Meurs. Riftiedgc, Dow, Farewell, Oflnston, Barclay and otier bas unanlmously rcported to this efl'ect. If the resuit of titis investigation dontI show the low, mena spite wbicb prompteul those who concocteul tbe figues Mi tic Gazette, we can scarcely imagine wiiat would..1 Now, we wish to malte one swèeping sttement right here. Since these attacks cômmenceul upon tic jastitute bwo years and a liait ago, net a single point bas been 'madpF by those wbo have hadl a iiand lu théi% stândalous business. They havé ùèver once-been able »î ggàn even. a toc- bold-not on. iota of their programme bas steoulýtie test of lime andl tacts. The average attendance, thc fées collaècted, the results of exams., Uic reports of ispectors, united feeling among the masters--evcry- thig iatmaks progresa bas been there inbndne Surely it is lime tiat Uic lait trace cf tis ' unrighteous warfare haul ceased. IamerJobu Smltt*e D«ofe Fariner Smith writcs* a letter ina lait week's Gazette filing à coluin. l Int letter he takes bis stand on three points:- (1) thaî the farmers ofîbhe townarerob- bcd ; (2> that Uic soutb ward isboycotted; (3) thfat thc abolition of ward grants has' bocu a mistake., Hisa bject ln maklng Uic frst two points'is to catcb votesin thé south ward, and b. objects to the iiolitien of ward grants because thal poicy sbod in- tic way of bis robbing tlie town liii year. ý 1Mr. Smitbhbas always a tld abot the (Armer being taxeul, but we neyer kncw hbum- i do anything for âÏy fariner but' himsclf H. is, always appea.ug_ against bis own amiessmeul and wantin sîde#walke to bis door, but thât endlsbi sympatby for lte faermer.. -Tic only farm- er be favorg islebhn Sith. The CiiloNi- CLit bas aiways stood out for al h. farmera. We wisb to make no boast of doigwiat we considercul only righî, but Mr. Srailli ad ïo admit lu conversation on Snturday that il wus tue CitoNicr.u wbich savcd the farmers front be"ng axed even' to water tic stteets. Mr. Smilti looks aller cas (armer's welfarc, vis: bim- self ; we look aller theai ail. .Now, as tote bputh ward bcbng robbed. He admits 8,oct,, or 9,ooo feed cf lumber was useul in that yard, afte-Ibis nover lu. cludes what is used on*rock St. or tic>ý, bise ulne. And bce instave lakén so=e . rom the main s -usfor lii. aide- lineo temakc bis o Ods f waki, for their is ne .other record et ihow lie gel tic plank. Thie $20w he made a motion for in coancil to b.e ipendcd in bbc seti ýward was ne doubt intended te be LaLidYouîý' on bis sideline. His selfisb conduct sbews tuat heis*etbç very emanto do it if he ~fie a chance. Reipgti. maunt as robb.4t tbe senu% wrdtia4a Whep i.C 1uay$,thabolition of ~ward grautg,,'s bean injWiry and lays tic blameâttheUic NCcLZ'.d004 be must bave-forgotten liai lie urgeul us by p__son ai ar*ument W>feryats te agitate for:tlie, aboltiSofetward grants. lHe ased to bec? us stading on bbc atreets -blstening to hiuý dvocacY of the Ideautil w. wert nearly,(rozen several "ies. 'Now be says tic metasare advocaleul by aism a (allure. Andwihy doesihe uso s? lacuse it was l hiea oen f exposlag bi.L Under thc old s!ysem cfward grants bc could, have fixed» p bis sidelino and draineul bis faim lie, Mati. otber John Smitlh did - and have refRuer! l report te conàIl as te whbad spent bts rsbmreot $3,o ecaith. other John Smih dld. this year that sert oftii wus sure te * xposcd. Mr. Sailt adt e ile nt system woqt4 stop abuses, and, P. . Address.0 ....... A Coupon will b pi ted neo iuY*igDecmber 24h, sud- eh' cf ti.. ouos rpely fiIId pa p will b. good for -three coata i py rMent for" goud puroliaad. at ur sore, provided ti.:purchas aouutA- te Fumw rIOËs Ca Hfor eMso-k u- pou preSeted, and will ai" count as throe votes for the moat popular Dry GocSwflrm in Whitby. 'of tie town êo1zil,t#4 wl hvie dý .lupon elt er'iq#ittîg thie board of edas e indicalonu arçiliat the. unp nswbiciih s ciie'actrized late elecdi for t sS vI fot be x.pe ted;ý, It ~a always been our opinion tlat the 4ffércn., cms at the sehool board ere ôft'Ùi~turè of personal or factional quaates, 4i4- the, electors of tuis town have don. Weil Ï6 stand by our-school system, 4ifd kce it 11V tact, Ieaving the. memberstô flght7opt their personal affairs as. they niliht s.. fit:Tb good sense of the people hu pr.vekdti belligerènts front destroýyint'thi eutà4. tions of the teachers 1 l thelÎrbikins Taken ait rouud»tese sltenes' have douel no credit to the good name of 'the 1board, but the. schools have apparently progresa cd as If nothing unasuatwere golng on. Atpresent everythin « -rtalaint t ur scboisansa hg iteërmark. 1-gb attend"nce, fees, eductonai saning of- pupils, etc.,is very higri. There 'aWe no complaints beaïrck Len 'the boiaed ca sit and Industrkouly transact bs an hour or twx> wihout aàlord of-,-uid<a- tion of 111feeling. 'ICthce be ani4yoting Ibis year for tuateestiielcWtorsý-"ýeIlI be able to judge of mmn izpon thefr *IQai merits. As to Wehr ~or, SU. tire. retirtug trustees who are electedGy the popular vote will rua again 'è caw*t1 deflnitely say. They are ail good counil-. ors, and the. interests of the townwlIpo bab!y b. better served by their continuing to serve iu lhe council,,. whcre -affaira should notbe allowed to (ail mb ntiith old The Board ofEdUtcation bas h.d two mýeeting s snce our last issue~, manly tp wind up the. business of the year and m,4 out ther annuat report -for publcatioa. Most of lhe busiues brougbt Up on Friday megt was ad>osned untilWcduesday nlgbt ofthls w Who'n le sehoo-liman- agenient wmaaittée 'Mae itsreportlapon the resuits of the roe l tdepartinental ex- aminations., The nae of thase who' passed iay b. med la the graduaion ex-. ercises, wbile1he tatisdiS are as follows 1io,f No. Whc o. who Grade Canidates Passod Fazled Matriculaton 6 6 o0 îst class cert. a1 2 44 i3~ ; 0f tiiose wbo faIled for secotdij clas tificates tire. had mûre e th e ti.amci of marks requlred, but feil slio# lina single subject eac1,,two lu cbâbilsty-a oue in arMithmtic. 0f thase *ho faîte& tôo obtain tbird cla»acertilicates Jour -passed là every=subject bat, alledby a f*w marks- each t in tottal, wble tWo others failed iu a subject each but nmade more titan ÏW total .re4ulrod This was, lndeeêiha*' IÙL _M'fJ8 PaPerscxaniiacdbd ie od"iwere founul tc' b. *é Iow; themiminimum, yet tiiese plucked1 4 candidates. ~Agood deaoftie « 1PeWmt ýuI aulng affairs Of the which b effectcby the récent tc1i geS l-ini... acollaw, aud4ogh cagswr r cd in the mebom _of kepng records us wlU enable thé I "d te complv witb it al. A number of accounts wcpe cd. GouLD.-ln Uxbridge, ou Decc 17, 1891, MJames, reclict of the. laIe' Josepuh Go=d, Wd73 yeaus m nUàstiS ad, 3 SILVER.-POLLCL.-Ait tiresidence of thc bride's fatter on Docember, î6tb,, 189!, by the Rév. J. B." McLaren, Mr. Joei SilVer, of Reaci, to> Miss- Ellzabeth A., dauihter of Mr. James Pollock, of West- Wluity. ~IANTED lIMâEDiA ELY.--A active TV Agent. for a t&adÎùgj FiseInaSo and 1, su 5.Wx 3o1e &. 0 n IVChl' CashmereMts2e 'hlt WIOO(Iv&1e Ladies' Ca hmein *heë2d.OGmer0Of---5.à' Oufs 6ê, Lad Îa' Xnt W0oIitts e, 01,1 and4e. PlUSh aesSc.unis Eres 350.7 aud 50c. Ladies' Chamois Leather. andfg te Faucy Gold N, ecUlets 150. Oruameutal, Haïr Pms 15c. 8 inch Colored BËocadedl 811k Sash Rihbon 30c. yard,- A- ba,âketfu of Remnants of Eýibbon at haif -their value.-'-New Oolored Border HandkerohÎef, 3 lor, 100. L~adies' -White Drawu-Thread Handkerchie fs- 6 for 25.Ladies'New Windsor .Ties lk., 5e., and, :600. Ldes l Feath& -Boas$2-00. Laies Baltie Sea1 BStorm Collars $20 hlin'W1hite WOOI'BO", Q25Gu*and_ 45o. -75ý pieces of 1e ibnssligat 70.a 5yard,,tiis week. Blc adGryScth ig'0igYrn5.sk-ein. Bald- wine 4plyBehiv Figerngyarn 10e. -aikein.10 doz. Gents' made-up Ti es neéw- goode foe: hliday trý adesllg at -25e., value. 85e. 0GromptguSBOýra1ine Corsets7ea pair. The Yatisi-Corsetconiyoeedollarapi.Cop tons S8 aI Corse-t nly 506.apar '1 rms for SjimI.. aumber of Fine Fsnws in Es., (s', wlssçk I.,fer ai aà~l.4. P,'k4J117 Quiek ~ ~- Liefu Il GIF J. &BA *JEWEL Holiday Easy sud Tan C Sud Couachesin l Point, 511k audMohali psrMoquaite nnd eser. FÂNCY AND - lu WaInut, Oak and]1 W. do the beat i 'ng inu.Outarii can 190 un ONEST PROI W. J.- NOTZ X!gr. -LO 4. 'Itoni l a" A The twenty-tblrd volume ef The Homui- letic Review opens wili a nocwortiy- article (rom ttc celcbrated peu cf lie- auther et "The Story ofthlie Earth," Sîr J.A William Dawson, LL. D., F. R. S.,o "Present Aspects ef Nature .=d Revola-.o 1 tion as Relaîed te Eacb Otier," lu wbicli'12ndi he essays te prove t7bat ail "forais cf natur- 1890à ai religion are net onl reconcilable wu'th, towa but in somc degrees coatained ia,: tic roi- gien of Jeans Christ." Professor Rober Watts, D. D., of Belfats, olio-ws with a thoughtfl paper assailing,ltie Higher Criticisias aicîientific lails -metitodo- legy, and dctending the tieery of thc ver- bal inspiration of lte Sériplures. J. T. Gracey,* D. D., et Rochester, points out discriminatingly te weak points of Budd-- hisin ; while Rev. Caidcn M. Coberit con- 21 blnu.s bis sîndies ini Egyptôlogy wili.an - )RN. utKdiscussion .of th#e cu"dtk- . nw- '54 s.. Me Ii the * T., the party hâvi»g presented the. largeat namber oef -votes, accôrding te 'the,b»e econditions, aoýthteiex- piratioý,;, o the time mentioned, a handseome present of a silk ra «Wl b. u>a4e. ,Ail Coupons muet ie, preseuted and gtamped at our store net later than Sth Deceinler. '~ t-, e Al :1: 1-bSiml cm

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