Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 18 Dec 1891, p. 5

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tor, in of tmee 1Lngomeng b, eev varionst ~ edlte throug4 ht a8 t eÇ titre ons1do.heoaè the PÏrebytery adjourned nt t.hat heur. At 2:'80 p. mn. thé Preabyte..èý and intellieut Congregaion teriaus and othors, interested Deosiug the solemu serývieuof a na*Uon and induction combine practised in thePresbyterjan chi ver. preeut. Public notice, wasê of-the object of tii. meeting andi challenge to ebjectoesMr. MVL of Columnbus.- then deivered fron wordsjin -Romn. 1 1.*'The Goop God"--an excellent discours., suited te the occasion. The Rev. Abrahamn arrated the stepae which led np iôtheLb.ettlernent. Thec ions prcacribed fur the purpose; thon put by thé NM oderater, whe sided.- Mr. Whiteman -motat factorly answered ' t he saute. Tl upon the Presbytery did, by pr Und the imposition of baud solen th3e christian miniBtry, and -give the right hand of fellowship. The -pastor was then addresui specting te work upon wbich ho entering in most appr.ýpriat,e sud sonable terme by the venerable ec the Irev. Mr. Drurnmond, of N castie, whose yeares ad talent1 added weight te,biùs words of onc agement and counsel. The Rev. Abrahamn fellowed in kindly eug tiens te the conaregation, who been ini hie fatherly care esmo. vacancy occurred, befre inslly hi ing thom over te the nov min ite thoir choice.. At the CL - e erv3ice c'f oeî * ~ temait vas Persi ly i trod<,ed ýtýthe. members of cogregation by ~r 'ra, mder.A4 i.bey.1r Â>aa 'an horoov": au a Sdoéja --'un tlx&Lhenti 8ek-Se, (=led. tIemoelves vitit ouvel ~nn'refrhznen ts. Thoy thoîl x1ired j io e ndjitoriatm of the AuhMr. &brAaiwn occupying 'Lb. ddresses of ce\4ratula&ion sud e e 'limnt were d livered& by Mn. o1 f the Method lt Chnvch, aud Mq'rs. Drqnuiond, cMèchan, Mco LW McRion, sud P rin. Supenoi nU nB asrnished by the choir ofi the %.urch. If, Fornan, on behaif of the con, grgcreftnted Mr. Âbrahsmn witbi: j ed purse in a4newledge- ment oh eeervî<eas, as Mtèderator of serio îc, -r Lb. vacancyý The lat- ter, sus ' th at ha was neJt spu.isl- ly aee si riutroduoa ed fi sucCes ansd hpâJtng boy te, *-theco çegat VJbteoe AâuI dres, î - &i& x~ae the hpo that ' qOfh o. borve atîofcL tu gei ai munity v ~ iO F&rm Notes. ÀAlittle oil Savesa gooddealc>s ù. làake a specWs manur>ie for' owa miust b f tted qu fcý t m"ak - Ï tender eating. . Keep te aheep dry &ýlley' f'l1 istand the cold v.ry vei racket that laya L-themos eggi. SSteseare eing iun huott> 4n. trslia tokeep devn oe bbitpeht( ,,- Imanure'should b. O&xli soiif it in té benefilo%; ?e& W. srolsrmingîn.a * sud muet do our pmvt iat 1y -À' ood rùilkeÏ.k ,a ,but a good feed~t. milker. -5 'Oatnpkorin 5 quaY -pin m ew.If, ropesKing"o u. Poi lbli etit uOb$6iMUlL. wk EXPEL THE WORMS bY usiuq th Mifd sug ad rlilable authelmintie PreemmuA ni rm -i 'f< -Thi. uew King street bridge st Ù*w*5-ý cf vtl-w.,opned with.agreat dmnta ,ma- age of Watagtoa hop is IlOena moedi $everal pelds ruuning- as high as 4000 or7 1 punds hâve been tkn4own,. be.1 .hr. l 0 ;-oresp why fariers' e ,w~tk tcfeh eggste gain vate eustotnera, ahould b. 'govrned tb "store"1 ricos. Tulabuyiung' at a store a houss-keepr isaalayls erved tM roiamiscellanecua collectionsud the. eh are v81ry mch aantàteir b&I lway Ireh. Eggs thiaticorne di reDithe fa= n- tte i. onumer ae rth more aud ehould briùg more, ta grecery$teg a idthe maovity su ad city honeeheepers weuld b. tpsy more. Pire conte per 1 àr o nculdb. ennetornnchtfoaddto 'r thie for deliveÏÏmg autod, aud gu in.g to b. frosh. Wheu yon lhZv rtkiô elthat t- Of more titan er- rn., -rt shont b.af raid i ba 't ask re hanordinary price for iL, han d -thq tîi', Liecs.vti g ques4 t>O1II in, e tabtio etc., were atr *l lt , s u rv',âbe éa boere-euwo ýrayer witer bas, 'md be snch meaus gaine'd r om fri'ther. h akt rk cf mansad theý#plk wagen. hiva The finaL uiybod3fwhe has feit the gallinga Of poàrtY, ahould make cf a )d ro prOspercus yO5i, is W free himseof from vas the stinga% of 'deeh. 1here sbould b. ne seu- hesitation or', proorastination., No flenk, hônest man wijl thi»k tibat pyig qelw, j uaL'debt is like "pt- ngfora dga gavé horse." Once ou% of, de4bt.. the Wise oreu-, ma.n, if anythiiig ià eft, vill lay by a 1Mn. littie nestegg iii &5B'gs bs,:, or gges- some ethen hauy and-safe i eetnt. have Rememne that the fird - th f rophecy and a pledge -E4wéthrft.L er cf mnuwheiia sqx *d I tl the finit littie savinp *wes ship trials of hic bç? wOrute nal- are net se muoli a u Te f Lb. ian ta wege-eas'uer, e * te çuuntry, en 'who doesn't, vasteû pride.«duë1f- DOS Uaethe - mina or ru&;sàsw prus of h.,... L h fer voümà uaiwe 'ose cf lt Yen cannet inake saultistie eut ef pig«,'s tail, and ne Mii, 'hovever vie sud patient,ýoeuld mnake farinerE ontq seme boys. $enie beys ahould Ulot um te b. farinera. Othona, is- given hall ý ohane, tak'to farmmiglike a dock t water. .The"th thst i« âIa Mostt annins' boys ibaid * oek "d na pay. The fstherfeels tat a.II*hà)L hiachildren'î snd hli teprobabljy 4Ievot in- hli f. tô their intoreeta, u4d dé itt resus., that. tiey do net ae ttIià from hn eisasdpoii, but ae .hug1 propnte s ra t.r4cator,,ancUhi buateiing, bhuyiu" snd"soiiug wl arqail v-is a traning 'for a <>ymchiec *Uiù gave Èm cS0y049 d abet gets older. ,One ' the. fitb *iagt Mau whboexpepts, to e b.suSohsal Im u learu te that ,ii -,muec4 ievtW"bUl thmuseIL Pvoperty ilan1" motu~ a offezi Léotsta s gre4 ariiS -ttulj pvpnt nto y.#rsas ] invr-pays tc u ytt flot neaded, noe mattim.b"' êaià _ snd an article wAU-Uâ uèt "a ss ofit, bi107 Wha does "OR" medn? It Minentheb ouùly Relible Kidioy (Jure ever put ou be maiket Put up by tb. OR Oe'y, e89 Houc. John Carling wilt addrý"essii.farc- .sè4De»rbegter, Wedueay neit Âyong nilianwas swindled out of $198 by ie . onfidence gaine. in Détroit. VIC7ITA. O RBOLIO SALVE ib% à peat aid te internai medicine in the trest- tuie nt ef seofulous soes, uloorsasd abaces- sos of all klnds. North Lanark viiihave nominatiens ou tbe 24ttband pelling on the 31«L - Harry D. Osborne, of Lb. Baùk of Cern- merce, Windaor, bas disappeared. 5knbl rises tor Boys a" MGis. The "Sunlight" Seasp Co., Terontoe efer thé- fol.owing prizes every menL i un further notice, te beys aud girls under 16, residig in the Province cf Ontarie, wbc soud the greatest nuxuber ef "Sunlight" r'%p0= ; lot, 010; nd 6; 3r, 8 8; 4th, $1,; Sth ta 14th, a HandaMei Bock ; sud a pSety pcuret the5e whe send flot leus th= 12wrappe S. end wnsppers to «Sun- light" 1§»p Office, 48 Sett St., Teronte net lu"er "nsu 2th ef esch month, sud msîrked competitien ; ae grve :fulnine, address, ,aig, sud number cf vrappers. wiimers' naines vilbo ,ubished lu Teronto Un-ilçn [&etStudy In ascii moXth.-80-91-ly. . .Lawrence, burglar, bas escaped frein tie Port Hope hock-up. Itlssid tbats mn mine basbeau dis- covered nesu Luunburg, N. 8. Wth.4 B&akir wa.S ta. .' - ler Gestoritl Wiiai b swaa a chiId, she cried for Caatoria. WbeiMii. bosine iIIAsha eug le Catoils. Wbuaiaad clldren aWve thsuI Caorla. t~LAI Sst~ksw.slhrn N Xàà., A Panret-ia a gft'et scea"cber and imitater, but you kncw ifs a Parrot stiL Certain man- ufacturera. jealous cf the, world-wide success cf 'Sunlight" Seap, try te' imitate iy and gain busiess on "Sunlight's" reputation. But if's only the Parrct's attimptý,and is, easîly deleot- ed. Their Scap ia poor . injurious stuif stil "Y and the stealing of "Sunlights" -directions an d advertising, woult malte their Soap any -¾bettér. "Suntigbt' pOàssessesbeautiful pro- pentxues net fcnd lu su othier Scap, bence it enjoys the fl t essLe thewcrId. "Oa~ewsIsvifnhaitebttrmandC 3l1S.OuacdS Tma3uï. ce CoatâWnspQ Alum, Ariioipnaý,ZL .an whq oyerwok, etc. ouse youÈselfL Tae o-hoe agai-n. a nd BE _k MÂN!1 hatve cured, thousands, who us -to refer to thém. WE GcAI pro0u by use of our, exelufîYe 'ling 'treatmeut t e iiéfor , orI'llbug Janhoodi Generý19r r n& MMîd,&Effects of Errors or Mes ilu0&ld por yotuig .-Robuat, rovent',seexi-%the fat d ay. tb enigrge--~and.-'.tranethenp x »91 VELOPED ORLG.ANBAN» r i»? BOD-Y. Men testifyr9 It4ei and Foreign Gount'ries ýe thein. $00k, explAne'tionli pzôofà mailed', (ea!ed) free.. RIE MEDLIOAL 008-l BUFFALO, N.Y. nhies ture d . rnUow zrèe . n- AU 4ins, sud neSmsodYveIlov nl FRANK xu aixaWInuaOnt. II, , Oosfqmte $10 bus are ii irn aIon 'TheY buvgonat. snd restene t ImontMUctre =Iuuata. 78uu , lcdtal Sis,-I tbav reio asto weH of n fatuby &U INNÉ O ,orU,-Bittem 'l bave tWkec 6 lalWe - I

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