Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 18 Dec 1891, p. 4

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8. ~lé. whii Mp i thu nth Prel ~t e "J i.- I '1 axii lf tnumu ubar %o >heeaniqeh* Ie.nry Winb.r set oot-soul minïïiglaier.- Igve»od knlé -XMis. Gonéeie *sààodirftll vuos m adlier prelt Nôbodlr &nse* Hry-he vAs U I aU ougMan, freali from '00l Wît iSt liUMýpheau- befere hlm. The vry lrai esaon ua He feionawasnnglia filwing merm pnt ue eofaaudqu pain. uPper déok vas drenchec& vit water. i$hnding shoots et spray wva sweeping ever lhe rafls and coursing il littie streama areund the bulkbead. Harry dre, hie mackintoshi liRhte areund hirn. and orouching de4vn nde a lifebeat proosoded 1te light a cigaret Matih Ator iMatch sputtereid ýadwcz eut . At luet, -after aiumberlese unsni ceseful attempts, a liglit vas obtained and lHarry settleddcvn fer a oomf&r able eoice. HAMr leaped to'hirafeet. 'Whal wa that? Witb tho metincI otan 'oh focl baIl.,piayerj,. ber be, tdovn atîd braoei himuesf firrnly againet the davits. A bupdie cf vaterproote issuec aorolâs theo8sIcpng deck with a rapidit3 that would have made a cannon baL ashamed of itue lovnusansudprecipits. ted itqeif fair: inj»his arme. Two bande claeped the sleeve cf hi mnackintosh. He Ieoked dowù at them. Vry pretty banda they WOrs s m2al and white. fIe etradied the, bundie cf waterprof morscarfnil. ese, witboiat d6u4t, it waS a Woman. MOT@ lia» tbat vagno fact hé cel, nt-ae. as langhing. A pair cf dark oyes ioeked up ai hlmi lte e» l ida dtôrdemrl ie "I <eg yen Pardon, i, e er h moce ay. 6*1 bopse. I have net quite kilis yop. If you w~ease- me no,]1 -timk Tcan gsi safely back." ."Pbeleace yen, madam ? sid Uar in a n2lanohoiy tons. %"R-eloase yen 1 No 1 You veUM ba-swept overbeard, aând T vould nesÏr forgîve Maeu,. Cling te me ; de"pte My yeess lama etili atreng, snd I ' cil re ou e." "But T don'î W*nt -le b.reses," peris&the veicoY <'Ogir, ifynvi, take my ara» insea etf My.-My wiet.'t 46Madain." mi Harry, removing his ceap vith bis uneceupied hband, "rfor- givo Me.1l2 lbe oontUmon -cf lhe moment 1 orly thhelt cf StIopin your mai rush te destructiOn,.- ycu g<ucen by nus sud reachai 'the'goaMl- WY;(,wItati as fufl-ba.ckweld have been" nd1 A few momnents later they vers seat- ed on the lee aide efthle cabii»ont cf - the mrach cf the wind and spray. I'Pray let ume introince naycIf. 1 amRn arry Winîhrop,' bt.gan WliaI i terprieîng Young persan. "And I amn GenevieveHrine. I've seen yen hefors. on.e venîng pet lone ago yeu eat ini lie righthand box cf the Ceemopliltan."1 Harry srailed bcnigaly. "«Ycs, snd last fal yenst On tho -taily lie T miii under wben we lSt the 'bail. Isn'tî il queor yen noticed me , thongl i . thetre ?- De eu - kaw vhWat I as thinking of? _11à - * hoa to kne w that ytlu kne#w' Wu- hiir.4 ý0QldnIt tbpwe 1W] y [*meu te gel u il, Nvr'ohv "But T never dt4ri nîiga i. 6'Neitier do ,lagedHry i "Let'ia shako -bau-ds sauywày." Gne vieve laid ber bsad in hic, anid lie i puluive Yong couple, ventdc»le dinner., t- w t AsH" arysii long aftervard, "ht dhunes setraledli. A fev miîseràble. a faced people verestaIthe tibles3, every mov :euidi thon -apeiSonn u entéï fa the. sloë,n viti thé grinadetesmnailn B- ege hrouuh th8tmeal e.r dis.' TBut' they dii neither. Nat-ure voula -1< maorcilessIv --"art iLs way, and they wouti o their stats 'reorr 'ero cuasha hi 'stable. p m s de Sxuwmms-Memtureintense itehing ad Wb*chofton bleed and ucr~,bomn eréý 8WAT1ÇZg h01" ~t e ti.itobing, and bleeding, lisaisulcertin ad a et causerseoven the tusors, Aldngm ,o by rmM ier 50c, Dr. Svmkyne,>& So, ia delphia Tii. Bon. Y. W. StaWiey 15 on bis vay to Canada te spsnd Obrietinaswith hbis parents at Rideau Hait.ý m<ueow aCura AU Mka Diseases. slnrply Apply <8àxusOnmTxr.pp NO Iniernai medicine re4ul.red, Crs itert, ecce a, Il, an, erupuons o'DU h. fae, handiinos, ho. , laig- 1h. tku .clear, white a»d, hemjty. limlýgrest healng and euvativo ,pew.r a re pesàceed by no ethor rmy.Aok your drusggint, for Svâxxu's OXNTNI4. iaBeUle. 8 PAIN ,paaset V asaý" dd4 ai. of u. uthat, lm .ey -glaea fe u nte. lm iap "Btny dear Miss arnngteun Y noeSaid anythig cfi-.esert, I,&B. sure yen I vas ~ikn- lit le top late tb usiract nov. e tortec- Genê.iv. eauéaily. "If y dldn't say lt.yu ver. gôlmg te. New, 1 don't-think it. ' bit ga4 The likÃ"on R«rrfss*.ît that moment wam morsegrave than 'bren the Bphyx could beast pf."Thae ha the. kâenkey remaàrkeil wh hapaint cd hi. tail binet," h. ventursi peiitely. '<Net4a bit gaudy"' ý ;-t He examinedîii.eilfending parasol wih --a citical Osy.- "No, net --*bit gatidy. 1. ënly nsod a touch. er'twe cf vereneoesgreen te mnake il abselùinty q uie" -t ma, o the2 '&vful ecsr.-lioat ma n an tl? at Gouevieve iôcked stlaim calmly. >d 66Do yen -tiink se YTe doun ee te tan me any more. Tmnsh i frozen toe ieatb, sud, T can'h bear tli y'great thick rg ovor me, T'm toc varcn 1novs,sud if yoli eer aay snob a tbiaag again l'il-1'il bozyrgareas. Giv4 ni val r a-" "M. W'iuuirep, I vaut 1< Lt A dimcnaplat.-gseonp cf rmen vatch- , d herua Surpnisi ulion..-aseabs osee teck Harry' maiandaxai oved prcudly *avay. 't .Wbst-ar O as u "eroiaùnedone Yes,"asmentedîthe colblciMr. Tiorpiykessedly,, "but it le airi m r tien, vicient -Mictons t04, ftgulAr BTii. greup adjened to le i. moking- 3reem. "1Whaî niai. yen say snobbadtum rto me?" sh, amksd rspreofi 1 Tii.y valkcd on a minute'ainlence,. 44Because," salM i rr, 'uMa fa ee: Genevire-Miu Rarringion-no. I ru gong- 04 U u Geui.visve. Teu a ,É;1kniqw. V='a fully Young, diegràa'efufly oQuug, lMtctI do' kuos -Very Imucla, Tnqp,yand- T have'î any money anîIl san't de auytbieg; bbutvr-but mn rbiyi, love viti yen. &nxai Tsuppose -il grçw olior seme day s»d In work un Pmi I' rc"- III den't vau t n ebe riol, Harr. "AiTdeu't vaul yà tle m.ets retorted Ibis .lraagiitfrvad Yonng Mnu;II vaxt yeuuelove gnsDo GeDeri&Vs rester) ber Pftlty hea on one uide."si.1 ISoOM« laimee.t 'hiuk Tdo, i' ,b -mswerisoffly. -"O4h, arry- o ie conlie PTblaes hatî awful Mr.- Thomuyoloau ihs us, and- Tbues ,he ,aw yen» "lSav me lues yôn ý Ot, you msy as vsfl syil. Yeun 'carsdo yen? I'1km ihiwifyou -vaut me le,. Sa » Gonaevieve, TI t"ikys'r vnl prety."$ "8130 do,l",r9eisilmis arringlon. Sis looed uncortainhy at bereeme' vlaat impettuone admirer. lmilips ers aauilinq ir.mu1îusy,: huit er sen. a grave light wir iseys. &MIry"àabsmmi uddenIy,'Fm bhIle evesing-rve a long storyr -tco.1 yen, u"ad bes. lue coula remio1xàte. the. bai elippeilàv4, 1ir deavoren thro e r te~ rsw "01m 1gpsuly ionon traheil Harr Genevieve kueit de u '.i. "Bmy ear Karylet in d it np." MV as wMUhave:tared te move a -, enseet fhélpeame.am -ver* li e hunaler face.lmhler hande--sud iwited. The slip gPe.a indet iiig sdlet'tlier'balance sud1.1 treard ler lios&utrck hesvily aginat therrm*hrig. Genevievo epeusi-lber eyes miQwly sud ieekcd np. Hary sxiens face 'Watr hendin- over ber. "6WhOre arn 12" ;mlei. urusmrei ,drowmly. -*'Uw tyhedpna hev de yO h-" a s M - a-P- tli a senncry-"im iiib1 d B r r " mente, T b.d ftrgrttoh mil about- is, a uwrr a, neo it'm teppeil." D etiy vitll isieaud Witiout distresa attervard? If "net ve seeminsuil to you Hood'm 8am Wb"il, hliieatm a geai â ppeteand e invigrates luestoM=acnsd bow7belsiathie food iuiptupely <Igetc dd afi Ïts nutrimentut si$Miatd. 3 Hood'màPUIsA.eurely vgetabie, perf *t liybIAMraif.tislade t causepain or <ripe, si urs t e t- Hud.' lb no deinilysertined thtithe - ag dynmamterW"mHenry I Neoroas. WbjO suifer troua disorders by impure ibloed, viien tieusands are being cusssl by ns- iI~Netiiopk yma a s Ve e te1)cv, emIt rena lim Ple- and ail Eruptiedu cf~~ ~~ hek.MsJobn-C. Fox, Oinda, Writes, "ouisp&Lymau's Vegetabje Wiibo haéilid lt Ïy It has doïs:theinmers good Iia abYhhiagther ha"ve V% lae." fermas an Re vues --'Ivs I Wi e"Oirsc a bg~fer sone 7embutiave ceeu e m eS ysriby lii. nu-o f Dt. THoýxaSE uIrDaiZn dses oxterlot, M - ca.t rsd tte elrd," ua bands lia a x the,. sud Ov »d1an.#tle ro_ ete. a bisl ouraveport Uaaeàaters ë! n fpdomin» te seesg4ho umaxa i sT(etwc t chargs, tu mUit H1id L-n sd iauz , ontu beSsanide-atlle 'tusseswa .te-desi b>' covboys ah Dme!ud. Rom u fCtssvosD"a'us- boc b>'a »nobed Anna ofyie miii 2 wl 47ÃŽ RIieumaFORsm AaEP:Y é(Iia .Ai& Vru r m <ruai t a . $ Mi ,tako aofia inti. JOHN 1E.]PA 1REWELL, Q. C., Barristes, Oounty Orewn- Atterney, -and Ceun$y Seliior. Offile,-South Wlng, 0 inx Ouse, Wbltby. arites, o Office fermiy ocnpiedl bt4y PareveLa RuileWt oy Ca Hoel, Block, rkStreethiîby. G. YÉOING SMITH. LL. D'69 Barrimtsr, . , .a&o.-.Monoy Se Loan. le- tuer, of Marriag. Liosmes. office Bmlthm Block, Southel Market, Brock St., Whitby. DOW &MGLIR Y ImerSolicitors ln Ohbanery, &o. 7 tô #îctt, . . mGiLLc ADA.3.. omo(TOEON-8to U11VIa.ItY. -hu iN, .1 il , iAcouhe, p& 'ehurBOGciAR. e ,m n 7 100p. m.Offi. ~ndB.aidnae-en Cline " d .Uundk 8irems WU sy.al Cie b-,.anm. So. , TusTwu "B r.- ' t l u ro y tu &il atmbr u m p r o wptly attendsd 10. Malet ou~w do*kpt m Givgam . haMtitstretma efficacleu as the cld-fsbiened G mt =Ia lthaîtIs$Wbu l a on er- Gietàau'sâs. P'lbaltl7tiathebest semai>' SCOTT &BOWNE, BeIéUleI. FOR 71-lE >Iletw i» Aamnismier the Vw MDBubb rl. torecuasisofevi s Du1s D IST,>-Boouovsr John Pesgnuon' Whitbi. CUD, o.Ùzom 9 te 12- .m _ - AÉIN<,,Vi. S. - - R'E'ýMOVED' NEW PIEMISE8 ON BROOK STREET,' SOUTH 0F- ON'TARIO BANKI, MKanufacîprers cf Mar«bie Monument8, Headstone8 sud SailtellesCemetryWork. Aise importers et 8catoh i eLh, American and Canadian Granites. Ail parties wishzng vork vonld do woil te. sali où- ns butors pnrohang. Ail vong gnaranteedan îosfth lovest. u uesc I NEW GRAIN BLIYERD. The. subsarib-r. bas secured tàý~ecy for Mcssrs.Oajie & Baird, Toronto, tc4uy I - AT WHITBY. Cà'r lotis bc-purýciased' any" raog the Whaîb & iuday âlwa or at Pïck.- Kighest Priceso;wifl b. e i4- '--FatCsttl sd Hgepurchamed as&1 OFFICE--OqgDoop. Wxs'r or ARmSTIKON< T.-G. COLWILL, ~ ast, 8~r.-.h-tf. YP. O. set - t O18N291 P N39-t , 101 wBITE,-D. O. Ma&ck]enelaWhib, lr 4 Ta.-2;Maxc; Mapt.SOc. 3;e Ma.. Ou aa-. .B o~ iPory, Oierk- a sy4-8;Jule- 87ept. a tneu-... B. .q~d, Uxbridge,.Oe -u.27;, M4scla u~ (l9-uy~ e D»so,-9. y 1; ,- - u 9 -j OMwnr~j.~Smnitha, Oauingkin,., Olank-Jan W .ý -B e; uly10 a ~19 __-al.enou0-ks Bal Eérfu)me. 2edi, atter tloch ai iglat , du a. venid.. eg to tel ce kncvý roice -ot day. cf &Wa - IU epide, ýr-* t-te ii,. dt-RO neil» ealla. -1 [ad, baut, ait '-ed by hip I CIsei-ai thoughi or any the elil * blood t relievir sleep. S if- bi cornes1 the caz cime of close a; meiy,_ lier. tender ei. A nover dluce 81 it wf - itlic if âany hôt mi -liquosE have f 17e te' eing dl' Peu

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