Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 1 Aug 1890, p. 5

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BES84fBAR'AN" WATOH ES -EVEII OFFERED. $1o.oo Genuine American Stemi Wind Movo'ment, in highly Ornamented Solid Screw Bezel Dust Case, Silver iProof CIL Y $1O,0Oa Jde 8, BA RNA RD, \Vatch Repaire,, Jeweller, and Engraver, Brook St., Whitby. FRIDAI, AUGUST 1, 1890. LOCAL LACONICS. WHAT 18 BOtIlG ON IN AND AROUNO TOWN-A BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEWS GLEAKED BY CHRONIOLE REPORTERS "A ahielea amang ye, takin notes, An' faith he'I1 prent it. The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will 1b. held tbis (Friday) aftemnoon ini the free reading room at 4 o'clook. The excursion across Lakte Ontario to Wilson N. Y., bas been postponod for the prosent, weareBYo ld. By the Vindioator we notice thal the CHRnONICLE is the only local weekly kept on tbe shelves in the read- ing room of the Mobejos' instituts at Oshawa. The dirtetors of th. Ontario & Dur- barn exhibition âr ornt good and early with Iheit bills, the same whole-eheet form bing observod as formerly. The prizo lie% wîll follow sbortly and will embrace everything that should be enoOurBged in the lin. cf agriculture, A Mau at Woodtoek vent away Irom hie homo th. other day laaving $2,300 in hia piano. Duriug their ab.- senca soe person teck il. This willl serva ne good s a wartninl this part cf lb. country,, -as thora is nover any $2,300 lying round ai ail. An cioctrie lighl hae beau astablish- ed ai 1he corner et Coiborna and Byren Bis., baside Dr. Gunn's resîdeuca, aud ona is seon te b. piaeed at the registry office corner. W. weuld suggasi ibat Ibe oeaont uorih aM the commons- b. imporîed ie i own sud bung' cut wharc it wil ha r f soe service. The prospects fer a crop are net sc gloomy sthe crep aerreepondaut trom haro le, the dsily papae would have us beliave, aud lh. prasent fine weatbem ie favorable as oeecouid wieb. How- evtr, soe fields cf fgrain appear te ba badly damaged. Furthar north the prospecte ara favorable for a larger crop than uouai. People in the country wbo ara an- noyad by flies shouid remembar that obusIers cf tha tragrant clovor wbich grow8 abundanbly by nes.riy every read sida, if bung in tb. room sud lefIte dry sud shed ils fragraul porfumo through the air, wili drive away more flies than slîoky saucers ef molasses sud other fiy-traps snd fiv-papers eau ever collect. On Saturdsy uight Buck Murray vas seized auà becked up by Chiet Me- Brion, upen tbe order et P. M. Rlamper. For lb. nazI fitteen daye ha yul fiddle wood and break atone by turne. He had ne notion et taking ib thetrp to th. caille whon the chiot proposed IL. Constable Calvemly teck a hand in the persuasion, sud tisa jQuruey wuaeoon a thing ef the past. The numarous fimos in tb. ontskirts of the tovu suggest tb. necassity of purchseiug a taw huudred foaet o o in addition te whst wa now bave. To aur minde this will b. ba belier than diggiug meswoibs. There is nneued eftlrailing the engin. further Ihan lhe present wolle, se ceai bas te ha carted te il duriuR ibms work, sud a bundred or a hundred aud fifty ysrds more vould probably be a good inveelmont. On Suuday nighl Chiot MeBrien and some assistantIs corrailed Ihirteen 00we in cashs Maynard. Bei;idlessucceedin, bu admiuistering this ealntamy basson tc those wbo don'& came for by-iaws, tis chief aya ha found oui where a nuw. bar et doge are kapt sud ne Lags pur. ohased for, tbom. The leis ote be ovemhauiod ai onoe and aIl that arî short et tage finod. This le rigisl, aithei repeai by-laws or aise entame. Ibaiz Dont bava uuobserved ave en 1hf books, for Ibis breeds a coulempl foi G per 'T and thei dro mai loir k to the Royal hoiel barbiw shop leuembar $ýhat bread lu only flo.I 4 pcuud liai at B. 8aowgs. 'ha Molbodist suniay Sehool pupila- 1 hoir friands had a large cro*d au 4r pienie ai Oorbett'a on Tuosday. 'ha Dominion G-ovanmanl's ste'am >ge je now eperating st Franch- kn'. Bay sud wiil ecrape ont Wbitby_ rber hoit weok. The waathor man kepu the sireats A trarnendous alactrical storm pas- sed north of hoeayastardayapu The fiaebbs of1lightninff>were ~ma brilliant eonfor yaare. :..... Tbcra leoes boeieir oiqufrom ie towu concils sdjourmemnt 4unng the holidmys, il. dot do a»Y harM-whÊ il don't maot, zîo harm wouald ihueafol- lowed ils adjourminnt Lit eprng forý theasummier. Whiskey vil b. tan cents a6glass 'in Toronto after Seps. lot. Whether it will go Up bora or gai watorad je a questien for 1he future te deolde., andi for our part w. go tu forhaing it watered, provldad the wster i. pure. f CI re IR le be le )r horticulture, e.,boasiaes a goocu l aw in art. - Elîber mun th. iown up with B vim, The iow fmn are getting up a or justi gel Up and laBve it. One or pionie o te b. ld on the athletio îwo thingus hould b. don. ; push groundi on Weduesday nhit, Whitby * tbipgs; find moans or a wB7 10 put civic holiday. Thora je te b. B pro- tme orn dinote uies gramme cf @ports and a good deal o tc onf or ~ad iethob s iness; mn £frs coOmpafy practice exhibitions. No sîeaQm "p and keep it up, or elsa quit mernber et the committee bas lakon the whola thlng. Vameos»eh ranch ; th. trouble toestep m and saskus for a slide out aud lot nature hava her own notice of thair pianie, 80 w. are not inw y.D owatrdeB fr . a position te give more partieulara Do eyew usinestsdameBn orme . Ihan the bille coutain. town? Enorage those who do coma. Country merebauls continue te foal Do jeu want te havé a prosperous iown tho ne Of ovgarztiou te overeema whora peopleo ould dispose la make it the diffloultias of thoir poiion or 1h. thair home ? Thondo away with, bMr anomalies that hava omopt jute trade. from ighi ail local difforenos, ail jea!- The ganerai marchants of Northi Watar- ousy, &Il upte, work no more for a Loy Ibo hava organized theuiselves ie a individuals, but ail wuik for a comenon board cf Irade, with a membrhip of nrnsperity and for a nainral bonafit. twenty.-two, and met ai Wellesley vil- Wak. up, rub your .ys, rell up yoar lage on the 28rd uit,, for th. purposealeovos and go te work. Don't go, te ef giving th marchante of Tavlstook work villa fear snd trembling, borrow and Shakespeare, iu th. conun I fne trouble, but&Il nuit. and _m*ke th. Perth, au opportunity tobeooo ma m- bgoîkn faly bers ociheinardu. The board u sor- gauizeadou thehUes laid devu hy the Marcbauî's convention aI Hamilton lq.t yesm. ÀAil egg peddliug waggons are te b. stoppad ai onca by lb. mer. chants whoilium combine, sud lise uni- f orm price.et 12e. te ha paid for butter aud eggsutil turtisar nolica. W. are told ne b'uter vii olatkan on acouts atter tlb.«-801h ef Novembar ofetuhc yeam hy the membors cf tibobard. Ona lhing ueadtul tisaI vo hbiava -should bhatalaobed toeovory valsp- pointai ûre aompsuy vouli b. a branci squad cf about. five o e n t. s boue. as seon seaiisey heard the fire bell ring sud ibrew a tev fliove eut et dcors --iseo appear te hbave a mission t10 ru int bumulng dvailiugs sud piloli thinge dovu clairs or tismougis windows or anyplaco lse vbore ihey faucy lbe article vfiiib. sure te smash. If Ibis branois or stieu conistodot euogb mane Olnee mlx teter aiSt aab deor sud make people stay eut etftisa bouma anti thora il e oesty for mov- iung tho goodesnd-than enly to lot tises in whe appeared to e honlu hair right minds, ilvulti hodollars sud dollars lu soiuebody's pooket. Thea sy lst"P go nov tiser. art a fov mou aud boys lu tovnvhogo orazy vison su slurm len givon, aud somehow th07gll bous. sud break up .11lb. ofumuture bofora onougis onusibla poèoplo eau gai thore te setqp Iban. Oune'fthtise. rai beads om uéura oelein soinsglýes arne and ornAi boaadubl-aOlldm llo- iat bore MI tbîIug 1hng&$ plhlaq On Salarday igbî cr or 10wuwa trea ted te asaigbt wbioh &gain broagisl inlo promineuce lb. lav.suataliug qualWe iamofnee cf cur lesding sud mcml progreemive citizens. Mr. J.- H. Long ikes toou ea l. ova bylassen- forosid, aud ehortly stber 8 o'coeok on Saturdsy oeo epmeacbod Chiot Mc. Brion ou lb. matter ef allowing milab cove te, remain ont aIl nigbt, props- ing st the sain ligna tisievery oow touni ou tisa sîreol aittisai moment ha inspoundod. The ahiooensenlod upon ondition tis.t Ur., ULoag M g ablog sud tal b a inuthe u lb. Thse siump was no sooner ultoeflth"tss It vas ,utba"lsstlail a ptad, sud tise womlby ex-major i eues proooed- od to edoek iimsolt propenly le oitas mar*&asliothes po»MeOU. H. firmi drav bu his, longridlflg boots sd spart sud thon flnléhod bis toi& wllh *a eoakod bat sud eleàk. 'Tissumouabitga bore he prseaniêa a bearicg net second tc tb. Orange grand mmrsial . f Brila Amerlos. Thé huit oommegoed quaié ancholy bovins e <MW""'"tl1 ite cuslody, - iwd ae»n l4ng v t siefe qauadW i *àa e Ii.w tbh h Hou. J. iH.Log(mig.B' P at the heati sud têa alepisaune eau. stable biugniup Use vart Au etapî sloug neodru woýeù&sw-'-not l bovine nt-ie ora ~ d rsao As usuai, the ceunty i. more or lass overrun wilb Canada thistles, rag ede, ex-eye daisy, burdock sud ether noxious voode. Thasa peste ara nol only epesding in cbuutmy places-eu farins, ou avary sideroad aud conces- sion-but many ef the aile etroots sud vacant lote n Ibis lovu have growu ranit witbb iba. What ara tba anîhori- lias deing lu Ibis mater? sud wbal arn thm lsud owuars about ? Chapter 202 et tbe R. S. O. distinctly slalom thatiti ebal.l b. heduly et overy ownof etland or the occupant teo ot dewn or destrey aIl the Canada Thistias, ci-oye daisies, wild eats, rag-woed sud bumdeck grev- ing ou hie land. I libmthebonden duty et aIl municipal officiais o, t ea t koaep the etreetsensd rmode clouz of nm- ions woade, if thay de net enfera. tbe penalty &gainât privats proerty. But unsil th. iav vils regard te botb pub- lie sud private prcparty leanforcof tbe country viii continue le b. overmun by we.dm. Tharo le very l1111née uoe mante tryiug te koop dowu tises. eed poste, whiset lb. publie highways, va- cant bote »ud rsilways arealalowod te bo a bmeding gmound for lhom. For tbe public good strict massures abould b. imposod le eheck tlb. diasemixation of tiisdestructive srmy of veeds. Tisa injury 10 thae ropsofetOntarioeovamy year le inestimable, s»d evry ean finds the iisitleseî-oye daimy and wild ost peseon lbthe nroase, »soon ovary other faim wlll have to, bo laid devn a.0pastm eor s~rtUW&i erder le check ths presd oetIboso peste Lot avory munlolpality-town, villae sud tevnship-eufîote-te lb. rabbi relative te ihose nouions 'wêedit, sud sacb -action yl confer aàllitugbonofit oh the country. -Thorea bd boou ivo firos in town lalely, snd as umual tise supaetitions ones b.d prophesled tha Ihird orna, for it je said thora muet alwaym ho thnaa Whoau il starts. sure onongb lb, came Touday memiug. About ive o'c'lock a. m. th. droad amy ran threugis th. town, sud il vas foua ihaltfom the second timo Ibis summar, B ey. Kon- naIS McLumn's pia.vas on fire. Tho fie hati strtad ilutlé.sesbeb- bind, sud they ware n.early onsumes! ibefoea sy alsrm wvas given, >sud su . uuniug te tisa fir. Il oould b séeau that L he blazo bail jasi mized bold tea end ot lb. brick kitchan»s u aspro- pamng to hum thea bouse. Eveymm ns su Whiihy ,ý,turne lu,04ud-on Ibis oc- kcasion 150f.. et fboss vas laid -mu se» b sort &perla-i t inm-th e 1h. offlr suad mou of tise am a doe. tpeom" Éraie. ,Tise =buge vas psoo a i tise v,4near Mr. -3cm. Séone'i on Byren St., sud h tooqk, eey. inchs cf thlb hosa 10 rosois the boume, il b.ing sW~liso oetazwisa srees lots o 10geo B ka p i ark le seme mitent by6ssort 0af 3 buoketbil5Wln lT "f ia bad à oravietialeuB 1h.kitohen roof sudavas - meulln gï lb.â mti '#or"_o f tise - ouse. Il va s oonquenabiseiby tise siresm rom thê o.êb ver, sdais il îrsltp .DO tba*wh@I -.cf ,lia. darnaa* vas donmsla lb. ýkilciasi par fc TWOMONH'irLWPRCl G.ýw F. 8T~WART'8 During thýe &rmer Months, we have, in order to reduce our- By Baturday nighl'e train Constable * Harwood of Canningien brongbi a bard citizen Mamad MoIntosh dewn to jail from.cannlnglon, te serve a tarin for bad aonduot. Wben, au 1ha way np te the jail fl"14 the Mdadsainthe prisoner beeame obttreparonssuad ohief MoBtion b.d tId baud a band le cooduot hlm esafely %thél.ensil. Mr. Wm. Devlinu rafla4 aI Ibis cuba yetrday te esay that ha hsd instructed hie solicitors te aionce taka action &gains% tha corporation et tha town cf Whitby. It seemo, aecordlng le Mr. Davlin'a contention, that the corpor- atien authoritias waro trying soe hy. draulie exporiments lust year, oeeof which conaisted et an attempitec maka water flow uphili. This canuot be a.- complisbad, sud ospecially whcn the fiquid bas anyoihormemans ef abcape, wbich it bad iu Ibis instance. Ther. was a way for ilte ua upen Mr. Dcv- lin'. proparty aud it did me, and con- tinud te do se ever smao., notwith- standing the aboya named gentleman's proteste. Wahbavo te acknowledge the rsceipt ot copies ef tbe New York World' and Sun, containing their commente on the publiebed corraspondence beîwoen Lord Saliibur4 aud Biaino in oonneo- tion witb tb. Behring Sea troubles- Wa bave tbem lu favo. cf Mr. G.- W. Wilson wbo is now in New York and miây poseibiy remain there permanent- ly. When on. ovembaule the New York dailios b. e s tmuck by the wide field jçurualists have over there in making up a daily papar. Toiegraphia communication is complote with every quarter of tbc worid, sud the newe of at leu oai0,000,000people is Lu great domsud. Besides the city bas airneet Ss mauy inhabilanta as the wbolo 5 Province cf Ontario sud ilse wn budget Dis very *large. Party politice of course. mnruavery hifib, the poliliisashava ln- .stilled tlb. mrnorer Ltethe Yankees Bthat pravails here-Ihaf goverumant a. eau ouly bae uccèsfuliy carriod on by oua or othar of two parties. I T -j rhite Goods and Flouncings. jace Curtains and White Quilts. fens' Feit and Straw IHats. wJ Light IPrints and Sateens.' Pillow Cottons and Sheetinga. Dreas Goods, new makes and shadles PAR~ASOLS-Fine Assortments, Pretty ilandies. A 1 LLI1 N E RY is being cleared out at great reductions. A fil lune of Straw Hats for -25 cents, worth fr-om 75 cents to $1. _very Departrnent is full and at the Present Prices" sure to sell. -Mak-e your selections before the stock is broken. C. F. STEWART 18900 IP]RLNTS. Also a fine assortment of Shirtings, Cottonades, Bleacli- ed and lllnbleached Cottons, at prices as low as ever.,1 CARPETS, CARPETS, CARPETS. The largest stock in town to select from,- and of ' the Clioicest Patterns, both in All-Wool, Union and Hemp.- Don't fait to see them before purchasing. ANDRBýW G LA S Gi O W R» &J» OA m'O ROSS# WARElOI0E m I'8EL Are- placing their large and well assorted- stock of- SPRING AND "SUMMER GOODS Low on the Market, and offer it àt ]Reduoed Fies AIl before ming nypt±oà and inspeot our Black and'Colored Silks imported by ourselves., Black and Colored Henerietta Drees Gooa; Blaek -ana colored Cai-shim-e4;Dresuf ini a1l Now Cloings , Prints, Gmngham, Sheetings, Table Linons, Tiokings, (lottonades, Fine , (Jot!nga, Mantle Cleths, Scotch Tweeds, Canadian Tweeds, Hats, Caps, Ties, Braces, Boots and Shoes. .so. large and weil assorted Stock, anmd vill close thom ont aI (Jesti Pi. , We hold tise Largest2 Sitock of ari. pets in this connty, in AUl Wool, Tapestry, Hemp aI 10 efs. (Janmd, inspeet- before-.tnaàking se, Pur-, chasas, it viii pay yen veil to do se. gà'Farmers produce taken in exchange at Mairket Prices.ý7 A CHOICE STOCK 0F GROGERIES JUS8T REOEIVËDý- Whutb~ Âpil ffl 190. WhiÎb m :EXEGIITORS' SALE 0F iNWAWANOSH. POrUs1i tis te -direoi thse inudorsiguai up te lati 9, for tâïpumobm" about~re~sEe- wIMàa b 1 h ?b,. i%, FARM oontinedJ isWALL PAPERS OVER 7000Q,,LL& By far thé largest asouentevr h« nluWht>yOvrmS Pattons to select frmat picsthat Winl surpieYom.Ea- tmfiPpr ,678,eaied lOc.per Ri inGilts - ard Brornzes firom ný,1> x over 100 Patterns- of Borders.& -DecoÉtions,; Do m -i 0Mae tisse.WallPaprs leefoze UYeu -, b àe*he~. T yveé~s mixe,- ek DW ~c ;-"~3 1'oeu%. ~ sl~;t ........... ~ , ý,Y ýý 4ý f stock, decided to lower the pricea -in every department. ï JE Just received this week an elegant range of Bamum NEW- SZE'RLNTG- 1 1 SPRING, 1 1 1

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